NooFoodGroop Demo Deck Presentation

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Once a user chooses their preferred stores, their list view will populate with store inventories.

With more detailed preferences, the list could become more customized.

To build a list, an item is simply selected and dragged into a bag.

When done, users could select a bag to review its contents.

The list is uploaded to all preferred stores.

Lists are instantly returned showing users where to buy their items to obtain the best possible price for their groceries!

We plan to generate a sense of group unity and cohesion so all members feel like they’re part of something big.

The more users we attain, the stronger our buying power could be.

The value propositions offered to the grocers are the potential for vast data, as well as the ability to put customers in their stores, who may otherwise have purchased elsewhere.

Thanks for watching!
