North Carolina Collaborative Conference On Student Achievement Building State & National Schools of...

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North Carolina Collaborative Conference On Student


Building State & National Schools of Character

Presented March 21, 2012By The Curriculum & Instruction Division’s

K-12 Social Studies Section

Character Education PresentationCharacter Education PresentationFind this presentation at:

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04/21/23 • page 3

NCDPI K-12 Social Studies Team:

Section ChiefFay

Elementary ConsultantVacant

Middle Grades ConsultantVacant

High School ConsultantMichelle

Program AssistantBernadette


In the fall of 2001, the North Carolina State Legislature passed the Student Citizen Act of 2001 (SL 2001-363).

This Act requires every local board of education to develop and implement character education instruction with input from the local community.

With the passage of this Act, the state of North Carolina has affirmed that the development of character in our children is the cornerstone of education.

Visit The North Carolina Character Education Webpage

Building Character ActivityA Website to find Helpful Character Building Games and Activities -

Character Education…

…is taught through modeling, climate, and curriculum.

…comes from the HOME, COMMUNITY and the SCHOOLS.

…is learning how to make good decisions and choices.

…is learning about positive relationships and their development.

…is grounded in RELATIONSHIPS and school culture.

…is a PROCESS, not just a program.

…is bringing out the BEST in ALL OF US-students & teachers.


Faculty & Staff



Faculty & Staff


Good School Of

C h a r a c t e r Good School USA

Building Good Schools Of Character

The Six Pillars of Character Education

What Do Successful NC State Schools Of Character Have?

Strategy suggestions on how to begin:Form a leadership group, including students, parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators.

Read or review North Carolina’s Character Education Handbook.

Develop a knowledge base: Study the Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education at

Look at your school’s Mission Statement. Does it indicate the school’s responsibility for promoting character development?

Conduct a survey that gets input from staff, students, and parents. Use the data to discover areas of strength and weakness.

Involve all staff (custodians, cafeteria workers, administrators, bus drivers, etc.) in a planning meeting. Brainstorm ways you currently promote character development and consider an additional approach to expand or enhance your focus.

Identify target virtues for your program.

Obtain feedback on how to focus or enlarge the school’s program.


Develop a knowledge base: Study the Eleven Principles of Effective Character

Education at

The KEY to a successful school Character Education program is to follow the “The 11 Principles of Effective Character Education”

Each principle outlines criteria that should be considered when developing an effective program.

“The 11 Principles of Effective Character Education” offer the primary guidance for successful implementation and outcomes.

What is quality character education?

Effective character education:

1. Principle 1: Promotes core ethical values.

2. Principle 2: Defines “character” comprehensively to include thinking, feeling, and behavior.

3. Principle 3: Uses a comprehensive, intentional, and proactive approach.

What does a school with quality character education look like?

4. Principle 4: Creates a caring school community.

5. Principle 5: Provides opportunities for moral action (service learning).

6. Principle 6: Includes a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum that meets the needs of all learners (performance character).

7. Principle 7: Fosters students’ self-motivation.

Who should be involved in character education?

8. Principle 8: Engages the school staff as a learning and moral community.

9. Principle 9: Fosters shared moral leadership and long-range support.

10.Principle 10: Engages families and community members as partners.

How are we doing? Where do we go from here?

Assessment should guide the process!

11.Principle 11: Evaluates the character education initiative.

What Does Character Education Look Like?

Video Clip: What Does Character Education Look Like?

Virginia Department of Education Character Education Site:

How Do You Know If Your Character

Education Program Is Working?

Observable Behaviors:

Do students demonstrate that they know right from wrong?

Do students’ actions show a respect for others?

Do students work well cooperatively?

Do students influence others in a positive way

Is the school becoming a more caring community?

Is the entire school staff working on being a positive role model and friend to students?

How Do You Know If Your Character

Education Program Is Working?

Collect Definitive Information:

Attendance data

Suspension data

Data on specific behaviors i.e., fighting, bullying, cutting class, d-hall participation, etc.

Communication logs i.e., parent/community involvement, school/community collaboration, school program agendas and bulletins,


Who Can Apply ?

Any U.S. public or private K-12 school engaged in character education for at least 3 years

Any district (or Charter School) engaged for 4 years

Begin the application process by completing the online Application Cover Sheet.

NOTE: Not eligible? Consider applying for a Promising Practices award.

Building Character Activity

What gift is always appreciated, costs nothing, but rewards the giver

and receiver with happiness?

The gift of KINDNESS.

“Random Act Of Kindness”


