North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    Ro SolrsNew R&D facility

    revs up auto sector

    Plowing Nw GrounFarmers harvest high-tech crops

    Innovion SorsRegions aviation, aerospace industry takes off

    NORtheaSt ReGION ecONOmIc deeOPmeNt GIde

    north Carolinas


  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    Corporate executives and consultants have providedus a clear understanding of the site selection factors

    most important in their decision making.

    q Strategiclocationwithexcellenthighwayaccessibility

    q Highlyreliableandcost-wiseutilities

    q Favorablecorporatetaxratesandincentives

    q Dependableworkforcewithcompetitivewagerates

    q Superiorsiteswithminimalacquisitionand developmentcosts

    q Proximitytourbancenters,airportsandoceanports

    q Customizedcommunitycollegeworker trainingprograms

    q Railfreightservicewithdirect-to-port


    q Professionallocal,regionalandstatedevelopment

    teamtoassistprojectplanning,permitting anddevelopment



    andtransportationsystem;favorablebusinessclimateandincentives; anda professional team at thelocal, regionalandstatelevelsreadytoassistthegrowthandsuccessof


    Situated on Interstate 95 at the North Carolina/Virginiaborder,Northampton County has longbeen a crossroads

    for commerce along the U.S. east coast. Today, we arehome to the well-established, successful manufacturing,

    processing,distributionandindustrialserviceoperationsofcompanies large and small some multinational, others


    Northampton County is known for some of the mostproductive farms in America, small towns with neighborlyfolks, gracious living on pristine lakes, and great hunting

    and fishing. Congested traffic, outrageous prices, badattitudes and accordion lounges are hard to find here.


    We look forward to working with you.



    Northampton Countyn o r t h c a r o l i n a
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 5

    All or part of this magazine is printed with soy ink on

    recycled paper containing 10% post-consumer waste.

    Please recycle this magazine


    Ro Solrs 22

    New R&D fc re p ecr

    Plowing Nw Groun 26

    Frer re g-ec crp

    Wr Innovion Sors 30

    Regn gn en n n, erpce

    Sing tir Sis hig 34

    Nr Crn Nre pe

    fr nn erge degnn

    InsigOvrviw 13


    businss cli 18

    Gllry 40

    enrgy/tnology 43


    hl 52

    euion 55

    iviliy 58

    eonoi Profl 63

    troug ns 64




    ON the cOeRPsquonk Rgionl airpor in eliz ciystaff Photo

    NORtheaSt ReGION ecONOmIc deeOPmeNt GIde

    north Carolinas

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    6 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    North CaroliNas

    Northeast regioNiN aCtioN

    Dont just take our word for it see for

    yourself how great North Carolinas

    Northeast Region is in our quick videos at,

    highlighting a little bit of everything thatNorth Carolinas Northeast Region has

    to offer.

    2011-12 Edition, volumE 1

    ProjEct managEr Emily mcmaCkiN

    ProofrEading managEr RavEN PEtty

    audiEncE dEvEloPmEnt dirEctor DEaNNa NElsoN

    contEnt coordinator JEssiCa WalkER

    Staff WritEr kEviN litWiN

    coPy Editor Jill Wyattcontributing WritErS CaRy EstEs. JohN FullER, Bill lEWis,

    kaREN sChWaRtzmaN, BEtsy Williams

    mEdia tEchnology dirEctor ChRistiNa CaRDEN

    SEnior graPhic dESignErS lauRa GallaGhER,

    JEssiCa maNNER, JaNiNE maRylaND, kRis sExtoN, vikki Williams

    graPhic dESignErS RaChaEl GERRiNGER, tayloR NuNlEy

    mEdia tEchnology analyStS BECCa aRy, ChaNDRa BRaDshaW,

    laNCE CoNzEtt

    PhotograPhy dirEctor JEFFREy s. otto

    SEnior PhotograPhErS JEFF aDkiNs, BRiaN mcCoRD

    Staff PhotograPhErS toDD BENNEtt, aNtoNy BoshiER

    WEb contEnt managEr JohN hooD

    WEb ProjEct managErNoy FoNGNaly

    WEb dESignEr ii RiChaRD stEvENs

    WEb dEvEloPEr iyamEl hall, NEls NosEWoRthy

    WEb account managEr lauREN EuBaNk

    ad Production managEr katiE miDDENDoRF

    ad traffic aSSiStantS kRystiN lEmmoN, PatRiCia moisaN

    i.t. dirEctor yaNCEy BoNDi.t. SuPPort tEchnician DaNiEl CaNtREll

    SEnior accountant lisa oWENs

    accountS PayablE coordinator maRia mcFaRlaND

    accountS rEcEivablE coordinator DiaNa GuzmaN

    officE managEr/accountS rEcEivablE

    coordinator shElly millER

    ExEcutivE intEgratEd mEdia managEr suzi mcGRuDER

    SalES SuPPort coordinator alEx maRks

    color imaging tEchnician alisoN huNtER

    chairman GREG thuRmaN

    PrESidEnt/PubliShEr BoB sChWaRtzmaN

    ExEcutivE vicE PrESidEnt Ray laNGEN

    SEnior v.P./SalES toDD PottER, CaRla thuRmaN

    SEnior v.P./oPErationS CasEy hEstER

    SEnior v.P./cliEnt dEvEloPmEnt JEFF hEEFNER

    SEnior v.P./buSinESS dEvEloPmEnt sCott tEmPlEtoN

    v.P./ExtErnal communicationStEREE CaRuthERs

    v.P./cuStom PubliShing kim holmBERGv.P./viSual contEnt maRk FoREstER

    v.P./contEnt oPErationSNatasha loRENs

    v.P./SalES ChaRlEs FitzGiBBoN,

    hERB haRPER, JaREk sWEkosky

    v.P./travEl PubliShing susaN ChaPPEll

    controllEr ChRis DuDlEy

    contEnt dirEctor/buSinESS PublicationS

    Bill mcmEEkiN

    contEnt dirEctor/ lisa BattlEs

    markEting crEativE dirEctor kEith haRRis

    diStribution dirEctor GaRy smith

    ExEcutivE SEcrEtarykRisty DuNCaN

    human rESourcES managEr PEGGy BlakE

    rEcEPtioniSt liNDa BishoP

    North Carolinas Northeast Regional Economic DevelopmentGuide pbed nn b Jrn Cncn inc. nd

    drbed rg Nr Crn Nre Cn.

    Fr derng nfrn r drec qen r cen

    b e gne, cnc Jrn Cncn inc.

    (615) 771-0080 r b e nf@jnc.c.

    FOR mORe INFORmatION, cONtact:

    Nr Crn Nre Cn

    119 W. Wer s. Edenn NC 27932

    Pne: (888) 872-8562 nf@ncnre.c

    viSit North CaroliNas Northeast regioNal

    eCoNomiC DevelopmeNt guiDeonlinE at

    Cprg 2011 Jrn Cncn inc.,

    725 C sprng Bd., se 400, Frnn, tN 37067,

    (615) 771-0080. a rg reered. N prn f gne

    be reprdced n we r n pr w wren cnen.

    meber te ac n f mgne med

    meber C Cnen Cnc

    meber Nr Crn Nre Cn

    NORtheaSt ReGION ecONOmIc deeOPmeNt GIde

    north Carolinas
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 7


    isylFnd w e e ere nd w e

    e regn c pec pce be.

    l iFEstylE | WoRkstylE | D iGGiNG DEEPER | viDEo | l iNk to us | aDvERtisE | CoNtaCt us | s itE maP

    Worksyla pg n e regn nne cpne

    S ioor wrd-wnnng pgrper ge r

    r f nqe pce, pce nd fce.

    SIte GIde >>

    Fnd be cerc

    nd ndr prpere w

    r ercbe dbe.


    bReedS ScceSS >>

    mee e pepe w e e

    pce fr bne nnn.

    dIG deePeR >>

    Pg n e re w n

    c webe nd rerce

    ge bg pcre f

    e regn.

    demOGRaPhIcS >>

    a we f degrpc

    nd c nfrn

    p e regn

    r fngerp.

    GIde tO SeRIceS >>

    ln cr ecn f

    gd nd erce pec

    e re

    dIGIta maGaINe >>

    Red e gne n

    r cper, n

    n rce nd n

    derer webe.

    GO ONINe


    an nne rerce


    Ro SolrsNew R&D facility

    revs up auto sector

    Plowing Nw GrounFarmers harvest high-tech crops

    Innovion SorsRegions aviation, aerospace industry takes off

    ncnortheasterneconomicdevelopment .com

    NORtheaSt ReGION ecONOmIc deeOPmeNt GIde

    north Carolinas


    NORtheaSt ReGION ecONOmIc deeOPmeNt GIde

    north Carolinas
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011

    10/70Photo courtesy of Megan Lane Photography and Southern Dreams Gallery

    Overlooking Bulls Bay and the Albemarle Sound, the Eastern

    4-H Center hosts groups year round for corporate retreats,

    eambuilding, trainings and more. The center is a full-service

    facility with on-site dining, accommodations and meetingrooms, including its new LEED-certified conference center

    with a capacity of more than 500 guests.

    Tyrrell County Located on the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula,

    Tyrrell County offers a unique combination ofSouthern living and economic opportunities.

    U.S. Highway 64 serves as a convenient access

    to Interstate 95 for transportation needs to area

    markets of the Outer Banks, Raleigh Metro and

    Tidewater, Virginia.

    Tyrrell County is a rural

    community that values its culture

    of living from the land and water.

    This tradition continues today with

    a diverse seafood industry and

    more than 66,000 tilled acres

    operated by corporate and family-

    owned farms devoted to both

    agriculture and viticulture.

    Year-round outdoor recreational

    activities are enhanced through

    Tyrrell Countys active eco-

    tourism partners. Cultural and

    artistic efforts are supported bya local folk art school, a museum,

    galleries and a growing

    community of artisans.

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    Tyrrell County a winning environment for business success with low operating costs,

    convenient access to markets, high-speed Internet, natural gas, water, sewer and other

    necessary infrastructure amenities. Continuing education opportunities for a trainable

    workforce are made available through collaborative efforts of Beaufort County

    Community College, the board of education and the chamber of commerce.

    living in the balance with business and nature

    For more information, contactTyrrell County Government

    (252) 796-1371

    Tyrrell County Visitors Center

    (252) 796-0723

    U.S. Highway 64 corridor land availability

    Vast spaces for potential energy projects

    Deep water access to the Albemarle Sound

    and the Intracoastal Waterway

    Endless recreation opportunities birding, fishing,

    camping, hunting and boating

    Home of NC Schools of Distinction

    Within the University Health Systems ofEastern Carolina service area
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    12 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e
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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 13


    disovr Nions Or NorsExplE NhEs whEE wNEs E ld Nd hE clE s dEcdEdly p-bsNEss

    hfw beween New Engnd

    nd Frd e dpn f e

    i-95 crrdr, bnee w f

    bn re ernng w e Wrg

    brer new cenr befre e

    e 16-cn regn f Nr

    Crn Nre pce were

    e pr f nnn cn r.

    once cn pwere fr

    ppng rde, grcr prdcn

    nd pc c, Nr Crn

    Nre ren cr w rcbdng, e nebe e,

    C Wr reencen nd ned

    recren fr wer er.

    Bng e f e rce

    e f e mpp, e regn

    fere grnd fr e cercn

    f nne crp. add we-

    rned frer nd e b

    prde fed-ee reerc, nd e

    regn rpe fr becng e cener

    f grcr becng.

    Wde pen pce e drwn

    e enn f renewbe energ

    cpne. W 60-p percen

    re wnd rerce n n er

    anc C e, Nre Nr

    Crn ped be e preer

    E C e fr nre nd

    ffre wnd energ. B

    cpne re repndng e

    regn pr pr n Nr

    Crn nd vrgn, we e

    b f rw er fr wd

    pee nd erne fe rce.

    and r fr re beng cnrcedn pen crege.

    Cpne n e e

    ndr re dcerng Nr

    Crn Nre, fcng er

    nere n Nr Crn Cener fr

    ae Reerc (NCCaR). te

    cener pened n 2010 nd fere

    n ndependen eng fc w

    n-e engneerng nd ec ppr.

    te epere ce n e regn

    ffer cpne er-rnd cce

    e fc, nd e cener pr

    pr prde n eceen u.s.

    enr pn fr fregn cpne.

    snce e Wrg brer rc

    fr fg re n 100 er g,

    erpce nnr e fced

    Nr Crn Nre. te re

    e 11 regn rpr

    f wc e ndr e

    red fr deepen. Eng

    cpne e eped eb

    n nfrrcre ppr e

    erpce ndr nd enbe new

    cpne e p p qcnd e.

    W cn cege e

    pce g prr n

    ncben wrer rnng nd

    ner eenn prgr w

    g ecnc wrpce rnng,

    r wrfrce cn cpee gn

    e be. vwww.nnors.o

    ern e e n regn ped

    fr grw nd red ep r

    bne r. We beee be

    peed w w dcer n

    e nn er Nre.






























    Williamston Plymouth



    Kill Devil HillsWindsor






    Scotland Neck



    Southern Shores




    Kitty Hawk

    Nags Head




    MoyockRoanoke Rapids

    Elizabeth City

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    Martin Community College

    1161 Kehukee Park Rd.

    Williamston, NC 27892(252) 792-1521 tel

    (252) 792-0826 ax

    Students can take college transfer courses or earn

    a certificate, diploma, or an Associate Degree

    Associate in Arts, Associate in Applied Science, and

    Associate in General Education). They can choose from

    more than 25 fields of study, including, but not limited to:


    A HAH AMv CHN bN




    only two-year program on the East Coast

    MCC Also Provides Training for Workforce Development


    CMz RANN Jb PRfN

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    SIte OF the FIRSt FIGhtThe sunsets here are the prettiest Ive ever seen. Orville Wright

    uttered those words as he stood on the banks of Kitty Hawk, where

    he and his brother, Wilbur, launched the worlds first flight on Dec.

    17, 1903. Today, the Wright Brothers National Memorial marks the

    spot where aviation history began, celebrating the dream of flight

    that brought the bicycle mechanics and self-taught engineers to

    North Carolinas Outer Banks, where the wind and sand were ideal

    for conducting the first flight tests. Visitors can tour exhibits of early

    flight contraptions or climb Kill Devil Hill to view the 60-foot granite

    pylon the site where the brothers conducted their glider

    experiments and where the first plane left the ground.

    StOPS FOR ecOtORIStSNr Crn Nre f f wend nd wdfe

    refge wr eprng. here re fr p n e regn

    perfec fr nre bff:

    t Gr disl Swp: lced n e vrgn-Nr

    Crn brder ner Ebe C, e wp, e rge

    renng ne n e eern uned se, w ncereed b Gerge Wngn nd cnn 22 qre

    e f freed wend nd 18 e f r.

    mrns milpon S Prk: if wp cn be ced

    bef, ne wd ern e e. knwn fr

    grnd f spn nd pcre-perfec pd, e

    Gee wp e gden wrber, be ern,

    nd n dfferen pece f brd nd berfe.

    musk S Prk: t hde Cn wdfe refge

    encpe re n 50,000 cre f wer, r,

    ber nd Nr Crn rge nr e. a

    grn nd wnerng b fr werfw nd er

    grr brd, e perfec pce p nw geee,

    Cnd geee, dc nd wn, we wnerng bd

    ege, pre, fcn, deer, bbc, er, fe nd e

    ccn bc ber r red wf.

    Sylvn higs Wrowl Prk: te 18-cre n breedng

    preere fere w-rg re wcng ec

    brd fr s aerc, Nr aerc, Erpe, afrc,

    a nd ar.

    G www.visinn.o fr re nfrn.

    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 15

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    ameRIcaS PRettIeSt tOWN

    lng fr e pree wn n e s? hw b e uned se?tre n frer n Edenn, recen ned b Frbe.c ne f

    aerc Pree twn. B n 1712, rc e, j ff e

    abere snd n Nr Crn oer Bn, preered c f

    rc rcecre fr e Cn nd nebe er. tw f

    bdng, e 1767 Cwn Cn Cre nd 1758 Cp he,

    re Nn hrc lndr. N n e werfrn wn nwn fr

    be, f fr frend cr, Crn cne, qn

    ppng nd rcn ncde ng, pddng, ng, fng,

    ng, bng nd gf. one f Edenn be-ep ecre bed nd

    bref, wc re ed n e rc e w w

    end eer de. Fr ecepn p, Edenn Pc he

    inn w gen e be nneeper wrd b Bed and Breakfast Directory,

    n enccped f B&B rnd e wrd.


    WheRe the WIdthINGS ROam

    on 7,544 cre nr f Cr pr f wc encpe e

    Crrc Nn Wdfe Refge

    r cn fnd endngered

    pn, wd pg nd pec

    breed f re e nne er

    n Nr aerc. Decended fr

    spn, Prgee Brb nd

    arb c, ee wd spn

    mng ce c Nr

    Crn w e spnrd n e

    1500. orgn red n e

    spn cne f Per Rc,

    trndd nd e We inde, ere were bred fr n,

    e, eperen, ee f g,

    nge nd e b re

    nd wr n nd, r

    enrnen. lng n e oer

    Bn fr ner 500 er, e

    re e been ed fr n

    prpe, ncdng wer rece

    n e anc. in 1989, cn

    rdnnce w enced eep

    e wd nd free b prbng

    nne fr cprng r eng

    e. te Cr Wd hreFnd w ebed prec,

    preere nd nge e

    egendr, ner enc breed,

    wc w degned e Nr

    Crn se hre n 2010. NatIONS taeStIGhthOSeStretching more than 70 miles from south Nags Head to

    the Ocracoke Inlet, Cape Hatteras National Seashore

    encompasses a trove of natural and cultural attractions,

    including historical sites, museums and lighthouses.

    The 208-foot Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is the tallest

    lighthouse in the nation, and one of the most distinctivewith its black-and-white spiral-striped pole and light

    that has warned sailors for centuries of submerged

    and shifting sandbars along the treacherous Diamond

    Shoals. The barrier islands along Cape Hatteras are

    also rich in maritime history. Italian explorer Amerigo

    Vespucci visited them in the 16th century, and

    Blackbeard the pirate once terrorized the shipping

    industry on Hatteras Island from his base in Ocracoke.

    The Cape Hatteras shore was recently recognized as

    one of the nations top 10 beaches by Dr. Beach.

    16 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    exPOReb PaddeLike to kayak or canoe?

    Explore more than 35 paddle

    trails covering 200-plus miles

    along the Lower Roanoke

    River and its tributaries.

    Flowing through the coastal

    plain on its way to the

    Atlantic Ocean, the Roanoke

    passes through the largest

    bottomland hardwood swamp

    forest east of the Mississippi.

    Under a canopy of 1,000 bald

    cypress and tupelo trees, you

    can spot black bears, otters,

    white-tail deer, bobcats,

    beavers, minks, birds and,

    if youre lucky, a bald eagle.

    Fifteen camping platforms are

    located along the trails. Visit


    plan a paddle trip.

    PeaNtS, aNONe?Pn r , wee r pc, bed

    r red. hweer e r

    pen, Bere Cn Pen

    e re r e.

    a Nr Crn pe nce 1919,

    e Wndr-bed cpn e

    eerng fr pen ced n

    e dr cce. Grwn

    n nd b fr,

    Nrpn Cn ne f e

    nn p pen prdcer. if

    e eer nced n bg drng

    prfen beb ge,

    cnce re e ed pen

    prdced b hpn Fr.

    Fnded n 1917, e seern-bed

    bne bg nd re pen

    fr mjr lege Beb.

    WateRFRONt RetReatFr e-bdng rere -f-e-b rnng

    enr, e Eern 4-h Cnference Cener ffer n de

    eng fr grp eeng edcn nd recren.

    oerng B B nd e abere snd n trre

    Cn, e cener grp rg e er fr

    crpre rere, e-bdng, rnng nd re. i f-

    erce fc ncde n-e dnng, ccdn nd

    eeng r, ncdng new lEED-cerfed cnference

    cener w eng pce d re n 500 ge.

    te 250-cre e rrnded b wd, edw, fre,

    wend, cree nd rer cn e be cceed brdw, nre r nd b per.

    KeePINGIt GReeNWhats so great about renewable

    energy? Kids in North Carolinas

    Northeast get the chance to

    experience the power of solar

    and wind energy for themselvesthrough a traveling kiosk

    equipped with solar panels,

    a wind turbine and a weather

    station that tracks current

    conditions and produces real-

    time data from any location.

    Operated by Sprout Energy,

    the interactive kiosk travels

    to schools across the region,

    promoting environmental

    awareness and education to

    a generation sure to be seeing

    plenty of green in their future.

    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 17

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    18 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e















  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 19

    With its highly skilledworkforce, low costs andcentral location near

    major ports, North CarolinasNortheast region is emergingas a powerhouse in automotiveresearch, food technology andbiotechnology, sustainable energy,manufacturing and aerospace.

    Our long-term focus is tocreate opportunities for new jobsand new wealth, to create niches

    where we can compete withanyone around the world, saysVann Rogerson, president andCEO of the North CarolinaNortheast Commission.

    The fruits of that focus aregrowing throughout the regions16 counties, where traditionalindustries and newer arrivalsare thriving. All of them find aquality-conscious workforce many with high-tech military

    training, thanks to the U.S. CoastGuard Base in Elizabeth City andnearby defense commands inVirginia and a high quality oflife that combines the best of ruralexperiences and urban amenities.

    The international perfumeindustry has long beaten a pathto Northeast North Carolina toobtain key ingredients from AvocaInc., whose purchases of clarysage from local farmers boost

    the agricultural economy. Morerecently, independent automotivecompanies have arrived to testtheir products and ideas on theNorth Carolina Center forAutomotive Researchs trackand other state-of-the-artfacilities in Garysburg.


    Resers Fine Foods Inc., a WestCoast-based food manufacturer

    of gourmet foods and salads,recently expanded its East Coastoperations in Roanoke Rapids,investing $62 million andannouncing plans to create500 jobs over the next five years.

    With technology licensed fromNorth Carolina State University,newly formed food-processingcompany Empire Foods isproducing fruits and vegetablesthat stay fresh without refrigeration.

    The company, which receiveda $400,000 grant from the OneNorth Carolina Fund for theproject, is investing $2.5 millionin a 35,000-square-foot facilityin the Halifax Corporate Park,where it is creating 200 jobs.

    We are pleased that we are ableto keep this technology in NorthCarolina where it was created, incooperation with North CarolinaState University, says Empires

    OpporuniyKnoksFrom automotive & d to iote, ivere inutriefouri in Nort caroina Norteat

    sr b Bill Lewis

    Pgrp b Todd Bennett

    clokwis ro op: a C Grd crewn pr Pqn Rer n Ebe C; Drbn re n e regn n inere 95; PCrp-arr, ne f e regn rge eper, ne ppe re ner e Pc Rer.

    Business Climate

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    20 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    founder, Greg Hatem. Locatingthis project in North Carolina,

    we can look forward to continuedcollaboration with the universitysFood Science department.

    One of the regions mostrecognized employers, Domtar,responded to changing worldmarkets by investing $73 millionto repurpose its papermanufacturing facility inPlymouth. The state and theGolden LEAF Foundation, whichpromotes economic growth inNorth Carolinas tobacco-

    dependent regions, providedfinancial incentives.

    Domtars decision preserved 350direct jobs and those of thousandsof loggers and truckers whosupply the facility. It also openedthe door to new opportunities inIndia, China and other emergingmarkets, where demand isgrowing for disposable personalhygiene products made withDomtars fluff paper.

    Their demand is rising astheir standard of living rises, saysStefan Nowicki, the companys

    manager of communications andgovernment relations.

    The facility, which previouslyproduced office paper, nowmanufactures 440,000 tons offluff paper per year. Made fromsustainably harvested loblolly pinetrees grown on tree farms acrossthe region, fluff paper is used tomake disposable diapers and otherpersonal products.

    taPPING INtO ceaN eNeRG

    In addition to contributing tohigher standards of living around

    the world, North CarolinasNortheast region is helping tolead the way to a cleaner energyfuture. Enviva is expanding itssustainable biomass facility inHertford County, which produceswood pellets for shipment toEurope via nearby ports, wherethey are used as a cleaneralternative to coal.

    The demand for solidrenewable fuels like wood

    pellets is taking off, andEnvivas manufacturing footprintis growing with it, says Chairman

    and CEO John Keppler.Iberdrola is investing

    $750 million to develop thefirst commercial-scale wind farmin the Southeast near ElizabethCity. The project will include150 wind turbines capable ofgenerating 300 megawatts ofelectricity. Large offshore windfarms are also being considered,says Rogerson, who also seesopportunities for wind turbinemanufacturers in the region.

    Industries such as aviation,aerospace and marine trades,

    along with tourism, continueto flourish along the coast. Theregions transportation network,including I-95 and easy accessto the Port of Virginia, alsoencourages business investment,Rogerson notes.

    We believe the Port of Virginiawill be the No. 1 port on the EastCoast in coming years, Rogersonsays. A Southern transportationcorridor is building up in this

    region via highways 17 and 64from southeast Virginia toInterstate 95.

    Fro l: te regn n nd erpce ndr cnne grw ng e c; Fd prceng cpn Epre Fd prdcng nnperbe fr nd egebe n hf Cn, neng $2.5 n nd creng 200 jb n e regn.

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    cr o cropsNg wk Ehc, cEE NEllEc sE wkEs N Nh clNs NhEs p

    a n eper n Nr

    Crn Nre e bgge

    dnge f e regn wrfrcend e ge e e nwer:

    negr nd neec. in ddn

    beng rebe, wrer re r,

    w nc fr cree prbe-

    ng nd n en fr

    ebrcng new nd ecng.

    N n re r wrer dedced,

    e e e b e prbe

    f n nd nd ge e jb dne,

    Bb mcCrcen, nger f

    Ncr see herfrd pn, ne f

    e regn rge nfcrng

    eper. m f e pepe we

    re e neer c r red ee r

    rn ee , b we nw we cn

    rn e d nng we need.

    Ncr drw 434 epee

    fr dere br p ncde

    eerne fr frer ee wrer

    frer r eern.

    Weer er ee f edcn r

    , wrer re r qe

    e e ccef.We fr pepe w re wng

    wr n e jb dne nd n

    ge wrpped p n e nd re,

    pepe w cn dp nd ern n

    new g be reqred nd

    we e ere, mcCrcen .

    t rng wr ec nd

    nne pr eped e

    104-er-d kpne Pper &

    Pcgng n Rne Rpd ee

    rg e er, anr Cn,

    ce preden f pern.

    in nfcrng, ng rew cngng, nd

    cpee, e be wng

    ebrce cnge, Cn . t

    wdn e been ere ng

    w e nnn f r

    epee. ter fc n q nd

    reb eped e frwrd.

    ang w er wrene f

    fcr dre q, prdc

    nd pb n e cpn ndw e re dng nfence ,

    Cn , wrer re ed

    eerng fr ng eqpen

    fr effcenc ng ecng

    nr nd dj re-e c.

    N n re e e rnbe,

    wrer n Nr Crn Nre

    re pne, Dd hre,

    c-preden f PCB Grp, wc

    wn e PCB Pernc pn

    ep 169 n hf.

    mnfcrng enr dece,

    pced nd g-ec prce,hre . W e r hf

    grp pec e pc p

    qc. Wn n er

    f rnng, e bece eceen

    . te wr rd ernng nd e

    gre prde n er wr.

    Emily McMackin
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    22 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    Fs trko Grow

    Ne & d faiit rev u NorteatNort caroina automotive etor

    sr b Cary Estes

    Pgrp b Todd Bennett

    In NASCAR, when things aregoing well and a car is steadilypicking up speed, the driver

    often says he is dialed in.The gears are turning just as

    smoothly in North CarolinasNortheast region these days, asthe area becomes dialed in inthe f ield of automotive researchand development. Led by a newauto test facility, the region is on

    the fast track to being a leader inthe industry.

    NccaR, NOt NaScaR

    In 2010, the North CarolinaCenter for Automotive Researchopened on a 620-acre sitein Garysburg near I-95 inNorthampton County. Thehighlight of the facility is a2-mile road course that canbe used by auto manufacturers,

    suppliers, researchers andinventors to physically testcar designs and equipment.

    We are where the vehicle meetsthe road, NCCAR chief operatingofficer Simon Cobb says. Weallow engineers and drivers totest vehicles in a controlled andsafe environment.

    The state-of-the-art centeralso provides affordable R & Dto smaller, independent automanufacturers and supplierswho lack the resources of theindustrys global conglomerates.

    NCCAR is patterned aftersimilar facilities in Ohio (theTransportation Research Center)and England (the Motor IndustryResearch Association). Cobb saysthose initiatives were created tostimulate automotive developmentin their regions, and that NCCAR

    can produce a similar rippleeffect in North CarolinasNortheast region.

    We want to make this aviable, ongoing stimulus forthe automotive industry, Cobbsays. The idea is if you createan intellectual and activity-based hub, you will attract othercompanies that want to locatenearby and benefit from thepeople and facilities at that hub.You end up developing a cluster.Thats exactly what we plan forNCCAR.

    Cobb was working for LotusEngineering in Detroit whenthe company was approachedabout designing the NCCARperformance and handling track.Cobb eventually joined NCCAR,and is working with severalcompanies to create a research

    clokwis ro op: Cr e dre e 2-e cre e Nr Crn Cener fr ae Reerc; te e-f-e-r cener ced n 620-cre e ner i-95 n Nrpn Cn; NCCaR cqred n -eecrc Prce e fc.

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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 23

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    24 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    and development center onthe campus.

    Approximately one-fourthof NCCARs land has beendeveloped. In addition to the2-mile test track, the site hasa 2-acre vehicle dynamics area(VDA) and six private clientgarage/office suites that can beleased from an hourly to long-term basis. On-site engineeringand tech support are

    supplemented by a highbandwidth wireless networkand video-camera coveragethroughout. Future plans includethe creation of 2.5 miles ofadditional track features, plusexpanded VDA areas.

    Were quite pleased with whatwe achieved from a constructionperspective, and even morepleased with the response wevehad from clients, Cobb says.

    With its close proximity to theEast Coast, the regions engineeringschools and Research Triangle Park

    in Durham, NCCARs location isideal for innovation. Down theroad, plans for the facility includepowering advances in automotivetechnologies, fuel efficiency, andalternative fuels and propulsionsystems.

    JmP-StaRtING the

    eR IGht caR

    NCCARs first client wasautomotive-design company

    Edison2 out of Virginia. Thecompany used NCCAR to testits Very Light Car before entering and winning the 2010Progressive Automotive X Prize,a competition to build a vehicle thatgets more than 100 miles per gallon.

    Without NCCAR, I dont knowhow we would have done it, saysBrad Jaeger, an engineer and testdriver with Edison2. NCCAR wasthe perfect development facility. It

    allowed us to get the cars on the roadthe day after we had them runningin the shop. It gave us information

    we needed to be confident that thecars were going to run well whenwe got to competition.

    mIcROce Paed the Wa

    NCCARs launch came threeyears after Raleigh-based Microcellopened an 80,000-square-foot fuelcell production facility inRobersonville. That decisionhelped rev the engine for the regionsmove into the automotive industry.

    Weve had an unbelievableamount of support from the localcommunity, Microcell senior vicepresident Beth Rehbock says. Itsbeen much more than just goingthere, opening a facility and hiringemployees. Its actually beenbecoming a part of that community.

    Having something likeNCCAR that is going to draw avariety of different companiesto it will attract more high-tech

    companies to this area. It will bringnotoriety here, and from there wewill see the snowball effect.

    Fro l: a nfcrer nd pper e NCCaR cre e new cr degn; one f e eng b be fr cen NCCaR; mcrce pened fe ce prdcn fc n Rberne ree er befre NCCaR nc, epng p e regne ndr frwrd.

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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 25
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    26 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    Plowing NwGrounFarmer, reearer in Nort caroina

    Norteat arvet i-te ro

    sr b Betsy Williams

    Pgrp b Todd Bennett

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 27

    the fusion of agriculture andbiotechnology is creatingan innovative and fertile

    landscape for North Carolinas16-county Northeast region.

    Many of the nations firstfarmers came from this scenicand bountiful part of the state,and centuries later, those whopower the regions $74 billion(and growing) agriculturalindustry are among the mostsophisticated crop growers in

    the country.What this means for NorthCarolina are jobs and prosperity,while preserving a landscape thatfor generations has put food onthe table, says Norris Tolson,president of the North CarolinaBiotechnology Center. Its fusingour old economy with our neweconomy to increase our qualityof life here and also aroundthe g lobe.

    North Carolinas biotechnology

    focus led to the states initialsuccess in the pharmaceuticalindustry; today, agriculture inNorth Carolinas Northeast regionis a major player in that field,plowing new ground in biofuels,medicines, nutraceuticals,pesticides and higher-yieldcrops designed to meet an ever-increasing world food demand.

    FaRmeRS, PhaRma

    cOmPaNIeS PaRtNeRWith more than 3,000 farms

    and 1 million acres of farmland,the Northeast regions farmers arepartnering with greenhouses anduniversity and private researchlabs to produce patented plantspecialties for commercialization,thus growing its reputation asa global leader in agriculturalbiotechnology. At least 90 percentof row crops grown in the region

    are of biotech varieties.Cherry Farms Seed CompanyInc., a 22-year seed germinationcompany in Columbia, isexpanding its focus from atraditional commodity seedbusiness to one that is involvedin germinating and testing newseed varieties geared to specificcustomer needs, with a new seed-cleaning and storage facility.

    Were like a manufacturingbusiness in agriculture, explains

    Brian Ashford, manager and part-owner of the company. We takewhat comes from the research andcreate a seed that is going to plantfor commercial purposes.

    That might include developinga seed for specialty oil that offersdifferent fatty acid content for acookie maker, Ashford says, or itmight mean seeds that are heat-,

    : Cerr Fr seed Cpn n Cb gerne nd e new eed ree.

    Rig, op: Nr Crn se uner vernn Je Reerc nd EennCener n P perfr pped reerc n crp cence. Rig, oo: specben eed Cerr Fr seed Cpn

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    28 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    drought- and sa lt-tolerant, orare more geared toward biofuelor pharmaceutical usage.

    tOOS aNd SKIS Ied


    Local farmers are embracingtools such as GPS-guided precisionfarming to increase yield. Theregions globally known networkof university and field researchscientists at entities such asPlymouths Vernon James Researchand Extension Center perform

    applied research in crop science andagriculture, while biotechnologyprograms at local communitycolleges supply the region withstudents experienced at workingin labs and processing facilities.

    The regions highly skilledworkforce and universitypartnerships helped lureCalifornia-based VentriaBiosciences, which grows andprocesses rice containing a proteinthat reduces infant deaths fromdiarrhea. Avoca Inc. in Merry Hill

    has been working for decades withlocal farmers as the worlds largestsupplier of clary sage, an extractused in the perfume industry.

    The marketplace is segmenting,as opposed to one big commoditywhere one size fits all, Ashfordsays. North Carolinas Northeastregion is fortunate in that wevehad financing and leadership tograb the opportunities. This isan exciting time for agriculturein our region, and the futurekeeps getting brighter.

    te dere fr c grwn fd grwng n

    Nr Crn, nd f crng, e

    Frer Fre mre prgr w creed ep

    frer n e regn cnnec r w c

    rern nd fd ber ppng fr fre fr

    nd egebe. spnred b F Cnnec,

    c bne nd enreprenerp grp, e

    prgr e e ff n mrn Cn, were

    rern n e oer Bn nd Greene re

    re ng fr eerng fr fre crd, erb

    nd pepper rwberre nd e ff e

    ne. te inerne-bed fd ecnge prgr

    n nne rderng e e e

    fr frer e nd deer prdce drec

    rern n Cre nd er rbn re.

    Fr re de, .

    virtual market for locally grown food

    te p f new ben re Cerr Fr seed Cpn, ne f eer cpne prdcng pened pn pece.
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 29

    bionilly SpkingllNcE Ecs g EsEch cpNEs hE NhEs EgN

    Rered frer Je lndn

    Nre Nr Crn

    e f e be frnd ne e be een e wrd.

    and w re crprn

    d cnder ng

    cndc grndbreng reerc.

    Were n j crn, ben

    nd we ere re pen,

    cn, we pe, en,

    bcc, rce, nn nd ge,

    nd ere f be

    ed frnd bece f

    ge epne f bernd

    nd wer, lndn, c-cr

    f Nr Crn Nreance fr agrcr

    Becng (NC-NaaB).

    te regn n ffeced c

    b drg, we e g wer

    be nd prdce , p

    e f e pced

    frer n e wrd e ere.

    a frce red b Nr

    Crn Nre Cn,

    NC-NaaB ncde regn

    cen, edcr nd ndr

    eder, we repreene

    fr Nr Crn se

    uner, E Crn uner

    nd Ebe C se uner

    f w re wrng

    brng re grcr bec

    ndre e regn.

    FROm abS tO the FIedSte regn eer e

    e fere p fr

    reerc nd cercn,

    ncdng e 1,500-cre vernn

    Je Reerc nd Eenn

    Cener rn jn b Nr

    Crn se uner nd

    e Nr Crn Depren

    f agrcre. lced n

    Wngn Cn, e cener

    n greene nd

    nned b cen,

    grn nd eng.

    i e re fr rnng

    nd cerfcn prgr fr

    bec crp grwer.

    Ebed pce n er

    pr f Nr Crn e e

    Reerc trnge e e

    bg cpne nd nere

    wrng ere, b e dn e

    e p-nc frnd wee n e Nre, lndn

    . Wen ce e e

    f e b nd n e fed,

    Nre Nr Crn w be

    e pce g.

    SObeaNS FOR accINeS

    lndn e NC-NaaB

    red ned w ecrng

    fnd fr p bnc

    ercn fc n Bere Cn,we ng n pprng

    e cnrcn f n gr-cence

    g c n e regn.

    sben fr ccne, bcc

    cree derbe pren

    becng defne n e

    ppene, e .

    Kevin Litwin
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    30 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e 2 0 1 1

    Firs in Fligviation, aeroae ain momentumin Nort caroina Norteat

    sr b Bill Lewis

    Pgrp b Todd Bennett

    In the place where the Wrightbrothers flew the first airplane,the spirit of discovery lives on

    in a region that has become oneof the countrys top spots foraviation manufacturing,maintenance, repair andeducation.

    With assets that include askilled work force full of manyretired military personnel, collegeand university aviation trainingand degree programs, theElizabeth City Aviation Researchand Development Commerce

    Park, the U.S. Coast Guardslargest aviation facility and 11private airports, North Carolinas

    Northeast region is at theepicenter of aviation development.

    Employers who have discovered

    the region include LSA America,which manufactures a new typeof light aircraft for civilian pilots;DRS Technologies, whichperforms heavy maintenanceof U.S. Coast Guard aircraft inElizabeth City; and TCOM, whoseElizabeth City facility is the onlyone in the world devoted to aerostatand airship manufacturing,assembly, flight test and training.Telephonics has a facil ity adjacent

    to Elizabeth City PasquotankCounty Regional Airport forrepair of radar systems for aircraft

    operated by the Coast Guard.Were developing a culture

    of aviation, says Wayne Harris,

    director of the AlbemarleEconomic DevelopmentCommission.

    a tRadItION OF exceeNce

    That culture, and the provenability of state and local officialsto help aviation businessessucceed, attracted LSA Americato Halifax County. The company,which qualified for job creationincentives from the One North

    Carolina Fund, is investing$400,000 and creating 34 jobsto produce the Allegro Light

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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 31

    embry-riddleaeronauticaluniversity Theworldslargestfully































    Sport Aircraft.The history of aviation in

    North Carolina and the helpwe have received from NCDOT(Department of Transportation)Aviation were a factor in makingthis region home, LSA Americapresident Douglas Hempsteadsays.

    The availability of a labor forcewith a strong work ethic alsoplayed into the decision, he notes.

    Good people are a must,Hempstead says.

    WORK FORce tRaINING PeRKSThe support of Halifax

    Community College was anadded perk for LSA America,Hempstead says.

    Training programs at areacolleges and universities,including Elizabeth City StateUniversity, the College of theAlbemarle and the ElizabethCity Center of Embry-RiddleAeronautical University, ensure

    that workers have the skillsthey need, Harris says.There is a lot of sk illed labor,

    agrees Vann Rogerson, presidentand CEO of the North CarolinaNortheast Commission. Thereare a lot of opportunities foraviation facilities in the future.

    The Elizabeth City AviationResearch and DevelopmentCommerce Park is helpingaviation companies envisiontheir future in the region.Connected by a C-130-classtaxiway to a 7,200-foot-long

    runway shared by the CoastGuard and Elizabeth CityPasquotank Regional Airport,

    DRs tecnge, wc recen cqred re ngr pce fr fre grw, repr u.s.C Grd rcrf.

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  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    mking SplsEsy cEN ccEss, E skll gEs NhEs EgN EdgE N bbldNg

    Bbdng bg bne n

    Nre Nr Crn, n

    pre c cn nd

    wrfrce nw e wer.

    P mnn f mnn C

    B ce pr e

    wer nd e nge erge f

    bng n Dre Cn e e

    re de fr b-ng. in

    bne nce 1987, mnn C

    B nwn fr cbnng e-

    eed crfnp w ecng

    prdce e fe, drbe

    b rnd.

    We n e cng edge f

    bng ecng, ng f

    cpe er, mnn .

    B r bgge reng renn de, rnnng erce

    een fer e e.

    in ddn drec cce

    e anc ocen, e Nre

    regn epndng deepen

    f rne bne pr nd e

    w ce-free wer cce. te

    70-cre Perqn mrne

    indr Pr n herfrd w e

    10-f-deep bn ffer enn

    e cce e abere snd,

    e inrc Werw nd e

    anc ocen. and e Wncee

    sefd indr Pr n Rne

    ind prde w-c, e-

    wned nd fr ee bbder

    nd rne-reed cpne.

    Bbder-frend regn

    e eped c cpne re,

    b ccrdng Jn mwe,c-fnder nd preden f

    Regr mrne, e pepe

    re e re gree e.

    We e ed, dedced

    wrfrce, nd we prde pce

    wr were eerne reed

    w repec, e .

    addn, e Cege f

    e abere ppe ed

    re f wrer w fced

    bbdng rnng.

    te ndr pc n e

    ecn cern e

    p. mnn C B

    ne genere nwere fr

    $4 n $12 n per er,

    ccrdng mnn.

    te d-anc regc

    re fr ppng p nd dwn e

    E C nd fr ng cer drp b, mwe .

    Karen Schwartzman

    the facility has sites availablefor large businesses, whichmay qualify for incentives. TheCollege of the Albemarle andElizabeth City State Universityoffer their programs on-site.

    One of the regions major

    aviation employers, DRSTechnologies, overhaulsCoast Guard aircraft in two80,000-square-foot hangarsand a 10,000-square-footmachine shop at the ElizabethCity Aviation Research andDevelopment Commerce Park.The company has leased otherhangar space for future growth,Harris says.

    Elizabeth City AviationResearch and Development

    Commerce Park is addingadditional land to preparefor new business arrivals.

    If someone is interestedin coming, we can get it all doneand break ground in six months,Harris says.

    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 33

    sden ebe ce rpne den e Cege f e abere arcrf

    mnennce tecng prgr nEbe C.

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    34 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 35


    Sis higNort caroina Norteat uefor nationa eritae eination

    sr b Kevin Litwin

    Pgrp b Todd Bennett

    attention, history buffs and curiosityseekers. Heritage tourism is evolvinginto a substantial economic engine

    in Northeast North Carolina, and it isgrowing even stronger.

    North Carolinas Northeast Commissionhas begun a push to get the 16 countiesin the Northeast region designated asa National Heritage Area by the U.S.Congress. The commission is partneringwith eastern and southeastern partnershipsin the state to designate the entire coastalNorth Carolina corridor as a NationalHeritage Area.

    Our 16 counties in the northeast,along with another 24 in eastern and

    southeast North Carolina, will make up40 counties that will hopefully becomethe nations 50th National Heritage Area,says Anita Johnson, North CarolinasNortheast Commission vice president

    of product development. The corridorwill pretty much be everything eastof Interstate 95, and having nationaldesignation simply puts a powerfulstamp of approval on all the historicsites we have.

    a tROe OF cOONIa hIStOR

    Johnson says the heritage designationshould be a given considering that upuntil 1750, more than 90 percent of theU.S. population lived within 50 miles of

    Edenn e n rc e (p dde) nd ndr fr e Cn er, ncdng eCwn Cn Cre (p ef), e Brer he (p rg) nd e Cp he (b).

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    36 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 37

    the coast. Northeast NorthCarolina alone is home to dozensof Civil War and RevolutionaryWar attractions, includingHalifax, where the HalifaxResolves were signed as the firstofficial action recommendingindependence from England.

    The region is also home toBath, which was the first

    incorporated town in NorthCarolina, and Edenton, which wasthe first capital of North Carolinaduring Colonial times, Johnsonsays. I work in Edenton,and Colonial homes here dateback as far as the 1700s.

    80 attRactIONS IN 40 cONtIeS

    To pursue the National HeritageArea designation, Golden LEAFFoundation funds were used tohire a private consulting firm

    Hanbury Preservation Consulting to conduct a feasibility studythat will ultimately help with thedesignation drive.

    Unannounced, my consultingteam visited 80 sites in the 40counties, showing up like regulartourists to evaluate the heritage

    : Cnnn fr e Edenn BeBer de bc e C Wr

    aov: te Wrg Brer Nnmer n k De h cere

    e wrd fr fg.
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    38 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    A Tasty Gift for Any Friend, Relative, Businessor Client ANY TIME OF THE YEAR!

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    Bertie County PeanutsPOwE & STOkES INC.

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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 39

    tourism sites and see how they are run ona regular basis, says Mary RuffinHanbury, owner of Hanbury PreservationConsulting. Well finish our feasibilitystudy by February 2012, all the whilesuggesting what improvements need to bemade at historic sites to have everythingready for the push for federal designation.

    Once the study is complete and hasbeen presented to the commission, it will

    go to the U.S. National Park Service forreview before heading to Congress.

    dIeRSe SIteS FOR heRItaGe tORIStS

    The National Heritage Area designationshould be granted because the listof historic sites along coastal NorthCarolina is almost too large to compile,Hanbury says.

    Attractions like The Lost Colony,

    historic lighthouses, waterways, religiousproperties, historic homes, museums, FortRaleigh, Wright Brothers National Memorial the entire region is amazing, she says.

    Nancy Nicholls, director of theChowan County Tourism DevelopmentAuthority, says that having a prestigiousNational Heritage Area designation willattract many more tourists to the NorthCarolina coastline.

    Personally, I think most visitors toour region are heritage travelers lovinghistory, culture and natural beauty,Nicholls says. Water and land are stillwhat keep us going with fishing andagriculture, but for us here in tourism,heritage travel is our market, and mostof our visitors enjoy small-town charm,beauty, attractions and relaxation.

    bringingtouriststo northcarolinasnortheastNortheastTourism(NET)

















    The Lost Colony, ne f e nn nge-rnnng pnc dr, prr e r f e Br cn n Rne ind er dppered.








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    40 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    an arin lg rps r ollowing

    Four o July lrion in enon.

    Poo y to bnn


  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    Wrig brors Nionl moril

    Poo y to bnn

    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 41

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    Did you know ?

    Hertford County, North Carolina has abundant resources for renewable energy production.

    The county, served by Dominion NC Power, connects with the PJM energy market,one of the largest energy markets in the U.S.

    Hertford County welcomes

    North Carolinas Regional Energy Hub

    Energize Your Businessin Hertford County


    William S. Early, Executive Director

    Hertford County Economic Development Commission

    PO Box 429 Winton, NC 27986

    252-358-7801 252-358-7806 Fax

    a leader in biomass-fueled

    boilers providing value-added

    renewable energy

    for Perdue Farms

    a leading manufacturer

    of sustainable, processed

    biomass fuel

    in wood pellet form

    a leader in high-efficiency

    technology solutions for

    solar power plants enabling

    clean, renewable energy
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 43


    Nort caroina Norteat emerin

    a aternative ener oeroue

    With its long coastline,favorable winds andabundant sunshine,

    the future is looking promising

    for alternative energy in NorthCarolinas Northeast region.Several projects utilizing wind,solar and biomass technologieshave been announced in theregion over the past year, andenergy experts predict thatmore are on the way.

    ReGION Idea FOR ONShORe,


    North Carolinas Northeast

    is considered one of the bestlocations for wind turbines alongthe U.S. East Coast. Iberdrola

    Renewables Inc., one of theworlds foremost developersof wind energy, is planningconstruction of a 150-turbine,

    300-megawatt onshore windfarm on 20,000 acres of farmlandin Pasquotank and Perquimanscounties near Elizabeth City.Known as Desert Wind Power,the wind farm is expected tostart up late in 2011 and generate750,000 to 950,000 megawatthours of power annually enough to power as many as70,000 homes. The $600 millioninvestment will create direct

    and indirect construction andpermanent jobs for the area.The wind resources of the

    region appear highly favorable, saysPaul Copleman, communicationsmanager of Iberdrola Renewables.

    One of the key factors in the

    wind farms location is compatibilitywith the regions agriculture andthe community overall.

    We are looking forwardto being a long-term neighbor,Copleman says.

    The winds off the regionsOuter Banks also hold potentialfor offshore wind energydevelopment.

    There is a great deal ofopportunity and benefit for

    the region from offshore windenergy, says Brian OHara,president of the North Carolina

    Fvorl Winssr bJohn Fuller

    510nn prde r energ fr 1.4-egw pc r fr ner Gn.

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    44 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    Offshore Wind Coalition.Northeast North Carolina ispositioned to be an important

    player in the industry.OHara says both offshore andonshore projects could mean more

    job growth as wind projects gearup and attract turbine andcomponent manufacturers.

    SOaR POWeR, bIOmaSS


    Solar power projects are alsoheating up in the region. 510nanoInc., a Washington, D.C.-basedsolar company, has signed a

    15-year agreement with DominionPower to provide solar energyfrom a 1.4-megawatt photovoltaicsolar farm near Gaston. The farm,the largest solar-powered facilityadded to Dominions electric grid,is expected to produce enoughpower to supply electricity to160 households annually.

    510nano officials say they arelooking for additional sites to locatesolar farms in North Carolina,

    including the Northeast region.We have enjoyed developingour project here and working with

    our partners, Dominion andNorthampton County, saysReginald Parker, president of

    510nano.In Hertford County, Duke Energyis heading up the construction ofa 37-acre, 6.4-megawatt solar farmnear Murfreesboro the largest inthe state. Capable of generatingenough electricity to power700 homes, the 20,000-panelMurfreesboro Solar Project,acquired by Duke from SunPowerCorp., will use global positioningtechnology to track the sunsmovement during the day

    and increase the amountof sunlight captured.

    Enviva, a leading producerof processed sustainable woodybiomass fuel, is investing$52 million to construct awood pellet processing plantin Ahoskie, with plans to builda second location in NorthamptonCounty. The wood pellets will beshipped overseas to Europeanutilities for energy generation.

    The demand for solidrenewable fuels like woodpellets is taking off, and Envivas

    manufacturing footprint isgrowing with it, says JohnKeppler, chairman and chief

    executive officer of Enviva. Ourplans for expansion in the regionwill ensure a compelling, stablesource of economic growth to thelandowners, loggers and haulersin this region.

    Perdue AgriBusiness recentlypartnered with High Point, N.C.-based Wellons Energy Solutions,LLC to open a biomasscogeneration facility at itssoybean crushing facility andfeed mill in Cofield. Capable

    of producing more than 40,000pounds of steam per hour, theboiler is designed to burn woodwaste products, such as wholetree chips, peanut hulls and otherwoody biomass, to generate steamto power the plant.

    And more is on the horizon.In Camden County, officialshave announced plans to developa business park to attractcompanies in the green industry

    and provide them with easyaccess to the regions dif ferenttransportation options.



  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 45

    1000 Jackson St.

    P.O. Box 308

    Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870

    (252) 537-9137

    Fax: (252) 537-3064


    Delivering Safe Drinking Water

    While Providing for Environmental

    Water Quality for 80 Years

    Roanoke Rapids

    sanitaRy distRict

    bning togrcpNy wNs ExENd bdbNd l NhEs

    hg-peed brdbnd n Nr

    Crn Nre regn geng


    mre n $75 n n feder

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    eend fber-pc brdbnd

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    Nre Nr Crn ne f

    e regn w benef. i pr

    f n ne pereded b e

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    f Nr Crn (mCNC) enre

    cn ncr nn,

    c c nd p, e

    cce brdbnd nd inerne.

    Dre Cn bneen Ne

    Pren nd P tne e fred

    nnprf cpn ced Nre

    Brdbnd Crprn, we

    n ep rr-bed

    bnee nd reden p n

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    Nre Nr Crn.

    We wn brdbnd nfrrcre

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    wd ep dre ecnc

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    rcng re ndr,

    Pren, crn f Nre

    Brdbnd Crprn. Fer,

    re rebe, re be nd

    ffrdbe brdbnd n rr

    regn w we re b.

    a 16-cONt mISSION

    Wen -f-e cpne

    ee n Nr Crn

    Nre regn, Pren ,

    e eence f g-peed

    brdbnd n c, p,

    bnee nd redence cd

    e r bre er fn decn

    e e regn.

    t regn, 16-cn

    n we wn e re

    mCNC nw we re ere,

    wnng brdbnd n e rr

    Nre ecr, Pren .

    Eerng n e ng

    nd pnnng ge, b mCNC

    wn e fber ned b e

    end f 2012. i en e e

    ge e fber nd wrng,

    pef brdbnd w be p nd

    rnnng n pr f Nre

    Nr Crn b er 2013.

    Kevin Litwin
  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    46 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e


    PotashCorp-Aurora relies on the regions transportationassets to supply products to global markets.

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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 47

    Norteat Nort caroina fuee

    to-not tranortation aet

    by land, sea or air, North

    Carolinas Northeastregion boasts a robusttransportation network, movingpeople and products efficientlyto anywhere in the nation andaround the world. Interstate 95is the main highway along theU.S. East Coast, and federalhighways 17, 64, 158, 168and 264 have been markedlyimproved to make the regioneasily accessible to the rest of

    the country. The area is withina days drive of 75 percent of theU.S. population.

    RaI aNd PORt acceSS

    More than 60 motor freightcarriers serve the region,including Southern Ag Carriers,based in Albany, Ga., whichrecently announced it wouldbuild a new trucking terminalin Edenton. Southern Ag is amajor shipper of agriculturalproducts, serving food processorsalong the East Coast.

    We do a lot of shippingfor the peanut industry, says

    Hugh Nall, president and chiefoperating officer of SouthernAg. Locating in Edenton and

    Gri orGrow

    sr bJohn Fuller



























    PotashCorp-Auroras rail complex is connected

    by a 32-mile spur to a major rail systemthat travels throughout U.S. markets.

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    48 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    North Carolina is a great fitfor us and helps us serve ourcustomers bet ter.

    The reg ions well-connectedhighway and rail system hasattracted major distributioncenters, including Lowes

    Mid-Atlantic Distributionin Northampton County andPepsi Bottling Ventures inElizabeth City. Anns Houseof Nuts, one of Americas largestnut distributors, has a majorproduction and distributionfacility in Robersonville.

    The region is served by CSXand Norfolk Southern, alongwith several short-line railroads,including NC/VA Railroad,Chesapeake and Albemarle

    Railroad, and Carolina CoastalRailways. Amtrak also hasnearby stops at Rocky Mountand in southern Virginia.

    Businesses in the region benefitfrom excellent access to majorports, including the Port ofVirginia in Hampton Roads,which is the third-busiest porton the East Coast. Two NorthCarolina deep-water ports arealso nearby in Wilmington and

    Morehead City.


    One of the regions largestemployers, PotashCorp-Aurora(PCS Phosphate) relies on thesetransportation assets to supply

    Fro op: Crrc Cn Regn arpr ne f 11 gener n rpr; te regn e jr drbn cener, ncdng Pep Bng venre n Ebe C.

    major highways:

    inere 95, u.s. hgw17, 64, 158, 168, 264

    major railroads:

    Csx, Nrf sern, ar

    major Ports:

    mreed C, Wngn,

    Pr f vrgn

    major airPorts:

    Reg-Dr, Rcnd,

    Nrf; 11 gener n


    northeast north carolinastransPortation network











  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    International Trucks Case IH Farm Equipment

    Trailers New and Used


    Toll-free: (800) 682-6746

    Serving Transportation and Agriculture for 58 Years

    Strategically located to serve the Northeast


    PotashCorp-Aurora is one of several regional companies

    that ship products from Morehead Citys port.












  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    50 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    fertilizer to agriculture, animal,nutrition and industrial chemicalmarkets around the world. Thecompany mines phosphate oreat its Beaufort County plant,adjacent to the Pamlico River,and is the largest user of theport at Morehead City, shipping

    approximately 1 million tons ofproducts through the port. Anaverage of 700 rail cars, 800trucks and 30 barges of productleave PCS each month.

    The plants extensive railcomplex is connected by a 32-mile

    spur to a major rail system thattravels throughout U.S. markets.Since the mining operation islocated on navigable tidewater,product barges, propelled bythe PCS fleet of tugboats, movedown the Pamlico River to theMorehead City port. Additionally,

    about 10 percent of PCSemployees take the Bayview-Aurora Ferry to work each day.

    Service and delivery are asimportant to our customers asthe basic quality of the productswe provide, says Steve Beckel,

    general manager of PotashCorp-Aurora. Were known forshipping and delivering on time.North Carolinas transportationassets help us to do just that.

    Commercial air service is alsoeasily accessible to local businessesthrough Raleigh-Durham

    International Airport, Pitt-Greenville Airport, RichmondInternational Airport and NorfolkInternational Airport, and charterand corporate services are offeredthrough 11 general aviationairports.
















  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 51


    NCEMC Business DevelopmentLoan Fund



    USDA Rural Economic

    Development Loan Upto$450,000



    Assistancewithsiteand buildingidentifcation








    Electric Cooperatives Paving the way to a brighter futureFOR MOREINFORMATION ONTHESE PROGRAMS,CONTACT:

    Brady MartinHalifax ElectricMembership Corporation208W.WhitfeldSt.Enfeld,NC27823(252)

    Eddie StocksEdgecombe-MartinCounty EMC679N.C.Hwy.33E.Tarboro,NC27886(252)

    Marshall CherryRoanoke Electric Cooperative


    tking Olcl ps cy N NhEs Nh clNs N hEgE

    Nre Nr Crn

    deep r n n cnne

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    Cener fr ae Reerc.

    Karen Schwartzman PhotoC





  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    52 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    eient an eai fin uttin-ee are

    Residents in Northeast NorthCarolina can find qualityhealth care close to home,

    thanks to a strong network ofcommunity hospitals that offerdependable care, surgery options,

    rehabilitation services andoutpatient facilities.

    Top medical centers range in sizefrom the six-bed Bertie MemorialHospital in Windsor to theUniversity Health Systems of EasternCarolina, which oversees eighthospitals and 15 clinical locations.

    We are not-for-profit with$1.5 billion in annual net revenue,and we invest $80 million backinto capital improvements each

    year, says Dave McRae, CEO ofUniversity Health Systems ofEastern Carolina. All eight

    hospitals in our system haveeither been recently expandedor soon will be.

    hNdRedS OF PhSIcIaNS

    UHS has 10,000 employees,

    including 6,000 at its flagshipPitt County Memorial Hospitalin Greenville. There are also300 physicians under the UHSumbrella.

    Pitt County Memorial alsopartners with the Brody Schoolof Medicine at East CarolinaUniversity, with many of theirmedical students completing theirresidency at Memorial, McRaesays. Im happy to say that 70

    percent of Brody School doctorswho complete their residencyremain in North Carolina for

    private practice.

    cttING-edGe techNOOG

    Besides the expansions at UHShospitals, McRae says more than$100 million has been spent

    during the past five years oninformational technologyupgrades throughout the system.

    We plan another $85.6 mill ioninvestment in the next five years,he says. One example of our ITsuccess occurred recently when aphysician at The Outer BanksHospital in Nags Head performeda CT scan on a patient, then theimage was instantly sent to aradiology specialist at Pitt County

    Memorial. The radiologistimmediately analyzed it andsent recommendations to the

    Posiiv Prognosis

    sr b Kevin Litwin

    Halifax Regional Medical Center


  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 53


    Outer Banks physician withinminutes. That is what 21st-centurymedicine is all about at UHS.

    a heath NetWORK

    Other top medical centers in

    the UHS system include ChowanHospital in Edenton and Roanoke-Chowan Hospital in Ahoskie. Alsoeasily accessible to residents isAlbemarle Hospital in ElizabethCity, which also oversees IslandMedical Center in the OuterBanks as well as Gates CountyMedical Center, plus an outpatientsurgery facility at RegionalMedical Center in Kitty Hawk.

    As for the city of Roanoke

    Rapids, its population is well-served by Halifax RegionalMedical Center, which treats

    40,000 emergency room patientseach year. And WashingtonCounty Hospital, a 49-bedcritical access acute care facility,serves residents in Plymouth.

    We have a staff of 280, of whom

    200 have more than 10 years ofexperience caring for patients,says Will Mahone, HalifaxRegional Medical Center president.Our hospital now offers servicesthat include a Cardiac andVascular Center, Digestive HealthCenter, Wound Center and a JointCare Center where 2,000 jointreplacements have been performedsince opening in 2005.

    Halifax Regional has 1,000

    employees and sees patientsprimarily from Halifax andNorthampton counties.

    We also have patients fromVirginia who come over the border,Mahone says. Our advancementsmake it an especially exciting timeto be in the medical field.

    Other hospitals in the region

    include Beaufort Regional HealthSystem in Washington, recentlyacquired by the UHS system,which operates a 142-bed acutecare facility with more than 50physicians skilled in more than20 specialities, and Martin CountyHealth Systems in Williamston.

    A new $1.76 million VeteransAffairs clinic is expected to openthis fall in Elizabeth City. Theclinic will ease the burden for

    thousands of veterans whocurrently travel to HamptonRoads, Va. for medical care.

    exPert health-care accessAlongwithaccesstoquality

















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  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 55


    loa univeritie, oee train tuent for

    Nort caroina Norteat reion to inutrie


    mployers searching foreducated, skilled graduates

    should look no further thanNorth Carolinas Northeast region.The area is home to severalvocational schools, communitycolleges and four-year universities,and produces graduates trained towork in the regions fastest-growingindustries, including health sciences,green technology, computertechnology, aerospace, biotechnologyand pharmacy.

    The College of the Albemarle,

    which is celebrating its 50thanniversary this year, has built areputation for getting its graduates

    employed in a variety of industries.The Elizabeth City-based two-year

    college offers 30 programs of study,ranging from health sciences andbusiness technology to technicalprograms such as machining,law-enforcement training andculinary arts.

    One of our newest programs isan aviation sheet metal coursethat has welcomed 134 studentssince it began in November 2009,says Lisa Johnson, College of theAlbemarle director of marketing

    and communications. In fact,that popularity has prompted usto work with Currituck County

    commissioners who are providingus with land and an eventual

    30,000-square-foot buildingto introduce an FAA-certifiedaviation systems technologycurriculum. The regional aviationand technical training buildingis set to open in January 2013.

    Besides its main campus, thecollege serves students in Camden,Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates,Pasquotank and Perquimanscounties via satellite campusesin Edenton and Manteo, and

    a new campus coming toCurrituck County.With 3,800 full-time students

    Sools o tougsr b Kevin Litwin

    Pgrp b Todd Bennett

    te regn e n cege nd nere rn grde fr e fe-grwng ndre, ncdng e cence.

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    and 7,700 part-time students, our

    college offers affordability andcloseness to home, Johnson says.

    aIatION, PhaRmac PROGRamS

    Another nearby highereducation institution, ElizabethCity State University, offers aDoctor of Pharmacy degree as abranch campus for the Universityof North Carolinas EshelmanSchool of Pharmacy.

    We are known for outstanding

    signature programs pharmacyand aviation, says WillieGilchrist, ECSU chancellor. Aswe continue our mission, theuniversity, region and state willcontinue to elevate higher andemerge stronger in both fields.

    aN aRRa OF hIGheR ed OPtIONS

    Northeast North Carolina isalso home to several Christian

    universities, including Chowan

    University and Mid-AtlanticChristian University. ChowanUniversity has 63 academicprograms, and Mid-AtlanticChristian University, which isknown for being military-friendly,offers degrees for students interestedin ministry as well as scholarshipsfor military students and veterans.

    The region also boasts a strongcommunity college network thatincludes Beaufort County

    Community College, HalifaxCommunity College, College ofthe Albemarle, Roanoke-ChowanCommunity College and MartinCommunity College, which isknown for its two-year equinetraining program.

    Students in Northeast NorthCarolina have a lot of greatacademic options, College ofthe Ablemarles Johnson says.

    te Nr Crn se

    indr Eenn Prgr ffer

    wrfrce rnng nd rerce

    fr ndre, ncdng:

    Process imProvement: len

    nfcrng, e cre nd

    fce ngeen, ec

    prbe ng, ndr

    engneerng, new prdc


    standards and comPliance

    assistance: iso ndrd, osha

    rnng, enrnen e

    nd fe cpnce rnng

    business e xcellence, benchmarking,

    growth and innovation: Bne

    een, ced

    e-ernng n, epr


    links to university exPertise:

    tecng ncbr, epere

    n engneerng, nr rerce,

    fd cence, ec.

    workforce training at north carolina state university

    56 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 57

    Quality Service On-Time Delivery

    P.O. Box 29 518-C Coke Ave. Edenton, NC 27932

    (252) 482-7925 T (252) 482-2990 F

    This is our unwavering commitment to you; a simple, yet effective

    plan that equals a successful project every time.

    Contact: Dave Goss

    Half mile from U.S. Route 17

    One-hour drive to Port of Virginia/Hampton Roads

    Site includes 70-acre state-owned Marine Industrial

    Park on Perquimans River

    Qualifying projects may be eligible for

    North Carolina and local incentives

    200+ acres still available

    Perquimans County Commerce Centre


    A student works on repairing an

    airplane in the College of theAlbemarles Aircraft Maintenance

    Technology program.

    Elizabeth City State University is a

    branch campus for the University

    of North Carolinas Eshelman School

    of Pharmacy.
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    58 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    Nags Head is one of several communities

    along the Outer Banks that attract visitorswith its relaxed waterfront lifestyle.

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    N c N O R t h e a S t e R N e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t . c O m 59

    utoor fun, oreou eae an reae

    atmoere entie tourit, neomer

    attracting a wide range ofpeople with varying interests both residents and tourists,

    young families as well as retirees Northeast North Carolinas appealcontinues to grow.

    According to Anita Johnson, vicepresident of project development

    for North Carolinas NortheastCommission, its because of thelifestyle the region offers.

    Because we dont have a densepopulation, we get to avoid traffic

    jams, so we have less stress in ourdaily routine, she says. Living ina small town, you see people overand over again, which enhancesthe sense of community andcreates personal connections.

    ROOm tO Ie aNd Pa

    Affordable, beautiful homes,located on the water or on one of

    the many golf courses in the area,lure newcomers. The regionsproximity to I-95 makes it apopular stop for snowbirds andfamilies headed to Florida, andmany who visit the area end upmoving into one of its residentialcommunities, including Albemarle

    Plantation, Scotch Hall Preserve,The Pines at Elizabeth City andKilmarlic Golf Club.

    They are tucked away, so youdont always notice them fromthe highways, says CharlotteUnderwood, tourism director forthe Elizabeth City Area Convention& Visitors Bureau and chair ofNortheast Tourism (NET). Peoplecome from all over to live in ourneighborhoods.

    In addition to gorgeous viewsalong rivers, sounds and theAtlantic Ocean, the water provides

    Slow P,

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    sr bJessica Walker





  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    60 N O R t h c a R O I N a S N O R t h e a S t R e G I O N a e c O N O m I c d e e O P m e N t G I d e

    the ouer Banks are bes knwn fr heir wrld-class beaches (p) and quain islands like ocracke (bm).



  • 8/4/2019 North Carolina's Northeast Region Economic Development Guide 2011


    the opportunity for fun activitiesthat cant be enjoyed just anywhere.

    You can jet ski, canoe, kayak,sail, fish or dive, Underwood says.Whether you prefer freshwater orsaltwater, we have plenty of thingsto do on the water.

    the OteR baNKS

    With the water comes beachesand islands, both of which theOuter Banks are famous for. Oneof its most popular attractions isOcracoke Island, known as thePearl of the Outer Banks.

    People on Ocracoke Islandare very relaxed, and when yougo there for a vacation, youbecome relaxed also, Johnsonsays. Its not crowded, and its

    a little less populated. You dontsee skyscrapers or big hotels; its

    just natural landscaping andbeautiful scenery.

    Some of the best board surfing,fishing and beachcombing on theEast Coas