North Korean Human Experiments

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Presentation about human experiments going on in North Korea


North Korean Human Experiments

2004 BBC Report● In 2004 BBC journalists interviewed a North

Korean woman. A former prisoner who stated the truth about what happens in North Korean prisons all over the country. Human experiments with the use of bio-chemical weapons. She said that 50 women were chosen to eat poisoned cabbage even though they could hear the screams of the people that went before them. They were afraid for their families.

Kwon Hyok● Kwon Hyok was a former Head of security at

Prison Camp 22. A prison which was fully equipped with poison gas, suffocation gas, and medical staff which took care of blood experiments. Usually members of a family would be taken together in to a small room were the three or four of them would be subject to a poisonous gas which would lead to a slow and painful death. A shocking fact is that while the children were dying, the parents breathed into their mouth, just to keep the alive.

Lee Soon Ok and others

● Lee was one of not many who escaped from life imprisonment from a camp close to the Chinese border. As a witness, she stated about human experiments which led to the death of prisoners. All of this was backed up by a series of satellite photos of the prison in which she was kept.

● Ahn Mtung Chul recollected on how prisoners were used for young doctors who used the prisoners for test operations. The prisoners would be operated, without anesthetics,

Camp 22-Satellite Photo

Camp 22

● Camp 22 is North Korea's biggest concentration camp, located in Haengyong, close to the border of Russia and China. It is a place where a thousand men, women and children are held. Accused of political crimes, they are subject to an even worse crime. Human experimentation. Families are killed in glass rooms, watched by army officials, medical staff and other prisoners.

Bio-chemical missiles

● One thing that is for certain is that the gases and viruses the test on the prisoners, are with no doubt used in missiles. Hundreds of missiles of mass destruction filled with viruses and gases which cause painful death.


● I myself am shocked by what is going on in North Korea. The truth is that the majority of North Korea's people would want to do something about it but living in such an indoctrinated country makes it hard. Anyone who is seen as opposing the government is sent to prison, tortured and finally killed. Everyday children are taught to hate America and all of its people, not knowing about what is going on in hundreds of empty cities, turned into prisons and places of mass murder.

● 'It would be a total lie for me to say I feel sympathetic about the children dying such a painful death. Under the society and the regime I was in at the time, I only felt that they were the enemies. So I felt no sympathy or pity for them at all.' Kwon Hyuk – Former Head of Security at Camp 22