Northwest Canada BBG Release (Nov-Dec)

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Release for months of Nov-Dec




Northwest Canada B’nai Brith Girls # 87


Pg. 1 – Message from your Regional N’siah

Pg. 2 – LTI packing list & Penny Pal Chair Application Form

Pg. 3 – General Applicant Form

Pg. 4-6 - Regional Chai-Lights

Pg. 7-9 – International Initiative For NWC:

Membership Maccabia, Havurah Calls &

International Convetion Themes!

Elli Maxine Hanson

104 Wolf Ridge Place Edmonton, AB, T5T 5M9

H: 780-444-7161 C: 780-990-2522 F: 780-484-0725


Volume Two

November/December 2008


Regional N’siah of the Northwest Canada

B’nai Brith Girls…

Elli Maxine Hanson

Northwest Canada Bnai Brith Girls #87

My Sister B’nai Brith Girls,

It astonishes me how quickly this year has begun, but the enthusiasm and spirit being exuded from our region, I’m proud to say, does not surprise me in the least bit! Every program I attend, BBG’s are learning more about themselves, their peers, their chapter, and the order. I’m so proud to be a part of this divine region, NWC, and even more proud to call every one of you BBG’s, my sister. I recently attended Edmonton BBG’s BBG Shabbat and sleepover. As we all sat by candle light taking part in a serious and self reflective sisterhood program, my first fourth-year realization hit me; how much I have gained from this organization of BBG. We were being asked questions to quiz ourselves about self-confidence, insecurities, and regrets. I was told to write my insecurities on a small piece of paper, which would later be discarded. As I sat there and contemplated what I could write, I realized that if it had been my first year of BBYO, I would have had a long list of items of which I felt self conscious about. However after all these years of sisterhood and self-reflection programming, I realized that I had nothing left in me to write. I finally understood the massive appreciation I have gained for my own body, my own mind, and my own spirit, all through BBG programs such as these. Whether it was truly the candle-lit programs, or just part of growing up, I know that the confidence I have gained from these four crucial years in this order is something that will stay with me my entire life.

As you all know, our next Regional event is coming up very soon! The Leadership Training Institute, to be coordinated by Sareet Handman, and Mikey Finestone, is undoubtedly going to be an exciting convention that you wont soon forget! Come join your brother Alephs and sister BBG’s at the Quality Inn Hotel, in Calgary, Alberta from November 28-30. If you are already registered, and just brimming with excitement I’m sure, I have included for your convenience a thorough and complete packing list on the following page!

As many of you may have heard, registration for the much-anticipated International Convention is now open! Further on in my release you will find an entire International Initiatives section, packed with IC information, Registration tips, as well as many other exciting international events that Northwest Canada Region will be taking part in!

And without further a due, I’m finally proud to announce your Regional Chairwomen for the 2008-2009 programming term…

Regional Sunshine Girl Jenna Newton!! Regional Mind Body Attitude Chairwoman Paulina Volovodovsky!! Regional Save The Sisterhood Chairwoman Caylin Holtzman!!

Congratulations to each of these fine BBG’s! You are bright youth leaders in our region, and your chapters are very proud of you for taking on this regional role! And Happy Chanukkah to all of you fine BBG’s of Northwest Canada Region #87!

Eternally Submitted With Undying Love For…

My family who always supports me, new beginnings, my home Ahava #1461, my even bigger home of the Northwest Canada B’nai Brith Girls,

and every past, present, and future BBG who comprises her…

I Remain, Elli Maxine Hanson

49th Regional N’siah of the Northwest Canada B’nai Brith Girls #87 2008-2009

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penny pal chairwoman As decided at Fallboards Convention this year, we will once again have a

Regional Chairwoman to assist our Regional Gizborit with the penny project! As we enter our eighth year of the penny project, we are faced with the task of making many important decisions, and are looking for

some assistance in making this project a reality. If you have great passion towards the penny project and feel you can make a difference, this may just be the position for you! You will be expected to work closely with Regional Gizborit Victoria Murphy, encourage members in new and innovative ways to collect pennies, and help count and roll pennies. This Chairwoman will be appointed by myself and your Regional

Gizborit Victoria Murphy.

1. What’s your vision for the completion of this project? 2. What education do you have about the Holocaust, and what

connection do you feel towards this tragic turn in history? 3. Why do you feel you are most qualified for this position?

Please accompany this application with the applicant information form found on page 11 of the release, after the ACT application. Thank you!

Leadership Training Institute Convention Packing Checklist

Calgary, Alberta: October 28-30, 2008

Coordinated By: Sareet Handman & Mikey Finestone

3 Outfits (pants, top, sweater/sweatshirt, underwear, socks, bra, belt) Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, face wash, deodorant) Make-up? (Not necessary… but I understand you may want it) Contacts or Glasses; Menstruation Products? (Is it that time of

month…?) PJ’s! (Don’t forget your stuffed animal either) Costumes and Food for the Business Meeting! Money for the Regional Fundraiser (Bring approximately $20)

APPLICATIONS All applications must be accompanied by this form!! Fold it separately from your applications so that the applications will remain anonymous. Remember to Answer your questions on a separate piece of paper. Make it extremely creative, and send it to me before the specified due date. Good luck ladies! Due Dates: (Late applications will not be accepted, so don’t be late!!) Penny Pal Chairwoman – Friday December 5, 2008 I, _______________________________________________, wish to apply for the position of

___________________________________________. If selected, it is my full intention to

commit to this position, with the utmost dedication and creativity. If chosen I

understand that I am making a promise to NWC BBG, and will be expected to work with

all BBYO staff and fellow members.

Home #:_______________________ Cell #:_________________________

Chapter:_______________________ Year in BBYO:__________________

Conventions Attended:___________________________________________________________




Positions Held:_________________________________________________________________





Elli Maxine Hanson 104 Wolf Ridge Place

Edmonton, AB T5T 5M9

Cell: 780 990 2522 Home: 780 444 7161 Fax: 780 484 0725

Chai­Lights Volume3

Heshvan-Kislev November

Brother Alephs , Sister BBGs:

We’ll Alas it seems we have stumbled upon a month that is simply deprived of jewish heritage… its too late for Sukkot and too early for Channukah…. It’s too warm for snow pants but too cold for shorts….Its too single for boyfriends and too taken for single, it seems that alas we have found ourselves in our transitional time, an inbetweeny if you will… … It feels as though November is going through an identity crisis. It is as though it simply can’t understand what its role is in the calendar or in NWC? Should we cancel November? Sell it off to the secular calendar, never to hear from it again? Should we simply honor those who fought in World War I and II on November the eleventh and move on? That way we are never faced with the idea of what to do with empty November ever again? No ladies, no gents, we can’t, we must not alienate November simply because it is barren! We must discover ourselves and inevitably November will become a time of discovery. In a society that focuses on the identity of a collective and the conformity of assimilations is seems as though we sacrifice our own identity for the sake of the joining the masses. It is important that as members of NWC and a broader society we are each able to discover the person that we are meant to be and not the person we are made out to be. Inevitably this challenge will stretch far beyond the confines of 30 days but is a lifelong journey waiting to be walked. Are you creative? Are you a leader? Are you a follower? Are you a jock, an artist, a scholar, or none of the above? Are you an open book or a closed chapter? Are you outgoing or laid back? It is crutial that as the future leaders of tomorrow we understand who we are to day and were we are going. Don’t get nervous if your future and your present remain hazy, as with the constant evolution of our day to day life the only thing we can count on is that things will change. Nothing is ever certain. By simply uncovering your values and virtues you can begin to build a foundation to climb towards the person you are capable/want to become.

Fraternal ly Sumitted with undying love for :

“People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.”

We Remain, Joel Abraham Zimmerman & Zoe Miriam Polsky

49th Regional Sh’laichim

Chai­Lights Volume4

Kislev- Tevet December

Brother Alephs , Sister BBGs:

The snow is illuminated under the street lamps and your woollies tickle your frozen toes after coming in after a day on the slopes. The hustle and bustle of December is glittered with excitement and holiday cheer! You’ve got Chanukah, you got Christmas, you don’t have christmikkah cuz sorry team, it doesn’t exist. But on the plus side… Kwanza is just around the corner! This month the puzzle piece that has yet to be put into place to build Teekun Olum is giving! Now everyone loves a little holiday pick me up but in this edition of the Chai- Lights we are not talking about the giving of materialistic items, we are talking about the giving of spirit. Generosity of spirit is a gift of longevity, it will still be in style long after Uggs are considered passay, and a gift that someone will truly remember and appreciate long after the holiday season has come and gone. Giving of yourself doesn’t have to be expensive nor does it require you changing the world drastically, it’s about telling your sick friend that they look pretty even if they look under the weather, its telling your best friend that everything will turn out alright even if you are uncertain, and its appreciating everything around you even when it feels like there is nothing worth appreciating. In correspondence to giving, this month we are also focusing on family ( what a double whammy!). When one thinks of family, our minds traditional portray a traditional nuclear family of mother, father, sister brother. But in reality family goes far beyond a blood line and traces you back into comforting territory. You can love your best friend so they become your brother or sister, you can turn to an alternative role model for your mother or father figure; because in reality you have the ability to choose your family, even though family chooses you. It is those undeniable people in your life who harbor your deepest secrets; you’re most sacred trust, your unconditional love that you find yourself calling your sister or brother. B.B.Y.O can act as a place of family routings, we must appreciate the opportunity we have to start a family with our brothers and sisters here and never take for granted the friendships we have sparked.

Chanukah (Dec. 22-29):We all know the fairytale version about Anteoches and the maccabees miraculous victory over his evil anti-Semitic empire, and then the temple only had enough oil to burn for one day but it burned for eight whole days … ya day a da ya da! I am really sorry to ruin this for you but unfortunately none of that ever happened. The true story of Chanukah was that after Anteoches invaded with his empire and the Jews were forced to fight during sukkot and shmini Atzeret, so they couldn’t celebrate one of the most important holidays of the year. So after themiraculous victory they had to celebrate sukkot for seven days and one extra day for shmini Atzeret, thus we arrive on the eight days of Chanukah. But light those candles, spin those dreidels, eat those latkes and make those memories!

Chai­Lights Volume4

Christmas (Dec.25): Mary was a virgin yet an angel had come down to her and told her that she would be having a special boy, this was just no mama’s boy , this was gods son and his name would be Jesus. So she and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem but everywhere they went there was no room for them so she had god’s son in a barn, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger of hay. Jesus is the mashiach of Christianity so this was a very significant day. Unfortunately a couple years later the story doesn’t end well but Christmas is one of the holiest days of the year for the Christian Mashiach was born.

Kwanzaa (Dec.26-Jan.1): Kwanzaa originated in the 1960’s during the human rights movement of equality. It was created to help African Americans appreciate their heritage and provide them with stronger ties to their African roots. The name Kwanzaa is derived from a Swahili phrase meaning first fruit. Kwanzaa has seven main principals unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, coorportive economics, purpose, creativity, faith.

Hajj (Dec. 8): an annual Muslim pilgrimage made to Mecca. Mecca is considered to be the holiest city in the Muslim belief. It is believed that the prophet Muhammad declared the birth of Islam in Mecca. This pilgrimage is one of the five pillars of Islam and must be completed at least once.

Al-Hijra (dec.29): the Islamic new year! It marks the first date on the Islamic calendar year and the day Muhammad went forth to the city of Medina.

Bohdi Day (dec.8): is thought to be the day that Budha experienced a deeper meditaion or enlightenment. It is believed that on this day Budha found the root of suffering and attempted to relieve himself of suffering. Many cultures believe that he then vowed to try and uncover the root of suffering on earth and heal it, while other cultures believe that he simple meditated into a heavenly state.

Fraternal ly Submitted with Undying Love for :

Sox, hats, mittens, scarves, candles, menorahs, giving, taking, latkahs, having your clothes smell like latkahs after your house smells like latkahs.

We Remain,

Joel Abraham Zimmerman & Zoe Miriam Polsky

49th Regional Sh’lichim

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GIRLS The following are International BBYO goals and events which our region, NWC, will be taking part in, or attempting to reach for the

2008-2009 programming term!

Step 1… Join B-Linked!!

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2008 Themes!as voted upon by the BBG Execs at August XX 2008

BBG Oratory 2008

BBG Storytelling 2008

Who are the true heroes of the Holocaust — the victims, the soldiers,

the righteous gentiles, or the survivors?

Life after marrying an Aleph.

V’ahavta: To Love and Be Loved

2008 Themes!as voted upon by the BBG Execs at August XX 2008

Who are the true heroes of the Holocaust — the victims, the soldiers,

the righteous gentiles, or the survivors?

Life after marrying an Aleph.

V’ahavta: To Love and Be Loved


International Convention (IC) is an incredibly motivating and important program which we hope you can attend. This year, IC rotates locations to the great state of New Jersey

for February 2009! We will be hosted by Greater Jersey Hudson River Region, South Jersey Region, Big Apple Region and Nassau Suffolk Region!


1. Go to 2. Log in with your email, or create an account for yourself. 3. Scroll down to choose the icon “Register for IC 2009 Today” on your “My Home” page

( 4. On the IC Event page, scroll down to choose the “Register Now!” icon 5. Enter all your information including payment information…

Congratulations! You are registered for International Convention 2008!


Below you will find theme’s for two BBG spirit events at International Convention 2008! If you feel you can offer International BBYO something special from our Northwest Canada Region, and wish to be selected to give either the Regions Oratory, or Story,

please email me as soon as possible with your choice, and your reasons why think you will be an excellent candidate from our Region!

Step 3…HAVURAH What is Havurah? Havurah is a grassroots effort to contribute Jewish learning throughout the programming year. Each lesson will be presented to members across the order via voluntary conference calls taking place on the first Tuesday or every month. Lessons will be based upon upcoming Jewish holidays and Judaic issues that relate to BBYO teens. A special guest such as a Rabbi or Jewish leader as well as staff members will be invited to participate in each call.

What is my role? Led by the Grand Aleph Shaliach, Mike Rosenberg, and the International Sh’licha, Taylor Kent, the conference calls are an effort to engage more Jewish teens in discussions about religion in their everyday lives. REGIONAL POLICY BOARD ONLY: As a Regional Exec. We not only hope that you participate in the calls, but that you also encouragemembers of your region, council, and chapter to become active participants. International’s hope is to eventually see Havurah cals on a smaller scale, led by members-at-large in their respective communities.

When is the next call? Tuesday, December 2nd, at 6 pm Mountain Time! To join call 1-219-509-8111 And enter code: 646652. The topic of this call is the American-Jewish/Israeli relationship. The following are resources you can use to read about the topic prior to the call… These are the Touro Letters. They were written to and by President Washington at the time of the creation of the USA. This is a very good artical about the over all histroy of the Jewish people living in the USA. AIPAC is the largest Pro-Israel lobby in the USA. A director from AIPAC will be joining us on the call.

“Who knew that dialing a few simple digits and logging into a global conference call could further connect me not only to my own jewish identity

but also to the idenity of jews around the world? On november 5th i participated in an

internationtional Havurah call and confronted issues such as the jewish identity in america as well pluralistic zionism. It was incredible to be

amidst a heated forum with jewish teens spanning from Nashville Tennasse, to the big

apple. I encourage all of my fellow brothers and sisters to participate in international calls and try global judaism on for size.” – Your Regional

Sh’licha Zoe Polsky