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Philosophical Review

NotesSource: The Philosophical Review, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Mar., 1905), pp. 260-264Published by: Duke University Press on behalf of Philosophical ReviewStable URL: .

Accessed: 14/05/2014 13:07

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NOTES. On the occasion of the seventieth birthday of Professor George H.

Howison, of the University of California, he was presented with a Fest- schrzft, containing the following papers by his former students: (I) " The Summum Bonum," by Evander Bradley McGilvary; (II) " The Essentials of Human Faculty," by Sidney Edward Mezes; (III) "Some Scientific Apologies for Evil," by George Malcolm Stratton; (IV) "Pragmatism and the a f5riori," by Charles Henry Rieber; (V) " Latter-Day Flowing-Phi- losophy," by Charles Montague Bakewell; " Some Problems in Evolution and Education," by Ernest Norton Henderson; " Philosophy and Science in the Study of Education," by Jesse Dismukes Burks; " The Dialectic of Bruno and Spinoza," by Arthur 0. Lovejoy; " The Logic of Self-Reali- zation," by Henry W. Stuart; " Utility and the Accepted Type," by Theo- dore de Laguna; " A Theory of the Syllogism," by Knight Dunlap; "The Basal Principle of Truth-Evaluation," by Harry A. Overstreet.

The Kuno Fischer Preisstf(tung, in Heidelberg, has accumulated a fund that now amounts to Io, 5oo marks. It is proposed to give a prize of I,8oo marks every five years to the best work written in the general field of the history of philosophy.

Dr. Max Wentscher, of the University of Bonn, has been called as Pro- fessor Extraordinarius to the University of Konigsberg.

Dr. S. S. Laurie, Emeritus Professor of Education in the University of Edinburgh, and author of a number of philosophical works, has been ap- pointed Gifford Lecturer at that university for the years i905-I907.

At the Philadelphia meeting of the American Psychological Association, Professor Mary Whiton Calkins, of Wellesley College, was elected Presi- dent for the ensuing year, and Professor W. H. Davis, of Lehigh Univer- sity, was made Secretary-Treasurer.

We give below a list of the articles, etc., in the current philosophical periodicals:

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, XVI, I: J. R. Jewell, The Psychology of Dreams: L. J. Martin, Psychology of Aesthetics; A. F. Chamberlain, Primitive Hearing and 'Hearing-Words'; E. J. Swft, Memory of a Skillful Act; Literature.

THE PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW, XII, I: W1iiZam James, President's Ad- dress: The Experience of Activity; T. H. Haines and J. C. Williams, The Relation of Perceptive and Revived Mental Material, as shown by the Subjective Control of Visual After-Images; G. All. Stratton, From the Uni- versity of California Psychological Laboratory: VII, J. E. Brand, The


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N7OTES. 261

Effect of Verbal Suggestion upon the Estimation of Linear Magnitudes; VIII, G. S. Manchester, Experiments on the Unreflective Ideas of Men and Women.

THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN, 1, I3: Warner File, The Logic of the Color-Element Theory; Psychological Literature; Books Received; Notes and News; Journals; Indexes.

II, I: J. A. Bergstrom, Spring Suspension for Laboratory Motors; Meet- ing of the North Central Section of the American Psychological Associa- tion; Psychological Literature; Books Received; Notes and News.

MIND, 53: H. H. Joachiim, 'Absolute' and 'Relative' Truth; J. H. Leuba, On the Psychology of a Group of Christian Mystics; I; W. B. Josethh, Professor James on ' Humanism and Truth' ; Alfred Sidgwick, Applied Axioms; R. A. P. Rogers, The Meaning of the Time-Direction; H Mac Coll, Symbolic Reasoning (VI); Discussions; Critical Notices; New Books; Philosophical Periodicals; Notes.

MONIST, XI, I: Henri Poincare, The Principles of Mathematical Phys- ics; W. B. Smith, Meaning of the Epithet Nazorean; C. L. Herrzck, The Passing of Scientific Materialism; W. Birney, Did the Monks Preserve the Latin Classics? A. HI Gunlogsen, Icelandic Literature; Editor, The Chris- tian Doctrine of Resurrection; A. J. Edmunds, An Ancient Moslem Ac- count of Christianity; Infinitude as a Philosophical Problem; Literary Correspondence -France; Criticisms and Discussions; Book Reviews.

THE JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, AND SCIENTIFIC METHODS, I, 25: William James, The Pragmatic Method; Reviews and Abstracts of Literature; Journals and New Books; Notes and News.

I, 26: J. A. Leighton, On the Metaphysical Significance of Relations; Discussion; Reviews and Abstracts of Literature; Notes and News; Index to Volume 1.

II, I: B. C. Ewer, The Idea of Possibility; F. E. Lutz, Biometry; Discussion; Reviews and Abstracts of Literature; Journals and New Books; Notes and News.

II, 2: William James, The Thing and its Relations; Societies; Notes and News.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, XV, 2: J. A. Hobson, The Ethics of Gambling; A. P. Dennis, The Political and Ethical Aspects of Lynch- ing; James Seth, The Relation of the Ethical to the iEsthetical Element in Literature; H. Berkowitz, The Moral Training of the Young among the Jews; J. Olithant, The Mariage de Convenance in France; C. J. Good- win, Carlyle's Ethics; George Rebec, Pleasure, Idealism, and Truth in Art; Alfred Leffingwell, The Vivisection Problem; Book Reviews.

HIBBERT JOURNAL, III, I: Sir Oliver Lodge, Sin; J. H. Muirhead, The Discussion between Sir Oliver Lodge and the Bishop of Rochester; A

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Cathozic Priest, A Catholic Comment on The Re-interpretation of Christian Doctrine; E. G. Gardner, Dante; H. Goodwin Smith, The Triumph of Erasmus in Modern Protestantism; F. C. S. Schiller, Dreams and Ideal- ism; C. B. Wheeler, The Ten Commandments; W. Manning, The De- grading of the Priesthood in the Church of England; P. Gardner, M. Alfred Loisy's Type of Catholicism; W. F. Adeney, The Gospel Accord- ing to the Hebrews; Discussions; Reviews.

III, 2: A. 7. Innes, The Creed -Crisis in Scotland; John Watson, The Church Crisis in Scotland; W. A. Pickard- Cambridge, The Christ of Dogma and the Christ of Experience; G. W Allen, A Plea for Mysticism; N. Howard, The Warp of the World; C. J. Keyser, The Universe and Beyond; Sir Oliver Lodge, Mind and Matter; K. Lake, The New Sayings of Jesus; C. J. Shebbeare, The Inner Meaning of Liberal Theology; B. W. Bacon, The Johannine Problem; Discussions; Reviews; Bibliography of Recent Literature.

ARCHIV FUR GESCHICHTE DER PHILOSOPHIE, XI, 2: Otto Buek, Die Atomistik und Faradays Begriff der Materie; Paul Sakmann, Voltaire als Philosoph; W. 6bele, Herder und Tetens; H Derenbourg, Le commen- taire arabe d'Averroes sur quelques petits ecrits physiques d'Aristote; Lorenzo Michelangelo, Vetilles d'un lecteur de Platon; Karl Jungrnann, Die IGeschichte der Philosophie' am zweiten philosophischen Kongress in Genf; Jahresbericht.

ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHILOSOPHIE UND PHILOSOPHISCHE KRITIK, CXXV, 2: Julius Bergmrann, Das VerhaItnis des Fiihlens, des Begehrens, und des Wollens zum Vorstellen und Bewusstsein; A. Hoffnmann, Zur geschicht- lichen Bedeutung der Naturphilosophie Spinozas; Chr. D. Pflaum, Be- richt uber die italienische philosophische Litteratur des Jahres I902Q; Re- censionen; Notizen; Neu eingegangene Schriften; Aus Zeitschriften.

ARCHIV FUR SYSTEMATISCHE PHILOSOPHIE, X, 4: Chr. D. Pfaum, Die Aufgabe wissenschaftlicher Asthetik; Richard Skala, Ober die Verwechs- lung des sinnlich Angenehmen mit den Kunsteindriicken und einige andere Folgen der sogenannten empirischen Asthetik; Bruno Stern, Gerechtig- keit; Hermann Staejs, Das Problem der Willensfreiheit vom Standpunkte des Sollens; Jahresbericht.


XXXVI, 5 u. 6: G. Heymans, Eine Enquete uiber Depersonalisation und 'Fausse Reconnaissance'; J. ErObes, Ein Beitrag uiber die .sogenannten Vergleichungen iibermerklicher Empfindungsunterschiede (Schluss); Kon- rad Lange, Uber die Methode der Kunstphilosophie; H. J. Watt, Uber Assoziationsreaktionen die auf optische Reizworte erfolgen; AM. Straulb, Uber monokulares kbrperliches Sehen nebst Beschreibung eines als monokulares Stereoskop benutzten Stroboskopes; A. Samojlofq, Zwei akustische Demon- strationen; Literaturbericht.

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No. 2.] NOTES. 263

XXXVII, I U. 2: Wilhelmn Trendelenburg, Quantitative Untersuchungen uiber die Bleichung des Sehpurpurs in Monochromatischem Licht; P. EAfi- russi, Experimentelle Beitrige zur Lehre vom Gedachtnis; Gunni Busck, Ober farbige Lichtfilter; Besprechungen; Literaturbericht.

REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE, XII, 6: H. Bergson, La para- logisme psycho-physiologique; P. Boutroux, Su} la notion de correspond- ance dans l'analyse mathematique; H. Delacroix, Sur la structure logique du reve; Hartmann, Definition physique de la force; X. Leon, Fichte contre Schelling; F. Rauh, Sur la position du problem du libre arbitre; Comptes rendus critiques; Table des matieres; Supplement.

REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE, XXIX, I2: F. Paulhan, L' immorality de 1 art: J. Delvaille, La vie sociale; Brenier de AMon/morand, Les mystiques en dehors de 1'extase; La philosophic et la psychologie au Congres de Cam- bridge, par N. Vascizide; Le J~e Congres international d'histoire des religions, par F. Picavet; Dugas, Les travaux sur la memoire affective; Analyses et comptes rendus; Revue des periodiques strangers; Livres nouveaux; Table des matieres.

XXX, I: A. Fouji/ke, La raison pure pratique doit-elle etre critiquee? G. S?zi/eer, De la methode dans les recherches des lois de 1' ethique; Vernon Lee, Essais d'esthetique empirique: l'individu devant l'ceuvre d'art (jer article); G. Richard, Le conflit de la sociologie et de la morale philos- ophique; Analyses et comptes rendus; Observations et documents; Revue des periodiques strangers; Ve Congres international de Psychologie; Necrologie; Livres nouveaux.

REVUE NEO-SCOLASTIQUE, XI, 4: C. Alibert, Valeur educative de la discipline scolastique; A. de Wuif, Un preux de la parole au XIIc siecle: Godefroid de Fontaines; C. Domnet de Vorges, L'estimative; A. Decan/, Les psychonevroses: Th. Go/lier, Revue d'ethnographie (suite et fin); A. Pe/zer, Le mouvement neo-thomiste; Bulletin de l'Institut de Philosophie; Comptes-rendus; Ouvrages envoys "a la redaction; Table des matiere; pour I904.

REVUE DE PHILOSOPHIE, IV, I2: P. li/gnon, L' atmosphere meta- physique des sciences naturelles; P. Duhem, La theorie physique: VIII, L'exp6rience de physique; Ch. Huit, Les notions d'infini et de parfait; Revue generate; Etude critique et discussion; Analyses et comptes rendus; L'enseignement philosophique.

JOURNAL DE PSYCHOLOGIE NORMALE ET PATHOLOGIQUE, II, I : Roy et Jzque/ier, Aphasie motrice "a repetition chez une morphinomane; Dronard, Psychologie comparee de quelques manifestations motrices designees com- munement sous le nom de 'tics' ; A La/ande, La conscience des mots dans le langage; Bibliographie.

RIVISTA DI FILOSOFIA E SCIENZE AFFINI, II, 5-6: R. Ardzgb, Pen- sare; Iderm, Volere; G. Brune/li, I1 concetto di individuo in biologia;

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G. Allara, Coscienza, sentiments dell'io, autocoscienza; G. Calb, Del preteso paralogismo di Melisso di Samo; Rassegna di filosofia scientifica; Rassegna di pedagogia; Analisi e cenni; Comunicazioni; Notizie; Indice degli articoli originali; Sommari di Riviste.

RIvISTA FILOSOFICA, VII, 5: G. Zuccante, Siul concetto del bene in Socrate a proposito del suo asserito utilitarismo (fine); A. Grop5ghali, La funzione pratica della filosofia del diritto (fine); F. Can/ella, Giacome Leo- ardi e Max Stirner; E. Morselli, Societa' e Ideale Etico; Rassegna biblio- grafica; Notizie e pubblicazioni; Lettera dal Peru al nostro Direttore; Sommari delle reviste straniere; Libri ricevuti; Indice dell'annata.

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