Notice, agenda and minutes if meeting

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Notice, Agenda & Minutes of Meeting

Notice (defined)

A notice is a written or printed news usually displayed publicly.

A notice can also be defined as a format designed to convey the same information to a number of different people.


Note1: we issue notices to inform, advertise, instruct and warn.

Note2: notices are displayed at public places such as railway stations, bus stands, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities, govt. offices etc.

Qualities of a good notice

An effective notice: Should be accurate, clear, concise and decisive. Uses correct, unambiguous, appropriate and polite

language. Has short words and sentences. Uses an attractive layout Carries separate paragraph for each separate idea

and numbering of paragraph for better understanding of the reader.

Qualities of a good notice

Be reader-friendly – appealing, convincing and understandable.

Uses paper that is large enough for the message but not too large for the notice board.

Is typed in a manner that it could be read easily from a distance.

Notice for convening a meeting

A notice for convening a meeting contains following items.

Name of organization Place of meeting Date and time of meeting Type of meeting (e.g. committee meeting,

annual general meeting etc.) Purpose of meeting

Notice for convening a meeting

NoteThe notice is circulated to the members and

those who are supposed to attend the meeting and sent within reasonable time, generally two weeks in advance.

Agenda (defined)

Agenda is an official list of things to be done or dealt with at a particular meeting.

An agenda is a list/programme of items to be discussed at a meeting.

NoteAn agenda is generally prepared by the Secretary of the

organization/committee in consultation with the chairperson and distributed to the members before the meeting.

An agenda is signed by the Secretary

Writing agenda (hints)

Make a list of those, who will attend the meeting. Make a list of items/subjects to be discussed in the

meeting. Note the purpose of including a topic in the agenda.

The motive may be seeking information, brainstorming, discussion, making a decision etc.

Writing agenda (hints)

Don’t include inappropriate points/items. Note which people are related to which topic. Make a possible list of objectives for the

meeting and review the agenda according to those objectives.

Writing agenda (hints)

(finalizing agenda) Chose only one are two objectives unless absolutely

essential. Make a final list of people and topics according to

objectives. Arrange the topics in logical order. Estimate time for each topic. Arrange the items according to urgency and


Standard format of agenda

1. Heading: the name of the body holding the meeting, place of the meeting, date and time of the meeting

2. Apologies for absence3. Minutes of previous meeting4. Matters arising: only minor items

Standard format of agenda

5. Special items: those items on agenda which have origin in the following:

a. Minutes of the previous meetingb. Items received from the membersc. Correspondenced. Action taken and events from the last meetinge. The chairperson and other officers

Standard format of agenda

6. Correspondence: related to particular item of business

7. Any other business: it’s necessary to give members a chance to discuss matters arising after the agenda was prepared.

8. Date of next meeting: the date convenient to majority of members is chosen

Types of agenda

Skeletal agenda and More informative agendaDifference Skeletal agenda uses terse (cryptic)

language. Phrases and not sentences used in this type of agenda.

In more informative agenda both phrases and sentences are used.

Language used in agenda

Four important features of language used in agenda:

Brevity or economy Clarity Informativeness relevance

Why agenda is necessary?

Fruitful meetings keep organization moving. (no decisions can be made from loosely organizes meetings.)

If a meeting has well planned agenda or a definite purpose, then it will be fruitful otherwise, it would be a waste of time.

Main advantages of agenda

Confirms the date, time and place of meeting Directs the course of meeting Prevents digressions (diversions) Gives members time to think, form or seek

opinion or collect information Presents manageable list of items Helps members to come to a consensus.

Minutes (of meeting)

Definition The official record of discussion held and

decisions taken at a meeting are called as minutes.

Note: the minutes are generally written by the secretary of the committee, who holds the meeting and signed by both the secretary and the chairperson.

Contents of minutes

The main points of discussion, The conclusion reached, The recommendations made and The tasks assigned to individual members

and groups.

Importance of minutes

Minutes serve as an aid to memory. Minutes provide a basis for action. Minutes also act as a means of informing the

absent members, about the discussion held and decisions taken in the meeting.

Types of minutes

1. Action minutes,2. Narrative minutes and 3. Resolution minutes

Types of minutes

Action minutes:this type of minutes give an account of what is to be done according to decisions taken in the meeting.

Types of minutes

Narrative minutes:This type of minutes give a full account of the proceedings of the meeting.

Types of minutes

Resolution minutes:These minutes act as a record of the decisions taken and resolutions passed in the meeting.

Format of minutes

1. Name of the organization2. The date, time and place of meeting3. The number of meeting if it is in a series

(e.g. fifth meeting of the Board of Studies)4. Name of the chairperson of the meeting5. Names of the members present, of those

who could not attend and those who attended by special invitation

Format of minutes

6. Minutes of the last meeting; whether they were read, confirmed and signed.

7. Subjects discussed: summary of discussion and decisions taken

8. Date of the next meeting9. Signature of the secretary and the

