Nov. 29, 2012, The Coastline

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The Coastline - Naval Station Rota, Spain


Gone are the days when a young Sailor or new arrival's first mission in Rota is to visit the nearest pay phone to call his loved ones back at home.

Public telephones are no longer the staple of communication methods while deployed overseas.

Naval Station Rota’s pay phones have recently grown fewer in number. Most of the pay phones have been here since 2007.

The public telephone service on base was contracted by AT&T, Inc. Regard-less of their actual usage time, AT&T was required to pay a set fee to Telefónica for the use and maintenance of the pay phones. The company was suffering a steep decline in revenue due to the lack of customers utilizing the service on a regular basis.

“It seems like technology is passing pay phones by,” said Navy Exchange

(NEX) General Manager Rick Nelson. “More and more people have laptops, iPads, and things like that, where they can Skype for nothing.”

To support the population that may visit the exchange in hopes of contacting home, the NEX has also bolstered its Wi-Fi connection.

“We just got a much more robust router, so access should be easier,” said Nelson.

For inbound personnel the pay phones were the best means of getting in touch with family members and friends in the States.

Of the 40 pay phones that were lo-cated throughout the base, Nelson man-aged to keep the three located outside of the NEX.

“The Navy Exchange is paying the monthly fee to Telefónica for three phones to keep those going,” said Nelson. “We decided to do the ones outside because then, people can have access 24/7.” November 29, 2012 Volume 22, Issue 46 U.S. Naval Activities, SpainThe Coastline

Command Pass Coordinators Page3

DGF Middle School Honor Roll Roster Page23

Avoiding Holiday Pressure Page8

By Cpl. Melissa Wenger


Public Pay Phones Removed Around the Base

A Marine uses one of the three remaining pay phones on base in front of the Navy Exchange. (U.S. Navy photo by Cpl. Melissa Wenger)

You’ve likely heard that the actions of dependants reflect on the service member or civilian government employee sponsor, but do you know what that really means when a child or spouse steps out of line?

Here, the Dependant Misconduct Advisory Board (DMAB) helps Commander Na-val Activities (COMNAVACTS) Spain decide which actions to take during instances of family member misconduct; actions up to and including removal of dependants from the naval station in the most extreme cases.

The DMAB is a panel, which upon direction of COMNAVACTS, investigates oc-currences of “serious or repeated misconduct that have the potential to negatively impact the community,” according to COMNAVACTSPAININST 5800.1.

Naval Station Rota, Spain Command Master Chief David Twiford says DMABs are unique to overseas installations, where local law enforcement falls under the host nation, not U.S. agencies.

“If you’re stationed in Norfolk, you have the rules and regulations of the base, but you also have the rules and regulations of the city of Norfolk police department, and the oversight outside of the base is there,” said Twiford. “Here, we try not to have the petty stuff be overseen by Policia Naval or the city of Rota.”

The need for the DMAB, and the desire to handle issues at the installation level is compounded by the Agreement for Defense Cooperation and local customs, culture and policies, said Twiford.

“The Dependant Misconduct Advisory Board is actually a good thing. If there is dependant misconduct, we can try to handle the discipline at the base level and the city says, ‘Okay, the base commander is handling the discipline at his level,’” said Twiford. “That doesn’t mean it can’t go to the [Spanish] court. It absolutely could.”

Local DMAB cases throughout the last two years have ranged from teenagers vandalizing property to dependants being removed from the base for possession of marijuana.

Twiford said he has participated in four DMABs during his 18 months as command master chief, but frequently he can stop misconduct before it reaches DMAB levels.

“Often, I see things going down a certain path and I can insert myself and head it off before it gets to a DMAB. I address the problem with the respective chain of command, and that works most of the time,” said Twiford. “Of course, if you’re smoking pot on base, or something like that, that’s going directly to a DMAB, at a minimum.”

An emerging breeding ground of dependant misconduct is abusive comments on social media sites.

“I read Facebook. When I see people on there just being rude, unprofessional – bullies – I’m going to pull them in and say, ‘What you are doing right now can cause problems with the good order and discipline of the base. Stop,’” said Twiford.

Most of the DMABs are for “fairly minor things,” according to Twiford. On the other end of the spectrum, however, dependants could have their command spon-sorship revoked and be ordered to leave the installation. As Twiford said, “that does not mean that the sponsor gets to leave with them. Their orders are their orders.” This potentially leaves the sponsor with the options of finding someone to be their dependant’s guardian back stateside until they have fulfilled their orders here, or military members can attempt to transfer under hardship conditions – something they would have to take up with their detailer and the Bureau of Personnel.

“The DMAB is a tool in our tool bag to enforce good order and discipline, and the Captain will authorize it to be used when dependants are stepping out of line,” said Twiford. “DMAB is, we hope, a last resort for dependants.”

By MCC (sW/aW) Mikel BookWalter


How the Dependant Misconduct Board may Impact You


2 November 29, 2012 C LCOMMAND


Capt. Scott C. KraverathCOMNAVACTS Spain

NavalStationRota,SpainLaPora LindseyCell: 620-14-2231Email: navalstationrota.ombudsman@gmail.comFacebook: NAVSTA Rota Ombudsman

FleetLogisticsCenter(FLC)Sheree Warner-MayoCell: 648-25-7196 Email:

EODMU-8Renee CrumbaughCell: 648-71-5278Email:

725th(KeySpouse)Diane MillerHome: 727-4306 / Cell: 669-95-2595Heather MerrimanHome: 727-4306 / Cell: 636-17-4357Melissa RogersHome: 956-85-0745 / Cell: 620-85-0401Email:

AmericanForcesMediaNetworkCenterTiffany SeelbachWork: 727-4721 / Home: 727-4872Email:

Family Ombudsman Contact InformationNavalMunitionsCenterDetachmentBritney FontaineCell: 676-28-2545 / Home: 856-11-8175 Email:

NCTAMSKristy KunkleHome: 18-727-0709 / Cell: 669-82-4913 Email:

PSD LaDonna KlapiszewskiCell: 689-98-5306 Email:

USNHospitalRotaJoe Schwarz660-01-2378 / 18-727-0297Angela Pearce638-87-8748 / 18-727-1370Lindsey Smiley680-52-4022 / 18-727-0349Email:

NationalSupportElementsLaPora Lindsey620-14-2231Email:

Join the Conversation onlineJoin the conversation with Naval Activities Spain leaders, service members, community members, and friends from around the world. Here you will also find more photos, see videos and hear radio news reports from AFN Rota. So check it out.

navsta Community Calendar


EDITIONLocal News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Hospital News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9R e l i g i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0Cinderella Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Community and Navy College News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Area Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Sailor in the Spotl ight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17FFSC News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18P u b l i s h e r ' s C o r n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0M o v i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1C l a s s i f i e d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2

It is everyone’s responsibility to report fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in Navy activities to: oFFiCe oF the inspeCtor General Phone: 081-568-2983 - Fax: 081-568-6354 Email: Website: You can choose to remain anonymous.

Cne-C6F/CnreUraFsWa hotline




The Coastline is an authorized publication for members of the military services and families stationed overseas. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. Editorial content of The Coastline is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office of U.S. Naval Station Rota, Spain.

Commander U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

Capt. Scott Kraverathco/

Chief Staff Officer U.S. Naval Activities, Spain

Cmdr. Patrick Moran

Public Affairs OfficerLt. j.g. Jason Fischer


Deputy Public Affairs OfficerMCC (SW/AW) Mikel Bookwalter


Writer/PhotographerMC2 (SW/AW) Travis Alston


Community Relations AdvisorManuel Alba Jaime


Writer/EditorMorgan Over


Writer/PhotographerCpl. Melissa Wenger

Contact The Coastline editorial staff : Tel: 956-82-3786

The appearance of advertising in this newspaper does not constitute endorsement of products and services by the Department of Defense, the Navy, U.S. Naval Station, Rota, Spain, or its publisher. All ads in this paper shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical disability, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Coastline is published weekly, with a circulation of 2,500, by a private individual in no way connected with the Department of Defense or directly with the U.S. Navy, but who is under contract with the Navy. Depósito Legal S-1848-04.

Publisher and Commercial Advertising Contact:Karen Lucas • Fax: 956-54-2997 • Mobile: 607-56-4132 •

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Email to place your classified advertisement or community announcement.

The long-term parking lot is closed effective immedi-ately. No new long-term parking is allowed. Individuals traveling during the holiday season are advised to park elsewhere or face having their vehicle towed at the owner's expense.

The long-term lot will close Dec. 22 for all vehicles including Air Ops, USAF, CAV, visitors, Space-a travelers, etc. The new lot across the street will reopen for use Dec. 28. Members are advised to park elsewhere Dec. 21 - 28 or their vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense.

Long-term Parking Closure

Welcome back from the Thanksgiving holiday! It’s always nice to know that everyone made it back from their break safe and sound. I hope you all enjoyed wonderful food, fellowship (and football) over the weekend as you took note of the things you’re most thankful for. If in this season of plenty the Egg Nog is calling you and you want a little nudge staying in top physical condition, you can take part in the 12 Days of Christmas Fitness Chal-lenge at the gym. The challenge involves taking 12 days

throughout the month to add a new exercise to your fitness regimen on each of those 12 days. The event takes place throughout the month of De-cember, but you can choose which 12 days you want to participate.

December is going to be a month packed with festivities and events to enjoy, both on

and off base. We’ll truly kick off the holiday season in grand style with the annual tree lighting event in front of the NEX Saturday evening - this is one of my favorite events. You don’t want to miss this, as we’ll also have an appearance from a very special guest who promises a dramatic arrival. That morning you can also enjoy the Jingle Bell Pet Walk at Seaview Pines. This is a chance to dress up your pet in festive attire and let them have their own holiday celebration. The 2K walk includes contests, prizes and even a photo with Santa and will be a fun event whether you have a pet or not.

MWR is also hosting a few trips in the coming weeks. If you’re a “football” fan, you can go with MWR to the Real Betis vs. Barcelona game in Seville for some world-class soccer on Dec. 9. Later that week is a ski trip to

Granada. If you’ve not been there yet, I highly recommend it. They’re also hosting a New Year’s trip to Lisbon, which I’m sure will be a wonderful way to ring in 2013. MWR does a fantastic job hosting these events and providing opportunities for our service members and their families to get out and see what this region is all about.

For many families, visiting nativity scenes is an annual tradition. Arcos de la Frontera has a very impressive living nativity scene that takes place Dec. 15. Arcos is an ancient “Pueblo Blanco” that rests high atop a craggy hillside. It’s already an interesting place to visit, but even more so during the living nativity scene.

Lastly, the holiday season is a great time to help out those who are less fortunate. The Marines are again hosting the annual Toys 4 Tots toy drive - they have boxes at the NEX for dropping off new, unwrapped toys. Also, the First Class Petty Officers Association is taking on the Angel Tree Program this year. Angel Tree is an opportu-nity for our base community to “sponsor” Spanish children whose parents have fallen on extremely hard times or are victims of other unfortunate circumstances. Gifts will be presented to the children at the Chapel on Dec. 21. For more info on how to sponsor a child, please see the Angel Tree announcement on page 10 of this issue.

For more information on upcoming holiday events, feel free to reach out to MWR via their web site or Facebook page, and as always, you can check out The Coastline and NAVSTA Rota Facebook page. Please enjoy this month and as always, be safe!

Get Out and About During the Holiday Season

November 29, 2012 3C L LOCAL NEWS

When Sailors aboard Naval Station Rota, Spain have questions or problems with their pay or other related issues, they normally go to the Personnel Support Detachment (PSD), but many Sailors are unaware that their Command Pass Coordinator (CPC) should be contacted before going to PSD.

The CPC serves as a vital link between Sailors, the command and the supporting PSD.

Each tenant command has a designat-ed CPC appointed by their commanding officer. It is the CPC’s responsibility to ensure all pay, personnel and transporta-tion documents are submitted to PSD in

accordance with applicable Department of Defense and Navy policies.

"The CPC is just a new acronym for the former Pass Liaison Representative (PLR),” said Personnel Support Detach-ment Rota Officer in Charge Lt. Cmdr. Jo-seph Klapiszewski. “Unlike the previous title, the position requires more respon-sibility than just dropping off or picking up service records from the local PSD."

CPC duties and responsibilities in-clude:

- Obtaining and maintaining access to systems/software such as Official Military Personnel Files, Enlisted Service Records and the Transaction Online Pro-cessing System.

- Page 2 updates, Permanent Change

of Station (PCS) moves or basic travel claims.

“The CPC can only provide source documents to make changes to the pay and personnel systems,” said Klapisze-wski. “Personnel Support Detachment personnel still have to process the trans-actions but the key here is that everything is submitted electronically and can be tracked, monitored and retained much easier than the old paper submission system. This is especially helpful for National Support Elements and Sailors in the United Kingdom and Africa, who are a long way from the PSD elements.”

Klapiszewski added that it is vital that each CPC is educated on the proper way to handle and dispose of Personally

Identifiable Information (PII).“In every action, always protect the PII

of command personnel,” said Klapisze-wski. “If at any time PII is compromised, report the spillage as soon as it is dis-covered.”

The CPC will be kept informed of policy changes that impact on the pay, person-nel and transportation entitlements via PSD. This will ultimately enhance the quality of service PSD can provide to our Sailors, according to Klapiszewski.

“CPCs are not expected to be experts in all areas of pay and personnel admin-istration,” said Klapiszewski. “However, familiarity with directives and manuals will increase their awareness, as well as overall effectiveness."

By MC2 (sW/aW) travis alston


Sailors Encouraged to Use their Command Pass Coordinator

4 November 29, 2012 C LNEWS

The prevention and detection of theft at Navy Exchange (NEX) locations throughout the world is serious busi-ness. During 2011, NEX Loss Preven-tion/Safety associates investigated and resolved 1,320 shoplifting cases with a total dollar amount of $258,032. Of those 1,320 cases, 31 percent were juveniles and 19 percent were active duty military.

The 2011 National Retail Security Survey, conducted by the University of Florida in conjunction with America’s top retail chains indicates for a second year in a row, stealing by shoppers cost American retailers a staggering $10.94 billion.

“Our customers and associates con-tinue to play a vital role in preventing theft from our stores,” said Tom Ruane, NEX-COM’s corporate loss prevention/safety manager. “We encourage anyone to report suspicions of theft activity to NEX management, loss prevention/safety per-sonnel or for our associates, through the anonymous Alertline program.”

The top five departments for shoplift-ing at the NEX in 2011 were costume jewelry, mass cosmetics, prestige cosmetics, video games and fashion accessories.

While the NEX continues to be pro-active in apprehending shoplifters, NEX Loss Prevention/Safety associates work hard at preventing theft before it hap-pens. NEXs worldwide use electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems for electronic and high value merchandise as well as extensive closed circuit sur-veillance systems (CCTV) to try and deter as well as catch shoplifters. The CCTV systems, coupled with digital video recorders and remote viewing technology, gives the NEX the ability to see everything within the store and identify incidents of theft.

If shoplifting is suspected, NEX Loss Prevention/Safety associates turn all incidents over to base police and/or local law enforcement. In addition to possible disciplinary action and criminal prosecution, the Federal Claims Collec-tion Act allows NEXCOM to enact a flat

administrative cost or Civil Recovery of $200 for each incident of theft.

Shoplifting can account for about one-third of the total inventory shrink. Shrink is the retail industry term for the difference between the recorded book in-ventory and the actual physical inventory counted at the end of the year. Shrink is generally attributed to shoplifting, as-sociate theft, administrative errors or vendor fraud. Over the past nine years, NEXCOM has seen its inventory shrink below one percent to sales compared to the national average of approximately 1.42 percent to sales.

“Shoplifting from the NEX hurts ev-eryone,” said Ruane. “People involved in shoplifting get caught, prosecuted and possibly banned from the NEX or end a military career. But the NEX and base lose out as well because 70 percent of our profits are given to Navy Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) to sup-port quality of life programs. In 2011, that contribution totaled over $43 million. If our profits decline, so do our contribu-tions to MWR.”

kristine sturkie

NEXcoM Public AffAiRS

Navy Exchange Takes Shoplifting Seriously

A Navy Exhange employee monitors the video footage inside a Navy Exchange store in Bangor, Wash. Photo courtesy of the Navy Exchange.

November 29, 2012 5C L

6 November 29, 2012 C LLOCAL NEWS

MercadoNavideño (ChristmasMarket),Dec. 6 - 9, 11a.m. -2:30p.m.,5 -10p.m.,Rota (downtown). OpeningceremonyDec.6,noon


Upcoming Christmas Markets

Port Operations department displays its three recent accomplishments from on base activities. From left to right, the Annual Rota Fire Department Fire Muster plaque, the Flag Fleet Football Championship trophy and the MWR Flag Football Championship trophy.

Photo by Electrician Mate 2nd Class Abdias Reyna.

MILLINGTON, Tenn. - As retailers just completed the biggest consumer spend-ing season of the year, Sailors are en-couraged to create a holiday spending plan now to avoid post-season financial hardship, said a Navy financial specialist.

“Examine holiday priorities and fig-ure out what is most important to you,” said Stacy Livingstone-Hoyte, financial counselor, Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC). “Instead of spending your hard-earned money on something just because it’s a holiday tradition, make sure it’s a tradition that is important to you and your family. Do not spend out of habit, obligation or guilt.”

Tracking expenses when paying for holiday purchases will help Sailors and families stay true to their priorities and objectives, said Livingstone-Hoyte.

“Determine your holiday spending lim-it by making a list of what you will spend on different categories or purchases. Be realistic and make sure that whatever you elect to spend will not exceed what you can afford,” said Livingstone-Hoyte. “A little research of market prices, retailer ads and deals around town can go a long way toward understanding how you can match your purchase dollars with items for sale and don’t forget to clip, cut and stack coupons for the best results.”

Livingstone-Hoyte says Sailors should

also consider alternative gift-giving op-tions like making homemade gifts or cooking food, volunteering as a family to help neighbors, friends and relatives or making a coupon to give as a present that is redeemable for babysitting, lawn care, etc.

Financial matters that occur from overspending or bad budgeting, such as failure to pay bills, bad credit, bank-ruptcy and foreclosures, can negatively impact a Sailor’s career, and affect mis-sion readiness and the Navy’s ability to transfer or retain Sailors.

Command financial specialists (CFS) provide financial education and training, counseling, and information referral at the command level at no cost to Sail-ors and their families. FFSCs located worldwide provide financial education and counseling for Sailors and families as well.

Sailors experiencing financial chal-lenges should notify their chain of com-mand and work with their CFS to devel-opment a budget and explore additional options such as military relief societies, eligibility for interest rate reductions and other relief.

For more information on financial planning, budgeting or investing, contact your CFS, local FFSC or call the Navy Personnel Command customer service center at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC or email

By MC2 andrea perez


Financial Planning to Help Survive the Holiday ExpensesPort Ops Wins Big Three

November 29, 2012 7C L

8 November 29, 2012 C LLOCAL NEWS

Time. There isn’t enough of it during the regular months, so where do we find time for the extra obligations of the holiday season?

Many everyday activities can trigger intense stress when they occur during the holiday season. Personal boiling points can be reached early when additional tasks and events are piled onto already-full schedules. Stress increases when expecta-tions become unrealistic and when budgets are ignored in the pursuit of the perfect gift or the season’s hottest toy.

The holidays should be enjoyable. They offer an opportunity to celebrate who we are, the people we love and the values we cherish. Every tradition was created

to help us remember something that was important, but the tradition takes on a life of its own and we forget about what made the tradition important in the first place.

If you feel that the holiday season is more than you can handle or it is affecting your life on many levels, don’t hesitate to call the Fleet and Family Support Center counselors. Taking this extra time may make the rest of the holiday season more enjoyable.

Counseling services are free and are not entered into your service record or af-fect your advancement opportunities. During the first meeting, FFSC counselors will explain the limits to privacy and confidentiality and the circumstances under which they are required to report to the command or others.

Other resources

U.S. Navy photos by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Travis Alston.

By andy BraChfeld

licENSEd cliNicAl SociAl WoRkER ANd cliNicAl couNSEloR

Learning to Say No to Holiday Pressures

November 29, 2012 9C L HOSPITAL NEWS

DGF High School's annual College and Career Fair is Friday, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. in the DGF Multi-Purpose building.

College and Career Fair at DGF

health proMotions departMent


Weekly Health Tip

National Influenza Vaccination Week is now thought Dec. 8. The flu can be a serious disease leading to hospitalization and sometimes death. The flu can make anyone sick, but certain people are at greater risk for serious complications. These high risk groups include:

a) Adults 65 years and older. b) Children younger than 5, but especially younger than 2 years old. c) People with chronic lung disease (such as asthma and COPD), diabetes,

heart disease, neurologic conditions and certain other long-term medical condi-tions.

d) Those who are morbidly obese (BMI of 40 or greater). e) Pregnant women and women within the first two weeks after delivery. Symptoms of influenza can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy

nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may also have vomiting and diarrhea. Flu viruses are constantly changing. Each flu season, different flu viruses can spread and they can affect people differently based on differences in the immune system. Even healthy children and adults can get very sick from the flu.

In the United States, thousands of healthy adults and children have to visit the doctor or be hospitalized from flu complications each year. Flu vaccination can help protect you and your family from the flu and its complications. Flu seasons are unpredictable. The severity of influenza seasons can differ substantially from year to year. Protect yourself and your family and get your flu vaccine and be healthy for life!

Influenza Vaccine Week

Flu Shot Available at the Immunization Clinic, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - noon, 1 - 4:30 p.m.

10 November 29, 2012 C LRELIGION



Brindo Mi Vida (I Offer My Life) is a casual, experiential Christian worship gathering, centered around fellowship and communion. Eat dessert, drink coffee and explore with us a deeply spiritual, yet very practical relationship with God. Every Sunday, 6 p.m. at the Chapel's inner courtyard.

New Chapel Offering: Brindo Mi Vida

Mark Bible study meets Wednesdays, 7 p.m.Journaling study meets Thursdays, 6 p.m.

Bible Study Offerings at the Chapel

If Shopping Carts Had Hazard LightsNot knowing how to say, “My wife’s having a baby!” in Spanish, I frantically

pointed to my wife, who was obviously experiencing a bit of discomfort in the passenger seat of our car, and repeatedly yelled, “bebe, bebe, bebe!” to the man

outside my window directing traffic. I also engaged the universal sign for doing whatever I want, otherwise known as turning on the hazard lights, at which point I was able to drive where I needed in order to get my wife to the hospital.

I lose my mind a bit when my wife goes into labor. It’s happened with all four kids. She tells me it’s time, and I run around in circles doing everything except being helpful. Somehow my wife manages to make it to the hospital, despite my flailing about. Fortunately last week we managed to make it to the hospital just in time, and when it all settled down we found ourselves

with plenty to be thankful for. The holidays are a great time to give thanks for our many blessings. If we aren’t

careful, however, we can lose sight of these blessings when the sea of consum-erism rages. When clever marketing melts our hearts and our eyes grow bigger than our wallets, it’s easy to feel like we just don’t have what we really need in life.

Even worse, it’s easy to get caught in the trap of trying to find the latest and greatest gift that will communicate the greatest amount of love and value. But don’t sell yourself short. I know, typically, the holidays are about being selfless, but I want to encourage you to think a bit more about yourself this holiday season.

What I mean is, the greatest gift you can give another person is the gift of yourself. In the business and stress of shopping and wrapping and decorating and trying to manage money in the midst of it all, sometimes the worst comes out of us in a time when people should get our best. The people closest to us suffer the most as they receive the brunt of our stress.

We’ve all been bumped in the aisles, overtaken for a toy and the recipients of the gifts of impatience and discourtesy. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve been the giver of these “gifts” as well, and if shopping carts had hazard lights, I know from time to time I would be running the aisles, lights flashing, overtaking, bumping and running in the frenzy and stress of trying to make it all go perfect.

Last week, however, was a reminder to me of the greatest gift we have; life. So in the midst of the holidays, and thinking of others, take a moment to think about yourself and ensure people are getting not necessarily the best of what you can buy, but the best of who you can be.

If you would like to speak with me or another chaplain regarding this subject, please contact the Religious Ministries Department at 727-2161.

Angel Tree ProgramThe Angel Tree program is a terrific way to give back to the community and

support a child's holiday season.Personnel/commands who wish to sponsor a child for this year's Angel Tree

program are asked to purchase and gift wrap one complete outfit (shirt/blouse, pants, underwear, socks and shoes) for a child. The gift must be purchased off base and labeled with the child's name and number. A small toy is also encouraged.

Children will receive their gifts at a party at the base Chapel Dec. 21. For more information on how to sponsor a child, contact the following individuals:

- DC1 Scott Humphreys,, 18-727-8523- IT1 Kristin Carter,, 18-727-2137- NC1 Marblanch Giardini,, 18-727-2281

An invitation:To every women who desires to have a special night of Christmas celebra-

tion with other ladies, we invite you! Please join us for our annual Tables for Ten celebration. Each table has a unique theme that allows 10 ladies at the table to partake of the special dinner. Please email right away to reserve your space or to find out further information.

When:Tuesday,6-8p.m.Sponsored by the Protestant Women of the Chapel

Tables for Ten

November 29, 2012 11C L

12 November 29, 2012 C LCINDERELLA BALL

Photos courtesy of MWR.

November 29, 2012 13C L

“Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!” was the cry of those collecting the dead in carts along the streets of London during the Great Plague of 1665. The disease was so contagious that if anyone in your family had it, the whole family was quarantined for 40 days, and so deadly that 100,000 Londoners died that year, one-third of London's population at the time. Rats were the deadly carrier of the disease, but Londoners killed all the dogs and cats in town first, thinking that they were the carriers.

As bad as 1665 was, 1666 was perhaps even worse. In 1666, the Great Fire of London, which broke out in the king's bakery, ended up burning 80 percent of London.

I had my travel journal ready on the “on/off bus tour” that we took while in London for the NFL's International Series game between the New England Patriots and the St. Louis Rams in October. I had never been to a pro. football regular season game, and for our wedding anniversary we treated ourselves to the game and a weekend in London.

On the third play of the game, Rams Quarterback Sam Bradford hit a wide receiver (can't remember which one) on a long pass for a touchdown, and it looked like it was going to be a battle. But it was all New England the rest of the way to the 45 - 7 final score. It wasn't a great game, but it was great to be part of the atmosphere of the game in Wembley Sta-dium (the Olympics track and field venue), and really interesting to see the game from the perspective of a fan in the stands as opposed to watching on TV.

We didn't get to see a show (when I was here as

a college senior 40 years ago, I saw “Fiddler on the Roof,” which is still showing!), although several of the people in the ITT-sponsored group did (“Wicked” and “The Lion King”), and we didn't do much shop-ping, but we really were able to see the city and try some of the many restaurants and pubs (including one that Chaucer, Shakespeare and Hemingway all frequented) throughout the city.

It was fun to listen to the bus guides as they guided us through the city verbally while the bus carried us through. It was through them that I was able to attain some of the anecdotal tidbits related throughout this writing.

We stayed at a hotel next to Charing Cross Train Station. It was the perfect place with comfortable rooms and delicious buffet breakfast included in each night's accommodation. The hotel was in the middle of all the tourist attractions, and if you didn't want to use the bus tour, the hardier group members could (and several did) cover most of the city in a few hours on foot.

More than 120 languages are spoken in London, and probably as many different varieties of ethnic cuisine are consumed as well.

On our various walks and bus rides, we saw the still-being-constructed “Shard,” the tallest building in Europe (it really does resemble a shard of glass), the Tower Bridge (Queen Victoria was quite peeved once when her ship crashed into the bridge when the lift for the middle part of the bridge did not lift in time) and the Tower of London, yes, the one used for the beheadings.

We crossed London Bridge, III. The first was built by the Romans in 43 AD, had more than 150 build-ings on it before burning down midway through the 19th century, and was sold about 30 years ago to an outfit from Arizona, where it still stands today. The latest London Bridge is about as plain and simple in construction as a bridge can be, and if there wasn't a sign on it, one wouldn't know which one was it.

We took a ride on the continuously moving London Eye on the Thames, which is really no more than a gigantic ferris wheel that never stops rotating during open hours. It offers fabulous views of the city from any of its capsules, which each hold 25 - 30 people, all of whom must board and disembark on the move. The wheel is slow enough to do this safely, but quick enough to allow the circuit in about 30 minutes.

We saw Shakespeare's Globe Theater (the rebuilt one, of course … the original burnt down), Westmin-ster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, St. Paul's Cathedral, Hyde Park and Green Park (where there are no flowers). Legend has it, according to the bus tour guide, that once when Queen Victoria and her husband were strolling in the park, her husband picked a flower and instead of giving it to the queen, gave it to a passing lady that caught his eye. It infuriated

Victoria so that she decreed that the park would no longer have flowers! I can't speak to the truth of the story, but one must admit it is a good one!

By the way, it was in this park that I saw a sign which read, “Beware! Thieves operate here!” We were never out past midnight, but it seemed pretty safe everywhere we went.

We took a boat tour on the tidal Thames River. The tour was included in the price of the on/off bus tour and we saw many of the same structures from a different perspective down on the water.

We also toured the National Museum of Art, which houses not a large number of paintings, but a wide variety of artist work, and is free admission. The mu-seum is on Trafalgar Square, which on this particular weekend was the site of an NFL pre-game rally where fans could visit for free and mingle with American football fans and former players of all ages.

Our most interesting encounter was with an old retired comic who had once opened for Robin Williams in San Francisco.

The funniest sign I saw was the name of a pub, “The Hung, Drawn, and Quartered.”

The best comment made was about the fish market, where “the fish was fresh and the language foul.”

But my favorite tidbit of new information came from the tour boat operator and guide, who insisted as we navigated along the wharf that the word WHARF itself is actually an acronym:

WareHouseAtRiverFrontWhy not go to London and find out for yourself?

By JiM BoWden


London for Sports, History Fans AlikeVISTA

14 November 29, 2012 C L

November 29, 2012 15C L

DoYouWantaBundleforYourBundleofJoy?The thrills of having a new addition in your home starts to make you, well, count up the costs. Let Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) help you understand how the math comes into play when you add one more to your home. The Budget for Baby class is held the secondWednesdayofeachmonth to enable you to have guidance on calculating additional costs when the baby comes, but also helps you understand some of the financial benefits available with your military pay and with programs specifi-cally catered to helping you keep the costs down. Attend the class and you take home a layette filled with useful goodies, including Gerber products and a special handmade item. Sign up at the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society office or call 727-1614.

WICOverseasWomen, Infants and Children Overseas is a nutrition, education and supplemental food program for qualified members of the uniformed services, civilian employees, DoD contractors living overseas and their family members. Participants include pregnant, postpartum and breast-feeding women, infants and children up to age 5. WIC benefits include one-on-one nutrition counseling, nutrition and health screen-ings, breast-feeding education, breast pump loan program, infant and child feeding tips and drafts redeemable for nutritious foods. Call 727-2921 for more information.

PreschoolServicesforChildrenwithDisabilitiesChild Find for children 3 - 5 years of age is an ongoing outreach program that locates and identifies children who may have developmental delays or educational disabilities and need special services. If you have concerns regarding your child's development, please contact Linda Hill at 727-4185 or 727-4435.

STAPThe Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) offers an interest-free loan program for up to $3,000 per year for undergraduate or graduate tuition. This is an overseas only program, so take advantage while you’re here. Call NMCRS at 727-1614.

AlcoholicsAnonymousMeetingsAA meetings are scheduled for every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the base Chapel. Call the DAPA at 727-2876 for more information.

RegisterforaDec.15StartOnlineClasswithEmbry-RiddleEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) offers you the opportunity to sign up for online classes 12 months out of the year. The next chance to start an online class is Dec. 15. Call or email ERAU today and ask what classes are available if you do not want to put your education at a stop over the holidays. All classes run for nine weeks and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Registration is now open. Contact ERAU at 727-2984 or

SignUpEarlyForERAUClassesStartinginJanuary2013Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) invites you to sign up early for classes starting face to face Jan. 14. Courses being offered include: MGMT408 - Airport Management, a condensed class with scheduled meetings Feb. 9 - 15; PHYS102 - Explorations in Physics, meeting every Tuesday over nine weeks and SFTY375 - Propulsion Plant Investigation, meeting Wednesday nights 6 - 10 p.m. also for nine weeks. Deadline to sign up for any of these classes is Jan. 10. Please call ERAU with any questions and/or to request any syllabi at 727-2984.

ERAUOffersFiveWaystoMakeEarningYourDegreeEasyEmbry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) has the graduate, undergraduate and certificate programs to help you achieve your academic and career goals. While in Rota, with Embry-Riddle Worldwide, you can get your education in the way that works best for you: In the traditional classroom, available at more than 150 locations through-out the world; Online, from anywhere across the globe; EagleVision Classroom-web video conferencing between classrooms; EagleVision Home Web video conferenc-ing from the convenience of your home; and Blended, which allows you to combine

learning modes to suit your lifestyle. Visit our website at or contact your local office at to learn about available programs and courses. Call ERAU at 727-2984.

CentralTexasCollege(CTC)CTC is running face-to-face classes for criminal justice, early childhood professions and fire protection technology. They also offer classes online, as well as a Microsoft Certification Program, both of which start once a month. CTC is also looking for a Fire Protection instructor for their Applied Science degree. Call CTC for more information on this position and for more details about classes at 727-2574.

HelpingSkillsinHumanRelationsUniversity of Oklahoma now offers individuals with a bachelor's degree or OU gradu-ate students certificates in Helping Skills in Human Relations and Human Resource Diversity and Development. All certificate course work can be applied to a Master of Human Relations. For more information call OU at 727-2799.

OUOffersMasterofHumanRelationsProgramUniversity of Oklahoma’s Rota site offers a Master of Human Relations. Ten classes are taught in six-day increments with six semester hours of internship completing the required 36 hours for the program. For more information call OU at 727-2799.

UMUCHolidayExpressIntersessionRegistration is available now for Holiday Express Intersession - a shortened session that gives students the opportunity to earn university credit in half the time during the holidays - beginning Dec. 17. The schedule can be found at

UMUCTextbookSpecialNow through Dec. 21, students who order their textbooks with WebText Europe will receive 40 percent off. Order at

UMUCUpcomingScheduleStudents can begin registering for the following classes now through Jan. 14: CCJS 453 - White collar crime hybrid; ARTT 152 - Photography; SPAN 112 - Elementary Spanish 2; STAT 200 - Statistics; MATH 130 - College Mathematics; BIOL 101 and 102 - Biology with lab; LIBS 150 - Introduction to Research.

UMUCOffersFieldStudyCourseThere is still time to register for two field study courses taking place Jan. 5-12. Stu-dents can explore renaissance art in Florence, Italy, or walk through history guided by famous literature in Paris, France. The registration deadline for both courses is Dec. 23. Go to

EarlyReleaseDec.7School improvement day, 1:30 p.m. early release.

Community News

Navy College Office


DGF News

Security Office ClosureDue to the Spanish holiday "Dia de la Constitución" Dec. 6 and "Immaculada

Concepción" Dec. 7 the Security Department will be closed Dec. 6 and 7. The following services will be closed:

- Pass and ID.- Vehicle registration.- Work/Social passes.- Spanish traffic tickets.- Firearms.- Translator/Interpreters.

16 November 29, 2012 C LAREA ACTIVITIES

“Ole,” flamenco/bullfighting photo/painting display by several artists, throughDec.31, Centro de Arte Fla-menco La Merced, Cadiz

Mikel Erentxun in concert, Dec.12, 11 p.m., Imagina Jardin Bar, Cadiz, tickets €15

“1812 Viva La Pepa,” concert by Manolo Carrasco, Dec.28-29, 9 p.m., Gran Teatro Falla, Plaza de Fragela, Cadiz, tickets €15 - 25

Feria de Artesania (Craft Fair),throughDec.12, Centro Com-ercial y de Ocio, Plaza Almirante Leon, San Fernando, Cadiz

Sevilla, Bullring guided tours, daily, 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m., tickets €6.50, call 954-22-4577,

Sevilla, Reales Alcázar (Moorish Fortress) guided tours, daily, 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., tickets €8.50

Sevilla, Cathedral and Giralda guided tours, Monday-Satur-day, 11 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sunday, 2:30 - 6:30 p.m., tickets €8

Ruta de los Sentidos, a guided tour in El Puerto de Santa Maria, Saturdays, 10:15 a.m. Juega con los Sentidos, a guided tour in El Puerto, Saturdays, 6 p.m., call 956-85-3960

Ruta por El Puerto y Bodegas Osborne, guided tour, Tues-daysandThursdays, 11 a.m., €10 for adult tickets, €5 for children, call 697-34-5807

Como Bailan los Caballos Andaluces (How Andalusian Horses Dance), TuesdaysandThursdays at noon, Recreo de las Cadenas, Avda. Duque de Abrantes, Jerez, tickets €19 - 25, call 956-31-8008 or visit

River Journey “Sanlucar-Guadalquivir River-Doñana Park,” Real Fernando Ship, Fabrica de Hielo, Bajo de Guia, daily, 10 a.m., adult tickets €16.50, children €8.20. Call 956-36-3813 or visit

Fiesta/Concurso de Cocina y mosto de Trebujena, Sunday, 1 p.m., recinto Ferial de Trebujena (fair-ground), Trebujena, Cadiz

Feria de la Tapa, “De Tapeo por El Puerto,” throughDec.12, tapa and bebida €2.50

“Ruta del Mosto de Sanlucar” (unfermented wine test-ing) throughJan.6, Sanlucar de Barrameda (down-town)

Gonzalez Byass Bodega - Jerez de la Frontera, Mon-day-Saturday at noon, 1, 2, 5 and 6 p.m., tickets €12

Sandeman Bodega - Jerez de la Frontera, Mondays,Wednesdaysand Fridays,11:30 a.m., 12:30, 1:30 p.m.

Barbadillo Bodega - Sanlucar, Tuesdays-Saturdays, 11 a.m., tickets €3

Hipodromo de Dos Hermanas, Sevilla, winterseason, visit

Half marathon Sevilla-Los Palacios, Dec.16,

Constitution Day - Dec.6Immaculate Conception Day - Dec.7

Photo display by Jesus Heredia Luque,throughDec.31, Edificio Constitucion 1812, Cadiz

“Costa Rica: Tierra de Maravillas,” painting, ceramic, sculpture, and jewelry display. Original parts from Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, throughJan.1, Tues-day - Sunday 11 a.m. - 8 p.m, Casa de Iberoamerica, Cadiz

“Mapuche: Semillas de Chile,” sculpture display, origi-nal parts from Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, throughMarch23, Casa de Iberoamerica, Cadiz

“El Tiempo que nos ha tocado vivir,” painting display by Oswaldo Guayasamin, throughMarch30, Castillo de Santa Catalina, Cadiz

“Sanlucar Canta en Navidad,” Christmas music featuring dif-ferent artists and groups, Saturday, 1 p.m. - midnight, Carbajo Bodega, Trebujena road, Sanlucar de Barrameda, tickets €3

Flamenco Recital by Jose Merce, Sunday, 9 p.m., Gran Teatro Falla, Plaza de Fragela, Cadiz, tickets €12 - 45

Flamenco show, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Fridays, 10:30 and 11:30 p.m., Bodegon de Arte “A Contratiempo,” Calle San Miguel 5, tickets €12, call 653-07-1099

Flamenco show, Jerez,FridaysandSaturdays, 10 p.m., El Lagar del Tio Parrilla, Plaza del Mercado, Jerez, 956-33-8334







November 29, 2012 17C L

MA3 Justin CornwellByMC2(SW/AW)TravisAlstonNAVSTA Rota Public Affairs


Sailor in the Spotlight


GuardBattalioninGuantanamoBay,Cuba.He reported toNaval StationRota, Spain’s


JointCoalitionForces fromaround theworld,accomplishingthesamegoalwasanexperiencethatIwillneverforget,”saidCornwell.“IwouldonlysuggestthistypeofdutytoSailorslook-ingforachallengelikenoother.IfeelthatI'vebecomeastrongerandmoreexperienceSailorwhocancontributegreatly toanycommand’smission,andI'mgratefulfortheopportunity.”

18 November 29, 2012 C LFFSC NEWS

ConflictManagementWorkshopThursday, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Unmanaged conflict has caused many hardships in the workplace and at home. It can cause people to suffer, missions to fail and families to separate. Yet, conflict is inevitable. This workshop helps people to manage conflict by examining their attitudes and behaviors when faced with conflicting situations; practicing skills that prevent conflict from escalating; and working with others to solve problems, allowing people to grow, missions to succeed and families to strengthen. For more information or to register please call 727-3232.

LunchandLearn:ChristmasTraditionsinSpainFriday, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. How do Spanish people celebrate Christmas? What kinds of traditions are involved during these holidays? Come and find out all about Christmas in Spain. Call 727-3232 for registration.

OmbudsmanBasicTrainingTuesday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Strong Navy Family Ombudsmen are one of the surest and most effective means by which the Navy ensures continuous readiness. This train-ing is for all new ombudsmen, for those wishing to refresh their skills and spouses in leadership positions. For more information or to register please call 727-3232.

SigningPlaygroup(NPSHVPandEDIS)Wednesday, 9:30 - 11 a.m., EDIS building Early Development and Intervention Services (EDIS) and the New Parent Support Home Visitation Program (NPSHVP) of FFSC are teaming up to offer a free interactive class promoting pre-literacy skill development using a nurturing parenting philosophy. Each session will include sign language instruction and developmental play for babies up to 18 months of age. Classes will be progressive, so please plan to attend all sessions unless arranged with instructor. Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11 a.m. Classes held at EDIS building in Las Palmeras housing. Call EDIS at 727-4029 to register.

SpecialChristmasCookingClassWednesday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Enjoy this special cooking class where you will learn how to make some of the traditional Spanish recipes for Christmas. After the class enjoy eating what you prepared. Number of participants is limited. Class fee: €15 per person. Payment is required at time of registration. Please call 727-3232 and ask for Rosa or Clemente to register.

Fleet & Family Support CenterCall727-3232topre-registerforallFFSCfunctions.

November 29, 2012 19C L

The third graders at DGF Elementary celebrated why they are thankful with a heritage luncheon recently.

Parents and students decided upon a dish from their heritage to make and share with their classmates. On the day of the luncheon all the dishes were placed out on the tables and the students got to sample a small piece from each dish.

There was Thai rice, Polish pirogues, Spanish rice, German cookies, Italian la-sagna, and enchiladas. Parent volunteers supported the activity by cooking, helping set up, acting as servers, and then helping with clean up.

The third graders also were keeping the environment in mind by making it a “green luncheon;" each student had to bring in an unbreakable plate and cup, their own utensils and a cloth napkin. At the end of the luncheon all these items were packed up in a plastic bag to take home to be washed and reused.

The 6th grade classes also celebrated their heritage. The students put together a restaurant called “The Melting Pot” and brought in a dish from their family’s back-ground. The students were the maître ‘ds, bartenders, waiters, food preparers and dessert preparers. Each student also wrote a letter to their parents about why they were grateful to their families.


All students at David Glasgow Farragut (DGF) Elementary School partici-pated in a mini health fair to check their vision and hearing. Service members from U.S. Naval Hospital Rota came out as volunteers to assist DGF School Nurse Barbarita Urra perform the tests.

Parent volunteers also assisted with escorting students, filling in paperwork, and checking height and weight of each student. The mini health fair was held over two days in which more than 300 elementary students were screened. Any students found to have significant vision or hearing problems were be referred to the base hospital for further testing. Thus making sure that DGF students’ academic success is not hindered by vision or hearing problems.

By patti rzeznik

dgf ElEMENTARy ScHool

Keeping Students Healthy

A third grade student gets his hearing checked by Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Larry Hockaday. Photo by Patti Rzeznik.

Five students from David Glasgow Farragut High School represented Rota at the Creative Connections workshop in Oberwesel, Germany Nov. 4 - 9.

This week-long workshop provided a place for Department of Defense Dependents School (DoDDS) students from across Europe to gather and collaborate, producing both visual and performing arts. The students experienced were given a chance to work towards their dreams and show off their many talents.

The students got a chance to work with some famous modern artists, who partici-pated with the students in several workshops ranging from mixed media to dance. The seminar ended with a talent show, a performance and an art show which was broadcasted worldwide. The students had five days to create their artwork and per-formance pieces.

The theme for this year’s seminar was “Infinity” which resulted in a string orchestra and choir rendition of music from the Broadway musical “Wicked” and a humorous, Greek-inspired drama piece called “Prometheus.”

By grant Wilhoit, alexis Quinones and ellen BirCh


Rota Students Visit Germany for Creative Connections

DGF student Allison Tellez with her artwork on display. Photo by Alexis Quinones.

By patti rzeznik

dgf ElEMENTARy ScHool

DGF Students Celebrate Heritage

20 November 29, 2012 C L


By Karen Lucas, The Coastline PublisherkAREN@coASTliNE.E.TElEfoNicA.NET


LuzShoppingToday Luz Shopping officially opens its heart or central zone. This interesting

series of buildings were designed by the American firm Laguarda Low. This central zone houses restaurants, outlet stores and a spectacular area dedicated to children with lots of fun things to do as well as a daycare center. At Luz Shopping you can find everything from nails to cars. Also opening today is a free-standing KFC and a car wash. Luz Shopping is

open seven days a week so it is an option for entertainment and shopping every day. Aquarela

Aquarela is a new restaurant located next to the English Centre on Fuentebravía Road. This restaurant is open 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. every day except Monday. One thing I am sure most of you will find very attractive is the fact that you can go there at any time it is open and order whatever you like: tapas, a meal, coffee and pastries or a drink. You don’t have to worry about specific eating times. Do you want a full meal at 5 p.m.? No problem. Do you feel like coffee and cake at 2 p.m.? No problem. This is a rather new concept here and I am sure it is one of the few places where you can find this flexibility. Another thing that many of you will find attractive is that there is a large, well-equipped play area for children both indoors and out. The play area is separate from the rest of the restaurant, but is visible from it. There is also a monitor to watch the children from 4:30 p.m. on so you can go and have a relaxing

meal or snack while your children enjoy themselves. The menu is not extensive, but it is original and varied so you are certain to find something you will like. There are several meat dishes and salads; a couple of which are truly vegetarian (something not that easy to find). The restaurant itself is very attractive with a modern and com-fortable look and there are a couple of semi-private areas for small groups. Stop by and give it a try. I hope to be able to do the same shortly.ElMataeroCasaAndrés

As advertised in last week’s paper, this Saturday there will be a Zambomba at the restaurant El Mataero Casa Andrés on the old road to Rota. It is a good opportunity to enjoy a good meal and get a taste of the typical Christmas flamenco known as Zambomba. PuertoSherry

Puerto Sherry has lots of activities planned for this holiday season. Starting this Saturday, there will be a Christmas Flea Market, 12:30 - 5 p.m. You can bring anything you want to sell whether it be new or used. Also, starting tomorrow you can enjoy tapas for €2.50 at the participating establishments by the marina.

Anything you want me to pass along? Let me hear from you about your favorite places or coming events. I do like hearing from you! Send me an email to or give me a call at 607-56-4132. Support your paper by supporting the advertisers.

Luz Shopping Opens its Leisure and Entertainment Complex TodayAquarela: A New Restaurant with Lots of Options

Above: Seating area inside Aquarela. Left: The bar inside Aquarela. Photos courtesy of Aquarela.

November 29, 2012 21C L MOVIES

☺Free Showing // ☻Last Showing // Adult Movie

22 November 29, 2012 C LCLASSIFIEDS

To place a classified ad submit information in 25 words or less by the Thursday at 4 p.m. prior to desired publication date. Classifieds will run for one edition only. Free ads are available to TEI cardholders for non-commercial goods. Email submission to Non-TEI cardholders and/or ads of a commercial nature (pets for sale, real estate, for-profit business) require payment and must be submitted to Karen Lucas at or fax to 956-54-2997.

el mercado A U T O S1991 VESPA 200PX IRIS: Classic scooter with only 15K kilometers, engine runs great, needs some paint, €650. Call 666-08-1896.

AUDI A5 SPORTBACK: 2.0 TDI, 170 cv, vehicle registration Feb. 2, 2011, 38K kilometers/23,612 miles, valid warranty, €29,900/negotiable. Call 660-41-1489.

1993 525i BMW: 4 door, 5 speed, 86K miles, European specs and Spanish taxes paid so it doesn’t count as an imported vehicle. Runs well, €3K OBO. Located on the lemon lot. Call 667-285-151, 956-480-446 or email

2001 SUBARU FORESTER: 2.0 cc, 125 cv, 131K kilometers, manual transmission, 40 mm higher, BF Goodrich all terrain, roof top carry boy container, excellent for off road, €7,500 (transfer cost included). Pictures available at Call 605-85-9061.

1995 MERCEDES S350: Automatic, turbo diesel, runs well and looks great, new tires and rotors. Family is moving, must sell, $4,500. Call Dave at 619-21-6647.

2006 CHEVROLET TAHOE LTZ: €20K (transfer cost included), 5.3 cc.V8, 75.519 kilometers, 7 seats, automatic, e xc e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , I T V e x p i re s M a rc h 2 0 1 3 . Vi s i t h t t p : / / w w or call 605-85-9061.

2002 SUBARU FORESTER: 2.0 cc, 125 cv, gasoline, manual transmission, 171,200 kilometers, €2,500 (transfer cost included). Visit http://w w or call 605-85-9061.

2000 FORD RANGER: 2.5 TDI, 109 cv, diesel, manual transmission, €3K (transfer cost included). Visit or call 605-85-9061.

2003 KIA RIO: 1.31 gas, A/C, runs well, €950, Rota Beater. Call 653-78-0296.

2001 OPEL VESTRA: 1.6l gas, A/C, 65K miles, blue metal l ic, €1,690, R o t a b e a t e r. C a l l 6 5 3 - 7 8 - 0 2 9 6


BUNK BED: Metal, $50, call 667-285-151.

H E A D B O A R D S : H a n d c r a f t e d ar t ist ic wrought i ron headboards for single bed, $50 for both. Will s e n d p h o t o. C a l l 6 0 7 - 5 6 - 4 1 3 2 .

W A N T E DCOACH: Dependable assistant girls' va r s i t y b a s ke t b a l l co a c h wa nte d. Strong fundamentals, love for the game and a desire to help young athletes develop both on and off the court are a must. Coaching experience preferred but not required. Some travel required. Rewards are many. Please contact Coach DeMeritt at for more information.SCRIMMAGE TEAM: The DGF varsity girls' basketball team is looking for a scrimmage team to practice against evenings and/or Saturday mornings beginning in mid-November. Interested players, please contact Coach DeMeritt at

F R E EF R E E TO G O O D H O M E : 3 - ye a r -old Labradoodle, medium size, does not shed, loves kids and other dogs, trained and spayed. Call 956-87-7700.

R E N T A L SHOUSES AND APARTMENTS: Sea views, pools and yards, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 bdrm. in Rota, Costa Ballena, Chipiona, El Puerto de Santa Maria and Sanlúcar,

w/pools and yards. No rental fees to Americans. Call Antonio at 685-20-4466 or R O P E R T Y M A N A G E M E N T : C l e a n i n g a n d m a i n t e n a n c e , k e y h a n d l i n g , a c c e s s t o U. K . r e n t a l bookings. Call Ray at 653-78-0296.

C H I P I O N AAPARTMENT BY CHIPIONA MARINA: 2 bdrm., 2 bath, underground parking, r o o f t o p t e r r a c e , 3 - m i n u t e w a l k to marina and beach, furn. optional, €1,200/mo negotiable. Free Internet and cable, English speaking landlords. Call 956-05-3624 or 600-89-8066.

E L P U E R T O GORGEOUS HOUSES, TOWNHOUSES AND APARTMENTS: Some with pool, A/C, near/on the beach in Vistahermosa/Redes area, €1,100 - €2,350/mo., call 639-31-0436, 956-48-2321 or email

TOWNHOUSE IN LAS REDES: 100 meters from the beach, 4 plus bdrm., full attic, room heaters, ceiling fans, A/C, large kitchen, office with pantry and appliances, solar panels, laundry rm./mudroom, shed, storage space, community yard and pool, parking in house and covered space in local mall, €1,500. Call Tina, 609-34-7402.

CHALET IN EL PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA: 4 bdrm., 2 bath, zoned A/C and heat, big kitchen, nice yard with garden, pool, shed, 12 kilometers/7 miles to Puerto gate, American owners, a must see. €1,650/mo., Email or call 202-286-9651 (stateside phone number).

FLAT IN PLAZA MIGUEL DEL PINO: 3 bdrm., 2 bath, lvg./dng. rm. with fireplace, laundry rm., terrace and private rooftop terrace and garage, marble

floors, solid wood doors, screen, marble countertops, perfect condition. Call Aniceto at 606-99-2874 or 956-87-0413.

BEAUTIFUL POOL VILLA NEAR PUERTO: American-owned, partially or fully furn., 4 bdrm., 2 bath, heat, A/C, electric water heater, walled private 1,200 m2 plot, sunroom, sunroof, inground pool, garden, huge patio and a pool cabana w/bath, new appliances. Sky TV/AFN satellite/Internet, pool/garden maint. included. Centrally located to Rota, El Puerto de Santa Maria and Jerez, €1,850. Email for photos. Call 0049-151-5202-9810 or email

BEAUTIFUL HOUSE OUTSIDE PUERTO GATE: American-owned, 1 minute to housing gate, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, walk-in closet, lvg./dng. area w/fireplace, Large kitchen w/pantry, laundry area, terrace enclosed w/glass, sep. barbecue area w/water, private inside covered parking for 2 cars w/automatic gate, central heat, A/C, window screens, AFN satellite. Call Michael at 667-78-5290.

FUENTEBRAVIA HOUSE OVERLOOKING BEACH: Best views, 4 bdrm., 3 bath, central heat, city gas, lvg/dng. with fireplace, large top terrace and small yard. Asking €1,200/mo., include community fees. Listed in housing. Contact Coco at 699-79-4899, Engl ish speaker.

R O T A FL AT NEAR ROTA GATE: 104 m2 useable, 3 bdrm. with double windows to block noise, bath with Jacuzzi, kitchen, pantry, laundry, lvg./dng. rm., terrace, A/C and heat in lvg. rm. and bedrooms, f u r n . / u n f u r n . Ca l l 6 0 1 - 0 3 - 5 1 3 5 .

BEACHFRONT APARTMENT: Two-story apartment in Rota with great views and a great location. Unfurn., 3 bdrm. (nice size rooms with 3 large, professionally finished, built-in closets and lots of other storage as well), 2.5 bath (one with

hydro-massage tub, the other with hydro-massage shower and sauna). Designer kitchen, fully equipped. Laundry rm. with washer and dryer and lots of storage. Porch and small private yard, community pool, heat and A/C, screens on windows, garage parking and storage rm. Rent €1,400/mo., negotiable. Community fees and gardener included. Call 607-56-4132.

DOWNTOWN APARTMENT: Next to beach facing Hotel Duque de Najera, 4 bdrm., 2 bath, large terrace, private garage, kitchen, A/C. Call Amanda at 638-89-5378.

LUXURY APARTMENT BY THE BEACH: Beautiful, modern apartment facing the beach at La Costilla in the center of Rota. Elevator and underground garage, TV, Internet and spectacular views over the Atlantic Ocean. 2 bdrm., A/C, heat, automatic double glazed windows, insulated walls, security door and materials of the best quality have been added in the recent renovation of the house. Rent €1,500/mo. (negotiable) includes community fees, l isted in housing. Visit or call 660-96-2124.

COSTA BALLENA-ROTA HOUSE: Single house facing the beach and next to the golf course, 160 m2, 4 bdrm., 4 bath, 2 garages, patio and yard, A/C and heat, double windows, screens and community pool, beautiful ocean views, listed in housing. €1,600, call 605-51-5363.

M I S C E L L A N E O U SS E E K I N G E M P LO Y M E N T: D e t a i l o r i e n t e d , m e t i c u l o u s w o m a n available to clean house by the hour or weekly. Call Galia at 650-297-131.

DOG SITTER: Do you need a dog sitter? Give me a call at 956-81-5779.

SEEKING EMPLOYMENT: Homecare provider lots of experience. Worked in the states for 7 years. First aid, CPR, and

courses in child abuse detection, safety, learning environment and health, exc. references with lots of children and elderly experience, has transportation, excellent spoken English. Call Inma at 617-18-3881.

B R O K E R D E A L E R : U. S . M u t u a l F u n d s , I R A S , 5 2 9 1 , i n s u r a n c e , I R P S . Ca l l R ay at 6 5 3 - 7 8 - 0 2 9 6 .

E M P L O Y M E N TH R O : N o j o b s c u r r e n t l y o p e n . Customer service hours are 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call 727-1643 for more info.

M W R : Pro g ra m A s s i s t a nt (C Y P) , S uper visor y Recreat ion Special ist (Aquatics), Recreation Aide (Theater), Club Operations Aide (La Plaza), Driver/Cashier (Pizza Villa), Bartender (La Plaza), Driver/Cashier (La Plaza), Recreation Aide (Bowling), Recreation Assistant (Special Events). Applications must be submitted on OF-612 form and Preference Entitlement Survey to MWR Personnel Office, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For more information call 727-2596 or 727-3263.

The Coastline is looking for guest writers. If you're traveling some place fun, attending a sporting event, participating in a workshop or cooking class, leading special training in your of-fice or community, or have suggestions for The Coast-line readers to try, we want to hear from YOU!

Please send story and photo submissions to The Coastline at

Guest Writers Wanted!

November 29, 2012 23C L LOCAL NEWS

Principal’sHonors(GPAof4.00)8th GradeSarah HemmettCarlos OrtizCatherine RogersDavis Steiner 7th GradePresley PetersConnor RogersAlex SanchezNikolai Streeter

HighHonors(GPAof3.5-3.99)8th Grade Seth AbrahamsonSofia CastilloDaniel BastidasElizabeth BouwensJashaun GarrisonAdelia Gonzalez Tayla IrbySpencer JanseJustus Johnson Andrew Beyer-LucenaCarlos PerzDarelle Marie RancapDavid Rosinski Diego Perez-VillanuevaClayton Williams 7th GradeSaphira AbrahamsonKhalid AlexanderShelbie BellTanner BiehnAndrea-Gartland BonetJulieta BroganD’Angelo GallardoHailey GruetterCarolina Cabassa-Guimarae

Nathan LesserRachelle LibanKathleen MabunayDawson MillerAiddyn MorrisseyTruett MorrisseyAliegha PadgetAlyssa ParksAaron PeñaMackenzie PhakonkhamAnthony QuinonesNadya SterlingCarmen TellezMorgan Truemper

Honors(GPAof3.0-3.49)8th GradeSarah AninosNicholas CrusellasMatthew DeTore Alexys RamseyAumoni RobinsonJoshua RoehrigElizabeth SchwarzMatthew Tipton Alena Webster 7th GradeAshley AkinsJosé DiazMarco GramkeeLeila GuerreroBrayden HollandEthan KelleyAaron KlapiszewskiPatrick MasonPatrick MeyersRhyan MitchellHudson MorrisMary Williams

DGF Middle School First Quarter Honor Roll

24 November 29, 2012 C L