November 2012 Cultural Fuel Trend Report

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Inspiration"Some creative ideas to inspire you !

Trends"Hot trends and interesting marketing strategies!

Insights & Opinions"Research news about target groups and market insights!


WINDOW SHOPPING 2.0"Adidas neo takes window shopping to a completely new level. People can connect their smartphones to the interactive digital window outside the store. Besides dressing the digital model itʻs also possible to shop even hours after the store has closed. The principle is quite simple. By using the drag and drop function people can easily move their goods into their virtual shopping cart. Nice feature or the future of window shopping?!Via: /adidas-interactive-window-shopping/!

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IMPURE SKIN OR QR CODE?"QR Codes are so popular these days. In Seoul you can find a billboard on the bus shelter showing a woman who seems to have skin trouble. But in fact the red dots looking like impure skin are QR Codes. If people scan the QR Code they are automatically linked to the mobile website of Regen Skin Clinic.!Via:!

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PETROL PUMPS"This print ad doesnʻt need any words to explain. Great insight!!Via:!

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THE ATHLETE MACHINE"RedBull is famous for its extreme sport videos, but this is definitely something special and worth to be posted in the Trend Report. The video full of stunts, skydiving, cycling, skating and running is not the kind of a standard extreme sport video. By passing the finish line the athlete triggers a machine starting a countdown for the next athlete. 6 minutes great and entertaining viral marketing!!Via:!

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KEEP THE LANE"This Print Ad is similar to Renaultʻs petrol pumps idea. Simple and effective visual to point out a Kiaʻs benefit: Lane departure warning.!Via:!

THE GOOGLE CHROME JAM"Google came up with an interactive web application for Chrome that allows people from all over the world to play music together using their keyboard as one of 19 different instruments. You can invite up to three friends to your virtual band. Anyone up for a jam session?!Via:!

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GRIPPING COMMERCIALS"Hereʻs really a nice piece of animated work. The idea of integrating the benefits of „Good Books“ into a gripping short story instead of using a traditional commercial format is great. Thus „Good Books“ manages to grasp the audienceʻs attention in a way great books should do. Exciting and gripping.!Via:!

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DUMB WAYS TO DIE"To raise awareness on life threatening situations in public transport, Metro Melbourne and McCann created this hilarious online spot full of black humor called „dumb ways to die“. Supported by a catchy song this spot is up to become one of the next viral hits. So far the video has been watched by over 10 million people.!Via:!

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THE PAST OF MUSIC"To celebrate Sony Musicʻs 125 years of musical history, designer Alex Fowkes created an history-telling ambient in Sonyʻs Derry Street offices. Over 1000 musicians signed by Sony Music feature a wall of 150 square meters using CNC cut vinyl. Impressive work to strengthen the internal branding.!Via:!

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...AND WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?"The „Coca Cola Happiness Campaign“ comes to a new level. You can now share your happy moment pictures in „Happy Places“, a Coca Cola based social network.!Via:!

WATERDROPS ARE SO MUCH MORE"When posting twitter messages with the Evian melotweet hashtag, twitter profile pictures are immediately transformed into waterdrops on every Evian App screen. By moving symbols like lines, circles etc. onto the screen you can create different virtual waterdrop sounds to make your personalized relaxing „waterdrop music“ and post it. Nice social playing experience.!Via:!

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OLD SPICE: SAVE THE WORLD"Old spice is famous for itʻs unique and weird but gripping online commercials. As part of the „Belive in your Smellf“ campaign, Old Spice came up with this funny and almost senseless free to play browser game. According to the Mayas the end of the world is near, so donʻt hesitate and slip into the role of Dikembe Mutombo to save the world. !Via:!

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HIDDEN SURPRISE"During the opening week of the new James Bond „Skyfall“, Sony Mobile raised attention to its new smartphone Xperia acro S in secret agent style. The audience were handed out free drinks in the entrance area. What they didnʻt know – in a few soda cups Sony hid the new waterproof smartphone and announced the winners during a short teaser in secret agent style by calling them right before the movie started. Also in social media the feedback was great.!


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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO OUR FLIGHT..."By showing this inspiring and attention grabbing safety instruction based on the movie „The Hobbit“, „Air New Zealand“ did not only catch in-flight attention but also landed a viral hit with more than 9 million clicks on youtube. Beside the positive side-effect of making people aware of in-flight safety, the short clip is primarily a great promotion for the movie.!Via:!

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THE ONE WEEK LASTING DUNK"To promote the Foot Locker Week of Greatness, Kyrie Irving, famous basketball player at Cleveland Cavaliers, did the one week lasting dunk in super slow motion. Thereby „the way to the dunk“ is filled with Kyrie calling a friend, eating popcorn, watching photos, reading a book, sleeping, brushing his teeth and even more. !Via:!

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„DAD, CAN I BORROW SOME MONEY?“"This award-winning print campaign scores due to his simplicity and great insight. Depending on whoʻs talking you should either take an Aspirina or a Cafiaspirina when you need an even stronger pain killer.!Via:!

PUSH THE BUTTON"Live Tile is one of the key innovations of Windows 8. To highlight this new feature, a „Live Tile“ music button was placed on a sidewalk in Oslo. When people stand on the button, the „wall“ in front of them breaks and they are in the midst of a live concert. !Via:!

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CAMPAIGN WITH A VIEW"The German clothing brand „Schöffel“ won Gold for its print „Campaign with a View“ at the Epica Awards 2012. Schöffel stands for the doers, the people who escape from the everyday life and those who find a clearer perspective in life in a world only driven by being better, bigger or more successful than others. Great insight and implementation!!Via:!

GET RID OF YOUR TATTOO"Baywood, a local laser tattoo removal studio in Ontario, Canada came up with a great idea to raise attention on its business. Therefore they handed out business cards in different skin colours which you can use to remove your tattoo temporarily. To completely remove your tattoo you got the business card to make an appointment in the studio.!Via:!

WHAT DO YOU SEE?"The newest campaign from MAC (Motor Accident Comission South Australia) is really an amazing piece of art work created by Emma Hack, who is also famous for the Gotya „Somebody That I Used to Know“ video clip. When you have a closer look at the picture you can see that people are forming the shape of the car with their painted bodies. The idea of the campaign - „We all play a part“ – should raise awareness to high speed on roads and that everyone in the community plays a part in reducing the road toll.!Via:!

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BACK TO THE ROOTS"No two-finger-zoom, no automated reminder, not even a digital screen. Just an old-fashioned planner from like centuries ago. But the video clip is anything but boring. Itʻs so creative, colorful and inspirational. The technique used in the clip is called graphic motion.!Via:!

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SUPERMARKET ORCHESTRA"The Jamaican beer brand „Red Stripe“ came up with a great marketing stunt in a little corner shop in London. When taking a Red Stripe out of the fridge different sounds only made by things you can find in the store form a Jamaican rhythm. The main actors: piping bottles, rattling boxes and sweeping brushes.!Via:!

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WHAT TYPE ARE YOU?"Are you „DSLR Clueless“? You got a great camera with all the DSLR gear but not idea what itʻs good for? Then you probably fit to one of the funny photographer types shown in the new „DSLR Clueless“ online video clip by Sony, to promote its new SonyNex cameras. They got the best gear to make great pictures, but they all got one thing in common – using auto-mode settings.!Via:!

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HOW WOULD YOU LOOK LIKE..."... if your life went totally different. Roman Sakovich, photographer from London, created a non-profit portrait series to show people how they would look like if they were addicted to drugs. These split-screen portraits just have one message: to shock...!Via:!

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JUST ONE MOMENT TO THINK ABOUT"This is the new campaign from UNESCO called „The Daily Abuse“, which actually looks like an normal!Newspaper at first view. But in fact there arenʻt any news in the paper. There are just names. Names that symbolize the number of 250.000 abused children per day.!Via:!

THE „SUNFLOWER CHAIR“"A chair with its own integrated book-shelf. You can have endless reading sessions without leaving your chair.!Via:!


FIAT NO DREAM LIMIT"At the SEMA 2012 Fiat came up with customized Fiat500 models for different kind of usages. What do you think of a „beach cruiser“ model, with all the car modifications needed for a surf trip? Just a nice idea for an exhibition or the future of customized cars? !Via:!

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FIND A NEW JOB VIA FACEBOOK"Facebook is implementing new applications day by day to create a social network covering as many social needs as possible. According to recent studies the use of social media to find jobs increases daily. Therefore itʻs not really surprising that Facebook finally integrated a „Job App“ with strong partnerships like, Monster, BranchOut, Jobvite and Work4Labs. A big point is the simplicity and usability of the interface which allows people to find jobs matching their skills in an easy way. !Via:!

APP TO MONITOR DISEASE OUTBREAKS"ClickClinica is an interactive free app providing doctors not only with authoritative guidelines for handling medical issues but also a platform for an digital reference book. Doctors can enter their patientʻs symptoms and the treatment they provided, which can be seen by other doctors from all over the world. If the app collects enough data itʻs also possible to monitor disease outbreaks linked to a geographical area in real time.!Via:!

CUSTOMIZED SHOPPING"Todayʻs online fashion retailers are often overloaded by thousands of different products under which only a certain number belongs to oneʻs relevant set. At this point the idea of the fashion retailer startup Frank&Oak comes into play. Customization. After filling out a starting formula to identify your fashion type, the site personalizes more with every purchase. Also new inspirational proposals are given to expand oneʻs style. Is this future of intelligent, personalized shopping?!Via:!

Watch the interview with the founders here:!

WHOʻS CALLING? AND WHY?"„CallApp“ enables users to get more information about the people that are calling and people a user is going to call. The application collects relevant data such as latest tweets, latest status updates, reminders etc. and thereby creates an overview that gives useful information about the caller, reasons why he might be calling and about his current location. This could probably prevent embarassing situations but mainly save a lot of time.! Via:!

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SMART STREET LIGHTS"London is up to connect street lights with tablets across central London. The lights can be dimmed or monitored via the tablet devices and moreover people can send alerts to technicians when a light has broken or gone out. This new technology will decrease Londonʻs energy bill by almost 1 million pounds every two years. !Via:!


A WORLD WHERE ELECTRONIC DEVICES OUTNUMBER PEOPLE"According to a research the current number of electronic devices outnumbers the world population. But what if we could have „do-it-all“ devices instead of different devices with unique usage and benefits.!You can find the article here:!


TYPOLOGY OF FACEBOOK FANS"Soap has identified 36 different types of facebook fans, based on their communicational behaviour towards a brand fanpage on facebook. You can find the link to the presentation below. !Via:!

Check out the presentation at:!

HOW TO MOTIVATE PEOPLE TO BECOME A BRAND FAN ON FACEBOOK"Lab42 published a study about what encourages social media users to like or unlike a brand on facebook. The „likes“ are mainly driven by promotions and discounts whereas the primarily reason to unlike a brand are too frequent brand posts.!Check out the whole infographic below to get some interesting insights on how to build up a great social media brand fanbase.!Via:!

GADGETS THAT SHOULD MAKE LIFE EASIER"Imagine you could ask your smartphone if you still got milk or butter in the fridge. Teehan and Lax Labs came up with an idea to monitor oneʻs fridge and report it immediately to your smartphone. Definitely a usable gadget, although the prototype is very complex. !The other gadget is a so-called „Decelerator Helmet“ that slows down time in your environment. Via a controller you can slow down and then again speed up time. Funny thing but I still didnʻt get the idea of walking around looking like an astronaut to slow down time.!Via:!!

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Released by Planning Department FrankfurtNovember 2012 For submission of interesting news, inspiration and comments please submit to