November Fall Issue

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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First issue of an upcoming magazine for the Sims made by the Sims.




LL 20


November issue

Fashion Week In Bridgeport

Exclusive Interviewwith Builders Jack & Tugmel

F.A.S,E Model CompetitionThe inside track

LaPrimaSimazine - November/112



1 LaPrimaSimazine - November/11

Editors Letter

It is human nature to try and keep good people down. But we at LaPrimaSimazine know the value of hard

work and commitment and strive to rise above all adversities to show that no matter how many times you get knocked over you have the strength to get back up and continue the dream. So because of you we bring you this publication. We believe in community and are happy to share with you the unique creations done by talented individuals who continue to break all barriers and social roles.

Enjoy this months issue, as we did making it.







In Every Issue

4 Editors Letter6 Pandora”s Closet10 Confessions14 S-Style24 S-Teen28 Lust Catalogue36 Prima Men113 Character Type114The List


Cover Leonie78 F.A.S.E Winner

In Style

48 LA Fashion96 Men On The Scene

Sim Living

70 Exclusive Builders




47 Fall In Line90 Reader Rant






LaPrimaSimazine - November/116

I am big on what is in for the season, if you follow the trends you would know that fashion is always a step ahead. So to prepare myself I always do a “spring” cleaning before the next wave comes in. That doesn’t mean I get rid of everything, some items are classic and can be worn in any year. You want to keep in style without breaking the bank. Not everyone will already have a few selections to work from, some of you will be starting from scratch so it is important to choose wisely. We want to avoid the “after shop hangover” where you wake up the next day and wonder what were you thinking when you bought this. So to get you started here are a few must haves that will get you through the year.

Pandora’s ClosetLEATHER



You can never be cheap on a good leather jacket, quality is key when choosing. My personal preference is lamb skin, it is soft and surprisingly durable. You can go two ways with leather, you can do the full leather coat or a form fitting waste length. Either way it is a great addition to any outfit you would put together.

As equally important are the items that are beneath the coat. Jeans are my personal fav’s because they are so versatile. You can dress them up or down and get away with it in any occasion. You MUST have two types of jeans in your closet, a nice dark pair or black and a casual blue in any style you like. Boot cut would be the best choice. Tops are the easiest to find and you must know what suits you and what you are comfortable with, don’t be afraid to play around with your style, being an individual will never be out of season.


8 LaPrimaSimazine - November/11


Editor LeLuChief Editor Mims

Fashion Director TempestPhotographer Jack, Tempest

Phot Editor MimsFeatures Director LeLu

Ad Director Jack

LaPrimaSimazine@facebook.comOnline Editor Mims, Lelu





Ladies Shop



LaPrimaSimazine - November/11

Got something on your mind? Let me help you, I have all the answers...Let me hear your confessions, write me at

Dear Mims

My name is Geno and I am a teenage boy. My parents keep driving me towards the corporate ladder but I really want to be an artist. I pretend to agree with them just to keep the peace in the home. I am the youngest of 4 children my 2 sisters and older bother have all followed in my parents footsteps and entered the corporate world. I am so unhappy, please help me decide.


Dear Geno,

Sweet child don’t you worry about anything aunty mims is here. The first thing you need to do is look into the artist career more. Look at how you can support yourself and any future family you may have. What prospects is there? Once you have all the information you are going to have to talk to your parents. I am sure they will feel a little disappointed but stick it out. Remind them this is your life not theirs. Why not compromise with them, maybe give your chosen career a 5yr goal and if you don’t achieve anything within those 5 yrs then you can join the corporate world. Parents like to see their children succeed in life and no matter what you do I am sure they will be proud of you.

Dear Mims

Dear MimsI have been on my own now for over a year. I have joined the dating agency here in Sunset Valley but still haven’t found true love. I am a 24yr old female and I word part time at the spa. I simply don’t know what to do. Please help.

Lonely Heart

Dear Lonely Heart,

The solutions is right her my darling. Join the “Find me a date” here at La Prima Simazine. Send in a small photo and we will find you that one true love.


*Star Letter*



Sexy Shouldn't Always Have to Cost you

Sophisticated by women




LaPrimaSimazine - November/11

UpTown Girls




LaPrimaSimazine - November/1114


Model: Marina Chenille

On days where I am not at a job I dress casually. Usually jeans and a tank, maybe a jacket if I am meeting up with the girls, just to dress it up a bit. Most of the time I just like to be alone and read, as I don’t get a lot of time to myself. My must haves are jeans, and all around bag, pumps and a pair of shakes. You just can’t go wrong with that.




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LaPrimaSimazine - November/1118


Model: Bridgett Francois

I love to travel, I think I have been almost everywhere but my favorite place is Cuba. I can’t tell you how many times I have gone back just for the nightlife. I don’t own a pair of sneakers so my closet is full of heals and boots. You can never have enough shoes I say so why limit yourself.




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The Italian Beauty





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LaPrimaSimazine - November/1126

Prima-Teen Teen fashion has become a growing industry. No more are they restricting themselves to the uniform type attire, they are now branching out to a more grown and somewhat sophisticated look. From casual wear to even formal wear you will find your teen in style with the latest trends.

So it is no wonder parents are finding that more kids are willing to fight for fashion. They are leading the way to a new era, making their own mark in the fashion industry.

Casual it’s are a must in every true Teen Stylist. They come in all styles and are a compliment to any pair of jeans.

Sneaking around has become more trendy. Simverse shoes have hit the market for the more rebellious and have taken off as the new style for fall.


Jackets have become the ne accessory. Now they are more than just keeping out teens warm they are now making a statement. Coupled with a casual pair of jeans the possibilities are endless.

Our little girls are not so little anymore, now they are parading the streets in what we would call cloth. But like most girls they just want to have fun and look good while doing it. With the right tools they can do both. Jean skirts are back in style and looking better than ever, our model is showing hers off with a nice pair of knee high boots and a casual T. And just to add that little extra a silver bracelet was added to give the look more charm. Look out boys here she come with a teen sized vava voom.



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LaPrimaSimazine - November/1134

When She’s Bad


She’s Good





LaPrimaSimazine - November/1136

Jacket 100Shirt 25Jeans 85Shoes 300Scarf 15


Since when did only women have to care about how we look? If the man

wants us to look good then the same should go for themselves. Thankfully male fashion has grown into something we can be proud of. Nothing gets a woman going than a well dressed man, or undressed depending on the occasion. Despite the lack of variety in a mans closet he can still look good without the dreaded repeat that all women fear. So we thank you, fashion designers for taking our men to the next level.

Shirt 120Watch 1,000Pants 95Woman Priceless





LaPrimaSimazine - November/1138

Sweater 90Pants 150


The casual look is common among most men. It says a lot when a man can not only

show that he can be down to earth but that he can look good while doing it. Neutral tones go a long way when you don’t want to be to obvious but you still want to have that upscale look. Matching tones with your own skin tone is important as you don’t want to look loud. Subtle is the key and she will be all over you.

Shirt 200Jeans 185





LaPrimaSimazine - November/1140

Shirt 70Watch 400

Shirt 85Pants 190


Are women attracted to the cars men drive, or is it the

man that drives the car? Do we care? Hot is Hot! Besides either way you win, in you are going to drive with the top down, and I mean the car then you will need to be dressed for the drive. Whether you are going to wear a long sleeve or short you still have to look good. Depending on the style both a long and short sleeve can offer a variety of looks. Plus you can dress either up or down and still be ready for anything that may come your way.

Man Up At






LaPrimaSimazine - November/1142

The first date says a lot about a person, and women respond

well to a man who looks like he knows what he is doing. As you may already know women are critical creatures so you better be ready to be judged. Black and White is the best way to mask your fashion inexperience. If you have no idea what you are doing or how to put yourself together this colour combo will buy you some time. But don’t think that it will fool her for long, you will eventually have a second date and you need to figure yourself out by then. If you still don’t know, throw a jacket in the mix.

Jacket 200Shirt 80Pants 150


Shirt 200Jeans 99Shoes 150Watch 500Kiss Priceless




LaPrimaSimazine - November/1144

2011 SimLa Car Show


2011 SimLa Car Show

Coming Soon

LaPrimaSimazine - November/1146

Fall In Line


It’s a wonder that most of us SimBeings have learned how to dress

ourselves, with the lack of variety in stores we have been forced to shop elsewhere to get that fashion high that we all love. That is why Fashion Week is such a detrimental part of the year. Every year around this time Designers fight to the death to create something not only unique to each individual but something obtainable. But who is wearing who? It would appear that the best quality clothing is being reserved for the elite while the rest of us get the not so great quality. Fair? Of course not! Why should the rest of us SB’s get the bottom of the fashion barrel, why should we settle for less while others are roaming the streets wearing more? Thankfully this year we have had some new blood hit the scene and are excited to see what the future holds for them.

When you live in a season less society it is hard to dress for the occasion, we in fact have to make up our own occasions and that is what designers are raving about. What is the occasion you ask, well it is fall and it has its own rules. Do we all abide by them, unfortunately not, some of us prefer to break the rules

and wear our sweat suites to dinner but we can be more. While I was in Bridgeport, one of the leading cities for their exploit in High Fashion, I noticed that celebrities have taken up a boot habit. I am all for boots but do they need to go with everything? What am I saying of course they do! From ankle boots to thigh highs those boots were made for rocking. Feeling out of place in my sneakers and not so stylish jeans I quickly got the Bridgeport makeover at one of their local boutiques. Yes the word is out and boots are the new thing, so what about us you ask? Will we be forced to pay the cost to be a part of the crowd? Bridgeport seems to think so but not to worry, there are other ways to beat the system and get yourself ready for the season. Designers are now exporting some of their designs to smaller towns and shops and who knows that could be you. So get your tail into high gear, drive that jolopee to town and check out what is in style for you, and don’t forget to wear your coat.






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LaPrimaSimazine - November/1150


We took a trip to Bridgeport for their

Fashion week and was pleasantly surprised at the number of celebrities that came out for this event. Being new to the Fashion industry Bridgeport is making a name for itself.

With boots now in sea-son for fall a wide selec-tion was sported down the runway accompanied by some flirty outwear for any occasion. And not only for the ladies, we also had sleek designs for men who looked nothing but sharp.




LaPrimaSimazine - November/1152


The designs this year had more contour

and class than the previous year which seemed sloppy. From cotton dresses to silk shirts we went from casual to classy in a mater of minutes. We went backstage to ask the designers what was the inspiration behind this years style and comfort without cost was the all round consensus.




LaPrimaSimazine - November/1154


As we approached the end of the night,

we were thrilled to see the evening wear finally make it to the runway. We were without words as the models displayed a buffet of lengths colours and style to match what was a fantastic evening.




LaPrimaSimazine - November/1156

These designers did not play around when

it came to making this town one step closer to becoming the next Fashion Capital. We are definitely looking forward to their winter and soon to come spring collection and will be front row with the exclusive just for you.





LaPrimaSimazine - November/1158

We’d like to thank Bridge Inn Hotel for their

fabulous accommodations and all the designers for the backstage pass into what was the most memorable Fashion Week.





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LaPrimaSimazine - November/1170

Here at Prima we value all types of creators and

players, and with the growing number of creations out there we have decided to feature two exceptional builders in this issue. Home design isn’t as easy as it looks, and it is all good that we get to reap the benefits of the finished product. But where does all this come from, how is it done? From a personal point of view I know how hard it is to get things started let alone a finished product. Usually

I just give up and leave it to the professionals. We all appreciate the hard work and dedication they take to build their creations, so let’s find out the mind behind the structures as Prima interviews two promising builders Jack

and Tugmel.

Sim Living


Jack Buildier

Prima How long did it take you to perfect building?

Jack At first it did not take long to get the idea of how things worked. Then I started to try out more things. So now I’m into working from a house floor plan.

Prima What was the first thing you built?

Jack The first thing I created was a box house just so I could put a sim on a lot (laughs)

Prima where do you draw inspiration from?

Jack Some of my houses are built from floor plans that I find on the web. But most of my inspiration comes from my mind, as I have spent many years working in the building trade.





LaPrimaSimazine - November/1172

Prima Share with us something unique that you have learned while creating?

Jack I’ve learned that it is helpful to draw a draft of the house

on paper before I build. When I create I build all my houses as if I were going to live in it, tat to me makes it unique.

Prima Where do you like to shop

for CC?

Jack There are a few creators I use, but these are the main ones I like to go to. Angela TSR, Cyclonesue TSR, Gosik TSR, Kyla1702 TSR, Mutske TSR, Shino % KCR TSR.

Prima What type of houses do you like to create?

Jack I like building luxury modern houses.

I think it is safe to say that no two artists are the same.

With Jacks experience in design and unique outlook on structure, it gives him just what he needs to make any sim happy and well entertained. It is obvious he puts in care with his selections and you will not

find two houses alike.


for CC?

Jack There are a few creators I use, but these are the main ones I like to go to. Angela TSR, Cyclonesue TSR, Gosik TSR, Kyla1702 TSR, Mutske TSR, Shino % KCR TSR.

Prima What type of houses do you like to create?

Jack I like building luxury modern houses.





LaPrimaSimazine - November/1174



Prima How long have you been creating?

Tugmel I’ve been creating since 2008(sims2) but my first creation on TSR was on July 2009 for the sims3

Prima Where do you get most of the interior furniture?

Tugmel I generally get them from the TSR, and sometimes from Luna Sims.

Prima How long does it take to finish one of your houses?

Tugmel I am working all day so it takes approx 2 days because I am not at the computer all the time.





LaPrimaSimazine - November/1176

Prima How many houses have you done?

Tugmel I have created 35 houses for TS3.

Prima Is there anything else you like to create in tS3?

Tugmel I like to create sims (models) and pattern of walls (wallpaper)


Tumel has surely put the wow factor in her

creations. With her sleek design and eye for the luxurious it is easy to fall in love with her modern look. Needless to say we will be seeing a lot more of her in the future and we at Prima are looking forward to it. Thank you both for allowing us a peek inside

your designer studio.







LaPrimaSimazine - November/1178


LeoniePrima Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Leonie I’m pretty silly really - I can’t help joking around when sometimes I should probably stop, haha! I can be a bit of a diva at times, but nobody tells me off for it, so maybe I’m not that bad ... or maybe they’re just too scared to tell me! My favorites colour is baby blue and I absolutely adore goopy carbonara, I’m not one of those people that’s happy with just an apple for a snack - I love my food too much!

Prima What made you join the modelling world?

Leonie I guess I just wanted to do something different. I grew up on my parents ranch in Ap-paloosa Plains, so I was always used to working

hard looking after the horses. I didn’t have the time to think about what I looked like! When we moved over to Bridge-port, I realized what I’d been missing out on and discovered an en-thusiasm for fashion - it started off as a bit of fun really, but it’s kind of snowballed!

Prima How did it feel to hear you had been placed 2nd?

Leonie I was absolutely ecstatic when I found out I’d won! I wasn’t expecting it at all seen as this was my first compe-tition - but it was a lovely surprise and I’m so hap-py I had the opportunity to get involved! All of the models were totally stun-ning and I had an abso-lute blast!

Model CompetitionWe had a blast siting on the sidelines for the First Annual Simmers Edge Competition as 8 models competed to

reach the top. But of course there can only be one, we witnessed talented women pose, primp and sashay their way till only three contestants remained. We bring you your backstage pass to the 2nd and 3rd place winners and of course our winner Leonie.









LaPrimaSimazine - November/1180

prima What are your ambi-tions?

Leonie I’d love to keep going with modelling, it’s something I really enjoy and I’d be so happy to just keep going with this forever. But at the same time, I kind of miss the ranch where I grew up - I’d love to start off my own ranch here in Bridge-port - bring the countryside to the big city! I have no idea how that would work but I’ll figure it out haha!

If it’s what you want to do then you go for it! And prac-tice really does make per-fect! The more you take part, the better at it you’ll be-come. You’ll be a superstar before you know it!

Prima What advice can you give young people who would like to enter the mod-elling world?

Leonie Absolutely never, ever, EVER give up! Don’t listen to people who say you can’t do it. If you have the determination and drive, you can do anything you want!

Prima Who would you most like to meet and why?

Leonie I’m such a nosy girl! - There are rumors flying round Bridgeport that Lola

Belle is a vampire, and she’s been biting people in broad daylight! I’d love to meet her face to face to see if it’s true! I guess that would be a story to tell the grand kids!

Prima Who is your favorite clothing designer?

Leonie Ohhhh, that’s such a tough question! I really love Miraminkova’s designs, but it’s just impossible to pick one favorite! Saliwa has some beautiful outfits in her collection, and Ernhn has some seriously gorgeous and wonderfully made de-signs. There are far too many wonderful artists to list here haha! I have really eclectic taste when it comes to fash-ion - there isn’t much I don’t like!

Prima At what stage did you realize that you could win the competition?

Leonie I didn’t ever really think I could win! I was up against some seriously tough competition, the other mod-els were all so beautiful! It was so exciting when I found out I’d made it to the final round! My agent showed me into the huge studio for the finals - a massive runway surrounded by water! You wouldn’t believe the amount of times I almost fell in!

Prima Have you entered any other competitions?

Leonie This was my first com-petition! I’m a total newbie haha! I haven’t entered any others yet, but it’s some-thing I’ve really enjoyed doing! I definitely will enter more in the future!

Prima Do you have a favor-ite hair designer if so, what makes them so special?

Leonie Newsea is by far the best in my opinion, but I also adore Peggy’s designs - they’re beautiful! Those two are my favorite designers I think, but I can’t ignore the fabulous re-styles by Anubis and Tum Tum, they’re just amazing!

Prima Are you single?

Leonie *sigh* At the minute yes, but who knows what will happen! I spend a lot of my time surrounded by gorgeous male models - how can I possibly choose just one!? haha!


Prima If you could change something about the world what would it be?

Leonie Hmmm, that’s another tough one, but I’d have to say I’d love to get rid of the stigma that to be a success-ful model you need to be stick thin, eat nothing and work out all day. I said earlier that I eat like an absolute pig, and I meant it! I’m proud of my curves and I hope to serve as living proof that you don’t need to be a stick insect to make it as a model!

Do you own any pets?

Leonie I’m living in an apartment in Bridgeport at the minute, so as much as I’d love to have my precious horses living with me, it’s impossible! I just adopted a little kitten called Murphy though, and so far he’s loving tear-ing up all my furniture! I’m glad he’s having fun, but it does get annoying having to clear up his mess every five minutes!

Prima Can you in your own words, give a short statement about the modelling industry with any credit to anyone who has played a role in your

life so far

Leonie Well, the modelling industry is a tough world to crack, but that’s no reason not to try it! I’m having the time of my life right now. I love what I do and I’d model till I’m old and wrin-kly if I could haha! Obviously I have to say a massive thank you to all the brilliant hair and clothing designers out there, as well as the incredible make up artists and accessory makers - I couldn’t live without you. I’d give each and every one of you a shout out if I had the space and time here haha! You’re all incredibly talented. Don’t ever stop doing what you do!! xxx








LaPrimaSimazine - November/1182

Prima What made you sign Leonie to your agency?

(Agent) 8. Leonie’s a very unique looking girl - she’s got a really stand out look and isn’t shy at all - she’s perfect for the modelling industry! She’s not afraid to put her own spin on things and is so versatile. I just had to sign her up straight away!

Prima What does the future hold for Leonie?

(Agent) 9. Well I’m sure this won’t be the last we see of her! - She’s deter-mined to get out there and continue modelling, but she’s also very inter-ested in the fashion world, not just taking pretty pictures! You never know, you could see her starting up her own clothing range one day! We’ll just have to wait and see!

Prima Where can photographers find your models?

(Agent) 10. My models have two bas-es at the minute - you can find more details at my blog Scribblings By Me, or over at Simtech Forum!

Prima Do you have any male models in your agency?

(Agent) I do have a few, but I’ve mainly concentrated on girls up until now. I’m definitely going to branch

out and sign more when I have the time!

Prima I see you also make lip gloss for your models, what inspired you to do this?

(Agent) I’ve been getting into design fairly slowly - I made a few paintings and loved it, so it was just a case of me trying something new really! I’ve been experimenting with lots of dif-ferent things lately, I have a couple more lip glosses that are almost ready for release, and I’m starting on some eyeliner designs - it’s pretty much just whatever takes my fancy haha! I’m hoping to branch out into clothing and maybe even hairstyles one day, we’ll just have to see how it goes!

Prima What do models need to do to be signed to your agency?

(Agent) I need my models to be very different to each other. I try my best to make sure that none of them are too similar! Aside from that there always has to be something there beyond the looks, a bit of personality works wonders in this industry and that’s what I look for in my models!

It was obvious that Leonie was a very easy going and lovable young lady and would definitely go far

in the industry. So we decided to ask her agent about how they found such a rising star.









LaPrimaSimazine - November/1184

Prima Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Soleil Well, I’m 19 years old, born and raised in Canada. I just started university, architecture is my main study.

Prima What made you join the modelling world?

Soleil I’ve been modeling since I was very young. I started off by winning a contest when I was about 7 years old for a Sears catalog. My mom was shopping and saw the contest and thought it might be a fun thing to do. Well, my modeling career has really blossomed since


Prima How did it feel to hear you had been placed 2nd?

Soleil I was very happy to have won 2nd place! My competitors are all very talented and beautiful. It was very difficult.

Prima What are your ambitions?

Soleil My ambitions are to succeed in my schooling and major in architecture ,that is my passion in life.

Prima What advice can you give young people who would like to enter the modelling world?

Soleil Keep it

real, haha. It’s a tough place to be, you need to stay strong. There is a lot of competition and they will try to keep you down.

Prima Who would you most like to meet and why?

Soleil Hmmm, that’s a tough question, I admire so many of the models....Cindy Crawford! She was around so long ago and still is so beautiful and down to earth. I would like to get to know her better!

Prima Who is your favorite clothing designer?

Soleil Icia and Lorandia!

Prima What made you sign Soleil to your agency?

Agent When I first saw Soleil I thought she was very beautiful. She suits many different styles and I found her to be very unique, just what I’m looking for in a model.

Prima What does the future hold for Soleil?

Agent I think she holds a strong

future in the modeling world. She has a strong heart and she is very competitive, so I think she will go far if she continues to persue this life style.

Prima Where can photographers find your models?

Agent My office is based out of Jaedub :A collection of sims, just downtown.

Battling the runway with the lovely Leonie was Soleil, it was a close competition

as both girls look stunning. We asked both her and her agent how they felt about the competition and what all this meant for the future.


future in the modeling world. She has a strong heart and she is very competitive, so I think she will go far if she continues to persue this life style.

Prima Where can photographers find your models?

Agent My office is based out of Jaedub :A collection of sims, just downtown.









LaPrimaSimazine - November/1186

Prima Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Imogen I’m original-ly from Turkey where Catal HUyuk is lo-cated. My father was and Engineer, my mother used to work at a market. But she left her job to marry my father and she gave birth to me one year later.

Prima What made you join the modelling world?

Imogen Growing up, I was very tall for my age and my mother always talked about how one day I should come to the states and become a model. So after I graduated high school I left Turkey and moved to the state in New

York City and started perusing a modeling career.

Prima How did it feel to hear you had been placed 3rd?

Imogen The com-petition was very tough, I was happy to have made it that far.

Prima What are your ambitions?

Imogen Modeling is my life, it’s an art and would one day liked to be recognized all over the world and I hope to inspire woman to always pursue their dreams and they have a place in the world.

Prima What advice

can you give young people who would like to enter the modelling world?

Imogen This is not an easy industry to get into so just remem-ber when one door shuts another door opens, never give up.

We have not seen the last of this exotic beauty, Imogen has her

eyes on the prize and will continue her dreams to become a model. We asked her how it felt to come this close and what her plans will be after this.


Prima Who would you most like to meet and why?

Imogen I would love to meet Angelina Jolie, I admire her as an actress and as a humanitarian and people say we look a lot alike.

Prima Who is your favorite clothing designer?

Imogen My Favorite clothing designer is Lorandia, her clothing line is just magnificent!

Prima What made you sign Soleil to your agency?

Agent When I seen her portfolio I was blown away, she has a natural beauty and a serene aura to her, like I ever seen.

Prima What does the future hold for Imogen?

Agent I see her on every magazine and a inspiration to every little girl around the world!

Prima Where can photographers find your models?

Agent You can check out my websites at and you can also go to

LaPrimaSimazine - November/1188

Switch It UP

Go Rugged


Not Happy with the way you look?

Get Him!!

Or You’ll Regret It






Readers Rant

LaPrimaSimazine - November/1190

Happy Hour?

Is it just me or is there no room for the regular guy? Recently I

had decided that it was time for a change, I’m a struggling artist cliché I know but true, so I don’t get out much. I haven’t been to a club in years as I was too busy trying to find myself and my art. So I decided to break free from this abyss and get myself out there. My first stop was to get a fresh look as mine was a little on the grunge side, if I am going to find my future wife I would want her to believe that there is a future to speak of. Once I had created the illusion of a perfect gentlemen I gathered up what little friends I had acquired and headed to the club. After paying criminal fees for parking I was then faced with a very fit and very scary looking woman. At first I thought I had mistakenly gone to some kind of weird after

hours gym, but no I was in the right place. She gave me one look and told me that I was not the kind of crowd they allow in their establishment. What did that even mean!? Obviously we could not take her on as I am sure she would beat us all to a pulp, so we moved on. I wish I could say that the next place was even better, but no, a man this time greeted us at the door. I was sure that the night was going to be a complete waste of time but he must of smelt the despair in the air and let us in, for a fee that is. Once we were in I immediately headed to the bar, it was going to take more than one drink to turn this night around for me and I wasn’t going to waste time. I don’t know what happened during my artist period but I must have missed the party. There was hardly anyone here, not one potential future Mrs. starving artist, instead it seemed that this space was occupied with other lost souls who paid their dues to entry as well. It would seem that the only person getting anything out of this night was the


man at the door. Now I am not one to pass judgment on just one experience, and being the kind of guy that I am I decided to make this my new thing. For the past month I have been buying my way into these clubs checking out the scene and guess what NOTHING is happening! Where did happy hour go, when the places were full of women and men who wanted them? If you are trying to meet someone I am afraid you won’t find them hiding in the club, try to gym or the library surprisingly because it seems that happy hour has ended.


Want It Yet?


LaPrimaSimazine - November/1192

Your’re As Rich As You Think



LaPrimaSimazine - November/1194



- (tags, make up, eye #2)





















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Girls Night


Never Looked This Good

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Risks are easier to take....When you own one of these...


Risks are easier to take....When you own one of these...

And we don’t mean the model

LaPrimaSimazine - November/11112


The Siren is the most ancient seductress of them all. Her prototype is the goddess Aphrodite-it is her nature to have mythic quality about her-but

do no imagine she is a thing of the past, or of legend and history: she represents a powerful male fantasy of a highly sexual, supremely confident, alluring female offering endless pleasure and a bit of danger. If it is seductive power you are after, the Siren is the most potent of all. She operates on a mans’s most basic emotions and if she plays her role properly, she can transform a normally strong and responsible male into a childish slave. Firs and foremost, a Siren must distinguish herself from other women, once she has made herself stand out from others, she must have two other qualities: the ability to get the male to pursue her so feverishly that he loses control: and a touch of the dangerous.

The Siren

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The List

Are you on it?


SerpentrogueAltea127peggyZoneLorandia sims3freshprincecreationMy Blue BookAll About StyleAnubis360Tomislaw SimsrustynailShake ShaftMutskeAngelaCyclonesureParlainessimsShadow 66Sporty JilikaMelisainciEkinegeAsiaCelopatraprecioussims

ZamckDarknightRedcatBiba32Cbon73SortrainMurfeelSugamamiMiniszSpacesimsLustness_simsJuzhitudarkosimsSaliwaNatalisMiraminkovahatrosesimsIrinkaUnderstrech Imaginationthesimsklhawk07naruto1313





LaPrimaSimazine - November/111

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Model Leonie