NS 181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network ... · • The provisions of this Standard...

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Network Standard


Document No Amendment No Approved By Approval Date Review Date

: : : : :

NW000-S0079 3 Head of AEP&S 05/02/2020 05/02/2023

Supersedes Network Standard (NETWORK) NW000-S0079 Amendment No. 2



NS181 Approval of Materials & Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3



For issue to all Ausgrid and Accredited Service Providers’ staff involved with the planning, design, construction, maintenance and auditing of network projects, and is for reference by field, technical and engineering staff.

Ausgrid maintains a copy of this and other Network Standards together with updates and amendments on www.ausgrid.com.au.

Where this standard is issued as a controlled document replacing an earlier edition, remove and destroy the superseded document


As Ausgrid’s standards are subject to ongoing review, the information contained in this document may be amended by Ausgrid at any time. It is possible that conflict may exist between standard documents. In this event, the most recent standard shall prevail.

This document has been developed using information available from field and other sources and is suitable for most situations encountered in Ausgrid. Particular conditions, projects or localities may require special or different practices. It is the responsibility of the local manager, supervisor, assured quality contractor and the individuals involved to make sure that a safe system of work is employed and that statutory requirements are met.

Ausgrid disclaims any and all liability to any person or persons for any procedure, process or any other thing done or not done, as a result of this Standard.

All design work, and the associated supply of materials and equipment, must be undertaken in accordance with and consideration of relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, latest revision of Ausgrid’s Network Standards and specifications and Australian Standards. Designs submitted shall be declared as fit for purpose. Where the designer wishes to include a variation to a Network Standard or Alternative materials or equipment to that currently approved the designer must obtain authorisation from the Network Standard owner before incorporating a variation to a Network Standard or Alternative material into a design. All designers including external designers authorised as Accredited Service Providers will seek approval through the approved process as outlined in NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations. Seeking approval will ensure Network Standards are appropriately updated and that a consistent interpretation of the legislative framework is employed.

Notes: 1. Compliance with this Network Standard does not automatically satisfy the requirements of a Designer Safety Report. The designer must comply with the provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW - Part 6.2 Duties of designer of structure and person who commissions construction work) which requires the designer to provide a written safety report to the person who commissioned the design. This report must be provided to Ausgrid in all instances, including where the design was commissioned by or on behalf of a person who proposes to connect premises to Ausgrid’s network, and will form part of the Designer Safety Report which must also be presented to Ausgrid. Further information is provided in Network Standard (NS) 212 Integrated Support Requirements for Ausgrid Network Assets.

2. Where the procedural requirements of this document conflict with contestable project procedures, the contestable project procedures shall take precedent for the whole project or part thereof which is classified as contestable. Any external contact with Ausgrid for contestable works projects is to be made via the Ausgrid officer responsible for facilitating the contestable project. The Contestable Ausgrid officer will liaise with Ausgrid internal departments and specialists as necessary to fulfil the requirements of this standard. All other technical aspects of this document which are not procedural in nature shall apply to contestable works projects.


In the event that any user of this Standard considers that any of its provisions is uncertain, ambiguous or otherwise in need of interpretation, the user should request Ausgrid to clarify the provision. Ausgrid’s interpretation shall then apply as though it was included in the Standard, and is final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into with any person disputing the meaning of the provision published in the Standard or the accuracy of Ausgrid’s interpretation.


This standard has a summary of content labelled “KEYPOINTS FOR THIS STANDARD”. The inclusion or omission of items in this summary does not signify any specific importance or criticality to the items described. It is meant to simply provide the reader with a quick assessment of some of the major issues addressed by the standard. To fully appreciate the content and the requirements of the standard it must be read in its entirety.


Where there are changes to this standard from the previously approved version, any previous shading is removed and the newly affected paragraphs are shaded with a grey background. Where the document changes exceed 25% of the document content, any grey background in the document is to be removed and the following words should be shown below the title block on the right hand side of the page in bold and italic, for example, Supersedes – document details (for example, “Supersedes Document Type (Category) Document No. Amendment No.”).



Approval of Material and Equipment

Approval of Network Standard Variations

Scope and Risks Addressed

Tools and Forms Annexures B & E.

This standard is limited to scope identified below and provides controls for associated risks as listed below:

All materials and equipment used in the construction of infrastructure require assessment and approval by Ausgrid.

Approved materials and equipment are included in Ausgrid’s Approved Material List.

Any variation to Network Standards (design, construction, maintenance) must be approved by Ausgrid.

Applies to Outsourced projects and Contestable projects.

The provisions regarding Alternative materials and equipment (i.e. Clause 4.3) do not apply to street lighting luminaires.

Does not apply to innovative or developmental materials and equipment.

Where to for more information? Clauses 1 & 2

Major approval requirements:

Responsibilities Primary and preferred means of

inclusion in Approved Materials List is via Ausgrid procurement processes

Inspection of manufacturing facilities Alternative approved materials and

equipment – Category A Alternative approved materials and

equipment - Category B Form of approval Validity of approval Assessment criteria Records Process

Major approval requirements:

Approval of Variations Points of contact Form of approval Amendments to Network Standards Records Process

Tools and Forms Annexures A, C & D.

Where to for more information? Clauses 3 & 4

Where to for more information? Clause 5

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Network Standard NS181

Approval of Materials & Equipment and Network Standard Variations


1.0 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................. 6

2.0 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................. 6

3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES .............................................................................................................................. 7

4.0 APPROVED MATERIALS LIST & AUSGRID PROCUREMENT PROCESSES ................................... 7 4.1 Operation of the AML ................................................................................................................. 7 4.2 Approval validity period .............................................................................................................. 8 4.3 Supply or quality issues ............................................................................................................. 8 4.4 Manufacturing facilities............................................................................................................... 8

Change of manufacturing facilities ................................................................................. 8 Inspection of manufacturing facilities ............................................................................. 8

4.5 Approval of Alternative materials and equipment ...................................................................... 9 Non-contestable projects ............................................................................................. 10 Outsourced project Alternative materials and equipment ............................................ 10 Category A ................................................................................................................... 10 Category B ................................................................................................................... 10 Third party Assessor .................................................................................................... 11 Form of approval .......................................................................................................... 11 Validity of approval ....................................................................................................... 11 Assessment criteria ...................................................................................................... 12 Records – Alternative materials and equipment .......................................................... 13 Process ........................................................................................................................ 14

5.0 APPROVAL OF NETWORK STANDARD VARIATIONS .................................................................... 16 5.1 General..................................................................................................................................... 16 5.2 Approval of Variations .............................................................................................................. 16

Point of contact ............................................................................................................. 16 Assessment of Variations ............................................................................................. 16 Form of approval .......................................................................................................... 16 Amendment to network standards ............................................................................... 16

5.3 Records - Network Standard Variations ................................................................................... 17 5.4 Process .................................................................................................................................... 17

6.0 RELATED DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................... 18 6.1 General..................................................................................................................................... 18 6.2 Ausgrid documents .................................................................................................................. 18 6.3 Other standards and documents .............................................................................................. 18 6.4 Acts and regulations ................................................................................................................. 18

7.0 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 19

8.0 RECORDKEEPING ............................................................................................................................. 20

9.0 AUTHORITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................... 20

10.0 DOCUMENT CONTROL...................................................................................................................... 20

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3




ANNEXURE C - QUOTATION FORM ............................................................................................................. 23



NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


1.0 PURPOSE To define Ausgrid’s requirements regarding:

• the inclusion of materials and equipment, sourced through Ausgrid’s procurement processes, in Ausgrid’s Approved Material List (AML),

• assessment and approval of Alternative materials and equipment items for inclusion in Ausgrid’s AML, and

• assessment and approval of Network Standards Variations.

2.0 SCOPE This Standard applies to Ausgrid non-contestable, contestable and outsourced, design and construction projects. All materials and equipment used in the construction of infrastructure which ultimately forms part of Ausgrid’s electrical network must be approved. For non-contestable projects, materials and equipment shall be obtained via Ausgrid’s official procurement systems (e.g. through Ausgrid Stores) and the use of Alternative materials and equipment is not permitted without approval from the respective Network Standard owner. For contestable projects, only materials and equipment detailed in the AML may be used. For outsourced projects, materials and equipment shall be as detailed in the AML or as otherwise evaluated and approved under the commercial agreement of the specific project as discussed in this document. Ausgrid will add and remove materials and equipment to/from the AML in accordance with this document.

The design, construction and maintenance of Ausgrid’s electrical network must be in accordance with Ausgrid’s Network Standards. Network Standard Variations are dispensations to use alternative standards, procedures and methods in the design, construction and maintenance of Ausgrid’s network. Ausgrid will consider requests for Network Standards Variations in accordance with this document.

The term “approved” must not be taken to permit substitution of different approved items for a specified purpose (e.g. approved galvanised washers in lieu of approved stainless steel washers) unless this substitution is explicitly permitted by the relevant Ausgrid design, standard, guideline or procedure.

Although some minor or sundry materials for internal works may be sourced by Ausgrid from other procurement processes, and may not be included in the AML, these must be approved by Ausgrid before being installed on the network.

This standard does not apply as follows:

• The provisions of this Standard regarding approved Alternative materials and equipment (i.e. Clause 4.5) do not apply to street lighting equipment, used on Ausgrid maintained lighting schemes, which are determined by agreement between Ausgrid and the street lighting customers. Refer to NS119 for further information. However, Network Standards Variations relating to street lighting are covered by this standard.

• This Standard does not apply to materials and equipment being trialled on the network and for which Ausgrid does not have relevant specifications but are covered by a specific approval in accordance with OIS-061/09 – Requirements for Equipment Trials. Such materials and equipment may still be submitted for consideration by Ausgrid on a case by case basis and at Ausgrid’s sole discretion. Applicants should contact Ausgrid’s Asset Management Division directly to discuss the process to be followed.

• This Standard does not apply to tools and personal protective equipment (PPE) as these items do not form part of the electricity network at any stage and Ausgrid does not endorse or evaluate tools or PPE used by ASPs etc. The only exception is specific tools which are designed, produced and utilised exclusively for Ausgrid and are not readily available from external suppliers e.g. special link extractor tools.

• This Standard does not apply to contracted services.

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES Responsibilities for the assessment and approval of materials and equipment shall be in accordance with Ausgrid’s Procurement Framework.

The assessment and approval of Alternative materials and equipment used on Ausgrid’s Network and Network Standards Variations is the responsibility of Ausgrid’s Asset Management Division.

The relevant Ausgrid representative responsible for facilitating contestable projects shall provide a single point of contact regarding applications by Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) for the approval of Alternative materials and equipment items under Category A (see Clause 4.5 below) and Network Standards Variations relating to individual contestable projects.

Ausgrid ASP Compliance Officers are responsible for field inspection of contestable projects. They will use the Approved Materials List (AML) accessible through Ausgrid’s intranet and internet sites, together with other information, to verify that materials and equipment used on contestable projects comply with Ausgrid’s requirements and that any Network Standards Variations have been approved by Ausgrid.

For Outsourced projects, the nominated Ausgrid Project Officer is responsible for verifying that all materials and equipment used in the project are included on the AML. The Outsourced project Contractor is responsible for providing all documents, routine/type test reports and manuals required as a condition of approval of Alternative materials and equipment as part of the handover of project documentation.


4.1 Operation of the AML Only Approved materials and equipment are to be used in the construction of infrastructure that ultimately forms part of Ausgrid’s electrical network. All materials used in contestable works are to be new. Approved materials and equipment are detailed in Ausgrid’s Approved Materials List (AML), which is available on Ausgrid’s website: www.ausgrid.com.au. Where non-approved materials or equipment are identified as being, and/or have been, used the party responsible will be directed to remove and replace these at their cost.

Ausgrid’s standard means of including materials and equipment in the AML is via Ausgrid’s procurement processes as follows:

• Items for which Ausgrid enters into a period contract or other procurement arrangement will be added to the AML. Subject to continued quality and supply the items will generally remain in the AML for the term of the period contract or procurement arrangement and any agreed extensions to the contract or arrangement.

• Ausgrid may approve for its own purposes a number of Alternatives for the same material or equipment item which Ausgrid may use and include these in the AML.

• Upon completion of the procurement process, previously approved items will be removed from the AML following a suitable transition period, unless:

o the items continue to be technically compliant, and

o the supplier(s) submits a written request for the items to remain on the AML as an approved Alternative material or equipment item, and/or

o Ausgrid for its own purposes selects the items as suitable Alternative material or equipment items.

Note 1: Some materials and equipment acquired by Ausgrid for its own purposes may not be shown in the AML e.g. due to low usage rates etc, however these are still

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


approved for use on Ausgrid’s network, because they are assessed by Ausgrid as being technically compliant as part of the procurement exercise, and therefore may also be used by ASPs in appropriate applications when undertaking contestable works.

Note 2: In some cases, rather than approve individual items, Ausgrid may approve ranges of items from a Supplier/Manufacturer that are demonstrated to comply with Ausgrid’s specified requirements.

4.2 Approval validity period The validity period for approved materials and equipment is generally limited to the life of the relevant period contract or other procurement arrangement. For items where there is no period contract including Alternative materials and equipment the typical validity period is three years. In any case Ausgrid reserves the right to vary the validity period or to withdraw approval at any time subject to Ausgrid’s changing requirements, specifications, changes in technology and industry standards (e.g. Australian Standards) and the continuing technical compliance of the material or equipment.

At the end of the validity period for Alternative materials and equipment the applicant may apply for a review of the alternative material or equipment for continued inclusion on the AML. Any such review will be at the cost of the applicant.

Before removing Alternative materials or equipment items from the AML Ausgrid will give due consideration to allowing a reasonable period to enable existing stock to be consumed. However, this will be subject to the level of risk to Ausgrid’s network and Ausgrid may withdraw approval at any time and without notice.

4.3 Supply or quality issues Ausgrid may, at its sole discretion at any time and without notice, withdraw approval and remove material or equipment items from the AML due to supply or quality issues. This includes, but is not limited to, situations where materials or equipment are found to be:

• faulty or defective,

• lesser quality, as deemed by Ausgrid, than a sample product that was submitted at the time of original approval,

• different to what was approved,

• manufactured at a manufacturing facility different to what was approved,

• not compliant with Ausgrid’s requirements (e.g. due to un-notified changes by the manufacturer/supplier),

• the manufacturer/supplier fails to supply.

4.4 Manufacturing facilities Change of manufacturing facilities

Materials or equipment on the AML are approved for a particular manufacturing facility (i.e. factory) only. Any change in manufacturing facility, process, materials or design requires reassessment for continued inclusion of the materials or equipment on the AML. Such reassessment will be at the cost of the applicant/supplier/manufacturer. Ausgrid must be provided with adequate notice to evaluate any proposed manufacturing change. If notice is inadequate, Ausgrid will withdraw approval and remove the item from the AML.

Inspection of manufacturing facilities For some critical material and equipment items (e.g. HV cable, power transformers, HV switchgear, etc.), Ausgrid may require the manufacturing facilities to be inspected by its nominated

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


representative as part of the approval process. All costs associated with these inspections will be borne as shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1 – Responsibility for Cost of Manufacturing Facility Inspections

Material / Equipment Responsible for Costs of Factory Inspection

Materials and equipment submitted in response to Ausgrid procurement exercises, which Ausgrid determines are technically compliant and enters into a period contract or other procurement arrangement


Materials and equipment submitted in response to Ausgrid procurement exercise, that are assessed by Ausgrid as technically compliant but Ausgrid does not enter into a period contract, or other procurement arrangement


Alternative materials and equipment associated with Outsourced projects

In accordance with the commercial agreement for the project

Alternative materials and equipment as discussed in Clause 4.5 below The applicant

Costs include, but are not limited to: wages, fares, accommodation, living away from home expenses, etc. Where the costs are not borne by Ausgrid they will be charged by Ausgrid to the supplier/manufacturer/applicant. In all cases the supplier/manufacturer/applicant will be responsible for any of their own costs associated with the inspections.

4.5 Approval of Alternative materials and equipment At any time, Accredited Service Providers (ASPs), manufacturers and suppliers may request Ausgrid to consider approval of Alternative materials and equipment. Ausgrid charges fees for the assessment and inclusion of such Alternative material and equipment requests on the AML. This will include costs associated with the inspection of manufacturing facilities if applicable as discussed in Clause 4.4. These items fall into two categories – Category A and Category B - as outlined in Clauses 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 below.

The consideration by Ausgrid of such Alternative materials and equipment is at Ausgrid’s sole discretion and Ausgrid reserves the right to reject applications that involve issues including, but not limited to, the following:

1) Work Health and Safety (WHS) implications,

2) environmental implications,

3) trialling, testing or development,

4) training of Ausgrid employees, contractors or ASPs,

5) changes to work practices for Ausgrid employees, contractors or ASPs,

6) any change in risk to public, Ausgrid employees, contractors, ASPs or the network,

7) increases in ongoing operating costs including maintenance,

8) consultation with Ausgrid employees, contractors or ASPs in relation to 1) – 7) above.

Ausgrid reserves the right to limit the number of approved Alternatives for any particular material or equipment item.

Street lighting equipment used on Ausgrid maintained lighting schemes is determined by agreement between Ausgrid and the street lighting customers and Alternatives will not be considered. Refer to NS119 for further information.

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


The applicant must acknowledge and agree that Ausgrid’s Alternative materials or equipment assessment and approval is a desktop audit only and is not a representation or warranty that the material or equipment complies in all respects with Ausgrid’s requirements or all applicable standards, or is fit for purpose and free of design or manufacturing defects.

The applicant must ensure that Ausgrid is provided with all necessary and relevant information relating to the compliance or non-compliance of the material or equipment with Ausgrid’s requirements. The Applicant must ensure that any material or equipment that is subsequently approved and supplied to ASPs continues to comply with Ausgrid’s requirements in all respects and any deficiency or associated problem is immediately brought to the attention of Ausgrid.

A supplier may be the manufacturer or may acquire materials and equipment from a manufacturer.

Once Ausgrid approves an Alternative material or equipment item it is effectively approved from any supplier. Although particular suppliers and manufacturers may wish to enter into an exclusivity arrangement between themselves, no supplier will have exclusivity rights regarding any approval issued by Ausgrid in respect of any Alternative material or equipment item, irrespective of whether the supplier paid for the assessment and subsequent approval of the item Ausgrid will not become involved in any exclusivity arrangements between suppliers and manufacturers.

The AML will generally only list one supplier for any particular approved material or equipment item from a manufacturer. The supplier shown in the AML will typically be the one associated with the first application received by Ausgrid for approval of the item. For this reason, a supplier shown in the AML must not be considered to be the only supplier of a particular approved item from a manufacturer and users of the AML may make their own enquiries regarding other potential suppliers of that item.

Approved Alternative material and equipment items which are directly equivalent to items procured by Ausgrid will be listed in the AML adjacent to the respective Ausgrid item. Alternative material and equipment items which have no direct equivalent Ausgrid item will be listed separately in the AML.

Non-contestable projects Materials and equipment obtained via Ausgrid’s official procurement systems (e.g. through Ausgrid Stores) are approved and shall be used for all non-contestable projects. The use of Alternative materials and equipment on non-contestable projects is not permitted without approval from the respective Network Standard owner, irrespective of whether the Alternative materials appear in the AML.

Outsourced project Alternative materials and equipment Only approved materials and equipment listed in the AML is to be used in Outsourced projects. Alternative materials and equipment intended for Outsourced projects must be assessed and approved under the commercial agreement of the specific project at the time of initial contract negotiations. This assessment and approval shall be by the appropriate Asset Management Division manager as discussed in Clause 3. Alternative materials and equipment that are consequently approved shall be added to the AML.

Category A Category A refers to Alternative materials and equipment that are required for use on specific contestable construction projects. Applicants are typically ASPs complying with appropriate Connection/Relocation Policies and following the Contestable process. The assessment work is an Ancillary Service and Australian Energy Regulator (AER) rates apply and must be paid by the applicant.

Category B Category B refers to Alternative materials and equipment that are not required for use on specific contestable construction projects. Applicants are typically manufacturers or suppliers seeking to have their materials and equipment approved as Alternatives for unspecified ASPs to utilise. The assessment and approval of such material and equipment is outside the Connection/Relocation Policies and Contestable process. The fee associated with this work will be based on AER rates.

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Third party Assessor Ausgrid may require the services of a suitable third-party Assessor whose duties will include but not be limited to:

• initial liaison with the applicant,

• preliminary assessment and advice to the applicant whether the item is likely to be approved based on available evidence and/or whether it is worth proceeding further with the application,

• assisting the applicant in understanding the assessment and approval process,

• advising and assisting the applicant with acquiring all the necessary supporting evidence,

• compiling the application and supporting evidence into a format that is acceptable to Ausgrid,

• analysing of the application and making recommendations to Ausgrid regarding compliance,

• inspection of manufacturing facilities.

Ausgrid will provide advice at the time of application regarding whether the services of such a third-party Assessor will be required. The cost of the Assessor’s services will be borne by the applicant either as a direct payment to the third party or included in Ausgrid’s fees.

Form of approval Approval of Alternative materials and equipment, including extensions to approval periods, is represented by written approval from Ausgrid’s Asset Management Division as appropriate (see Clause 3 and Annexure D) and by inclusion of the material or equipment in the AML. Annexure D is a template approval letter which may be used for initial approvals and for extensions to approval periods, etc., and may be amended by Ausgrid as necessary to suit particular situations.

Ausgrid may require additional controls to be placed on Alternative materials or equipment before allowing them to be used on the network. These additional controls will be included in Ausgrid’s written approval and in the AML. For example: individual routine test/inspection certificates may be required before some Alternative materials and equipment items are allowed to be installed on the network.

Validity of approval Approval may be granted for Alternative materials and equipment:

• on a project only basis, or

• for a set period.

A validity period is set for approved Alternative materials and equipment to cater for project specific requirements, Ausgrid’s changing specifications and changes in technology and industry standards e.g. Australian Standards. The typical validity period is three years, however Ausgrid reserves the right to vary the validity period or to withdraw approval at any time subject to Ausgrid’s changing requirements and the continuing technical compliance of the Alternative material or equipment. Ausgrid may withdraw, at any time and without notice, approval for Alternative materials or equipment where matters are identified which could have undesirable impacts on matters such as safety, reliability, compatibility or operational issues. This includes, but is not limited to, situations where the materials or equipment are found to be:

• faulty or defective,

• lesser quality, as deemed by Ausgrid, than a sample product that was submitted at the time of original approval,

• different to what was approved,

• manufactured at a manufacturing facility different to what was approved,

• not compliant with Ausgrid’s requirements (e.g. due to un-notified changes by the manufacture/supplier).

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


At the end of the validity period the applicant may apply for a review of the Alternative material or equipment for continued inclusion on the AML. Any such review will be at the cost of the applicant. The applicant is responsible for applying to Ausgrid for such a review with sufficient lead time prior to the end of the validity period to allow consideration and processing by Ausgrid.

The applicant is responsible for managing their own stocks of Alternative material or equipment items relative to the approval validity dates, such that they will not be left with stock holdings if continued inclusion on the AML at the end of the validity period is not granted by Ausgrid, or the applicant chooses to not apply for continued inclusion on the AML.

Notwithstanding the above, in some circumstances, before removing Alternative materials or equipment items from the AML Ausgrid will give due consideration to allowing a reasonable period of time to enable existing stock to be consumed. However, this will be at Ausgrid’s sole discretion and subject to the level of risk to Ausgrid’s network and Ausgrid may withdraw approval at any time and without notice.

The original applicant for approval of any Alternative material or equipment item may request Ausgrid to remove that item from the AML, at any time, subject to considerations regarding timing, consumption of stock and risk to Ausgrid’s network, as discussed above.

Where material and equipment items are included in approved/certified project designs, and Ausgrid withdraws approval for those items in accordance with Clause 4.3 due to supply or quality issues, then the materials and equipment must be substituted with ones which are approved and, in some cases, Ausgrid may require the design to be amended and resubmitted for recertification. Conditional approval Ausgrid may grant some material and equipment items conditional approval. The conditions relating to the approval will be noted in the respective comments field, relating to each relevant item, in the AML.

Conditionally approved items include, but are not limited to, those for which the supplier/manufacturer is approved but individual testing of each item supplied is required (e.g. transformers, wood poles, etc), or approval is limited to a specific production run (e.g. range of specific cable drums), etc.

Assessment criteria Criteria The criteria Ausgrid use to assess Alternative materials and equipment for inclusion in the AML may include, but are not limited to:

• compliance with Ausgrid Network Standards and Ausgrid specifications which include applicable Australian and International Standards,

• compliance with any other Ausgrid technical requirements,

• type testing in accordance with the specification and proof of compliance,

• current NATA or equivalent accreditation of the testing facilities,

• current ISO quality accreditation of the design and manufacturing facilities,

• manufacturing process controls,

• the environmental and work health and safety (WHS) impacts of the material or equipment (including compliance with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW) regarding Safety in Design),

• warranty and guarantee,

• product and public liability insurances,

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


• organisational structure and financial capabilities of the applicant,

• life cycle costs associated with the material or equipment when used on Ausgrid’s network,

• implications regarding Ausgrid maintenance and operations processes,

• training requirements.

Records – Alternative materials and equipment Applications for Alternative materials and equipment approvals register Ausgrid Asset Management Division currently maintains a register of applications for Alternative materials and equipment submitted for approval see record No. 2019/4914 : NETWORK MANAGEMENT – Standards – Alternative materials requests. Each record consists of:

• Ausgrid’s reference number.

• Material description (brief description of the material or equipment item),

• Manufacturer (name of the manufacturer),

• Manufacturer’s part number (manufacturers part/reference number for the item),

• Supplier (name of supplier)

• Applicant company (name of the company submitting the application),

• Applicant Name (name of the applicant’s contact person),

• Applicant Phone Number (the applicant’s contact phone number),

• Postal Address (postal address of the applicant),

• Date Received (date the application was received by Ausgrid),

• Date Quote Forwarded (date the assessment quotation was forwarded to the applicant),

• Date Quote Accepted (date the quotation was accepted by the applicant),

• Decision Date (date Ausgrid made a decision regarding approval/rejection),

• Approval Valid Until (if approved the date until which the approval is valid),

• Reviewer (the Ausgrid person responsible for the assessment),

• Ext. (the Reviewer’s internal phone extension number),

• NS Reference (the relevant NS or other specification details),

• Notes (general notes & comments),

• Status (the stage to which the application has presently progressed),

• Approved? (whether the application was approved: yes/no),

• Approver (the Ausgrid officer who finally approved/rejected the application),

• Approval Contact No. (the approver’s internal phone extension number)

• Added to AML (date material was added to the AML if appropriate).

Copies of documentation associated with each application, including letters of approval or rejection, are also filed in record No. 2019/4914 in separate subfolders. Approved material list (AML) Approved Alternative materials and equipment are listed on Ausgrid’s AML which is maintained by the Asset Management Division, and made available on Ausgrid’s website.

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


To facilitate the entry of details of newly approved Alternative materials and equipment into the AML the responsible approving manager shall supply data to the responsible officer in Microsoft Excel spread sheet format as provided in the template in Balin.

Each record shall consist of:

• Material approved for ASP (Y/N) • Equipment (Y/N) • Material No. (stockcode) • Equipment category • Material description • Supplier • Supplier part No. • Manufacturer • Manufacturer part No. • Manufacturer reference document (if any) • Manufacturer approval date • Manufacturer valid until date • Equipment approver (responsible manager) • Additional comments (if any, including any conditional approval details)

Process The approval process for the inclusion of Category A and Category B Alternative material and equipment in the AML is as follows. Refer to Clause 4.5.2 regarding Alternative materials and equipment for Outsourced projects.

1. An approval request is submitted by the applicant to Ausgrid using the Request for Approval of Alternative Materials or Equipment form. See Annexure A.

The relevant Ausgrid representative responsible for facilitating Contestable works is the single point of contact for Category A approval requests associated with specific contestable projects in their region. This representative will refer the request to Ausgrid Asset Management Division for action. Category A approval requests should be submitted as early as possible, preferably prior to, or at the Design Information stage of the project. If the request is submitted for approval at the Design Certification or Construction stage, the design certification process and/or construction may be delayed. This may necessitate a Negotiated Connection Offer instead of a Model Standing Offer. Also see Note below.

For Category B requests, Ausgrid Asset Management Division is the single point of contact. Preliminary enquiries or approval requests should be made via email to: approvals@ausgrid.com.au.

2. Ausgrid gives a quotation for approval assessment and a summary of the main assessment criteria applicable to the particular application.

For a Category A approval request, the material approval process is part of the Design Information/Design Certification processes detailed in Ausgrid’s Customer Connection Contract documentation, available from Ausgrid. Ausgrid will issue a quotation based on standard AER approved Ausgrid Control Services Fee Schedule which is available on Ausgrid’s website.

For a Category B approval request, an Ausgrid short-form contract is used to provide the quotation. The appropriate Ausgrid manager, as discussed in Clause 3, will arrange for the quotation to be issued within 10 business days. Also see Annexure C. AER rates apply and the quotation is based on these.

Ausgrid will quote the estimated time for processing the approval request which will be dependent on supply, by the applicant, of all required information to enable the assessment to be carried out. Timeframes for carrying out assessments are subject to variance due to potential delays in the applicant providing evidence of compliance. Also see Note below.

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


3. The applicant agrees to proceed with the approval request. For Category B approvals the applicant signs and returns a copy of the short form contract.

4. Ausgrid provides comprehensive details of required compliance criteria and the format in which it is to be presented to Ausgrid for assessment.

5. The applicant gathers the required information to demonstrate compliance and assembles it into the required format for submission to Ausgrid for assessment. The required information may include but is not limited to: test reports, accreditation certificates manuals, installation instructions, drawings and samples.

6. The applicant submits (on the one occasion) all the required documentation to Ausgrid. If the information submitted to Ausgrid for approval is found to be not in the required format or incomplete e.g. supporting material is found to be missing, the application will be rejected by Ausgrid. Once rejected, a new application will need to be made, including payment of all associated fees, before Ausgrid will reconsider the material or equipment for approval.

7. Ausgrid assesses the material or equipment for compliance.

8. Ausgrid notifies the outcome of assessment via a letter (if the application is rejected, the reason for rejection is given to the applicant). See Annexure D for a template approval letter which may be mended by Ausgrid to suit the particular situation. The details of the application are noted on the Application for Approvals Register. See Clause If the application is successful, details of the approved material or equipment are noted on the AML. See Clause

9. For Category A requests, Ausgrid bills the applicant for the work before undertaking the assessment. For Category B requests, Ausgrid bills for the work on completion of assessment or on expiry of the short form contract, whichever occurs first.

Note: Ausgrid will assess Alternative materials and equipment only if all necessary evidence of compliance and supporting material is provided by the applicant in the required format. Experience has shown that test certificates in particular can take a long time to obtain. Ausgrid will advise what information is required to assess an item but will not pursue the applicant (or any third party e.g. manufacturer) to provide the necessary information.

The Applicant must take responsibility for obtaining approval prior to making any commitments regarding the use of materials or equipment including but not limited to: purchasing, incorporating into designs and scheduling works. For Category A requests it is recommended that applications should be submitted prior to or at the Design Information stage wherever practicable. Ausgrid will not certify designs unless all materials and equipment to be used are demonstrated to be approved. Ausgrid will accept no responsibility for delays or consequential losses caused by the approval process.

Category B requests are assessed under Ausgrid’s short form contracts which expire after 12 months. If the applicant has not provided the necessary information within this time it will be necessary for the applicant to pay Ausgrid for any work already undertaken and, if it is desired to continue with the assessment, enter into a new contract.

For these reasons Ausgrid recommends that applications are made only when all necessary information is readily available.

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3



This Section details the approval process for Network Standard Variations. These Variations include alternative standards, procedures and methods in the design, construction and maintenance of Ausgrid’s network.

Approval of materials and equipment is separately detailed in Clause 4.

5.2 Approval of Variations All projects (non-contestable, contestable and Outsourced) must comply with the relevant Ausgrid Network Standards and quotations should be prepared accordingly

Where the requirements of Ausgrid’s Network Standards cannot be practically complied with, the issues should be highlighted immediately, and approval sought for a Network Standard Variation through the Ausgrid project manager responsible for the project before the preparation of a final quote or offer.

Network Standard Variations associated with Ausgrid Outsourced projects must be assessed and approved under the commercial agreement of the specific project, at the time of initial contract negotiations, by the appropriate Asset Management Division manager as discussed in Clause 3. If the need for a Network Standard Variation becomes apparent only after the initial contract has been executed or the project has commenced approval should be sought through the Ausgrid project manager responsible for the project, and contract variation/penalty payments may be applicable.

Request for approval of other Network Standard Variations are to be submitted by the applicant using the Request for Approval of Network Standard Variation Form - see Annexure B.

Point of contact For contestable work and connection work, the single point of contact for the approval of Network Standard Variations is the relevant Ausgrid representative responsible for facilitating the Contestable works.

For non-contestable work, including Outsourced projects, the point of contact for the approval of Network Standard Variations is the appropriate Manager as discussed in Clause 3. Preliminary enquiries or requests for consideration should be made via email to approvals@ausgrid.com.au.

Assessment of Variations Network Standard Variations will be assessed on the basis that the Network Standard Variation must result in an equal or lower level of risk compared to the level of risk that would have been achieved by complying with the relevant Network Standard/s.

Form of approval Approval of Network Standard Variations is represented by written approval from Ausgrid’s Asset Management Division as appropriate (see Clause 3 and Annexure E). For contestable projects it is the responsibility of the ASP to retain a copy of this letter on site and present it to the Ausgrid ASP Compliance Officer at the time of inspection, otherwise defect notices will be issued.

For Outsourced Projects any approval of Network Standard Variations shall be incorporated in the specific project documentation and provided to the Ausgrid Project Officer.

Amendment to network standards The granting of Network Standard Variations is at Ausgrid’s sole discretion. Upon approving a Network Standard Variation Ausgrid is not obliged to change the relevant Network Standard, nor to consider any Network Standard Variation for any future projects on a precedent basis. Ausgrid may approve a Network Standard Variation subject to certain conditions e.g. for a set period of time, for specific project/s, etc.

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Notwithstanding the above, Ausgrid may at its sole discretion choose to amend a Network Standard based on applications for Network Standard Variations received. In such circumstances the applicant/s will have no claim on Ausgrid for use of intellectual property or copy right, etc.

5.3 Records - Network Standard Variations Asset Management Division currently maintains a register of applications submitted for Network Standard Variation approvals, see record No. D18/582671: Network Standards Variation Log. Each record consists of:

• Pole/Project No., • Location, (i.e. where the Variation is to be implemented) • Description (title / brief description of the Variation), • Requested by (name of person requesting the Variation and organisation if not Ausgrid) • Request Date (date the Variation request was made), • Justification (brief description of how the Variation is justified), • Risk (assessed risk from allowing the Variation to be implemented), • Approved By (name of Ausgrid approving officer), • Approved Date (date the Variation was approved), • NS Affected (Network Standard the Variation affects), • Comments (general comments, notes, special conditions, etc).

5.4 Process The approval process for Network Standard Variations associated with non-contestable and contestable projects is as follows. Refer to Clause 5.2 regarding the approval process associated with Outsourced projects.

1. An approval request is submitted by the applicant to Ausgrid using the Request for Approval of Network Standard Variation form. See Annexure B.

The relevant Ausgrid representative responsible for facilitating Contestable works is the single point of contact for Network Standard Variation requests associated with specific contestable projects in their region. This representative will refer the request to Asset Management Division manager as appropriate, for action. These requests should be submitted as early as possible, preferably prior to, or at the Design Information stage of the project. If the request is submitted for approval at the Design Certification or Construction stage, the design certification process and/or construction may be delayed. This may necessitate a Negotiated Connection Offer instead of a Model Standing Offer. Also see Note below.

2. Ausgrid may seek further information from the applicant regarding the proposed Network Standard Variation.

3. Ausgrid assesses the proposed Network Standard Variation.

4. Ausgrid notifies the applicant of the outcome via a letter (if the application is rejected, the reason for rejection is given to the applicant). See Annexure E template approval letter which may be mended by Ausgrid to suit the particular situation. The details of the application are noted on the Application for Network Standards Variations Register. See Clause 5.3.

Note: Ausgrid will consider applications for approval of Network Standard Variations only if all necessary information is provided by the applicant. Ausgrid will advise what information is required to assess and approve a proposed Network Standard Variation but will not pursue the applicant, or any other party (e.g. equipment manufacturer) to provide the necessary information.

The Applicant must take responsibility for obtaining approval prior to making any commitments regarding proposed Network Standard Variations including but not limited to: purchasing materials, incorporating into designs and scheduling works. It is recommended

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


that applications should be submitted prior to or at the Design Information stage wherever practicable. Ausgrid will not certify designs unless they comply with Ausgrid Network Standards (or approved Variations). Ausgrid will accept no responsibility for delays or consequential losses caused by the approval process.


All work covered in this document shall conform to all relevant Legislation, Standards, Codes of Practice and Network Standards. Current Network Standards are available on Ausgrid’s Website at www.ausgrid.com.au.

6.2 Ausgrid documents • Company Form (Governance) – Network Document Endorsement and Approval • Company Policy (Network) – Approved Material List • Company Procedure (Governance) – Network Document Endorsement and Approval • Company Procedure (Network) – Network Standards Compliance • Company Procedure (Network) - Production / Review of Engineering Technical Documents

within BMS • Customer Installation Safety Plan • Electrical Safety Rules • Electricity Network Safety Management System Manual • NS119 Street Lighting Design and Construction • NS212 Integrated Support Requirements for Ausgrid Network Assets • NS261 Requirement for Design Compliance Framework for Network Standards

6.3 Other standards and documents • Australian Standard AS 5577 – 2013 Electricity Network Safety Management Systems • ENA Doc 001-2019 National Electricity Network Safety Code

6.4 Acts and regulations • Electricity Supply (General) Regulation 2014 (NSW) • Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2014 (NSW) • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) • Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (NSW)

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3



Accredited Service Provider (ASP)

An individual or entity accredited by the NSW Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development, Division of Resources and Energy in accordance with the Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2014 (NSW). The ASP has the responsibility for the design and/or construction of contestable electricity distribution works.

AER Australian Energy Regulator

Alternative materials and equipment

Approved materials or equipment items which are included in the AML and which may be used by ASPs instead of the equivalent approved items that Ausgrid use.

AML Approved Material List – a dynamic list of materials and equipment approved (at that point in time) for installation on Ausgrid’s network.

Contestable Works/Projects

Contestable work is work such as the design, construction and installation of electricity works which are required to connect a Client’s installation to an electricity distributor’s network. Customers are required to fund the cost of contestable work and they have the choice of selecting the ASP to carry out the work.

Customer The customer is defined as the individual or entity presenting to Ausgrid for business dealings related to the connection and supply of electricity

Design Certification As defined in Ausgrid’s Contract for Design Related Services - Clause 10 Certification of a Design.

Designer An Ausgrid employee, contractor or Ausgrid ASP/3 who is duly qualified to produce design plans

Design Information Information provided by Ausgrid to enable Designers to prepare electricity reticulation design of the proposed development. Provision of Design Information is in accordance with Ausgrid’s Policy for ASP/1 Premises Connections and Connection Policy – Connection Charges.

Document control Ausgrid employees who work with printed copies of document must check the document repository regularly to monitor version control. Documents are considered “UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED”, as indicated in the footer.

Network Standard A document, including Network Planning Standards, that describes the Company's minimum requirements for planning, design, construction, maintenance, technical specification, environmental, property and metering activities on the distribution and transmission network. These documents are stored in the Network Category of the document repository.

Network Standards Variation

Network Standards Variations are one-off dispensations to use alternative standards, procedures and methods in the design, construction and maintenance of Ausgrid’s network. Note: both Network Standards Variations and Alternative materials and equipment are subject to approval in accordance with this document before being used on the Ausgrid network.

Outsourced project Ausgrid capital works projects, including design and construction, delivered by external resources.

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Review date The review date displayed in the header of the document is the future date for review of a document. The default period is three years from the date of approval however a review may be mandated at any time where a need is identified. Potential needs for a review include changes in legislation, organisational changes, restructures, occurrence of an incident or changes in technology or work practice and/or identification of efficiency improvements.

SAP Ausgrid’s company-wide information management system that includes financial, procurement, project, scheduling, asset management, customer and HR data.

8.0 RECORDKEEPING The table below identifies the types of records relating to the process, their storage location and retention period.

Table 2 – Recordkeeping

Type of Record Storage Location Retention Period*

Approved copy of the network standard

Document repository Network sub process Standard – Company


Draft Copies of the network standard during amendment/creation

Records management system Work Folder for Network Standards (HPRM ref. 2014/21250/308)


Working documents (emails, memos, impact assessment reports, etc.)

Records management system Work Folder for Network Standards (HPRM ref. 2014/21250/308)


* The following retention periods are subject to change e.g. if the records are required for legal matters or legislative changes. Before disposal, retention periods should be checked and authorised by the Records Manager.

9.0 AUTHORITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES For this network standard the authorities and responsibilities of Ausgrid employees and managers in relation to content, management and document control of this network standard can be obtained from the Company Procedure (Network) – Production / Review of Engineering Technical Documents within document repository. The responsibilities of persons for the design or construction work detailed in this network standard are identified throughout this standard in the context of the requirements to which they apply.

10.0 DOCUMENT CONTROL Content Coordinator : Head of Asset Engineering Policies & Standards

Distribution Coordinator : Manager Asset Engineering Standards

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Annexure A - Request for Approval of Alternative Materials and Equipment Form

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Annexure B - Request for Approval of Network Standard Variation Form

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Annexure C - Quotation Form [Contact Phone Number] [Date]

[Applicant's Address]

Dear [Applicant],

Re: Application for approval of [Material Description]

Ausgrid Ref: [Reference Number]

I am in receipt of your application dated [Request Date] for approval of the above [Material] for installation on Ausgrid’s electrical network in [Project Reference or 'unspecified projects'].

If your application is successful, Ausgrid is not obliged to contract with you, nor to consider your [Material] for any future [Material] supply contracts on a preferred basis. If approved, the approval is expected to be valid for [3 years/this Project only]. This will be confirmed in the approval letter.

Your application will be assessed in accordance with criteria that include but are not limited to:

• Compliance with Ausgrid’s Technical Specification [Specification Number]

• NATA (or equivalent) accreditation of testing facilities

• ISO 9001 accreditation of design and manufacturing facilities

Further information on the approval process is contained in Ausgrid’s Network Standard NS181 Approval of Materials & Equipment, and Network Standard Variations, available on www.ausgrid.com.au.

I have attached a copy of Ausgrid’s current specification [Specification Number] covering the above [Material]. Ausgrid reserves the right to change its specification at any time.

If Category A: [Your application has been deemed Category A and the fee for assessing your application for approval is [Price] (inclusive of GST) as prescribed by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for monopoly services associated with contestable work. Refer to Ausgrid’s Connection Policy – Connection Charges for further information. Please note that payment is not required until the assessment work has been completed.]

If Category B: [Your application has been deemed Category B and the fee for assessing your application for approval is [Price] (inclusive of GST). Please note that payment is required on completion of the assessment but prior to issue of approval letter and inclusion on the Ausgrid AML.]

Please respond in writing stating that you agree to pay the above fee in order to proceed with your application. [[You should respond by completing the customer acceptance section of the attached short-form contract.]]

It is anticipated that the assessment will be completed within [Number] weeks of your confirmation to proceed.

If you require any further information, please contact [Ausgrid Officer] on [Phone Number].

Yours faithfully,

[Name] [Job Title] [Branch] [Division]

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Annexure D – Alternative Material or Equipment Approval/Rejection Letter

Ausgrid Ref: [Reference Number] [Contact Phone Number]


[Applicant's Address]

Dear [Applicant],

Please be advised that your application for the [continued] approval of

[Material Description], manufactured by [Manufacturer's Name],

for installation on Ausgrid’s electrical network in [Project Reference or 'unspecified projects'], has been [approved/rejected] [subject to the following/because of the following reasons]:

• Ausgrid is not obliged to contract with you, nor to consider your [Material] for any future [Material] supply contracts on a preferred basis.

• The [Material] approved is the [Material] described and detailed in your application and test report [Test Report Number].

• The [Material] shall pass routine tests in [AS/NZS number, Table number] before being installed on Ausgrid’s electrical network. Test reports shall be available to Ausgrid on request.

This approval is valid until [Date]. After this time, if the [Material] specification and design have not changed, and if all other Ausgrid requirements continue to be met, the approval may be extended for another specified period of time.

Ausgrid’s assessment and approval of the [Material] has been a desktop audit only and is not a representation or warranty that the [Material] complies in all respects with Ausgrid’s requirements or all applicable standards, or is fit for purpose and free of design or manufacturing defects.

You must ensure that Ausgrid is provided with all necessary and relevant information relating to the compliance or non-compliance of the [Material] Ausgrid’s requirements. You must ensure that the [Material] continues to comply with Ausgrid’s requirements in all respects and any deficiency or associated problem is immediately brought to the attention of Ausgrid.

If you require any further information, please contact [Ausgrid Officer] on [Phone Number] and quote the Reference Number at the top of this letter.

Yours faithfully,

[Name] [Job Title] [Branch] [Division]

NS181 Approval of Materials and Equipment and Network Standard Variations Amendment No 3


Annexure E – Network Standard Variation Approval/Rejection Letter

Ausgrid Ref: [Reference Number]

[Contact Phone Number]


[Applicant's Address]

Dear [Applicant],

Please be advised that your application for the approval of

[Network Standard Variation description],

relating to Ausgrid’s electrical network in [Project Reference or 'unspecified projects'], has been [approved/rejected] [subject to the following/because of the following reasons]:

• Ausgrid is not obliged to change the Network Standard, nor to consider the Variation for any future projects on a precedent basis.

• [other conditions as appropriate]

This approval is valid until [Date]. After this time, if the Variation has not been implemented a new application will be required.

If you require any further information, please contact [Ausgrid Officer] on [Phone Number] and quote the Reference Number at the top of this letter.

Yours faithfully,


[Job Title]

