NSTP Self-Concept and Values

Post on 16-Apr-2015

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3 Dimensions of Self-Concept

1. Self-image – refers to all perceptions and feelings about our worth with regard to physical and social appearance

Physical appearance includes genetic inheritance, physical attributes such as height, build, weight, etc,

Social appearance include our names, roles, and titles.

2. Self –confidence – refers to all our perceptions and feelings about our worth with regard to our capabilities – the ability to do things, to achieve, and to develop more competencies.

3. Self-esteem – refers to all our perceptions and feelings about our worth with regard to our lovability. This refers to our basic ability to love and be loved.

A person is said to have a low or negative self-concept when he sees himself to have no worth; while a person is said to have a high or positive self-concept when he sees himself to have value or worth.

Symptoms of poor self-concept:1. Superiority complex – when a

person tries very hard to exhibit his worth to others by overstressing his strengths. In truth, he is not really sure of his worth.

2. Inferiority complex – when the person suffers from extreme feelings or negative self-worth that he is unable to recognize his strength and thus overstresses his weaknesses

The Self-Esteem Creed

God made me – I was no accident, I was in God’s plan.

And He doesn’t make junk – ever. I was born to be a successful human being.

I am somebody special – unique, definitely one of a kind, and I love me.

That is essential so that I might love you too. I have talents, potentials, and yes, there is greatness in me.

And if I harness that specialness, then I will write my name with my deeds.

I was born in God’s image and likeness, and I will strive to do God’s will.

VALUESValues are deeply held beliefs about

what is good, right, and appropriate. Values are deep-seated and remain constant over time.

Personal values are generally instilled in us from the time we are able to comprehend what is good and bad. Our personal values govern if our actions are in harmony; therefore, allowing us to achieve inner peace, feel we are more in control of our life, and make satisfying decisions.

The Rokeach Value SurveyChoose your ten most important values from the list below. After you have

your top ten, trim it down to eight. Then to five, down to your top three. Finally, come up with your top most important value. Was it easy to choose? Why did you choose this particular value over the rest?

A comfortable life Self-respect IntelligenceAn exciting life Social recognition LogicalA sense of accomplishment True friendship LovingA world at peace Wisdom LoyaltyA world of beauty Ambition ObedienceEquality Broad-mindedness PolitenessFamily security Cleanliness ResponsibilityFreedom Capability Self-controlHealth Courageous SimplicityInner harmony Forgiving HumilityMature love Helpfulness CompassionateNational security Honesty SpiritualityPleasure Imaginativeness GenerositySalvation Independence Politeness

The Lasallian 5 C’sCompetent He is thoroughly knowledgeable and skilled in his

chosen field of study. He is also informed about issues around him. More importantly, a Lasallian can be counted upon to handle his obligations and responsibilities efficiently and effectively.

ConfidentThe Lasallian’s competence is one of his sources of confidence. A confident

Lasallian believes in himself and his capability to contribute something of value to the world around him. The Lasallian also believes in people and their ability to transform themselves and society for the good of all.

Concerned“Excellence with a soul, competence with compassion.” More than just being

competent and confident, a Lasallian is deeply concerned about what is happening around him and how this affects the lives of not only his immediate circle of family and friends but also of those who are less privileged.

CommittedA Lasallian’s concern for others translates itself into active and committed

service to his community. The Lasallian recognizes that he is responsible not only for himself but also for others. A Lasallian is a person for others.

ChristianBeyond being competent, confident, concerned, and committed, a Lasallian endeavors

to become faithful to his calling as a Christian. All that, he does for his own and for others, is rooted in his deep love and reverence for God in all things, a Lasallian starts with God, proceeds with God, and ends with God.

One La Salle PrayerLet me be the change I want to seeto do with strength and wisdomall that needs to be done…and become the hope that I can be.Set me free from my fears and hesitationsgrant me courage and humilityfill me with spirit to face the challengeand start the change I long to see.Today I start the change I want to see.Even if I’m not the lightI can be the spark.In faith, service and communionLet us start the change we want to see.The change that begins with me.Live Jesus in our hearts forever!