nuclear physics applications web version.pptnsl/Lectures/Junior_seminar/nuclear_physics... ·...

Post on 09-Mar-2018

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Nuclear Physics Applicationsin industry, medicine, and liberal arts

Energy SourcesEnergy SourcesNuclear ForensicsHomeland SecurityImaging and DiagnosticsRadiation TreatmentM t i l S iMaterial ScienceArt and Archaeology

Ph i A li tiPhysics ApplicationsEnergy

ADS & TransmutationNuclear Forensics

Homeland SecurityADS & TransmutationFusion confinementNuclear WasteEnergy Storage

Homeland SecurityRisk AssessmentsNuclear TraffickingProliferation

Life ScienceMedical DiagnosticsMedical Therapy

Material AnalysisNanotechnologyIon ImplantationMedical Therapy

RadiobiologyBiomedical tracers

Ion Implantation Material StructureGeology & ClimateEnvironmentArt & Archaeology

Nuclear DefenseWeapon Analysis

ComputationMonte Carlo SimulationFunctionality

Long-Term Storage

Monte Carlo SimulationNetwork SimulationSoftware DevelopmentQuantum computing

Nuclear Energy Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) for operating sub-critical reactors

From nuclear power plantsp p

1GeV accelerator development (~10 15 n/s)p ( )

ADS for nuclear waste management

to nuclear pace makerspBeam optics &

irradiation system development

Incineration strategies

F i R t f th F t Fusion Reactors for the Future The Tokomak approach ITER The laser approach NIF

Magnet field confined plasma fusion Laser ignition fusion

From NIF to LIFENational Ignition Facility at LLNLTo Laser Induced Fusion Energy

Nuclear ForensicsDriven by terrorism threat & homeland security issues Trafficking of nuclear materials & homeland security issues material loss assessments

Border control & radiation exposure (instrumentation)

Provenance of radioactive material by isotope composition or material structure analysis

Signature identification, gDetector array developmentSensitivity analysis

Ai t it t ti ti Airport security - neutron activation techniques for plastic explosive search

14N+n (thermal) ⇒ 15N* ⇒ 15N+γ (10.8 MeV)

7 + 7 +77

+ 78


10.8 MeV

14N(n,γ)15Nprompt reaction

Was Napoleon murdered by the British?

Was Napoleon murdered by the British?Napoleon himself suspected tobecome a British victim.Chemical analysis of his hairChemical analysis of his hairindicated enhanced Arsenic(As) levels which seemed toconfirm the murder theory! But!

75As(n,γ)76As; T1/2 = 26.4 h75As is the only stable isotope of As

N l Im inNuclear Imaging

Blood flow with radiopharmaceuticals Imaging software and analysis

Gamma CameraSPEC & PEPIsotopes & IsomersParmaceuticalsParmaceuticals

Tumor mapping & visualization by radioactive isotope accumulation. Imaging system development

BrachytherapyGamma therapyGamma therapyNeutron therapyHeavy ion therapy

Radiation Treatment

Material Sciences

Ion implantation into silicon chips for generating

Radiation hardening for outer space Applications from electronics to sails

Ion implantation into silicon chips for generatingmicro electronics elements.

Isotope analysis in forensics & biologyIsotope analysis in forensics & biologyIsotope studies for provenance, eating habits

on in


tooth enamel is formed in early childhood ⇒ origindentin & bone changes

t con



with time ⇒ death

Weighted Annual δ13C

n of






BC time [y] AD

King of Stonehenge, a German immigrant?

The Daily Express expressed the opinion. "This is as h ki thshocking as the

discovery that the first cricket players wore leather pants

δ18O ≈ -9 to -10

wore leather pants and ate Bratwurst with their tea."

D ti l d f l iDating real and false mummies

Tracking ll l dIllegal Ivory Trade

Increasing slaughter of elephants since 1970 with increased use ofincreased use of automatic weapons.

Ivory trade ban in 1989Ivory trade ban in 1989 to protect elephants from becoming extinct

Growth in poaching and smuggle leading to asmuggle leading to a decline as high as 90% in certain areas

By using h B b P kthe Bomb Peak

But how to determine the age ofivory carved artifacts on themarket, to determine if it was,illegally obtained and smuggled?abe

Nuclear Physics EmploymentNuclear Physics Employment

51% US80% Male~5.7 years

Employment of nuclear science students 5-10 years after Ph D awardstudents, 5 10 years after Ph.D. award

~49% temporary visa holders