Nuke a Cold Call with Strategy and Finesse

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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So you’re ready to raise some funds. You did some research and compiled a decent list of potential donors. You proofed your letter. Then proofed it again. Envelopes are sealed, and out goes the ask. Now what? Follow up calls. Making cold calls (or even luke-warm calls) can be intimidating. They can also be rather easy to bomb completely when you’re not prepared. This short guide provides a phone call script template along with tips on how to make calls with strategy and finesse. Full guide available at: Other tips, tricks, and guides can be found at:


  • 1. Nuke a Cold Call with Strategy and Finesse

2. HIm a systems and strategic thinker.Who likes to make things look pretty. ello, I'm Raechel. And I write tips, tricks, and guides.No matter how small your organization is, a major key to reach that next level is to start looking bigger than you really are. This series highlights topics that are little, yet big. Its stuff that can help you look bigger than you really are and polish your organizations outside perception. 3. So its fund raising time You did research, compiled a decent list of potential donors. You proofed your letter. Then proofed it again. Envelopes are sealed. And out goes the ask.Now what? Follow up calls. 4. Cold calls (or even luke-warm calls) can rather be intimidating. They can also be rather easy to mess up when youre not prepared.So heres some tips on making calls with strategy and finesse. 5. Try to get a hold of a real person. Even if its the assistant of the person you want to talk to. Real people make decisions and get the ball rolling.. Voicemail boxes dont. 6. But if you do get the voicemail box, jot down notes beforehand so you dont forget something important after the beep. 7. like this Hello, this is (your name) from (your orgs name).A few weeks ago I sent you information in the mail regarding (your ask, event, campaign, etc). Please let me know if you have received the information and had a chance to review it. Id love to discuss the possibility of you contributing to our work. Please contact me at (number) or (email address). Thank you. Im looking forward to hearing back from you soon. 8. When you do get a real personFirst ask if they got the info you sent. 9. This gives you them a chance to review your project on their own time and gives you a shoe in the door: a reason for calling. 10. like this Did you receive the information I sent you on (your project)?No? Thats alright, I can send you another. Does email work better for you?Yes? Great, did you get a change to review it yet? Oh, you didnt, thats alright, when would be a good time for me to call back again? See what we did there? Once you send via email, you now have an alternate means to follow up with them. 11. So youve got a real person And yes, theyve reviewed your materialsMake the connection. 12. Ensure they know why youre asking. Its not because they got it, you want it. Its because theres a connection between you and them: they care about something that has to do with what youre doing. 13. like this We thought your interest in environmental concerns along the lakeshore was a great fit with our upcoming eventAre you interested in showing your support for animal rights in our community with a gift this year? So-and-So, who is on our board, felt you would have an interest in learning more about our work Were looking for educational advocates in our community who will support our new literacy goals 14. What if they say no?Dont let em off the hook. 15. You havent gone this far to let them go just yet. Cash is always king, but if donating directly isnt an option, offer several alternatives. 16. like this Thank you so much for considering a donation. Although were sorry to hear you wont be financially contributing at this time, would you be interested in supporting our work in other ways?Subscribe to our newsletter Show your support via our social media Donating in-kind materials or equipment Commit to attending our next event Sign our petition Post information about our organization Tell your friends about us Promote our latest video 17. Try to get a hold of a real person.Ask if they got your info.Ensure they get the connection.Dont let em off the hook. 18. This was just a taste. For the full guide on this topic as well as other spoonfuls, please