Nursing consults power point presentation

Post on 16-Nov-2014

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Nursing Consults

A Proposal to Introduce…

What are Nursing Consults?

Nursing consults are consults run solely by experienced veterinary nurses

They provide client support and education

They bridge a gap between veterinarians and clients. (Please note: Notes are provided below some slides)

Types of consults/clinics which may be offered:

Weight Management Clinics

Dental Clinics

Senior Health Care Clinics

Behaviour Management Clinics

Disease Management Clinics

How are Nursing Consults of benefit to:




The Practice?

Patients will benefit by…

Improved life quality and longevity through better health management

Clients will benefit by…

Receiving a better service – at no extra cost

Having closer interaction with veterinary nurses thereby gaining confidence in their skills

Having a happier and healthier pet

Employees will benefit by…

Being given the opportunity to utilise and display their professional skills

Raising the profile of veterinary nurses and feeling more valued

Furthering their nursing education and experience by providing personal support to clients and pets

The Practice will benefit by…Improving the standard of health care offered to pets

Achieving an improved practice image through practising better veterinary medicine

Making better use of the practice facilities and resources (using nurses to their full potential)Additional revenue received through product sales – as recommended by nurses where necessary

Improved and more efficient use of veterinarians’ time

Ensuring client compliance with vet recommendations through regular contact

As you can see there are many benefits to be gained by adding Nursing Consults/Clinics to the Practice’s list of client services…

The aim of this proposal…

is to impress upon you the importance and necessity of offering Nursing Consults to our clients and their pets. Veterinary Clinics must continually improve the standard of health care which is being provided to animals worldwide. Introducing Nursing Consults is an

excellent way to do just that!

The logistics involved in implementing Nursing Consults/Clinics…

How will they fit into the Practice’s work schedule?

Where and when will they be held?

How long will each consult appointment be?Who is/are the appropriate nurse/nurses to run the clinics?

How will these new services be offered and advertised?

How to implement Nurse Consults/Clinics, a timeline to implementation…

2 clinics will be launched initially –

Weight Management

and Dental Clinics


Protocols are written to set standards and so others

have guidance, clinic hand-outs created

1 MONTH OUT Any further training is undertaken and all staff

are made aware of

clinics, advertisement commences


Implementation timeline continued



success of clinics

progressively discussed –

any alterations required?


Implementation of further

clinics discussed and

actioned >>>

Implementation continued

6 – 12 MONTHS ON – a full range of Nursing Consults in place providing increased health-care services to clients and their pets! (hehe )

Examples of nurse involvement in out-patient care through nursing consults follow… Example 1:

Elderly dog diagnosed with arthritis. Client

requests help with management

Vet prescribes pain relief and use of j/d diet

Vet introduces client to Disease

Management consulting nurse and appointment


Client and pet attend Disease Management Clinic. Nurse provides advice on feeding j/d,

exercise and supplementation with

nutra-ceuticals if recommended by vet. Fortnightly follow-up nurse appointment


Attendance at nursing clinic. Dog not doing

well – more painful and unable to settle. Nurse refers client back to vet for review of drugs (or calls vet into consult

and new drugs prescribed). Further clinic appointment


Attendance at nursing clinic. Dog doing much

better on new pain relief. Eating new food

well. Enjoying swimming exercise.Further appointment

made for 4 week follow-up

Example 2:Client enters clinic.

Speaks with

receptionist and

requests advice on

dental care

Receptionist promotes new dental clinic

service. Client very keen and appointment


Client and pet attend

Dental Clinic.

Receptionist introduces client to

consulting nurse

Pet’s health and eating habits

discussed. Examination of mouth reveals

dental disease with extractions

required. Estimate given and client

agrees to go ahead with procedure.


Dental procedure performed. Advice on home-care

given. Follow-up appointment made with

Dental Clinic for 1 weeks time

Attendance at Dental Clinic. Patient

progressing well. Extraction sites

healing well. Check on home-care. Advice given on instigating daily

tooth-brushing and the use of dental

chews as treats to keep teeth clean

Follow-up dental appointment made for 2 weeks time, to check

mouth is fully healed/healing well and to discuss progress with

introduction of tooth-brushing. Diarised for

phone contact in 2 weeks and appointment

in another fortnight

In conclusion:The addition of Nursing Consults to the Practice’s repertoire of services will benefit all involved…

It will ensure better health-care is provided to the pets in our care;

It will build rapport with, and bond clients to our clinic; It will utilise the full range of our veterinary nurses’ skills; It will free up veterinarians to perform their more important duties, and finally It will raise the profile of the Practice!

Ultimately EVERYBODY wins!!

If you are not entirely convinced yet, please read the following resources (they will convince you, I’m

sure! )

Jevring, C. Managing a Veterinary Practice, Chapter 9 Preventative Health

Care Programmes. Sweden: W.B. Saunders Company Ltd Ackerman, N. (2012) The Consulting Veterinary

Nurse. West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.