Nurture The Winged Wonders

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Importance of Butterflies in our Eco system



The winged wonders!!!

They fly around anywhere

without hurting anybody

They are hurt quiet often by people

But these fragile insects

do not hurt us back

They are mindful of their duty

Their duty of pollinating flowers

is performed till the last day of their life

for which they do not demand any wages for it

Their life is very short,

but they lead a satisfying life

They ingest sweet Nectars

only to make our lives, the sweetest

Imagine this Earth Without Butterfly

The Earth will be devoid of Birds

Mankind will be missing

scented colorful flowers

Humanity will also be

missing Sweet and Nutritious fruits

Oh Man! Please develop

a garden of flowers around your home

to Nurture Butterflies

Nurture Flowers to

Nurture Butterflies!!!

Nurture Butterflies to Nurture Birds!!!

Nurture Birds to Nurture Trees!!!

If we Nurture Trees then

we are Nourishing

the Environment

and Nature, our Mother Earth

Kausalya Janardanan