Nustory: students and startups explore social media

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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The Nustory Project: Exploring social media and the new rules of business communications

Daryl PereiraIBM Cloud Marketing


Engage, not sell

“The power of social media is it forces necessary change."

(Erik Qualman, Harvard MIT Professor)  

How did businesses communicate with their customers in the past?

Commerce used to be personal!

Mass production era: functional roles and process optimization

Mass production era: communication is scaled!

Mass production era: it’s a numbers game

Mass production era: it’s a numbers game

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”

John Wanamaker (1838 – 1922)

Social: opens up new means of engagement

Social: exposes advocates and feedback

Social: now you know which half is wasted!

Measure: reach, engagement, action

The 3 C’s of Social: Content, Community, Celebrity




The currency of engagementNew forms: Periscope

Value of social grows with networkNew networks: Slack

The influence space is in constant fluxNew influencers: Youtube stars

The 3 C’s of Social: Content

The 3 C’s of Social: Community

The 3 C’s of Social: Celebrity

What is the Nustory Project?

Student teams paired with startups to explore social

Post content and test the results

Experiment with new content forms, eg. infographics