Nutri fit mascots

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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5th gradeAlexandroupolis, Greece

This is a carrot made from a plastic bottle!!

Its name is mrs Carrot. If you eat carrots, you'll

have strong teeth! But remember! You

must brush your teeth!


This is our mascot! They are cherries:

one of them is angry and the other one is happy!!

Phillip, Jim

This is my feta cheese. l made it with a little

box and paper!!


This is my carrot! I made it with

papers and newspaper!!


This is my tomato, made with papers and newspaper.


This is a peper. I made it with papers and newspaper.


I made this mascot with gloves, the top of the pear, cordage, bottle, gofre paper(red, yellow), wooden eyes, pear mouth.


I made this mascot with 2 papers (purple and pink), 15 threads, 1cutting bottle.


This is a watermelon. We made it with newspapers.

We used color pencils and glue.

Eat watermelons in the summer.

Don't eat ice-creams....


This is a pomegranate made of newspapers, plastic, cloth and glue.


This is my mascot. His name is mr.

Orange. I build it with paper

and I paint it with color pens.

Eat orange because it has vitamin C!!


This is my mascot made with gofre paper and shocks.

Konstantina D.

I made this mascot with newspaper, cloth, plastic eyes.

I also made a hut with black paper and I put a moustache.

It is an apple. An apple a day let

the doctor go away!!!


My mascot is a tomato. I made it with

newspapers and red gofre paper.

Her name is Kiki.

Eat healthy, live healthy!!!
