Nutrition Expedition

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Nutrition Expedition. The four major biological molecules. Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acid. Carbohydrates. One of the four classes of molecules that form macromolecules. Carbohydrates are include sugars ( such as glucose, ribose, maltose,etc. ). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Nutrition Expedition

The four major biological molecules

● Carbohydrates● Lipids● Proteins● Nucleic Acid

Carbohydrates● One of the four classes of molecules that form

macromolecules.● Carbohydrates are include sugars ( such as glucose,

ribose, maltose,etc. )

● Carbohydrates play a major role in promoting your health fitness. They form a major part of your food and help a great deal in building your body strength, by generating energy.

● functions of carbohydrates are multiple.● Carbohydrates consist of the elements

carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) with a ratio of hydrogen twice that of carbon and oxygen.

Carbohydrates Chemical Structure

Monosaccharide DisaccharidePolysaccharide

LipidsLipids are a large and diverse group of naturally occurring organic compounds that are related by their solubility in nonpolar organic solvents and general insolubility in water.

Lipids is Another word for "fats." Lipids can be more formally defined as substances such as a fat, oil or wax that dissolves in alcohol but not in water. Lipids contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but have far less oxygen proportionally than carbohydrates.

● Lipids are important part of living cells, together with carbohydrates and proteins, Lipids are a major building block of cell walls

● One type of lipid is the fat acyl. Fat acyls are the building blocks for more complex lipids. Glycerolipids are also known as triglycerides, which make up most of the body's fats. Other kinds of lipids include sterols, sphingolipids and certain fat-soluble vitamins.

Lipid Chemical Structure

ProtienProtein is a complex organic compound made

up of amino-acids which are synthesized by living systems.

● Function● Proteins play an important role in the

lifespan and quality of human life. Depending upon the roles and bonds and the structure of amino acid, the proteins in the cell membrane play the role of channels to facilitate diffusion.

Builds and maintains body tissues.

Helps create enzymes, hormones and antibodies.

Assists in the transportation of fats, vitamins and minerals.