NuVet Reviews | Risks Of Joint Surgery For Dogs

Post on 22-Jul-2015

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NuVet Reviews|Risks of Joint Surgery For Dogs

NuVet Reviews|Risks of Joint Surgery For Dogs

Dogs who suffer from arthritis and other joint conditions are often in a lot of pain. While

certain steps can be taken in order to manage their pain levels and keep these dogs

comfortable, sometimes the best option is surgery.

NuVet Reviews|Risks of Joint Surgery For Dogs

During joint surgery, the joint itself is fused in order to alleviate the pressure of the cartilage

on the joint.

NuVet Reviews|Risks of Joint Surgery For Dogs

Surgery is often the last option that veterinarians will consider when treating a dog’s

arthritis, but it’s important to note that most dogs respond well to this surgical procedure.

What are the Risks of Joint Surgery for Dogs?

Dogs who undergo this surgical procedure may experience complications as a result of the

anesthesia that is used.

What are the Risks of Joint Surgery for Dogs?

If at any time the dog shows signs of distress from the anesthesia, the veterinarian can take

measures in order to prevent complications from occurring.

What are the Risks of Joint Surgery for Dogs?

Infection is another risk that pet parents should be aware of before they decide to have this

surgery. Infection is always a risk of any surgical procedure, but it is relatively uncommon after

this particular surgery.

What are the Risks of Joint Surgery for Dogs?

In some cases, the fusion may fail to heal on its own. If this happens, the surgeon will have to

complete the surgery again in order to provide your pet with successful results.

What are the Risks of Joint Surgery for Dogs?

Plates and screws are used during this operation in order to complete the fusion. These plates and screws can break if the dog is not resting

during the recovery period.

What are the Risks of Joint Surgery for Dogs?

The dog will be placed in a cast after the operation. Sometimes, there are sores that

develop as a result of the pressure that the cast puts on the limb.

NuVet Reviews|Risks of Joint Surgery For Dogs

In order to prevent the need for surgery, pet parents should take extra efforts in order to

control arthritis. NuVet Plus is a pet nutritional supplement that contains a variety of

ingredients that can help alleviate joint paint and improve joint health.