Nyc Code Camp 2010 Git And Github

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Presentation I did at NYC Code Camp about using Git and Github for .NET development on Windows.


Git & Github for .NET Development

JP TotoVP for Application Development

Cognis IT @jptoto

Fill this space with whatever you want (graphic, logo, whatever)

What we’re gonna cover

• Short history of Git• Differences between Git & Subversion: What’ s a DVCS• Make a repository and perform operations on it• How to integrate Git & Subversion• Short jog through GitHub

URL For all Links!

History of Git

In 2005, the relationship between the community that developed the Linux kernel and the commercial company that developed BitKeeper broke down, and the tool’s free-of-charge status was revoked. This prompted the Linux development community (and in particular Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux) to develop their own tool based on some of the lessons they learned while using BitKeeper.

Ohai! BitKeeper screwed us so I think I’ll write my

own DVCS. Natch.

What makes Git different?

Typical SCMs use changes based on file differences:

What makes Git different?Git thinks of each commit of a snapshot, doesn’t re-save files that weren’t modified – only pointers.

The Staging Area

What does that mean for us?

• Almost all operations are local.• Very cheap branching & merging (more in a bit).• Ability to work offline.• Entire repository and all its history is with your local copy.

Installing Git


Tortoise GIT

Git Extensions for Visual Studio

$ git config --global “Joe Smith" $ git config --global “"

You first repo!.gitignore

• git init• git add• git commit• git status• .gitignore


Some other operations

• git commit –m “Message”• git commit –amend• git reset HEAD file.txt (Remove from staging area)• git checkout -- file.txt (Dangerous! File is overwritten)• git log

Branching & MergingVery FAST! Only uses pointers instead of copying whole files, folders, and projects.

Git encourages lots of branching / merging.

$ git branch <new branch>

$ git checkout <new branch>

$ git merge

$ git branch –D <branch_to_delete>

$ git mergetool

Branching & Merging



$ git remote

$ git remote add origin git://

$ git fetch / git pull

$ git push

$ git remote show origin


Git & SVN• Use Git as a valid SVN client• Keep all the client features of Git

• Local branching & merging, staging, etc• Great way to sneak it into your corporate environment >:-)

$ git svn [command]$ git svn clone svn://

Caveats:1.Keep history as linear as possible, avoid rebasing2.Don’t re-write your history and do another push3.If you’re on a mixed team, makes sure you’re using SVN server

What if I’m used to SVN?

$git clone [url] $svn checkout [url]

$git pull $svn update

$git init $svnadmin create “repo”$git add . $svn import file://repo$git commit

$git merge [branch] $svn merge -r 20:HEAD http://url/branches/branch

Helpful References

• (CC book by Scott Chacon)• (git tuts)• Screencasts about Git• Git-SVN hints