NYS Ela Regent Prep

Post on 28-Jan-2015

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Journal #1Which music artist do you listen to for their lyrics specifically. List the artist, song, and

one line from the song that stays in your mind.

How do you stay attentive to the artists lyrics, and why do you

remember them?

Aim: How can we become more productive listeners of passages, audio, and media to understand author’s purpose and recall the evidence that

proves that purpose?

Do now Journal #1:

Journal #2The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Summarize the pages read aloud. What struck you as the most important

part of this passage?

Barack Obama Speech:Author:Title:Is this a speech/narrative (story)/film

scene/presentation? Topic(s):What is the piece or author saying about the topic? Is this informative/ opinion/

entertaining/persuasive? (Fact, Fiction, Opinion, Joke, or Motivational).


Second Listen: Write down any quotes/examples/explanations

that support the topic?  What does the piece or author say or use to

support the topic? (Fact and Data, Opinion, Life Experiences, Explanations)

 Any images that come to mind or seem

important in the presentation? Summarize the piece in your own words?

Video Notes : Our Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson Vocabulary: Inadequate: failing to reach an expected

or required level or standard

Fill in the top of the notes on your own on the first listen.

Fill in the bottom on your second listen:New Question any images that strike you as

important in the video or add to the context of the quote?

Class Discussion:

Class work questions:What is the purpose of this quote?


Explain why you believe so?

What do you believe the author of the quote is saying about fear?

Intro Paragraph Listeners Scavenger Hunt

Goal put together a clear intro-paragraph with the three essential elements. 1. Hook2. Topic/Main Points3. Thesis Statement/Controlling Idea

Each student will receive one of the three parts of an introduction paragraph that is either (for or against) the argument that school should have a later start time.

Copy this down on a separate sheet of paper.

Scavenger Hunt (Hook, Topic, Thesis) Step One: Write down what pieces you need to

complete your intro paragraph.

Step Two: Decide whether the piece you have is (for or against ) later start times for students.

Step Three: Find the other two pieces from your classmates and write them down to create a intro –paragraph. The pieces you find from your peers must agree with the argument (for or against).

Example – 15 minutes to find the other two pieces?

RulesYou must read your piece to anyone who asks?You can read anyone else's pieceAsk them if they have 1 of the three pieces

you need?If they do, listen to their piece and decide if it

agrees with your piece?Then write down in the appropriate place on

your paper.Complete when you find all three pieces of an

intro-paragraph .

Correct Introduction ParagraphsFor later start times: Do you enjoy going to school at 7 in the morning? Are

you fully awake and think you can handle life’s many daily challenges to the fullest of your ability? I think not. -We at Fordham High School need more sleep. In order to fulfill this task, the school day would have to start at a later time. Everyone would benefit from these changes. Students would be less irritable in class, and they would also be more attentive to teachers little lectures, because their books will not be used as pillows. Many teenage high school students are tired during the school day, distracting them from their studies. This is one of the many good reasons why the starting time of school should be later in the day.


Correct Intro-ParagraphAgainst Later Start Times Isn’t nice finishing school at 3:00 and having your

whole afternoon ahead of you? The down side for starting school at a later time is the fact that we would be in school later in the day. We would not get out of school until 4:30 instead of 3:00. That would throw off everything, work schedules, athletic schedules, detentions; all sorts of things would be different. Starting school late and ending the day later would pose a problem to the bus company, day care centers, and the working parents of the students. So we should not change the start time of school, because it would in fact create huge problems at the end of the day.

Individual:Add a body paragraph that supports or opposes

your completed introduction paragraph? Use personal experience for evidence and support of your opinion (for or against).

Restate what you are talking about in the first sentence.

When finsished:

Take turns reading your completed essay to your partner, while the other person takes listening notes?

All class work to be collected

Exit Card: HomeworkWhat other notes, procedures, or behaviors

might be important for effective listening and response that we may not have covered today?

Take notes on someone speaking, audio, or video in the format of your guided notes and write one paragraph that describes the authors opinion and their evidence to support it. – Due Tuesday -11/16/10

Late Assignments : Comparative Essay/Informational Pamphlet – Confusions/Questions/Problems

Do now: JournalWhat is similarity or

controlling idea between education and success in the future? Example (it takes hard work; it’s a waste of time, its jus one step to my future). First name what you hope to have success in your future and how education is related. Then write one sentence that connects the two stated in the first sentence.

How do you believe your generation is different from the ones before? What do you believe that you will change about the world as you reach success in your field? What are you going to change about the field you’re in?

Read Aloud.- The Perks Pages 177 - 182 Class work what is similar and what is

different about Charlie’s generation from yours.

Mini Lesson: Generation: all of the people who were born at approximately the same time, considered as a group, and especially when considered as having shared interests and attitudes.

Read AloudClass work: What do you believe the defining

charactersistics of Charlie’s generation are?

Video Presentation – {4 mins.} Listening NotesWhat are some of the defining events

in the last ten years of that are important to you?

What are some important events that this video has missed in the last ten years that are important to you?

Short Essay ResponseCreate a controlling idea of generation.

Write an essay that uses the controlling idea of generation and the events of the last ten years to connect to your life?

Write a paragraph predicting what the next ten years might bring? Use the evidence from the video to support your answer?

Share out homework: –{4 min} What controlling ideas can we make from our homework assignment?

Aim: Understanding author’s use of tone and purpose. Silently Read the next letter of The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Paraphrase the events of the chapter.

What do you emotions do you believe the author is trying to convey through Charlie’s story.

Mini Lesson #1 - ToneTone - Tone is a particular way of expressing

feelings or attitudes that will influence how the reader feels about the characters, events, and outcomes. Speakers show tone more easily than writers because they can use voice tone, gesture, and facial expressions. A writer must use words alone.“

It is not what the story makes you feel! It’s the way the characters feel.

How do we know what the characters feel?

Individual – Class workListen to the Passage – Determine the tone of the passage .

What do the characters feel?

How do you know? Determine the tone of the passage – what words/ and language did the author use?

Activity Pair/Share – 10 minutesWrite a story about one of the following as a pair that

conveys the tone that you receive. You can’t use the feeling word your receive. Use a thesaurus – Well-developed paragraph

A musician their first performance at the VMAs

A soldier the first day at war.

A dancer her first day on broadway

An artist having their first showcase.

How did the passage make you feel?

Mood- how the story makes you feel after reading?

Read aloud more The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Class work : determine the tone and the mood.

Creating The Charlie Event Line5 Event from The Perks of Being A Wallflower that are important to the overall story and

development of the main Character CharlieEach Event must have a summary/time of the

event in Charlie’s life setting/conflict/characters/ and the tone of the


Last line of the poster – What was Stephen Chbosky’s purpose for telling us this story?

Leader/Artist/Researcher/Recorder- Names - Role

Do Now- Read The Passage. Journal #1 –

Answer the Questions:

The tone of this passage is ..?

What is the author’s purpose.

Journal #2 – What is the topic of the passage?

What do you believe the author is saying about the topic?

In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day one fellow met the great philosopher and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?". "Hold on a minute," Socrates replied. "Before telling me anything I'd like you to pass a little test. It's called the Triple Filter Test.". "Triple filter?". "That's right," Socrates continued. "Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be a good idea to take a moment and filter what you're going to say. That's why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?" "No," the man said, "actually I just heard about it and...". "All right," said Socrates. "So you don't know if it's true or not. Now let's try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?" . "No, on the contrary...". "So," Socrates continued, "you want to tell me something bad about him, but you're not certain it's true. You may still pass the test though, because there's one filter left: the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?" "No, not really." "Well," concluded Socrates, "if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?"

Listening Note PracticeI will read the end of the passage twice.

Take notesTopicAuthor’s PurposeType of passageAny important quotes or examples the author

uses to support their controlling ideas.Why did the author write this?

Listening Questions 1.         The tone of this poem is best described as

1. critical

2. ironic

3. light

4. proud

2.         According to this poem, what is true about the women of

the past?

1. They had little formal education.

2. They tended to be heavy-set.

3. They were more violent than they had to be.

4. They could not have dealt with today's problems.


Which phrase best suggests that women were faithful to their role while trying to change it?

1. "battered down Doors" (lines 7 and 8)

2. "ironed Starched white Shirts" (lines 9 through 11)

3. "led Armies . . . Across mined Fields" (lines 12 through 16)

4. "they knew what we Must know" (lines 22 and 23)


The poet feels that the women of the past were striving for

1.educational opportunities for their children

2. the right to work for equal pay

3.equal representation in the army

4. rights of future generations to vote

6.        The theme of this poem most likely is that

women have…1. served their country well, especially in

wartime2. neglected their children in order to be

activists3. changed and do not know as much as they

did a generation ago4. been the source of change and progress in


MINI- LESSON – TASK 3 Directions#1 Write a well developed paragraph in which you use

ideas from both passages to establish a controlling idea about ____________. Develop your controlling idea using specific examples and details from each passage.

#2 Choose a specific literary element (e.g., theme,

characterization, structure, point of view) or literary technique (e.g., symbolism, irony, figurative language, ect.) used by one of the authors. Using specific details from that passage, in a well- developed paragraph, show how the author uses that element or technique to develop the passage.

#1 Break Down Create a controlling idea about


Use example/quotes/ explanations to support the controlling idea you have created.

#2 Break DownChoose a specific literary element or

technique to show how the author develops their passage.

What seems to be the most important element within the passage that the author uses to write about the topic?

Show some examples.

Anchor Text – Wrap UpWhat are the major themes of this book?

What was the purpose of this book

What did Stephen Chbosky teach us about life through Charli’e’s story?

TASK #3 Practice#1 Write a well developed paragraph in which you use

ideas from both passages to establish a controlling idea about belonging/wrongfully accused. Develop your controlling idea using specific examples and details from each passage.

#2 Choose a specific literary element (e.g., theme,

characterization, structure, point of view) or literary technique (e.g., symbolism, irony, figurative language, ect.) used by one of the authors. Using specific details from that passage, in a well- developed paragraph, show how the author uses that element or technique to develop the passage.

Do I belong?Written By: shrith.Lost in a world so full of rights,

Nobody cares to see my plight.Born as a child filled with a want,

I am still the female gene nobody wants.Excluded from society

Here I stand loosing my dignity.What more could i ask for than a life,

But now I pray for my sacrifice.Day by day, I am a liability,

I stand now showing you my ability.I am the child you once rejected,

And now all I ask is for you to take me back

Wrongfully Convicted by Angelina Merrill Some people are wrongfully

convicted.Putting in Appeals, hoping the charges will be lifted.A prison cell, now their new home.Entrapped, inside razor barb fences.With no more freedom to roam.A lot of precious years, will be lost.At somebody else's cost.Taking everything day by day.The only thing left to do is hope and pray.Maybe some day, the real criminal will meet their fate.Wrongfully convicted, and having a lot of hate.Pushed through the system, so they can close the case.Not able to accept what has happened.Sooner or later, it will have to be faced.Innocent as hell, we shouldn't be here.Living a life of constant fear.Maybe, they'll realize they made a mistake.Hopefully some day, when I awake.I will hear I'm a free man.And a journey home, I'll take.

Do : Set up your listening section graphic organizer in the notes section of your exam.





Question Clues to look for.