NZ Freemason magazine Issue 1 March 2009

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Freemasons New Zealand



Freemasons Roskill Foundation Supporting Advances in Neurology

Issue 1, 2009 (Vol 37)

Grand Master

Grand Master’s Calendar Date Lodge Location District Event

MARCH 7 Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of NZ, Palmerston North 15 Installation of REComp Graeme Pengelly 14 Lodge St Martin No. 162 Pleasant Point 28 Centennial CelebrationsAPRIL 17-20 Grand Lodge of South Australia & NT, Adelaide Grand InstallationMAY 2 The Waitohi Lodge No. 111 Picton 23 125th Celebration 23-24 Lodge Kurow No. 164 Kurow 30 Centennial Celebrations 26 Lodge Auckland No. 87 Auckland 5 Installation Meeting 27 Lodge Papatoetoe No. 227 Papatoetoe 7 Presentation of 50 yr Service Award 30 The Research Lodge of Otago No. 161, Dunedin 31 Centennial Celebrations 30 Lodge Rotorua No. 153 Rotorua 11 Musical 3rd Degree. DepGM to attend.

Ladies and Brethren,

I trust you had an enjoyable festive season, and that 2009 is filling your ambitions for whatever you had planned.

I noticed more than ever this year how our Brethren and Lodges close down during the December/ January period, and then when the pressure comes on again in February, they have to work very hard to catch up again.

That leads me to a couple of very positive things that are happening around the country.

Firstly there are some very clever plans being put into place for the retention and attendance of members. We all know that membership has been a very important focus for Freemasonry for some time and, I might add, other organisations as well, but despite many well meaning attempts, the battle hasn’t always produced what was needed.

Due to a number of people at the ‘grass roots’ level there is an encouraging trend that will, I am sure, lead to a higher level of both retention and attendance.

One is simply putting the right man in the right Lodge.

For as long as we can all remember, the drive for new members has meant that on many occasions, if anyone showed any interest to become a member, the prospect would be channelled straight into the Lodge of the man he approached.

Little or no thought going into how that candidate would relate to the members, or they to him.

The new trend is to assess the future Candidate and to introduce him to whatever Lodge he would feel comfortable

in. People are at last realising that a man in his 20’s wants to sit with others his own age, not just men in their autumn years.

It also applies to the personal aspects of the Candidate, whether he is a professional man or a labourer – go through the personnel of a few Lodges with him and let him make a choice as to which Lodge he would prefer, then introduce him to that Lodge.

Another very beneficial aspect, which is showing up, is that of projects.

The Brethren in Whakatane, for example, raised $50,000 under the banner of ‘Project Hope’ and I understand that the Brethren in Tauranga are on track to raise three times that!

Such a project produces a raft of wonderful results.

It ties the Brethren together with a common focus, and provides great opportunities to get together and enjoy the comradeship of each other. It certainly adds the emotions of satisfaction and achievement and it also produces huge benefit to our community.

I know that you will have been involved in fund raising and benevolence all your Masonic life, and can be very proud of your own achievements and those of your Lodge, however a project such as this one could well be considered as it takes the concept that extra distance.

It also opens the door for uniting several Lodges with a common focus, which leads to cementing relationships with members from other Lodges, which in turn leads to greater numbers visiting.

Another avenue we are putting into place is the area of education.

This is being implemented at Lodge, District and Divisional level, with a guiding

hand from Grand Lodge rather than trying to drive it from the top of the triangle.

It is certainly recognised that if such an important aspect is to be successful, those who are ‘at the coal face’ need to be the ones to make it happen.

I am pleased to report that it is working already with some Lodges running special evenings for their Candidates to explain ritual, meanings and protocols.

There are districts that are assembling all newly raised Master Masons and doing the same thing on a larger scale.

This will lead to a much better understanding of who and what we are, and therefore give the new members a feeling of ownership of Freemasonry and naturally leading to a much greater retention and attendance.

When I was given the honour of this position, I suggested that we would see change, and that change would be for the better. I also suggested that it was a challenge for us all to accept. It seems that challenge is already starting to be met. Thank you, and all power to your elbows for the work you are all doing.

Yours fraternally,

MWBro Stan Barker

The Grand Master at the Whakatane Freemasons Centre rededication.

Contents EditorGreetings Brethren!

Last week here at the Freemason building I got into the elevator with a stack of NZ Freemason magazines and brochures - on my way to restock the display rack in our lobby. An older lady from the 7th level was in the elevator with me for the ride down. As I prepared to exit she said, "Freemasons. Aren't you guys a cult or something...". I thought to myself. "What ignorance! If the people who are tenants in our own building don't know what we do, then what about the general public?" So, that afternoon I set up all of our beautiful publicity banners in our lobby (see photo below).

Freemasons all over New Zealand have and do make a difference to many, many people every day. The articles in this issue of the magazine are an attest to that. From the groundbreaking work that the Freemasons Roskill Foundation are doing in gerontology research to the lives that The Freemasons Charity touches through Almoners and financial support of projects.

This issue we got permission to reprint a terrific article on Freemasons and Freemasonry that appeared in Avenues in Christchurch last November. So take this magazine and give it to members of the public who need to know who we are. We always print extra copies - let us know where you want them sent.

Cult indeed!

Be seeing you.

Bro Michael LeonEditor / Communications OfficerFreemasons NZ, Wellington

The New Zealand Freemason is the official journal of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of New Zealand. Unless otherwise indicated, the opinions expressed and the advertising content are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy of Grand Lodge.

Articles appearing in this journal may be reproduced without permission provided acknowledgement of the source is made and a copy of the publication is forwarded to the Grand Secretary.

Queries or comments regarding subscription or distribution should be addressed to the Grand Secretary. Queries and comments regarding content and advertising should be addressed to the Editor. / Freemasons NZ, PO Box 6439, Marion Square, Wellington 6141, New Zealand

Phone 04 385 6622 / Fax 04 385 2420 / Intl +64-4-385-6622

Contributions to the magazine are greatly appreciated and should be of interest to a wide audience. Contributions, including letters to the Editor, may be edited. Photographs should be high quality, preferably in tiff or eps format.

Contributions to the magazine can also be forwarded through these people:

Northern Division, Michael Whitlock, PO Box 28 272, Remuera, AucklandCentral Division, Colin Heyward, 10 Rose Street, WaipawaSouthern Division, Malcolm Moore, PO Box 247, AlexandraRoyal Arch, Gary Kerkin, Tel: 07 889 3607

Magazines are distributed in March, June, September and December. The deadlines for contributions are the first day of February, May, August and November.

copyright © 2009 Freemasons NZ

Tauraunga Girls' College Antarctica Trip .............2

Freemasons Big Science Adventures ...................6

Movember: Hair for a Good Cause .......................7

Assistance Required For A Book ...........................8

A Gift from Geyserland ...........................................9

Obituary: MWBro Robert Denis Richmond, PGM .....10

Handshakes and Goat Blood ...............................12

The Australian Connection in the Development of Freemasonry in New Zealand .........................16

Planning for ANZMRC Conference 2010 ...........19

Secret Societies Under Scrutiny ..........................19

Cover Story: Distinguished International Guest Makes an Impact ....................................................20

One Radio, One Hobby, One World ....................22

Project Make-Over ................................................23

The Entered Apprentices! ....................................24

The Waitohi Lodge No. 111 - 125th Installation ....24

Freemasons Assist Student to Attend Outward Bound .....................................................25

Help Develop the Next Sir Edmund Hillary ......26

QSM Honour: WBro Gary Severinsen, Dist GDC........ 28

Service Awards .......................................................29

The Freemasons Charity .......................................30

Royal Arch ...............................................................32

Free Book: Freemasons Roskill Foundation .....36

Freemasons Deposit Scheme Application Form ... 37 COVER: Freemasons Roskill Foundation: Supporting Advances in Neurology . See the article on page 20: Distinguished Interna-tional Guest Makes an Impact.


Freemasons BIG Science Adventures is a nationwide secondary school DVD

competition, sponsored by Freemasons New Zealand.

The theme for the 2008 competition was Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution. Major prizes included a two-week trip to the UK to follow in Darwin's footsteps and an adventure-packed voyage to the Sub-Antarctic islands deep in the southern seas.

The competition in 2009 is open to Year 9 to 13 students. This year's theme is Astronomy and revolutions in our thinking. Entries are due 8 May 2009.

Diary of the Sub-Antarctic Island Prize Trip which was won by Tauraunga Girls' College.

Entries by Royal Society of New Zealand Expedition Team Leader, Bruce Jones.

Day One - 26 January

Greetings for 50 degrees south.

We departed from Bluff this morning with naval precision at 9.00am. Due to an excellent weather window the plan has been changed and we have headed directly towards Campbell Island our most southern destination some 700 kms south of Stewart Island. Conditions could not be better and seldom have I enjoyed Cook Strait crossings this comfortable. We headed out into an oily calm and quickly had the turbo diesel fired up for top speed travel at 27 knots. South of Steward Island there has been a 3-4 metre swell but it feels more like being rocked in a cradle and those of

us who rested after lunch inevitably had an excellent nap.

The calm conditions have been excellent for spotting anything of interest in the water so a few seals have passed by and the bridge reported a lone Orca. Good food

enjoyed by all and the early caution has been cast to the wind (all 4 knots of it) seconds being indulged with the prospect of some good walking exercise on Campbell Island tomorrow. The ship has slowed so that we will arrive at dawn tomorrow morning. We are carrying 700 metres of prefab board walk which will be transferred by helicopter to the appropriate points on the track. The skipper is keen to unload as the cargo compromises the operational capability of the vessel and with the prospect of fine weather continuing it should be all off by afternoon.

The Tauranga girls have been a little drowsy from sea sickness medication but are excited at the prospect of a helicopter tour over the Island tomorrow. We are also expect to be enjoy a 3 hour spell on the Island taking us past nesting Albatross and sea lion colonies.

There are about 30 naval guests in total on Te Kaha. 11 from our party and a lot of DoC personnel, some of whom will be staying on Campbell Island for a month. Our accommodation is spread through the vessel.

I am sharing quarters in a 6 bed cabin with other Petty Officers. Some are in 15 bed cabins and the girls with teacher have excellent accommodation in the sick bay’s treatment rooms complete with en suite.

I am pleased not to be able to provide a commentary of “liquid Himalayas” as phrased by Peter Montgomery when travelling with Peter Blake in the southern ocean many years ago. Just now it is more perfect than most of us could have wished for.

Day Two - 27 January

Campbell Island Rediscovered

Wow what a great day at the office!

5.45am we approached Perseverance Harbour on the eastern side of Campbell Island. With electronic stabilisers and superb weather continuing the gentle cradle rocking made rising less appealing to get those precious first pictures of the landfall. The harbour entrance had a foreboding volcanic looking landscape which was quite narrow given the size of our vessel and its reputation for bullets of wind exceeding 50 knots. Concentration on the bridge was very evident with constant bearings being taken and commands given as we steamed ahead. Never the less naval precision ensured that the anchor was dropped just

Tauraunga Girls' College Antarctica Trip

Tauraunga Girls College Teacher Margaret O'Donnell, with students Brittany Smith-Frank, Holly Woulfe, and Chloe O'Shea.



minutes ahead of the scheduled 7.00am drop. Unlike my own Marlborough Sounds experiences it was very uneventful and achieved successfully without multiple attempts.

The trip ashore required us to navigate the vertical rope ladder into the RHIB from about 20metres up. Life jackets were provided but their were a few uncertain looks as to how they might cushion ones fall into the boat if our worst fears were realised. The turbo inboard diesel blasted us into the shore where a welcoming committee of curious frolicking seals greeted us. Not so welcoming was a large sea lion on the wharf which provided us with an excellent opportunity to learn how to deal with their aggressive posturing.

We landed with a party of about 25 sailors for a 3 hour walk which took us to a point where we could overlook the sheer cliffs on the western coast. Nesting albatross where in some places within 5 metres of the trail and demonstrated all of their amorous affections for their partners while nesting on a precious egg. But you haven’t lived until you hear the whoosh of an albatross gliding metres overhead at a speed impossible for me to catch on video. Higher overhead (but not by much) was the naval helicopter conducting a reconnaissance flight with the Tauranga girls which I believe circled most of the island. I understand that this was truly spectacular for them but not without

some white knuckles and the open door giving them a breath taking view.

The weather while cold in the wind was better than an average day in the Tararua Ranges. There was the hint of an odd shower but slowly dissipating clouds through the afternoon defied the islands weather reputation which is for rain 325 days a year and winds exceeding 35 knots on 280 days. So far not even a rainbow to photograph.

Bring on another day...

Day Three - 28 January

A walk around the office today but taking 7 hours was still insufficient to get to all of the extremities. With DoC guides we were able to be very fully informed about much of the Island’s history, plant, fauna and bird life. We were warned to be very observant for marauding male sea lions who if so inclined would charge at you. This charge was a bluff 95% of the time and provided you held your ground and raised a stick or boot then they will usually stop. If we choose to run they assured as that they would chase us at reasonable speed. We did not learn how to differentiate their approach from the other 5% occasions. The sea lions would appear quite unexpectedly from the tussock and bush at times causing a heart stopping fright. It’s not just a picnic down here you understand!

I spent some of the hike with Alison Ballance, Radio New Zealand journalist who did some of her own research here about 30 years ago. She was able to provide great detail on the names of many plant species being observed, far more than I could ever remember. When we came across a particularly deep peat mud hole she expressed her pleasure at getting the opportunity to obtain a recording of the sound of boots sinking into deep mud. My mistake was in thinking she was joking until she produced from her pack a bulky recording kit with two microphones and proceeded to kneel next to the mud. The girls were nowhere to be seen and so I was left with little alternative but to plunge into the vat of mud and contain myself from making some of the usual remarks normal on such an occasion. Two naval hikers also obliged even though they had worked hard at keeping their boots clean up until that point.

At times we were in very exposed locations and on one ridge the constant wind coming over the cliff face had to be well over 45 knots. Had I not been keen on getting off as quick as possible I would have filmed people leaning at a good 45 degrees into the wind with their arms spread. We hiked to Northeast Harbour and then back past a derelict hut that had once housed the World War 2 observers who maintained a 24/7 vigil for 4 years looking out for any evidence of enemy shipping movements.

I believe that 2 ships were spotted in that period and neither was of any military relevance. Our own Charles Fleming spent a term here and was able to pursue a lot of his scientific interest as well as being an observer.

The girls coped with the walk well and added to their photo library as well as doing video interviews with each other. They all had wide tired smiles at the end of the day. The walk was reasonably strenuous in places (for me anyway) and it was certainly a fit group to be footing it with. I now feel well prepared for the round Taupo relay providing there is a peat mud section!

The weather on Campbell Island was much closer to its norms with cloud and misty rain predominating. We are scheduled to up anchor about 2000 hours and head to the Auckland Islands. We are all a bit apprehensive at the prospect of a less than smooth passage.

Day Four - 29 January

Overall today’s program has been frustrated by the weather and no one has been able to leave the ship. Many of the adventures began yesterday evening as we departed from Perseverance Harbour sideways due to various anchor related problems. Wind gusts up to 70 knots had as drifting and then the captain was unable to raise one of the anchors for a long


period. Plan B involved the application of block and tackle to slowly inch each link of chain in. What an impossibly laborious task. Fortunately the problem was overcome after 15 minutes of this manual operation but not before a significant amount of skill and navel ingenuity to deal with a significant problem had been applied. I wonder if the navy will ever again anchor in this harbour as the environment is clearly unforgiving and contributed to many of the issues. We are certainly most privileged to have free access to the bridge and observe all that is required to manage the ship.

As we left the harbour and headed northwards we quickly cleared the sheltered lee of Campbell Island. We pushed forward into beautifully building swells which had the bow gracefully rising and falling in an increasing arc. We didn’t have to wait long for the photo opportunity of waves being sliced in two and their debris fanning outward and then back into our faces. When I headed to my bunk the wind was a steady 30 knots with 6 to 8 metre swell. Several of the naval juniors had already made brief exits from the bridge with an element of haste. My forward accommodation allowed me to experience periods weightlessness as the bow dropped into each trough. My greatest challenge was to keep my stomach in as neutral a state as possible and minimise the varying G forces. I am however pleased to report that while not a seasoned southern ocean sailor I survived the night in good spirits and with positive aspirations for breakfast.

Anticipating an early entrance into Carnley Harbour, Auckland Islands I was on the bridge at 0500 hours for more of the best show in town. The sight was little different from the previous evening although the bow was descending even further into troughs of green water which were then catapulted onto the bridge. Conditions had delayed our progress and we were still 50 miles for the Island. After one particularly shuddering wall of green water had impacted there was much commotion about flooding below us. Apparently the sea had opened a forward facing door allowing a few liquid Himalayas to squeeze through. The officers deck and ward room were awash but a navy of mops, buckets and pumps went to action stations and the issue quickly resolved.

Wind conditions were considered to severe to enter Carnly Harbour so we continued north along the 50 kms of coast in the hope of being able to enter Port Ross. Sea conditions were much improved as we

were in the lee of the island and activities including eating habits gradually returned to normal. Unfortunately Port Ross was also unsafe for entering and so we have spent the day tracking back and forth in sheltered water but with no RHIB or helicopter activity possible. I did receive training on how to survive a helicopter crash into the sea so now I think I am looking forward to a flight around the Island.

The forecast for tomorrow is promising but if things don’t improve I may have start reading a book.

Day Five - 30 January

Not a great day for people to complete their objectives and circumstances highlight how easily the best laid plans can become unstuck.

We have stayed around the Auckland Islands with the first objective to transfer emergency aviation fuel to Enderby Island the northern most of the Auckland Islands. We stayed out of Port Ross while the helicopter took 5 loads of fuel to the Island. The depot has been used on a number of occasions when helicopter rescue missions have been required to get to ships in the Southern Ocean by leap froging southwards.

In fine weather we sped down to Carnley Harbour which is relatively uncharted and has a narrow foreboding entrance. Entering the harbour we cut a swath through flocks of sooty shearwater seabirds resting on the water. They were spectacular swarming in black clouds as we cruised through their midst. The highlight of the day was to be a RHIB trip to South West Cape which is a very narrow entrance into an arm of the harbour and then a climb up the cliffs to a nesting colony of albatross. The two boats reached the bay but then destroyed the propeller and steerage on one making it unusable. Both groups of people, twenty in all had to return to Te Kaha. Safety is such a priority given the harsh environment and the civilian responsibility taken by the navy that control becomes paramount when things go wrong. Subsequently a second RHIB was damaged leaving only one serviceable for a short time.

Shorter trips were planned for the afternoon to visit a number of sites of interest. I was fortunate enough to visit the wreck of the General Grant which sank in 1866. A very small section of the keel and ribs was visible on the beach to sit on. There were also the remnants of a forge which the

survivors built to modify their dinghy and subsequently sail back to New Zealand for rescue.

At another landing it was intended to visit a depot which had been stocked so that shipwreck survivors could have some shelter and provisions if they were fortunate enough to get that far. The precise location of the shelter was uncertain and so we set off in one direction from the beach to find it. There was a certain amount of surprise when about 20 minutes later we found ourselves back at the same point of beach we had departed from having completed a large circle. The embarrassment was heightened due to the fact that we had been carrying some very large planks of timber intended for the shelter. I would hasten to add that I was not leading this expedition. It was perhaps not surprising that a little while later it was discovered that of the 30 people who had landed only 29 could be accounted for. This was cause for more than a sense of humour failure as clearly the bush and terrain was confusing and it was over an hour before the lost and disoriented individual could be located. Not surprisingly there was a command for all vessels to return to the mother ship by which time the weather had really closed in and we were late for dinner.

The one positive note for the day was that I and three others were treated to a helicopter reconnaissance flight which lasted all of 90 minutes. Some of my fears from the survival training the previous day returned as we dressed in our wet weather survival suits. By the time we had our life jackets, helmets (with multiple visor options) and communications devices we were clearly committed to being strapped into the big wingless bird. At times like these naval safety priorities are very comforting. And so we soared over rata forests, volcanic craters, sheer 1500 foot cliffs, and desolate terrain which had been the source of sustained misery for seamen and survivors 150 years ago. The pilot was clearly enjoying the opportunity to be a spectator over this wild and desolate terrain and was in no hurry to end our flight. The only negative was that mist blurred some of the views but I kept my video running for almost the entire flight. I will now have to edit this to viewable proportions.

More calm cruising in prospect for tonight and hopefully some landings on Enderby Island to the north tomorrow.

* * *


Movember was a Hutt Wairarapa District project only, the funds that were received

were $7,800-00.

The money was raised from donations from individual lodges, Mokoia Perpetual Trust and approximately 15 members who grew or removed their moustaches over the month of November.

WBro Tim Watson removed his moustache after growing it for 20 years. He received approximately $1000 of donations.

Funds that were raised are going directly to Professor Lamb who is working in Wellington Hospital in regards to prostate cancer research.

Movember: Hair for a Good Cause


WBro Tim Watson removed his moustache after 20 years!

Below: Some of the members who participated in Movember:Bro Keith Bowness; WBro Warwick Bell, PGS; WBro Graeme Morgan; WBro Noel Beban; VWBro Steve Salmon, PDistGM;WBro Tim Watson; WBro Simon Potter; Bro Terry Greaves; WBro Dave Harris.

Dear Brethren,

I have taken upon myself the enormous task of researching information on all lodges, active, dormant and extinct, for a book I am intending to write on all the Masonic (Freemasons) Lodges in New Zealand since the colonisation of this country in 1769 by Captain James Cook.

Having already started my research (and the book), with the aid of several other books, booklets and numerous other transcriptions by lodges, I am now starting to realise the difficulty and enormity of the task I have given myself. One of the problems is trying to fathom out which lodge was under which Constitution before it changed its allegiance to the New Zealand Constitution in 1890 or thereafter. The other difficulty is that many of the earlier lodges, in all three constitutions, (Irish, English and Scottish) were short lived due to various reasons and this is becoming a problem because of the lack of information coming from the three different District constitutions here in New Zealand who appear not to have this information on record.

My intention is to procure as many books, booklets, souvenir programs, jubilee booklets and other material written about each individual lodge as possible. So far I have over 40 booklets and other historical notes on Lodges, but as there are 275 NZC lodges still active and 199 closed lodges, 37 active English lodges, 12 active Scottish lodges, (out of 55 Scottish lodges that were chartered in NZ since 1861) and four Irish lodges that I know of at this present time, it is going to be a somewhat near impossible task to acquire all the necessary information for this book.

The thought therefore crossed my mind: rather than ask for and gather all this information personally, I could ask any Brother or person if he would like to write and contribute some historical information on a lodge of which he or they might have some knowledge. There are, no doubt, many of the more elderly masons from the earlier years who would have some history in their own personal records and would maybe like to be involved in assisting with this book. Should anyone wish to contribute any material for this book, that I am endeavouring to put together, it will be recorded in the book as to where and who supplied the information.

If any Brother or non Mason, whether he be active or not, would like the opportunity to write about his lodge and or any other lodge and be included in this book, they should contact me and we can discuss in more detail the information I am seeking, as it is only intended to write a very short and brief history of each lodge.

I Remain Yours Fraternally,

WBro Reg WattPM, United Waiuku #90RWM Lodge St Andrew No 418 SC.5 Dublin StreetPUKEKOHE 2120Phone: (h) 09-238-7837Mobile: 027-28-66-105Email:

Assistance Required For A Book



Freemasons New ZealandLodge Development and SupportThe Masonic Centre in Rotorua was

the site of an act of Masonic charity by three brothers assisting another brother who had become immobile on a flight of stairs. The brother in need can be reported as having no resulting problems from this event, however this charitable act resulted in the Geyserland Dist GM (VWBro Tom Becker) suffering a severe rotator cuff injury.

Not your ordinary tear as so many others have suffered. Tom managed to destroy most of his cuff and has had 14 months of constant pain and very limited arm movement – this to the amusement of those brethren watching Tom’s attempt to perform various signs in his Lodge Rooms.

At the first operation in May the surgeon removed the remaining debris from three tendons and repositioned his biceps muscle.

A second operation in December has been more successful with a partial shoulder replacement removing the pain and, at the time of writing, looks like improving movement in the arm – did I tell you it was his right arm? Yes, he’s right handed.

During the 14 months Tom has had great support from his brethren, where they can, and especially with transport assistance. On the home front we have managed to cope by leaving lots of maintenance jobs undone. Pride preventing us from admitting all is not well. (How many of you are suffering the same fate?)

This week a group of brethren and wives arrived from Rotorua armed with various tools of destruction and also a truck load of firewood – the third load to have been delivered. They set to work with great gusto and pruned trees, cut the hedge, mowed

the lawn, weeded gardens and removed a truck load of rose prunings and rubbish to the dump.

A BBQ lunch and wonderful shared fellowship and chatter occupied the remainder of the afternoon.

Tom and I feel very humble and will be forever grateful to a group of friends who gave up a day in the sun to bring order to our getting-out-of-control section.

Brotherhood (and sisterhood) and friendship are all important and the benevolence group from Geyserland certainly showed both with their precious gift. Thanks do not express our feelings enough, but thank you guys and gals from the bottom of our hearts.

Noeline Becker

A Gift from Geyserland

Above: WBro Ted West, on the mower, and Bro Peter Webb adjusting the line trimmer.

Left: WBro Ted West, Jocelyn Webb (Peters), WBro George & Christine Wall and Noeline Becker.

It is with profound regret that I have to report the passing on 21 February 2009

of Most Worshipful Brother Robert Denis Richmond.

Most Worshipful Brother Richmond was initiated 10 March 1953 in Empire Fergusson Lodge No. 225. He was installed as its Master on 8 August 1967. He was also a member of The Research Lodge of Wellington No. 194 and United Horowhenua Lodge No. 464.

He was appointed Grand Lecturer in 1970, Assistant Provincial Grand Master in 1975, Provincial Grand Master in 1982 and elected Grand Master in 1988.



The Eulogy as delivered by RWBro Robert J Hogg, PDGM.

Robert Denis Richmond (universally known as Bob): Scots College oldboy - Soldier - Sailor - solicitor - Freemason.

As an introduction to this eulogy I am privileged to deliver on behalf of our Masonic fraternity let me explain that Bob and I go back a long way together with a friendship that has endured for nigh on 70 years. SO!

I will start by saying a few words about our near lifelong friendship. We first met as third formers and by the end of our secondary schooling were firm friends. Not a friendship based on sporting prowess for Bob, but not I, participated at top schoolboy level in both cricket and rugby.

Rather we challenged each other in the classroom and most importantly we had in common a love of pipe music and were members of the college pipe band. Bob, of course, was the all rounder and apart from retaining his position as the school's champion piper, took on the role of Drum Major and effectively managed the band. We had a lot of fun together.

1941 and there was a bitter war being fought, with this country then under threat

from Japan. Our final year at school and all we could look forward to was compulsory military service in the near future both of us reaching the entry age of 18 in December/January. We were not disappointed and mid 1942 we were marched into Trentham military camp for basic training and then posted to the artillery to defend Wellington from air attack. 16th Heavy A.A. Regiment with 3.7 guns in batteries were being established around our hills and we were trained to use them. It was very cold and windy on the hills above Wadestown as we learned our new trade while we helped build proper living quarters and completed gun emplacements but we learned our trade well and we both were promoted to the rank of Bombardier.

The Battle of the Coral Sea and the Japanese threat diminished as did the need to maintain the heavy defense capability. Both Bob and I were redundant and the establishment was split up.

He joined the navy and later I did the same .We returned to NZ on the same day both SubLieutenants but on different ships Bob returning from Singapore where he was with the invasion force for Malaya. Apparently the Bomb was dropped while he was in the middle of the Bay of Bengal. We quite naturally slipped back into our previous relationship as we reestablished ourselves in the peacetime environment obtaining the educational qualifications we needed getting married, raising families etc. and establishing long term occupations.

Bob practiced law from 1949 to 1991. A past president of the Wellington District Law Society he served on their Committees and various local bodies benefitted from his presidencies.

Social life we shared after the War was very enjoyable and we should not be too critical of all the excesses we tend to accuse our young people of today.

It is from this background that I now, very sadly, on behalf of our Masonic brethren, pay tribute to Bob, the man for whom we have held ,and will forever hold his memory, with the fondest love and affection.

He had, deservedly, an illustrious Masonic

career. He entered Freemasonry through Empire Lodge No. 225 ( now Empire Fergusson) in 1953 where he rose to be our Master in 1967 and very shortly thereafter his talents were recognized when he was given Grand Rank in 1970 with that very important office of Grand Lecturer for the Wellington District. His progress thereafter was equally rapid and consistent with his ability. Asst. Provincial Grand Master in 1975 progressing to Provincial GM -1982/84. and then as our leader the Grand Master for New Zealand for the years 1988/89. He received his 50-year service badge, by my hand, in 2003.

A member of, and contributor to the work of the Research Lodge of Wellington since 1971 he also joined his then local lodge, United Horowhenua in 2004

As Chairman of the Trustees of Grand Lodge, a position he relinquished only about 12 months ago, he also served as Chairman of the Potter Trust which is required to use its quite substantial resources for the benefit of children in the northern half of this Island. In this role he hosted the Prince of Wales when he opened the Potter Children's Garden in Auckland on the latter's recent visit to this country.

In his later years Bob renewed his interest in the Rose Croix Order and with the rank of Grand Chancellor of the Three Charters provided a great deal of assistance in all their legal matters.

Bob, I know, will be remembered by all with fond affection. He had that unique ability of being everybody's friend.

In whatever circumstances he found himself he gave of himself to his friends and to the community as a whole.

His love of community sing songs will long be remembered. Nothing he liked better than getting a group going around a piano. The Levin Home residents will miss his leadership in their social affairs.

In all respects Bob stood tall.





PEOPLE I Freemasons

Editor's Note: This is a reprint, by permission, from Avenues Magazine, Chirstchurch, which appeared in the November 2008 issue ,No. 56.


Freemasons I PEOPLE

Christchurch lawyer Stan Barker seems like an ordinary fellow when I meet him in his city law office overlooking Victoria Square. His desk may be covered in a proliferation of ornamental owls – “mostly gifts from clients” – but his handshake seems normal. There are no hints of a man about to become leader of a secretive organisation that dates back more than 300 years.

On November 21, however, Stan will don an elaborate ceremonial costume for his Grand Installation as the new Grand Master of Freemasons New Zealand at the Christchurch Town Hall. He seems quietly confident and ready for the challenge. He has, after all, held the posts of Grand Registrar, President of the Board of General Purposes and Grand Master Elect.

With 33 years of experience and accumulated knowledge as a Freemason, he is ready to make his mark. Luckily for Avenues, that includes a rare glimpse into one of the lodges and ‘lifting the lid’ on some of the enduring myths linked to Freemasonry – myths that hint at bizarre rituals, blood oaths, passwords and secret gestures.

“Freemasonry is strongly based on centuries of tradition and I’m sure many today see that as archaic. That’s why, as a group, we are beginning to allow more visibility – and not only in our charity work. My installation as Grand Master, for instance, like all installations in Australasia, will be done in public. We’re also re-structuring elements of the association and allowing potential new members to actually visit lodges prior to their initiation.

Handshakes and goat blood

Accused of everything from sacrificing goats to devil worship and a desire to rule the world, Freemasons

are carving a new path into the 21st century. Adrienne Rewi talks to the Christchurch man who will be leading this ancient order into the future.

Photos John McCombe


PEOPLE I Freemasons

But change is a very slow process and some ‘closed’ aspects, like male-only membership, the initiation ceremony and the secret gestures and handshakes, for instance, will never change,” Stan says.

Freemasonry’s core tenets of tolerance, respect, kindness, moral living, philanthropy, personal growth and reflection – all designed to make good men better – will also remain the same and Stan Barker, for one, is happy about that.

Freemasonry’s exact origins are unclear, but it is accepted that the organisation evolved from the guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders of the Middle Ages. Like most guilds of the time, they used signs and symbols to identify each other, and as the number of operative masons declined in the 16th and 17th centuries, they accepted outsiders (Free and Accepted Masons) into the fold. From then on, Freemasons went from an operative ‘cathedral-building’ organisation to a spiritual one, with the first Grand Lodge founded in England in 1717. The Grand Lodge of New Zealand was formed in 1895.

From the outset, the organisation has been beset with speculative stories of secrecy and conspiracy. The rumours and myths have endured over centuries, despite the fact many have been disproved. The European Court of Human Rights ruled in 2001 that Freemasonry was “neither secret, criminal nor illegal and that in job decisions it was illegal to discriminate against Freemasons”, but, nevertheless, suspicions still linger.

When pressed on the matter of secrecy and the initiation ceremony, Stan is loyal to his Freemasonry oaths and commitments.

“There have been books written exposing Freemasonry for

300 years and, nowadays, the information is available in libraries and on the internet, but I won’t tell you anything. I take an undertaking not to disclose that sort of information and I believe I would be letting myself down if I told you anything,” he says.

“Besides, I don’t think the available information has much meaning to people. A purist rugby fan will tell you that you have to go to a match to get a real feel for the game. Freemasonry is the same. Unless you are a Freemason, you have no idea of the atmosphere, the emotional and physical experience that an initiation ceremony brings. Most Freemasons will tell you that they learn something new from every ceremony they attend.”

Christchurch’s Neville Patrick, the current President of the Board of General Purposes for Freemasons New Zealand, agrees.

“I knew very little about Freemasons when I joined in 1984 and I was totally bewildered by my initiation. You have no idea what’s going on because of the language and the mystique attached to the ceremony. In hindsight, that’s the way it should be, and that’s why a Freemason won’t personally disclose what goes on. It’s full of symbolism and allegory and it’s where our lessons come from. We want to protect the power of that experience for new members,” he says.

To halt the decline in their membership, it is now not uncommon for potential candidates to be shown through a lodge building before officially joining, to familiarise them with the surroundings.

“Our numbers peaked in New Zealand in the 1960s (from over 45,000) and now stand at around 10,000, and it’s only been in recent years that we’ve realised we need to do something about membership,” Neville says.

Stan agrees: “Freemasonry numbers are dropping internationally. Some of that is the natural attrition of older members; some is related to the pressure on younger members and the greater range of

• Freemasonryoriginallydrewmembershipfromthe trades,butmodernlodgesarerepresentedbyall typesofprofessionsandbusinesses.

• Thesquare,thecompassandthelevelarethe traditionalsymbolsofFreemasonryandareused todayasmetaphorsforthedevelopmentofastrongcharacter.

• Freemasonryisnotareligion.Infact,thediscussionofreligionandpolitics isforbiddenatlodgemeetings.

• Membersmustbelieveinasupremebeing,buttheycanbeofanyreligion.

• High-profileNewZealandFreemasonsincludeformerAucklandmayor JohnBanks,athleticscoachArthurLydiard,formergovernorgeneral LordFreybergandformerprimeministerSirKeithHolyoake. Internationally:PrincePhilip,theDukeofEdinburgh,numerousUnited Statespresidents,SirWinstonChurchill,severalBritishkings,writerOscar Wilde,actorPeterSellersandmanyothers.

• Initiatesaresaidtotaketheiroathblindfoldedwithanoosearoundtheir neckandwithanarm,alegandabreastbared.

• ThethreedegreesconferthestatusofEnteredApprentice,Fellowcraftand MasterMason.

• FreemasonsNewZealandisthelargestprivateproviderofstudent bursariesnationally,spending,onaverage,morethan$250,000ayearon bursaryfunds.

• TheorderhasalsosupportedresearchintoHuntington’sdiseaseand sponsorsupcomingartiststhroughtheArtsFoundationofNewZealand NewGenerationAwards.


“Freemasonry numbers are dropping internationally. Some of that is the natural attrition of older members; some is related to the pressure on younger members and the greater range of choices they have.”



Freemasons I PEOPLE

choices they have. We live in a different society now and many clubs, churches and societies are in the same boat.”

Revamping Freemasonry to attract new membership is well under way.

“In my earlier role as President of the Board of General Purposes, I helped set up education and lodge planning programmes that would help retain members. In 2007, we initiated 300 new candidates nationally, but we’ve probably already lost 150 of those. The reasons for that are many and varied, but young men are no longer happy to listen to dull, boring speeches. I don’t want to be critical of the organisation, but we need to make changes to cater for the needs of younger men. A lot of older members, though, are resistant to change; some don’t even recognise the need to

“Yes, we do have meetings behind closed doors, but the nature of those meetings is no longer secret. It is widely available in libraries. Yes, there is a secret handshake, but it’s subtle. It’s not about wriggling fingers and tickling palms, or any of that rubbish.”



change; so progress is slow.”In the interests of furthering change, this

writer asks about the chances of a female journalist being allowed a peek inside Stan’s lodge base, Cashmere Lodge 271. I’m surprised when he agrees – and even allows himself to be photographed there, in front of the elaborate historic tracing boards that once adorned the old Lyttelton Lodge building.

Tracing boards were originally drawn on the floors of churches or taverns where the Freemasons met and it was the job of the Tyler to erase them after each meeting. Floor cloths were then introduced and they were later followed by the painted or printed illustrations that adorn most lodges today. Depicting the symbols and emblems of Freemasonry, they are used during

lectures on the three Masonic degrees that new members graduate through to become a fully fledged Master Mason, able to attend a Grand Lodge.

While numerous illustrations of tracing boards are available on the internet, it is still a thrill to see those in Cashmere Lodge. There is an undeniable atmosphere about the strange windowless room filled with ornate furniture and the trappings of Masonry. It feels slightly daunting and my eyes dart about the formal space trying to find clues to secret doings – I can’t help myself. The power of myth and secrets is strong, but Stan and Neville are tolerant. They’re well used to that.

“There are a lot of unusual ideas about us – still,” Neville says. “The goats, the sacrifices – all ridiculous stories that persist, despite the fact that we have become a lot more public.”

It is perhaps pertinent to consider Neville’s parting questions: “Would you be able to get into any corporate board meeting you fancied? Would you be told what was going on at that meeting?” Not likely. So does that make the organisation a secret society?

“Yes, we do have meetings behind closed doors, but the nature of those meetings is no longer secret. It is widely available in libraries. Yes, there is a secret handshake, but it’s subtle. It’s not about wriggling fingers and tickling palms, or any of that rubbish,” he says.

It is a shame that conspiracy theories and talk of secrecy too often overshadow the good work Freemasons do within the New Zealand community, he says.

“I’m very proud to be a Freemason; to be part of something that has endured centuries. I enjoy it and it has made me a better man.”

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The Australian Connection in the Development of Freemasonry in New Zealand

Focus on Freemasonry

The following is part of the lecture notes prepared by VWBro Colin Heyward as an appendix to his Kellerman Lecture, "The Australian Connection in the Development of Freemasonry in New Zealand", given at the ANZMRC Conference 2008 in Queanbeyan, NSW in October. He hopes that some of the items and people mentioned may whet the appetite of a reader to carry out his own research to gain further depth to the brief pen picture described. He would welcome any feed-back on any aspect of the contents. The full text of his Kellerman lecture is available (or soon will be) on the Hawke's Bay Research Lodge's web site or through your local Research Lodge who have a copy of the Proceedings of Conference 2008.

APPENDIX APersonalities (in Alphabetical Order):

Henry deBurgh Adams, Provincial Grand Master for New Zealand (IC) 1864/1868, was initiated in Dublin in 1851. He served as a purveyor (procurer of supplies) with the British Army in the Crimea campaign before shifting to New Zealand in 1857 as the ‘Chief Purveyor to the Army’ and promptly joined Ara Lodge No 348, becoming their Master in 1861. During his eleven years in New Zealand he was instrumental in founding seven lodges under the Irish Constitution in Hawke’s Bay, Auckland, Waikato, Taranaki and Otago. When the regiment was recalled to England in 1868, deBurgh Adams went with it, but sadly, in London the following year, he died at the age of thirty-nine years from complications caused by a ruptured stomach ulcer, leaving a widow and six children.

George Bridges Bellasis, involved with the meeting when Anthony Fenn Kemp was ‘raised’ by the French in Sydney in 1802 and a signatory on the certificate issued by the French, was a Lieutenant in the employ of the East India Company’s security force, who, after killing a fellow officer in a duel over an insult offered to a young lady who lived under his protection (Henley), was found guilty of murder and sentenced to fourteen years transportation. Within days of his arrival in Port Jackson, Governor King pardoned him and appointed him as his artillery officer in charge of the munitions in the New South Wales Corps. He rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and died in India in 1825.

Captain George Thomas Clayton, who led the procession to the laying of the

Foundation Stone at St Paul’s church, was a Master Mariner and storeowner in Kororareka, arriving from Sydney in 1829. He is reputedly the son of Bro Samuel Clayton (Australian Social Lodge No 260). His brother William was the first Postmaster in Kororareka and both were in Auckland for the foundation stone procession but it is not certain whether they were residents there. George Clayton’s Bay of Islands store was sacked and razed to the ground in a protest by Maori dissidents in 1844 and at that date he returned to a seafaring career captaining many ships on the UK-Australasia run. He was the Captain of the Elizabeth when it was shipwrecked off the Tasmanian coast in 1847. The records of both the 48th Foot and its Military Lodge list a William Clayton – was he the same man as George Clayton’s brother and were they the sons of Samuel Clayton?

Sir Henry Browne Hayes, the convict who arranged for the letter to be written by British naval officers to Governor King in 1803 requesting permission to hold a lodge meeting in Port Jackson. A request that was declined. Sir Henry Browne Hayes was born in 1762, and served as one of the Sheriffs of the City of Cork in the year 1790, when he was knighted. He desired to marry a Miss Mary Pike, a considerable heiress, but instead of paying his court in the normal way, he enticed her from her home by a bogus message, and forcibly conveyed her to his house, where a man dressed as a priest was to conduct a marriage service. Miss Pike refused to be married by this or any other means, and was eventually released. For this, Sir Henry was declared an outlaw, and forced to flee with a reward of one thousand pounds offered for his apprehension. He remained at liberty for more than two years – living in public in Cork for most of the time – but on 13th April, 1801, he gave himself up, was placed on trial, found guilty and sentenced to death, even though there was a recommendation to mercy with the guilty verdict. He was a member of Lodge 71, Cork, and, on 9th July, 1801, the Lodge adopted a resolution, authorising the Master and Wardens to act for the Lodge in signing a Memorial (or Petition) addressed to the Provincial Grand Master of Munster, or to the Earl of Donoughmore, Grand Master of Ireland, in favour of our esteemed but unfortunate Brother, Sir Henry Browne Hayes (Lepper & Crossle). The sentence was commuted to transportation for life, and Sir Henry sent to Botany Bay. After some time he openly fraternised with officers of the two British

ships in harbour (the Glatton and the Buffalo) and managed to get them to write the letter to Governor King. The request was refused mainly because Governor King was fearful of Hayes’ fraternisation, not with the naval officers, but with Maurice Margarot, a Scots convict transported for sedition against the Crown. King suspected that he might have an insurrection on his hands when the ‘Scottish Martyr’ and the ‘incendiary’ (as King had referred to Margarot and Hayes in his despatches to the Colonial Office) got together and had ordered that they both be carefully watched. Hayes’ case was not helped with his personality dispute with the Corps surgeon, Thomas Jamison, with whom he had clashed whilst both were sailing to Port Jackson, Hayes as a prisoner and Jamison as a passenger returning from leave in England. It was Jamison who reported to the Governor about Hayes. Notwithstanding the refusal, it is reputed that Sir Henry did hold a meeting, at which he presided. He was arrested and ordered to Van Diemen's Land. In 1805, Captain William Bligh (of Bounty fame) was appointed Governor of New South Wales; Sir Henry and he became great friends, and finally, through the Governor's good offices, he was pardoned (later rescinded by Bligh’s successor). Upon his eventual release, Hayes purchased land, which happened to be infested with snakes but, like a true son of St. Patrick, he imported five hundred bags of turf from Ireland (Lepper & Crossle). Needless to say, the snakes reputedly vanished. He left Sydney in December 1812, his ship was wrecked in the Falkland Islands, and he finally reached Dublin in July 1814. He died in Cork in May 1832, aged 70 years, and his remains lie in the family vault in the Crypt of Christ Church, Cork, but a few yards from the Masonic Hall.

John Hislop, a schoolteacher and the first Provincial Grand Master for New Zealand South (SC) in 1877, had never served as Master of a lodge when he was chosen to succeed Vincent Pyke as ProvGM for New Zealand in 1874 but was ‘instructed’ in the ceremony of an Installed Master in the manner as was the custom in Scottish lodges prior to the Grand Lodge of Scotland adopting the degree of Installed Master.

William Leech, named as Master Elect in the petition to Australian Social Lodge No 260 for a Dispensation to form a lodge in Auckland, was a member of the 48th Foot Regiment in India and NSW. He was



initiated in the Military Lodge No 218 in India, joined Australian Social Lodge No 260 in 1820 and was still a member when the petition from Auckland was signed. It is not known how and why he came to Auckland but he was the brother who carried the trowel in the procession to the stone laying ceremony for St Paul’s church. Soon after he had finally been installed as Master of Ara Lodge No 348 (IC) in 1849 he moved to New Plymouth as the Collector of Customs, the Harbour Master and the Deputy Postmaster and was named in the petition for an Irish lodge in that town in 1854. When the Charter arrived from the United Grand Lodge of England (instead of the Irish), Bro Leech was appointed to install the first Master. He died in New Plymouth in 1860 aged sixty-two years.

William Mason, co-petitioner for the first lodge in New Zealand, was an architect who migrated to Sydney from England in 1838 to take up an architectural position for the Government from where Governor Hobson appointed him to sail with him as the Superintendent of Works in the Bay of Islands. William Mason was born in Ipswich, Suffolk in 1810 and studied under the renowned architect, Edward Blore. He assisted Blore in the rebuilding of both Lambeth and Buckingham Palaces in 1831 and worked with him on the designs of several churches, among which was St Botolph’s in Colchester. The foundation stone for this church was laid by local freemasons in May 1836 and within a month William Mason had been initiated in the British Union Lodge No 114 in Colchester. When Hobson shifted the capital from Kororareka to Auckland in 1841 Mason went with him. In Auckland he set up in partnership with Thomas Paton as Auctioneers, Architects and Shipping Agents (Wyatt) and was a founder and part owner of the New Zealand Herald and Auckland Gazette newspaper. It was in this paper that the advertisement calling for the Freemasons of Auckland to lay the foundation stone for St Paul’s church appeared under his name. Mason had designed the church and was the architect who supervised its building. He also designed and built Government House in 1848 that is still standing in Auckland. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1861, shifted to Dunedin to supervise the building of the first Bank of New Zealand in 1862 and remained there for the rest of his life, building several iconic Otago buildings. He was elected as the first Mayor of Dunedin in 1865. He died in 1897.John Oxley was the Surveyor General in New South Wales in 1823 when he was sent by Governor Brisbane to explore the

North East coast to find a suitable site for convicts which led to his discovery and naming of the Brisbane River and its selection as a convict settlement. Bro Oxley was not a member of the Lodge of Social and Military Virtues No 227 but he did participate in the laying of the corner stone for Bro Piper’s home in 1816.

Sir Frederick Whitaker, the first Master (albeit acting in the absence of the Charter Master) of Ara Lodge No 348 (IC) and the first Provincial Grand Master (NZ North) for the Scottish Constitution, was an initiate of Alfred Lodge in Oxford, England (23 July 1839), arrived in the Bay of Islands from England, via New South Wales, in 1840 where he set up practice as a lawyer and solicitor. He also became involved with a partner, John Kelly, in land purchases in Kororareka and, after shifting in 1841, in Auckland. He was elected a Member of the Legislative Council in 1845 and remained in politics for over forty-five years, retiring shortly before his death in 1891. During this time he spent seven terms as the country’s Attorney General amongst many other posts, including a brief term as Premier of New Zealand in 1863/1864. In Auckland he set up a partnership with lawyer Thomas Russell and they were involved with legal administrative business regarding miners on the Thames goldfields. Sir Frederick Whitaker has been badly treated by modern “sociologically aware” historians. He undoubtedly made a lot of money from his (business) dealings, but when he died, he was found to be in very modest financial circumstances. He neither drank nor gambled – he had simply given his money away to deserving causes and nobody knew about it (Montgomery).


Fraternal Ties and Other Anecdotes (in Chronological Order):

1798 to 1814 – The Irish Rebellion was the excuse the British used to ban all unauthorised meetings in Ireland, but the Grand Master for Ireland successfully petitioned for Masonic meetings to be held as lawful assemblies. As a result the Irish dissidents formed many pseudo ‘lodges’ as cover, when they were known as ‘hedge masons’ or as the ‘Northern Defenders’. They used passwords, signs and symbols and issued bogus ‘warrants’. The disgraced Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, Alexander Seton (dismissed in 1800), sold returned warrants from defunct lodges to many of these dissident groups. It is thought that Bro Sir Henry Browne Hayes obtained one of these ‘sold’ warrants.

Seton went on the found the ill-fated Grand Lodge of Ulster.

1817 and before – The furniture, regalia and equipment used by the military lodges were stored in a wooden chest that became a recognised chattel of the regiment known as the ‘Masonic Chest’. It would have the lodge number with the Masonic symbol engraved on it. Often these chests were lost or captured in battle. The Lodge of Social and Military Virtues No 227 (IC)’s chest was captured on two occasions – first in the American War and later in a battle with the French on the island of Dominica. In America, General Washington ordered the immediate return of the chest to the regiment under an escort to ensure safe passage. It is reputed that the ‘West Bible’ in the possession of and used by the Lodge as its VSL was the same one on which George Washington took his obligation as an Entered Apprentice. The French shipped the chest back to France where it remained for three years before a French officer recognised what it was and arranged for its return to the regiment.

1824 – Soon after the formation of the Leinster Marine Lodge No 266 (IC) in 1824 a dispute arose over the passing of the By-laws that contained a rule excluding former convicts from joining or being initiated. The Grand Lodge of Ireland intervened and had the clause removed. It is reported that several of the foundation members resigned and the remaining brethren struggled for some years to get the lodge working harmoniously (Burne).

1834 – At the time of the union of the Antients and the Moderns to form the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813 there were 116 Antient, 25 Modern, 190 Irish and 21 Scottish military lodges chartered to operate throughout the world, although not all were active at that time. The end of the Napoleonic wars had seen regiments being disbanded along with their lodges. Scotland erased her last military lodge in 1860 and by 1889 there were only six Irish and two English lodges with travelling (or peripatetic) warrants. Some like the Lodge of Social and Military Virtues No 227 (IC) transferred their warrant into a stationary lodge. In 1834 the 48th Foot Regiment was in Canada and the brethren petitioned the Grand Lodge of Ireland to allow them to become a stationary lodge in Montreal. This was granted, the Lodge changed its name and is now known as the Lodge of Antiquity No 1 on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Quebec.

1843 – Was there a lodge in the Bay of Islands? A dispute between brethren of


Leinster Marine Lodge No 266 (IC) and Australian Social Lodge No 260 (IC) led to a written complaint being forwarded to the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1843. The letter outlined ten complaints about the attitude and actions of key members of 260 towards brethren in 266 that were upheld by the Grand Lodge and in a letter, dated 16 March 1843, the Master, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary of Australian Social Lodge were suspended from all privileges of Freemasonry during the pleasure of Grand Lodge (Barclay). The letter also stated that the power of the lodge to issue dispensations was withdrawn. The brethren named were effectively the members of the Leinster Masonic Committee, the body authorised to administer the issuing of dispensations. As a result, a copy of this letter was sent to Lodge Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Barclay). Except for Leinster Marine’s files recording that the letter was sent, no other source can verify that a lodge was contemplated in the Bay of Islands at that time.

By March 1843 the brethren of New Zealand Pacific Lodge No 758 (EC) felt that they were suffering considerable inconvenience at banquets without the services of a regular Tyler (Chapman). Even though an offer of free banquets and a small retainer fee had been made, none ‘volunteered’, so a decision was made to ‘invite’ a person to set up and dismantle the lodge at each meeting, deliver summonses, care for the lodge’s furniture and wait on tables at lodge banquets. They found a gardener-labourer willing to do those duties and in July he was proposed for membership, elected and initiated at the August meeting and appointed as permanent Tyler. He was the first member from the non-business or professional class to be so elected in the lodge.

1844 – The Minutes of Ara Lodge No 348 (IC) for December 1844 record that a brother was accused of being an escaped prisoner of the Crown who had disappeared from Parramatta Gaol in 1834. He denied this but failed to appear before a Board of his Brethren to answer the charge. He never attended that lodge again.

1847 – Further to the duel held between Bro’s Featherston and Wakefield in Wellington in 1847, it is reported that Dr Featherston fired first and missed, then William Wakefield fired into the air. Featherston’s request for another shot was declined by the two respective seconds, Bro’s Dr John Dorset and Francis Bell. Honour had been avenged. The dispute arose over animosity between the two when Wakefield did not invite his doctor (Featherston) to his daughter’s wedding. Featherston, as editor of the Wellington Independent newspaper, wrote a scathing article on the New Zealand Company’s land policy and accused William Wakefield of reneging on contracts. After the duel, Wakefield stated

that he could not have shot a man who had seven daughters. Featherston, who went on father two more children, said later, in a letter to his eldest daughter, that they had both benefited by our morning encounter and are now as good as friends as ever (Kerr). William Wakefield died of a heart attack the following year.

1850 – The first ten years of organised settlement in New Zealand were difficult indeed. Most necessities had to be imported and with funds running low the new settler soon learned that prosperity depended upon exports. The discovery of gold in Australia and California created a demand for farm produce and sheep meat and wool became the main earners that kept the New Zealand economy afloat. Then gold was discovered in New Zealand and the export of this valuable metal continued the prosperity cycle.

1854 – When Waitemata Lodge No 659 (EC) was constituted in 1854, the first Master, Bro Sir Samuel Gibbes, was also a member of the Ara Lodge No 348 (IC) as were twenty-seven of the thirty-five brethren present. The Master of Ara Lodge No 348 (IC), WBro James Buchanan, acted as the Installing Master on behalf of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master (EC) in Sydney. Sir Samuel Gibbes, who was a Past Master of Lodge 199 in Weymouth, England, and a Past Provincial GSW for Dorset (EC), soon after retired to live in Sydney and became the Provincial Grand Master for NSW in 1856.

1865 – In November 1865, Bro Frederick Whitaker as Superintendent of the Auckland Provincial Council representing the Government and Bro Henry deBurgh Adams as Provincial Grand Master (IC) representing the Freemasons, laid the foundation stone for the Supreme Court building in Auckland.

1871 – When the Charter for the Prince of Wales Lodge No 1338 (EC) arrived in Auckland by ship from England in September 1871, it was found to be damaged having been eaten by rats during the voyage. Fortunately the signatures of the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary were unaffected, so Bro Charles Heaphy, VC, a member of Ara Lodge No 348 (IC) and an artist of some esteem, offered to restore it. The restored Charter is still in use and on display in the Lodge.

1877 – A joint ceremony between the District Grand Lodge of Auckland (EC) and the Provincial Grand Lodge for New Zealand, North (SC) was held in Auckland on 30th November 1877. Bro F. Whitaker having received his patent from the MW Grand Master of Scotland as Provincial Grand Master for the North Island of New Zealand, it was thought that it would tend to

Masonic advancement if the erection of both District Grand Lodges were to take place at the same time so as to make one Masonic Holiday and Festival and the Installation Ceremonies rendered more imposing. Bro N B Spencer, in his paper on the first twenty years of the District Grand Lodge (EC), states that this was a quote from the District Grand Lodge’s record book. 1889 – Ara Lodge No 348 (IC) was one of the sixty-five lodges that in 1889 agreed to the formation of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand, but when this fact was reported back to the lodge some of the brethren disagreed and resolved to continue to hold and use the Irish charter. Thus ‘half ’ of Ara Lodge became Ara Lodge No 1 (NZC) and the other ‘half ’ remained as Ara Lodge No 348 (IC). According to Masonic Law any three persons may hold a warrant in the event of a lodge intending to divest itself of Irish heritage (Cam).

1890 – When the new Grand Lodge of New Zealand numbered the lodges that had formed it, a decision was made to use the date on the lodge’s dispensation as the criteria. Thus Ara Lodge, because its dispensation was dated four days earlier than that of New Zealand Pacific Lodge, became No 1 on the roll even though the Wellington lodge had held its first meeting two months before the Auckland lodge.

1894/96 – The delay in recognition of the new Grand Lodge of New Zealand by the three ‘home’ Grand Lodges posed a problem for brethren of the remaining English, Scottish and Irish lodges in New Zealand, as they were not allowed to visit or receive visitors from any New Zealand Constitution lodge. When Sir Francis Bell became the Grand Master in 1894 he made it his mission to get recognition from the three Grand Lodges. He travelled to England in 1896 and requested an audience with the Grand Master, MWBro HRH The Prince of Wales, which resulted in recognition being favourably discussed at a special meeting of the United Grand Lodge of England on 29 July 1896. It took until 1898 before formal recognition was proclaimed, which was immediately followed by the Grand Lodge of Ireland and a little later by the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

Planning Underway for ANZMRC Conference 2010

The executive of the Australian and New Zealand Masonic Research Council

have approved the Western Australian submission to host the Tenth Biennial ANZMRC Conference in Mandurah (south of Perth) over the weekend of 3-6 September 2010.

RWBro Peter Verrall, PJGW (West Australia) says in his President’s Corner page in the January issue of Harashim (the

quarterly journal of the ANZMRC) that an extra day has been added to allow for additional activities and to accommodate the special keynote speaker, WBro Yasha Beresiner, the London based Israeli who toured Australasia as the ANZMRC Travelling Lecturer in 2000.

Invitations have been extended to Masonic research brethren and their wives from all parts of the world to attend as observers.

The timing of the conference has been chosen to tie in with the Western Australian wildflower festivals in Perth and elsewhere. Something for everyone – especially the ladies.

If you wish to be kept informed with progress in planning for Conference 2010, you are invited to register your interest with the Conference Convenor, David Ganon at

Secret Societies Under Scrutiny

At the recent Biennial Conference for the Australian and New Zealand Masonic

Research Council held in Queanbeyan, NSW, Bro Dr Bob James, a historian based in Newcastle, NSW, mounted a display of material gathered on secret societies in Australia.

Dr James was an engaging and erudite speaker who has made a twenty-five year study of secret societies and has published numerous papers and books on various aspects of those studies (refer to his website: He lists, in alphabetical order, the following societies he has carried out research into – Australian native groups, Catholic, Chinese Masonic, Druids, Foresters, Freemasons, Odd Fellows, Protestant, Temperance and Trade Union oriented groups. His latest book, They Call Each Other Brothers: Mateship, Fraternalism and Secret Societies in Australia 1788-2008, was available for sale at the conference.

Bro James has been invited to speak at both the centenary of the Manchester Masonic Research Lodge and at the Second International Conference on the History of Freemasonry (Edinburgh) in May of this year. His topic will be British Freemasonry – Fact or Fiction.

His van parked outside the Queanbeyan lodge room, where the conference was held, attracted much attention, not only from passing public, but also from the brethren and ladies attending the conference. He certainly knew how to spread his message.

Note: Bob James had such positive thoughts about Freemasonry that he

became an initiate of a lodge in Newcastle as a result of his research.

Colin Heyward, February 2009Photos: Two views of Bob's distinctive van.


Neurological research supported by Freemasons New Zealand has been hailed by a visiting expert as

‘spectacular’, advancing the development of therapies which could see sufferers of Huntington’s disease able to lead significantly more functional lives.

Professor Anne Buckingham Young, head of Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Neurology and Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, acknowledged the significance of the New Zealand-driven Huntington’s disease research while on a speaking tour in October. Freemasons Roskill Foundation, in conjunction with the University of Auckland, was delighted to be able to host Professor Young.

Professor Young is an eminent neurologist who leads a department with nearly 300 physicians, scientists and staff and 36 young doctors who are currently in residency training. The neurology service at Massachusetts General has 60 regular

hospital beds and a 17 bed Neurology Intensive Care Unit, which last year cared for 20,000 outpatients.

Professor Young’s public lectures in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin discussed recent advances in the understanding and treatment of Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

The lecture series has drawn high praise from both academics involved in her field and interested members of the public, many with a personal connection to these diseases.

“Professor Young’s visit was timely, highly informative and extremely encouraging” believes one of this country’s leading neuroscientists, Professor Richard Faull from The University of Auckland. “For the public audiences, Professor Young was able to provide important scientific updates of current and future research initiatives for fighting brain diseases as well as to outline new strategies in the area of drug

development for neurodegenerative diseases. This information was both informative and encouraging for the individual sufferers of these diseases and their families and supporters.”

David Mace, Chairman of Freemasons Roskill Foundation, explained that Freemasonry had supported medical research at The University of Auckland for many years. This was initially through the Freemasons Chair in Gerontology but has now expanded to support Professor Richard Faull and his team involved in neuroscience research.

“Our main intention in bringing Professor Young to New Zealand was to try to include those who must live with these conditions every day of their lives, into what we are doing in the research field for degenerative brain diseases. The reaction we have had from the people in the support associations is particularly gratifying.”

The Chairman of the Auckland Huntington’s Disease Association, Richard Price, was grateful for the ‘hope and comfort’ Professor Young left behind. Mr Price was delighted to acknowledge the role of the Freemasons Roskill Foundation in bringing her to New Zealand.

“A group like ours just cannot afford to bring out an international expert like Professor Young. Without organisations such as the Freemasons Roskill Foundation, our community can’t hear the latest thinking and can’t have their vital reserves of hope topped up.”

“Our research and our clinicians are as good as they come and our community support model is actually gaining a reputation as one of the best such models around. What the support of the Roskill Foundation can do is to put the three together as happened with Anne Young’s visit, and put our community support model firmly on the world and national radar”, Richard Price believes. “Lots of positive things can spawn from a visit such as this and I am sure this will be the case in the next year or two. The reality is that this would not happen without support from community-based groups such as the Freemasons and the Roskill Foundation.”

The tour also attracted considerable attention from the media. One highlight was the interview of Professor Young by Radio New Zealand Saturday morning host Kim Hill. The interview was judged significant enough to be repeated the following week.

New Zealand research praisedWhile in Auckland and Dunedin, Professor Young took the opportunity to meet neuroscience researchers at both

Distinguished International Guest Makes an Impact


Auckland and Otago universities. She also met and discussed new treatments with New Zealand’s leading neurologists and clinicians.

While the original intention of Freemasons Roskill Foundation was for Professor Young’s visit to inform the Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease communities of the latest global research, the spotlight was turned onto the New Zealand research being led by Professor Faull.

“Richard Faull is the master of Huntington’s disease”, Professor Young states. “His therapy developments, particularly his work with the transgenic sheep model, are really spectacular. He got there because of the support of Freemasons. Where we are today is because of you people.”

The transgenic model referred to is a world first. Huntington’s disease has been successfully established in a flock of sheep with some of the sheep now displaying not only the classic symptoms of the disease, but also the genetic inheritance characteristics. With a sheep’s brain being a lot closer in size to a human brain, therapies developed with the help of the transgenic model are likely to be considerably more useful than those successful in the rat models of treatment of the disease heretofore. This globally important research has been supported by Freemasons New Zealand from its conception.

Professor Young believes that collaboration and the sharing of information are vital if we are to successfully find cures and treatments. This will continue when Dr Jessie Jacobsen from Auckland University joins Professor Young’s research lab. Freemasons New Zealand supported Jessie’s PhD looking at the progression of Huntington’s disease in sheep (NZ Freemason Issue 2, 2007, Vol 35) and were delighted when this support was translated to recognition when Jessie was named in 2007 as New Zealand’s Young Scientist of the Year by the Royal Society.

Professor Young played a key role in the original mapping of the Huntington’s disease gene. Today her research interests centre on receptor technology, attempting to clarify how various neuronal pathways in the brain interact with each other, particularly those regulating motor behaviour. Her reputation as one of America’s top neurologists is supported by her being the only person, male or female, to have been president of both the International Society for Neuroscience and the American Neurological Association.David Mace indicated that the lecture tour by Professor Young had exceeded all expectations, bringing the good name of Freemasonry into another area of our community and further enhancing our

profile. “We are not intending to make this type of tour every year, but will continue to seek out ways to raise the profile of Freemasonry in New Zealand in innovative, interesting and educational fields.”

What are these disorders?Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are both n e u r o l o g i c a l disorders that progressively incapacitate the sufferer. Tragically, Huntington’s disease is an inherited genetic disorder with children having a 50/50 chance of inheriting the gene from an affected parent. The disease results from genetically programmed degeneration of nerve cells called neurons in certain areas of the brain. Specifically affected are cells of the basal ganglia; structures deep within the brain that have many important functions including coordinating movement. This degeneration causes uncontrolled movements, loss of intellectual faculties and emotional disturbance. Parkinson’s disease is not normally genetically-based. Its onset and progression is linked to the degeneration of a group of nerve cells in the centre of the brain called the substantia nigra. These nerve cells produce a chemical messenger called dopamine. When approximately 80% of dopamine is lost, the symptoms of Parkinson's disease are apparent. More than 600 families in New Zealand are affected by Huntington’s disease (US figures cite an incidence of one in every 10,000 of the population). Parkinson’s disease affects one in every 500 persons and an estimated 1% of people over 60 years of age.

DVD available

A DVD of the Auckland lecture was produced and has already been distributed to those unable to attend but wanting some details.

For a free copy please contact the Roskill Foundation:

Tel: 09 520 6414Fax: 09 520 6415Email:


Below: Professor Richard Faull, University of Auckland; Professor Anne Young; MWBro David Mace PGM, Chairman of Freemasons Roskill Foundation.


One Radio, One Hobby, One World

With a short wave radio you have the world at your fingertips, and can join

the world’s other popular fraternity, Amateur Radio with over 2.5 million members.

Amateur radio is a hobby that can play a useful role throughout your life regardless of finance, physical ability or location. Yes, at 20 you can climb masts to affix the latest in aerial fads, or operate frantically into the small hours gathering points in a world-wide contest, of which there are many. When you reach retirement or three score years, amateur radio really becomes a stimulating activity.

New Zealand has over 5000 licensed radio amateurs (aka ‘hams’) many of whom belong to the national association NZART ( Like Lodges in Freemasonry, most towns have one or more branches at which members usually meet monthly. You would be made most welcome if you dropped in to learn more. Judging by the numbers who attend our National Annual Conference, many will be Freemasons!

To fast-track recruits of any age into amateur radio, a new Foundation License will, hopefully, soon be introduced. Based on the very successful British and Australian models, participants will learn the fundamentals of radio technology, operating techniques and regulations; then sit the license examination, all in one weekend.

Having gained a personal unique radio call sign, they will be able to talk to the world and make new friends and even build their own equipment. There’ll be plenty of help to erect aerials, choose the right transmitter (now surprisingly low in cost) and learn the esoteric ham codes or even Morse code which is still widely used. They will be among friends from the start. From there they will expand their knowledge and extend their radio operating privileges all through personal advancement.

To regenerate Canterbury interest in amateur radio, particularly among the young, Bro David Searle (The Concord Lodge, No. 39) spearheaded the introduction of an Amateur Radio ‘Buildathon’ project in November 2008. Over 25 students with their supporters from the four Christchurch NZART branches came together to build a simple short wave ‘Tuned Radio Frequency’ (TRF) receiver – a modern near-equivalent of the ‘Hikers One’ or Denco ‘One Valver’ of a bygone era! In this way they experienced the thrill of personal achievement by

turning basic components into a working machine.

The components were provided free thanks to generous support from the NZART Radioscience Education Trust, the NZ Vintage Radio Society and local radio amateurs. Long distance support was received from the US designer of the radio, Charles Kitchin (N1TEV); the UK G-QRP Club; and Steve Hartley (G3FUW), organiser of the UK’s first Buildathon.

The objectives of the Buildathon included bringing four separate Christchurch branches together on a project that could grow into a school for training students

for the Foundation License when it is introduced. If each ham brought along one ‘Buildathon Buddy’ then we’d be on the way to growing a new Foundation Licensee!

The first to complete his receiver was 10 year old Zac Sanson. 14 others followed. Was it a challenge? Did everyone have fun? A big yes to both! There’s more to these simple TRF radio sets than meets the eye as readers who are hams will heartily agree!

A further ZL3 Buildathon is planned for early 2009. If you’d like to join in, or learn more about the exciting activity of amateur radio, contact us now. If you’re a ham you can assist as more help is needed.

One Radio, One Hobby, One World. Come and join us.

Bro David Searle, (ZL3DWS)E-mail:

With thanks to VWBro Terry Carrell (ZL3QL) for his support in the early planning stages of this successful ZL3 Buildathon project.

Bottom Photo: Zac Sansen (10) from Hillview Christian School proudly finished building his radio first and it worked just fine.


Freemasons in Communications History

Publio Cortini - Italian industrialist and grand master of the Grand Orient of Italy in 1956. When Marconi was studying the problem of radio-telephone transmission by the Fleming tube, Cortini worked with him as an officer of the Wireless Signal Section of the Italian Army, and under his guidance did the first transmission, beginning from a distance of 300 yards, and finishing, after three months of experimentation, with the transmission of over 1,000 miles. The latter transmission was from Rome to Tripoli.

Taliaferro P. Shaffner (1818-1881) American inventor. b. in Smithfield, Va. in 1818. Was an associate of Samuel F. B. Morse in the introduction of the telegraph. He built the line from Louisville, Ky. to New Orleans and that from St. Louis to Jefferson City, Mo. in 1851. Was a projector of the North Atlantic cable via Labrador and Iceland. Member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 196, Louisville, Ky. about 1843.

Source: 10,000 Famous Freemasons by William R. Denslow.

Project Make-Over

At the May Board meeting of the Southland Masonic Hall Company

the upgrading of the signage on the Forth Street temple frontage was raised. This discussion then focused on the cleaning up and possible removal of the overgrown plantings and foliage of the gardens in the front of the temple and car park frontage.

As this discussion continued it became clear that this was a major undertaking. Ideas and some indication of cost had to be obtained. Over the next few weeks a landscape designer and a property maintenance contractor were consulted. At the next board meeting these ideas were tabled and it became obvious that voluntary labour and working bees were impractical due to the many other commitments of our members. Although our members were willing to assist, the added demand of on-site safety regulations where machinery is concerned had to be taken into consideration. Board members agreed that contractors needed to be engaged. Contractors commenced the cleanup on the first weekend of August 2008. All green matter was chipped and mulched onsite.

After the total area was cleared, the consultants then suggested designs and possible planting configurations for all areas. Consideration to form maintenance-free scree gardens, featuring grasses and plants was presented.

The whole area to be weed-matted and covered with graded stones. Large boulders to be strategically placed within the front gardens.

This whole exercise would now include excavation and removal of excess material, stump grinding, procurement and placement of boulders sourced locally from Greenhills on the outskirts of Bluff, planting and weed matting. We were fortunate in receiving second-hand carpet kindly donated by two local carpet laying firms to use as weed matting. The first plantings were six Irish Yews. These will grow to approximately 2 meters (6.5 feet) high.

The area was then planted with three grasses: Taupo Bronze Warrior, Carex Comans Red and Frosted Curls and landscape plants, Astelia Silver Spear and Carex Ice Dancer. Washed 25-30 mm stones were then laid to a depth of 100mm.

The car park frontage was then planted out in a similar manner. Three 750mm-wide concrete paths were poured between the car park and footpath on the car park frontage for pedestrian traffic. Fences made up of 135 750mm shaped palings were erected on the car park side of the garden. These are to remain unpainted to match the wooden boundary fence between the car park and the adjoining supermarket.

One mishap occurred during excavation of the garden beside the entrance driveway – the water main was fractured. This proved to be fortuitous, for when the repair was attempted the main was found to be badly corroded which necessitated replacement from the road main into the building. This area was finally concreted over to widen the drive. It would have been a very expensive undertaking to replace corroded pipes after the concrete was in place.

Finally, a new sign ‘Southland Masonic Centre’ was designed. The lettering to be white on a maroon background with the Masonic symbol at either end. This was erected on the wall fronting the street. The Lodge of Remembrance 318 sponsored this sign.

The whole project was completed by the third week of December 2008.

Costs for this project were met by bequests from the now closed Lodges of Lodge Adoniram 411 and Lodge Aparima 77.

To successfully complete this project was in no small way due to the cooperation of

the eight businesses and seven contractors involved and the advice and perseverance of Board members of the Masonic Hall Company.


Graeme Childs PMOn-Site Project Manager



The Entered Apprentices!

What a great night it was on December 8 in Hamilton. Lodge Hamutana

No 437 held its Christmas Harmony Night on that evening, but on this occasion there was something special to celebrate.

During the latter half of the year the Lodge had initiated four candidates and still has another initiation to come in February 2009. Already one of the candidates has been Passed to the Second Degree by another of the District Lodges and the rest will be ‘farmed out’ to other Lodges in the New Year.

It was decided to save the explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board for this special occasion so Lodge Hamutana’s three Entered Apprentices with one Fellow Craft, together with a visiting Entered Apprentice, received the First Degree Tracing Board lecture, ably presented by one of the senior members, VWBro Lin Roycroft PAsstProvGM. It is not often these days that a Lodge has such a line-up of white aprons for this lecture, which was well received by the attentive group.

The evening concluded by joining the

ladies in the Refectory for a special supper followed by some enthusiastic carol singing.

The Brethren depicted in the photograph are from L to R, VWBro Paul Sutcliffe DistGM, Bro John Denne E.A., Bro. Scott Pink E.A., Bro. Ron Phillips E.A. (Tawhiri No. 166), WBro Rod Harper, WM Lodge Hamutana No 437, Bro Shane Crean E.A., Bro Allister Kelley F.C., VWBro Lin Roycroft PAsstProvGM

The Waitohi Lodge No. 111 - 125th InstallationThe Waitohi Lodge No. 111, Picton,

will be holding its 125th installation on Saturday 2nd May, 2009, at 2.00pm. The Grand Master will be in attendance. WBro Alan Beck is the Master elect. An invitation is extended to former members and friends of the Lodge to join us for the occasion.

The installation ceremony will be followed, in the evening, by a banquet and cabaret and there will be entertainment provided for the ladies during the afternoon.Registration for the evening function is

necessary and those interested in attending are requested to contact VWBro George Stables, details below. Due to the space limitations of the local hall, the limited seats will be allocated on a first in first served basis. Accommodation in Picton can be arranged if required.

G. M. StablesThe Waitohi Lodge.C/- 165 Waikawa Road, Picton 7220Tel: 03 573 7514 Email:

Freemasons Assist Student to Attend Outward Bound

In November 2008, with support from the Wellington Masonic Youth Trust,

Lodge Homewood No 447 provided financial assistance to Elisa Christian, Massey University honours student at the Wellington campus, to attend the three week Classic Outward Bound course at Anakiwa in the Marlborough Sounds.

Early this year, Elisa made a very interesting Powerpoint presentation on her experiences to Lodge members, their wives and partners, family members, friends Masonic and non-Masonic, and other invited guests, followed by a sumptuous dinner in refectory. Lodge Homewood Master WBro Graeme Roberts extended a warm welcome to visitors including the District Grand Master VWBro Duane Williams, Chairman of the Wellington Masonic Youth Trust RWBro Brian Kennedy and Mrs Kennedy, Trust Secretary/Treasurer WBro Ron Adams and Mrs Adams, WBro Harold Falla from Lodge Zetland, Susan and Gavin Weekes from the Ngaio Scout Group, and some of Elisa’s close friends.

Elisa expressed her very sincere appreciation to the Wellington Masonic Youth Trust and to Lodge Homewood for their assistance in helping her to undertake her Outward

Bound course. In asking her to express her views on what she believes she has gained from Outward Bound, her aspirations and where she sees her future lying, WBro Roberts said we can do no better than to quote Elisa’s own words:

“I am currently finishing my last year studying for a Bachelor of Engineering degree at Massey University in Wellington, majoring in multimedia systems. This could lead into many different fields, including the film industry, internet, sound engineering, the technical software development industry, and many more. Because we learn so many skills, this covers our base knowledge of what we can then continue to develop in a more specialised field.

“Our degree is very ‘cutting edge’ in technology so an ideal job for me would be one where I could use both my technical and design skills, and work with visuals and graphics in either the media or film/TV industry. I would then like to move into more managerial positions.

“I feel I have come away from Outward Bound a much stronger person. I feel that I now have the skills and mentality to do and achieve anything I set my mind to, and

also being able to make big decisions with a greater confidence. All this has helped me to become so much more confident in myself and ready to tackle the big year ahead and graduate from University at the end of the year.

“The skills and experience one learns at Outward Bound are amazing to look back on because you do learn so much in such a small space of time. It is hard adjusting these skills from the Outdoor situation at Anakiwa and using them every day or to achieve your dreams. But one always has those memories to look back on and by remembering exactly how you felt pushing one’s way through life’s challenges.

“My highlights at Outward Bound were definitely sailing on the ‘cutter’ boat and being captain of the boat for the afternoon. I also really loved the kayaking, and meeting such an amazing and fun group of 14 people that I could share my experiences with”.

WBro Roberts said his Lodge foresees a very bright future for this articulate young lady, who has demonstrated so many qualities, and who brings such maturity to her ambitions for the years ahead.



Sir Edmund Hillary often described himself as a ‘plodder’, and there is no

shortage of children like him in our schools today. No shortage of children doing "okay" and far too many with potential for excellence doing very poorly. Up to his death in 2008 Sir Ed was a Foundation for Youth Development trustee. His friend and climbing companion, Graeme Dingle, believes we can make New Zealand an example to the world in the area of intervention and preventative programmes that turn around young lives which, in turn, will have a very positive influence on our economy, and he needs your help. The Foundation for Youth Development (FYD), was founded by Graeme Dingle

and lawyer Jo-anne Wilkinson in 1994 when they became concerned that New Zealand was leading the world in negative youth statistics. It is a leading organisation managing proven youth development programmes aimed to inspire school age children to reach their full potential. Through FYD’s current programmes, Kiwi Can, Stars, Project K and youth offender programmes, they help 17,000 young people each year to be confident, healthy individuals who contribute positively to society. Over 20 regional trusts offer FYD programmes throughout New Zealand.

Recently Graeme Dingle presented to The Freemasons Charity and put the proposition that Lodges across the country

engage with FYD its programmes in their region. The opportunities for involvement are wide and include helping with funding, to Freemasons being mentors.

“With FYD’s emphasis on education and personal development I believe this is a great opportunity for both organisations to work together in empowering youth.” says Mark Winger, President of The Freemasons Charity. “I encourage Lodges to get involved with FYD programmes in their region.”

If you would like to learn more about Foundation for Youth Development, please contact Graeme Dingle on 021 420 947 or email:

Help Develop the Next Sir Edmund Hillary



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AucklandAlan Bevins36 Murphys Road, Manakau Ph: 09 262-0978email: Waikato/Bay of PlentyL.V. Borrell5 McClymont Place, TaurangaPh: 07 571-2232 / Mob: 021 217-7805email:

Bay of Plenty/Geyserland Charles G. Miller4b Harrow Place, Mt MaunganuiPh: 07 575-7665 / Mob: 021 025 15183email:

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Manawatu/Hawkes Bay/Gisborne Colin Heyward10 Rose Street, WaipawaPh: 06 857-8299email:

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New products from Regalia Supplies Ltd.: Freemasons NZ License Plate Holder and New Zealand Masonic Tie (right).

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Back in 1975, when he was in his final year at Napier Boys' High School,

Gary Severinsen and a mate decided to do something about the lack of a school canteen. “We decided to organise a work day for the whole school to build one”, he said. “That was my first venture ... and it was successful.” It was the first of many ventures – carried out voluntarily – through the years which have now been recognised with his Queen's Service Medal for service to the community.

For more than 30 years, Mr Severinsen has been involved with boards, committees, societies and organisations. He has coached sports, worked as a volunteer St John Ambulance officer for six years, been involved in scouting, gliding, tramping, repertory theatre and has held a string of positions in education. And all the while maintaining his roles as a mathematics

teacher and a parent of three. After winning two mathematics scholarships in the last five years he successfully completed a postgraduate degree in mathematics and Masters last year.

“I just enjoy doing things” was the way he put it. He has been teaching since 1979 and some posts through the years were at country schools – places where teachers effectively had to roll up their sleeves and do more than just turn up and teach. He has worked as a Principal in three schools, a Deputy Head in two schools and is now Head of Mathematics at Hukarere Girls' College. “I just love teaching maths” he said. He has served on three school committees and three boards of trustees. He was instrumental in leading ten Southland schools into the Tomorrow Schools age. He has been an active member of the New Zealand Educational Institute,

Parent Teachers' Association, Old Boys’ Association, Massey Alumi Executive, and the New Zealand Principals' Federation.

A keen advocate of sport, he has coached cricket, soccer, athletics, gymnastics and tennis, having organised many school and interschool events. He said the only work he had to pull back from was the ambulance work as busy night shifts often cut into his working day and wasn’t that great when Lodge meetings were on. After qualifying as an Ambulance Officer, working front line as a volunteer mainly in Napier and Hastings he attended thousands of calls. While confronted by traumatic scenes on many shifts, it was not easy to then go off to work while the paid staff could avail themselves of counselling: “Sometimes that wasn't too good.” A member of the large and vibrant Taradale Rotary Club (and past Secretary), the Hawke's Bay Lottery Board

Committee and a busy Justice of the Peace, Mr Severinsen said his wife Rosemary and three children were supportive of the time he devoted to community service. “My wife (another maths teacher) is also involved in community organisations (30 plus years in the Girl Guides, church and orchestral work playing double bass)”, he said, adding that his eldest son (who is also a maths teacher), “is community minded. We're seeing a bit of that in him already.”

He joined The Victoria Lodge No.21 (Napier) in 1991, went up the chairs twice before becoming Master in 2002, then straight into the Secretary’s role as well as Lodge Treasurer. In 2008 he became DistGDC for Eastland after his term as Grand Steward. While he was Master he also spent two years as First Principal of Victoria Royal Arch Chapter, then as Treasurer. He was a member of the previous Provincial Grand Masters Benevolence Committee and a foundation member of the Central Division Education Advisory Committee for seven years.

Gary is also an Officer in the Hawke’s Bay Research Lodge, and active in Cryptic Council, Knights Templar and Knights Templar Priests along with a few other orders.

QSM Honour: WBro Gary Severinsen, JP, Dist GDC



Service Awards

60 Year Service Awards Name Lodge Joined a NZ LodgWBro Allan Henry Griffiths St Augustine Lodge No. 99 08/01/1949Bro William Fergus Hutton The Lodge of Remembrance No. 318 19/01/1949WBro David Brian Blackwell Empire Fergusson Lodge No. 225 22/01/1949WBro Keith John Ashcroft, RH Lodge Kerikeri No. 402 26/01/1949VWBro Donald Glenelwyn Ivey PGDC Lodge Erewhon No. 200 27/01/1949WBro Robert Charles Owen Lodge Eckford No. 334 03/02/1949Bro Edward Andrew Nolan Lodge Selwyn No. 274 08/02/1949Bro Desmond William Robi Price The Milford Trinity Lodge No. 372 08/02/1949Bro Albert Thomas Wharfe The Franklin Lodge No. 58 14/02/1949WBro Robert James Stewart Lodge Mt Maunganui No. 376 21/02/1949WBro Graham Charles Howey, RH Lodge St Martin No. 162 24/02/1949WBro Raymond George Pearson Roslyn Morning Star No. 192 01/03/1949Bro Kenneth Launcelot Pearson Roslyn Morning Star No. 192 01/03/1949Bro Holmes David Warren Waihenga St Johns Lodge No. 37 02/03/1949WBro Brian Leigh Taylor, RH New Zealand Pacific No. 2 07/03/1949WBro Frederick Gerald Craft The Ponsonby Lodge No. 54 09/02/1949WBro Donald Robert Maclaine The Manawatu Kilwinning Lodge No. 47 26/03/1949

50 Year Service Awards Name Lodge Joined a NZ LodgeWBro John Charles Dickinson Lodge Te Marama No. 186 12/01/1959WBro Robert Arthur White PG Std B Lodge North Harbour No. 182 16/01/1959Bro Lawrence William McBeath Lodge of Waitaki No. 11 20/01/1959VWBro Thomas John Walker PGDC Lodge Mt Maunganui No. 376 20/01/1959WBro Eric William Jones Lodge Erewhon No 200 22/01/1959WBro Selwyn Dudley Olney PG Swd B The Marsden Lodge No. 169 22/01/1959Bro Laurence James Murray Lodge Mt Maunganui No. 376 23/01/1959WBro Alexander Ernest McCunn Lodge Takahe No. 397 26/01/1959VWBro John Walter Peek PG Lec Lodge Te Kauwhata No. 364 27/01/1959WBro John Gavin Shuker Lodge Kaikohe No. 255 28/01/1959VWBro Robert Sidney Banks PG Lec Otangaki Lodge No. 70 28/01/1959WBro Emrys John Tyler PGBB The Concord Lodge No. 39 28/01/1959Bro Lawrence Llewellyn Tyler The Concord Lodge No. 39 28/01/1959WBro Graham Carl Christiansen Lodge United Taranaki No. 456 04/02/1959WBro Stanley William B Duncan The United Lodge of Otago No. 448 04/02/1959WBro Charles Allen Newton Broad Otangaki Lodge No. 70 05/02/1959Bro Eric Irvine Deverick Lodge Taneatua No. 220 09/02/1959WBro Lewis Sydney Dustin Te Awahou Lodge No. 133 10/02/1959Bro Peter Spiros Razos, OSM, RH The Heretaunga Lodge No. 73 10/02/1959Bro Arthur Rex Tatton United Lodge of Masterton No. 19 16/02/1959WBro Bruce Alexander McDuff Lodge Timaru No. 196 16/02/1959Bro Donald David Rowlands Lodge Panmure No. 393 23/02/1959WBro Trevor Harold Sampson Chevalier Lodge No. 303 24/02/1959WBro Edgar Frank John Thorpe Lodge of Unanimity No. 3 03/03/1959WBro Raymond Ernest Potter PG Swd B Lodge Arawhaiti No. 267 04/03/1959WBro Kenneth Henry Bruce Lodge United Taranaki No. 456 05/03/1959WBro Henry Raymond Morgan The Coronation Lodge No. 127 07/03/1959Bro Ronald Harold Hughes Waihenga St Johns Lodge No. 37 09/03/1959WBro Stanley Alfred Caldwell, OSM, RH The Lodge of Peace No. 322 10/03/1959Bro Leslie John McKenzie The Advance Mawhera Lodge No. 61 19/03/1959WBro Vernon James Anderson Lodge Eckford No 334 03/05/1966WBro Leslie Richard Jackson PGBB Lodge Fendalton No. 384 23/07/1959

Jack Daniel Leigh was actually, really, born in Auckland quite a while ago (and

you could wonder about that combination of first names couldn’t you?). He was an incessant scribbler from the time he first picked up a crayon, which inevitably saw him become a professional writer – which he is still to this day.

The tumbling words led to a lifetime as a journalist and writer in a gamut of roles here at home, in Britain, in Africa and Fiji, spanning over 50 years. Many Auckland Freemasons will remember Jack’s name in connection with his time as a leader and feature writer with Auckland’s newspapers and recall his columns Leighway (Auckland Star) and About Town (NZ Herald). They might also have bought collections of his stories about the streets and the life of the city in his book Strolling with Jack Leigh.

A three-times Qantas Media Award winner, Jack can be credited with ‘retrieving for the record and thus for posterity’ much about Auckland’s history and people in older days. As a result Strolling is on many a collector’s shelf and may still be found in

a search of the second-hand bookstores.The adventure of life having encompassed scribbling through Auckland Grammar School, a family, the turbulent independence days of East Africa, journalistic assignments on royal tours, the Antarctic, as literary editor of the Herald and the non-stop demands of publishing deadlines, Jack discovered Freemasonry.

But from here the story can be told in the first person:

“My approach to Freemasonry has been one of curiosity and discovery. My entry was part reflex in that I followed my elder son who joined in Britain and was Master at Loughton, Essex, last year. But I soon realised I needed something meaningful beyond the colourful formalities of the Craft and was delighted to find, firstly, musical expression through the Northern Division Masonic Choir, then an avenue of usefulness in the benevolence field. The latter is transparently good and endless in scope. It combines idealism and opportunity, question and answer. It says what it is, and does the job. But in order to keep giving it must replenish itself with new contributions, and this involves telling people of the good already done. It happens that by training and experience I can help this process. As a working journalist for

half a century I dished up endless human interest stories for no better reason than to entertain and gratify. Here was a chance to do it through website or the press for a better cause. I was already in the loop as a district benevolence officer, channelling applications initiated by lodge almoners to the divisional benevolence officer for submission to the Board of Benevolence. The next step in the regenerative cycle is to publicise a successful outcome – whether at food-voucher, medical, educational of whatever level. Here is something bigger than the individual; something with life-changing power. It is a pleasure and a privilege to help serve it”.

Like son, like father, Jack joined the Craft and was initiated at Lodge Arawhaiti No 267 just five years ago. He became District Benevolence Officer last year, needing, as many new members of the Craft have found, a way to get involved with his Lodge and its members – other than by attending rehearsals! As for publicity, we think Jack can most certainly help.

The Freemasons Charity needs more like Jack. If you want to be part of the good we can do please talk to your Master.

As for those first names, we wont ask!

An Almoner is Born


2009 Camp Quality, Northland/Auckland Camp

The 24th Annual Northland/Auckland Camp, run by Camp Quality, marked

the 10th consecutive year that Lodges from Pukekohe to Kaitaia, with the support of the Board of Benevolence (the Freemasons Charity), have contributed to this very worthy cause.

During this period, all lodges in the Northland and Auckland Districts have contributed financially and, with the support of the Freemasons Charity, have donated a total of over $175,000.

Seventy children, with ages ranging from 5 to 15 years, plus their companions and 25 support volunteers, including nursing staff from the Starship Hospital, attended this year’s camp at Wesley College, Pukekohe, 3-9 January 2009.

During this period many Brethren and their wives have given their time to attend and assist with the preparation, serving of meals, plus cleaning and assisting in running and supervising activities, which has been appreciated by the Campers, companions and especially the Camp Quality Committee and volunteers.

The Tuesday was once again allocated as

the ‘Freemason’s Support Day’, with 36 brethren and their wives all witnessing at first hand what Camp Quality is all about. Viewing children, who are being treated for cancer, enjoying each other’s company and taking part in various activities, and their companions giving them their 100% support.

This year’s contributions totalled $27,128 and included the presentation of a specially designed tent, with the Masonic and Camp Quality logos clearly visible. It has already proved a very valuable asset as shelter from the sun, but also as a marketing tool at all Camp activities including the Pukekohe Truck Rally, Panmure swimming complex, Rainbows End, plus other venues during the week, at which large crowds were present, creating a visual promotional asset.

Camp Quality is reliant solely on sponsorship and donations, and it is estimated that the cost for each child attending is approximately $750. The budgeted expenditure for administration is set at 3%, but due to the economic conditions currently being experienced, income has been noticeably affected for this year’s camp with many regular sponsors cutting back or unable to contribute.

Mr John Green, Divisional Director, said it is a concern for next year but every effort will be made to ensure that the children do have a Camp in 2010.

Camp Quality International holds four other regional camps throughout New Zealand, including Waikato/Bay of Plenty, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.

The 2010 Camp will be held at Wesley College, marking the 25th anniversary of Camp Quality in New Zealand and initial plans are to have a combined camp for both the Northland/Auckland and Waikato/Bay of Plenty.

The Auckland Freemason Centre Group of Lodges (was known as the St Benedict’s Street Group), who have organised this project since 1999, have once again agreed to continue their support and will be approaching the various lodges in the Northland-Auckland Districts during the middle of this year.

WBro Roger Carson PGDChairman, The Auckland Freemasons Centre Group of Lodges




Greetings Ladies and Companions. I find it hard to believe that this is

the last time I will be writing to you as your First Grand Principal. Who would have thought at that amazing ceremony in Auckland in March of 2007 that the time would pass so quickly and we would be facing the end of our term. I say our term as without the fullest support of Raewyn and my family I could not have achieved anything in this office.

Having said that, however, I am very mindful of the fact that nothing can be achieved without the support and assistance of the Companions and their families, and I have had that in fullest abundance. For Raewyn and I this has meant everything from being met at airports, fed, accommodated and generally welcomed into a multitude of your homes; for the Royal Arch in general, it has meant that you continued to do these things – and more – in extending the hand of fellowship to others who came your way when we were not there. It is your fellowship and your ‘stickability,’ in seeing that the Royal Arch continues in these trying times, that I will remember most, long after the ‘glory’ of office has faded away.

We thank you most sincerely for having had the opportunity to represent you and to visit you as your First Grand Principal and Lady. We were delighted to attend Royal Arch Convocations in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane, and revisit Adelaide and Melbourne to attend the Grand Installations of the Mark Lodge. Perhaps the icing on the cake in the area of overseas trips however was to attend firstly the centennial of the Scottish District in Tasmania and then the consecration of the new Supreme Grand Chapter of Tasmania with twenty-four Companions and wives.

In New Zealand we were pleased to visit most of New Zealand starting in the south. We eventually got to the north and all places in between. It was the trips from east to west that were not so successful. I finally made it to Waikaremoana, even if it was just before Christmas 2008, but I never made it to Kawatiri on the west coast – try as I might. At that stage they had too few

numbers and many meetings were being cancelled – at least that’s what they told me! I am pleased to say the members of Kawatiri are fighting back and refusing to give in, so I hope my successors may have less difficulty in finding a night to visit. The centennials of Whangarei and Rawhiti with its re-dedication were extra special.

I would like to thank all those who served during my term, especially the Grand Chapter Officers and in particular the Grand Superintendents. It is great to see that many of you feel able, even in the bigger districts, to serve further terms and this will continue to be necessary – in the short term anyway – so that we do not run out of able and appropriate officers. I acknowledge the work of those Companions who have passed on, especially REComps John Joiner and Bill MacLeod, GSupts of Otago and Northland respectively.

Other highlights were being officially invited to attend Grand and District Grand installations of other Orders and Constitutions. From the Installation of the Grand Supreme Ruler of the Order of the Secret Monitor to the Red Cross of Constantine; from the installation of the District Grand Prefect of the Allied Masonic Degrees to the installation of the Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of the United Great Priory in NZ of Knights Templar, and to the installation of the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council 30°, Ancient and Accepted Rite Rose Croix of New Zealand. I have always been made most welcome and our order has been honoured. Long may this close association continue. The English, Scottish and Irish Districts have also made us welcome on all appropriate occasions, especially when a new leader of the district was being installed. We have also continued to be made welcome and to welcome the English Mark District, and that interesting ceremony of reponement of an Ark Mariner Lodge was a unique experience.

As I look back over these last two years I am not sure how we fitted everything in and I cannot say that I did everything that

I had set my mind on. I can only hope that you do not judge too harshly and that these two years are seen as the start of a great leap forward in the activity and understanding of what the Royal Arch is about.

You know as a Christian, and I apologise to those followers of other religions that I don’t know as much about yours as I might, we are very lucky. Ignoring for a moment all other facets of the faith, we get to start our religion again every year at Christmas as we celebrate with our families the gift of the birth of Christ. We can pledge ourselves anew. We are given forgiveness by the Grace of God and can begin again with new hope. I suppose it is a bit like the New Year resolutions that secularists might make but I would hope with better success! Within a few months of this we are faced with the greatest sacrifice known to mankind – the Passion of Easter. We are challenged again to ask of ourselves what have we done to help? What have we done to change the errors or injustices of the world? What have we sacrificed? What have we done to improve mankind? Are not those the same questions a Royal Arch Mason should be asking of himself?

If you forgive changing from the sacred to the profane, The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New Zealand Convocation in Palmerston North will be offering you, the Companions, the opportunity of renewal and sacrifice also, and I hope that in some way you will all be a part of this. The Executive of Supreme Committee has outlined a way forward for our leadership and organisation at the top which we hope you will support. Many will dislike change of any sort. We hope you will permit this to happen, however, to see if it can improve our situation. Others will embrace these ideas wholeheartedly. I look to you to provide the drive necessary for them to work. So there is the sacrifice and there is the commitment.

The new constitutional arrangements will allow every Convocation to be an installing one and every new Grand Chapter Officer to be installed in his own division. It will lengthen the term of office for most but, as

Royal Arch Mason


these officers never retire from labour until ill-health or death stop them, at the end of the day it won’t really make any difference. There of course will need to be a transitional period as the adjustments are made.

In the year to come chapters will be asked for input on the possible changes they would like to see occur at their level and, all being well, these will be put before you in Tauranga in 2010 for your support. We are on the cusp of a new era and I boldly step forward into that era. I invite you all to embark with me on this wonderful journey and may we be blessed with a ‘right spirit’ within us so that this Order we all love so much can be the bright example we all believe it can be.

Thank you and God Bless

Rod Biel, GZ

101st InstallationIn November 2007 the Whangarei Royal Arch Chapter No 17 celebrated its 100th Installation. As would be expected the occasion was festive and memorable with representatives of all Royal Arch Constitutions working in New Zealand in attendance.

The 101st Installation in November 2008 was an equally enjoyable experience but nothing out of the ordinary except in two respects. Every Royal Arch Constitution in New Zealand was represented: English,

Scottish and Irish, and two other Districts of the New Zealand Constitution – Hauraki and Auckland. All visiting Constitutions were introduced separately as were the two New Zealand Districts.

In addition the Grand Superintendent, REComp John Evans, welcomed the Northland District Grand Master VWBro John Rowe into the Chapter. VWBro Rowe is a member of the Chapter.

VEComp Jim Cheshire PGDC was installed as First Principal, with EComp Barry Ladd taking the chair of Second Principal, and EComp Ken Toomer taking that of Third Principal. The next Grand Superintendent of the Northland District, REComp Hilton Cook GLec relinquished the office of Treasurer after many years of sterling service.

The Irish Constitution was represented by MEComp John Davies, Hon. Past Grand Capt of the Host, Prov. Grand Superintendent for New Zealand, Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland; the Scottish Constitution by MEComp Ian Law Hon. Grand Chancellor, Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland; and the English Constitution by REComp Bob Fricker PGStdB, Third District Grand Principal, District of North Island, Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England. The Auckland District was represented by REComp Don Cathey GSupt and the Hauraki Chapter by REComp Ross Dalziell PGSupt, representing the Grand Superintendent, REComp Jim Ingley who was unable to be present. Also in attendance were REComp Henry Driver GJ, REComp Keith Ashcroft

PDepGZ and REComp Jim Franklyn PGSupt.

Gary Kerkin

Above: VWBro Rowe is welcomed by RE Comp John Evans. VE Comp Jim Cheshire is standing between them.

Left (left to right): RE Comp Jim Franklyn, ME Comp Ian Law, ME Comp John Davies, RE Comp Bob Fricker, RE Comp Ross Dalziell, RE Comp John Evans, VWBro John Rowe, RE Comp Keith Ashcroft, RE Comp Don Cathey, RE Comp Henry Driver.

40 Year Jewel for VEComp Hugh RobertsonOn Wednesday, 10 December, 2008 at a meeting of the Kaipara Royal Arch Chapter No 66, REComp John Evans, Grand Superintendent presented a 40 year Jewel to VEComp Hugh Robertson just eight days before he celebrated his 90th birthday.

Born in 1918, Hugh retired as a Postmaster after meritorious service with what used to be the Post and Telegraph Department.

He was initiated in Lodge Bedford No 25 on 7 February 1962. Transferring to Paparoa in 1969, he joined the Franklin Lodge No 2,138 English Constitution on 26 February of that year. He was installed as Master of the Lodge on 28 May 1973 and subsequently appointed to the offices of: PDistGStdB on 4 November 1978, PDistGDC on 7 November 1981, and PDistJGW on 5 November 1988.

He took his Mark Degree at Kaipara Royal Arch Chapter No 66 on 11 December 1968 and worked his way through the chairs to J in 1971, H in 1972, and was installed as First Principal on 11 July 1973. He was appointed to the Office of Grand Standard Bearer in 1987.

He joined the Mahurangi Cryptic Council No 80 in 1974, took his Royal Ark Mariner Degree in 1989, and the Knights of the East and West in 1999.

In 2002 he was a recipient of a First Grand Principal’s Award.

A very dedicated member of the Kaipara Chapter for 40 years, he is a very good ritualist and can proudly claim that there aren’t many Charges in the Royal Arch Degrees that he has not presented.

He regrets that, these days, aching joints prevent him attending meetings as regularly was he would wish – a condition many can appreciate and relate to – but he maintains a keen, strong interest in his Chapter.

He is enjoying his retirement with his wife Joan, living at One Tree Point, Ruakaka.

Photo: Mrs Joan Robertson, VEComp Hugh Robertson PGStdB, REComp John Evans GSupt

Material and photograph courtesy of VE Comp Peter Copeman PGStdB

Stan Pearce – a Remarkable Irish Royal Arch Mason On Monday 8 December, 2008, VEComp Stan Pearce was presented with a 50-Year Service Jewel by MEComp John Davies, Hon. Past Grand Capt. of the Host, Prov. Grand Superintendent for New Zealand, Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.

Initiated in the Corinthian Lodge No 1655 EC, he joined the Hauraki Chapter No 454 IC in 1958 and was installed as Excellent King in 1962. He joined an

English Rose Croix Chapter in 1967 and became a member of the Ara Preceptory No 348 of the Knights Templar. He joined the Remuera Conclave EC of the Order of the Secret Monitor and then in 1969 became a foundation member of the Thames Conclave serving as Supreme Ruler in 1973 and 1976.

Rumour has it that the Lodge of Light No 454 IC had had a trip to Adelaide and, wanting to get in on the next trip (to Singapore and Hong Kong), Stan joined the Lodge in 1986. Rumour also has it that he was successful.

He was again installed as Excellent King of the Hauraki Royal Arch Chapter No 445 IC in 2003.

He has served many offices in the Lodges, Chapters and Conclaves to which he belongs and has a tremendous reputation for his ability to deliver Charges in an exemplary manner. Despite deteriorating eyesight he continues to deliver these Charges without hesitation when called upon.He holds the rank of Hon. Past Grand Superintendent of the Tabernacle in the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland, District Grand Rank in the English Constitution and London Grand Rank in the Conclave.

MEComp Davies described him as “An amazing and modest gentleman.”

Photos: Right-above: ME Comp John Davies congratulates Stan Pearce on receiving his 50-year Service Jewel. Right-bottom: The First Principal of the Hauraki Chapter, ME King Bruce Moore (right) with ME Comp Davies (left) and Stan Pearce.


40-Year Jewels Presented to VE Comps Frank Andrews and David Cullen At the meeting of the Te Awamutu Royal Arch Chapter No 88 on Thursday 4 December, 2008, the Grand Superintendent, REComp Jim Ingley, presented 40-Year Jewels to VEComp Frank Andrews PAGDC and VEComp David Cullen.

Born in Auckland in 1926, Frank was originally apprenticed as a fitter and turner, and worked as a tool maker and engineer for 15 years before turning to teaching, from which he retired in 1986.

An experienced and dedicated Mason, he has served in the chairs of the Waipa Lodge and the Waikato Lodge of Research; First Principal of the Te Awamutu Chapter; Thrice Illustrious Master of the Waikato Cryptic Council; and Most Wise Sovereign of the Te Awamutu Rose Croix Chapter. He is also a member of the Waikato Sovereign Council.

He has served as DC in his various Lodges and

Chapters and achieved the ranks of Grand Lecturer in the Craft and Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Royal Arch. He was appointed to the Boards of General Purposes and Benevolence – as they were then known – of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand in 1980.

The Grand Superintendent spoke of long association with Frank, especially in the Royal Arch and the Waikato Lodge of Research, and commented particularly on the understanding of Freemasonry that he had brought to his Brethren and Companions.

David was born in 1930 to a very happy family and was educated in Te Awamutu. He could not wait to leave school and for four years laboured on farms, armed with working boots and a bicycle, and saving all he could to put towards his own herd of cows. He was given the opportunity to come onto the family farm and, marrying in 1955, has shifted just once in the intervening years – “across the paddock”, as he puts it.

Early in his marriage he became firm friends with Frank and Dulcie Andrews and with encouragement from Frank, was initiated into Lodge Waipa in 1965. He joined the Te Awamutu Chapter in 1968. A modest and retiring Mason, the Grand Superintendent particularly commented on the dedication with which David pursued music and ensured that the Te Awamutu Chapter would always have an organist. Indeed, Te Awamutu is one of the very few Chapters in the Hauraki District that has an appointed Organist.

Below: RE Comp Jim Ingley, Grand Superintendent, congratulates VE Comp David Cullen with VE Comp Frank Andrews looking on.


‘50 Years of Care’The History of Roskill Masonic Village

Freemasons Roskill Foundation has recently launched the book “50 Years of Care”. The book tells the history of Roskill Masonic Village, from its origins and early days through to the sale of the facility on 1 November 2005.

The Village became an icon of Freemasonry in the northern area. Complimentary copies of the book are available to anyone interested in the Village’s History and in the prominent Freemasons who ran it. The book provides an insight into the wonderful voluntary work of the many, many Freemasons and their wives and families who in some way helped at the Village.

The 160-page coffee-table book is beautifully produced and presented in its own hard box cover and would be a handsome addition to any personal or Lodge library. It would make a substantial educational gift to new Freemasons or could be given to local libraries and historical archives.

If you would like a free copy please contact:Freemasons Roskill FoundationTelephone: 09 520 6414Fax: 09 520 6415Email: PO Box 113144 Newmarket Auckland 1149


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