o a II .. I ' 2 e 1..-• · 0 r k until Pebru&J'J' 6 , at 2:1 Bonk S t., CH -S -1891 , I know...

Post on 01-Oct-2020

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o a II .. I ' 2 e .. 1..-•

.,.. .... -~ .......... . 8elora .. F l ... ~ ZIIIIWI

A1 .... lU •'- pn.w .u ... nlrio .. la ~ 1:dpMi .. .. •••• -la •• el ,_ •• 'Is .. --em.n • •• .,.._ 'Bfa"o M pl11 C .. ~. cle Clr'!IIFIJ C Ho ..... 'IJMI .. le DI&CCtll'O MQCWHa JalliU 7 ...UMila .-t1h«sJe tM URU 'IM•le ~ e1-.n • ~· 7 prihall& __ ,,. a la Maoria .. 1 1'r'au' OMII .. cle la DaMe~ .-.na... qM N P 1lluCM 7 tip~~ u-.oue. a ..... I UM UU 1 M 7 ..._ u1:r1141'1lu.r'.N praaUlft R n•l'fto a1 la1: .. la llari- ..._ .. ra lone-"-·

A1 ftMr1'1111r la ,_.. llana'l ••'- p•pa No M -

uer•• - ea1114 parfM•a 7 porqu c~u - el...._ 11:a1M pacr16Uooa 7 ""•••tariM p.wa la tdio14e4 -n.- 7• M­paolal, para la -tra •

.t,pll'Oftoa-e uta oportu14e4 para npUoar a Vt. M .uo­•• o'llleaqsiCI'DN ... ntrato para •-r.ulo u 1a ucla .. 1a D1-noo1'- .. uto Plutol, a1 1• .. 1 Uauo .. • iMl~~. 7 aalosrello aepoeo. •

,_..16a ros- a v.., e1 ao lllllliaM ~-... aolaeto d.iapour la ellqs1aio1 .... 1111 •co-o.U ..... ana •­la - .. 1-. para ra.Uaar uu .Uuplae la'lllone .. tlraupone, a:ulll'li- .. loa al_,ato . , ad •- la .. uaa ~ oiM­aatosrU1oa para lu 1lutlrM1-• 1: la aruu•••e• JOI'tM­t n pro,N1tlo •• laMar .. ana IHMla aaa 1e 1M -~- M • P..n u d Pat. • .Aatliolp._.le -•'" protuto apo .. nt.u.atlo por cu ..aalello tanr.

. idMh, tcr :1 1a o...,l-la .. ~tier a '-ta al-paoe ..... nlaU•oa a 1a t tr1 .... eetla •-la0 eepiM .. la _,,_ .. .l'utla .. hOt-• M la qM M -lftl tu al ...U. 7 .. la ,..a'ltao1 .. oftoia1 1 7 alpz•e totlepat!M•

.......... 2" . ...... flv.-• "1'11111111 ..... Ill M1 ' ... A5 - 2--· ............

later nfN ·- -'•• • .. • pWPle n~ a la lllp6-' bl1oa 4el u....,._, 1;vnn a lloaft untar a U4. N 41.- n -a1tar .. h -.-1• ,u • b ITJ"tn a -• 4e aaa bRa 4e L1-aa por da Mftl•



!bank :rou tor :roar latter ot Jaau&r7 18, write to :rou da1lJ, bu' han poatpcmad 1t pa:robolosioaJ. r••on•,

I han be., .. uins to tor both pl>Jaioal and

'!bare 1a no queatlon but taat tiM Dolp1U'1act ot State oe h&Ya :rour raplJ tranelated lD\o Sp&Diab. But 111m& Lee, ...,_ I o-llltad about one aapeot ot \be letter to ...,1Gb :rour letter 1a a replJ, euseaau -- md I asreo wlth h ... antlr&lJ -~that th&J will .. " sreatl:r appreciate a lett ... rr- :rou ln t.b&liah . 1'hwJ han writt• toJo" 1n their OWD J.ansua&a, and will lll<a • raplJ ~ JO'Ill' -· Be dee, u lhma polnU out, th&J doubtleu wUl r..... JOI1I' repl:r and hms 1t badde the portrait ot ,our hllabmd ond the tlas ot tbe United lltat .. , and thua r.oph w1ll D•a to atand there and ti'J to puaah out the IIIDel ah. She aa:ra Archibald llaoLalah r eoai., .. thouaanda ot lettara ln 8pm1ah, md alwa,a anowere ln 111Del1ab, • .,... tb,.u.gll be tall<l treel:r 1D Spaniab w1tb th081 wllo do not wut to epeak lioelllh; tb&J paJ b1a the c~t ot azpeotlnc h1a to liDo• their lanpaaa, md ha paJioj;'!& -pliaellt ot azpeaUns tb• to know !!!!• It aJ.l boUa do- to tbe1r teollnc tbat 1t would be a 110re paraonal lett_. it wrltt., 111 111De11ah, ht, ot couraa, I can set the tranala-tion mode it 1011 at1ll wmt 1t .

'lbere ere t wo other polnh concern1ns :rour repl:r that I tblnlc ~rtant . The:r raqueat a plat..- ot JOil to hang baalda that ot :rour buobmd. Xou do not ••Uon IIllo raqu .. t ln JOUr rap~:r. I do not know ...,ether thla •• da!lberata, or ..... u.ar :rou did not tllll:r underatand tba llpu1ab. Bo\b lhma and I thlnll JOil ahollld .. nd tb• a picture ot 10111'&11U - - autovallbed -- daapi te JOill' peraOMl dlall.l<a ot plat.,...., In U1J .... , J011 ~d ~ thaa tor the ocapll.aent ot wantlns JOill' ptetwe, ••• it JOU c&nDOt br1ns :roureelt to oend one, md abould azplaln whJ JOG are not oendine one , But both lluaa and I tMl that 1t would be a ala• toke not to a end one.

• . . . . . .

proleotcr, 1r that 1o wbat th87 want,

It 1a 1ntoreot1ng to •• tbat tb87 not onl.J Maed tho ocbool ror your •untorgetteblo and loaented huobanct, but oleo ooM14oro4 tbo raot worthy or an anninl'lai'J' oolobroti on.

It you cteo1C1e to bave tho letter copied to aond to tho u.s. Aa'ba•eador, could you pleaae baYe a carbon ude and • end 1t to aot I aa keepins ao aueb or tbo ovidenoo ao I oan or tbo devotion or tho people or tho other Aaor1oan ROpubl1oo to th o Proo1dont . I'd have 1t copi~d ayoolr ir I bad a typ1ot, or t he onoWSJ in typing t o do it ayoolr -- witb your oonoent, or course.

Sooe time ago , one John Sebastian, Who playo tho barmon1oa , II~ ;-telephoned me from tho Statler bore to ook 1t I know whether you ~ '~ would be 1n Waahington ooon . I told bia I d1d not know tor auro , , ~ _/ • but got tho idea you would not be bore asai n thh -tb . Ro and """ ~"-". his accompnn1at are under the manacement ot Columbia ~oncerte, IDe., ~ and be wonta to make a tour of Italy, Riving 20 to 30 appearanooa, tho prooooda or whicb are to go to buy medical auppl1oa tor Italian children . He hopes to have the tr1p oponaorod by aome medical aupply concern or group or tb... But be eeeu to be having trouble w1tb getting "oleal'llftoo• !rota tho DepartaOftt or Stote. He thought you mignt be able to ouggoot aoao people to oeo. lie never sado 1t eleor onoust> ~ •• Juot llbat he wnto you do , but I told h1a tbat , whenner I wNte to""jo.i, I woulct tell you whet you told ao, and ao I aa now ao doing. Be a aid h e 11 to be hera at the Sta tler, Hooa 840, unt11 Janu&J'J' 2S, end th en will be 1n !low Y0 r k until Pebru&J'J' 6 , at 2:1 Bonk St., CH- S- 1891, I know noth1ns about the aon, altbough the naao ao .. od • little r~ili~-- aaybo juot booouoo S~baotitp io a _ common nae in Spanlah..- m1.1be, he aa1d, becauae • ODoe wa• about to make • Lot1n American tour under OIAA ouop1ooa, but •aomotb1ns bapponed," I know nothing a bout UIY OIAA cormae-tiona with )>Sa .

I have bean getting out and around a lot , and aloo , oo•• days , o tay­ins in to ti'J' to ouro the c oust>, wbiob 1o not .. r1ouo but jun annoying. I bad a very rough exper1onoo att or I let t you, .ad walked to •our" apartaont, But I •• aea1n ot&J1ng here --ror bow long, I cannot to.l.l. I think I ' 11 go to Puerto Jl1oo oocm, and I hope I can ooe you botorobanct. Ltkowiao, I'• applJina t o r a job witb tbo CaribbNn C-oaioa, wblob he• 1U baadquartoro in Trinidad, , I aa keepins JOur letter to Mr. Alcala , and the atatlCIIlWJ, 1JI oeoo you &till wont 1t -...J.a\ed u 1t 1a, •• I bMJ' ,..,v deoh 1on, I'll retunl the .. e looarN -- I •-· tile reet or tb4l anoloouroa, ao I aa now rotunoifta tbo orll!1ftal letter r- Ill', Alo&lo.

tlllk w1 th 10\1•

T......, , with lo•• •4 1U11J -. tor tbe

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