Object trust interventions april 2010

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Circle Health Oct 2012


Object Handling Awareness

Learning & Workforce Intervention Specialists

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All delegates will gain an awareness of risks associated with

manual handling and of the measure they must take to reduce

injury to both themselves and others.

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identify legislation related to manual handling

demonstrate ability to calculate the risk level of a manual handling activity

basic understanding of biomechanics practise principles of movement

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Can you identify with these common causes of musculoskeletal injury/pain?

Cumulative strain Repetitive strain One off incident?

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Manual Handling Operations Regulations1992

TILEO Risk Assessment

Take a typical handling situation at your place of work and consider………….

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the Task the Individuals Capability the Load the Environment the Other factors, such as attire,

systems of work and equipment

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Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

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Risk Assessment

The idea is to Avoid Assess Reduce Inform

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BiomechanicsThe Spine

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The Muscles of the back and abdomen

Provide stability for the spine

Control spinal movements

Protect the vertebral coloumn

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Mechanical loading of the spine When upright load on spine arises mainly

from effects of gravity When leaning forward tension in the back and

hips increases causing increased load on the spine

When the trunk is horizontal loading on the spine stems almost entirely from back muscle tension-this can be calculated

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When the trunk is horizontal Centre of back muscles to centre of motion 5

to 6 cm Lumbar Sacral disc to centre of upper body

mass 25 to 35cm Leverage = 6 to1 For 30kg upper body mass = 180kg force If you lift extra load of 30kg lifted in this

position force then =360kg

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25 to 35cm

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Static Loading causes a creep effect on the discs – Kazarian (1975)

Therefore avoid holding even light weights :-

For long periods In a stooped position Whilst leaning forward At arms length

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Feet must be in the correct position

Slightly apart an offset

Pointing in the direction of travel

Keep loads within the shaded area when handling

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Adopt and adapt the principles according to you!

Stop and thinkKeep close

Stable positionAvoid stooping

Use a secure holdAvoid twisting

Lead with the headMove smoothlyVary positions

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