Objectives and Overview of ChubuSat Instrument ......ChubuSat Instrument Development Projects...

Post on 27-Jun-2020

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Objectives and Overview of ChubuSat Instrument Development Projects

Leadership Development Program for Space Exploration and Research

Fostering Leadership

Global leader to pioneer “Space, the final frontier”©Pioneer new industries related with space exploration and researchIndustry leaders value broad experiences

Broad experience and solid expertise

ImplementationProblem solving

Project planning & management

Global communication skills

Program Timeline

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Space and Technology Minima-A

Space and Technology Minima-B

Interdisciplinary coursework

Student-organized interdisciplinary seminars and workshops

Ordinary coursework provided by each division

solid expertise

broad vision

Ordinary research work provided by each supervisor



global communication skills

ChubuSat instrument

development projects

project planning & management

problem solving


Qualifying examination

Microsatellite being developed by a group of universities and aerospace industries led by Nagoya UniversitySpecifications

Size: 58 cm × 55 cm × 50 cmMass: ~50 kg

Allows piggyback launchOperation duration: ~0.5 years min.

Radiation damagesLifetime of rechargeable batteriesRadiator degradation due to atomic oxygenSatellite keeps orbiting after the end of operations

ChubuSat-1 Overview

ChubuSat-1 金シャチ1号Name:“Kinshachi”

Microsatellite being developed by a group of universities and aerospace industries led by Nagoya UniversitySpecifications

Size: 58 cm × 55 cm × 50 cmMass: ~50 kg

Allows piggyback launchOperation duration: ~0.5 years min.

Radiation damagesLifetime of rechargeable batteriesRadiator degradation due to atomic oxygenSatellite keeps orbiting after the end of operations

ChubuSat-1 Overview

ChubuSat-1 金シャチ1号Name:“Kinshachi”

Microsatellite being developed by a group of universities and aerospace industries led by Nagoya UniversitySpecifications

Size: 58 cm × 55 cm × 50 cmMass: ~50 kg

Allows piggyback launchOperation duration: ~0.5 years min.

Radiation damagesLifetime of rechargeable batteriesRadiator degradation due to atomic oxygenSatellite keeps orbiting after the end of operations

ChubuSat-1 Overview

ChubuSat-1 金シャチ1号Name:“Kinshachi”


MotivationsLower barrier to enter space business by lowering cost

Expand commercial use of spaceExpand market for aerospace industry in Chubu (central Japan) region

Test advanced technologies on orbitImprove performance of future large scientific satellite

Large satellites usually do not use untested technologiesEnhance cooperation between academic and industries in Chubu region

GoalReduce cost by a factor of 100

with “optimized” performance

Cost Reduction of Satellites

MiniaturizationTradeoff with functionalities and performance

Serious optimization of functionalities and performanceOptimum performance can be realized by taking advantage of technological advance

could be comparable with existing large satellitesSmaller imaging sensors → smaller lens and camera systems

Make use of commercial parts (for automobile)Reliable and low costSOC (system on chip) processors with SOI technologies

SOI = radiation hardDevelopment of satellite for commercial use

Standardization of parts and interfaceDesigned for mass productionReduce cost and time for satellite fabrications and assemblies

ChubuSat Instrument Development Projects

Project-based instrument development programNOT predefined laboratory work classMixture of students with different sets of interests, skills and expertise

science and engineering, theory and experimentwork together toward common goal

Hands-on experience on satellite instrument developmentDesign, testing systems and implementationProblem solving skills, project planning and management“Failure teaches success”

Best instruments may be launched into spaceEvaluation at each phase of projects






environmental tests



ChubuSat Project Examples

Satellite bus instrumentsImprovement of communication systems

power efficient, broadbandMission instrumentsNew commercial services using satellites

Microsatellite constellationcomplete coverage of entire Earth with modest cost

Consumer entertainmentArtificial auroraArtificial shooting star

Example: IridiumComplete coverage of entire Earth by 66 satellitesHuge initial cost hurts profitabilityLearn from failures

Microsatellites reduce initial cost by large factorsImproved profitabilityExpand use other than satellite phone

Common services world-wide

Communication Microsatellites

Consumer Entertainments

Expanding market by lower costExample: computer

Mainframe→“mini”computer→personal computer→tablet (smart phone)Invention of microprocessor for calculator

“App” business created by tablet (smart phone)Entertainment like games are major App business

Possible entertainment business with microsatellitesArtificial aurora or shooting star

Events for anniversaries or ceremonies for individuals and companiesSales of satellite pictures

~1000 JPY/pictureNeed to sell 0.5 million pictures

Project Management by Students

Everything will be managed by studentsAdvices and supports by staff membersTask sharing based on each member’s strength

Every member does not have to attend every activityProject theme for D2 students are predefined

Details are still up to studentsPlan another ChubuSat workshop (in cooperation with retreat)

What to discuss today in one hourMeeting datesPresenter for team presentations (can be more than one presenters)D2 (project theme is predefined)

To do listProject timeline

D1Brain storming of possible project themesProject timeline

Last Words…

from International Advisory BoardIndustry requires new employees broad views as well as solid expertise産業界は新人に専門知識だけではなく幅広い基礎知識を要求しているIndustry is looking for smart talents with excellent 5 senses and 6th sense企業が求める人材は、頭だけでなく5感に秀でる人、第6感を使える人

It is necessary to learn from broad experiencesいろいろな経験から学ぶことが必要ChubuSat program is a good example. Learn from your own mistakes (not trivial mistakes)ChubuSatプログラムはよい例、どんどん失敗して学べばよい

Hands on experiment is important. University of Colorado provides opportunities for student to produce something by themselves as well as nominal courseworkHands on experimentが大事。コロラド大では、座学だけでなく自分の手で作れる場を与えている

10:00 – 10:40

10:40 – 11:10

11:10 – 11:40

11:40 – 12:00

12:00 – 13:00

13:00 – 13:20

13:20 – 13:40

13:40 – 14:00

14:00 – 14:20

14:20 – 14:40

14:50 – 15:00

15:00 – 16:00

16:00 – 17:00

Tajima Objectives and Overview of ChubuSat instrument development project

Narusawa Details of ChubuSat-1 satellite

Narusawa Operations of ChubuSat-1 satellite

Kaneda Mechanical design of satellite instruments and vibration tests


Nagano Satellite thermal design and thermal vacuum tests

Yamada Satellite attitude control systems

Tamura Development of satellite X-ray instruments

Hirahara Development of satellite particle detectors

Ishihara Development of satellite infrared instruments


Team discussionsTeam discussions

Team presentations and discussions (5 min. + 5 min. x6 teams)Team presentations and discussions (5 min. + 5 min. x6 teams)

ChubuSat Workshop Program

Project Teams

D1D1D1 D2D2D2L G S V T M

Chae-Woo Jun

Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd


Claudia Martinez Calderon

Cesar Carrizo

Beye Florian

Sung Chang Hyun

冬頭かおり 富井正明 Anning CHEN 野澤晋作 吉池智史 新居慶太

田中佑希 何 秉然 末延 博 引地貴之 堤 隆嘉 豊里友太白石卓也 桂川貴義 小林大輝 大村拓也 範 暁輝 福島大祐廣瀬茂輝 服部和生 浅田貴志 榎谷玲依 矢嶋美幸 西川原理仁近藤 徹 日高直哉 山内克弥 大内麻衣 鶴田 久佐々井義矩 松下敏法 瀧谷寛樹伴場由美 清水 毅 北村拓也村島基之

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