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Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

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Occupational exposures to new dry cleaningsolvents: High-flashpoint hydrocarbons andbutylal

Diana M. Ceballos, Stephen G. Whittaker, Eun Gyung Lee, Jennifer Roberts,Robert Streicher, Fariba Nourian, Wei Gong & Kendra Broadwater

To cite this article: Diana M. Ceballos, Stephen G. Whittaker, Eun Gyung Lee, JenniferRoberts, Robert Streicher, Fariba Nourian, Wei Gong & Kendra Broadwater (2016)Occupational exposures to new dry cleaning solvents: High-flashpoint hydrocarbonsand butylal, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 13:10, 759-769, DOI:10.1080/15459624.2016.1177648

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15459624.2016.1177648

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Accepted author version posted online: 22Apr 2016.Published online: 22 Apr 2016.

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Occupational exposures to new dry cleaning solvents: High-flashpointhydrocarbons and butylal

Diana M. Ceballosa, Stephen G. Whittakerb, Eun Gyung Leec, Jennifer Robertsd, Robert Streicherd, Fariba Nouriand,Wei Gonga, and Kendra Broadwatera

aDivision of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations, and Field Studies, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio; bLocalHazardous Waste Management Program, Public Health–Seattle & King County, Seattle, Washington; cHealth Effects Laboratory Division, NationalInstitute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown, West Virginia; dDivision of Applied Research & Technology, National Institute forOccupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio

KEYWORDSAlternative dry cleaningsolvents; butanol; butylal;dibutoxymethane; drycleaning; formaldehyde;high-flashpoint hydrocarbon;hydrocarbons


The dry cleaning industry is moving away from using perchloroethylene. Occupational exposures totwo alternative dry cleaning solvents, butylal and high-flashpoint hydrocarbons, have not been wellcharacterized. We evaluated four dry cleaning shops that used these alternative solvents. The shopswere staffed by Korean- and Cantonese-speaking owners, and Korean-, Cantonese-, and Spanish-speaking employees. Because most workers had limited English proficiency we used language ser-vices in our evaluations. In two shops we collected personal and area air samples for butylal. We alsocollected air samples for formaldehyde and butanol, potential hydrolysis products of butylal. Becausethere are no occupational exposure limits for butylal, we assessed employee health risks using con-trol banding tools. In the remaining two shops we collected personal and area air samples for high-flashpoint hydrocarbon solvents.In all shops the highest personal airborne exposures occurredwhenworkers loaded andunloaded thedry cleaning machines and pressed dry cleaned fabrics. The air concentrations of formaldehyde andbutanol in thebutylal shopswerewell belowoccupational exposure limits. Likewise, the air concentra-tions of high-flashpoint hydrocarbonswere alsowell belowoccupational exposure limits. However,wesawpotential skin exposures to these chemicals. We provided recommendations on appropriateworkpractices and the selection and use of personal protective equipment. These recommendations wereconsistent with those derived using control banding tools for butylal. However, there is insufficienttoxicological and health information to determine the safety of butylal in occupational settings. Inde-pendent evaluation of the toxicological properties of these alternative dry cleaning solvents, espe-cially butylal, is urgently needed.


There are about 36,000 commercial dry cleaning shops inthe United States.[1] Most are owner-operated small busi-nesses with fewer than 10 employees.2,3 In addition, somedry cleaning shops may be owned and staffed by indi-viduals with limited English language skills and may bemarginally profitable–factors thatmay prevent the owner-operator from maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.[2,3]

CONTACT Diana M. Ceballos ceballos@hsph.harvard.edu Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, Park Drive,PO Box , th Floor West, Suite , Boston, MA .Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/uoeh.

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at tandfonline.com/uoeh. AIHA and ACGIH members may also access supplementary material athttp://oeh.tandfonline.com/.

Dry cleaning solvent alternatives toperchloroethylene

Increasing environmental regulations and awareness ofthe potential occupational hazards from the dry cleaningchemical perchloroethylene (PERC) has resulted in somedry cleaners switching to alternative solvents. Some of thePERC alternatives are promoted as safe and environmen-tally friendly, although their effects on human health andthe environment have not been well characterized.

This article not subject to U.S. copyright law.


Perchloroethylene can irritate the skin, depress thecentral nervous system, damage the liver and kidneys, andis a potential human carcinogen.[1,4] A survey conductedin King County, Washington, in 2010 found that mostlocal dry cleaners (69%) were using PERC, but 21% wereusing a high flashpoint hydrocarbon solvent.[2,3] Subse-quent field observations in 2012 by the Local HazardousWaste Management Program in King County, Wash-ington (LHWMP) found that the most frequently usedhigh flashpoint hydrocarbon solvent was ExxonMobil’sDF-2000, a product similar to odorless mineral spir-its. Since the King County survey, another dry clean-ing solvent called SolvonK4 was introduced in the U.S.[5]

SolvonK4 is an acetal manufactured by Kreussler GmbHin Germany.

DF-According to its safety data sheet DF-2000 is a nearlyodorless synthetic hydrocarbon fluid containing C11to C15 aliphatic-branched hydrocarbons, with a boil-ing point range between 174–234°C.[6,7] The ChemicalAbstracts Service (CAS) number for DF-2000 (64742-48-9) represents hydrotreated heavy naphtha (petroleum) orisoparaffinic hydrocarbon.[6] These naphthas are classi-fied as National Fire Protection Association Class IIIAsolvents.

Little specific health information is available for DF-2000.[8,9,10] The manufacturer[6] reports that repeatedexposure to the skin may cause skin dryness or crack-ing. When swallowed, this solvent may be aspirated anddamage the lungs. At high concentrations, DF-2000 canalso irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. Prolongedexposures at concentrations higher than the ExxonMobilChemical suggested occupational exposure limit (OEL)of 1,200 mg/m[3] can cause headaches, dizziness, drowsi-ness, unconsciousness, and other central nervous systemeffects, including death.[6]

A review by the California Environmental ProtectionAgency, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assess-ment[11] of animal studies involving hydrocarbons sim-ilar to DF-2000 suggests they are safer than Stoddardsolvent, which can contain aromatic hydrocarbons likebenzene.[11] The German Social Accident InsuranceInformation System identifies substances with the sameCAS number as DF-2000 as harmful and may cause lungdamage if swallowed.[12]

The Federal Republic of Germany developed an OELfor a naphtha mixture with the same CAS number as DF-2000: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), maxi-mum concentrations at the workplace (MAK) of 300 mil-ligrams per cubic meter (mg/m[3]) (8 hr). The Amer-ican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygien-ists (ACGIH R©) threshold limit value (TLV R©) for a

similar hydrocarbonmixture is in the range of 1142–1200mg/m[3] (8 hr time weighted average [TWA]); range val-ues were calculated using the reciprocal calculation mix-ture formula with two different group guidance values[13]

and assuming 10% cycloparaffins and 90% paraffins.[12]

SolvonKSolvonK4 contains >99% butylal, with small amountsof n-butanol (<0.5%) and formaldehyde (<0.05%).[14,15]

Synonyms for butylal include dibutoxymethane,1-(butoxymethoxy) butane, and formaldehyde dibutylacetal. The CAS number for butylal is 2568-90-3.SolvonK4 is a National Fire Protection AssociationClass IIIA solvent.

Little toxicity information is available for butylal. Pub-lished studies on its acute toxicity have focused on dermaland oral exposures.[16] The Toxics Use Reduction Insti-tute (TURI) concluded that toxicological data are lack-ing for SolvonK4, rendering the human health assessmentincomplete. [17]

The manufacturer of SolvonK4, Kreussler GmbH,reported low toxicity in animals exposed to butylal viaingestion and dermal contact.[15] The manufacturer alsosuggests that the airborne exposure risk to butylal at drycleaning shops is low because the solvent has a low vaporpressure.[15] In a long-term inhalation study, no adverseeffects were observed in rats after exposure to 478 partsper million (ppm) butylal over 13 weeks.[18] We are notaware of any studies that have evaluated respiratory sen-sitization or long-term inhalation exposures to butylal inhumans. No toxicological data are available to character-ize central nervous system effects or other target organeffects, reproductive or developmental toxicity, or otherchronic health effects.

Kreussler states that short-term exposure to butylaldoes not elicit skin sensitization or irritation to the skin oreyes.[15] We are not aware of any studies that have evalu-ated longer duration exposures from ingestion or throughskin contact. LHWMP determined that SolvonK4 exhib-ited lower toxicity to rainbow trout than PERC, but wasmore toxic than DF-2000.[19] Although the EuropeanUnion has not classified butylal via REACH (Registration,Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals),the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has listed buty-lal as causing skin irritation.[18,20]

The dry cleaning processFabrics, including clothes, drapes, and other textiles, arereceived from customers, labeled, and sorted for cleaning.Prior to dry cleaning, stained fabrics may be pre-cleanedor “pre-spotted.” Many different spot cleaning agents areused in the shops. These products are formulated accord-ing to the types of stains to be removed (i.e., hydrophilicor hydrophobic stains).


Figure . Employee pressing shirts by using two pressing machines in series.

Modern dry cleaning machines use enclosed drumswhere the fabrics being cleaned are saturated with the drycleaning solvent. Cleaning additives (e.g., detergent, siz-ing or fabric finishes, and stain repellant) are injected intothe solvent flow line or into the drum of the machine (incontrast to an older method that involved predissolvingthe detergent in the solvent). When the cleaning cycleis complete, the solvent is drained, and the cleaned fab-rics are placed under vacuum, heated, and tumbled toremove any remaining solvent. In our evaluations theduration of the dry cleaning cycle for SolvonK4 and DF-2000 machines was 70–80 min. Workers can manuallyspot-clean fabrics that are still stained or soiled after drycleaning by using the same products used in precleaning.The cleaned fabrics are pressed (Figure 1) and ironed asneeded, then hung on hangers and covered with plasticwrapping awaiting customer pick-up.

Modern dry cleaning machines like the ones we eval-uated minimize the release of solvent vapors to ambi-ent air by recycling the solvent in a closed loop systemand evacuating the air in the cleaning chamber before themachine is opened. The heated solvent vapors generatedduring the drying cycle pass through a refrigerated con-denser. [21] The condenser cools the air and condensesthe solvent vapor to be recovered. Recovered solvent isthen pumped into a vacuum still. This distillation pro-cess prevents impurities from building up in the solvent.Steam coils in the still heat the solvent to boiling. Thesolvent vapors flow through a condenser to removewater. This distillation process generates a concentratedwaste material called “still bottoms” that contains resid-ual solvent in addition to nonvolatile components such as

detergent, sizing, waxes, oils, and greases. After themachine has cooled (usually overnight), the still bottomsare manually transferred to a waste container (Figure 2)with a specially designed rake, usually by the shop owner.Depending on the volume of dry cleaning processedin a shop, the still bottoms are removed every 1–2weeks.

Figure . An owner/operator removing still bottoms from the DF- dry cleaning machine.


Control banding

Control banding (CB) is a technique used to assess andmanage workplace risks. It is a qualitative risk assessmentstrategy that determines a control measure (for exampledilution ventilation, engineering controls, containment,etc.) based on a range or “band” of hazards (such asskin/eye irritant, very toxic, carcinogenic, etc.) and expo-sures (small, medium, large exposure). CB is especiallyuseful in the absence of an OEL. More information on CBis available at: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/ctrlba-nding/default.html.

Study objectives

Our objectives were to (1) assess occupational exposuresin dry cleaning shops using SolvonK4 and DF-2000; (2)identify workplace conditions and practices contributingto exposures; (3) determine potential routes of exposure;and (4) identify ways to reduce exposures.


Investigators from theNational Institute forOccupationalSafety and Health (NIOSH) Health Hazard EvaluationProgram evaluated occupational exposures to DF-2000and SolvonK4.[22,23] In Washington State the LHWMPcollaborated with NIOSH investigators to recruit the drycleaning shops, and LHWMP officials provided help withlanguage services, field assistance, and technical expertise.We spent at least 2 days evaluating each shop (Table 1).We collected bulk samples of the dry cleaning solvents

and personal and area air samples of dry cleaning solventsand other chemicals that may be produced or used dur-ing dry cleaning. We observed work practices, the use ofpersonal protective equipment (PPE), and the cleaning ofthe dry cleaning machine still bottoms. We used Korean-,Spanish-, and Cantonese-language services throughoutthe evaluations.

Bulk samples

We obtained a neat sample of DF-2000 from the manu-facturer. We collected a bulk sample of SolvonK4 frominside the dry cleaning machine reservoir in shop Aand an unused bulk sample from shop B. We stored theSolvonK4 samples in 40 mL glass vials and kept the sam-ples on ice until analyzed. All of the bulk samples wereanalyzed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry(GC-MS) and flame ionization detection (GC-FID). ForSolvonK4 we compared our bulk analysis to a commer-cial butylal standard (TCI America, Lot# FIE01, purity98%) to determine butylal content. The butanol content inSolvonK4 was measured using NIOSH Method 1401, [24]

and the formaldehyde content wasmeasured usingOSHAMethod 52.[25]

Air samples

We collected full-shift and task-based personal and full-shift and short-term area air samples for DF-2000 andbutylal in the respective shops. In the shops that usedSolvonK4 we also collected personal and area air sam-ples for formaldehyde and butanol.We collected full-shift

Table . Summary characteristics of the dry cleaning shops.

DF- SolvonK

Shop A Shop B Shop A Shop B

Previous solvent PERC PERC PERC WaterDate changed to new

solventNovember November February October

Shop size ft× ft× ft ft× ft× ft ft× ft× ft ft× ft× ftVentilation used during

visitaNatural (HVAC not

operational)Natural (HVAC not

operational)Natural (HVAC not

operational)Natural and HVACb

Doorsc Front, side, and rear Front Front and side Front and rearLanguage spoken (n) Korean () Korean () Spanish () Cantonese () Korean () Spanish ()Still bottom cleaning

scheduleEvery – weeks Every week Every – days Every week

Machine capacity &manufacturer

-lb Union HLH -lb Union HL -lb MultimaticMultiStar+, FrankfordMachinery, Inc.

-lb Firbimatic, Italy

Loads run per week – – –Loads ran during

evaluation load on st day loads on

nd day loads on st day loads

on nd day loads on st day loads

on nd day load on both days

Number of garmentpressing stations

PERC = perchloroethylene. HVAC = Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system. The shop turned off the HVAC fan during the day while shop doors wereopened. The shop turned on the air conditioning and closed shop doors once the dry cleaning machine was no longer operating. n = number of employeesincluding owner(s).

a During the sampling time, all shops except for SolvonK Shop B were dependent upon natural ventilation.b The SolvonK Shop B turned on HVAC system after turning-off the dry cleaning machine and our sampling time includes with and without HVAC operation.c Doors were opened when needed for natural ventilation.


personal air samples from most production employeesand the owners/operators.

We collected air samples for DF-2000 and butylal on150-mg charcoal tubes using SKCmodel 210-1002 pocketpumps at a flow rate of 200 mL/min. We used NIOSHMethod 1550 to analyze for DF-2000, with minor mod-ifications. We developed an analytical method for butylalbecause none was available.[22] Samples of DF-2000 andbutylal were extracted in carbon disulfide and analyzedusing GC-FID, as described in the NIOSH report.[22]

Butanol was sampled and analyzed using NIOSHMethod 1401,[24] and formaldehyde was sampled andanalyzed using OSHA Method 52.[25] Formaldehydewas not sampled using NIOSH Method 2016 becauselaboratory testing revealed that this method resultedin false positives for formaldehyde in the presence ofSolvonK4 (butylal). More details are included in theNIOSH report.[22]

In the first SolvonK4 shop we evaluated we collectedseparate samples for butylal and butanol as the methodfor butylal had been developed to analyze butylal exclu-sively. However, after verifying in the chemical analysisthat both butylal and butanol could be run simultane-ously, we sampled butylal and butanol on a single sorbenttube at the second SolvonK4 shop. The results from per-sonal air sampling were compared to OELs, when avail-able.[13,26] We also evaluated butylal exposures using CBtools.

Control banding

We used CB tools to evaluate inhalation risks for buty-lal when loading, unloading, and hanging fabrics fromthe dry cleaning machine, and the inhalation and dermalrisks for butylal when spraying and brushing fabrics witha spotting solution containing SolvonK4. We selected thefollowing CB tools to evaluate inhalation and dermal risksassociated with butylal:• the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health(COSHH) Essentials inhalation tool,• the Stoffenmanager inhalation and dermal tools, and• the RISKOFDERM dermal tool.We identified one risk phrase (R-phrase) for butylal,

R38–Irritating to skin (from ECHA[20]) and used thisR-phrase for all threeCB tools.More information on theseCB tools including inputs is provided in the supplementaldocument.


Bulk analysis

We found C11 to C15 aliphatic-branched hydrocar-bons, with boiling points ranging from approximately

174–234°C in our bulk analysis of DF-2000. We did notdetect benzene in the DF-2000 bulk sample, which is con-sistent with information provided by the manufacturer,[6]

the NIOSH international chemical safety card for CASnumber 64742-48-9,[26] and results from other reportedbulk analyses.[8]

The amount of butylal in the two SolvonK4 bulksamples we analyzed was consistent with that reportedby the manufacturer,[15] with trace amounts of butanol(0.05% and 0.06%) and formaldehyde (<0.00045% and0.007%).

Personal air sampling

Full-shift personal exposures to DF-2000 ranged from0.99–5.4 mg/m[3] (Table 2). Full-shift personal exposuresto butylal ranged from 0.017–0.83 ppm and were similarbetween the two dry cleaning shops (Table 3). We mea-sured the highest personal exposures for either solvent onthe owner/operator.

Task-based personal exposures to DF-2000 and buty-lal were higher than those measured during the fullshift. Task-based personal airborne exposures to DF-2000 ranged from non-detected (<3.8 mg/m[3]) to7.9 mg/m[3] (Table 4) and butylal ranged from 0.42–1.9 ppm (Table 5). The highest task-based exposureswere measured when the owner/operator was closest tothe dry cleaning machine and when employees pressedfabrics.

In the butylal shops formaldehyde was detected in onefull-shift personal sample at 0.0087 ppm. This concentra-tion was between the minimum detectable and minimalquantifiable concentration (MQC),meaning there ismoreuncertainty with this result than values above the MQC.

Table . Personal full-shift air samples from dry cleaning shopsusing DF-.

Worker Main tasksDuration(minutes)


Shop AOwner/Operator

Unloading andloading


.Shop B


customers andunloading andloading


.Shop B Employee Pressing and

ironing Sampling pump

failure .

Occupationalexposure limit(mg/m[])

(DFG MAKs) (Exxon Mobil

Chemical)– (ACGIH R©


DFGMAKs=Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, maximum concentrations atthe workplace.


Table . Personal full-shift air sample results from dry cleaning shops using SolvonK.

Concentration (ppm)

Location Main tasksSample Time(minutes) Butylal Butanol Formaldehyde

Shop A Pressing fabrics, unloading andloading fabrics from drycleaning machine

. NS NDa

. NS (.)b

Pressing . ND NSc

. ND NSShop B Loading, unloading, and spot

cleaning with SolvonKmixture


. ND NDPressing . ND NDSpot cleaning with degreaser,

pressing and hanging . ND ND

Pressing . ND ND . ND ND

Pressing . ND NDPressing . ND ND

. ND NDNIOSH recommended exposure limit (ppm) None .OSHA permissible exposure limit (ppm) None .ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (ppm) None .

aND= not detected, below the minimum detectable concentration. For butanol this was below . ppm; for formaldehyde this was below . ppm.bConcentration shown in parenthesis is between the minimum detectable and minimum quantifiable concentration. This means there is more uncertainty asso-ciated with this value.cNS= no sample collected.

However, this concentration is lower than theNIOSH rec-ommended exposure limit of 0.016 ppm. Butanol was notdetected (<0.001 ppm).

Area air sampling

The area air sample results are presented in Tables 6 and7. Full-shift area air concentrations of DF-2000 rangedfrom 0.16–5.6 mg/m[3]. The highest full-shift area con-centrations of DF-2000 and butylal were measured inthe area closest to the dry cleaning machine. Full-shiftarea air concentrations of butylal were also similar at thetwo shops, ranging from 0.0039–0.31 ppm. Short-termarea air concentrations for DF-2000 ranged from 5.3–37 mg/m[3]. Short-term area air concentrations of buty-lal ranged from 0.17–1.9 ppm. In the SolvonK4 shops,formaldehyde was either not detected (<0.008 ppm) or

Table. Results of personal task-basedair samples fromdry clean-ing shop using DF-.

Worker Main tasks




Shop AOwner/Operator

Cleaning still ND

Loading, washingcycle, andunloading


Shop A Employee Pressing and ironingshirts


ND= Not detected.

below the MQC (�0.2 ppm) (Table 7). Full-shift areaair concentrations of butanol ranged from not detected(<0.001 ppm) to 0.0079 ppm. No butanol was detectedin short-term area air samples.


All shops had one dry cleaning machine that was usedmainly by the shop owner. All shops also had a commer-cial washing machine that used water and detergent forfabrics not requiring dry cleaning.

We saw one DF-2000 machine operator cleaning thestill while wearing a surgical mask, prescription glasses(not safety glasses or splash goggles), and nitrile gloves(3–5 mL thickness). This owner washed his hands afterremoving the still bottoms and before donning a newclean pair of nitrile gloves to transfer the still bottoms intoa secondary waste container for disposal.We saw an oper-ator transferring the still bottoms from a SolvonK4 drycleaning machine to a waste drum, a task that lasted afew minutes, while wearing reusable leather gloves. Thisoperator did not wash his hands afterwards. This opera-tor added a manufacturer recommended acid-binder andstabilizerwith deodorizers[28] to the dry cleaningmachineafter removing the still bottoms.

Employees at both SolvonK4 shops sprayed spot treat-ments daily onto fabrics prior to placing them in the drycleaning machine (Figure 3). The spot treatment con-tained 40% SolvonK4, 40% PrenettK4 (a spotting agent


Table . Results of personal task-based air samples from dry cleaning shop using SolvonK.

Concentration (ppm)Sample Time

Worker Main tasks (minutes) Butylal Butanol Formaldehyde

Shop BOwner/operator

Loading, unloading, and spot cleaning withSolvonK containing mixture



Pouring solvent from storage container intobulk container, and loading and unloading


Shop B Employee Hanging and pressing . NS NS . NS NS

NS= Not sampled

containing alcohol and detergent), and 20% water. Nolocal exhaust ventilation was available for spot cleaning.One SolvonK4 shop relied on natural ventilation, whilethe second SolvonK4 shop used both natural ventilationand a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system(Table 1). Employees in the SolvonK4 shops did not usePPE during the unloading and loading of fabrics, how-ever, one operator wore a surgical mask. PPE was alsonot used while pressing fabrics or applying spot clean-ers. Neither gloves nor safety glasses were available toemployees.

Table . Results of full-shift and short-term area air samples col-lected from dry cleaning shops using DF-.

Shop LocationSample Time(minutes)


Shop A Front desk (.)a


Table in the back of theshop


Near dry cleaningmachine


. (.)a


Next to dry cleaningmachine, cleaning stills


Next to dry cleaningmachine, machine off


Pressing NDc


Shop B Front desk . .

Next to shirt presses . . .

Next to dry cleaningmachine


. . .

aConcentration shown in parenthesis is between the minimum detectable(MDC) and minimum quantifiable concentration. This means there is moreuncertainty associated with this value.bThis should be considered aminimum concentration becausewe foundDF- on the back section of the sample tube.cND= Not detected. For these samples, the MDC was . mg/m[].

We noted the characteristic intense, fruity odor ofSolvonK4, especially near the operating dry cleaningmachine. Employees told us that they preferred the odorof SolvonK4 to that of PERC.

Control banding

Table 8 shows a summary of the outputs of the CB tools.For both tasks we assumed small amounts of butylal (lessthan 0.5 L) were used per day. For the task involvingloading, unloading and hanging fabrics from the dry

Table . Results of full-shift and short-term area air samples fromdry cleaning shops using SolvonK.

Concentration (ppm)Sample Sample Timelocation (minutes) Butylal Butanol Formaldehyde

Shop A Frontdesk

. NDa (.)b

. NDa NDa

Shop A Pressarea

. (.)b NDa

NS (.)b (.)b

Shop A Drycleaningarea

. . NDa

. . NS . (.)b NDc

. (.)b NDc

. (.)b NDc

Shop B Frontdesk

. NDd NDd

Shop B Pressarea

. NDd NDd

. NDd NDd

Shop B Drycleaningarea

. NDd NDd

. NDd NDd

. (.)a NDc

. NDc (.)a

aFor these samples, the minimum detectable (MDC) was . ppm offormaldehyde and . ppm of butanol.bConcentration shown in parenthesis is between the minimum detectable(MDC) and minimum quantifiable concentration. This means there is moreuncertainty associated with this value.cFor these air samples, the MQC was in the range of . to . ppm offormaldehyde and . ppm of butanol.dFor these samples theMDCwas . ppmof formaldehyde and . ppmof butanol.


Figure . Employee spraying shirts with a solution containingSolvonK to pretreat fabrics before dry cleaning cycle.

cleaningmachinewe determined that the riskwas low andrecommended general ventilation. For the task involving

spraying and brushing fabrics with a spotting solutioncontaining SolvonK4 the risk estimate ranged from lowto moderate, and our recommendations included gen-eral ventilation and PPE to reduce potential skin expo-sure. More detailed information regarding the outputsobtained from each CB tool is described in the supple-mental document and supporting tables.


The first objective of this study was to assess occupa-tional exposures in dry cleaning shops that used SolvonK4and DF-2000, cleaning solvent alternatives to PERC. Thehighest measured full-shift concentrations were associ-ated with pressing and unloading/loading of fabrics fromthe dry cleaningmachine andwere up to 0.83 ppm (equiv-alent to 5.4 mg/m[3]) for butylal and up to 5.4 mg/m[3] forDF-2000. DF-2000 levels measured were well below anyof the OELs available.

The manufacturer reports that SolvonK4 is chemicallystable in conditions ranging from moderately acidic (pH4) to very basic (pH 14); however, it may hydrolyze inthe presence of water, heat, and acid to yield formalde-hyde and butanol.[15] We noted that the SolvonK4 shopsfollowed the manufacturer’s recommendation of addingan acid neutralizer product to the still after the wastehad been removed. This neutralizer appeared to be effec-tive. Although we measured low air concentrations of

Table . Summary of control banding tool outputs for shops using SolvonK (butylal).

Task DescriptionExposureroute Tool Hazard banda Exposure band

Recommendedcontrol strategy orrisk priority/score

Task Loading, unloading,and hanging fabrics

Inhalation COSHH Essentials A CS-Generalventilation

Stoffenmanager A-low -low, using VP= Pa.-average,using VP= Pab

III – low risk for bothVPs

Task Spraying and brushingfabrics with aspotting solution

Inhalation COSHH Essentials A CS-Generalventilation

Stoffenmanager A-low -low for both VPs III – low risk for bothVPs

Dermal Stoffenmanagerb Local effect:B-averagec

Systemic effect:none

-high for localeffect and -veryhigh for systemiceffect (both VPs)

Local effect: II –medium riskSystemic effect: III –low risk

RISKOFDERMb Body Local effect: ModerateSystemic effect: no

Moderate for localand systemiceffects

Local effect: d

Systemic effect: d

Hands Local effect: ModerateSystemic effect: no

High for local andsystemic effects

Local effect: d

Systemic effect: d

VP= vapor pressure. Pa= Pascal. CS= control strategy.aHazard band class was assigned based on R-Irritating to skin.bDue to various vapor pressures listed in the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) at ˚C, Pa, < Pa, and < Pa, we used the minimum and maximumvalues for this tool.cFollow-up advice based on hazard class is “none.”dAccording to Table of Exxon Mobil Chemical (),[] risk score means “no special treatment,” means “exposure reduction, if easily accomplished,” and means “action necessary: primarily exposure reduction to be considered.


formaldehyde, it can be found at low concentrations inmany indoor environments, originating from furnishings,clothing, and other materials.

The second objective was to identify workplace con-ditions and practices that may contribute to exposures.We measured exposures to dry cleaning solvents whenfabrics were loaded and unloaded from the dry cleaningmachine and during pressing of fabrics. We also foundthat spraying of a SolvonK4-containing spotting solutioncontributed to butylal exposures.

The third objective was to determine potential routesof solvent exposure. We found that employees couldbe exposed by inhalation and dermally. We saw poten-tial dermal exposure to butylal when employees sprayedSolvonK4-containing spotting agents. Potential dermalexposure to both solvents also exists during still-cleaningoperations and while handling fabrics that have recentlybeen dry cleaned.

The fourth objective was to identify strategies tominimize exposures to the dry cleaning solvents andother chemicals. When cleaning the still bottoms, werecommended that employees wear eye protection anduse thicker (>8 mL) nitrile gloves for the DF-2000machines, and neoprene or butyl rubber for the SolvonK4machines.[29] We recommended that employees pour orbrush the SolvonK4 spot cleaner rather than spraying, andperform this task with adequate ventilation.We explainedthat spraying this spot cleaner may also create a fire haz-ard because SolvonK4 is a combustible liquid.[15] We rec-ommended that employees wear PPE when applying spotcleaners that contain SolvonK4, including safety glasses,a long sleeve shirt, and polyvinyl chloride or polyethy-lene protective gloves.[14,15] When using other spottingagents, we recommended that employees follow the prod-ucts’ safety data sheets. We also mentioned the value ofperiodically monitoring solvent exposures in shops thatuse SolvonK4, particularly if changes occurred in workpractices and conditions. We referred these small busi-nesses to local government agencies to help with thisendeavor. Finally, we explained to employees that sur-gical masks did not protect them against dust or sol-vents[22,23] and were not considered NIOSH-approvedrespirators.

The recommendations to reduce butylal expo-sures obtained from the CB tools were consistentwith those suggested from our industrial hygienesampling. These included general ventilation whileloading/unloading/hanging fabrics and when sprayingspot cleaners. The CB tools also advised reducing der-mal exposures to butylal while spraying spot cleaners.Although the CB tool recommendations did not requirespecial treatment after inadvertent contact with butylal,we suggested handwashing after solvent contact and

avoiding direct contact by wearing protective gloves anda long-sleeve shirt to prevent exposure.

A limitation of our study is that we only looked atfour shops, all were using relatively new dry cleaningmachines, and some had low workloads during the daysof our visit. These shops are not representative of alldry cleaning operations. Nonetheless, we believe this isthe first evaluation of employee exposures to DF-2000and SolvonK4. More work is needed to evaluate poten-tial exposures to these solvents at dry cleaning shops usingretrofitted dry cleaningmachines. For example, dry clean-ing machines that have been retrofitted from PERC to1-bromopropane have been previously documented as asource of solvent exposures to workers.[30]


Both SolvonK4 and DF-2000 are preferable in terms ofhuman health to PERC because they are not chlorinatedhydrocarbons. As an isoparaffinic hydrocarbon free ofaromatic hydrocarbons like benzene, the toxicologicalproperties of DF-2000 appear to be relatively well char-acterized in comparison to SolvonK4. However, indepen-dent toxicological studies have not been conducted onDF-2000, and the long-term respiratory and reproductivehuman health effects of SolvonK4 are unknown. Indepen-dent evaluation of the toxicological properties of thesealternative dry cleaning solvents is needed.

As the use of these solvents continues to increase, thereis a need to consider creating standard methodologiesusing the sampling and analytical methods developed forthis study.Additionally, asmore toxicological informationabout butylal becomes available, the CB tools inputs couldbe further refined to provide more specific recommenda-tions. An OEL for butylal could also be proposed as morehuman exposure, health, and toxicological data becomesavailable.


Thanks to Kelli Renaud (Bureau Veritas North America) andStephanie Pendergrass, Jim Arnold, and Charles Neumeister(NIOSH) formethod development and analytical support; GregBurr and Teresa Seitz for technical expertise and editorialreview; Ellen Galloway for editorial review; Marty Cohen andEddie Kasner for industrial hygiene field assistance; DonaldBooher andKarl Feldmann for logistics; and the journal review-ers for their valuable comments. The authors are also thankfulto the dry cleaning shop owners and employees that participatedin these evaluations.


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