Oct 1993

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  • 7/27/2019 Oct 1993


    Prez SezB .U .M .P . encouroges m em bers to

    u ol un te er to le od r id es e it he r l oc ol ly o r out o f tow n. In the post w e h ouetr ou ele d o s fo r o w o y o s N or th C o ro li no ,o r o s c lo se o s D o u bl e D o le M o un to in . I f y ou o re in te re ste d in le od in g 0 ride,

    pl eo se m en tio n it in 0 m e etin g, o r c olim e , to s c he du le w h en o nd w h e re .

    H ere o re so me b osic g Uid elin es tofo ll ow i n leod ing 0 B.U.M .P. r ide :1 . A llo w o t le os t 0 2 0 m i nu te g ro ce

    pe ri od fo r st ro gg le rs ot th e m ee tin g

    pl oc e.2 . P ro uid e m e m be rs w ith d ir ec tio ns o nh o w t o re o ch t he t ro il -h e od .3 . E s to b li sh 0 c o -I e od e r wh o i s f o m il io r w ith th e tr oil, to r id e w ith th e s lo w er riders.4 . W o it o t f or le s in th e tr oil o r tr ic le yd irec tio n c ho nge s to m o le e s ure y ou r g ro up g oe s th e r ig ht w o y.

    I n f ol lo w in g t he se f ew g uid el in es ,e u er y B . U .M . P . ri de s h ou ld b e s u cc e ss fu lo nd en jo yo ble f or 01 1 who po r ti c ipo t e.


    BUMP Takes On KentuckOn Sunday September 5th sixteenBUMP members rode the Kentuck trail in

    Talladega. There was some confusion

    about the meeting time so many of us

    who knew the way drove up

    independently to the trail-head in the

    Talladega National Forest. We apologize

    to anyone who was unable to make the

    ride due to this misunderstanding, we will

    be more organized in the future. The day

    was beautiful and it was less hot and

    humid than it had been all summer. The

    trail is an all terrain vehicle trail but we

    saw only three motorized vehicles. It is afun trail to ride because it is not technical

    and and is very fast with a lot of jumps

    on the down hills. This of course means

    that we had to climb up hills, and there

    was no shortage of long steep grueling

    climbs. Fortunately the trail was not too

    muddy as it is known to be even after

    moderate rains. There were no crashes

    or injuries, and everyone had fun.

    T H E T S H L I T R IPOn the last weekend of September, the

    B.U.M.P. club was successfully led on aweekend camping trip to the NantahalaNational Forest In North Carolina by WilliamOwens. About twenty in all, we camped atthe Turkey Creek camp grounds wherethey have hot showers, and great campsights by a babbling brook. Saturday wasovercast and threatening to rain, but It wasalso fairly cool. We rode the two newloops-about 14 miles total-before thestorm came (a number of riders rode the

    fITstone again in the rain,) and went out foran excellent late lunch at the NantahalaOutdoor Center. We spent the remainder ofthe afternoon watching the rafters andkayakers at the "water fall" a little up river.It looked like so much fun we vowed tocome back and ride the river one day. Thenext day a number our group did ride theriver In two-man duck rafts. Sunday was abeautiful day; our group was down to seven,and we rode the two longer loops totalingabout 23 miles. All the trails were rollingwtth only a few long and somewhat steephllls. About half of the time we were ridingon a two foot ledge high above the lakewhich was at an extremely low level,

    adding to the precarious feeling. Therewere very few technical challenges and a lotof great downhills so the trails were fast andfun, sl.m1larat times to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.

    No major crashes occurred, only a fewtraffic pile-ups. Allin all it was a great tripand we wtll go back.

    TRAIL WORK DAYPlease come to this month's trail

    work day on Saturday, October 9th. Weall enjoy using the trails, so l et's

    contribute to building and maintaining

    them. We will be meeting at the Park

    office at lOam, or just look for aU thecars with bikes on racks by the side of

    the r oad. We plan to ride after thework, around 2:00, and there will be a

    cook-out after the ride. Bring work

    gloves, a s nack or lunch and water;

    and for the cook-out, bring whateveryou want to cook and drink. Charcoal,condiments and paper plates etc. will

    be provided. Bring some friends.

    ~ 1 I D ~ ~ ~ 1 I D I T D c Q ]~ ~ ~ I T D ~ ~Dr. J uan Saxon on Lower Back Pain

    I don't really know that much about lowerback pain-it's not my area of expertise and Idon't have time to look it up. But a friend ofmine recentlyread that the abdomenmusclesareresponsiblefor the supportof the lowerback. Soitseems that building strong abdomen muscleswill diminish the problem of lower back painand reducesusceptibilityto injury. This appliesspecificallyto mountain bikingbecause the lower

    back is often a point of weakness and sorenessevenafter a routine ride with no spills. Stronger

    ab muscles will contribute toward totalendurance and better performancein bike riding.

    Jack & K im A g a in s t

    m I D & 1 m I D m I D @ 1 1 r n J m I D 1 1 ! i l lThe two of us set out on September

    16th to ride In Mammoth Mountain BikePark. We rented a couple of Paramounts

    fromthe park bike shop and took off. The

    firsttrail was called Beach Cruiser and It

    was like riding on the beach because the

    trail had been covered In gravel. it was a

    gradual up hili to the top of the mountain

    and Itwas a bear! After being completely

    blown on this firsttrail. we decided to take

    the gondola straight to the peak at 11.000

    feet. Thewinds at the top were about 50

    mph and the temperature was In the 40's.

    However. once we dropped a couple of

    thousand feet we were sheltered from the

    heavy winds and the temperature was

    very comfortable. Next we rode the

    famous Kamikaze...the most outrageous

    trailInthe world'. It Isa 10foot wide gravel

    road which stretches a couple of miles.

    and It Isextremely steep most of the way

    down. During races held here In mid-J uly.

    the professionalsride this trail at speeds of

    up to 55mph. Thelasttrail of the day was

    called Skid Marks. This was mostlyslngletrack starting from the top of the

    mountain. Tight switchbacks hurled us

    down the mountain at a high rate ofspeed.The scenery was spectacular but the trail

    required somuch concentration there was

    little time to appreciate the views.

    Everything considered. I wouldrecommend biking at Mammoth

    Mountain. but startout at the top.

  • 7/27/2019 Oct 1993


    ~ "~ggfptrrlfl ~by Hedda Rockhopper

    What father/son local bike storeowners were seen riding on the Red

    Trail Sunday September 19th?Solid citizen Senior was riding a

    good solid bike, wearing good solid

    gear, getting a good solid work-out.Good solid example Dad. remind meto spend a lot of money at yourstore.

    Meanwhile handsome debonair"ladles' man J unior was a walkingbillboard for his shop, sporting someof the latest, trlckest prototype, not yet

    available to mere mortals accou-trement-such as those new Shima noclipless fllpflops we've been hearingso much about (soles could be stiffer.he was observed experiencing sometechnical difficulties not unlike J ohn

    Tomac), and Specialized's new ultra-

    light Nlke Alr ... lnvlslble helmet.

    Rounding out the whole 'Rebel with-

    out a closed head-wound' look was

    his stylish cool-max-not T-shirt jersey

    and fleldsensor-hardly shorts. He was

    also touting the latest In high carb

    energy drinks called 'A-Bottle-Of-

    Wine", We don't know who makes It

    yet but rest assured we won't be

    caught on the trail without It-at least

    not on a Sunday we might run Into

    J unior (slgh).

    Support Group tormtngWhere do you turn for com-

    passionate understanding when you

    realize it has happened to you? What do

    you do with your angst and anxiety duringall those days and weeks of waiting,

    wondering and hoping? We know, weunderstand, because it has happened tous. Please join us for the CrackedFrame Support Group meeting at a

    time which will be announced. We will beaddressing such sensitive issues as:"What can I ride while waiting for thewarranty frame to arrive?" Or, "Should Ipay the difference and upgrade to alighter frame?" We'll tackle guilt issueslike "Could it have been my fault? We'llalso explore the question "Is thereanyone I can sue?" This is a complexemotionally charged time and you shouldnot go through it alone. For moreinformation call group co-leaders Barry at987-8510 or J enifer at 591-0990.

    R S K H U G H IEDear Hughie.

    I ride with a friend who yells at me everytime we get on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride "Don'thita tree!"and every time I hit a tree. What shouldI do? Georgeof the Jungle

    De ar Ge org e,I'm mm m not say ing thi s frie nd of yours

    is wellll .. .actual/y causing you to hita tree. It'suh...proba bly a matter in which some degreeo f i nt ro sp ec ti on m ig ht ... w el l, g iv e y ounecessary ins ight into what might really beg oin g o n. In th e m ea n tim e, IIII'd ...uhhh ... ride out of earshot of that particular


    Dear Hughie,I really like this guy at work and had been

    telling him about mountain biking. He saidhe'd like to ride with me and went out andboughta bike. When I saw it my heart sank. Itwas a Huffy! I don't understand, he seemed sotogether. Howcan I tell him I can't go ridingwith him now? Turned Offin Trussville

    Dear Turne d Of f,l ll lI can 't help but think your f riend's

    fau x pas was an uncon sci ous mo ve tosabotage any possibility of a future with you.This clearly indicates he is comfortable-evenaddicted to failure. There's really no doubt thathe is from a dysfunctional background; IIII'dsay, well . ..he was beaten by his father. This of course would point to your friend having ana bu si ve n at ur e a nd a t th .e v er y le as t, adrinking problem. Under no circumBtancesbecome involved with this human abyss o f selfrlestruetion unless you'd rather attend Alanonand Coda meetings than hang out with theBU MP cro wd and sw im in my pool. As far astelling him-welll l, don' t bother. l ll lI 'm surehe already knows it in his heart.

    P.S. I have nothing against self help groups. Ipla n to join the Cracked Fram e SupportGroup if anything ever happens to my bike.

    Dear Hughie,My friends and I get so confused when we

    talk about our biking experiences on theunnamed trails at Oak Mtn. When are wegoingto name these trails?

    Inarticulate in Inverness

    De ar Ina rtic ula te,Ill ll know wh at you mean. W e do need

    names for these trails. But . .. i f we don' t get around to naming them any t ime soon, you'rewelcome to use the l it tl e names I have for them. There are three sections that are as yet o ff ic ia lJJ unnamed. I ca ll them: The Newtrail , The Really New Trail , and The Top Of The Bump Trail You Know The Sec tion With

    Blo od Ro ck In It. Wh en I rel ate my bik ings tories using these names , uhhhh, I f ind my

    friend s are no mo re con fus ed tha n the y wo uldbe otherwise, if I were, oh...sa;[, talking aboutanything else. You know, Ill ll go so far as tosubmit these might make good official names.

    Ma ybe we sho uld vot e on it at at upcom ingmeeting of the BUMP club. Bring $20.00 for

    your me mb ers hip due s we ll see you the re.

    C alen dar of EventS

    October 2nd & 3rd-Chickasabogue Fat

    TireRacein Mobile,Alabama.RegistrationOct.

    2nd, 10amto 12pm. Moreinfo availableat


    October 9th-Trail Work day. Meetatthe Park office 10:00amSaturdaymorning.

    Therewill be a rideandcookoutafterward.

    October-The week before Halloween,

    tripto Moab,UtahfortheFatTireFestival.For

    moreinfocall ChuckWhitedat956-3767.

    November 13th-The MaddogMtn.Bike

    race held in Springville. Alabama. Race

    applicationsareavailableat HomewoodCycles.

    'h~@ f1Il1/'jI (@ 1 /'@ St@ '@ 'hFor Libra (Sept.23 to Oct. 22)

    Da y dream s can bri ng valua ble ins igh ts. Youhave reason to feel confident about the future.

    A lac k of warm th or openness affects certainrelationships now. Romance tacks a dramaticturn. Now is the perfect t ime to move forward,backward, o r s tay the same. C ha ng in g t o ageneric ultra-l ig ht h an dle ba r c ou ld b ri ngdisas trous resul ts in the near fu ture. ASpecialized More Extreme 2.5 S on the front anda Tioga Psycho Kevlar Beaded on the back willbe your best combo for bumpy trails withoutsuspension this month.

    ~Personals~Tree Trimming free estimates, call Leader

    Tree Service. 942-9128

    Wrongfui Crash? Have you ever been

    riding along just you and your endorphins and

    some green hanunerhead comes busting out of

    nowhere and creams you head-on? Don't take

    it lying down in the poison oak. Contact the

    Law firm of Barry, Barry and Hair for a free

    consultation. 987-8510

    Manitou II Front Suspension Fork only sixmonths .old. $200.00. Call Jenifer 591-0990

    SubmissionsIf you wish to write Hughie to solve

    your mountain biking related quandaries,to place an ad in the personals, or tosubmit information of any kind, write to:

    The GRINDER City Office, 5401 9thAvenue S outh, B'ham 35212.