October 22 Preview: “Dunwoody College of Technology...

Post on 10-Nov-2018

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Weekly Meetings 12:00 Noon Mondays Hilton, France Ave & 494 Mission

The Bloomington Noon Rotary Club

unites leaders to improve our commu-

nity and the world through service and


2017-2018 Officers:


Terry Low

Phone: 612-204-4921


Board Meetings:

Third Monday - 10:30 AM at the Hilton

President Elect:

Stephen Bariteau

Vice President:



Bob Erickson

Sergeant at Arms:

Paul Niederberger

Program Chair:

Pete Smyth and Diann Kirby

Past President:

Deb Newman

District Governor:

Irene Kelly

Executive Secretary:

Kathy Koehler



Directors: James Lucas, Andrea

Specht, Alex Gonzalez, Pete Smyth,

Angela Wandera, Brett Mortenson, Paul

Niederberger, and Carolyn Pratt

Mailing Address: P.O.Box 20300

Bloomington, MN USA 55420

Rotary in Bloomington

B l o o m i n g t o n N o o n , O c t o b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 8

October 22 Preview: “Dunwoody College of Technology”

Vocational Visit Host: President Richard Wagner, Ph.D.

Location: Dunwoody, 818 Dunwoody Blvd., Mpls, MN, Noon

2016 was a record year for opioid-related deaths in Hennepin County. We experienced 153 opioid-related deaths - a 39% increase over 2015. And, 70% of prescription drug abusers say that they obtained their supply of prescription medications

from friends and family.

The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office has launched a drug abuse prevention campaign called #NOverdose. As part of the campaign, the Sheriff’s Office has partnered with school-parent organizations, law enforcement agencies, elected officials, businesses, and health & community organizations to assist educating the community about current drug

dangers, trends and prevention. Join us to learn more about this program.

Richard W. "Rich" Stanek became the 27th Hennepin County Sheriff on January 1,

2007. Prior to this he served in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

Last Rotary year, we learned about the history of Dunwoody College of Technology. Several Ro-tarians expressed an interest in visiting the cam-pus. Dunwoody has invited us to visit and learn about their new expansion and get a chance to tour the new areas. Pre-registration is needed to provide the college with an accurate count for

lunch. Registration is through your clubrunner invite. If you have changes in your plans, please connect with Kathy Koehler so she can manage any late requests.


A shuttle has been arranged by the Hilton (France) which will leave the Hilton parking lot at 11:30. Please arrive at the Hilton around 11:15 if you want to ride. We gather at the school at NOON at the WEST entrance, enjoy our lunch and a short meeting. Then, President Dr. Richard Wagner will share about the new addi-

tions to Dunwoody and send us off on a short tour.

October 29 Preview: “Opioids and Mental Health”

Guest: Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek

Page 2

Greeter Schedule

Oct 22: Dunwoody

Oct 29: Stephen Bariteau

Nov 5: Ken Ritterspach

Nov 12: Veteran’s Day

Nov 19: open

Nov 26: open

Invocator Schedule

Oct 22: Kim Hansen

Oct 29: Alex Gonzalez

Nov 5: Jim Mortenson

Nov 12: Veterans Day

Nov 19: Dave Drummond

Nov 26: Dave Senness

Vocational Talks

October Birthdays

01 Larry Lee

18 Neil Peterson

19 Mary Kurth

27 Doodee Backstrom

October Anniversaries

13 Deb Newman 10 yrs

15 Les Fujitake 11 yrs

16 Don Stiles 17 yrs

19 Kellie Lowman 3 yrs

21 Dave Walock 15 yrs

30 Adam Johnston 17 yrs

R o t a r y i n B l o o m i n g t o n

October 8 Review: “Meals on Wheels” (MOW) Club Service

Location: St. Stephen Lutheran Church Contributed by: Alex Gonzalez

Nita Hughes, Executive Director of MOW, shared an overview, indicat-ing this program provides nutritious meals, 5 days a week, to home-bound people who are unable to cook for themselves. This helps peo-ple maintain their independence allowing clients to remain in the com-fort to their home. The meals are nutritionally balanced, low sodium and diabetically safe. Gluten free, vegetarian and puree are options to clients if needed. They are trying to provide more fresh fruit for their

clients as well.

They serve about 100-120 people a day in the area including Eden Prairie. There is no age nor income limit. The meal that we ate that day was $5.00 and it costs $4.25. Some of their clients are private pay. Some clients get 1 or 2 meals a week and some receive 5 meals a week. Mary, Oper-ations Director, shared with us that St. Stephen Lutheran Church allowed space in their kitchen for a new oven purchased with some funds from Metro MOW. This allows them to accommodate the needs of the new catering service, (Kitchen of Opportunities/Open Arms), that MOW has switched to. Nita and Mary thanked us for our volunteer driving and helping the community. (See more pho-

tos on page 3 RIB)

October 15 Review: “Normandale Lake Improvement Project”

Guest: Erica Sniegowski, Program/Project Manager

Have you walked around Normandale Lake and wondered what that green carpet on top of the water was? When summer’s heat

kicks in, have you wondered “what on earth is that smell”? I have.

Erica Sniegowski, Project Manager Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, presented on the causes of these issues at Normandale Lake and what Bloomington through its partnership with the Nine Mile

Creek Watershed District is doing to improve the health of the Lake.

The 116-acre Normandale Lake, with an average depth of three feet, was created in the late 70’s for the purpose of flood control. It has become a local attraction and it’s surrounding trails are used in-tensively for recreation. It is fed by Nine Mile creek which continues where the water departs the lake. It is this connection to the creek that has contributed to some of the issues facing the lake to-day. Water runoff into the creek system contributes phosphorus into the lake. When these levels reach a certain point, the lake develops algae which covers a good portion of the lake and contrib-utes to the smell as well as depriving the lake of oxygen. The other issue being dealt with is a com-mon one in Minnesota Lakes: invasive species. Curly-leaf pondweed really enjoys the conditions in

the lake and has taken over at the expense of most other plant species.

The project will deal with both issues. You likely noticed that the Lake was almost completely drained later this summer and early fall. That is phase one of the project. The lake is being drawn down to allow the lake bed to freeze this winter. This will kill most of the pondweed. What does remain will be treated with herbicide treatments over the next several years. To reduce the phosphorus level, before the lake is allowed to refill in the spring, the lake bed will receive an alum treatment which binds with phosphorus preventing its release and depriving the algae of its food source. When these steps are completed, the drain that has been used to empty the lake will be closed off in April and

Contributed by: Brett Mortenson

Normandale Lake Continued on Page 3

Page 3 R o t a r y i n B l o o m i n g t o n

Photos Contributed by: Becky Amble Images from our Meals on Wheels Service Project

the lake should refill in a few weeks.

Erica stated that we could all help improve the health of our lake by re-ducing water run off by building water gardens on our property. Cost share grants are available to reduce the cost associated with these projects. Additionally, she encouraged us to become involved with the Adopt-a-Drain program where families clean out plant debris from their local storm drains which reduces the phosphorus load in the system. Finally, she encouraged us to consider “smart

salting” of our parking areas and sidewalks to reduce the salinity of our water runoff.

For more information, visit www.blm.mn/nlwq or www.ninemilecreek.org/normandale To watch the webcam go to https://


Normandale Lake continued from page 2...

Distinguished Guests

Happy Bucks

Page 4 R o t a r y i n B l o o m i n g t o n

STRIVE needs your help. Mock Interviewers and Mentors needed!

Max went to homecoming at Jefferson High School last week. He stayed out late with his friends. They had a lot of fun. Max auditioned for the Jefferson production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. He has done some acting in the past. Max and his host brother joined his host sister at her dance lesson this week. School has been busy with his classes in advance of the MEA holiday that he is looking for-ward to which is this Wednesday through next Monday. There are no specific plans at this time.

Youth Exchange

Our personal news section is Happy Bucks this year. It is shared verbally as the Happy Bucks Hat is passed around the

room. Here are a few items shared this past week…

We learned that our guest speaker, Erica Sniegowski, is the daughter of former Rotarian Spence Schram. Kim Hansen reminded everyone of her “Conversations with Kim”, the most recent of which highlighted Chief Potts. Patty Schulz invited everyone to the Happy Hour at Wooden Hill Brewery. Keir Johnson reminded all that Masonic Charities has 2019 college scholarships available that are totally merit based and can be as large as $5,000. More infor-mation: website. Becky Amble had a successful Art Crawl in St. Paul. Don Stiles and Bob Erickson and spouses en-joyed a great organ concert at the newly renovated Northrup Hall. Andrea Specht and Dave Drummond commented on the recent Star Tribune review of Artistry’s Mary Poppins. The review did note that the production was very good. Deb

Belfry’s daughter was married in Grand Rapids last weekend. The sun did shine for her.

John Houle shared some family history of his wife Coral. Her mother and father, when small children, survived the Moose Lake fire of Oct 12, 1918. Coral recently toured the area and was very moved to remember the 453 lives lost and the 4,000 homes and businesses lost. Most were immigrants struggling to make a home here. Jamie Verbrugge (20 yrs), Terry Stirewalt (27 yrs) and Terry Low (11 yrs) and their spouses each celebrated a wedding anniversary last week. Jim Waldvogel shared that his hip replacement went well. Abul Sharah thanked all who attended and contributed to the IVC annual fundraiser celebration. It was successful. Dave Senness spent a great week in San Diego. Jim Casserly sur-vived babysitting for his 3 & 4 year old grandchildren. And, Deb Newman had a wonderful time in Italy. Deb also moved

out of her house and into temporary living quarters as she and her husband are completely rebuilding their home.

Greg Worthen, President, Richfield Bloomington Credit Union, Guest of Terry Stirewalt

Judie Mortenson, Spouse of Jim Mortenson Judie also helped deliver Meals on Wheels.

Fritz Frana, Guest of Paul Niederberger, Formerly part of Control Data

Angie Deegan, Guest of Andrea Specht, Executive Dir4ector MN, D, SD March of Dimes

Steve Gurney, Water Resources Manager, City of Bloomington, Guest of our speaker

STRIVE Mock Interviews set for Wednesday, November 14, 7:30 AM, Kennedy High School. We will need 38

Rotarians to assist. Please sign up at an upcoming meeting or email Don Stiles. Instructor: Deb Newman Also, with so many students attending this year for STRIVE. More Rotarians are needed at each of the meetings to serve as mentors...taking an interest in what the students discuss at the meetings. Just come if you are able. The meeting dates and times are listed in the RIB calendar.

Upcoming Meetings

Page 5

The Four-Way Test

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all


3. Will it build




4. Will it be


all concerned?

RIB Editor:

Karyn Arazi


Alex Gonzalez, Laura Schultz, Patty Schulz, Brett Mortenson, Karen Nordstrom


Bloomington Noon


P.O. Box 20300

Bloomington, MN 55420

Oct 20: Saturday “Club Social...Rotary Night at Artistry - Mary Poppins” 5:00 PM

Reception at the home of Leslie & Don Stiles with the play to follow at Artistry. $35.00

Oct 22: Monday Vocational Visit “Dunwoody College of Technology”

Oct 24: Wednesday “FAFSA Help at Kennedy High School” 5:30—8:00PM

Oct 24: Wednesday “STRIVE Meeting” 7:30 AM Instructor: Cheryl Martin

Oct 25: Thursday “First Student Hunger Collaborative Packing at VEAP” 5:15 PM

Oct 30: Tuesday “FAFSA Help at Jefferson High School” 5:30—8:00PM

Nov 1: Thursday “STRIVE Meeting” Kennedy HS 7:30 AM Instructor: Don Stiles

Nov 8: Tuesday “Reading to Children” Poplar Bridge Elementary, 5:30 to 8:00 PM

Nov 8: Tuesday “FAFSA Help at Jefferson High School” 5:30—8:00PM

Nov 3-4: Sat-Sun “Courage Kenny Classic Basketball Tournament” Hopkins High School

Nov 10: Saturday “City of Bloomington Veterans Appreciation Day” See pg 7 RIB

Nov 10: Saturday “Changemakers Ball” Minneapolis Armory 5:30 PM See pg 5 RIB

Nov 12: Monday “Veteran’s Day Luncheon” France Ave Hilton, 11:00 AM, See pg 6 RIB

Nov 14: Wednesday “STRIVE Mock Interviews” Kennedy High School 7:30 AM

Nov 19: Monday “Board of Directors Meeting” France Ave Hilton 10:30 AM

Dec 3: Monday “STRIVE Luncheon”

Dec 17: Monday “Board of Directors Meeting” France Ave Hilton 10:30 AM

Dec 17: Monday “No Meeting” Join us at the Holiday Party

Dec 24: Monday “No Meeting” Enjoy the winter holiday

Dec 31: Monday “No Meeting” Enjoy the New Year holiday

Oct 22: “Dunwoody Vocational Visit” Host: President Richard Wagner, Ph.D.

Oct 29: “Opioids and Mental Health” Guest: Sheriff Rich Stanek

Nov 5: “Rotary Club Assembly” Facilitator: President Terry Low

Nov 12: “Veteran’s Day Luncheon” Our club is Hosting the other Area 3 clubs. RSVP is

requested through your Clubrunner invite

Calendar of Events - SAVE the following DATES on your calendar!

Bloomington Television - BTV 14/859 HD or live streamed at blm.MN/BTV

(click on “Watch Live”).

Izaak Walton League and the Minnesota River 10/22 at 10:00 PM 10/23 at 4:00 AM; 10:00 AM; 4:00 PM 10/24 at 8:30 PM 10/25 at 2:30 AM; 8:30 AM; 2:30 PM Bloomington Rotary: School Safety 10/22 at 11:00 PM 10/23 at 5:00 AM; 11:00 AM; 5:00 PM 10/27 at 7:00 PM 10/28 at 1:00 AM; 7:00 AM; 1:00 PM

R o t a r y i n B l o o m i n g t o n

Web Addresses:

Bloomington Noon Rotary


Rotary International


Rotary District 5950


Meeting Make-ups


Rotary eClubs:




Shop the internet through:


“Like” us on Facebook and “Join” our group on Linkedin. In both cases the search keyword is

“Bloomington Noon Rotary MN”

Rick Kaufman School Safety

Rotary on Cable

FAFSA Help Needed! Sessions are set for Oct 24 at Kennedy High School from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. FAFSA help

sessions at Jefferson High School are Oct 30, and Nov 8 from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. We will have support from both Nor-mandale and Hennepin Tech at sessions. More volunteers are welcome. Please email Bob Erickson ericksonr@comcast.net with your availability to help at any or all of these sessions. As you probably recall from previous years, your help makes a huge difference to students and their families. Many of our stu-dents at both Jefferson and Kennedy will qualify for a full Pell grant of more than $6000 which does not have to be re-paid--and will cover most costs of attending either Normandale or Hennepin Tech.

Changemakers Ball Set for November 10th, 5:30 PM at the

Minneapolis Armory. Register here http://www.changemakersball.org/

Photos Contributed by: Becky Amble

Upcoming Opportunities...

Images from International Village Clinic Celebration

Special Southwest Metro Veteran’s Day Event

Bloomington Noon Rotary is hosting the Southwest Metro Veteran’s Day Event.

RSVP to Kathy Koehler for Bloomington Rotarians and their guests.

Or, register online here.

Angelica Cantanti

will be


City of Bloomington Veterans Appreciation Day - Saturday, November 10th

Poinsettia Sales Begin...

The Noon Rotary poinsettia fundraiser has started! Order forms were distributed on Monday but it's not too late to get one in person or by email! Debbie Belfry has

additional order forms and can answer questions at dbelfry@isd271.org.

We are selling red, white and marble poinsettias for $14 and $24. Make your con-

tacts early to secure your orders. Delivery will be December 3 at the Hilton.

We need an estimated count of plants by October 31. Please get your orders

in to Deb Belfry as soon as possible. We CAN add additional plants after that.