October 25, 2015 Reformation Sunday...Oct 04, 2015  · O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt...

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  • October 25, 2015

    Reformation Sunday

  • Our Mission In common with all churches we seek to:

    ^Worship God

    ^Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the scriptures

    ^Develop community

    ^Offer nurture through the pastoral care giving of our members and staff We call people to a life of:



    ^Spiritual development As a faith community we seek to be:

    ^An inviting church

    ^Offering hospitality and

    ^Encouragement to people in search of God.

    Our Vision We will organize our church as a center for:

    ^Spiritual development

    ^Music and the arts

    ^Urban mission

    ^Ecumenical cooperation

    Our Objectives We have some unique opportunities due to our Germantown location and

    congregational history. These include:

    ^Providing special programs for children and families in the local community

    ^Building a healthy, diverse congregation

    ^Developing an urban mission

    ^Developing a ministry of music and the arts

    ^Using our building and endowment creatively and responsibly

    The First Presbyterian Church in Germantown logo seen on the cover of this bulletin represents

    the multifaceted life of our energized congregation. The cross on the left symbolizes our Living

    Lord – the foundation upon which we build our faith. The harp in the yellow square represents our

    rich musical heritage, for we enjoy celebrating the gift of music in worship, workshops, and con-

    certs. It is important for us to share music with our community. The dove symbolizes serving –

    offering educational and mission opportunities through our many outreach activities. People – ac-

    tive and joy-filled – are represented in the red square on the right. We welcome all people to this

    church. We are a diverse congregation of many racial, ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic back-

    grounds. We are, indeed, alive, spirit-filled, and caring.

    The colors are reflective of the beautiful stained glass windows of the church. In fact, the colors

    of the logo were taken directly from The Christmas Window– “Thy light is come” made by Nicola

    D’Ascenzo and seen in the southwest corner of the nave.

    The First Presbyterian Church in Germantown –

    Alive, Celebrating & Serving the Living Lord!


  • In preparation for worship please take the opportunity to speak silently to God. At the close of the service let us greet one an other with cheerfulness.

    Please be sure that your cell phone is turned off during worship.


    October 25, 2015 Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost Reformation - Celebration Sunday



    Prelude: Hymn Sing Lindsay Mauck, song leader

    Welcome and Announcements

    †* Congregational Introit 2166: Christ Beside Me BUNESSAN This hymn is found in Sing the Faith

    †*Call to Worship From Psalm 34

    Leader: I will bless the LORD at all times;

    his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

    People: My soul makes its boast in the LORD;

    let the humble hear and be glad.

    O magnify the LORD with me,

    and let us exalt his name together.

    Leader: I sought the LORD, and he answered me,

    and delivered me from all my fears.

    Look to him, and be radiant;

    so your faces shall never be ashamed.

    People: O taste and see that the LORD is good;

    happy are those who take refuge in him.

    †*Hymn 260: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God EIN’ FESTE BURG (Please bring your donations for the Food Cupboard and Cents-Ability forward during this hymn.)


    Prayer of Confession (unison) Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer. We confess that it is too easy for us to

    sacrifice our convictions for convenience, your standards for status, your

    principals for promotion, your absolutes for our ambition, our souls for

    shallow and unsatisfying success. How easily we are seduced by power,

    prestige, pleasure, possessions – seduced into violating our integrity or

    harming our fellowship with you. From earth’s fullest bliss we turn to you

    again, unfulfilled. Forgive us our half-hearted devotion and our double-

    minded spirit. In the name of the one who refused to save himself we pray.

    Amen _______________________ *congregation standing † latecomers may be seated

  • Silent Meditation

    Assurance of Pardon

    †*Congregational Response 390: O Savior, in This Quiet Place (Verse 4) ST. STEPHEN

    You never said, “You ask too much,” To any troubled soul.

    I long to feel Your healing touch; Will You not make me whole?

    * Sharing the Peace of Christ

    Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.

    People: And also with you.

    (As worshipers, we come from diverse experiences and points of view. We have differ-ent racial, educational, and economic backgrounds. Yet we are all one in Christ. We symbolize this as we exchange with one another, by words and gestures, signs of peace and reconciliation such as, “The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you.”)


    Prayer for Illumination Abrianna Kendricks, reader

    The First Lesson Job 42:1-6

    Then Job answered the Lord: “I know that you can do all things, and that no pur-

    pose of yours can be thwarted. ‘Who is this that hides counsel without

    knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too won-

    derful for me, which I did not know. ‘Hear, and I will speak; I will question you,

    and you declare to me.’ I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my

    eye sees you; therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes.”

    Leader: God’s Word is a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path.

    People: Thanks be to God!

    Choir: Lord, I Stretch My Hands to You Jay Althouse Lord, I stretch my hands to You no other help I know, If You should leave me all alone, where

    then shall I go, Oh Lord. Lord, I stretch my hands to You oh Lord. I give my soul to You I seek

    Your care and love. No other blessings do I need but those from You above. Lord I ask You:

    Give me faith, and help me understand. And Lord, when I this life shall leave Just hold me in Your

    hand. Amen.

    The Second Lesson Mark 10:46-52

    They came to Jericho. As he and his disciples and a large crowd were leaving Jeri-

    cho, Bartimaeus son of Timaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting by the roadside. When

    he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout out and say, “Jesus, Son

    of David, have mercy on me!” Many sternly ordered him to be quiet, but he cried

    out even more loudly, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stood still and

    said, “Call him here.” And they called the blind man, saying to him, “Take heart;


  • get up, he is calling you.” So throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to

    Jesus. Then Jesus said to him, “What do you want me to do for you?” The blind

    man said to him, “My teacher, let me see again.” Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith

    has made you well.” Immediately he regained his sight and followed him on the


    Leader: God we thank you for your Word;

    People: The Story of your grace.

    †*Hymn 324: Open My Eyes That I May See OPEN MY EYES Sermon: EYES OPEN The Reverend Randal L. Bremer


    *Affirmation of Faith: The First Presbyterian Church in Germantown Covenant

    As members of the body of Christ and of this congregation of believers at

    The First Presbyterian Church in Germantown, we covenant to love and

    respect one another. Being human and therefore saved sinners, we pledge,

    with God’s help, to work for reconciliation among us and to be instruments

    of peace. Where there is injury, doubt, despair, or sadness, we will respond

    with forgiveness, faith, hope and joy. We covenant to be patient with one

    another, challenging ideas, not people, while listening respectfully to oth-

    ers. We seek to make every effort to understand one another and value what

    is expressed.

    As disciples, we pledge to be open to the Holy Spirit, contributing our gifts

    of all kinds, as God has provided, with joy and thanksgiving. We wish to be

    models to the wider community - models of love, forgiveness, hope and

    true diversity. We will demonstrate the love of God through our love and

    respect for each other.

    We pledge to work together to bring the glorious message of love, hope and

    peace to all.

    Prayers of the People

    The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,

    thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily

    bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not

    into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the

    power and the glory forever. Amen. Xx

    Offering of Our Gifts and Lives

    Offertory: Hear Me, Redeemer Henry Mollicone Hear me, Redeemer, send down your love to cleanse my soul. Lord of Lords, wash away my sinful

    ways, Show me the power of your love! Lord of Lords, shine your light through all my days, Show


  • 6

    me the power of your love! Hear me Redeemer, send down your love to cleanse my soul. Mighty

    God, take my hand and lead the way, Show me the power of your love! Mighty God, let me praise

    you every day, Show me the power of your love!


    *Congregational Response 592: Doxology OLD HUNDREDTH

    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

    Praise Him, all creatures here below;

    Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

    Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

    *Prayer of Dedication


    *Hymn 383: My Faith Looks Up to Thee OLIVET


    Lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility

    and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every ef-

    fort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

    May the grace of God, deeper than our imagination; the strength of Christ, strong-

    er than our need; and the communion of the Holy Spirit, richer than our loneli-

    ness, guide and sustain us today and in all our tomorrows.

    Congregational Response 585: Threefold Amen McNeil Robinson II

    *Postlude: Toccata in D-minor Johann Sebastian Bach

    WELCOME: If you are visiting with us today, please sign the Fellowship Pad at the end of your

    pew. We pray the hour will be meaningful to you and you will come and worship with us again.

    Everyone is cordially invited to a time of fellowship in the Jennings Room following the worship

    service. Please note the change of location.

    COFFEE HOUR: This week's coffee hour host: Communication Committee. Next week's host:

    Rose & Kerisha Johnson. The Congregational Development and Fellowship Committee would like

    to thank The Property Committee for supplying the munchies for coffee hour last Sunday.

    COFFEE HOUR: Thank you for volunteering to provide refreshments and helping with set-up

    and clean-up. In order to be able to attend the church service, please arrive at church by 9:00

    AM. A member of the Congregational Development and Fellowship Committee will be there to

    make the coffee and assist you with the set-up and clean-up following coffee hour. Please purchase

    enough for 70 people. Fruit, pastries, and cookies are all that is needed. The Half and Half,

    coffee, tea, and the juice are supplied by the committee . For questions & concerns please contact

    Mary Lundy at 215-927-4648. Thanks!

    REV. BREMER’S ADULT EDUCATION CLASS: Beginning this week Rev. Bremer’s class

    will be held in the Finney Room. This class is studying the book of Mark and is being offered Sun-

    day mornings at 11:30 AM and Monday evenings at 6:00 PM.


  • THE OCTOBER CHALLENGE OFFERING The Presbyterian Peace-making Offering is our

    Challenge Offering recipient for the month of October. Without a doubt, our world is in need of

    peace. On our streets and in our communities, within our households and in our relationships, with-

    in groups and between factions, among nations and within the whole global community, we need

    peace. Stark reminders of our need for peace confront us every day, calling us to act and inviting us

    to engage in the work and witness of peacemaking. The Presbyterian Peacemaking Offering pro-

    vides a concrete way for all of us to contribute to the work of peacemaking. A portion of the offer-

    ing goes to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), a portion goes to the Presbytery of Philadelphia and a

    portion remains here at The First Presbyterian Church in Germantown. “Peace I Leave with you;

    my peace I give to you.” (John 14:27)

    TO MY CHURCH FAMILY: The Patterson and Hedgman family would like to express their

    thanks and sincere appreciation for all the acts of kindness and love during our time of bereave-

    ment. — The Family.

    CRISIS MINISTRY RENOVATION: Join with us in a note of praise for the Crisis Ministry

    Renovation project. Our fundraising goal was $60,000. To date we have received payment of

    pledges of $66,204. Many folks gave more than they pledged. You may remember that we took out

    a loan of $60,000 from the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program to help pay for the renova-

    tions while we completed our fundraising. Thanks to our generous donors we have been able to

    pay the loan in full and pay for a few things that were not anticipated in our original plan.

    GACM FOOD CUPBOARD: The holiday season stirs within us a renewed spirit of generosity as

    we anxiously await an extended weekend that begins with a scrumptious turkey dinner. Yes, Thanks-

    giving is just 32 days away! Throughout the months of October and November we will collect food

    to stock the cupboard and help fill the holiday baskets we'll provide. In response to an increased

    amount of requests for paper towels, toilet tissue and toiletries, we also ask for those dona-

    tions. Last year GACM provided 248 holiday baskets. With your support we can again provide the

    means for many of our neighbors to enjoy a holiday meal.

    IHN is a unique program that supports homeless families as they travel the road toward finding

    permanent, affordable and secure housing. Barriers along the way often include a lack of permanent

    employment that provides a living wage and/or affordable childcare. Thanks to all who have pro-

    vided volunteer support to our current IHN hosting session. Our guests have expressed apprecia-

    tion for the warm welcome they've received here and the delicious food that has been provided. As

    we enter the third week of the program, service opportunities remain. To sign-up as a dinner, even-

    ing or overnight host, see Eileen Jones or Delores Solomon during Coffee Hour. You may also

    bring in juices, dessert or snacks to be especially enjoyed by the children in the program. IHN is one

    of many FPCG ministries that opens our door and enables us to offer help and hope at a time of

    need. Please keep all the families in your prayers.

    YOUTH GROUP TRICK OR TREAT PARTY: Leah and Drew Hood will be hosting their an-

    nual trick or treating event at their home on Duval Street in Germantown on Saturday October

    31 from 4:00 PM - 8:30 PM. Come in costume, share a meal, help our younger members and

    friends travel the neighborhood in search of candy and fun, and enjoy the warmth of an evening

    spent with people you love, or will soon love. All youth group age children, parents and grandpar-

    ents, and any and all adults who work with our young people in any of our ministries are welcome.


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    MISSION STUDY: A Mission Study Report is the first of several important steps toward choos-

    ing the next pastor for our church. The Elders of Session were charged with selecting those to

    make up the Mission Study Team. The Mission Study Team (MST) members are: Daniel Conner,

    Arlene Grace, Drew Hood, Dick Liberty, Rosy Walkenhorst, and Sam Whyte. Additionally, Kristi-

    na Ohemeng was selected by Session to be a representative of the future voice of our church.

    The Team will be using various resources such as: The Strategic Planning Report of 2012, The

    Rhebergen Report from 2013, findings of the Reconciliation Team, The Statistical Report of 2014,

    results of the seven Congregational Conversations, Our Covenant, and The Book of Order. The

    Presbytery's Committee for Congregations and Leadership (CCL) has provided guidelines for the

    study. Once the completed report is approved by Session it will go to the Committee for Congre-

    gations and Leadership for their approval. This is the first phase of several. A bulletin board dis-

    playing our progress through the process is planned.

    MESSIAH CHOIR REHEARSALS will begin Tuesday, November 10, from 7:00 PM till

    9:00 PM in the Choir Room. This years rehearsal schedule is very compact with the following re-

    hearsals dates: November 10, 17, 24 and December 1. The dress rehearsal with the orchestra will be

    on Saturday, December 5, beginning at 9:00 AM. The concert followed by the annual Christmas

    Dinner will be on Sunday, December 6, 2015, at 3:00 PM. Anyone interested in singing this won-

    derful, inspiring work should contact David Daugherty at 215-843-8811, extension 13 or by email


    CCDA CONFERENCE—NOVEMBER 11-14, 2015: Want to learn more about God's heart for

    our city? Looking for tangible ways to be involved in the transformation of our neighborhood?

    Need to be renewed, inspired, and equipped? Then the Christian Community Development Associ-

    ation (CCDA) is for you! The Annual CCDA conference is being held this year in Memphis, Ten-

    nessee. We'd like to get a small group of people from First Pres to attend this year's conference to-

    gether. Interested? Talk to Leah Hood or Christian Heyer-Rivera.

    HOUSING NEEDED for the African Children’s Choir Saturday night November 14, 2015.

    The choir will sing at First Church for our worship service on Sunday, November 15. We are look-

    ing for six host families to house the children and adult chaperones. The children are grouped

    into ‘family units’ and the breakdown is as follows: 2 homes with 1 adult and 4 boys, 2 homes with

    1 adult and three girls, 2 homes with 1 adult and 2 girls. For more information contact Dani How-

    ard at 215-247-6769 or Joan in the church office 215-843-8811, Extension 12.


    to submit announcements to be printed in the worship bulletin is noon on Wednesday. Send your

    announcements to David Daugherty at FPCG.Germantown@gmail.com.

  • 9

    Living With Life’s Losses:

    Recognizing and Receiving God’s Gift

    A Discussion Series for the Seasons of Thanksgiving and Advent

    Fridays, November 6, 13, 20; December 4, 11

    1:00 to 2:15 PM and 7:00 to 8:15 PM (identical sessions)

    In the Finney Room

    Led by Don Carlin, M. Div., FPCG deacon with hospice experience.

    (Questions: Call Don Carlin at 215-247-4196 or 215-847-7895.)

    “Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing” are four words the Apostle Paul used to summa-

    rize his life. In the midst of his significant losses, he was also able to live with joy,

    recognizing God’s amazing daily gifts.

    We all experience losses of various kinds that can really pile up – losses that may

    touch us deeply, especially during holiday seasons. But when we keep our eyes

    and hearts open, we can also experience the vast array of God’s gifts that keep

    coming our way, helping us in our grief and times of transition.

    Don Carlin will use insights and stories from Scripture and contemporary life, sup-

    plemented by insights and stories from those participants who are comfortable

    sharing from their own experiences. All are welcome to come, learn something

    Congregational Meeting &

    Stewardship Luncheon

    Sunday, November 8, 2015

    The meeting will begin immediately following the worship service in the sanctuary.

    The Luncheon will follow the meeting in Longstreth Auditorium

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  • Celebration Sunday Chancel Choir Rehearsal Worship Service—The Reverend Randal L. Bremer, preaching Coffee Hour—Finney Room Sunday School Adult Education—Reverend Bremer: The Gospel According to Mark Chancel Choir Adult Education—Reverend Bremer: The Gospel According to Mark Education Roundtable Organ Practice—June Batz CY Choirs Staff Meeting Staff Meeting Keystone State Boychoir Mission and Outreach Committee Keystone State Boychoir Gospel Choir Rehearsal Voices in Bronze Organ Practice—David Daugherty Drop-in-Center Keystone State Boychoir—Small Ensemble Rehearsal Keystone State Boychoir Open Gym All Youth Group Halloween Party All Saints’ Day Chancel Choir Rehearsal Readers’ Choice Worship Service—The Reverend Randal L. Bremer, preaching Coffee Hour—Finney Room Sunday School Adult Education—Reverend Bremer: The Gospel According to Mark Chancel Choir

    Sunday, October 25 8:45 AM

    10:00 AM 11:10 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM

    Monday, October 26

    6:00 PM

    Tuesday, October 27 9:30 AM

    10:00 AM 1:00 PM

    Wednesday, October 28

    3:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM

    Thursday, October 29

    6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:45 PM

    Friday, October 30

    2:00 PM 3:30 PM 5:00 PM

    Saturday, October 31

    8:00 AM 9:00 AM 3:00 PM

    Sunday, November 1

    8:45 AM 9:00 AM

    10:00 AM 11:10 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM



  • The First Presbyterian Church in Germantown 35 West Chelten Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144

    Phone 215-843-8811 FAX 888-333-5032 www.fpcgermantown.org

    First Church Staff

    Elders 2016 Denise Cowie Contina Lundy Lois Nafziger-Bethea Faith Wolford Madeline Valentine Clerk of Session

    2017 Andrew Hood Christopher Scott

    2018 Sherry Archer Carolyn Ballard-Freeman Robert Seed

    Church Officers

    Deacons 2016 Diane Filter Delores Solomon David Wolford

    2017 Randy Clever Linda Farlow Susan Mills Farrington

    2018 Don Carlin Vera Harrison Dani Howard

    Randal L. Bremer Kevin L. Porter Eileen Jones David C. Daugherty Sara Carter-Blanford Christian Heyer-Rivera Heidi Mercado-Littles Jesse Jacobs Joan Harris Cindy Osborne Terry Boyer, Tanieya Matthews, Illya (Jay. R.) Pasture

    Interim Pastor Director of Adult Education and Community Life

    Director of Urban Ministry Director of Music and Communication

    Director of the Gospel Choir Director of Christian Education

    Parish Visitor Facilities Superintendent Administrative Assistant

    Bookkeeper Sextons