Ocw Newsletter Januari2010 Defn

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TU Delft OpenCourseWare Newsletter January 2010


http://ocw.tudelft.nl | Bureau OpenER | Education and Student Affairs

E-mail: ocw@tudelft.nl

OCW Newsletter: OpenCourseWare TU Delft January 2010: Launch of new OCW website Presented to you here is the First OCW Newsletter of 2010. This way you can keep up to date on

the latest TU Delft OpenCoursesWare developments. The OCW Newsletter will appear once every quarter.

In this OCW Newsletter:

OpenCourseWare Launch | Renewed OCW website available | Expansion educational materials

towards new audiences | Next phase

OpenCourseWare Launch On Tuesday March 9th of 2010 Bureau OpenER will organise a festive launch of the new

OpenCourseWare website, as a demonstration of the new functionalities (the exact location will follow). You will also be able to experiment yourself. Subscription is possible by filling out the

form, which you can find at: http://ocw.tudelft.nl/about-opencourseware/opencourseware-launch

So make a note of the following:

OpenCourseWare website Launch Tuesday March 9th, 2010, 11.30 – 13.00 h.

Renewed OCW website available The last couple of months the renewal of the OpenCourseWare website took a lot of effort, paving the way towards more interaction options and community building in the field of

OpenCourseWare. Also the ease of use is improved for lecturers.

As of now, you can see the results of this First phase at http://ocw.tudelft.nl. The new OCW

website offers some new functions, thus having both direct and indirect consequences for you.

Lecturers can adjust courses by logging in with NetID Lecturers can login with their NetID and adjust the courses they are responsible for, to keep

these courses up to date for example.

The New TU Delft Corporate Identity offers new possibilities for structuring courses

The renewed OpenCourseWare website is shaped in the new TU Delft corporate identity. Also Bureau OpenER can copy courses onto the OpenCourseWare website as they have been set up in

Blackboard. Finally metadating on course level in stead of document level allows the structure of courses to depart from having to list all documents and links in automatic chronological order.

Thanks to these renewals it is now possible to better structure courses published on the OpenCourseWare website

What are the consequences? Bureau OpenER followd the structure of the courses as they were set up in Blackboard. By means

of your NetID you now can adjust the courses you yourself are responsible for. You can edit all

http://ocw.tudelft.nl | Bureau OpenER | Education and Student Affairs

E-mail: ocw@tudelft.nl

pages with exception of the pages ‘Course Home’ and ‘Course Information’. If you would like to make adjustments on a course then please contact Bureau OpenER(ocw@tudelft.nl) and add:

� Which courses you’d like to edit. � Your NetID, so that Bureau OpenER can grant you edit rights. If somebody else would

like to edit your course as well (i.e. a colleague or a student assistent), please provide us their NetID’s as well.

� DO NOTE: If you do not provide us with a NetID, you will not be able to edit courses.

After having provided Bureau OpenER with this information, Bureau OpenER will create a copy of

the course. This copy will not be available to others, only to you, or anybody of whom Bureau OpenER received NetID’s. The original course will stay available, so you can safely edit the copied


A manual is still under development, so if you have questions, you can best contact Bureau


After you edited a course satisfactorily, please inform Bureau OpenER. Also add which pages you specifically altered. Bureau OpenER will then make sure the adjustments you made will be

transferred to the original course, which is available to everyone on the website.

Links on your own website

Besides these new functionalities, the renewal of the website also means that some URL’s could differ from the old ones. Although Bureau OpenER tried hard to maintain all URL’s, we’d still like

to ask you to check your links:

If you have references to (pages of) the OpenCourseWare website, on your faculty’s page for

example, please check if these links will still function.

Expansion of Educational Materials towards new audiences Besides the functional renewals the OpenCourseWare also offers educational materials for new

audiences, such as Bachelor students and Secondary Education students.

Secondary Education The OpenCourseWare educational materials offer has been expanded towards Secondary

Education. Besides regular Bachelor Courses, NLT modules, Secondary Educational Cases and TU Delft Flash Lectures are offered too now. You can find these educational Materials at http://vwo-

lesmateriaal.tudelft.nl (all in Dutch).

The Secondary Education portal also offers room for introduction courses. These introduction

courses will offer a nice overview of the kind of education new students can expect when they sign up for a TU Delft study. These introduction courses can consist of already existing materials,

or of different courses for example.

Educational Materials for Bachelor students

The OpenCourseWare website will also be filled up with regular educational materials at Bachelors level. These kinds of educational materials can fulfill the same goal for Secondary

http://ocw.tudelft.nl | Bureau OpenER | Education and Student Affairs

E-mail: ocw@tudelft.nl

Education students, but also offer regular Bachelor students better insight in making their choices for minors for example.

Next phase The renewal of the OpenCourseWare website means finishing up a first phase, paving the way towards more community building. But to get there, there are a number of options to improve

the OpenCourseWare website and to involve lifelong learners as well as our own students more with OpenCourseWare.

The further development of the OpenCourseWare website will be shaped in different new phases. First off, a closer match between the OpenCourseWare website and the TU Delft website will be

realized. After that, many options are still open for the long term. Thus, we challenge you to think along and provide us with your ideas. So please do attend the Launch at Tuesday March

the 9th and exchange ideas!

Yours truly,

TU Delft Bureau OpenER

Education and Student Affairs E-mail: OCW@TUDelft.nl;