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Cold War History in the Middle East and Its Regional Traits

. , - ,

. , 1955 1967
. , 6
1979 -

. 1979

This study attempts to examine regional traits of the Cold War in the
Middle East by investigating its Cold War history. In particular, in de-
scribing the historical narratives, this research concentrates on the interac-
tion between effects of the global Cold War and variables of regional traits
such as Arab nationalism, the Arab-Israeli Conflict and Political Islam. First,
from the creation of the Baghdad Pact in 1955 to the outbreak of the Six-
Day War in 1967, this research traces the process of polarization of Arab
nations according to sphere of influence in the Cold War due to interaction

. 911
, 2011
2015 2 (IS: Islamic

‘ (The Greater Middle East Initiative)’


(Khalidi 2009, 10).


1 (Saddam Hussein) ,
, ,
(power-sharing democracy)
, ,
Lijphart(2005), Norris(2008) .
between Arab nationalism and American Cold War policy. Second, during
the period from the Six-Day War to the Camp David Accords in 1979,
this paper endeavors to show the limits of U.S. policy makers’ efforts to
mediate the Arab-Israeli conflict due to the priority given to victory in the
global Cold War rather than resolving regional problems. Lastly, this study
investigates the emergence of global jihad as a revolutionary metamorpho-
sis and consequence of interaction between American intervention in Af-
ghanistan and the expansion of Political Islam after 1979, when the Iranian
Revolution and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan occurred. The findings
from analytic descriptions of history reveal that regional traits of the Cold
War in the Middle East include transformations and an abandonment of
regional affairs and concerns, signifying ideological variables transcend-
ing the sphere of influence and autonomy of Middle Eastern states, and
inextricable linkage to the global Cold War.
key words the Middle East, Cold War history, regional
traits, Arab Nationalism, - Arab-Israeli Conflict,
Political Islam, Global Jihad
160 161

(Shlaim 1997, 291).

, - ,
1967 6 ,
2 .
3 .
2 (, the Middle East)
, ,


?” .

(Tibi 1992;
Gerges 1994; Sluglett 2013).

. ,

, , ,

(Halliday 2005, 97-98).
(PDRY: People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen)

. -

(Halliday 2005, 97-129).

162 163

( 2014, 9-10). 1958

, 1955


1956 10 (2 )
. 1956 3 ‘
(Omega Plan)’
, ,
, 1956 11

. , 1

. ,


1955 (Baghdad Pact) .
, , , 5
(MEDO: Middle East Defense Organization)

. MEDO (New Look)
(northern tier)



(Arab League) ,
164 165

(Malcome H. Kerr) ‘ (Arab Cold War)’
(Kerr 1971). 1984 1
(AUB: American University in Beirut)

‘ ’

, , , ,
(Halliday 1997, 15).
‘ ’


(Saud bin
Abdulaziz) --



(Takeyh 2000).
(Khadim al-Haramain)

(Gerges 2012a, 45).


166 167
NSC 5820/1
, 1950 -
1991, 256).
3 (W. Rostow)

. 1962 1
10 1)
, 2) , 3)
(Edward Mason)
(Abdel Moneim Kaissouni)
.4 1962 10 1963-65
4 3
(Gerges 1995, 294).
3 “Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy,
Washington 20, 1962,” in FRUS 1961-1963, Vol. 17, No. 171. (https://
4 “Paper Prepared in the Department of State, Washington, 1962,”
in FRUS 1961-1963, Vol. 17, No. 276. (https://history.state.gov/
. 1957 2

, .
5 ,

( 2014, 15-16).


. 1958 7
(Abd al-Karim Qasim)

(Red Fertile Crescent)’ .

168 169
1967 6 6 .

- . 6
(Gerges 2012b, 177-178).


(Gerges 2012b, 182). 6


, .


(Hawkish Missile) ,




. ,
(Shalom 1996).

170 171
2. 1970 -
1973 4 .

. -

, ‘(shuttle diplomacy)’
. ,
(Kissinger 1982).
. , 1973
(Halliday 2005, 116).

1970 9


(SAMs: Surface-to-Air
Missiles) .
1967 6 1973 4

6 -
. 6

172 173

“ (active
participant in the conflict)” (Gerges 2012a, 52-53).



, ‘, (step-by-step
diplomacy)’ (Gerges 2012a,
3 ‘ (Vietnam Syndrome)’
‘ (Egyptian Syndrome)’
, ,
, 1977
, 1979

‘ (honest broker)’ -

‘ (brokers of deceit)’ (Khalidi
2013). -

(William Quant)

(Quant 2005, 172; 236).
‘ ’

(Khalidi 2013, xxix).
1973 4
174 175
1935), (Hasan al-Banna, 190-49), (Said
Qutb, 1906-66)
‘ ’

( Jahilliya)

(al-Jihad), (al-Jamaa al-Islamiyya),
(al-Tahrir al-Islami),
(al-Takfir wa al-Hijra) (al-
(Qutb 2011, 18-48).

. 1979

. 1979

(Halliday 1997, 15).



1982 6
(Gerges 2012a,
54). PLO

(Halliday 2005, 117).
1987 (Intifadah)

(Halliday 2005, 118).
(Ayubi 1991).
(Muhammad Abduh, 1894-1905), (Rashid Rida, 1865-
176 177

(Alvandi 2014; Alvandi 2012).

-UAE (Tunbs) (Abu Musa)
, - (Shatt al-Arab)

. 52 444
1979 11




. ‘
(the first step in a longer journey)’ (Takeyh
2009, 89).

1979 (Reza Shah Pahlavi)
, (Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini)
(Islamic Republic of Iran) .

, , .
1953 CIA (Mossadeq)
1968 1 16, (Harold Wilson)

, 1971



178 179

. , 1979 2
(Adolph Pubs)
, 1979 3
. 1979 6 23 ,
8 6 (Cooley
2001, 36-38).
(Hafizullah Amin) . 1979

. 1979

KGB 1979 10

(Westad 2007, 316).

, 1980 -
(Takeyh 2009, 89).

(Gause III, 2010, 81-82).

(Vladimir Vinogradov)


(Westad 2007, 330).

1978 4 (Saur Revolution)
(Muhammad Daoud)
(PDPA: People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan)
(Nur Muhammad Taraki)
(DRA: Democratic Republic of
Afghanistan) .
180 181
32 , CIA

(Tanner 2010, 402-403). 1986 4
1987 270
1988 4 14 9
(Tanner 2010, 426-427).


“ ?
(Cooley 2001, 51-52),


. II

. ,

(Babrak Karmal)

. 1979
, ,

(Tanner 2010, 377).
, , 2
(SALT II) , 1980

(Tanner 2010, 384).
1980 2
(Zia ul-Haq)

‘ ’
(Westad 2007, 328-329).
. (ISI: Inter-
Services Intelligence) (Akhtar
Abdur Rahman Khan)
. 1981
182 183

(Westad 2007, 326).

(Westad 2007, 326).
(Turki al-Faisal)

(Burhanuddin Rabbani) (Jamiat-
(Westad 2007, 349).

. 1979
89 100

(Gerges 2011, 167-168).
‘ — —

(Gerges 2011, 166).

(Global Jihad)

. ‘
(far enemy)’

(Gerges 2009).

. ,
(Gulbuddin Hekmatyar)
(Hezb-i-Islami) .
, 7
184 185

(Gerges 2009, 85).

‘ (revolutionary metamorphosis)’

(Gerges 2009, 86).

, - ,


(Gerges 2011, 169).

. , ,


(doctrinaire jihadist)
(irredentist jihadist).

(Gerges 2009, 81).
. 1989
, ,

(Gerges 2011, 170). 2000

“ .

186 187


. 1950-
60 , 6

“ (tail
wagging the dog)” .
(Sykes-Picot Agreement),
(San Remo Conference), (Treaty of Sèvres)

. -
(Hussein–McMahon Correspondence)

1956 .


188 189
(Stein 2012, 206).




. 1967 6
(Sluglett 2013, 61).
1956 2


1957 (1956
) 1980 (
) .

. 1973 4

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African Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
, ()
