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Présentée par: XING Cheng

En vue de L'obtention du diplôme de: Phiioso~hiae Doctor

A été dûment acceptée par le juxy d'examen constitué de:

M . Allaite Claude, PIiD., présr-dent

Mr. Rigaud Michel, PhD-, membre et directeur de recherche

Mr. PeIton AuthurT PhD., membre

ML DalIaire S e m Ph& membre

1 wouid Iüce to express my deepest appreciation and suicere gratitude to my

supervisor, Rof. M. Rigaud, for his expert guidance, valuable advice and constant

support and encouragement-

I sincerely thank Dr. Claude Maire who has accepted to act as chainnan of the jury,

Dr. Authur Pelton and Dr. Serge DaiiaVe for accepting to be members of the jury.

In no particdar order, gratefbi acknowledgement is dso made to my fnends and

colleagues in CIREP, Mr. V. Kovac, Dr. S. Afkhar, Dr. CLJeng, Dr. S. Paico,

NSZhou, Z.Q.Guo, H.Q.He, and J. Sebbani, R Pelletier, N. Ntakabrnimvo, H. Rioux,

M. E. Perron A. Puiido and LJtebouiIIat for their Eendship, f h 5 d discussions and

vduable assistance.

Special thanks are aiso extended to Prof. L. Nan, Prof. V. Pandoffelii, Dr. X. Li, Dr.

N. Wang, F. B. Ye, Dr. W. Zhong, M. Lagace and I. Chamberlain for their constant

encouragement and help.

1 aiso sincerdy thank Mr. Jean-Philippe Bouchard for his great heIp with some

experimentaI works.

Finally, the author wouid Like to thank his f d y and in p&cuiar, to express his

deepest appreciation to his wife and son for their Iove, encouragement and constant

L'optimisation de bétons réfhctaires de MgO-Ai203, à base de magnésie, sans

ciment, à Liaison spineue, avec au moins 70% de magnésie, 5% d'alumine hydratable

comme üant hydraulique, a été accomplie. Les points principaux de cette mise au point

ont porté sur l'étude de la coulabilité de ces bétons et la stabilité dimensionnelle des

mélanges de magnésie et d'alumine7 et Ia détermination des propriétés physiques,

mécaniques et chimiques, notamment Ia résistance à la corrosion vis à vis de scories

basiques femtiques.

Les essais de couiabilité ont été conduits pour déterminer le type et la quantité de

déflocdant nécessaire. Pour cela, une procédure originale a été suivie, en isolant la

partie matrice des agrégats du béton et en mesurant des temps d'écoulement de

mérentes barbotines avec différents défloculantsT à partir d'un montage décrit dans

cette thèse. 11 a été par la suite démontré que ces mesures de temps correspondent très

bien avec des mesures de coulabilité sur les méIanges eux-mêmes ; cette procédure

expérimentde s'est avérée fiable, et nous a permis d'économiser temps et matériaux.

L'étude de la stabilité dllnensionnelIe des méIanges de magnésie et d'alumineT a

été conduite en établissant Les combes de dilatométrie de deux types distincts de

mélanges; l'un constitué de MgO, d'aiumine et de spineHe synthétique, l'autre avec en

plus addition de h é e de dice.

Dans Ia première catégorie de mélanges 35 compositions avec diverses

proportions ( O, 5 et IO%) de spineiie rkhe en aiirmine (a), de spineue riche en

magnésie (m6) et de spinelle stœchiométrique (AR78) ont été évalufies. II a été étabii

que la formation de spineIIe s'amorce à 1 100°C. Jusqu' à cette température, la dilatation

réversible des mélanges est contrôlée par Ia dilatation de Ia magnésie. De l 100°C à

I 600°C, I'expansion puis la contraction due au Ettage des particules sont contrôlées par

trois phénomènes concurrents: la dilatation continue des particules, la réaction de

formation de spinefle qui s'accompagne d'une forte augmentation de volume et le

fnttage des parthdes qui impose un rétrécissement important. Suite à des mesures

semiquantitatives de ciBiaction-X pour déterminer Ia quantite de spineiie in-situ

formée pour chaque composition, il a été possible de conéler Les effets d'expansion-

fnnage aux quantités respectives de magnésie (M), alumine (A) et spinelle synthétique

(MA) utilisées et de différencier le rôle des trois types de spineHe synthétique utilisés

(ARq0, MI&, AR7*). 11 a été principdement démontré qu'il était possible de limiter les

effets néfastes dûs à l'augmentation volumique in-situ, en ajustant les proportions de M,

A et MA. U a été aussi vérifié que dans les cas étudiés, Ia spinelle in-situ formée été de

type quasi-stœchioméûique. Suite à cette &ude centrale, pour la poursuite des travaux, ü

a été possibIe de prévoir Ia mise au point de bétons magnésiens avec des h i t e s de

variations dimensionnelles, lors de feur mise en œuvre, de l'ordre de I % ou moins.

Dans Ia deuxième catégorie d'essais dilatom~cpes, l'influence de failes

quanatés de h é e de silice (entre O et 3%) a été précisée sur des mélanges contenant O,

5 ou 10% de spinene n a 6té ainsi vérifié de nouveau qye cette addition ne

perturbe pas les limites de varÏations dirnensio~eks escomptées. Lors de tous ces

essais, Ies effets au refroidissement ont a w i été erwgistrePsS II a été possibIe de mettre

en évidence une température (dite TG daas la thèse, pour Température Gap) oii ii y a

systématiquement apparition de microfissures entre les grains de magnésie et de spinelle

formés in-situ, due à Ia ciifErence intrinsèque des coefficients d'expansion thermÏque

des deux oxydes.

Les effets dûs aux additions de spineiie synthétique et de b é e de silice sur les

propriétés physiques et mécaniques des bétons étudiés sont discutés au chapitre 5. Le

mppoa magnésie/aiumine total et Les quantités de spinene synthétique et de silice

influencent directement la porosité, la densité et le module de nrpturr à froid. L'ajout de

spineff e est néfaste aux propriétés mécaniques après cuisson a température intermédiaire

(lOOO°C) mais permet une amélioration des vaIews de moduie de rupture à chaud.

L'ajout de fumée de silice permet d'améliorer les propriétés mécaniques après cuisson à

température intermédiaire mais il est nuisibIe aux valeurs de moduie de rupture à chaud.

Dès lors, une proportion adéquate des deux ajouts est requise.

La mesure de la résistance à Ia corrosion des bétons vis-&-vis d'une scorie basique

ferritique (C/S=22 ; Fe2@=29%) a été effectuée en suivant la norme ASTM C-874, à

l'aide d'un four rotatif. L'effet de Ia nature du grain de spinefle utilisé a été étudié au

niveau de 5%. Les résuItats expérimentaux démontrent qw Ia résistance à la dissoiution

est amdiorée lorsqu'on utirise Le spinefie ARTs; I'ajout de & est le pius bénéfique

pour la résistance à la pen&atÎon; 17utElisation de AR90 n'est pas recommandable (en

rapport avec Ies ART8 et hl[R66) dans I e s bétons MgO-M203 étudiés

Les effets dûs à raddition de dice sur la réSIstance à Ia corrosion ont été

considérés en détd. La proportion la appmprÏée se situe au niveau de 1% tant

pour la résistance à Ia corrosion que pour L'amélioration des propriétés mécaniques,

après cuisson, à température intermédiaire. Avec pIus de 1% de silice, les propriétés de

corrosion décroissent-

Le contraste entre la résistance a ta corrosion de bétons, bien optimisés, de MgO-

AIz03 par rapport a un béton commercial du type A1203-Mg0 est aussi mis en

évidence, dans le chapitre 6. La résistance à Ia dissolution (érosion) des bétons MgO-

A203 est, comme compté, nettement çupérieure.

La caractérisation microstnicturde des bétons de Mg0-Ai2O3, avant et après

corrosion, a été effectuée a I'aide de la microscopie op* et électronique à baiayage

(MEB), avec analyses spectrales et aussi à I'aide d'un diffractométre a rayons-X. Trois

épaisseurs ont été clairement identinées sur Ies échantillons corrodés. La couche de

scorie résiduelle en face chaude, la zone pénétrée et la zone non-attaquée. La zone

pénétrée doit être divisée en deux sous-couches, I'une colorée plus poreuse, I'autre plus

dense et non coIorée. La zone colorée résuIte de la pénémation du fer, sous forme

d'oxyde de fer dans les grains de magnésie et de spineLie, ou le Fe0 se retrouve sous

forme de solution solide. Dans la zone incoIore, des phases de CMS et C3MS2 ont été

identifiées, témoignant ainsi de la pénétration du Ca0 et Si02 de Ia scorie. A 170rée

entre la zone colorée et ta zone hcolore, ià où ii y a densincation, une proportion accrue

de spineue, dite secondaire, sous forme acidaire, a été détectée; cette zone densinée

permettrait de minimrker L'importance de la pénétraton de la scorie.

Le but uitime de ce travd qui était de contriiuer au développement de bétons

basiques ad&pats pour être &sés dans les poches de codée d'aciers, à Ia Ligne de

laitier, n'a pas été atteint de façon pleinement satisfaisante- Ce travaii a néanmoins

permis de révéler les limitations intrinsèques des bétons a base de magnésie, qui

s'avèrent Limités pour leur faible résistance à la pénétration par les laitiers contenant des

oxydes de fer et par voie de conséquence à leur mauvaise résistance à l'écaillage

stnictural. La seuie solution semble être de développer dorénavant des bétons

magnésiens contenant du carbone et du graphite.

Les objectifs qui ont été atteints sont : le développement de bétons magnésiens,

sans ciment à liaison spineue, ayant surmonté les difficultés suivantes : la codabilité et

la prise de ces bétons en minimisant ITeau de gâchage requise, la stabilité volumique et

tes propriétés mécaniques après cuisson.

The optjmi;ration of rnagnesia-base& cernent-fiee and spinel bonded MgO-&O3

castables with more than 70% magnesia and 5% hydratable alumina as binder has been

conducted. The major aspects which have been covered dining this study are:

fi owabiiity , voIume stability, phy sical and mechanicd properties and corrosion


Flowability tests have been carried out to detennuie the appropriate defloccuiant

type and addition level. Based on the developed "Extracting-Matnu" method, the "flow-

timen of MgO, A&03 and castable ma& dunies have been tested with four m e s of

inorganic or organic defioccuiant at £ive addition levels each. The shortest "flow-tirneTt

corresponds to the most appropriate defloccdant. The flowability of Mg0-Aiz@

castables have then been predicted h m those ''fiow-then measurements, which aiso

correIate weiI with the physicai and mechanical properties of Mg0-Mz03 castables.

Volume stability study is divided into two parts, one emphases on the eEects of

pre-reacted spinel addition on thermal expansion behaviors, the other focuses on the

eEect of d ïca firme additions.

For the first part, tw five mixes in three series have been tested with additions of

O%, 5%, 10% pre-reacted spine1 A& (dumina-rich), m6 (magnesia-rich) and AR7ii

(ciose to stochoiomtnc) respectiveIyY The startmg temperature of ininsitu spÏnei formed Ïs

aromid I IOOaC. The reversiiIe thermai expansion coefficient of MgO-&@ castable

corresponds to the expaflsion of the magnesia for temperatme up to IIOO°C. Above

1 100°C, the t h e d expansion of Mg0-AI2@ castable is consistent with

phenomenologicd mode1 with three distinct contn'butions: the reversible thermal

expansion of Mg0 aggregate, the volume exchange due to the formation of spinel tiom

the reaction of MgO, Al2O3 and the hi& temperature shnnkage fiom fine powders


By means of X-ray quantitative analysis, the relationships among maximum

thennd expansion, in-situ spinel formation and pre-reacted spinel addition are

established. The mSuUmum thermal expansion is proportional to the amount of in-situ

spinel formed; adding pre-reacted spinel into the mixes, does reduce the maxULlum

thermd expansion. However, the themd expansion behavior of AR90 in the castable is

Werent f?om MR(j6 and ARls, due to the m e r reachn between A b o and Mg0 in the

castable mkx

The temperature at maxUnw11 thermal expansion (Tm=) is strongly related to the ratio

of M g 0 to Ai203 in the castable mDr. With an increase of pre-reacted spinel addition,

Tm, goes v- Adding pre-reacted spinel aiso can compensate for permanent hear change of

MgO-MZ03 cambles.

For the second p q nIica fume was added at 0.3% to ten motes of two series, with

or without pre-reacted spinel A& addition. With süica fume addition, the in-situ spine1

formation is enhanced. Addmg SiIica fûme into castable doesn't change the themai

expansion behavior beIow IIOOaC, but does at bigher temperatUreV increasing the

maximum t h 4 expansion and decreasiag the temperature at maximum t h d

expansion. The additional level also remarkabIy affects themai expansion of MgO-

N203 castable at high temperature. Adding pre-reacted spuiel AR7* st i i i can controI the


The sintering shrinkage duruig nrst cycle cooling is also addressed with both pre-

reacted spinel and silica additions. The bepinnuig temperature of gap formation (TG) is

a hc t ion of dumina content, the SiOz and the pre-reacted spinel amount Ui Mg0-Aiz03

castable mixes. By adding pre-reacted spinel, TG formation increases, however, with the

addition of siIica h e , the TG formation decreases.

The effects of pre-reacted spinel and SiOl fume addition on physical and

mechani*cd properties of Mg0-&O3 castable are disnissed in Chapter 5. The Mg0 to

N2O3 ratio in the mix, the amount of pre-reacted spine1 and the sika h e used

significantiy influence the porosity, the bulk density and the cold modulus of ruphme.

Properties afker nring nt intermediate temperature (lOOO°C) are reduced with pre-reacted

spine1 additions, but the hot modulus of rupture can be Ïncreased thereby. S i 9 fume can

be used to iinprove intermediate temperature strength, but due to h a d effect on

HMOR an appropriate amount has to be selected.

Corrosion resistance meastuement in highiy femtic basic slag (Fe03: 29%, C/S:

2.2) was conducted through rotary slag testing. For the purpose of cornparison, thBe

différent grades of pre-reacted spine1 A h , ART8 and m6 were ais0 adopted

respectively. It shows that the erosion resistance are hproved by addhg 5% of ARTB.

Adding 5% bf&6 is beneficid for the penetdon resistaoce, however, A b is not

appropriate for MgO-N203 castabIe.

The effects of Si02 fume addition on corrosion resistance are considered in

detds. With the proper arnomt, up to 1% silica fume, not oniy the intemediate

temperature strength has been improved, but the corrosion resistance has not beeo

aBected in cornparison with a castabie without SiO2 addition.

The contrast of corrosion regstance between optimized Mg0-&O3 castable and

commercial m3-MA castable is ais0 given in Chapter 6. The erosion resistance of

MgO-N203 castable in femtic basic slag is much higher than that of Ai203-MA

castab le.

The microstructurd characteristics of coroded Mg0-&Os castable have been

analyzed through OPM, SEM, EDS and X-Ray diflhction. Three different Iayers, a slag

Iayer, a penetrated layer and an unattacked Iayer are distinguishable in the castable. Due

to FeO, Cao, SiOz penetmtion, the penetrated Iayer appears successively as a colored

dense, a colored porous and an uncolored dense sub-Iayers. The microstructurai analyses

showed that both Mg0 and MA capture Fe0 fiom siag to form sohd soIutions. Needie

crystais of C2S are abundantIy distrÏibuted in the slag Iayer, while the Iow meIting phases

in the system Cao-Mg0-Si02-(FeXO-MnO-Ti02) and (Mg, Feh,O. (Mg, Fe)(Fe&)204

do appear in the penetration Iayer. The mixed Mg0 (with solid solutions), primary spinel

(wàh solid solutions) and a great amount of precipitated anguiar secondary spinel

formed the coiored dense Iayer, and this dense Iayer do protect the m e r penetration

£kom siag.

The purpose of this work which was to conm%ute to the deveiopment of suitable

basic castable, to be used m ladie steeimaknrg appfications at the sIag Iine zone, has not

been met This thesis has nevertheless reveded the intrinsic limitations of the rnagnesia

based castabies, which are plagued by their poor resistance to penetration to slags

containing iron oxide and hence their poor structural spaiiîng resistance. The only

foreseen solution wil i be the development of basic castables containing carbons.

The objectives that have been met are: the development of cernent-fke, spinel-

bonded, rnagnesia based castables, having resolved the following issues: the flowabiiity

and setting minimizing, the water demand, the volume stabiiity and the mechanicd

properties after h g as weii as erosion resistance,

Cette thèse a pour titre « L'optimisation de la composition de bétons magnésiens,

sans cimenk à Liaison spinelle N. Elle a été amorcée en septembre 1995, dans le but

ultime de contribuer au développement de bétons adéquats pour le garnissage des parois

de travail des poches de codée d'aciers, en sidérurgie. Ces bétons devaient répondre

aux exigences d'utilisation dans la zone dite ligne de laitier, c'estd-dire qu'ïis devaient

avoir avant tout une excellente résistance à la corrosion des scories basiques, donc une

excellente réfkictairité à 1600aC, aussi une bonne résistance à l'écaillage et aux chocs


Ce développement faisait partie des priorités des partenaires industriels associés

au financement de la Chaire des Matériaux Réhcactaires du Conseii de Recherche en

Sciences NatureIIes et en Génie du Canada (CRSNG) et constituait un des éIéments d'un

projet plus vaste sur ['étude des bétons dans Ie système Mg0-AL2O3-SiO1_. Ce travail

porte sur le pôle magnésie, ces bétons devant contenir a priori 70% de MgO, par

opposition aux b&om dits N basiques » présentement connus, mais centrés sur le pôIe

alumine avec au plus IO à 12% de magnésie. Pour préserver Ia réfkctairit6, 3 iI décidé

de travailler avec des Liaisons spmeiies, donc avec ajout d'alumine etlou de spinefle

(MgA1204), et par conséquent de pridégier dès le départ des bétons, sans ciment, les

Liens hydrauiicpes à température ambiante et à basses températures étant assurés par

['ajout d'alumine hydratable, dae dumine-p. II était en effet reconnu dès Ie départ que

tout ajout de chaux (Cao) dans ce systéme conduirait infaillziblement à la formation de

composés binaires et temaires à bas point de fusion, surtout en présence de silice.

La thèse a donc porté sur une cIasse de béton n'ayant aucun équivdent

commercial au dépar~ 11 s'agissait d'entamer un travail origioai, pour surmonter les

deux difficultés prévisibles suivantes : l'hydratation poussée de la magnésie et la perte

de cohésion des bétons entre 800°C et 1000°C et ensuite de mesurer l'avantage des

compositions riches en magnésie par rapport aux compositions riches en dinnineT en ce

qui a trait à la résistance à Ia corrosion par des scories basiques d'aciérage.

Dans une thèse précédente élaborée au sein de la Chaire des Matériaux

Réfhctaires, Ning Wang (88) « Sphel Bonded Magnesia Based CastabIes with

Hydratable Mumina as Binder », Ph9. 1996, avait démontré qu'il était possible

d'élaborer des bétons a partir de magnésie et d'alumine pure, mais que L'expansion

thermique rémitant de la formation in situ de spinelle selon la réaction MgOtMfi +

MgA1204, devait être contrôlée, ce qui limitait les quantités respectives des particules

h e s , par ailleurs requises. II fut décidé de contrer ce probkme en partant avec des

compositions comprenant, en plus de Ia magnésie et de l'alumine, du spineile

synthétiqueT c'est-à-dire des agrégats de MgA1204 pré-synthétisés.

Le kava. expérimentai a donc poaé, i) sur i'étude détaillée de Ia stabilité

drmeIlSiorneUe des méianges de magnésie, alumine et spmeiIe avec ou sans addition de

microsilice (de O à 2% poids), E) sur L'étude systématique de Ia codabilité de bétons

comprenant ces trois principaux (Ma, A& et M@i2O4) en fondon de la

nature et de Ia quantite de dEffirents addit& dispersants, 53 sur Ia déternirnation des

propriétés physiques, mécaniques et chimiques de ces bétons. Ces trois aspects sont

traités aux chapitres 3,4,5 et 6 de la thèse. En guise d'introduction, au chapitre 1, sont

repris les buts et objectifs déjà énoncés et le contexte général déjà boqué, à partir

desquels la thèse a été menée- Le chapitre 2 sert a décrire brièvement l'état des

connaissaoces sur les bétons utilisés en sidérurgie, et L'évolution de la technologie

depuis 1960. II en découle, en condensé, que de nos jours, certains utilisent des bétons

riches en alumine avec addition de spinelle et d'autres avec addition de magnésie et de

spinelle dans les fonds et le bas des parois des poches, mais que ces matériaux sont

inadéquats pour gamir les Iignes de laitier. En fait on doit recourir là à des briques de

magnésie-carbone ce qui empêche de promouvoir la solution des poches entièrement en

béton. Ceci est reconnu comme un désavantage majeur.

L'étude de la stabilité dimensionnelle des mélanges de magnésie et d'alumine a

été conduite en établissant les courbes de dilatométrie de deux types distincts de

mélanges ; I'un constitué de MgO, d'alumine et de spinelle synthétique, l'autre avec en

plus addition de fumée de silice.

Dans la premiere catégorie de mélanges, 35 compositions avec diverses

proportions (0,s et 10%) de spinelle riche en alinnine (&), de spinelle riche en

magnésie (b&j6) et de spinene stœchiom~cpe (AR7*) ont été évaiuées. 11 a été étabii

que la formation de spineue s'amorce à 1 100°C. lusqu'à cette temphture, la dilatation

révem't,Ie des méIanges est contrôlée par la dÎIatation de la magnésie. De 1100°C à

1 600uC, I'expansion puis La contraction due au frittage des particules sont contrôlées par

trois phénomènes concurrents : Ia dilatation conthe des partiniles, La réaction de

formation de spineue qui s'accompagne d'me forte augmentation de volume et le

fnttage des particules qui impose un rétrécissement important. Suite à des mesures

semiquantitatives de difiction-X pou. déterminer la quantité de spineLIe in situ formée

pour chaque composition, il a été possible de corréler I e s effets d'exp-on-nittage aux

quantitks respectives de magnésie (M), ahmine (A) et spineîle synthétique (MA)

utüisées et de diffhncier le rôle des trois types de spineile synthétique utilisés

(ARPo, M h 6 , AR78). U a été principalement démontré qu'il était possible de LUniter les

effets néfastes dus à l'augmentation volumique in situ, en ajustant les proportions de M,

A et MA. U a été a& vérifié que dans les cas étudiés, la spinelle in situ formée était de

type quasi-stœchiométrique. Suite à cette étude centraie, pour la poursuite des travaux,

il a été possible de prévoir la mise au point de bétons magnésiens avec des limites de

variations dimensionneIles, lors de leur mise en œuvre, de ['ordre de i % ou moins,

Daos Ia deuxième catégorie d'essais dilatométriques, L'uinuence de fabIes

q d é s de fumée de siIice (entre O et 3%) a été précisée sur des mélanges contenant

5% ou 10% de spinelle ART8. II a été ainsi vérifié de nouveau que cette addmon ne

perturbe pas Ies M e s de variations dimensionneiIes escomptées. Lors de tous ces

essais, les effets au rehidissement ont aussi été enregistrés. [I a été possible de mettre

en évidence une températw (dite TG dans la thèse, pour Température Gap) où il y a

systématiquement apparition de micro fissures entre les grains de magnésie et de

spinelle formés in situ, due à Ia différence intrinsèque des coefncients GexpSiIlSion

thermique des deux oxydes.

Cette étude détaillée de la stabilité d2memionneiIe des mélanges de magnésie et

d'alumine a donc complété de façon définitive Ies travaux de mon coiiègue Ning Wang

(88) déjà cités, tout en confkmant Ies travaux récents de 2. Nakagaura (l4,17).

Quant aux essais de coulabilité ils ont été conduits pour déterminer le type et la

quantité de défloculants à base de iigno~uiphonate~ de sulfite, de phosphate et de sels

organiques, a des niveaux de 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0 et 10.0% poids ont été utilisés. Une

méthode onginaie dite d'extraction de la matrice du béton est considérée séparément.

On mesure dors un temps d'écoulement d'une quantité fixe de barbotine avec

défloculant d'un entonnoir que l'on fait vibrer. II a ét6 démontré dans cette thèse qw

ces mesures de temps d'écoulement correspondent aux mesures de couiabilité sur les

mélanges de béton eux-mêmes' Ia corrélation obtenue entre Ies deux mesures étant

statistiquement vaiable cette procédure expérimentale s'est avérée fiable et a permis

d'économiser temps et matériaux. À parth de ces essais de couiabilité, il a &ne été

possible de fixer les distrÎ'bUtions grandométriques des constituants solides des bétons et

les quantités minimaies d'eau de gâchage sur un ensembIe de soutantequatorze

compositions comprenant des additions de trois types de spineue synthétique : la

spinelle AR-90, riche en alumine, la spinefle AR-78, dite stachiométrique, et Ia spineiie

MR-66, riche en magnésie ; et diffirents additifs (19) au niveau des %es dont Ia üste se

retrouve au tableau 5.11, en page 112. Les compositions évluéées sont définies aux

tableaux 5.1 à 5-10 ; enes comprennent aussi des compositions de magnésie-diunine

sans spinelie, une série de 5 compositions, répétées 2 fois pour pouvoir comparer avec

des compositions contenant 5 et IO% d'un des 3 spmeks synthétiques considérés.

Les effets dus aux additions de spinelle synthétique et de fumée de silice sur Ies

propriétés physiques et mécaniques des bétons étudiés sont discutés au chapitre 5. Le

rapport magnésiddumine totai et les quantités de spinelle synthétique et de silice

innuencent directement la porosité, la densité et le module de rupture à froid. L'ajout de

spinelle est néfaste aux propriétés mécaniques après cuisson à température intermédiaire

(lOOO°C) mais permet une amélioration des valeurs de module de rupture à chaud.

L'ajout de fumée de silice permet d'améliorer Les propriétés mécaniques après cuisson a

tempérame intermédiaire mais il est nuisiMe aux valeurs de module de ntpture à chaud.

Dès lors, une proportion adéquate des deux ajouts est requise.

La mesure de Ia résistance à la corrosion des bétons vis-à-vis d'une scorie

basique Femtique (C/S=2.2 ; Fe203=29%) a été effectuée en suivant la norme ASTM C-

874, i I'aide d'un four rotatX L'effet de la nature du grain de spinelie utilisé a été

étudiée au niveau de 5%. Les résultats expérimentaux démontrent que Ia résistance a Ia

dissoIution est améIÏorée Ionqu'on d i s e le spineffe AR7g ; I'ajout de est Le plus

bénéfique pour Ia résistance a Ia pénétration ; L'utilisation de & n'est pas

recommandable (en rapport avec les A b et m) dans les bétons Mg0-A1203 étudiés.

Les effets dus à I'addition de &ce sur la résistance à la corrosion ont été

considérés en détail. La proportion la mieux appropriée se situe au niveau de 1% tant

pour Ia résistance à Ia corrosion que pour I'amélioration des popnétés mécaniques,

après cuisson, à température intermédiaireaire Avec pIns de 1% de silice, tes propriétés de

corrosion décroissent,

Le contraste entre Ia résistance à la corrosion de bétons, bien optimisés, de Mg&

M203 par rapport à un béton commercial du type AI2&-Mg0 est aussi mis en évÏdence,

dans le chapitre 6. La résistance ii la dissoIution (érosion) des bétons de Mg0-A1203 est,

comme escomptée, nettement supérieure.

La caractérisation microstructurale des bétons de Mg0-Aiz03, avant et après

comsion, a été effectuée à l'aide de la microscopie optique et électronique a balayage

(MEB), avec analyses spectrales et aussi à L'aide d'un diffiactomètre à rayons-X. Trois

épaisseurs ont été clairement identifiées sur les échantilIons corrodés. La couche de

scorie résiduele en face chaude, Ia zone pénétrée et la zone non-attaquée. La zone

pénétrée doit être divisée en deux sous-couches, l'une colorée plus poreuse. l'autre plus

dense et non colorée. La zone colorée résulte de la pénétration du fer. sous forme

d'oxyde de fer dans les grains de magnésie et de spinelle, où le Fe0 se retrouve sous

forme de solution soüde. Dans la zone incolore, des phases de CMS et C3MS2 ont été

identinées, témoignant ainsi de la pénétration du Ca0 et SiOz de la scorie. A I'orée

entre la zone colorée et la zone incolore, I i i ou il y a densincation, une proportion accrue

de spinelle, dite secondaire, sous forme acicdaire, a été détectée ; cette zone densinée

permettrait de minimiser rimpoaance de la pénétration de la scorie.

Au total, cette thése a permis de rkvéier les limitations intrinsèques des bétons a

base de magnésie, qui s'avèrent W 6 s par Ieur faible résistance à la pénétration par les

S C O ~ ~ S contenant de i'owde de fer et par voie de consequence à Iern mauvaise

résistance à i'écaillage structm?iI. La sede sohtion pour Ies bétons magnésiens sembIe

&e de dé,veIopper dorénavant des bétons contenant du carbone et du graphae. Cette

soIution est attrayante parce que d'une part il a été prouvé que les bétons magnésiens

développés dans cette thèse possèdent une excellente résistance à la corrosion-

dissolution par les scories d'aciérage et que d'autre part Ia solution magnésie-graphite

sous forme de brique, offre des performances imbattables à date.


............................................................. CHAPETR 1 INTRODUCTION I,


S-G APPLICATIONS ....................~................. 13

Introduction .................................................................................. i3

MgO-M203 System ........................................................................ -15

................................................... 22.1 MgO, N203 and SolidSoIutions 15

................... ............................... 2 2 2 Reactivity ofMg0 and &O3 .. 19

.................... . ......*............................ 2.23 Spinel Structure ... ... ...2

MgO-based Castables ..................................................................... 2 3

..................................... 23.1 Hydration Resistance of Magnesia CInikers .24

.......................... 2.3. I . I Hydration of MagneGa ..................... .. 24 Wect of Impinities on the Hydration of Magnesia

CIinkers ....................................................................... 25

2.3.1 -3 Improvement for Mg0 Hydration Resistance with

Additives .................................................................. 36

2.3 -2 Binders for MgO-based Castables ............................................... - 2 8

3 2.3.3 Bonding for MgO-based Castables .................... .. ......................... 30 9 .... ................................ ForstenteBonding ......+............ 30

.............................................................. 23 3.2 Spinel Bonding 31

-7 Other Bondings ............................................................. J-

2.4 Spinel Boaded AIzOrbased Castables .................................................. -33

3 ................................................... .......... 2.4. I w r M A Castables .. -33

......................... ............................. 2.42 A1203-Mg0 Castables .... 37

2.5 Summary ..................................................... -0


3.1 Experimentd hocedure ................... .......C........C..........C..C.C.....C....... -42

3.2 Resuit~ and Discussion ...................................................................... 44

3 2.1 EfEects of Différent Deff occdants on Flow Thne of Mg0 and

........................................................ %O3 SIurrïes .............-. 44

3.22 Effects of DBerent Defloccdants on FIow T h e of MgOOA1203

Mixtrire SImy ................................................................... ...47

3 -3 CorreIatÎon between Ma& " F I ~ w - ~ m e ~ and Castab te "FIow-ValueZS ............. 50

3.4 Correlation of "Flow-Times" and "Flow-Values" with Physicd and

Mechanical Properties of MgO-M203 Castable Mix .................................. 52


-S.* .*....*..................................................... *..*.****.*.***54

4.1 Experimentai P h ........................................................................... 54

.......................................................................... 4.2 Sample Preparation -57

4.3 Experimentai Methodology ............................................................... -68

4.3.1 Thermal Expansion Measurement ................................................. -58

......................................................... 4.3 3 Spinel Quantitative Analysis 59

4.4 Typicai Thermal Expansion Charsicteristics of Mg0-Mz03 CastabIe

Mixes .......................................................................................... 59

4.5 Thermal Expansion Behaviors of MgO-Aifis Castable Mixes without

......................................................................... Si02 Fume Addition 62

............................. 4.5.1 Thermal Expamion Behavior fkom 2S°C to 1 100°C 62

.......................... 4.52 Thermal Expansion Behavior nom 1 100°C to 1 600°C 67

4.52.1 The Maximum Themai Expansion ...................................... -71

..................... 4.522 The Temperature at Maximum Thennd Expansion 76

4.523 The EfEects of Pre-reacted SpineI Addition (Ab0) on the

Permanent Linear Change (PLC) ......................................... 79

4.53 The EfEect of Differ~nt Type of Pre-reacted SpmeI Addition on

Themai ExpansÏo~z .................................................................. -80

4.6 Thermal Expansion Behaviors of MgO-M203 Castable Mixes with

............................................................................ S i02 as Additive 83

4.6.1 Thermai Expansion Behavior h m 25OC to 1 100°C .......................... -83

4.62 Thermal Expansion Behavior between L IOO°C and 1600°C .................. 86

4.62.1 The Maximum T h d Expansion .................................. 86

4.622 The Temperature at Maximum Thermal Expansion ................. -87 The Enect of Si02 Fume Added on the Permanent

Linear Change (PLC) .................................................. -88

4.7 A Phenomenologicai Mode1 of Shruikage Behavior of Mg0-Mz03

Castable Mixes during first Cycle CooIing ............................................. 89

4.8 The Shrinkage Behavior of Various Mg0-Ai203 Castable Mixes

during Cooling fiom 1600° to 2S°C ...................................................... 91

4.8. L The Shrinkage Behavior with Pre-reacted Spinel Added ..................... 91

................... .. 4.8 2 The Shriakage Behavior with S i02 Fume Addition ... 94

4-83 Repeated Temperature Cycles ................... .... ...................... 96


P R O P ~ ~ S ~ e e - ~ m o ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ e - ~ ~ t ~ e ~ e e ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ e - e ~ ~ ~ o * e m o ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ o ~ ~ e ~ e o - e o e o ~ e - e e ~ ~ ~ 9 8

.................................................................... 5.1 Experimental Procedures 99

5 2 Redts and Discussion - Part 1 ........................................................... 100

52.1 The13FectsofA1203 ContentinMatrix ......................................... IO6

52.2 The Effects of Pre-reacted SpineI Adwon Amount ......................... 110


........................ Table 1.1 The Chemicd Compositions of Magnesia Raw Matenals 5

................ Table 12 The Chemical Compositions of Numina TA, FGA and UGA 10

Tabie 1.3 The Chernical Compositions of Spinel ARQo. ARi8 and m6 .................. Il

Table 2.1 The Lattice Constants of DifTerent MoIar Ratio of Spinel Soiid

SoLutions ............................................................................. 17

TabIe 3 . 1 Defloccdants Studied .............................................................. 43

Table 3 2 Physicd and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-M203 Castable

with Defloccuiant L and O ......................................................... 52

TabIe 4.1 Composition of Tested SpecÏmens of Serie L in Part I .......................... 55

Table 4.2 Composition of Tested Specimens of Serie 2 in Part 1 ......................... 55

Table 4.3 Composition of Tested Specimens of Serie 3 in Part I ......................... 56

Table 4-4 Composition of Tested Specimens of Serie I in Part II ....................... 56

Table 4.5 Composition of Tested Specimens of Serie 2 in Part II ....................... 57

Table 4.6 Thermai Expansion Coefficients of MgO-M203 Castabie MDr

between 25OC and IIOO°C .......................-....... ...................... 65

Table 4-7 The Temperature at Miwimum Thenrd Expansion, the

Maximm Thmai Expansion and the Permanent Lhear

Change for MgO-M203 Castable Mixes in Group 1 to 3

of Series I ............................................................................ 68

Table 4.8 The Lattice Constants for the In-situ Spinel Formed (A1-M) ............. ..70

Table 4.9 The Amount of In-situ Spinei Fomed on the basis of Linearity

of Typicd Cahbration Curve .................................................... ..7 1

Table 4.1 O The Maximum T h e d Expansion and PLC of w3 Mucture

................................................... in Castable Muc AI, A3 and AS 75

Table 4.1 1 The Effects of Pre-reacted Spinel Addition (Abo) on PLC of

MgO-40, Castables ............................................................. 79

Table 4.12 The Lattice Constants of Samples Al. As 1, Aie 1, ARqO and

Table 4-13

TabIe 5.1

TabIe 5.2

Table 5 3

Table 5.4

Stoichiometric Spiriel .............................................................. 83

Thermal Expansion Coefncients between 2S°C and 1 I OOaC of

MgO-A1203 CastabIe Mixes with SiOt Fume

............................. Addition.. ............................................ ,, ..85

........ Optimized Compositions of Test Samples .................... ...... 100

Physicd and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-A& Castable

................................ Mix and Estimated error between Two Batches 10 1

The Relative Repeatability of Two Batches of MgO-A.if13

.................................................................... CastabIe Mixes IO1

PhysicaI and MechanÏcai Properties of MgO-AI2& CastabIe

................... Mkes without Pre-reacted S p a Addition (Group 1) .... 102

TabIe 5.5 Physicai and Mechanicd Properties of M g O - N 3 Castable

Mixes with 5% of Pre-reacted Spinel Addition (Group 2) ............. L03

TabIe 5.6 Physicd and Mechanical hoperties ofMg0-&O3 Castable

Mixes with 10% of Re-reacted Spinei Addition (Group 3). .......... I 03

Table 5.7 PhysicaI and Mechanical Roperties of Mg0-AkO3 Castable

Mixes with 5% of Pre-reacted Spinel ART8 Addition (Group 4). ............ 104

Table 5.8 Physicai and Mechanicai Roperties of MgO-M203 Castable

Mixes with 1 O% of Pre-reacted Spinel AR78 Addition (Group 5). ......... .IO4

Table 5.9 Physicai and Mechanicai Properties of Mg0-M203 Castable

Mixes with 5% of Pre-reacted Spinel Addition (Group 6) . ........... 105

Table 5.10 Physicd and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-Ai203 Castable

Mixes with IO% of Re-reacted Spmei m6 Addition (Group 7) ........ ..IO5

.............. Table 5.1 1 Compositions of Tested Samples with DBerent Additives., I 12

.............. Table 5.12 Physicd and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-A1203 Castables 1 13

Table 5.13 Physicai and Mechanicd Properties of MgO-M20a Castable

Mixes with J?re-reacted Spinei and Si02 Addition ............................ 1 14

TabIe 5.14 Physical and Mechanicd h o p d e s of MgO-M203 Castable

................ Mixes at 1% SiOz Fume, but with DEerent ARts Additions 1 15

TabIe 5.15 Physicai and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-A1203 castable

&es at 5% AR78, but with Different Si& Fume Additions. ............... I 15

TabIe 6.1 Chernicd Composition of SIag ................................................... 122

Table 6 2 The Erosion, Coloration and Penetration Values of Samples after

Rotary SIag Tests (1) ..................... .... ... .. ......................... 124

Table 6.3 The Erosion, Coloration and Penetration Vaiues of Samples &er

Rotnry Slag Tests (2) ............................................................. .125

Table 6.4 Repeatability of Rotary Slag Test Redts ....................................... -127

................................. Figure 1.1 The Size Distribution of Fine Magnesia Powders 5

.................... Figure 1.2 Scanning Micrograph of Porous Aggregate of Monocrystal -7

....................................................................... Figure 1 -3 FGA after Ground -7

............................................................. Figure 1.4 A single particle of UGA 7

.............................. Figure 1.5 The Size Distributions of FGA and UGA Powders 8

..................................... Figure 1.6 The Size Distribution of Hydratable Aiumuia 9

Figure 1.7a The TGA Curves of Hydratable Numina &er dned at

......................................................................... 1 I0°Cx24hTS 9

.......................... Figure 1.m The TGA Curves of Hydratable Alimillia As-received 9

Figure 1.8 The X-ray D ~ c t i o r i s of Spinel Powder &, A h s and m6 .............. Il

Figure 1.9 The Sue Distributions of Pre-reacted Spinel A&, ART8

and m6 ........................................................................... 12

Figure 2.1

Figrire 2.2

Figure 2 3

Figure 2.4

Figute 2.5

.............................................. Mg0-AI2O3 S ystem Phase Diagram 16

Lattife Constant of Spinel Solid Solutions as a Function of

........................................................................ Composition L7

................. Optimized MgO-AN3 Phase Diagram By G . Eriksson et al 18

............................. Wagner's representation of MgA120Q Foxmation -20

..................................... Four Quadrants of the Unit CeII of SpmeI 2 3

Figure 2.6a Schematic Expression ofthe SIakmg Mechamïsms of MagneGa

Clinker- A Mg0 Cluiker without Cnishing ................................ ..26

Figure 2.6b Schematic Expression of the Siakùig Mechanisms of Magnesia

Clinker- A Mg0 Clinker d e r Cnishing ........................................ 3 6

Figure 2.7 The Schematic Representation of Hydration Resistance of Mg0

CIinker after Adding Si02 Fume ................................................ -37

Figure 2.8 Pre-reacted Spinel addition Amount vs. Slag Penetration and

.............*.................. . Corrosion Indexes of A&-MA Castable. ... -34

Figure 2.9 ReIationship between A1203 Content in Spinel and SIag

Penetration indexes ................................................................ 35

Figure 2.1 O Schematic Representation of the Slag Penetration into the

O - C e ................................................................ 36

Figure 2.1 1 Thermai Expansion under Load (Orna) of A1203-MA

.............. Castables (Three Different Mg0 Contents) after 1700°Cx2hrs 3 7

Figure 2.12 The Maximum Thermai Expansion of Ai2@-Mg0 Castable

(under load 0.2MPa, 7.5% wt%) in Relationship *th SiO2

............................................ Addition &er Firing at 1 700°Cx2hrs 3 8

Figure 2.13 The Relative Corrosion Tbickness and Slag Penettation for

........................................... A&-Mg0 and &O3-MA Castables 39

Figrne 3.1 Schematic Representation of the Apparatus to Measure

Tiow- T W -C..CCC~C...CC.CCC.t...---)C---~----~.~~..~.~~...C+C..~~ -....... -....*4 3

Figrne 32a "Flow-Time" of Mg0 SImry in Reiationship witli Deflocculant

Type and Additions ................................................................ 45

Figure 3 2 b "Flow-The" of Mg0 Slurry in ReIationship with Defloccuiant

Type and Additions ( an enlargement of Figure 32a at 0-2%

............................................................ defloccdant addition) -45

Figure 3.3a "Flow-Times" for &O3 SIurry in Relationship with DBerent.

..................................... Deflocculant and Additions ..C.......C.......46

Figure 3.3 b "Flow-Times" for A1203 Slurry in Relationship with Different

Defloccuiant and Additions (an edargement of Figure 3 2a at

different addition of 002%) ....................................................... -47

Figure 3.4a ''Flow-Times" of Matrix SIuny in Relatiouship with DEerent

Deflocdant and Additions .................................................... ..48

Figure 3-46 "Flow-Times" of Ma& SIurry in ReIationship with Dinerent

Defiocculant and Additions (an Enlargement of Figure 3.4a at

...................................................... Different Addition of 0-2%) .49

Figure 3.5 The Relationship Between Ma& Setting Time and Flow time

................................. with Different Defloccdant at addition of 0.5% 49

Figure 3.6 "Flow-Times" of Matrix at 0.5% Addition with Defloccuiant O,

L and S respectively .............................................................. 3 0

Figure 3.7 "FIow-Values* of CastabIe Mix at 0.5% Addition with

............................................ Deflocdant O, L and S respectively .50

Figure 3.8 Flow Vdue of CastaHe and FIow Tme of Matrk with

Defiocdant O atfourof Additions ...-..--.-..-...,*-...-..,,..,*.-*..,-..,-.-. -3

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.2

Figure 4.3

Figure 4.4

Figure 4.5

Figure 4.6

Figure 4.7

Figure 4.8

Figure 4.9

The Schematic Diagram of Dilatometer Assembly .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . -58

A Typical Thermal Expansion Curve for a Mg0-A1203 Castable.. . . . . . . . . . -60

A Phenomenologicd Mode1 of the Thennai Expansion of

Mg0-M2O3 Castable Mixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . - .. . . .. ..*. ..60

Thermal Expansion of Mg0-Aiz03 Castables without Spinel

Addition ( A M 3 versus Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . ..63

Thennai Expansion of Mg0-M203 Castables with 5% Spinel

Addition (As LAsS) vernis Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 63

Thermal Expansion of Mg0-N203 Castables with IO% Spinel

Addition (Ai 1 -Ai versus Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. tur t u r . . . . . .. ... .. . 64 Thermal Behaviors of Mg0 Aggregate, Ai203, Spinel and Mg0

Fine Powders as welI as of Castable A3 .. ..... . -. . . . .. .. . . . . .. ... . . .. . . . ...... ..66

X-ray Difbction Patterns for A 1 -A5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. ... .. . -69

The Lineanty of Typicd CaIibration Curve for h-situ SpineI

Quantitative Anaiysis Using SiIica (5%) and Pre-reacted

SpineI as Internai Standard .. . ... .... .. . . .. .. .... .. .. .... . .. ... . . . . ...... . .... ... ..71 Figure 4.10 The Maximum Thermd Expansions versus the Amount of in-

situ S p a Formed for SampIe AI -AS (No pre-reacted spinel). . . . . . .. .... . -72

Figrne 4.1 1 The Msurimm Thermal Expansion verm CastabIe Mixes at

O%, 55% and IO% Leveis of SpmeI (Aho) Addition -.......................... 74

Figure 4-12 The Shnnkage of &O3 mixtw in Matrix of SampIes Al, A3,

A5 and ALOI as weii as Mg0 Aggregate and Fine Grains vs.

Temperatures ...................................................................... -74

Figure 4.13 The Temperature at Maximum Thermal Expansion vs Spinel

Addition of O%, 5% and 10% respectively and Each

Level with Five Compositions of Mg0-A1203 Castable Muces .............. 76

Figure 4.14 Thermal Expansions of M g O - a 0 3 Castable Mbc with Spinel

............ m6 Addition at O, 5%, IO% respectively versus Temperatures 80

Figure 4.1 5 Thermal Expansions of Mg0-M203 Castable MU( wîth Pre-

reacted Spinel AR7* Addition at 0,5, LO% Respectively versus

........................................................................ Temperatures 8 1

Figure 4.1 6 Themai Expansion of Mg0-A1203 Castable Mix with 5% Pre-

reacted Spinel A h , and Respectively versus

...................................................................... Temperaîures -82

Figure 4.17 Thermal Expansion of Mg0-Ai203 Castabfe Mix with IO%

Pre-reacted Spine1 AR9o, and AR7* Respectively versus

..................................................................... Temperatures -82

Figure 4-15 The X-niy Diflkction of Samples Al, Asl , ALo l and PR-

........................................ .................... reacted Spinel ARw .... 83

Figure 4.1 9 Thmal Expansion of MgO-M203 Castable Mixes with Sioz

Fume wïth~ut Pre-reacted SpineL AR78 Addition versus

...................................................................... Temperatures -84

Figure 420 T h d ExpansÏon of MgO-AI2@ Castable &es with Si&

Fume and Pre-reacted Spinel AR78 Added versus Temperatures .......... 84

Figure 4.21 The Maximum The& Expansion versus SiOz Fume

Amount in bfg0-M203 Castable &es with or without ARTa

Addition ............................................................... ....C...t,C.Ct.86

Figure 4.22 The Temperature at Maximum Thermal Expansion vs Si02

....................................................... Addition in Castable Mixes .88

................... Figure 4.23 The Permanent Linear Change vs Silica Fume Addition 88

Figure 4.24 A Schematic Representation of Shrinkage Behavior of MgO-

........................... A.& Castabfe Mùces during F o i Cycle Cooling ..89

Figure 415 Microstructures of Sample AI without A h o d e r firing at

160O0Cx4hrs ......................................................................... 90

Figure 4.26 Microstructure of Sample AsS with 5% A h o addition after

firing at 1600°C x 4hrs (OPM x LOO) ......................... .... ... .. ..... -9 1

............ Figure 4.27 Shrinkage Plot for MgOA2U3 CastabIe without A b 0 Added 9 2

............ Figure 4.28 Shrinkage Piot for M g O - m 3 CastabIe with 5% A b Added .92

Figure 4.29 Shruikage Plot for M g O - m 3 CastabIe with 10% Pre-reacted

...................................................................... Spinel Added -93

Figure 4.30 Temperature at which Gap Formations are Initiated as a Function

of Numina Content in the M g O - W 3 CastabIe

Mixes .................................................................................. 94

Figure 43 I Shmikage PIot for MgO-Ai2& CastabIe Mixes with SiO2

......................................... Fume, but M o n t Added ..a

Figure 4.32 Shrinkage Plot for Mg0-Ai2@ Castable Mixes with SiOt

........... .................... . Fume and A k 8 Added ................... ,. .. ,. ,. 95

Figure 4.33 Temperatures at which Gap Formations are Initiated as a Function of

Si02 Content in the MgO-M203 Castable

@es ..........................~..................................................... ...95

Figure 4.34 The Thermal Expansion-Shrinkage Plots of Mg0-Alz03

Castable Mk (Asl) during the Initiai, Second and Third Heating-

Cooling Cycles ...................................................................... 96

Figure 5.1

Figure 5.2

Figure 5.3

Figure 5.4

Figure 5.5

Figure 5.6

Figure 5.7

Porosity and bulk density as a fuaction of Ai203 content

without pre-reacted spinel addition in the mix ................................. 106

CMOR in relationship with N203 content, without pre-reacted

...... ........ .................. spinel addition in the mDc ..... .. A

Water addition vs. N203 content in Mg0-Ai203 Castabk

without Pre-reacted Spinel Addition .-......................................... 1 08

The Microstnrcture of MgO-Ai&)3 Castable AI d e r FKing at

16OO0Cx4hrs ....................................................................... 109

The Microstructure of MgO-A1203 Castable A5 after Firing at

1600°Cx4hrs ........................................................................ 1 09

The Microstructure of MgO-N203 CastabIe Rsl with 5% A&

Added after Fkhg at 1 600°Cx4hrs ............................................. 1 1 O

CoId ModuIus of Ruptures as a Functi.011 of Fkhg Temperature

for Sample Ms 1. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . ... 1 1 1

Figure 5.8 CMOR of MgO-MD3 Castable (with 5% A b 8 ) and DiEerent

Amounts of Si02 Addition . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . - ,, .. . . . . ... .. . .. ... . . . .. . .. . ... .. . .. ... 1 17

Figure 5.9 CMOR of MgO-&O3 Castable at 1.0% Si& Fume and

Different Amounts of A b 8 Addifion . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .... . . . ,.. . . ..,. . . ... I 17

Figure 5.10 HMOR of Mg0-M203 Castable at Different Amounts of Si&

Fume and A k 8 Addition . ...... ..... .... ...titi..........~..~C..C.................. 1 8

Figure 6. L Schematic View of Rotary Slag Test Set-up ........................ .. .... .. &. -121

Figure 6.2 Schematic Representation of the Sample after Slag Testing ...... .. .. ....... 123

Figure 6.3 The Erosion and Peneûation indexes of Samples after Rotary SIag

Test at 16000C~6bL5....C.~..C..~.~.tiC......~CC.CCF..~.... ..... ....... .rr..126

Figure 6.4 Corrode Areas and Cross Sections of the Sampies d e r Rotary Slag

Test at 1600°Cx6hrS......... ...... .- .... ... . . . .., ..... .....,.......,.. . . ........ .. 126

Figure 6.5 A Typical Microstructure of Mg0-M203 Castable (SampIe A1 after

F h g at 1 600°Cx4hrs, OPMx IO0 )... ... . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. 128

Figure 6.6 Spinel Networks in the Matrix of MgO-w3 Castable

(Sample I N(SF)rn d e r nInig at 1600°Cx4hrs,

SEM x 800 )................................ .............. , .......................... 128

Figure 6.7 Mismatch Gaps between Mg0 Aggregate and Spine1 Matru< (SampIe

1 N(SF)oo after Firing at 1600°Cx4hrs). . . . . . . ,. . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . I 29

Figure 6.8 The Grain Botmdary Net Existed k Mg0 Aggregate (Sample

&ter Firing at 1600°Cx4hrs, Acid Etched )... ............................... ..I30

Figure 6 -9 EDS AnaIysis at the Grain Bomdary of Mg0 Aggregate.. .................. 1 3 0

Figure 6. IO Schematic Di- of the Generai Patterns of M g O - w 3 Castable

after Slag Corrosion.. .........................-................................... 1 3 1

Figure 6. L 1 The Interface between Slag Layer and Attacked Layer (Sample

2RS(SF)!* &er Rotary Slag Test at 16OO0Cx6hrs) ...................cc... J 3 2

Figure 6.12a The CrS fomed in the Slag Layer (SampIe 2Rs(SF)io after Rotary

...... Slag Test at 16OO0Cx6hrs) ..... ....................................... 153

Figure 6.12b EDS Anaiysis of Point A in Figure 6.12a .................................... -133

Figrne 6.13 The Interface between Slag Layer and Dense Colored Layer

.............. (SampIe 2N(SF) after Rotary SIag Test at 1 600°Cx 6hrs). 1 34

Figure 6.14 The interface between Colored Porous Layer and Uncolored Dense

........ Layer (Sample 2Rs(SF) after Rotary Slag Test at I 600°Cx6hrs). 134

Figure 6.15 The Interface between Uncolored Dense Layer and Unaffected

...... Castable (Sarnple 2R5(SF) after Rotary Slag Test at 1 600°Cx6hrs). l35

Figure 6-16 Corrode Areas and Cross Sections of the SampIes after Rotary Slag

O .............................................................. Testat 1600 Cx6hrs 136

Figure 6-17 The Erosion and Penetration Index of SarnpIes afler Rotary SIag Test

at 1600°Cx8hrs. ......................................................... ...,...-A36

Figare 6.18 The Erosion and Pendration Indexes of SampIes d e r Rotary SIag

O .............................................................. Test at 1600 Cx6hrs 137

Figure 6. I9 Cross Section of Corroded SampIes after Rotary Slag Test at

160O0Cx6hrs ...................................................................... 138

Figure 6.20 Microstructure of SampIe SRS aiter firing at 1600°Cx4hrs.. ............ -139

Figure 621 EDS AnaLyses of Point A and B in Sampk SRS of Figure 6.20 .......... 139

Figure 6.22 Microstructure of Spinel ORS after Firing at 1600°Cx4hrs. ................ 140

Figure 6.23 The Erosion and Penetration indexes of SampIes after Rotary Slag

Testat 1600°Cx dhrs..-... ........................................................ 14I

Figure 6.24 Cross Section of Corroded Samples after rotary Slag Test at

1 600°Cx6hrs. ....................................................................... 142

Figure 6.25 Phase Diagram of MgO-Fe0 System ......................................... .L44

Figure 626 The Dissolved Spinel in Matrix (Sample IN(SF)oo after Rotary SIag

.............................................................. Testat 1600°Cx8hrs) 145

Figure 6.27 EDS Andyses of Point A and B in Sample tN(SF)oo of

Figure 6.26 ..................-.....................................-................ 145

Figure 628 The Distribution of Elements Fe, Ca and Mg fiom the Sdace of

Eroded Mg0 Aggregate.. ................ ... .................................. 146

Figure 6.29 The Dissohed Primary Spinei (Sample IN(SF)oo d e r Rotary SIag

Test at 1600°Cx8hrs). ......................................................... -147

............... Figure 630 Point A EDS Analysis of SampIe IN(SF)oo in Figure 6.29 147

Figure 6 3 1 The DissoivÏng (Mg, Fe)O Aggregate on the Interface between

Penetration and SIag Layer (Sampie 2Rs(SF) after Rotary SIag

O Test at 1600 Cx6hrs). ........................................................... 148

Figrne 6.32 EDS Analyses of Point A (a) and Point C (b) for Sample

....................................................... ZRs(SF)io in Figure 6.3 1 149

Figure 6.33 The SpineI Protective Layer (Sample lN(SF)rn &ter Rotary Slag

Test at 1600°Cx6hrs........o...o ................................................ 150

Figure 6.34 The Angufar Secondary Spinel (SarnpIe 2Rs(SF) after Rotary Slag

............................................................ Test at 1 600°Cx6hrs.. 150

.......................... Figure 6 3 The Schematic Representation of Slag Penetration 151


Lookùig back on the Iast three decades, rehctory linings used in steel ladies,

were all instalied with bricks. However, in the Iast ten years, steelmakers have sparked

off a completely new approach, to constntct steel Iadle lining using monolithics.

Monolithic lings have distinct advantages as compared with conventional brick

Linings, such as short manufachuing cycle; energy and matends saving; flexibüity for

complex structure shaping; Iocd repairs possible and minimized joints availablz.

Nowadays, some monolithic refractories are considered having superior performances in

tenns of resistance to high temperature ecosion, penetration and strucnual degradation

[ I L 3 Ml.

Focusing stilI on steel IadIe Iinings, &O3-MA castabIes are of the most successful

type used in steel ladles [6,7,8,9]. Nevertheless, this kind of castable is satisfactory only

in barre1 and bottom zones. An adequate castabIe for slag line, that is able to replace,

performance-Wise9 magnesia-carbon bricks in order to achieve full monolithic Lining is

still behg expected. To tacHe this criticai issue, the optimization of a magnesia based

basic castable has been undertaken,

A rationai soiution for a castabIe to be used in slag zone is to deveIop a mily basic

castable in order to resist to h i a y basic sIags [7]. Magnesia based castabIe is a

prospective candidate because of its high rehctorinss in contact with basic sIag.

However, the nrst question comuig to the mind is how to produce a watet: added

magnesia based castable wÏth very fine magnesia particIes, whkh wouid not hydrate.

One solution to overcome this challenge is to use magnesia aggregates with mostiy

dumùia fine particles in the maeu<. The drnnina fine grains added into ma& not only

avoid the hydiation of Mg0 aiie particles, but dso mate in-situ spinel ceramic bonding

at hi& temperames due to the reaction of Mg0 and M203 [7,8]. Additionally, the in-

situ formed spinel, MgA1204* is aIso a stable matenal, like Mg0 or AI2@, with hi&

refracto~ess, hence benencial for the castable to present high performance at high


However, the question now still waiting to be answered is: what kind of binders

shouid be used? As we know, high dumina calcium drmiinate cernent is not appropriate.

&ce in Mg0-A1203-Ca0 system, Iiquid formation codd start around 1300°C.

Hydratable dumina [10,11] as a binder, which bas been used in cernent-fiee dumina

based castables recentiy [12,I 31, codd be considered, because using hydratabIe dumina

can avoid the formation of calcium ailmunosilicate and shouid provide superior

mechanical properties at high temperatures. Nevertheless, a major drawback of this

binder is the loa of strength at intermediate temperature, which wiIl significantly affect

the thermal spalling resistance of such castable. The next question, how to increase

castable's intermediate temperature strength when using hydrataHe dumina as a binder,

becomes another criticai issue.

Spinel formation, as a d t of the reaction between Mg0 and AIz& fîne powders,

could resdt in a voIume expansion of 8% or 2.6% in Iinear expansion, if simply based

on the theoreticd caicuIation fiom density differences [L4], but practicaiIyy Linear

expansion of more than 5% is fkqentiy observed [15,1q. Such large expansion is

unacceptable. Hence, how to control the voIume stability of Mg0-M203 castable wiU be

another question to be considered.

Moreover, to improve the properties of materid, we do need to undemand the

corrosion mechanism of MgO-&03 castable. 1s it possible to find a way to enhance

slag erosion and penetration lesistance for MgO-A1203 castable? Actually, it has been

shown in &O3-MA castable, that *Orrich spinel, with plenty o f Iattice defects, has a

stronger capability to capture Fe0 Eom slag and is efficient to nippress slag penetration

[lv. WiI1 MgO-rich spinel added into magnesia based MgO-&O3 castable have an

equivdent effect?

The generai purpose of this hidy is to develop a magnesia based Mg0-N2O3

castabIe for steel lade slag h e on the b&s of the above discussion. In the present

work, highiy morphous hydratable dumina has been adopted as hydraulic binder. This

cernent fkee castable system is to contain up to 75% of shtered magnesia. To adjus the

composition and to obtain good ceramic-bonds, ultrafine a i d a additions is used. The

ffowability issue of such Mg0-Al203 castables in order to optimke physicai and

mechanicd properties is comidered in Chapter 3. An "extracting-matnx" rnethod to

investigate the effects of five different defloccuiants at five Merent Ievei addition is

described and the moa appropriate deffoccdant is selected. In Chapter 4, volume

stability issue is addressed. Typicai themai expansion characteristics are shown using

phenomenoIogicai and a mathematicai model. The influences of three different grades

and additions of pre-reacted spinel, aluniina-rich spine1 Aho, magnesia-rich spinel

and close to stoichiometric spinel AR78, on thennal expansion behaviors are

discussed in detaiis. Effects ofSi02 fume additions on thenna1 expansion behavior from

room temperature to 1600°C is also documented On the other han& the shrinkage

behavior during cooling and repeated h e a ~ g and cooling cycles are also discussed. In

Chapter 5, physical and mechanical properties such a s buik density, porosity, permanent

hear change, cold and hot modulus of rupture are represented as a fwiction of

MgO/A1203 ratio in the mat+ and the amount of pre-reacted spinel addition used.

Those properties are also considered in case of both pre-reacted spinel and Si@ fume

added together. Special attention has been paid to the intermediate temperature strength

of MgO-Alto3 castable. To hnd an appropriate additive to improve the cold moddus of

rupture at 1000°C, a number of tests have been carried out. The Iast Chapter 6 is

focusing on the andysis of the corrosion rnechanisms of Mg0-A1203 castables. The

corrosion behavior of castables with different gracies, amounts of pre-reacted spinel and

S i 9 hune is discussed in detaiIs in conjunction with SEM, OPM and X-ray etc.

Through this investigation, the approach to cootrol volume stabiiity of the MgO-

AI& castables is reveded. One of the effective methods is to add appropriate pre-

reacted spinel uito the mixes. Adding Si02 fume can't control the expansion, but does

improve the intemediate temperature strength. Using a proper defiocculant. it is

possible to obtain M g O - W 3 castabIes with good flowability and better physicai and

mechanicd properties. With magnesia4ch pre-reacted spinel m6 added, the

penetratson resistance of MgO-M203 castabie can be hproved. Additiondy, the

erosion resÏstance is enhanced with a certain amount of and SiOz fume addition.

From the corrosion point of view, dumina-rich pre-reacted spinel ARgo is not suitable

for such MgO-M203 castables.

In this work, the following raw materiais WU be used: i) The dead-burned seawater

Mg0 (the specinc density of 3.58 g/cm3) has been seIected as both aggregates (denoted

as MG afterward 3-1 70 mesh) and fine grains (BMF, -1 70 mesh). Some fused magnesia

(-48 mesh) has also been used. The chernicd compositions of those materials are show

in Table 1.1, and Figure 1.1 gives the size distn%utiton of fine magnesia powder BMF.

Table 1.1 The Chemicai Composition of Magnesia Raw Matenais

Figme 1 .I The Sue Distnauton of Fine Magnesia Powders


Sintered M g 0 (MG)

Bali MiIIed M g 0 (BMF)

M g 0















0.0 1

- Fe203


0.68 036 0.10





0.01 0.10

ü) Four khds of dumina, which are tabuIar ahmina, fine and ultrafine ground dumina

as weii as hydratable dumina, have also been used.

(a) Tabular dumina is defhed as sintered aluminas having a median a-M203 crystal

ske which averages 50p.u and greater, with the occurrence of large ffat tablet-like a-

Ai203 crystals. Because of the grain-boundary porosity entrapped during rapid sintering,

tabdar alumina has a particle bulk density, in the m g e 3.40 to 3.65 @n3, with

characteristic closed sphericai porosity and typicai of a MIy sintered ceramic with

secondary redy crysMization[l]. Those <1 to >IO pn closed spherical pores which

apparently act as crack arrestm contribute th& excellent themiai shock resistance.

Tabuiar dumina T64 , -325 mesh with the specific density of 3.99 g/cm3. was used in

this research work. The chernicd composition of T64 is given in Table 1.2.

(b) The Bayer process dumina trihydrate by caiining in rotary kilns produces Aican

fuie ground duminas (FGA). During calcination, the combined water is dnven off and

the oxides formed pass through several mtermediate phases unti1 the stable alpha-

dumina structure is reached. As the exist of the transformation between trihydrate and

1.2). The porous structure within the aggregate makes the aiumuia eady grkd into its

component crystals (Figure 1.3). The specific de- of FGA used in the test is

3 .98p/cm3, however, the buik density is ody 1.1 @an3.

Figure L 2 Scanning Micrograph of a

Porous Aggregate of Monocrystai

P latelet

Figure 1.3 FGA after Ground

(c) Ultrafine Ground Mumina ( K A ) is a new, highly reactive aiumina at Aican

dumina famiiy. They were ground in dry baii mil1 and near dtimate crystds with their

high sinterability was reached. The specinc de- of UGA in this work is 3.98 g/cm3.

Figure 1-4 A singIe p d c k of UGA

The chernical compositions and size distriiutions of FGA and UGA powders are

given in Figure 1.5 and Table 11 respectively.

Figure 1.5 The Size Distniutions of FGA and UGA Powders

(Sedigraph 5100, Folio Instruments hc.)

(ci) Hydratable dumina is an activated aiumina powder which is produced from

duminum hydroxides by controffed heating to eliminate most of the water of

coflStiMîon. The crystd phases are predominant chi phase and smd amount of other

phases [IO& ui a rehctory mix, hydratable dumina cm react with water to form a

hydrauüc bond, Since hydratable aiumina is composed of more than 95% N203 and

tess than 0.05% calcium oxide, comparing to the traditional caicium aluminate cements

with 15% of Ca0 at Ieast, a higher refÎactoriness and good corrosion resistance are

expected. The size and distriiutions, TGA c m e s and chemicai composition of

hydratabie dumina used in tests are given in Figures and Table 1.2 separatdy .

Figure 1.6 The Size Distribution of HydratabIe Aiumina (Sedigraph 5 100, FOLIO

Figure 1.7 The TGA Cumes of Hydratable Mumina

Table 12 The Chemicd Compositions of Numina TA, FGA and UGA

üi). Magnesiurn aluminate spinel, as one of important raw materials used in tests,

belongs to the f a d y of mixed oxide spinels with cubic structures. It is considered as

one of high performance rehctory materials due to its niperior physicai and chernicd


Magnesium aluminate spinel can be produced by sintering or fusing method. The

stochiometric spinel is composed of 7 2 ~ 9 6 &Ot and 28wt%MgO. Both magnesia rich

and dumina rich spinel are avdable by varying mixture compositions and processing


The typicd chemicai compositions of dumina-rÏch pre-reacted spinel AR90, close to

stoichiometric spinel A h s and magnesïa-rich spine1 ms which have been used are

shown in TabIe 13. The X-ray dibction, the size distntbutions of those three kinds of

spineIs are given in Figrne 1.8 and 1.9 respectively.










0.0 1







F e 0 3 SiO2




' 0.06

0 .O3

O .O3


0.f 8 r



O .O4



0 .O2


Table 1.3 The Chernical Compositions of Spinel Aho, A h 8 and m6

Mg0 Ca0

Figure 1.8 The X-ray DifEactions of Spind Powder AR9o, A b and m6

O.? t 10 tw 1000

Equfvrknt Spherlcrt M.metor (um)

Figure 1.9 The Size Dimiutions of Pre-reacted Spinel Ako, AR78 and &b



2.1 introduction

Like the wheel, monolithic refraaones are cautiously being reinvented.

Archeologicai evidence shows that as long ago as 6000 B.C., vitrified clay hearths were

used in Asia [18]. This may be considered as the fist application o f monolithic

rehctories, then around I 8SOs, Saint-Claire DeviHe [I 91, in France, contributed to this

technology with his great "discovery" - calcium aluminate as a rehctory concrete.

He heated the mixtures of alumina and h e , mixed the reaction products with aiinnina

aggregates and water to produce mcible for successful usage at high temperatmes. This

practice established the bask of modem monolithic rehctones.

In this century . no exact date can be assigned to the beginning of modem

monolithic ~hc to r i e s . However, during the Iast three decades, a considerable technicd

evolution in monolithic refhctories has led to signincant improvements in high

tempe- resistance, rnechmaillcaî resistance and corrosion resistance of these

materiais [20,2172,23].

Back to the 1960s, castables were ody simpIe mixtures of fine grains, cements and

aggregates 1241, The fines and cernent particIes (10-IOOp) where added in enough

quanti@, to serve both as n1Iing media and binder at room temperature, however, the

hi& content of Ca0 and sometïmes F e in such castabks had detrimental effects on

corrosion resistance and hot strength.

In the '70s, with the avaiiabiiity of higher quaiity synthetic aggregates and higher

dumina content cernent, castable performances were redy improved [25,26]. Since the

'80s, the cernent content in the castable has been systematically reduced to 8 - 3%

[27,28], at the same tirnez calcium aluminate cements with 80% N203 have become

readily available, and more cernent fiaction has been replaced by SiOz [29], MD3 or

ZrOz as ultrafine particles (0.5 - 5pm) [3O,3 I ,32J 3,341. so as to reduce water addition

nom previous 158% to 84%. Nowadays, it is possible to produce Iow-cernent, ultra-

Iow and even no cernent castables with remarkable properties for refiactory


Focusing on steel ladle Iinings, in order to adjust I ) to the changes in steelmaking

processing; 2) to the requirements for ùnprovirîg steel quaiity; 3) to the reduction of

iabor costs and to overcome the environmental and safety aspects reiated to bricklayuig,

use of monolithic ünuigs instead of bricks has emerged in many countries over the Iast

thVty years.

At the beginning, monolithic castabIes were cast in side w d s ody, aad gradudly

spread to be used in bottoms, eventuaiiy in slag hes. In Japan, monolithic steel Iadle

ünings acWIy have become a redity, those ladles are aiso maîntained and repaired

using gunning matenals [26,3 81.

The development of castables in steel IadIes stilI present many chdenges. In the

earIier years, the O OS, hi& Si02 and *on containing castables were adopted because

of their avdabÎIity and Iow price. However, with the reqairements of Iow süica or

süica-fke refractories to improve steeI quaiity, those raw materiais had to be change& In

the mid 'SOS, starhg in Japan, a new type of A1203-MA castable containhg synthetic

spinel powders in rnatrix portion, was successfully put into practice in side w d of steel

fades [39,40,41]. Those A1203-MA castabIes dramaticaliy increased the s e ~ c e life of

aeel Iadle lining as compared with the previous zircon, or ztrcon-silicate castables It is

now an accepted class of castabiei. for steel Iadle k g , in the world. Very interestingly,

adding Mg0 powders into A1203-MA castables instead of pre-synthetic spinel fine

grains has been used to obtain superior performances [42,43,44]. Finaiiy, in the mid

OS, in p d e l with N2O3-MA castabie developments, some results on Mg0-A1203

and MgO-C castables [43,45] have aiso been reported as prospective materials to

replace MgO-C bricks at sIag line.

2 7 MgO-Ai203 System

2.2.1 MgO, A12U3 and Soiid Solutions

Mg0 and AbO3, with meiting points at 2800°C and 2050°C respectively, are to be

perfect refhctory raw materids. The compot.m& MgAI204 spinel, stiII possesses a high

melthg point at 210g°C, especidy, with a wide range of solid soiution [4a as shown in

Figure 2.1.


Figrne 2.1 Mg0-A1203 System Phase Diagram [46]

MgO-A.i203 phase diagram was £îrst reported by Rankin and Merwin [471. They

descnbed no spinel stabZty beyond stoichiometry. Della M. Roy et al. [48] have

remedied this mistake and reported that the solid solution was observed in A1203-

MgAi204 subsystem. They examined the sarnples under petmgraphic microscope and

determined the X-ray difhction patterns. A homogeneous isotropic spinel solid solution

was observed from 50 to 85 moi% AIz03. The unit cell dimension of the spinel solid

sdution is shown in Figure 2.2 as a function of composition. The Iattice dimensions

decrease nom 0.806 nrn for stoichiometric MgO:Ai203 to 0.793 nm for

12Mg0:88Ai203. The maximum solid solution is at 86 moi % (approximately 94 wt% )


q o.,

Figure 2.2 Lattice Constant of Spinel Solid SoIutions as a Function of Composition [48]

However, the lattice constants for spinel solid solution shown in TabIe 2.1.

caicdated by Nakagawa [14], m e r a Enle fiom the previous ones.

Table 2. 1 The Lattice Constants of DifEerent Molar Ratio

Of Spinel Solid Solutions [14]







Lattice Constant



W c d

MoIar Ratio

1 .O00


f ,012


0.80 10




3 -623

O -7962 3.630 1 .O 14

D. Viechnicici et ai 1491 aIso presented X-ray ~ c t i o n resuits which indicated

that the limit of soIubiIity of a-AIt03 in spinel soiid so1utions was around 85 mol%

M203 at the eutectic temperature. Later, Kouhei Shirasuka et al. M e r c o n h e d this


in 1962, A.M.A.iper et ai. [SOI conducted the determinations of Liquidus, solidus

and subsolidus of the system MgO-MgN204 as we11 as the soiid solution limits of AI3+

ions in periclase and M~~ ions in spinel. They [SOI found that the periclase solid

solution rnay contain a maximum of 18wt% Alto3 and the spine1 soiid solution may

contain as low as 61 wt% Aizoo. Above 1500°C, penclase and spinel solid solutions

were in eanly detectable amounts. However, contrary to Nper [50], A.M.Lejus et ai.

[51,52] by X-ray diffractometry and optical techniques indicated that Mg0 is nearly

insoluble in MgAi204.

Figure 2.3. Optonized MgO-A1203 Phase Diagram By G. Eriksson et ai. [53]

In 1993, G. Eriksson, P. Wu and A. Peiton [531 caicuiated the MgO-A& phase

equilibria system, their remlts supporting the conchsion fiom AM.Lejus. Figure 2.3

shows the optimized Mg0-AIZ03 phase diagram [53].

2.72 Reactivity of Mg0 and &Op

Mg0 and M203 start reacting to fom Mg.AI2O2 at around f 100°C [54], but it can

be fonned even at Iower temperatures if Mg0 andlor &O3 active powders are used. R.

Russe11 [55] has reported initial temperatures of spinel formation to be in between 925

OC and 950 OC, with dumina and magnesia powders having an average particle sizes of

1.6 and 2.5 pm respectively.

Wagner et ai. [56,57,58,591 studied the solid state reaction between Mg0 and

Ai5O3. He reported that the reaction proceeds by counter diffusion of the cation M~''

and Al+-' through the product layer Mg&O4. To keep the electroneutrality. 3~3' diffuse towards the aiumina side and S AI^+ diffuse towards the magnesia side. At the

MgOISpinel boundary, 2A13+ react with Mg0 to form MgA1204 while 3 ~ ~ ' ~ react with

3A& to forrn 3MgA1204 at the &4/SpiueI boundary [56,60,61]. As a consequeme,

the spinel thickness ratio formed at dumina side and magnesia side is 3:l as

shown in Figure 2.4.

Thickness ratio

of cations

Reaction at boundaries

Figure 2.4 Wagner's Representation of MgA1204 Formation [56]

According to Wagner, the thickness ratio R is 3. However, two factors may increase

R value at hi@ temperatmes: one is the solid solubiIity of dumina in spinet and the

other is the transportation of Mg0 vapor 1621. In the case of durnina soiid solution, the

R vaiue for the composition of MgO.rAi2O3 was fomulated as R = 3(7n + 1) 3n+5


Yamaguchi et al. [64] reported vaIues of R is between 4.1 to 4.6 at temperature range

1495 - 159S°C, and those R values were independent of whether single- or poty-

aystaIIine materiais were used.

For Mg0 vapor transportation, Nakagawa [16] calculated the sahirated vapor

pressure of Mg0 gas coexisting with periclase and spine1 as 25x10" Pa and 6 . 2 ~ LO-? Pa

at I527OC respectively. Those data imply that Mg0 molecules couid be vaporized fiom

periclase and sunk onto comdum to form spinel. Obviously, it redts in an increase of

R value.

AdditionaIIy, Nakagawa [16,62,64] dso concluded that R increases if the contact

surface between magnena and dumina is rough; the diffusion of Mg0 vapor occurs

through the gap and spinel forms at dumina side only. ActuaiIy, G. Yamaguchi [65] has

reported that R couid reach 5.6 at 1535°C based on the rough contact mode1 for a

diffusion couple. Also, if Mg0 is tramported to dumina side, ody in one direction. R

couid become hfi.n.ite.

The variation of R is an important characteristic in Mg0 and Mz03 reactivity,

meanwhile, another signifÏcant characteristic couid be the volumetric reaction


It was accepted that MgA1204 formation fiom mixture of Mg0 and A& may

result in a hear expansion of 2.6% [14] through uieoreticd cafcdation and in praaical

up to 5% [IS,I61 as reported in the previous chapter. The expansion vaiues are achüuiy a

bct ion of temperature, particIe size, partide configurations and chemical

compositions of the raw materiais.

As temperature increases, the expansion of Mg0 and N203 mixture Encreases up

to a maximum due. A "Mountain Peak" outhe nomalIy reptesents the expansion

characteristic. Of course, the shrinkage, after maximum themai expansion, WU

signincantly depend on the reaction extent and SinterabiIity of mixture [I5,6q.

The influence of particle sïzes on expansion of stoichiometric spinel formation was

disnissed by Nakagawa et ai. [673. As a cornparison for a packing mode1 of equimolar

mixture of Nz03 and MgO, in case of large Ai203 and midl Mg0 particles, the hear

expansion is only siightly larger than the expaosion of mixtures with similar particle size

Mg0 and A1203; however, with large Mg0 and snd d2O3 particles, the expansion

value is definitively enhanced.

Particle configuration significantly affects the thermal expansion of MgO,

mixtiore, because the configuration is directiy related to the number of pairs among

Mg0-A1203, MgO-Mg0 and Aiz03-Alf13. Nakagawa [16,67] et al experimentally

confirmed this conclusion. They chose two same specimens, pressed at dBerent

pressures, 98 and 350Mpa respectively. Mer heating fiom room temperature to 1 500°C,

it was observed that the maximum themai expansion of sarnple with higher f o d g

pressure is twice that of sample with the lower forming pressure.

22.3 Spinel Structure

The spineI (Mgü204) is a cubic crystaI with eight formula moIecdes per unit ce11

[68,69,70]. The oxygen ions form an aimost perfect cubic close-packed array with the

metai ions distrÏiuted among the resuiting position of forrdold and nxfoId oxygen

coordination. The maximum number of possible tetrahedrd and octahedrd sites is 64

and 32 respectively. The unit ceII contains thirty-two oxygen ions in a close-packed fcc

anay, giving rise to the fonda &@16032 , Le. the 32 oxygen ions occupy the 32-fold

positions and the cations possess the 8-fold and 16-fold positions. The distribution in

bfW2o4 is 8 MC ions on tetrahedral sites, and 16 AI3+ ions on octahedral sites,

therefore, the spinel structure has great potentiai to form solid solutions because such a

close-packed anay generates surty-four tetrahedral and thhy-two octahedral available

sites to accommodate oniy twenty-four cations. Figure 2.5 gives the schematic

representation of a spinel structure unit cell.

Figure 2.5 Four Quadrants of the Unit CeII of Spinel [70]

2.3 MgO-based Castables

MgO-based castabIe is expected to b e a perspective candidate to b e applied in the

sIag zone of steel ladles to resist basic sIags. However, before it cm be successfüiiy

used, severéii technicd diEcuIties have to be overcome. Fikt of aii, magnesia must

possess SuffiCient hydration resistance to be mixed with water, put in place and dried

without incunhg cracking and damaging. Second, the castables have to be designed to

avoid sIag penetration during s e ~ c e , so to increase its structurai spalling regstance.

W d , castables must be volume stable. Chromite which has been used [71] in the past to

control volume change of Mg0 is not anymore an acceptable solution because of the

inherent environmental problem associated with it.

2.3.1 Hydration RMstance of Magnesia CLinkea Hydration of Magnesia

Hydration may occur not only during mixing, but aiso d u ~ g drying [72]. When

water vapor is between 150-200°C, magnesia forms Mg(OEQ2 and therefore Ieads to a

voIume expansion because of the crystalization of brucite and subsequent cracking. The

hydration reaaion can be described by the folIowing equation [73]:

The hydration rne~ha~sms for fked single crystai magnema and polycrystaiiine

magnesia cMer have been studied by Kitamura et aI. [74]. The hydration reaction of

singie q s t a i magwsia presents the inin'd miId, but shorter period with dense layer

formation, and Qrnckly changed mto a Longer active period with hydrated rayer

formation. Durhg the active perÎod, the hydrated Iayer fiomis pyramid shape Mg(OH)2

with ioose texture because of volume expansion, but no siaichtg was observed. However,

this mechanisn is different nom the mecham*sm in p01ycrystaIs, the interactions among

the hydrated crystals result in many cracks dong grain bomdaries, and hd1y produce a

lot of fine grains with po1ycrystaIs disintegration. This is so-called the -dust.ing

phenornenon" which continues until the dtimate size of single crystai is eventually

reached. The extent of grain boundary destruction depends on the hydration temperature.

2.3.13 Effect of hpurities on the Hydration of Magnesia Chdiers

Diffierent clinkers have Merent hydration resistance. The hydration of rnagnesia

c I ~ e a depends signincantiy on impunty content, not as much on buk density or

crystai size [7q. The influence of impurities is rather cornplex. For iustance, boric oxide

content does reduce Mg0 hydration p o p e d y , because the @ass phase (composed with

&O3, Ca0 and SiO2) distriiuted among the magnesia grain boundary does protect

against hydration [7q, but it reduces its rekctoriness. Matsui et al [75] reveded that the

best hydration resistance hpurity composition is ~ C a 0 . y S i 0 ~ . z I 3 ~ 0 ~ ( ~ + y ~ - ~ ) , with

xXl.2, y>02 and 00.1, in magnesia clinker. For low B203 95% Mg0 magnesia grains,

Iow Cao, hi& SiO2 IeveIs have higher hydration resistance than high Cao, Iow SiOt

98% Mg0 grains [26,27J, because the licpid phase coating of periciase crystaIs after

coohg does protect fiom hydration; however, the hydration resistance of those

pulverized powders decreases due to the destruction of soch coating upon cfusbing. The

schematic expianation of those hydration mechaxüsms is ZIIustrated in Figme 2.6.

Silime inert layer Sitirne inert Iayer

(a) A Mg0 Clinker without Cmhing

~ i f h c inm Iaycr Sikate inctt laycr

(b) A Mg0 Clinker after Cnishing

Figure 2.6 Schernatic Expression of the Slakuig Mechanisms of Magnesia

CIuiker [7n

2.3 -1 3 Tmprovement for Mg0 Hydration Resistance with Additives

Several methods have been devefoped to improve Mg0 hydration resistance. &ira

Watanabe et ai. [78] got the improved maguesîa clinker with adding 2 to 4% M203 into

raw materiais pnor to sintering. Because in-situ spmeI was formed and oriented on

pericIase boundary dirring the process, it was beIieved to prevent hydration of magnesia.

Various Wace treatments have aiso been trie4 through embodiment of Mg0

particIes in sohtion of various acids [791 such as Ïnorganic, organic, oxalic, citric,

acetic, bonc, etc.; in solution with various organometallic compounds [80,81], and in

sIuny of very fine silica [73,82,831. For exampie. Kaneyasu et al. [80] found that for

Mg0 particies treated in an organosilicoa cornpound soIution at temperatures between

350 O C and 500 OC, the hydration resistance was greatiy improved; Samukana et ai. [77J

mixed magnesia clinker, fume silica with water and placed the sluny into a pressmized

container, after hydration test at 150°Cx3hrx5atm, they found that the hydration

resistaoce of the magnesia was improved. They beIieved it is because an inert Iayer

MgmSi,0zxH20 is formed and decreases Mg0 partides hydration, as shown in Figure

2.7 .

Figure 2.7 The Schematic Representation of Hydration Resistance of Mg0 CIinker after

Adding SiO2 Fume [77]

Another expairnent 1791 has shown that by mi>Mg cdcined m a m a with Iow

solubility phosphate glas% it was possibie to Ïmprove t6e hydration resistance of h e

mag~lesia grains very signincar~tfy~ This Iow soIubiIi~ phosphate giass has a nominal

composition of 23% Na20, 64% P20s, 7% AL203, 2% SiOL 3.5%B2O3. Additionaüy,

using phosphate sait rather than iow solubility phosphate giass, Kyoden et al. [73 1 have

found that addition of sodium polyphosphate increases the pH of a magnesia siurry from

10.75 to 11.7, due to sodium polyphosphate captrrring more MC ions, therefore

hydration of magnesia couid be bproved by formation of an inen compound consisting

of one molecde of sodium polyphosphate and one M~~~ ion.

2.3 2 Binders for MgO-based Castables

Having decided to use water as a fi uid to homogenize the mixes of aggregates and

ma& components, three type of binders can be considered: 1)the classic calcium

aluminate (CA) cements (70 or 80% alumina) by fiu the most well-known; 2) the

hydratable dumina or the silica gel or the silica-dumina gel; 3)the chernical binder

systems: maidy silicates and phosphates.

Using CA cernent in basic castables, as a binder, is not the best to ensure adequate

hot strength or adequate bonding at temperatures above 1500°C, because a Iot of Iow

melting constituents are to be formed in Mg0-Cao-Si& system. Cernent-fke castables

are more preferabie.

Watanabe et d [81] reported on the use of superfhe SiO2 powder as binder

combination with organornetallic compound. It was found to provide good flowabiIity

and high daking resistance to the magnesia castables prepared No cracking, even in

large cast bIocks, was observed after dryïng, MeanwhÏie, for the purpose of improving

mechanicd propeaies, süiceous mined htroduced was regarded as an effective agent

Nishi et al. [84] used uneasily soluble phosphate giass as binder in magnesia

castable, since the measiiy soIubIe phosphate hardly dissolves in the water during

mixing, and produced castable with good flowabaity and workability. It has hi&

intennediate temperature strength at T = 400-800 "C , but quite low hot strength at T =


Many papers have reported the use of hydrauiic dumina as a binder and obtained

good results, but mostiy in AlzOrbsed castable [10,71]. M. W. Vance et al [85,86]

utilized hydraulic dumina in M203 castables and attahed mccess in components such

as lances and impact pads, where controllhg slag resistance, hot erosion, impact and

thermal shock resistance are important. They reported the improved r e d t for HMOR

and hcme toughness when using hydratable altanha in castable fîred at temperatures

exceeding 1371°C. However, they aiso pointed out that the initial heat-up must be

performed very carefiilly, in the temperature internai 204OC- 276OC, to avoid explosive

spalling. Once the entire part has been above 276"C, it then can be heated more rapidy

without problem.

Since hydratabIe dumina Ioses the crystai water at around 200°C [13], those

castables with hydratab1e airmiula as binder may have weak mechanica. properties at

intermediate temperature if no other additives are used. B. Myhre et aI. 112,871 have

trïed to combine hydraulic dumina and h e silica in fused d u . castables and

showed that at the intennediate temperature strength does improved

Nevertheless, using hydratable dumina as a bmder in MgO-based castable was

rarefy reported so fat. Nimg [88] has expIoratorily studied the possiiility to use

hydratable aiumina in Mg0 based castabk, the d t s were encomaging. Therefore, it

could be a vaiuable approach to apply hydratable alumllia into basic castables, instead of

calcium aluminate cernent or hi& content of SiO2 as a binder, combination with proper


2.3 3 Bonding for MgO-based Castables Forsterite Bonding

MgO-Si02 castabIes have been used successfuIIy in tundish banles, electric arc

fumace tap blocks etc. [81,89], and trials have been achieved in vmarrous steehakuig

ladies in Japan [90,9I]. It is important to minimize the use of dumina cernent in such

systems, because the addition of microsiIica in cernent bonded Mg0 wil1 form Low

melting rnonticellite and menvinite, thus giving Iow strength products in senrice [83].

To replace cernent, a magnesium-dicate hydrate geI has been successfully used [30].

With 6 to 10% SiOz , a good forsterite bond is formed at intermediate temperatmes, but

hot strengths are stiH too Iow to be useful at service temperatures in ladles, since iiquid

staas forming in the ma& at 1400°C [Hl. Additions of *con nitride and &con metd

have been considered suitable bond phase rnodiners [83]. Hot modttius of rupture values

were s i ~ c a n t i y improved.

For corrosion resistance in basic slag, siIica additions inhibit slag penetration, but

impair the dissoIution resïstan~e. Kyoden Nishi et ai. [81,90,92] reported that a

minimum of 6% fine siIica addition is needed to cut penetration by '/* , but dissoiution

Ïncreases steadily by a fmor of 3 between 2 and 16% S a addition [90]. Having a

better penetration resistance ùicreases the spalling tesistance of castabIes. Nishii et ai

[931 have suggested that 8% Si02 was an optimum for t h e d spaIling, penetration aad

dissolution resistance in MgO-Si02 castable.

Although there is stiU work to be done in this system and there is stiil room for

furiher improvement, it is believed that for steelquality cleadiness, silica-fiee solutions

have a better Iong-terni chance of success.

2.3.3 2 Spinel Bonding

A phosphate and spinel bonded hi& magnesia castabIes were developed by Henry et

aI [94]. Starting with a hi& IeveI of phosphate saits to avoid hyht ion of the aggregates.

fiised dumina clinker was added at a Ievel of 20% or more to obtain a slightly positive

permanent volume change once fired at 1600°C. They documented that the presence of

liquids caused by the phosphate saIt readiIy enhanced the formation of spinel and

promoted rapid grain growth. SIag tests showed that slag penetration resistance and

structure spaiiing were improved, but hot strength was very low and corrosion resistance

decreased as aiirmina content increased.

To overcome the drawback of phosphate castab1e with lower HMOR strength,

MgO-MA castabIe with Si& finne addition was studied Smce a volume expansion

occurs when Mg0 and A1203 react to form spin& the proper choices of size distribution

and AIzO3/Mg0 ratio become very criticai. Bi et al [663 suggested the appropriate

N2O3/Mg0 ratio is between I .I and 1.8 with a totd &O3 IeveI arotmd IO-15% in

castabIe, and a continuous partiCcIe size distrriution in matrix portion does need to

achieve good ff owability at lower water addition in MgO-MA castable.

2.3 -3 -3 ûther Bondings

The use of both S i 9 and d203 in Mg0 based castables have not been

systematicaiIy studied. In a padcular set of experiments, it has been found by Watanabe

et al [78] that the simdtaneous addition of medium grain fused silica and fie particle

aiumuia is beneficiai in Mproving sIag penetration resistance and volume stability. By

controlling the aiinnina-silicate reaction, it may be possible to form some mullite bonds,

bm of course any high amount addition of silica is not good idea for clean steel.

Zircon and zirconia additions have been tned in Japan [36,95,96]. Zirconia and Mg0

do not react together to form a new compound, but at sufficient temperature, zircon

decornposes and a forstente bond may form with MgO. Nakagawa et ai [ 9 7 reponed

that, as for Sioz, a 10% zircon addition to a magnesia-zircon mL~ture inhibited slag

penetration, but any zircon addition increases the slag corrosion index. A magnesia-

zirconia clinker as coarse grains and a magnesia cünker plus 5% zircon as the major

components of the ma& have been developed to show the best Wear index [973. It was

observed that magnesia-zirconia clùiker absorbs sIag composition and a coalescent

texture is then fonned between the clinker and matrix, This hhiiits slag penetration and

matrix corrosion.

A signincant disadvantage for MgO-based basic castable is its poor penetration

resistance to f w c oxide; the dtunate, to minimize slag penetcatÏon, wodd be to change

the wettabiiity of the refi?tctory surface by addition of carbons. Trials to use naaual

flake graphite are by now gaining some momenturn. The poor water-dispersibility of

graphite is an obstacle to overcome. Three solutions have been contemplated: 1) using of

hydrophiiic treatment by d a c e active agents [98,99,100]; 2) surface coating of

graphite by plasma jet, flame coating or other techniques; 3) and M l y a hi& speed

impact method [IOl]. In this same Iine, by cornbining suitable additives. Mosser et ai.

[IO21 have created a castable, containing 85% magnesia grains, 7% SiO2, and 7%

carbon, ushg an aqueous system, avoiding magnesia hydration and achieving excellent

saengths over the temperature range 20 to 160Q°C. This slag corrosion resistance is as

good as resin-bonded magnesia-graphite bricks for ladle slag line. Teranishi et ai [45]

also developed a MgO-C castable not with graphite, but combination with carbon black

and pitch. They found that the slag corrosion resistance was significantiy improved

compared to A1203-Mg0 castabk. The testing redts show the durabiIity of MgO-C

castable at sIag ihe of LF Iade was more than twice of conventiond Alz03-Mg0


2.4 Spinei Bonded, MI-based Castables

2.4-1 A.&-MA Castables

Spinel bonded A.i203-MA castables, which possess superior properties in terms of

sIag penetration and structurai spalling, have been successfully useci, as major tining

materials in steeI Iadies. kü2O3-MA castabIes w m mahiy composed of dmnina, pre-

reacted spinel and high dumina cdcinm dumihate cement Several papers have

discussed the importance of pre-reacted spinel addition [30,31,39]. They reported that

arotmd 20wtOh of pre-reacted spinel is appropriate in AI2@-MA castable [30,39,103]. At

this level, both erosion and penetration indexes are the least. Figure 2.8 represents the

effect of pre-reacted spinel content on indexes of slag corrosion md penetration of

AL203-MA castable (Rotary test at slag composition of C/S=I : I ).

-9 m * O ""OdOn , O m Y) 60 80

Pm-reacted spinet content ( O h )

Figure 2.8 Pre-reacted Spinel Addition Amotmt vs. Slag Penetration and Corrosion

Indexes of AiP3-MA Castable [IO31

The spinel grain size aiso signincantly affiects the slag corrosion mistance of

Ai203-MA castabIe. Fine grains are greatly benenciai to sIag penetration resistance


Yamamtua et ai. [I7,106,107] demonstrated that the castable with addition of

airmllnad spinel at 90% Ai2& content was better in te- of slag penetration than

stoichiometric spinei or magnesia-rÏch spine1 additions. The reason is that the AL&

rich spinel bas a strong capabiIity to capture FeO, fiom slag, to f o m (Mg,Fe)Ai204, and

therefore, M e r prevents slag penetmtion. Figure 2.9 shows the sIag penetration

resistance as a hc t ion of spinel composition [In for corrosion test performed in a

horizontal rotary d m tirmace, at 1650°C x 4b, using converter slag (C/S =3.6, F@O3

= 33*7%).

Figure 2.9 Relationship between A1203 Content in Spine1 and Slag Penetration Indexes


The mechanisms of sIag penetration in A1203-MA castable was reported by A.

Matsuo et ai. [92,103,108] based on rotary siag tests, with two sIag compositions of

C/S=I.7, FQO~=O.~% and C/S=4.I, FQO~=IS.O% respectiveEy. The schematic

representation is @en in Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10 Schematic Representation of the SIag Penetration into the ALzOrMA

Castable [92]

in contact with Cao, Fe0 and SiO2 nom the slag, dumina f d y reacts with Ca0

to fom Ca0.6Ai203 . The growth of those C& crystals d e d e d castable texture. Then,

SiO2 in the sIag can react with C& to form gehienite (having a low melting point).

SimultaneousIy, the spine1 grains A b in castabIe may trapped Fe0 and MnO, from

slag? to fonn an hercynitc spk1 (Mg, Fe, Mn)OA1203, the residuai molten lied due

to Si02 -tic6 composition in the sIag couid be more viscons, those viscous Liquid and

densined texture by C& do reduce sIag penetlation.

Fine magnesia powders added into A.i203-Mg0 castable instead of previous pre-

reacted spinel addition are recentiy being viewed with keenest interest in Japan. Some

reports [109,110,111] have indicated prolong durability of castables over A120rMA

castables. However, by adding Mg0 powders, the expansion fiom reaction of M203 and

Mg0 must be controlled weI1 before the A1203-Mg0 castable can be put into practice.

Kobayashi et al. [42] determined the thermal expansion behaviors of A1203-Mg0

castable (Figure 2.1 1). They showed that the temperature at maximum thermal

expansion for ai1 samples is between 1300 and 1500°C. In case of Mg0 content at 10.0

or 15.0 wt%, the maximum expansion under OîMpa Ioad can reach 1.0% or 1.4%.

Accordhgiy, he recommended that the proper magnesia content should be Iess than

Figure 2.1 I Thamal Expansion mder Load (O.2MPa) of f203-MA. Castables (Tbree

DÏfEerat Mg0 Contents) after I7OOaCx2Em [42]

M. Kobayashi et aI. [42] carried out m e r tests with adding Werent amount of

S i 9 fume. The results for thermal expansion of castable with silica content >OS% is

larger than that of silica content <OS% at 1300°C. but, the maximum thermal expansion

does Vary with different SiO2 addition. The lowest maximum thermal expansion is at

0.5% (See Figure 2.12). They also concluded that SiOz in &O3-Mg0 castable couid

prompt the in-situ spinel formation.


Figure 2.12 The Maximum ThermaI Expansion of Ai203-Mg0 CastabIe (under Ioad

OO2MPa, 7.5% wt%) Ï n ReIatiouship with Si02 Addition after Firuig at 1700°Cx2hrs

M. Kobayashi et ai [42] reported the eEect of MgO/SiOs weight ratio in &O3-Mg0

castable on permanent Iinear change (PLC), their redts demonstrated tha. when the

MgO/Si& ratio exceeds 12, the PLC becomes too large (>2%), and castable peeling is

signincant. However, when the MgO/Si& ratio is Iess than 3, there is a shrinkage effect

whkh aiso acceierates crack formation, therefore, an approprÏate M g O I S G ratio is

between 4 to 8 - The corrosion behaviors of Ai203-Mg0 castables in high fiequency induction

fumace was determined by Kobayashi and Tawara et al [42,1 II]. They fomd that the

corrosion thickness and slag penetration depth are closeiy related to Mg0 fine grains

content in the castable (Figure 2.13), the optimum Mg0 content being at 7.5-10.0 wt%.

! O

I J O 5 1 O 1 5 2 0

, M ~ O C o n t e n t ( w t % )

Figure 2.13 The ReIative Corrosion Thickness and Slag Penetration for Alto3-Mg0 and

M203-MA Castables [42]

Furthemore, fiom the hcture mechanics point of view, S. Itose et ai. [II21

confkned that the optimum Mg0 content in AI2Cl3-MgO castabIe is indeed around 7.0

wt% (as [42] ).

The castable He cornparison tests were carried out at industrid tria1 stage by M.

Kobayashi et al [42]. Chemicai analyas for corroded sampIes shows Ca0 content in

Ai203-Mg0 castable, distance h m hot face, was much less than that in Ai203-MA

castable; the erosion and penetration index king only haif of the index for Ai203-MA

castable. Same results were confirmed in a steelmaking plant; the ladies lining Mes

under the same industrial conditions were 180-200 heats for &O3-Mg0 castables,

compared to 140-1 60 heats for Ai200-MA castables.

A1203-MA, Ai203-Mg0 castables applied in the side wall or bottom of steel IadIes

are by now commercidy acceptable, obviously, their slag resistance to high basic slag

is not to be expected and hence they cannot be used at slag Lines, therefore, those

castabIes have to be restrained to the barrels and bottoms of steel Iaciles.

2.5 Summary

MonoIithics are now in use as re-ory materiai in the steel industry. A i d a

based castables with addition of fine spine1 have successfully been used in steel Iade in

bottoms and barrels. The mo&ed Ai203-MA castable with fine grains addition instead

of the pre-reacted spinel in matrix portion, cded &O3-MgO castables, have achieved

better semice performances than Ai203-MA castables, but are not yet acceptable in slag

Iine zone,

Dtawing Iessons fiom A1203-MA castabIes, magnesia based castables with spine1

bonded are potentiaIIy perspective refrsictories to be used in the slag Iine. However, as

reviewed, since the volume expansion dnring spk i formation, magnesia hydration,

pre-mted spinel grades and addition, the Mg0fA1203 ratio in the castable and the

binder types greatiy influence the propeaies of castables. Therefore f i d e r

investigations on those factors have constituted the essentid part of this thesis.


In generai, a weii designed castable has to present good fiowabiüty at low IeveI of

water addition to fonn a dense and consotidated product. Flow properties are idluenced

by a number of factors, such as raw materiai properties, type of binders, particle size,

distribution and shapes etc. However, the moa signincant factors are particle size

distributions and the appropriate deflocculart With an appropriate continuous

dimiution of particles including a larger amount of fine particles, mixture may pack to

the maximum density exceeduig 80% theoretically [113]. Fines and uitrafiaes behg

distniuted in interstices of larger particles do reduce the porosity of the packing body.

Nevertheless, a proper defloccdant is needed to modify the interparticle forces, so as to

prevent fine powders aggiomeration, to minirnize water demand, and to ensure good

flowability of castable mix.

[n this chapter, characterization of the fiow properties of castables under study has

been achieved using the extracting-rnae method. It heips to determine the effects of

different defloccdant and additions and heIps to select an appropnate deflocculant for

Mg0-Ai203 castable mixes

3.1 Experimentai Procedure

FIow property measurements have been made in two steps: M y 9 Wow-time* was

meastued on the basis of t h e grotrps ofsIurry, MgO, A i f i and the m . h m of MgO,

AI& pre-reacted spinel. The mixture is actuany composed of the matrix part of the

castable. Four different deff occuiants in each group, Listed in Table 3.1, at the addition of

0.1,0.5, I.O,5.0 and 10.0 wt!!! were respectiveIy addeci, where the percentage is based

on the dry mmass of powdea.

AU the used materials have been dehed aiready in te- of chemicai composition

and size distributions in Chapter 1. The c~ow-tirne'' experimentai set up is s h o w in

Figure 3.1.

Table 3.1 Defloccuiants Studied

Stop wt*





P i

Figure 3.1 Schematic Representaton of the Appanitas to Measure c'FIow-Time"

Chernical Name I


Organic Sait


Phosphate h

Each tested slimy is composed of80.00g fine powders and 18.67g water as weiI as

ofdispemant. Mer stimng for 5 minutes, the slrrrry is poured into the b e l . The knob

on the h e l is tumed at the same time as the vibnitor is on. Time to empty out the

fime1 is recorded. The vibrator works at a hquency of 60Hz and amplitude of 3.5~ IO"

m. The flow of the slurry is mainly dnven by the vibrator and, of corne7 sluny mass

itself, therefore, the shearing stress of the sfmy may not significantly affect the

rneasured flow-the, and it will not be specincally considered herein.

Based on the appropriate dispersant optimized nom step one, the 'qlow-value"

measurement of Mg0-Mz03 castable mixes were carried out by the flow cone method

r e f e h g to ASTM C230-90 as the second step measurement. Batches weighing 1.5 kg

were wet mked for 5 minutes using a Hobart mixer. The castable m k was then

consolidated into a flow cone by vibrating for 15 seconds on a Waker vibration table at

fiequency of 50 Hz and ampiinide of 4 5 loJ m. Atter Ieveling the surface on the top,

the cone is carefully removed and vibrated for a fuaher 15 seconds dIowing the mix to

spread. The diameter of castabk spread is measured in six directions and the average

base diameter is expresscd as the 'Vlow-value" of Mg0-Ma3 castable mix.

3.2 Redts and Discussion

3 2.1 Effects of DEerent Deff occdants on Flow T ï e of Mg0 and &O3 SIurries

The Vow-tirne" measured for sltury of baII d e d magnesa f%e powders with

water and different defiocculants are shown in Figures 3.2 (a) and (b).


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 t.0 1.2 4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Content of 08flocculrnt(%)

Figure 3.2 "Flow-Tirne" of Mg0 SIurry in Relationship with Defloccuiant Type and

Additions ( Figure (b) is an enlargement of Figure (a) at 092% defloccuIant addition)

The most efficient addition range, which significantiy affects the flow time of

Mg0 slurry, is Iocated between 0.5 and 1.0% addition for ail of deflocculants. Less

than OS%, the slurry can't be weii dispersed. Focusing on the specific range 0.5 - LON,

deflocculant L has the best dispersibility for Mg0 sluny, controversidiy, the worst

deflocculant is phosphate P. With defioccuiant addition more than 1%, ''fIow-thes" in

this experimentai con- are not Hected sipnincaatiy, aithough the order of

dispersibility for each defiocculant remains the same as its in the range of 0.5-1 .O%. At

addition below OS%, the best defloccuiants are O and S while P remaius the worst-

Therefore, not only the deflocculant type, but aiso the addition amount do play important

role in the sIurry.

As a cornparison, "flow-tirne" tests of A120i siurry, a mixture of UFA, FA, TA, HA

and watet, were aiso carried out. The resuIts are shown in Figure 4.3. Again, the

efficient addition range of deflocculants is still nom O S to 1 .O%. However, in this case,

P becomes the best defioccuiant whiie the defIoccuht L is the worst, totalIy in

opposition wah the results of the previous Mg0 sluny.


Figure 3.3 "Flow-Times" for Nz03 Slurry in Relationship with Different Deflocculant

and Additions (Figure (b) is an edargement of Figure (a) at different addition of 002%)

The cüspersing mechanisms of deflocdant used in Mg0 or &O3 slurry are highly

rdated to the particle interactions which have been weii desmied in DLVO theory.

3-22 Effects of DHerent Deflocculants on FIow Time of MgO-&O3 Mixnire SIuny

The castable matrk is a mkture of dumina, rnagnesia and spine1 fine powders,

in the ratio 4:l:I. "Flow-T'mes" of ma& simy vernis different defIoccuIants are

iliustrated in Figure 3.4. hterestingiy, the effects of the four kinds of defl occdant are in

dose agreement with the effects on flow t h e for Af203 durry, but not for Mg0 sItury-

The reasons may be mgarded as two aspects, one Îs due to the signincant amount of

A.& h e powders used controhg the properties of the slnny; or may be due to the

specinc preparation technique to prepare the slmy. Mg0 particles are added into the

dispersant solution nrst, then after stirring 2 minutes* dumina is added. This adding

seqwnce codd reduce the isoelectnc point of Mg0 (pH=I0.5-12) to close to that of the

bare dumina particles @H=8-9), because it helps the abundant dissociated multiple

charged ions or polytelectrolyte chains to adsorb at the Mg0 particledwater interface

and increase the negative d a c e charge [I 141, therefore, the aftemard introduction of

Alto3 into the Mg0 siuny, does not cause strong electrostatic attractions between

particles of different rnaterids, ensure a homogeneous dispersion of both powders in the

mixture sliury.

O ' 1

QO 02 0.4 a6 û.8 t.0 1.2 t.4 t.6 t .8 2 0 Contint of Dl(locculuit (%)

Figure 3.4 "Flow-Timesy' of Matrix Slurry in Relationship with Different Defloccdant

and Additions (Figure (b) is an Enlargement of Figure (a) at Addition of 0-2%)

Results of 'Flow-tunes" as a fiinction of "Settbg-times", at level addition of 0.5%

for each defloccdant are shown in Figure 3.5. "Setting-times" of matrut are not

SignificantIy changed dinUig the fkst hour when adding defloccuiants O, L or P.

O a) # 60 80 100 120 SWng Ti- (min)

Figure 3.5 The Relatiomhip Between MatrBr S e h g T h e and FIow time with DEerent

Defloccdant at addition of O S %

3.3 Correlation between Matrix bbFfow-Tie" and Castable "FIow-Value"

The "fiowWvaluen was measirred for MgO-N2O3 castabfe mixes, composed of 70%

Mg0 aggregates (6470 mesh) and 30% ma& h e powders (-170 mesh), with addition

of 0.5% of one of the three different defloccdants O, L or S respectively. Resuits are

shown in Figure 3.6. For purpose of cornparison, b%ow-timesn

ma& are also given ùi Figure 3 -7.

in castable with 30%

Figure 3.6 "Flow-The" of Matrix at 0.5% Addition with Deflocculant O. L and S

Figure 3.7 'bHow-VaIue" of Castable Mix at 0.5% Addition with Deffocculant O, L and

S respectiveLy

Hi& correspondence appears between matrix "fIow-timesy' and castabIe '3ow-

values" for the different deflocnilant 0, L, S. The smaiIer the "now-then of rnatrix is,

the larger the 'ïlow-value" of castable mix wiii be.

Furthemore, concentrating on the specined defiocculant O at four different

additions, the same high correspondence between "flow-value" of castable and ''£Iow-

timey' of mahix are clearly demonstrated in Figure 3.8. In conclusion of this section

through this easy-to-do, so called "Extracting-Matrixm, method measu~g the TOW-

tune" of matrÎx does help to predict the flowability of the whole castable mix. Therefore,

it is an efficient way to select the appropriate defloccuIant type and appropriate addition

in a new castable mix. Additionaiiy, in our system, the flowability of castabIe wi1I

mainly depend on the ma& composition in castable mix. nie reason may be due to the

major factor, which remarkably Bects the castable fiowability of those fine powdea in


Figure 3.8 FIow Value of CastabIe and FIow Time of Matrix with Deffoccdant O at

four of Additions

3.4 Correlation of 'Tlow-Times" and "FIow-Values" with Physical and Mechanicd

Properties of Mg0-A1203 Castable Mix

Based on the bbextracting-rnatRx" method, the optimued defloccdant for MgO-

A1203 castable is defloccdant "0" at 0.5% addition, meanwhile, the woat case is

defloccdant L. Physical and mechanical properties of Mg0-Al2@ castables, with

deflocculants L and 0, at addition of OS%, were measured after curing, drying and

nruig respectively. Porosity, density and coId modulus of rupture etc. were also

measured, and values are show in Table 3.2. It gives that the higher dentity, higher

CMOR and Iower porosity were achieved with defloccdant O.

Table 3.2 Physicai and Mechanical Properties of MgO-M203 Castable with

Deflocdant L and O

Water Addition (wt%) Flow Value of Castable Flow T h e of Mat& Green Body 1 BuUc Density (g/cm3)

4.8 198.4

Buk Density (@cm? Porosity (%)

4.8 214.0

8.05 3.01

MOR (MPa) PLC(%l

12.94 3 .O4

2-88 18

2.89 18

6.9 +0,9

8.6 +0,9

As a summary, 6LExtracti.g-Matrix" rnethod can be used ta optimize the

defl acculant. The fiowability of MgO-N2O3 castable is predictable by measiiring ff ow

thne measurement of matrix slurry. Meanwhile, the appropriate defloccuiant for MgO-

A i f i castable is the defloccuiant O at the addition of 0.5%. This optimized properties

for Mg0-AIS3 castabIe fiowability will Iay an important foundation in the following




The volume expansion, due to i n d u spinel formation h m reaction of periclase

and spinel [16,67] which has been documented in Chapter 2, is highly related to the

properties of MgO-AN3 castable. A systematic experimentd study on volume stability

of Mg0-N2o3 castable mixes has been conducted to cl* the expansion

characteristics and to control the expansion of MgO-A1203 castable mixes.

4.1 Experimentd Plan

This part of the study is divided into two aspects: one is focussing on the study of

different pre-reacted spinels on thermal expansion behavior, and the other on the silica

addition. For the nrst part, thirty five mixes, divided into three series with different pre-

reacted spinel &, and respectiveiy, are to be considered. The MgO

aggregates ia each castable mix of the three series have the same size distribution and

weight percentage (75%). In the matruc, 5wt% hydratable dumina as a binder with

additions of O%, 5% or IO% pre-reacted spinel compfement wah Mg0 and &O3 fine

powders. For the second part, siIica h e was added fÏom O to 3% into two series, with

or without pre-reacted spine1 addition, of MgO-N2O3 castable mutes. The sample

compositions in different senes are given in Table 4.1 to 4.5 respectively.

Table 4.1 Composition of Tested Specimens of Senes 1 in Part I

Table 4.2 Composition of Tested Specimens of Series 2 in Part i

Mg0 Powder

MG Powder

AIumina BÏnder

Table 4.3 Composition of Tested Specimens of Series 3 in Part 1

Samp le Number I Magnesia

A1203 Powder CS 1 125 I

Powder 5 5

Alumina Binder 5 5

Group 6 Group 7 I

For instance: N(SF) to - Mg0-N203 castable without pre-reacted spineI, but 0.10

wt% of Si& Fume addition.

O (SF) - Si& Fimie, N - No pre-reacted spinef

Table 4.4 Composition of Tested Specimens of Series 1 in Part II k

Sample Number

Magnesia Aggr.

Mgû Powder

&O3 Powder

Spinel ARts

N m o o





-- -- - 1 Silica Fume I O






O -5






N(s FI20





1-0 2.0

Table 4 5 Composition of Tested Specimens of Serie 2 in Part II

Mg0 Powder

N203 Powder


Siiica Fume

For instance: with additions of 5 wt% pre-reacted

spine1 and 0.10 wt% of Si02 Fume.

(SF) - SiOz Fume, N - No pre-reacted spinel, R- Pte-reacted spinel ARn,

Mg0-M203 castable mixes are prepared fiom dead-bumed seawater magnesia,

which has been selected as both aggregates (denoted as MG afterwards, 3470 mesh)

and fùie grains ( BMF, -170 mesh); caicined and sintered dumina such as tabdar

aiumina (TA, -325 rnesh), fine ground aiunha (FGA, d5& p), Ultra fine ground

dumina (UGA, ds0=0-4 Cun) and hydratable duniina (HA, dso=10 p); pre-reacted

spine1 powders (Ahm ARl8, h4l&, -325 mesh) as well as silica fume. The chemicd and

physicai properties of those starting matends are aU given in Tables 1.1 and 1.2 in

Chapter 1.

AU the mixes m nine groups, being careMy mixed m a Hobart mixer with water

and deflocculant, were cast on a vibratïng table in moIds of 54 by 64 by 230 mm. To

prevent Ioss of moisture, the specimens were covered with polyethytene sheet, stored

for 24hrs prior to demouiding, clned at ambient temperature for 2 days and dried at a

temperature of l I 0°Cx24hrs.

4.3 Experimentd Methodology

4.3. L Thermal Expansion Measurement

A high temperature vertical dilatometer (LMTHERM TM MODEL 1 161L) was

used for measiaing thermal expansion. Spechens of 15 by 15 by 60 mm were eut fiom

the cast bar in longitudinai direction. Each sample was heated in the funiace chamber of

dilatometer nom room temperature to 1600°C at the rate 3"C/min and cooled down to

25°C at the same rate. Dial Gauge Tefion Support Linear Variab te Differential Trai Sapphire Rods Furnaœ Roof

~hermdcoup te Test Sample Fuma Charnber ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ i s 5 ~ i , , ~ ~ Alumina Bas

Figure 4.1 The Schematic Diagram of Dilatometer AssembIy

4.3 2 Spinel Quantitative Anaiysis

An i n t e d standard technique was applied to anaiyze the in-situ spinel formation

arnount. Samples, after themai expansion tests, were individuaiIy crushed, ground and

mked homogeneously with 5% pure SiO2 (99.6%) as a aference. A calibration test

was established on five mumires which are cornposed of pre-reacted spinel, Mg0

powders as weii as 5% pure SiO2. The weight hction of pre-reacted spinel in each

mixture is fkom O to 60% (at 15% htervds) with complement of Mg0 powders

respectively. The ratio of x-ray difhction intensity between bp and Isio2 was

caicuiated. And hally, the calibration curve was pIotted with Isp/Isio2 and weight

hction of spinel added. Based on this cuve and rneasured x-ray difiction intensity of

spinel and Si&, the amount of in-situ spinel in castable mix can be quafltified.

4.4 Typicai Themial Expansion Characteristics of MgO-M203 Castabte Mixes

Figure 4.2 presents a typicd pIot of percent elongation as a fiuiction of temperature

for a given M g 0 - w 3 castabIe (mix A3). The curve may be decomposed into four

segments: for the nrst segment 25°C to 1 100°C, the thermaI expansion goes up Linearly

with temperature; at the second stage IIOO°C to 1400°C, a sharp increase is

observed np to a maximum temperature at 1410°C; aftennrard, the expansion drops

whüe temperatme stiii increases untiI it reaches 1600°C; duhg coohg down , i t . the

fornth segment represents shcinkage.


Temperature (OC)

Figure 4.2 A Typicd Thermal Expansion Curve for a Mg0-Ai20s Castable

A phenomenoIogicai mode1 depicting the thermal expansion behavior of MgO-

N2o3 castable mix during the f5st heat-up can be plotteci as shown in Figure 4.3.

Thermal Expansion of L



Figure 4.3 A PhenomenoIogicaI Mode1 of the Themial Expansion of

MgO-M203 CastabIe Mixes

in this model, the first segment "Oa" corresponds to the reversibie thermal

- expansion fÎom MgO, &O3 and MgA1204 mixes; then the expansion " ab Ir is due to

the ia-situ spinel formation as a resuit of the &on between magnesia and aiunina

- - powders; finally the shrinkage behavior at " b ~ " and " cd " is fiom the sintering of

AL components. For each step, the mathematicai expressions of - may be shown as:


- AL, AL AL ab : = (t) + %astable ( Ti TI€T 1

Re mion S int aïng

expansion fiom the reaction of Mg0 and &O3, is the shrinkage of

castable mix due to the high temperature sintering, -te is the average thermal

expansion coefficient ofMg0-M203 castabk mixes, Tm is m o m temperature, Ti is the

temperature at any point i and T,, is the temperature at maximum thermal expansion.

FoIIowing this model, when Tas, the thermal expansion of castable m k presents

the rrversible hem expansion, however, whiIe PTa, the ovedl expansion of MgO-

spine1 formation has neariy ceased to progress, on the other hand, shruikage due to the

suitering ofmDt components b e g b to dominate, at point C, the expansion h m spinel

brmation is equivdent to the d e ~ g shrinkage h m mi% cornponents.

4.5 T h e d Expansion Behaviors of Mg0-AI2& Castable Mixes without

Si& Fume Addition

4.5.1 T h e r d Expansion Behavior h m 25°C to 1 100°C

The thermal expansions versus temperatures are Zu~t~ated in Figure 4.4 through

Figure 4.6 for the nrst three gronps of castabIes defined in TabIe 4.1

O 200 400 600 T* AkratufiOP~)

1200 1400 1600 1800

Figure 4.4 Thermal Expansion of MgO-Alto3 Castables without Spinel Addition (A 1 -

Figure 4.5 T h d Expansion ofMgO-AI& Castabfes with 5% Spine1 Addition (A+

A55) versus Temperatures

Figure 4.6 Thermal Expansion of Mg0-M2O3 Castabies with IO% Spinel Addition

(AioI-A&) vmus Temperatures

The thexmai expansion of each castabIe, regardes of their compositions, exhibits a

similar hear inmase with increasing temperature up to 1100°C . It is thus deduced that

the starting temperature of spine1 formation is arotmd IfOO°C. TabIe 4.6 Iists those

thermal expansion coefficients of tested mixes between 2S°C and 1 100°C as caicuiated

through a regression andysis. The correlation coe5cient of R' for each regression is

greater than 0.99.

Table 4.6 Thermal Expansion Coefficient of MgO-M203 Castable My< between 25°C

The average thermal expansion coeEcient is 1 . 4 1 ~ 2 x l 0 " 'c*'. It corresponds

weli to the a value for Mg0 coarse grah reported by Edwin Ran etc.[I 1 SI, 1 -5 1 x 10-'

Ta' for fpxd MgO's brick, and by Mord 1553, 1.40~10'' OC" for magnesia single

crystai. In other words, the thermal expansion coefficient of MgO-A.& castable &es

fiom 25OC to 1100°C a c W y depends on the exp-on coefficient of Mg0 aggregates

in the m k . AU other £he grains do not signincantiy affect the o v d expansion of the

castable. Figure 4.7 shows the expansion and shrinkage behaviors of MgO coarse

aggregate, M a , spind & and Mg0 fine powders taken separateIy as weli as

castable A3.

and 1100°C through a Regression Analysis


N u b e r








( IPC) (25-110O0C)

1 -43 x I O-'


1 .42x 1 O-'

1 . 4 1 ~ 1 0 ~ ~

1.42% 10-~





( 1 PC) (25-1100°C)



(1PC) (25-ftOO°C)

1 .43~ 10"

1.40~ 1 O"

1.39~ IO-^

1 -40~ 1 O"









As 1





I -43 x I o4

1 -40% 104

I . 4 2 ~ 1 o4

1.40% 10‘~

I .40x I O-$

Figure 4.7 Thermal Behavior of Mgû Aggregate, Ai203, Spinel and Mg0 Fine Powders

as weli as of Castable A3

Obviously, the thermal expansion of Mg0 aggregate does overIap with the

castabIe A3 at temperature range h m 25OC to I IOO°C, and aiso is predorninant over

those spinel and &û3 fine powders.

Additionaiiy, the theoreticai consideration fiom Tumer's Equation [I 161 also

agrees weII with this concIusion. Turner assumed that each component in mixtlnes is

constrained to change dimensions with temperature at the same rate as the aggregate

with negligible shear stresses between partÏcIest then

Where a, and ai are the o v e d and individuai phase thermal expansion coefficient

respectively, the Ei is Young's elastic moduli, and the Wi iis weight fiaction whiie pi is


Through the calculations in Eq (4.1) for meen castable mixes defined in Table 4.1.

with at Ieast 75% M g 0 aggregates in the mix, the contriiution for themai expansion

coefficient tiom those h e powders of M203 and pre-reacted spinel can only Vary the

mix value a k0.07~ 1 o-~/oc. Therefore, it cm be concluded that the thermal expansion of

Mg0-M203 castable mixes, at temperature beIow 1 100°C, significantiy depends on the

magnesia aggregate expansion (1 3 8 to 1 . 4 3 ~ I O-'lOc ody).

4.5.2 Thermal Expansion Behavior fiom 1100°C to 1600°C

Table 4.7 gives the m e a m thermal expansion (AL)-, the temperature at

m k t r m thermal expansion (Td and the permanent hear change (PLC) for each

m k A regdar variation wit6 compositions in p u p I, 2 and 3 can be cIearly observed.

Table 4.7 The Temperature at Maximum Thermai Expansion, the Maximum T h m a l

Expansion and the Permanent Linear Change for Mg0-Ai203 Castable Mixes in Group 1

To further analyre those redts and estabîish their reiationships, the amount of in-

situ spinei fomed in each specimen of Al-AS, after nrst cycIe firing, was qtïantitatively

measined through the internai standard technique of X-ray dfict ion.

Figure 4.8 X-ray DEktion Patterns for A I 4 5

Figure 4.8 shows the x-ray diffi.action patterns of sample AI-AS. On basis of those

figures the precise detemination of Iaaiee constant for each sample c m be conducted.

Since the systematic enors manifest a dennite dependence upon differential angle 0, and

also tend to a minimum as 0 approaches 90° [1I71, plotting the caicdated %'s against

cos2& and exbrpolating at cos% =û, yield values, iisted in Table 4.8.

TabIe 4.8 The Lattice Constants for the hsitu Spuiel Formed (Al -A5)

Interestingly, regadess of the Nz03 composition variation fiom sample Al to AS.

the Iattice constant of each rnix is quite dose and the range Iocates in between 0.8082 k

0.0003 nm. Compare to the vaiue given in Chapter 2 by Nakagawa et ai [I4], this shows

that the formed in-situ spineIs are cIosed to the stoichiometnc composition aithough the

castable miu is a rich magnesia composition.

Since the Iattice constant in sample AI-AS is so similar to the pre-reacted spine1

(m = 0.8082 m). was seIected as the internai reference with 5% pure SiOt

and compIement of MgO f i e powders. A calriration curve is show in Figure 4.9.

O 20 40 60 00

Wefght Fraction of Spinel (%)

Figure 4.9 The hearity of Typicai Calibration Curve for In-situ Spinei Quantitative

Andysis Ushg Silica (5%) and Pre-ceacted Spinel as Internai Standard The Maximum Thermai Expansion

Table 4.9 The Amount of In& Sphef Formed on the basis of Linearity

of Typicd Caiiibration Curve


b i n d ki02

Arnotmt of SpineI (Wto!)














1 -34


Figure 4.10 shows the dationship between thermal expansion and amount of in-situ

spinel formation It can be seen that the maximum thermal expansion is proportional to

the amount of in-situ spinei formed.

Figure 4-10 The Maximum Thermal Expansions vernis the Amount of In-situ Spinel

Formed for SsmpIe AI-AS (No pre-reacted spinel)

In this case, the expansion, obviously, depends on the ratio of 4 0 3 to Mg0 in the

mix, the higher the Mz03 content, the more the in-* spine1 couid be expected, and

therefore the higher the maximum thermal expansion. If pre-reacted spinel A b is

added instead of part of M203 powders in the mix, the maximum thermd expansion is

demaseci, however, the direct proportionai relation between maximum thermal

expansion and &situ spM formation amormt stin fonows the same d e as that of

sampIe AI-M.

With the aid of the phenomenologicai mode1 @en in Figure 4.3, the maximum

thema1 expansion can be considered as the hction of the amount of in-situ spinel

formed Sui, the shrinkage of fine powders S, and the addition amount of pre-reacted

spinel Sp.

As shown in Figure 4.10, it is already kaown that the maximum thermal expansion

is proportionai to the amount of in-situ spinel fomed Sm, which is a direct fùnction of

the amount of dumina added.

On the other hanci, the maximum thermd expansion decreases with pre-reacted

spinel addition, because the in& spinel formation amount is reduced with the pre-

reacted spinel addition instead of the same amount of M203 powders, consequentiy, the

inverse proportion relation between maximum thermal expansion and pre-reacted spinel

addition is observed,

Figure 4.1 1 illustrates the merences brought by the use of the three levels of spinel

grains A b . Hence

Figure 4.1 1 The Maximum Thermal Expansion versus Castable Mixes at O%, 5% and

1 0% Levels of Spinel (ARPo) Addition Respectively.

To document the effect of shxhkage S , &O3 type and addition in the matrix have

to be taken into consideration. Figure 4.12 presents the shrinkage of M203 mixture in

ma& for sampIe Al, A3, A5, AL O 1 as weii as Mg0 aggregate and fine powden as a

Figure 4.12 The Shnnkage of M203 mDmne in Matrk of Samples AI, A3, A5 and Aio 1

as weII as Mg0 Aggregate and Fhe Grains vs. Tm-.

The shrinkage of Mg0 aggregate or h e powders is quite srnalier than that of

Ai2@ mixture in three different mat& compositions, in other words, the s M a p of

castable mix during heating and coohg wilI mainly depend on the N203 addition and

types in the matrix. TabIe 4.10 demonstnited the reIationship between maximum

thermal expansion and shruikage of M203 mixture in the rnatrk, it is evident that:

Table 4.10 The Maximum Thermai Expansion and PLC of N203 Mixture in

CastabIe Mix AI, A3 and A5

Therefore, a formula to d e s m i the maximum therrnai expansion cm be gÏven as




U (-), inCastableMac L

( %) 2.9



PLC of N203 Partition in Matrix (%)




-1 5.5

AL Where (-), is the maximum thermal expansion, Si is the amount of in-situ spinel


fomed and hÏ@y related with &O3 content in castable m k , Ss is the shrinkage of fine

powden and S, is the addition amount of pre-reacted spinel.

4.5.22 The Temperature at Maximum Thermal Expansion

The tempenitmes at maximum thermal expansion with first three group 1-3 of

sampIes is given in Figure 4.1 3


Figure 4.1 3 The Temperature at Maximum Themai Expansion vs Spine1 AIQO Addition

of O%, 5% and IO% respectiveIy and Each Level with Five Compositions of Mg0-AiZO3

CastabIe Mixes

Thmugh the phenomenologicaI model, Tm is stiII considered as the ftmction of Si ,

Ss and S, .

From Figure 4-13, it has indicated that the reIationships rnnong the temperature at

maximum t h e d expamion and Sb, S, are

AL which are the exactiy same as of (-), . Normaily Tm should be inversely


proportional to S,, however, in this specinc case, since A1203-rich spinel was

added into the castable mD<, it wiIi m e r react with Mg0 to change its spinel

composition 60m A1203-rich to stoichiometnc composition, and the reaction

accompanies with volume expansion, hence

Therefore, in case of aiumina rich spinel ARgo addition, the temperature at

maximum thermal expansion may be expressed as :

Where Si is the m-situ spinef formation amount, S, is the sintering shrinkage of

castable mix and S, is the amount of pre-reacted spinel added.

In summary, based on the analyses of thermai expansion behavior and

phenomenoIogical expansion mode1 of MgO-&Cl3 castable mixes, the foLiowing

equation to represent the themd expansion of the MgO-Ai203 castable mixes:

a (TOTo) To s T ç 1 100°C (4.1 O) f

Sisp Tm, = f (Si, Sp, SS), Tm= z- (& addition) s s

Tm= = = f (Si, Sp, SS), Tm= A or ms addition) (4.14) SSS,

thermal expansion, Tm= is the temperature at m h u m thermai expansion, To is the

room temperature, a is the reversÏÏIe average themai expansion coefficient of MgO-

Al2@ castable, Si is the in-situ spinel fonnaton amount U1 the castabIe, S, is the

sintering shrinkage of castable mix and S, is the amotmt of pre-reacted spinel added. The Wects of Pre-reacted Spinet Addition ( A b ) on the Permanent Linear

Change (PLC)

The measrrred vaiues of shrinkage at room temperature after one cycle are show in

Table 4. I 1.

Table 4.1 1 The Effects of Pre-reacted Spinel Addition (Aho) on PLC of MgO-A.40,


Pre-reacted Spinel Addition (%) The Shrinkage at Room

Temperature ( L W L ) ~ ~ (%)

The permanent hear changes are compensated by adding pre-reacted spinel m. In the case of higher Nz03 content, the permanent h e m changes of castable mix are

reduced with pre-reacted spinel addition instead of part of M203 powders, for example,

Al and Aiol or A2 and Ai& On the other han& PLC values increase with increasing

spinel addition of higher Mg0 content, such as for A4 and Ai& or for A5 and Aio5.

4.5.3 The Effect of Dserent Type of Pre-reacted Spinel Addition on Thermal


Adding pre-reacted spinel m6 or instead of A& into Mg0-AI2O3 castable

mixes presents similar t h e d expansion behaviors as for (see Figure 4.14 and

4-15). in other words, the maximum thermal expansion of Mg0-Mz03 castable mixes

cm be reduced with adding any composition of pre-reacted spinel.


Figure 4.14 Thermal Expansion of MgO-Ai203 Castable Mixes with SpineI ma Addition at O, 5%, 10% respectiveIy versus Temperatures

Figure 4.15 Thermal Expansion of Mg0-A1203 Castable Mixes with Pre-reacted Spinel

Addition at 0.5, 10% Respectively versus Temperatures

However, a merence betwcen A& and m6 or ART8 is cleariy demonsrnited in

Figures 4.16 and 4-17. At the same amount of pre-reacted spinel addition, the thermal

expansion of castable mk with & is much higher than that with m6 or ARis. It is

atûiiuted to the poss'bility of reaction ocamhg between AI2O34ch spinel ARgo and

Mg0 in the castable mLu.

To confÏrm nich a reaction, X-ray ciBiaction analysis has been perforrned on

samples AI, Asl, AroI as weif as A b , results are shown in Figure 4.18. The precise

caldation of Iattice constant for each sampIe was conducted on the bask of the

extrapoIatulg me&od and the results are listed in Table 4.12. Based upon the vaIues

&en by A. M. Lejus et al, [SI], A b has been transformed to stoichiometnc spinel

(78% M203 instead of 90%).

Figure 4.L6 Thermal Expansion of Mg0-A& Castable m e s with 5% Pre-reacted

Spinel &, & and ARlg respectively vernis Temperatures

Figure 4.17 Thermal Expansion of MgO-M203 CastabIe Mixes with 10% Pre-reacted

Spinei a, & and ARn respe&eLy versus Temperatures

Figure 4.18 The X-ray Diffrsiction of SampIes AI, Asl, ALOI and Pre-reacted Spinel


Table 4.12 The Lanice Constants of SampIes Al, As 1, Aio 1, ARw and Stoichiometnc


a From Anne-MarÏe Lem [5II.

4.6 Thermal Expansion Behaviour of MgO-Ai2@ Castable Mixes with SiO2 as


4.6.1 Thermal Expansion Behaviom h m 25OC to I 100°C


Q (nm)



A5 1




Pre-reacted Spine1 0.7969

Stochiometric SpineI


0.808 1 *

The relationship between themai expansion and heating temperature is given in

Figure 4-19 and Figure 420 respectively.

Figure 4.19 Thermal Expansion of MgO-A1203 Castable Mixes with SiOz Fume without

Pre-reacted SpineI ARt8 Addition versus Temperatures

O axi 400 am 000 luio l a0 MW I w o


Figure 4.20 20~hea.i Expansion of MgO-AI2@ CastabIe Mixes with Sioz Fume and

Pre-reacted SpineI AR7* Added venus Temperatures

From room temperature to I 100°C, ai i samples present the hear relationship

between thermal expansion and heating tempera- in other words, regardes of Si&

fume or A b 8 addition, the thermal expansion coefficient is constant for each castable

mix. The regresaon andysis results (Et2 20.99 per each) are shown in Table 4.13. The

average thermal expansion coefficient is 1.50H.20~10" / O C , slightly higher than the

value quoted in TabIe 4.6.

Table 4.13 Tbennal Expansion Coefficients between 25OC and 1 100°C of MgO-%O3

Castable m e s with SiOz Fume Addition thmugh a Regression Andysis

Sarnple Number


Expansion Coefficient

( 1 PC) (25-1 1 O0 OC)


SampIe Nimiber


Expansion Coefficient

( 1 /OC) (25-I1OO°C)

1 .50x 1 0"

4.6.2 Thermal ExpansÏon Behaviour between 1 100°C and 1600°C The MsuCimum Thermal Expansion

Figure 4.21 The M h u m Thermal Expansion versus Si02 Fume Amount in MgO-

M203 Castable Mixes with or without A h s Addition

Figure 4.21 gives the maximum thermaI expansions in relationship with SiOz

fume addition showing the sirniIarity between castable mixes with and without pre-

reacted spinei A b 8 addition. With an mcrease of SiO2 fume, the maximum thermal

expansion increases (except at 0.5% S i o .

Considering the discussion in previous section7 wàh the SiO2 fume addition, the

AL maximum thermal expansion shorild still fobw (-1- s - , and be proportionai


to the in-situ spineI formation amount, therefore, the increase of msurimum

thermal expansion with SiO2 fnme addition, shown in Figure 4.21, can be considered as

the Si02 fume does prompt the in-situ spine1 formation, which supports the hding of

M. Kobayashi et a i [62] discussed in Chapter 2. This is because SiOz will easiiy react

with ixnpurities fkom MgO, or N203 raw materiais to form Liquid phases at high

temperatmes. This increase in the amount of Iiquid phase wil1 facilitate the in-situ spinel

formation, and of course, the more in-situ spine1 formed with the more addition of SiOs

fume, the higher the m h u m thermal expansion wilI be.

As with A b 0 grains, the maximum thesmai expansion decreases with amount of

L u I the pre-reacted spinel AR78 added, and so (- ), oc - as in (4.3). L SP

4 . 6 2 2 nie Temperature at Maximum Themiai Expansion

The temperature at maximum thermal expansion varies with SiO2 ftmie and pre-

reacted spinel Abs additions. Figure 422 shows the reIationship between T,, and Sioz

content. Again, Tm, ac - ' . For exampk, at the same amount of SiOt fume w, addition, the Tm, of castable mbc with & is smder than of castabIe mix without

1 This is due to Tm a -, meanwhile, both curves perfectiy present the similar


trends. Taking one ofthe MO curves Tm, at 0.5% of Si& addition gives the maIIest

vaiue, with m e r adding Si@, T' goes up agah

Figure 4.22 The Tempera- at Maximum Thermal Expansion vs Addition in

CastabIe Mixes The Effect of Si02 Fume Added on the Permanent Linear Change (PLC)

The measured values of shrinkage at mom temperature afler fïrst cycle heating and

cooling are shown in Figure 4.23.

Figure 4.23 The Permanent Linear Change vs SiIica Fume Addition

It presents that the PLC decreases with increasing of pre-reacted spinel ART8

addition which is the exactiy same conclusion as in Section 4.52.3. Also, the lowest

value of PLC is Iocated at 1% SiO2 fume addition, this may directiy relate to the in-situ

spinel formation amount, the liquid formation amount f?om SiO2 contribution and the

sintering shrinkage in the castable miu.

4.7 A Phenomenological Mode1 of Shrinkage Behavior of Mg0-M203 Castable Mixes

during fkst Cycle Coohg

As shown in previous Figure 4.2 for sample A3, during first cycle cooling, a

hL, significant shrinkage is observed. As temperature drops back to room temperature, - L

decreases LinearIy with a change of dope at 850°C. T'bis schematicaiiy represented in

Cooling Shinkage

Figure 4.24 A Achematic Representation of Shrinkage Behavh of MgO-&Cl3

Castable Mixes durhg First Cycle CooIing

The figure shows that, at eIevated temperature (dc), a more rapid shrinkage

occurred as if the sintering process is st2i active. In the intend (z), the relationship

between shrinkage and temperature is hear. At point b, a change of dope does occur.

This phenornenon is related to the formation of micromcking gaps during coohg.

Since thermai expansion coefficients between magnesia and spinel are different "' , the

shruikage of Mg0 aggregate being larger than that of spineI, the residud stresses

induced are so large that they Iead to partiai debondhg and formation of microcracking

gaps. Figures 4.25 and 4.26 demonstrate the mismatch gaps obsewed between

aggregate Mg0 and spinel matrix in the sample AI and the sample As5 respectively.

Figure 425 MrMrcrostructures of SampIe AI *out A b d e r firing at 1600°Cx4hrs .

The mismatch gaps are clearly sem (OPM 160)

Figure 426 MicrostNCnire of Sample A55 with 5% addition after firing at l60O0C

x 4hrs (OPM x100)

4.8 The Shrinkage Behavior of Various M g O - w 3 Castable Mutes during Coohg

Eom 1600" to 25°C

4.8.1 The Shrinkage Behavior with Pre-reacted Spinel Added

The shrinkage curves shown in Figure 4.27 through Figure 429 have the

characteristics descn'bed in Figure 4.24 Each curve has been Iineariy fitted for the two

Linear segments corresponding to c6 and 6a in Figure 4.24. The intersection

temperature, soIution of both fitted hem equations, represents the temperature at

which the gap formation (TG) is inittCated. AII cordation coefficients (IL2) haYe d u e s

higher than 0997.

Figure 4.27 Shrinkage Plot for Mg0-M203 Castable without ARg0 Added

O 200 400 600 800 tOO0 1200 t400 1600 Tempemture CC)

Figure 4.28 Shturkage Plot for MgO-AI2@ CastabIe with 5% AIQO Added

-0.005 1

O 200 400 600 800 1000 7200 1400 3600 t e m perature (%)

Figure 4.29 Shrinkage Plot for Mg0-N203 Castable with IO% Pre-reacted Spinel


Figure 4.30 iuustirites the TGs in relation with dumina content and pre-

reacted spmel addition in the Mg0-AIz03 castabfe mixes. It reveals that TGs

signincantiy inaease with the increase in the proportion of aiumuia and pre-reacted

spinel additions. It may be associated with the "bonding ability" between Mg0 and

spinel in the castable mUr after sintering.

+O% AR90 Added -5% AR90 Added ,

+?O% AR90 Addad'

O 5 10 15 20 25 30

Alurn ina (wt%)

Figure 4.30 Temperature at which Gap Formations are Initiated as a Function of

Alumina Content in the MgO-&O3 Castable Mixes

4.8.2 The Shrinkage Behavior with SiO2 Fume Addition

The shrinkage as a function of coohg temperature at SiO2 fume addition is given in

Figures 43 1and 4.32 for two series of Mg0-N203 castable mixes.

O 100 400 600 800 1OOQ 1200 T400 $600

Figure 4.3 1 SEuinkage PIot for MgO-AW3 Castable Mixes with Si& Fimie, but

without Added

Figure 4.32 Shrinkage Plot for Mg0-N20i Castable Mixes with Si02 Fume and AR7*


Figure 4.33 Temperatures at which Gap Formations are Mtiated as a Function of Si@

Content in the bfgo-&03 Castable Mixes

Figure 4.33 demonstrated that TGs signincantiy depend on the SiO2 h e addition,

meanwhile, with the pre-reacted spi& A b 8 added, the beginning temperature of

mismatch gap formation is reduced. This redt may stU be due to the "bondability"

between Mg0 aggregate and spinel matrix.

4.8.3 Repeated Temperature Cycles

The thermal expansion-shrllikage plots of Mg0-M203 castable mix (A51) during

the initial, second and third cycle are given in Figure 4.34

Figure 4.34 The ThermaI Expansion-Shrinkage Plots of Mg0-N203 Castable Mùt

(Asl) durîng the Initial, Second and Thmt Heating-Cooling Cycles

The residud permanent expansion or shrinkage d e r initial cycle heating can

be regarded as internai disruption of the castable resulting h m incompatiile t h e d

straios between aggregate and ma&. ParticuiarLy, in case of Mg0-Aifi castable

mixes, the ''intenial disruption" aiso contniutes to the mismatch gaps to be formed ,

in other words, a sudden relief of residuai tende stress between Mg0 aggregate and

spinel matrix can occur. During the 2"d and 3d thermal cycle, with same heating-

coobg rate, the mismatch gap formation does not reappear .



For any castables, physicai and mechanicai properties are related to the

performances in service. For instance, density and porosity of castable are closely

relevant to the penetration and thermal shock cesistance, meanwhiie, the strength

properties Significantïy affect the Wear rate and impact resistance of castable. However,

many factors will innuence on castable properties. They not ody depend on the mix

composition, mix size and distniution, nature of raw materials, but aiso rely on selected

binders, castable flowabiiity, water addition, as weii as the high temperature reaction

process and reaction products.

This chapter is divided into two parts. Part I deds with physical and mechanicai

properties of Mg0-N203 castable mixes whose compositions were aiready used to

determine thermal expansion behaviors in Chapter 4. The discussion wilI be focussed on

the effects of different grades and additions of pre-reacted spinel. Part II hvoives those

compositions which have been optimized after fIowability and thermal expansion tests.

The roies of pre-reacted spinei and Si& fume addition on physical and mechanical

properties are discussed in detailS.

5.1 Experimental Procedures

The compositions of tested samples in Part I are given in Tables 4.1 to 4.3, pp55-56, Ui

Chapter 4. The optunized compositions of sarnples in Part II are show in Table 5.1.

Mg0-&03 castable mixes were prepared with sa-water magnesia aggregates (3-

170 mesh), magnesia fine powders (-170 mesh), N203 powders (-325 mesh) including

tabuiar dumina, fine ground alumina and ultrafine ground dumina, pre-reacted spinel

A h 0 , Ab8, as weli as silica fume as additive.

Each miMure is W y dry mixed in a Hobart mixer for 5 minutes. Afterwards. the

pre-mixed sluny of magnesia fine powder with water and deflocculant is added and wet

mixing is camied out for another 5 minutes. The homogenized mixture is cast into molds

of 54 by 64 by 230mm onto a vibrating table. To prevent moistute Ioss, the sarnples are

covered with polyethylene sheet, kept for 24 hrs before demouIding, then cured at room

temperature for 2 days and dned at a temperature of I IO°Cx24hn. The measurements of

buik dendy, porosity, coId modulus of rupture and hot moddus of rupture are done

foilowhg ASTM standard C830-88, Cl33-94, C583-80 and C 1 198-9 1 respectively.

Table 5.1 Optimized Compositions of Test Samples

For instance: 1 Rs(SF) - Batch 1, Mg0-A1203 castable with additions of

5 wt% pre-reacted spinel AR78 and 0.10 wt% of Si02 Fume.

0 (SF) - Si02 Fume, N - No pre-reacted spinel, M-Pre-reacted spinel m6, R-

Pre-reacted spine1 A- Pre-reacted spinel

0 ASP - Commercial product Ai203-MA castable

5.2 Resufts and Discussion - Part 1

To obbtaui an idea of experimental error or variability, a repeatabiiity test has been

done. Two batches of the same samples in the series of AI tu A5 have been prepared at

15 days intenraI. The experimental procedures are maintained exactIy the same as

descnbed in session 5.1 for both batches of castabIes, TabIe 5 2 and 53 respectnreIy

show the physicaI, mechanicd properties and dative repeatab- of the two batches.

TabIe 5.2 The Physicd and Mechanical Properties of Two Batches of Mg0-AIa3

Apparent 1 10°Cx24h Porosity 1 000°Cx4h

(%) 1 6OO0Cx4h B d k I i0°Cx24h

Density 1 000°Cx4h (p/cm3) 160O0Cx4h

Permanent 1 000°Cx4h Linear 1600°Cx4h

r I I I I I I 1

7.7 162 15.8 15.7 14.1 13.4 13.9 13.5 14.9 15.8

he Relative Repeatabüity of Two Batches of Table 53

MgO-M203 Castable Mixes

Apparent 00~x24 Pore* 1000°Cx4

1 1 94 94 95 1 95 1 98 99 . 99 1 LOO 1 99

The relative repeatability (%) Ïs defined as (' d2 -' ~ 1 0 0 % , where di and dz (4+4)12

are the measured vaiues in batches I and 2 respectively. In senes A I to A5, the porosity,

density and CMOR values are very close at temperatures of 1 1 0 ~ ~ and 1600°C7

however, not as good at intemediate temperature 1000°C. The repeatability of

permanent hear changes is onIy around 70%.

The experimental results for the physicai and mechanicd properties of MgO-Alfi3

castable mixes at spinel additions of O%, 5%, 10% with spinel grade Ah0, or

respectively are given in Tables 5.4 to 5.10.

Table 5.4 Physicd and Mechanical Properties of Mg0-Ai203 Castable Mixes without

Pre-reacted Spinel Addition (Group 1)

Apparent Porosity


Permanent Linear Change (%)

CoId ModuIus

L I0°Cx24h tO00°Cx4h 16OO0Cx4h

of Rupture (MW

Al 1 A2 14 1 14

1000°Cx4h 1 0.7 1600°Cx4h 1 2.5 110°Cx24h 1 I I 2

A3 15

18 - 21


1000°Cx4h 1 600°Cx4h

21 17

-0.03 2.0 8.5

A4 16


: 3.4 7.7

A5 17


-0.5 1.2 7.2

2-4 5.8

-0.1 0.4 6.1

-0.3 O, I 4.6

2-1 4- l

1 -4 3 -9

2.7 4.9

Table 5.5 Physical and Mechanical Properties of MgO-Ai203 Castable Mixes with 5%

of Pre-reacted Spinel A b Addition (Group 2)

Apparent 1 1 0°Cx24h Porosity IOO0°Cx4h

(%) 1600°Cx4h Bulk 1 I0°Cx24h

Density 1OOO0Cx4h ( d c d 1600°Cx4h

Permanent 1 0OO0Cx4h Linear Change 1 60O0Cx4h


Table 5.6 Physical and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-Ai203 Castable Mixes with 10%

of Re-reacted SpineI A b o Addition (Group 3)

Apparent Porosity


Den* 1000°Cx4h (dm3> 16OOoCx4h

Permanent 1 000°Cx4h Linear Change I 600°Cx4h

(O/.) Cofd ModW 1 10°Cx24h

of Rupture 1 I O O O O C X ~ ~

Table 5.7 Physicai and Mechanicd Properties of MgO-M203 CastabIe Mixes with 5%

of Pre-reacted Spinel A b 8 Addition (Group 4)

Apparent Porosity


Density 1000°Cx4h (dcm3) 160O0Cx4h

Permanent 1000°Cx4h Linear Change 1 60O0Cx4h

(%) Cold Moddus of Riipnne

W a )

Table 5.8 Physicai and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-AilU3 Castable Mixes with 10%

of Pre-reacted Spinel A b Addition (Group 5)

Apparent Porosity


Permanent 1 1000°Cx4 Linear Change 1 1600°Cx4

Table 5.9 Physicai and Mechanical Properties of MgO-M2O3 Castable Mixes with 5%

of Pre-reacted Spinel Addition (Group 6)

Apparent 1 1 0°Cx24h Porosity 1 000°Cx4h

(%) 1 600°Cx4h BuIk 1 10°Cx24h

Density I 000°Cx4h (dm3) 1 600°Cx4h

Permanent 1 1 000°Cx4h Linear Change 16OOQCx4h

(%l I Cold Moduius 1 I 1 0°Cx24h

TabIe 5-10 Physicd and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-N203 Castable Mixes with

10% of Pre-reacted Spinel m6 Addition (Group 7)

Apparent Porosity

(%) Bufk

Density (dcd


Mt01 16 21 18 2-90 2-80 2-87 0.5

110°Cx24h 1000°Cx4h 1600°Cx4h 1 10°Cx24h 1000°Cx4h 16OO0Cx4h 1000°Cx4h

Mo2 16 SI 19 2.87 2.77

Linear Change (%)

Cold Moduius of Rupture


Mios 16

20 2.86


7.8 0 3


1 I0°Cx24h f000°Cx4h 1600°Cx4h


6 2 0.1


6-6 0.2


9.0 0.2 5.2


3 -8 O. 1

Mi04 17

20 2.83

2.83 0.5

MroS 18

22 2.78

2-8 1 0.2

2.82 0.3


2-74 0-03

i 23 3.2 1 2.8 L

53.1 The EfEects of N203 Content in Matrix

From the results show11 in Tables 5.3 to 5.9, it can be noticed that, whichever

group of Mg0-Alto3 castable mixes is considered, the variations of physical and

mechanical properties with Ai203 content in the matnx are similar Taking goup one,

without pre-reacted spinel addition as an example, the physicd and mechanicd

properties at three different temperatures vernis N203 content in r n a e are illustmted in

Figures 5.1 and 5 2 .

Figrire 5.1 Porosity and b d k density as a function of Mz03 content without pre-reacted

spinef addition in the mk

Figure 5 2 CMOR in relationship with Ai203 content, without pre-reacted spinel addition

in the mix

As shown in Figures 5.1 and 52, an increase of A1203 content results in an decrease

of the castable porosÎty, whiIe buik density decreases. The reason is directiy related to

water addition. To meet the requkement of castable flowability, more water has to be

added with the addition of Mg0 fine powders instead of Ai203 powders uito the mu<,

and therefore inmase the porosity and deaease the density. Figure 5.3 shows the water

addition with the variation o f w 3 content in the fkt groq of castable mixes.

Figure 5.3 Water Addition vs. N203 Content Ui Mg0-Ai203 Castable without Pre-

reacted Spinel Addition

Nevertheless, a significant différence of porosity or density among sarnple AI to

A5 is observed ody at more than IOwt% aiumha intervais.

On the other hand, it aiso cm be seen that the coid madulus of rupture after drying

is sipnincantLy increased by increasing M2O3 content in the matrix; this is obviousIy due

to the reduction in water addition- After firing at 1600°C, when Aiz03 content is more

than 15% in the castable, the cold modulus of rupture is stilI remarkably inmaseci,

however, beIow 15% Ai203, the variation is not signiscant, As shown in previous

section 4-52, less M203 content wiiI cause Iess ui-situ spinel formed. Figures 5.4 and

5.5 present the microstructures of AI and A5 mixes. At high alrmiina content, as ùi AI,

the denser in-situ spmeI network has been observed which cteates higher bonding

ability, meanwhiie, aî 5% Al2@ as in AS, more pores and fewer h-situ s p d network

cm be seen. Therefore, to obtain signincant contn'buton on the strrngth value with the

change of A1203 amount, more than 15% A1203 is needed in such Mg0-M203 castable.

Figure 5.4 The Microstructure of M g O - W 3 Castable AI d e r Firing at 1600°Cx4hn

Fipure 5.5 The Microstructure of MgO-M2O3 CastabIe A5 d e r F h g at I60O0Cx4hrs

5.22 The Effects of Pre-reacted Spinel Addition Amount

Regdess of the nature of the pre-reacted spinel added ( A b , AR7* or Wb),

similarities between physicd and mechanical properties as a hct ion of spinel addition

amount, have been observed. In the first series, the differences of porosity, b d k density

and cold modulus of rupture are signincant between castables with and without pre-

reacted spinel added at A.i203 content greater than 15 wt %. At N2O3 content less than

l5wt%, those ciifferences are not Sgnincant.

The microstructures of sarnple R5 1 with 5% AR7* is shown in Figure 5.6. More

pores and Less bonding are formed in Rsl in cornparison with Al in Figure 5.4. This is

because in adduig pre-reacted spinei Uistead of h e aiumina powders hto the castable.

more water is needed during casting and Iess in-situ spinel bonding is to be formed

during hea- Ieadiug haiiy, to an increase in porosity and a decrease in cold

rnoduius of rupture.

Figrue 5.6 The Microstructure of MgO-AIZ03 CastabIe RsI with 5% Added after

Finng at 16OO0Cx4hrs

5.2.3 Cold Modulus of Rupture at Intemediate Temperature

The strength ratio between hi& temperature and intemediate temperature can be

used to evaluate the thermal spalling cesistance of castabIe [92]. Obviously, the strength

at intermediate temperature is one of the important parameters. Unfortmately, with the

pre-reacted spinel &, or & addition, CMOR values at 1000°C are below 1.0

MPa, with one exception for the sample Asl, while in the series without pre-reacted

spinel CMOR values 2 3.4MPa.

At room temperatme, Aaibond reacts with water to fomi bayerite and bohemite gei

[118, 1191 and mates binding. However, those bohemite gels decompose and [ose

bondability around 250°C. The strength is not enhanced untiI 1000°C, before any

sintering cm take place. Figure 5.7 represents the cold modulus of rupture vaiues for

sample MsI at different temperatures. The Iowest strength measured being at

temperature around 1000°C.

Figure 5.7 CoId Moduhs of Ruptures as a Fundon of Fkhg Temperature for SampIe


To Ïmprove intemediate temperature strengths, 19 new M g 0 - A N 3 castabie

mixes with 15 metent additives have been prepared The composition for each mix has

remained the same except for srnail amolmts of différent additives. The experimentai

procedures remained the sarne as descnied in section 5.1. Tables 5.1 1 and 5.12 give

compositions and results of tested samples ITSO to ITS 18 respectively.


ITSIO LTS 1 1 - - -

ITS 12 ITS13

Table 5.1 1 Compositions of Tested Sarnples with Different Additives

Base Composition

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Additive Name 1 N OU UN%)

- 1 - Mg0



Reference 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 M @ 2 0 4 ( ~ ~ n )

O 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

75 1 25 5 Si@ (l3)

1 2

- A.i(OEQ3 Gel. 1 AI(OH)3 Gel. 2

Ti02 Ti02

Nano-AI2& Nano-A1203 m2(Po4)

1 75 t 25 1

Zr0.r Superfine Mg0

25 1 5

- 2 2

0.5 1.5 1 2


5 1 S~inef-GeL


80% A1203 5



25 25 25 25 25 25

5 5

- 5 5 5 5

CA 1 2 - 0 3

MgCt2 MCb

Na3(po4) Si02 (A)

0.5 I t 2


Table 5-12 Physical and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-Nz03 Castables

Focusing on the cold modulus of ruptures at 1000°C, ail the sarnples, except for the

Sampl e Name


sample ITS 17, show that the intermediate temperature strengths have not been improved

at ail, even some of them are worst than the reference sample ITSO. However. SiO2 fume

does pIay an important role in the increasing of strength. For example, with only 0.5%

Apparent Porosity (%)

addition, it cm Sgnificantly impfove the mtemediate temperature strength of castable

I1OoCx24 hrs

14 l4 16 16

up to 3 times of the sarnpIe KSO without Si02. Part II @es the eEect of SiOz h e on

1000°Cx4 hl3

17 20 22 21

Buik Density (gicrn3)

30 20 20 20 27 20 17 17


properties of castabie m detaü.

L10°Cx24 hrs

3 -03 3 .O0 2.94


0.8 0.9 0.8

3.01 3 .O2 3 .O 1

14 14 12 I I 23 14 14 14

IOO0°Cx4 hrs

2.98 2.88 2.8 1

110°Cx24 hrs

ITS 13 ITS 14

1 ES15 ITS16

1 ITS17 ITS18


tOOO°Cx ! 4hrs


3 .O6 2.67 3-01 3 -05 3 .O2 2.95


2.64 2.97 2.95 2.86

2.87 2.88 2.08

f 2.8 13 -2 14.0

16 16 17 12 14 14


f 2.9 1 0.9

2.09 2-59 2.88 2-98 2.95 2.8 1

2.8 1

7.0 5.4 6.2 13.9


12.0 10.7 11.2

O -4 1-1 0.5 1.7

23 17 20 20 17 17

0.6 0.7

14.3 8.7 13.8 10.2 9. i 6.3

2.78 3 .O0 3 -00 3 .O5 3 .O3 3 .O4

3- 1 1 .O

2.98 2-99

0.9 OC6 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.6

13.1 14. f

5.3 Redts and Discussion - Part 11

Values of the physicai and mechanieai properties of new optunized MgO-M203

castable mixes (given in previous Table 5.1) are presented in Tables 5.13 to 5.15

respectively .

Table 5-13 Physical and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-N2O3 Castable Mixes with Pre-

reacted Spinel and Si& Addition

Density IOO0°Cx4h

Permanent t 000°Cx4h Linear Change 1 6OO0Cx4h


HMOR (MW) 1 140O0Cxlh

Table 5.14 Physicd and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-Alto3 Castable Mutes at 1 %

Sio2 Fume, but with DBerent AR78 Additions

Apparent Porosity


of Rupture 1 1000°Cx4hrs

TabIe 5.15 Physicd and Mechanicd Properties of Mg0-N203 castable Mixes at 5%

AR7*, but with Different Sioz Fume Addiaons

Apparent 1 I0°Cx24hn 1 13 i4 14 15 1000°Cx4hrs 1 17 17 17 17


(%) 1 16OO0Cx4hrs 16 L6 14 IS Bulk 110°Cx24hrs 3 .04 3 .O2 3.00 2.96

Density 1000°Cx4hrs 2.98 2.96 2.95 2.93 16OO0Cx4Jxs 2-97 2.98 3 .O3 2.98

Permanent IOO0°Cx4hts 0.2 O. 1 03 02 Linear Change 1600°C~4hrs 0 5 0.2 -0.5 -0.3

5.3.1 Effiects of Different Grades of PR-reacted SpineI and Si@ Fume Additions

From Table 5-13, it cao be noticed that no significant differences of physicd and

mechanicd properties cm be presented in the optimi;l:ed compositions with whichever

grade of pre-reacted spinel added, but the difference indeed existed between the castable

with or without SiO2 fume addition. The CMOR shows that the strength at 1000°C for

sample 1R5(SF)~o is neariy 3 times that of sarnpIe lN(SF)oa; this may be contributed to

the sintering aid of S i 6 fume. In addition, 4.3 MPa of HMOR is an acceptable value

aithough HMOR has been reduced with addition of SiOz fume in cornparison with that

of lN(SF)oo. Therefore, in order to improve the strength at intermediate temperature,

adcüng an appropriate amount of Si02 fume is a vaiid approach.

5.32 Effiects of DEerent SiQ2 Addition on CMOR

The r e d t s shown in Table 5.12 illustnited that, the CMOR after drying and firing at

1600°C are aimost not Xuenced by 0.5% Si& addition, but the CMOR after £king at

1000°C is si@fÏcantIy increased. Meanwhile, with M e r addition SiO2 up to 2.0%, the

CMOR stüI inmeases, but dowly. C o n s i d e ~ g the properties at elevated temperature.

the proper amount of Si02 addition may be between 0.5 tu I.O%Surthermore, the

intermediate temperature strength improvement due to S a , in M g 0 - m 3 castabIe

containing 5% AR78 is in agreement with the previous resuit, on MgO-M2O3 castable,

without pre-reacted spinel, meaning that Si02 does remarkabIy ùnprove the intemediate

temperature straigth in mch castabIe with or without pre-reacted spinel.

Figure 5.8 CMOR of MgO-N2o3 Castable (with 5% AR7* ) and Different Amounts of

SiO2 Addition

5.3.3 Ef5ects of Re-reacted Addition on Modulus of Rupture

Figure 5-9 CMOR of MgO-AI203 Castable at 1.0% Si@ Fume and DBerent Amounts

of A&8 Addition

Figure 5.9 shows the coId modulus of rupture as a fimction of AR7* additions fiom O

to 20%. At 1.0% Si@ fume addition, a sipnincant CMOR difference appears in castable

with AR78 and without AR7a addition.

aa at a4 as as t.o t.2 1.4 t s t.8 zo =t-*(w*L)

Figure 5.10 HMOR of MgO-&O3 Castable at DBerent Amounts of SiOz Fume and

A b 8 Addifiofl~

HMOR values for sample with or without 5% AR7( added at different Si&

additions are show in Figure S. IO.

It can be seen bat, due to the iicpid phase formation, HMOR is reduced with adduig

Si02 into the compositions, however, the HMOR can be Ïmproved through addition of

pre-reacted spinel AR7& MSO, at 0.5% SiOz IeveI. The HMOR reaches the Iowest valne

in both cases, with AR78 or without ARn in castabIe, this is agreement with the results

related to the maximum themai expansion analyses discussed in Chapter 4.62. It may

be related to the Iowest Liquid viscosity at 05% SiO2 addition, therefore, fiom those

physical and mechanicd anaiysis, 1.0 % Si& h e is recommended as the appropriate



Corrosion of refiactones is a complex phenomenon which involves chernical,

physicai and mechanical Wear processes. Those processes do interact synergistically and

promote rehctories to be conoded progressively.

Typical corrosion tests for renactories include dipping test where a sample is held in

the corrosive medium; induction h a c e test where the corrosive medium is melted in a

refiactory-hed induction fumace; mcible test in whidi the corrosive medium is melted

in a cored-out brick; and rotary slag test where the corrosive medium is melted with an

oxy-acetylene flame in a rotating drum, which is lined with sections of rehctory.

Corrosion cesistance in rotary slag test is evaluated on the basis of con-oded

refkactory thickness or area Ioss fiom the original surface. Benefits of this particufar

method uiclude that multiple sarnples can be tested at the same the ; themial gradients

in sarnples help to simuiate the practicaI s e ~ c e conditions; and the slag, being renewed,

gives a dynamic abrasÏon component.

In the foIIowing study, a rotary slag test has been used to detennuie the erosion and

penetration behaviors ofMg0-Ai203 castable.

6.1 Experimentai Procedure

The compositions of tested sample are alrPady defhed in previous Table 5.1. For

the purpose of comparisons, sample IM5(SF)oo , IR5(sFlaa and lAs(SF)oo with 5% pre-

reacted spird AR90, AR78 and & respectkeIy2 are coflsidered at fÏrst to detect the

effect of adding dinerent grade of pre-reacted spinels. Those samples are dso to be

compared with the reference sample lN(SF)ao to attain the merence between castables

with and without spinel addition. Focussing on A.&8, the influence of pre-reacted spinel

addition level, varying fkom 5 to 20%, on erosion and penetratioa indexes of castable is

dso considered in samples 2N(SF) 10 ,2Rs(SF) . 2Rio(SF)io and 2Rzo(SF)

Meanwhiie, Si02 fume as an additive has been introduced into castable. Sample

3R5(SF)oo , 3Rj(SF)0~. 3R5(SF)io and 3&(sF)z0 adding with O, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0% Si&

mspectively w i U show the corrosion Merence from Si@ addition amout- Findy. the

relative cornparison of corrosion test resuits are to be c&ed out between the developed

Mg0-N203 castabIe ( 1 R5(SF) ) and commercial A1203-MA castable (ASP).

Mg0-Al to3 castable mixes are prepared from dead-burned seawater magnesia (-3

mesh), caiciaed or sintered dumina (-325 mesh), hydratable dumina (dso=I O p}, pre-

reacted spinel powders ( A b , Ah8 , M&j6 , -325 mesh) and sika fume. The chemicai

and physicai properties of those starting materids are given in Tables 1.1 and 1.2 in

Chapter 1.

Each murture is processed sequentidy as dry rnixing in Hobart mixer for 5 minutes,

aiter ad- 4.8% water, wet mixing for another 5 minutes, casting into mouids of

16Ox40x40mm and W I y vibrating on the ffow tabIe for 3 minutes. To prevent

moisture los, the samples are covered with poIyethyIene sheet, kept for 24 hrs before

demouiding, then cured at room temperature for 2 days and dried at a temperature of

1 I0°Cx24hrs*

For the rotary siag test, the ASTM practice C874-85 has been adopte& The

apparatus is schematicdy shown in Figure 6.1. The norniaal dimensions of the sampIe

are 23Ox80x40mm. In each operation, six samples are bundle up together and Iined into

an hexagonal shape in the fumace. Insulating grains of dumina are used to fili the gap

between samples and steel sheU. Aii the samples are heated up to 1600°C and

maintaineci 2 hours before adding slag. Amount of 0.2 kg slag is added at half hour

intervals. The testing temperature is held at 1600°C+1S0C for 6-8hrs, measured with a

non-contact infra-red radiation pyrometer (Minoltanand Cyciops 152).

Figure 6.1 Schematic View of Rotary SIag Test Set-up

As reviewed in Chapter 2, the disadvantage of MgO-based reftactory is its poor

penetration regstance, causing the structurai spding of the materiai in science.

However, for the purpose of attaining the most signincant redts, a highly femc basic

slag has been seIected for the rotary siag tests. The slag composition is @en in Table


Table 6.1 Chernicd Composition of SIag

The areas of slag erosion and penetration (including the coloration area) are

schematically defined in Figure 6.2. Each area is cdcuiated by an approximate integrai

method, based upon measured depths, in muItiple points. The erosion depth is

detemiined by the difference between initial and final remaining depth of the tested

sample (&-di), where the remaining depth does not count the depth of the attached slag

Iayer. The penetration depth represents the depth of the aitered layer (dia3), observed

microscopicdly and partiaiiy confimed by optical microscopy. Additionally, within

aItered Iayer, the coIored depth, which is easily seen by mam-observation, is cddated

by di*. The erosion or penetration index is defhed as 1, (%) = 5. Where 1, is the %f

erosion or penetration index based on the erosion or penetration area; Si and Smr are the

eroded or penetrated areas of the ih sample and reference sample respectively.

For post-mortern microstructure examination, the eroded sampies are cut in piece,

impregnated with epoxy min, ground and polished usuig standard ceramographic

techniques; an opticd microscope and a scanning eIectron microscope (SEM) with an

energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) detector are used for microstructure anaiysis.

Some sampies etched by acid are under the conditions of etch time: 1 min. and acid

concentration: 30% &.Po4,

Figw 6.2 Schematic Representation of the Sarnple d e r Slag Testing

6.2 Experimentai Resuits

6.2.1 VaMation Tests

in order to vaiïdate the amount of work done In this thesis, it seems worthwhiIe

£Ï.rst to compare the corrosion resistance of so fir developed cernent-fke, magnesia

based castabIe and a comrnerciaiiy adabIe dumina-spine1 based castable. The erosion,

penetration indexes and cross sections of MgO-A1203 castabIes with or without silica

addition and Ai203-MA castable, are shown in Figures 6.3 and 6.4. The numeric values

are to be found in Tables 6 3 and 6.3.

Table 62 The Erosion, Coloration and Penetration Values of SampIes after Rotary Slag

Tests (1)

* 4, di, dL d3 are given in Figure 62



1N(smoo LM&Z)oo

Max. Depth (mm) Erosion (dOdl)

Min. Depth (mm)


Erosion (d0-d 1)

1-41 2.06 0.78 2.71 0.8 1 -63 1.36 1 -69 0.88

Coloration (d I -a)

113 1 Rs(SF)oo

Penetration (d t d3)

Coioraiion (6 1 42)


7.8 8 -3 6.4 5.0 5.3 5.4 6.6


19.19 18.59

Penetranon (dl d3)

t 0.06 5.19 1 f 1.1

9.63 12.33 10.5

f 0.55 12.6 9.9 1 9.63

6.6 6.7 3 -9 6.3

lAs(SF)oo 1 R5(SF)

. ~ ( S F ) I O 2Rs(SF) lo 2R[o(SF) 10

2Rz0(SF) lo

3 Rs(SF)oa


9.06 t 0.70 8-52 9.64

4-75 4.29 3 27 4.40 5.00 5.07 4.70

14.3 11.6 16.0 15.3 L2.2 12.6 10.0


O 1 1355


3Rs(SF)os 3Rs(SF) 10 3Rs(SF)20


1925 18.87 16-58 19.04 t 9.63 18.87


1 6.70 1-14 3.88 12.40 12.4 1.23

1-5 1 1.68 9-13

3 -67 4.21 1 5.96

103 I 1827 1 O. 1 O

1829 18

Table 6.3 The Erosion, Coloration and Penetration Vdues of Sampies after Rotary SIag

Tests (2)


* do, dl, dZ, d3 are given in Figure 6.2

Areas (mmL) Ero. 1 Color. 1 Pene.

It is cIearIy seen that the erosion index of &O& castable is significantly Iarger

than that of M g 0 - w 3 castable. The dissoIution rate of Ah03-based castable is

ememely higher than that of Mg0 in contact with the highiy ferric basic slag, used for

testhg. However, the magnesia based castable is Iess mistant to penetration.

Addïng Si& frmie into MgO-A1203 castable not only improves castable physicd

and mechanicd properties as discussed in Chapter 5, but do not make the erosion and

penetration resistance worst. It means that adding appropriate Si02 into Mg0-Aif13

casta6I.e codd be an efficient way to optirnize castaHe properties.

Average Depth (mm) Ero . 1 Color. 1 Pene.

Figure 6.3 The Erosion and Penetration indexes of Samptes af'ter Rotary SIag Tea at



Figure 6.4 Corroded Areas and Cross Sections of SampIes after I ~tary SIag Test at

The repeatabiüty of corrosion tests has been estimated with two compositions

2&(SF)lo and 3Rs(SF)io produced in batch 2 and 3 respectively. The experiment renùts

are given in Table 6.4. The Merence between the two trials is to be considered as an

index of repeatability.

Table 6.4 Repeatability of Rotary Slag Test Results

On the basis of the above r e d s , it is suggested that, to dinerentiate between values

on erosion, numbers have to diner by fi0 mm2, an erosion depth by +OS mm. on

penetration area by +IO0 mm2 and or penetration depth by k1.0 mm. The following

discussions wiI1 be based on those estimates of errors.

6.22 Microstructure Characteristics of M g O - w 3 Castable

The xnïcrostructure of the unatiacked MgO-M203 castabie f ier £king at

1 600°Cx4hrs (take sample AI as an exampIe) is shown in Figures 6.5 and 6.6. It can be

notked that the castable is composed of Iarge dÏscrete aggregate and continuous matrut

with entrapped pores. Two major hterlockuig phases, paicIase and spmel, with direct

bonding, are cIearIy seen. The pericfase cIusters are rnostly joined by sokid spine1 bridges

to form spinef "networE', which is eady obsenred in the enlarged SEM photo shown in





Sample Penetration

%(SF) IO

3%(SF) to

Penetration Erosion


Area (mm2)


Depth (mm) ~rea(mm~)




Depth (mm)



fi0 +f -0 fO.5





Figure 6.6. The 'hetwork? in matrk do affect the properties of phyàcaI, mechanical and

corrosion resistance. Additiody, inter- and intra-grandar pores, with variabIe sues

and irreguiar shapes, are also present in Figure 6.5.

Figure 6.5 A Typical Microstructure of Mg0-M203 Castable (Sampie AI after Firing at

1 600°Cx4hrs, OPMx IO0 )

Figure 6.6 S p M Networks in the Matrix of MgO-AI2@ Castable (SampIe lN(SF)ao

after fIling at 1600°Cx4hrst SEM x 800 )

Due to the difference of themai expansion coeEcients, which has been discussed in

chapter 2 and 4, the mismatch gap between periclase and spinei phases, has been

observed in hi& magnitude SEM photo of Figure 6.7. It shows that the acid etched

Mg0 aggregate, located in the center, partially connects with spinel matrùt on the Left

side, and foms a right side narrow gap. The gap width is 2 tu 5 p .

Figure 6.7 Mismatch Gaps between Mg0 Aggregate and Spinel Matrix (Sample

lN(SF)oo after Firing at 1600°Cx4hrs)

Meanwhile, focusing on a Mg0 aggregate, SEM analysis shown in Figure 6.8

presents a continuous grain boundary net, which edoses and separates s m d grains in a

big aggregate. Further EDS andysis, given in Figure 69, illustrates the existance of

nlicates at grah boundary.

Figure 6.8 The Grain Boundary Net Existed in Mg0 Aggregate (Sample lN(SF)oo after

Firing at L600°Cx4hrs, Acid Etched)

Figure 6.9 EDS AndysÏs at the Grain Boundary of Mg0 Aggregate (Pouit A)

The microstnicture characteristic of corroded Mg0-Ai203 castable by rotary slag is

schematicdy illu~frated in Figure 6.10. It shows that three merent layers: slag Iayer,

penetration layer and imattacked original castabIe Iayer, are present in the diagram. The

slag Iayer is always attached to the castable d a c e and followed by penetration Iayer. ln

penetration Iayer, the colored and uncoiored subIayers are clearly seen even through

macroscopic observation. Interestingiy, in within penetration Iayer, the colored dense,

colored porous and uncolored dense again texture are observed by Optical Microscopy.

Slag Layer


1 Colored' m w

Uncotored, 1 Penetration Layer

Unattacked Layer

Figure 6-10 Schematic Diagram of the G e n d Patterns of MgO-M203 CastabIe after

Slag Cornsion

The schematic representation is based on the microstructure observations of

corroded Mg0-A.izO3 castables For example, Figure 6.1 1 shows the interface between

sIag layer and penetration Iayer of sarnple 2Rs(SF)10. It reveais that a Lot of needle

crystals are formed in the slag layer. Further SEM, EDS analyses given in Figure 6.12

Uidicates that those me-needle crystals correspond to a C2S phases. Additiondy, with

the highly femc slag attack, both Mg0 gmins and spinel rnatrix wiU be dissolved into

slag to cause dissolution of castable. Those dissolved Mg0 and spinel are aiso eady

seen in Figure 6.1 1.

Figure 6.1 1 The Interface between SIag Layer and Atracked Layer (Sample 2R5(SF)io

after Rotary Slag Test at 1600°Cx6hrs)

Figure 6.12 (a) The C2S formed in the Slag Layer

Test at 1600°Cx6hrs); (b) EDS Anaiysis of Point




Considering the sampIe 2N(SF)io in detail, after corrosÏon test at 1600°Cx6hrs, in

the penetration Iayer, the interface between brown coIored and uncoIored layer is visible

through rnacro- or microsbservations. Element Fe does exist in brown colored Iayer,

but no more Fe can be found Ïxt uncdored layer via EDS anaiysis. It is believed that the

formed '4coIor" is due to the penetration of FexO from slag, and the FexO penetration is

to be stopped at the interfiace of colored and uncolored Iayer. Meanwhile, by the optical

microscopy, the variation of porosity can be seen in coIored Iayer while the subIayer

near the uncoIored Iayer is more porous than the sublayer near the sIag layer. Figures

6.13 and 6.14 give the microstructure observation in different coIored sublayers.

Interestingiy, foUowing the porous colored Iayer, the rmcoiored Iayer appears denser

again as shown in Figure 6-15.

Figure 6.13 The Interface between Slag Layer and Dense Colored Layer (Sample

2N(SQio, after Rotary SIag Tes at 1600°Cx6hrs)

Figure 6-14 The Interface between CoIored Porous Layer and UncoIored

(Sample 2N(SF)Io, after Rotary SIag Test at 16OO0Cx6hrs)

Dense Layer

Figure 6.15 The Interface between UncoIored Dense Layer and UnafFected Castable

(SampIe 2N(SF)io , d e r Rotary SIag Test at 1600°Cx6hrs)

6.2.3 The Effects of the Nature of Re-reacted Spinel Used

Cornparison between three grades of pre-reacted spinel ARgo, A h s and MR,jo is

now to be made at addition IeveI of 5 wt% in each case. SampIe lN(SF)oo is selected as

reference. AU the samples are tested at 1600°C For 8hrs.

The maximum erosion and penetration depth, the calcdated erosion and penetmtion

areas, the cross section of corroded sampIes are given in Figure 6.16. The reIative

changes at erosion and petration. indexes in cornparison with reference sample are

shown in Figure 6. I?.



Maximum Erosion Depth (mm) t 0.5

1 f t

Penetration (mm2) 1 100

t t I

Maximum Penetration Depth (mm) k 1 .O

tza f

tag Test at

Figure 6. I? The Erosion and Penetration Indexes of the Samples after Rotary Slag Test

at 16OO0Cx8hrs

Comparing with IN(SF)oo , addition of 5Wh AR78 (IR5(SF)OO) impmves the erosion

resistance signincantiy, but not the penetration resistance. In the cases of ms and A b 0

(IAs(SF)oo, l M s ( S ~ ) , the erosion and penetration resistance values do not ciiffier from

the ORS value, but the dissolution of castable is Less with adding and penetration is

less with adding , while they are compared to the castable with AR78 addition.

6.2.4 Effects of Siiica Fume Addition

Remlts fiom sampIes 3Rs(SF)oo without Si& fume addition and 3Rs(SF)os ,

3R5(SF) and 3Rs(SF)20 with OS%, 1 .O% and 2.0% Si02 Fume respectively are to be

compared. Each castable mÏx contains 5% AR7& The corrosion and peneaation

dinerences are illustrated in Figures 6. I8 and 6.19, again, the numericd values are to be

found in AppendDr 6.2.

Figure 6.18 The Erosion and Penetration Indexes of the SampIes der Rotary SIag Test

1 Erosion (mm2) * 50

I Maximum Erosion Depth (mm) t 0.5

1 Penetration (mm2) k 100

1 Maximum Penetration Depth (mm) i 1 .O

Figure 6-19 Cross Section of Corroded Samples after Rotary SIag Test at 1 600°Cx6hrs

Compared to the reference sample 3Rs(SF)oa, with the introduction of 0.5 - 1.0%

Si02 fume, the erosion resistance is improved. This positive effect disappears using

more than 1.0% SiO2 addition. MeanwEiile, regardless of SiO2 fume added or not, the

penetration resistance of aiI sampIes are not sipnincantiy different,

Microstructure andysis of sampie lRs(SF)io with 1% Si02 frrme addition after

firing at 1600°Cx4hrs is given in Figure 6.20. It shows the w d comected network

between spine1 and spinel, spinel and MgO. This msy be attriiuted to a better sintering

due to SiOs addition. Furthemore, this is clearer when ows observe such a sample as

LN(SF)oo, without SiOz fume addition (Figure 6.22). The SEM photo of IN(SF)Q~

shows that more gaps and pores exist between spinel and spinel, spinel and magnesia.

Therefore, the enhanced direct bonding due to SiOz in sample IR5(SF)io, helps to

improve its erosion resistance.

Figure 6.20 Microshz~cture of SampIe tR5(SF)io d e r firing at 1600°Cx4hrs

Figure 6-21 EDS AnaIyses of Points A and B in SampIe 1R5(SF) to of Figure 6.20

Figure 6.22 Microstructure of Sampte IN(SF)o~after Firing at 1 600°Cx4hrs

Meanwhile, the added silica fume can M e r react with Mg0 to form MtS. This

has been seen in sample lRs(SF)io, as shown in Figures 620 and 6.22. With 0.5 - 1.0%

SiO2 fume addition, M2S is mostly limited in triple junctions and is enveIoped by in-situ

spinel. However, with an increase of Si&, more M2S are expected to be formed. Those

forsterites, previously distnbuted in spinel tripIe jtmctions at 0.5 - 1 .O% of Si&

addition, now can spread to the interface and reduce the direct bonding between spinel

and MgO, therefore, it cm be eady attacked by sIag through the "interfacey' to form

Iower melting phases. A d y , with 1% Si02 addition, some of M2S Iocated on the

inte~ace have been observed-

6.2.5 EfTects of Pre-reacted Spinel A h Addition Amount

It has been concluded nom Section 62.3, that the erosion resistance of MgO-

M203 castable can be improved by adding pre-reacted spinel AR7& Further experiments

an now to be done to attain the appropriate amount The corrosion and penetration

indexes in relationship with AR78 addition amounts and macrophotoes of sections are

given in Figures 623 and 6.24 respectively. The numericd values can be found in

Appendix 6.2.

Figure 6.23 The Erosion and Penetration Indexes of the Sarnples dei: Rotary

Slag Test at 16OO0Cx66ts


1 Maximum Erosion Depth (mm) i 0.5

Ipp Penetration (nu& + IO0

Maximum Penetration Depth (mm) k 1.0

16.6 19.0 19.6 18.9

Figure 6.24 Cross Section of Corroded Samples after Rotary Slag Test at 1 600°Cx6hrs

By adding AR78 into castable in cornparison with the sample 2N(SF)io without

addition, the petration resistance is reduced, however, at 5% Level, the erosion

resistance has been hproved. With more than 7% addition, this predominance


Since the pre-reacted spine1 grahs h v e higher erosion resistance than the formed

in-situ spinei as discussed in Section 623 , alI of sampIes with A b addition shouId

present higher corrosion resistance than the one for sample 2N(SF)io *out AR7&

However, on the other han& adding more than 5% synthetic spine1 into castable instead

of same amount of fhe dumina, leads to ia-situ spinel formed and hence less in-situ

bonding which weakens the castable (see the MOR values in Chapter 5).

6.3 Microstructure AnaIysis of Corroded Mg0-&O3 CastabIe

In generai, castable corrosion may occur by rnechanisrns IÏke penetration of liquid

slag and dissolution of the refractory. Both penetration and dissolution processes are

interactive and synergistic. The corrosion characteristic wiii now be discussed based on

a microstnictd anaiysis.

The minerdopicd composition of the slag used, in corrosion tests, can be

cdculated nom its chemicai composition, as coataining: 47% Ca2Si04 (C2S di-Calcium-

Silicate); 12% Ca2AIFeOI (C&F Brownrniuerite); 38% (Mg, Fe)(Fe, a ) 2 0 4 (Cornplex

spinel) and 3% glassy phases. In spite of the reIatively high content of iron oxides, the

slag codd be considered as ody rniIdIy aggressive agaiast basic refiactories, because it

is MgO-saturated and ai i of the minerai-cornponents of the sIag are coexistent with


The fluid slag does penetrate into pores and interacts with components of the

refktory castabIe. Mg0 grains have the ab%@ to dissohe rniümited portion of Fe0

forming soIÏd solutions in the whoIe range of bÏnary compositions (Figure 6.25)). The

soIubiIity of F403 in Mgû is simUarIy very hi& approximateIy 70% at 1700°C,

forming Magnesio-Wustite. The ratio of FeO/F403 that wilI be present in reai systems,

iike the slag-refiactory interface d u ~ g the corrosion test, wiU depend on the

tempera- and the partiai pressure of oxygen. Based on the Iiterature review [30, 39,

103, 104, 1051 and the stronger aggressive abiiity of Fe0 for magnesia-based matend,

the effects of Fe0 on corrosion resistance of Mg0-&O3 castable will be mainiy

comidered as the folIowing.

Figure 6.25 Phase Diagram of MgO-Fe0 System

(R.E.Johnson and Arnulf Muan, .J. Ame. Ceram. Soc., 48 [q, 1965, pp36I)

(Mg, FehO solid soiutions are easily detectable in the corroded MgO-Nfl3

castables, for exarnpk in sampIe lN(SF)Oo, as show in Figures 6.26 and 6.27, the solid

solutions exkted in both dissolved Mg0 grains of the slag Iayer, and the big aggregate

Located in the fiont of penetration Iayer.

Figure 626 The Dissolved Spinel in Matrix (Sample lN(SF)oo &er Rotary SI; 5 Test at

Figure 6.27 EDS Analyses of Point A and B in Sample IN(SF)rn of Figure 6.26

Figure 628 gives semiquantitativeIy the eiement distniutions in an Mg0 grain. It

shows that Fe even can be foimded under 3 0 0 p from the d a c e of Mg0 aggregate

(indicated in Figure 626 by an mow). The Fe amount decreases with distance into the

center of Mg0 aggregate, this wouid indicate that the solid solution of Fe0 in Mg0 was

formed by solid phase diffusion duruig the C O E O ~ O ~ test.

Figure 6.28 The Distribution of Elements Fe, Ca and Mg fiom the Surface of Eroded

Mg0 Aggregate

On the other hand, besides Mg0 aggregates, Fe0 c m be eady solubilized into

spinel mat* to form solid solutions. h fact, Figures 6.26 (A) and (B) indicated the

presmce of (Mg, Fe)(Fe, Ai)z04 in the penetrated Iayer, while Figures 6.29 and 6.30

represent the dissolved spinel in the slag Iayer which &O c a p a d Feu.

Figure 6.29 The Dissolved Spinet (Sample IN(SF)oo after Rotary Slag Test


Figure 6.30 Point A EDS Analysis of SampIe IN@& in Figure 6.29

Interactions between the sIag and the refiactory castable will cause Iocal changes

in the composition of both the slag and the refractory materid, in a narrow contact zone.

Mg0 aggregates in the castable can be attacked by iiquid slag through the grain

bondaries that are mostiy formed by Ca-MgSilicates (See Figure 6.8). The individual

crystals of MgO, without beiog actually dissolved, are then released fiom the aggregate

and cm be simply washed into the slag. Figures 6.3 I and 6.32 show the microstructure

and the corresponding EDS andysis of the attacked (Mg7 Fe),O aggregate Iocated on the

interface between penetration Iayer and slag layer. Getting into contact with ftesh slag,

Mg0 particles can be, at Ieast partiaily, dissolved. The slag becomes more Mg0

saturated and that wiI1 Iead to the precipitation of more spinel.

Figure 6.3 1 The DissoLvhg (Mg, Fe)O Aggregate on the Interface between Penetration

and Slag Layer (SampIe îN(SF)io after Rotary SIag Test at I6OO0Cx6Em)

Figure 6.32 EDS Analyses of Point A (a) and Point C (b) for Sample 2N(SF) in

Figure 6.3 1

Those precipitated secondary spinels, netted with in-situ formed spinei together, do

form a protective Iayer to prevent the M e r attack fiom sfag. Consdering the colored

layer shom in schematic diagram Figure 6.10, the secondary spinels fiII the pores and

increase the density of the colored sublayer near the sIag as compared with the subiayer

close to the unattacked castable. ActuaiIy, a protecting layer with angular secondary

spinels have been observed as show in Figures 6.33 and 634 respeaiveIy.

Figure 6.33 The SpineI Protective Layer (Sample IN(SF)O~ after Rotary SIag Test at


Figme 634 The AnguIar Secondiry SpîneI (Sampie 2N(SQl0 after Rotary SIag Test at


The precipitation of spi.& wiii leave a remaining liquid phase enriched in CaO-

Si&. This silicate phase, in the system Cao-MgO-SiOz - (FexO-MnO-TiOi), wii l

penetrate deepex into the structure of castable. This wiU accelerate the sintering and

recrystalization processes, subsequentty reducing the porosity in the uncolored layer as

shown in previous Figure 6. I O).

The schematic representation of

illustnited in Figure 6.35.

SIag Layer

Dense Calored Layer

Uncolored @ @P@ @-Layer

M A MA Unattac ked

Figure 6.35 A Schematic Representation of SIag Penetratioa

As a summary, durhg the corrosion of MgO-AN3 castabIe, Mg0 and MA wilI

capture nearIy aü of FeO-Fm3 fkom the penetntted sIag to f o r . (Mg, Fe)& and (Mg,

Fe)(Fe,Aiho~ solid soIutions. The dissoIution of (Mg, Fe)O and (Mg, Fe).(Fe,AIl2O4

l a d s to the precipitation of secondary spinel that together with the in-situ spinet wiU

form a densified spinel layer, which does protect Mg0-A& castable Eom M e r slag

attack. The composition of iiquid slag is relatively emiched by Cao-Si& can further

penetrate into the uncolored Iayer and forrn low melting phases in the system Cao-



Magnesia base& cernent-eee, spinel bonded Mg0-Nz03 castables have been

developed and optimized to be conkrred with stronger resistance to basic femtic slag

attack This new type of truiy basic castable holds potential to be used as monolithic

Linllig in slag zone of steel ladles.

Optimization of such castables has been achieved by

1) using hydratable alumina as binder to enable advantageous Cao-free systern;

2) selecting suitable defloccdant for a good workability;

3) incorporating silica fume to impmve intemediate temperature strength; and

4) properly controihg of in-situ and pre-reacted spinel in terms of level and type to

achieve good voiume stability.

This work has reached the objectives set in Chapter 1 and experimentally

confirmed that:

It Ïs possibie to produce Mg0 based truiy basic castables without hydration concem;

SpineI is an effective bonding agent, engendering good strength and high


HydratabIe dumina is an applicable miptirity-fixe hydraulic binder, though Ieading

to hsufEcient strength after firhg arotmd 1000°C, however. by Ïncorporating smaiI

amouut, up to IN, of Si@ firme, it cm be remarkably improved;

SIag tesistance of such castabks, documented by rotary sIag test, has been fotmd to

be much superior to that of commerciaily avdabIe A.hû3-Mg0 castable.

The optimized MgO-Aifl3 castable comïsts of 74% rnagnesia aggregates with

propedy controiled grain size disiribution, 5% hydratabIe dumina, 15% dumina, 5%

AR7* pre-reacted spinet and 1% Si@ h e 7 requiring 4.8% mixuig water and a

specific organic acid sdt as defloccdant for good placement. This optimized

composition redts in the foiiowing physicai and mechanicai properties:

Buik Density: 3.0 &rn3 (1 I 0°C)

Apparent Porosity: 14 % (1 10°C) and 15 %(1600°C)

4 CMOR: 13.1 MPa (1 10°C), 3.1 MPa (lOOO°C) and 12.3 MPa (1600°C)

W O R : 4.3 MPa at 1400°C x 1h.r-

Moreover, the developed MgO-A1203 castable shows much better resistance to

femtic basic slag 's attac k than commercial Ai203-Mg0 castable.

Flowability tests have been b e d out to select appropriate defloccdant type and

addition level. An "extracting-matrix" method has been adopted to optimize the

flowability of the Mg0-A1203 castabIes. The measured "fiow-tirne* values on ma&

slinry are weiI correlated to the "flow-values" of the castable. The flowability of the

Mg0-M203 castables is thus predictabIe by '%ow-hem of their ma&. Ophkation

done by this approach dows to impmve phyticd and mechanicai properties of the

castables as weK

For mixes with at Ieast 74% M g 7 the starhg temperature for in-situ spinei to

fom in the MgO-4O3 castables Ïs aromd IIOO°C. BeIow this temperature, varkatin in

the matrÎx composition has M e effect on thermal expansion of the castables, as the

expansion is predominantiy derived fi0111 the magnesia aggregates. PhenomenoIogical

and mathematid models demonstrates and reveais that the net expansion above

1 100°C is the consequence of reversible expansion of magnesia aggregates, the in-situ

spinel reaction and the sintering shrinkage which mainiy takes place in the fine portion

of the ma&. The maximum thermal expansion, however, is proportional to the amount

of in-situ spinel forme& and the temperatine at maximum themial expansion is strongiy

dependent on the ratio of MgO to %O3. Since the in-situ spine1 reaction between Mg0

and &O3 may give rise to a voIume expansion of 8 % theoreticdy, it is important to

controt the volume stability of the Mg0-Ai203 castable. Thermal expansion tests have

shown that, regardless of AIz03-rich, MgO-rich or dose to the stoichiometric

composition, adding a proper amotmt of pre-reacted spinel is beneficid, not only to

control the maximum hear expansion to Iess than 2% on first heat-up, but aIso to

compensate for the permanent ünear change of the castable. However, the thermal

expansion behavior of AR90 in the castable is different nom that of m6 and AR78,

owing to the M e r reaction between and Mg0 in the castable mix. XRD analyses

confirmed that the Ai203-rich spinel actuaiiy has been converted to stoichiometnc

specid afker ntuig at 1600°C.

Adding d i c a fume into the castable enhances in-situ spine1 formation. BeIow

1 100°C, thermal expansion of magnesia is stiü dominant, and a smaii addition of SiO2

h e doesn't have any innuence. However, at eIevated temperatures, the maximum

thermai expansion is cürectiy refated to Si& arnotmt. With an Ïncrease of dica fume

addition, the maximum thermal expansion tends to inmase and PLC to decteas+ except

for at the addition of 0.5%-

Due to the signincant difference of t h e d expansion coefficient between

magnesia and spinel, the res idd stress induced by thenna1 shriakage on coohg may

lead to partialIy debonding, and micro-cracks or micro-gaps may occur between those

two phases. It is beneficid to toughness enhancement and themai shock resistance

under temperature cycling (heatiag-cooling). The temperatme, at which gaps are

initiated, is a hct ion of dumina, silica and pre-reacted spinel amount in the mix. With

addition of pre-reacted spinel, it increases, whereas it decreases with addition of silica

fume. These behavion are closely associated with the "bonding abiIitym between Mg0

and spinel. MeanwhiIe, the "internai disniption" occurs once, and wiI1 not change in

intensity after the first heating and cooiing cycle.

Physical and mechanicd properties of the Mg0-M203 castables are significantiy

afEected by A1203 content or MgO/Ai203 ratio in the LI& and, of course, pre-reacted

spinel addition. The cold rnoduius of rupture, after drying or firing at 1600°C, decreases

with an increase of the M g O / W 3 ratio. More than 15% durnina is required to reach

appreciabIe MOR values.

ThermaI expansion can be controiîed using pre-reacted spinel addition. Substitution

of dumina by spinel Ieads to a decrease in physicd and mechanicd properties at room

temperature, but an increase in rnodulm of rupture at high temperature. The optimal

spinel addition, irrespective of the grade used, is 5 W h in al1 cases.

Low Ïntermediate temperature strength, amibuted to the hydratable aIumina as

binder, can be SipnincantLy improved by ad- s m d amount of silica &ne, despite a

slight reduction in hot strength. As a compromise, the appropriate Si02 addition shodd

be Iimited to less than L.0%.

Dynarnic slag test is conducted in a rotary fumace, using a steel making slag with

high ferrite content. The microstnicture of the corroded Mg0-M203 castables is

characterked by two different penetration Iayers under the slag, one is colored, F e 8

enriched zone and the other is uncolored, Ca0 and S i 9 penetrated zone.

Both Mg0 and MA cm capture FeO/F4O3 fiorn the slag to form (Mg, FeIXO and

(Mg, Fe)(Fe,Ai)z04 solid solutions. The conthuous dissolution of (Mg, Fe),O and (Mg,

F e ) ( F e ~ l i ) ~ O ~ leads to the local saturation of liquid phases and therefore precipitates

secondary spinel, which is netted with in-situ spinel to form a densified spinel Iayer.

Sirnultaneousiy, the Ca0 and SiO2 components penetrate M e r and react with the

rehctory components to form low m e h g silicate phases, as detected in the uncoIored


In regard to slag resistance, at 5wt% spinel addition, is superior to ARpo in

siag erosion resistance, whereas Ml&js is more beneficid to penetration resistance. kt

addition, with a proper amount of Si& fume, not ody cm the intermediate temperature

strength be remarkabIy improved, but the erosion and penetration raistance as weII.

AIthough the above encouraging resuits have been achieved in this thesis work,

£iuther efforts, f o c d g on improvkg siag penetration, stiII need to be exerted, as the

penetration resistance of the deveIoped Mg0-&O3 castabie is thought to be stiII weak,

due to the inherent nature of MgO. The ïIItimate soiution" could be to incorporate

carbon hto the mk, because carbon is expected to be the most effective lnhr'bitor to slag

penetration, if one can weU cope with its lack of hydration. As well knawn, carbon is not

wettable by water, the castable has to demand more mucing water for workabiiity with

aiI the consequences attached to this, nevertheless. it still should be a worthwhile

approach. Furthemore, to purme the work on MgO-M203 system, due to consideration

shouid be given to additions of ultrafine pre-reacted spinel powders with sizes of 0.5 to

4 pn, if the grinding and c o a are not barriers.

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