Official EFT Tutorial

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Official EFT Tutorial

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Welcome to The Gold Standard (Official) EFTTapping Tutorial

This is the official instruction package for "all things EFT."

Official EFT

The Gold Standard

It is the updated original from the EFT Founder from which hundreds of EFT and Tapping variations

have been spawned worldwide (see  About Those EFT Tapping Spin-Offs: A Candid Discussion). It

is the result of $2 million and 30,000 hours of development and is kept consistently on the cutting

edge by our  $25,000 Reward for True EFT Innovations. 

In addition to this Tutorial, you can visit our store for in-depth products that will further enhance

your artistry with the EFT process.

To navigate through this Tutorial just use the convenient menu on the left hand side of this page.

Parts I and II contain the EFT TAPPING FOUNDATION for everyone.

In this section, self-helpers and professionals can learn all the basics.. Even 10 year old children

can learn How to do the EFT Basics - The Basic Recipe and get results with Tapping. Further, we

include in this section sophisticated details on delivering this vital healing tool with even greaterskill. You will learn how to find hidden Aspects within the EFT Tapping Process as well as methods

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for  Testing Your EFT Tapping Work and breaking down complicated issues into the Specific

Events underlying them.

Just click on the appropriate links in the left hand menu and you can go, in step-by-step fashion, as

far as your interest takes you. In other words, study as much of this foundation as you like and

come back when you wish. In the meantime, you can use what you've learned and, when you

return, you can easily resume where you left off.

Parts III through V contain ADVANCED EFT TAPPING material - forprofessionals and serious students.

This portion of the Gold Standard EFT Tutorial is for healing professionals and serious students. It

assumes a solid understanding of the Foundational material described above. Just click on the

appropriate links in the left hand menu and peruse the many Tapping refinements that allow you to

produce symphonic uses of EFT.

e-hugs, Gary

© Gary and Tina Craig All Rights Reserved

Official EFT Tutorial

B e f o r e Y o u B e g i n

About Those EFT Tapping Spin-Offs: A CandidDiscussion

"They all look something like EFT  but underneath

they are substantially different, even from each other.  

Conflicts everywhere. What’s a newbie to do?"  

My concerns

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 EFT's proliferation is

not without its concerns.

EFT‟s worldwide proliferation is bringing hope to humanity but, due to issues that I caused, the

movement is not without its concerns.

When I introduced EFT in 1995, I had no idea it would eventually land in the hands of millions. If I

had, I would have made sure that everyone learned the method equally. Clear

teaching. Consistent classes. Standards for the whole movement. This way all EFT'ers would

speak the same language and innovations could build upon a common foundation.

But, alas, I dropped the ball and, as it stands, there are now hundreds of EFT spin-offs, each

reflecting a different set of beliefs and preferences. No standards whatsoever. They all looksomething like EFT but underneath they are substantially different, even from each other. Conflicts

everywhere. What‟s a newbie to do? 

Further, the enthusiastic creators of these widely different approaches have unknowingly

misrepresented the process. That's what happens when standards are missing. Again, as

Founder of the EFT Movement, the blame lands in my lap.

Further still, the promoters are understandably proud of their creations and market them with azeal. Promotions and excitement abound. Glitter everywhere. Faster, better, deeper, newer,

improved. And an endless assortment of promises.

If I was a beginner, or someone without in-depth EFT Tapping experience, I might be drawn in by

the allure of all the expectations, e.g., "Come to my workshop. Buy my stuff. Heal in a hurry. Get

certified here. We‟re the best!" 

But I would also be confused by all this commercial commotion and that is why I am writing thisarticle.

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You have a choice to make regarding how to learn EFT and it is my responsibility to put my error in

perspective. My bias, of course, is that you build your foundation with what is now the standard

that my daughter, Tina, and I created for the EFT Community, namely, The Free Gold Standard

EFT Tapping Tutorial.  It is the result of 30,000 hours of development and an investment of $2

million. Updated as needed with cutting-edge discoveries, it provides a high quality standard for

the entire EFT Community, and is available free to anyone with a computer.

The $25,000 reward

I don‟t claim to have all the answers about EFT and thus, for many years, I have actively

investigated the most heavily promoted spin-offs in search of substantial gold nuggets beneath the

glitter. To date, I have found only a few tweaks and some other ways to do what we are already

doing. They are packaged differently and given different names but, when all the glitter settles, they

do not truly advance EFT and, in some cases, take you in questionable directions. In fact, none of

them are really EFT. The name is used but the truly in-depth substance is missing.

To enlist your assistance in this endeavor, I offer a  $25,000 Reward for True EFT Innovations. 

Readers of this article are invited to study the spin-offs for any such nuggets and submit them. The

$25,000 reward can apply to you, the spin-off promoters or anyone else.

EFT Tapping Spin-offs at-a-glance

For a behind-the-scenes look at the world of EFT spin-offs, journey with me for a moment through

some of the highlights (names withheld as a courtesy).

(1) All spin-offs give you something worthwhile. Indeed, just the idea of stimulating the

acupuncture meridians holds great power.

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 Each spin-off only gives you parts

of the whole picture.

(2) From my investigation, I found that each spin-off only gives you parts of the whole picture and

the parts it gives don't match with the parts that the other spin-offs provide. This is not to becriticized, however, as this is a natural result when there are no standards. It is to be expected.

(3) Because of the wide diversity of spin-offs, it is nearly impossible to gain from them consistently

high quality EFT Tapping skills. To do so, you would have to study them all, discard the misleading

parts (if you know what they are) and sew together the remainders. Even if you were able to

achieve this, you would still be missing major portions of skillful EFT. The easier and far more

efficient alternative is to study our  Free Gold Standard EFT Tapping Tutorial where everything is

updated and clearly laid out for you. It's all there in easy step-by-step order. Nothing is missing or

changed. Just first class education. From there you can explore the spin-offs and do so with a solid

foundation under you.

(4) Some spin-offs emphasize global approaches and/or pre-designed tapping scripts, both of

which, in my experience, lead you away from in-depth EFT. (See  The Pros and Perils of EFT

Tapping Scripts). Others offer older versions that have been modified by their promoters'

preferences. Rarely do you find in-depth treatment of such vital Gold Standard EFT topics as:

  Finding Aspects within the EFT Tapping Process   Uncovering Specific Events - An Essential Concept Within the EFT Tapping Process 

  Testing Your EFT Tapping Work - The Triad 

  The EFT Tapping Success Strategy 

  Detective Work Within the EFT Tapping Process 

  Chasing the Pain - Deeper EFT Relief  

  The EFT Tell the Story Technique - The Workhorse Tapping Method  

  What Should I Say During the EFT Tapping Process? 

  The EFT Tearless Trauma Technique 

But let's understand....Introducing the EFT Tapping Ladder of Excellence

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There's a very understandable reason for the inconsistent methods that are so enthusiastically

promoted by the spin-offs. In fact, the reasoning is quite human.

Even the basics of EFT can produce astonishing results and so it is easy for partially-trained

EFT'ers to conclude that no further training is necessary. We call this The Grand EFT Illusion and

it is surprising how many people become entranced by its spell. It is like being fascinated by a

bicycle while unaware that planes, trains and automobiles exist. (See  Are You Riding the EFT

Bicycle?) Add to this the appeal of fame and fortune under the well established EFT or Tapping

names, and you have what is likely the driving force behind many of these spin-offs.

The EFT Tapping Ladder of Excellence

If the EFT Tapping Ladder of Excellence has 10 rungs on it then, in my opinion, most of the spin-off

promoters have stopped their training somewhere between rungs 2 and 6. They then blend thisincomplete understanding with other ideas that they believe are either new or further advance


They are proud, of course, of their creation(s) but are unaware that these perceived innovations fall

short of the more skillful uses of EFT. From my study of the five most heavily promoted spin-offs, it

would be a fair evaluation that none of their promoters have advanced beyond rung 6. Please

know that rung 6 is far superior to conventional therapy and that is good ... even

excellent. However, it is not rung 10, and that is the point. It would be my hope that the various

spin-off promoters would take our  Top Level EFT Certification so they would have a more

advanced EFT perspective on their offerings. To date, none have chosen to do so.

Spin-offs provide a valuable service but...

Despite their shortcomings, the spin-offs are marketing the b'jeebers out of EFT and bringing more

people into our EFT Community. This, in the long run, is good news. Unfortunately, many of their

students eventually come here to the website (the source) for proper training and

discover that they need to discard most of their previous understandings. In essence, they need to

start over.

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Other students, however, may not find their way to for proper training. Instead, they

simply give up on EFT (or what they thought was EFT), falsely concluding that it is partial,

temporary or doesn‟t work. When this happens, the entire EFT Community takes a hit. When the

reputation of EFT is diminished, so is your reputation (as a user) as well as the reputation of its


The Silent Sea of disappointed people

who tried these spin-off procedures

and got partial or temporary

benefits ... or went nowhere.

 As mentioned earlier, just the EFT Tapping Basics often produce astonishing results and these, of

course, are prominently displayed for you in the spin-off books and websites. What you rarely see

are the results of a burgeoning sea of disappointed people who tried these spin-off procedures and

got partial or temporary benefits ... or went nowhere. These folks tend not to write about their

failures and thus fade into the background into what has become known as  The EFT Silent Seaof

disappointed people. This further dilutes EFT's reputation.

How can you tell a spin-off from the real thing?

This is easy. Just look for solid reference to The Free Gold Standard EFT Tapping Tutorial within

whatever book or website you are reading. If it is promoted as the centerpiece of that book or

website, together with links and useful discussions, then you can be assured you are on the right

path. If this essential piece is missing, then you are visiting a spin-off that is promoting a look-alike

under the EFT or Tapping name.

 An obvious solution

It would be a simple matter for the spin-off promoters to incorporate The Free Gold Standard EFT

Tapping Tutorial as the centerpiece of their offerings. They could build substantial businesses

around it, earn affiliate commissions and work WITH the EFT movement rather than DIVIDE

it. Further, they could update their training, provide their own add-on products and, if those

products qualify, earn the $25,000 Reward for True EFT Innovations as well as receive my supportand marketing assistance. This way the confusion vanishes, the EFT Community comes into

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balance and we move forward as a unified team. I'm always available to provide ideas and support

to anyone committed to maintaining the highest EFT standards.

e-hugs, Gary


Note: These online products are available in our store and come with (1) a 60 day money back

guarantee, (2) up to 50% discounts for multiple purchases and (3) a 6 month payment option.

All Courses are conducted by

EFT Founder, Gary Craig

EFT for Pain Management 

EFT Art of Delivery 

Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) 

EFT for Emotional Overeating 

Marketing Tips & Treasures 

EFT Advanced Concepts 

Surrogate EFT 

Challenging EFT Case: Nancy - Guilt, Grief & Childhood Abuse 

Official EFT Tutorial

B e f o r e Y o u B e g i n

About the Authors - Gary & Tina Craig

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 Gary Craig

Tina Craig

This entire Tutorial appears to be written by me (Gary), but that is for your reading convenience. My

daughter, Tina, has written at least half of it and created revisions for the rest. It was a joint effort

and we are quite proud of it.

I am the founder of EFT and the creator of its many tools. The instruction and demonstrations

found on the original EFT Training Videos document the development of EFT from 1995 to 2010.

Our current Gold Standard EFT Tutorial includes the relevant parts of that material plus the many

refinements I have developed along the way. It is up-to-date and will be revised over time to keep

it on the cutting edge.

Tina has been working by my side for many years and has been instrumental in creating ways to

teach what I do. She has her own background in personal improvement and a unique insight into

the perspectives that I employ in my EFT application. When it became clear that we needed to

improve the EFT instruction, Tina modeled me (in NLP terms) better than I thought anyone could

and has isolated my refinements into individual parts that are much easier to teach.

While I have done all the creating and developing on EFT, Tina has made an enormous difference

in the way we are teaching it. Together, we have revised and streamlined the previous EFT

instruction so that you can get to the heart of EFT‟s power much more efficiently. 

Our Bios are given below:

Gary Craig

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I am the founder of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and your host for this web site. Please

know that I am neither a psychologist nor a licensed therapist. Rather, I am a Stanford engineering

graduate and an ordained minister and, although I don't pound the table for any particular religion, I

do come at this procedure from a decidedly spiritual perspective.

My ordained ministry is with the Universal Church of God in Southern California (not Universal Life

Church) which is non-denominational and embraces all religions. I am an avid student of A Course

In Miracles but at no time is any EFT'er asked to follow any specific spiritual teaching.

I was born April 13, 1940 and have been intensely interested in personal improvement via

psychology since my age13. That was when I recognized that the quality of my thoughts was

mirrored in the quality of my life. Since then I have been self taught in this field, seeking only those

procedures that, in my opinion, produced results. I consider EFT, the core of which I learned from

Dr. Roger Callahan, to be an important tool to achieving the highest levels of healing. I also have

high regard for Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in which I am a Certified Master Practitioner.

Tina Craig

My fascination with personal improvement was handed down to me by the most important influence

in my life, the Founder of EFT. Like my Dad, I have been a devoted student of human nature, and

my experience in this field has developed much the same way as h is … without formal training, but

with intense curiosity, the drive to challenge my own issues, and a natural ability to see how

emotional issues affect performance in this world.

My contributions to EFT training have largely been a result of understanding the problems Dad saw

and finding ways to fix them. In that process, I have taken the opportunity to learn new skills,

develop natural talents, and do whatever it takes to re-communicate EFT as he intended it. Now

that I am working with mental health professionals at ACEP, I am honored to find that they respect

me as a peer, and value my ability to teach professionals in this field.

EFT Related Experience Director of Training and Administration (2005-2010)Creator and director of the EFT Certification Program (2008-2010)Marketing support

   ACEP: Creator/director of the ACEP EFT Certification Program (2011)

  EFT Practitioner (2006-present), Specializing in complex, longer term, human cases, and EFT foranimals through telepathic communication.

Personal Development 

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Extensive work in a wide diversity of personal improvement/healing methods starting at age 16,



  Tony Robbins Unlimited Power  Klemmer & Associates

  Landmark Education

  Barbara Brennan




  Yoga, meditation, herbal healing, etc.

Other Background 

  BA in Business Economics from the University of California at Santa Barbara

  20 years experience in business and marketing

An Open Letter  

To all EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) students thatsets the stage and tells the "why" of this EFT Tutorial.

"Together we will build within you a bridge to the land of personal peace." 

Note: this was originally written in 1995 as an introduction to The EFT Manual. That

manual is now obsolete and has been replaced by this Tutorial. Nonetheless, the

spirit of that original article was so well accepted that I am including it here. It has

been adjusted slightly to reflect current circumstances.

Dear Friend,

 As I write this I'm at home....alone....on a Tuesday evening. There's a light rain

outside making gentle noises on the window. After years of writing and filming, EFT

is complete. We are almost ready to "go to press."

 And five minutes ago the tears came rolling down my face.

 And then I knew why I wanted to create this Tutorial. What I mean is, I always knew

why...but I didn't know how to say it. And now I can put it in words. Here's the story.

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Five minutes ago I was reviewing a video that my associate, Adrienne Fowlie, and I

made at the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles in 1995. We spent 6 days there

using EFT to help our Vietnam vets get beyond the horrible memories of war.

EFT helps war veterans with PTSD

They had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which is among the most severe

forms of emotional disorders known. Every day these men relive the catastrophes of

war ... like being forced to shoot innocent civilians (including young children) ...

burying people in open trenches ... and watching their own dear friends die or

become dismembered. The sounds of gunfire, bombs and screams ricochet in their

heads day and night. Sometimes only drugs ease the ever present aches of war.

They sweat. They cry. They have headaches and anxiety attacks. They are

depressed and in pain. They have fears and phobias and are afraid to go to sleep at

night because of their nightmares. Many have been in therapy for 20 years ... with

very little relief.

I still remember how thrilled I was when the VA invited Adrienne and me to bring EFT

to our soldiers. They gave us free rein to counsel with these men in any way we

wanted. This would be the ultimate test regarding the power of EFT. If all it did was

make a modest, but noticeable, difference in the lives of these severely disabled men,most people would have considered it successful. In fact, it did much more.

The VA didn't pay us. They didn't have a budget for outside help like this. In fact, we

had to pay for our own air fares, hotel bills, meals and car rentals. But we didn't

care. We would have paid much more just for the opportunity.

So anyway, this video I was watching was a summary of what happened during those

6 days. One section was all about Rich, who had been in therapy for 17 years for hisPTSD. He had:

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  Over 100 haunting war memories, many of which he relived daily.

   A major height phobia ... aggravated by having made over 50 parachute jumps.

  Insomnia ... it took him 3 or 4 hours to get to sleep every night -- even under quitestrong medication.

 After using EFT with him, every trace of those problems vanished.

Like most people, Rich had a hard time believing that these rather strange appearing

procedures would work. But he was willing to give them a try. We started with his

height phobia and after about 15 minutes with EFT, it was gone. He tested it by going

several stories up in a building and looking down over a fire escape. To his

amazement, he had no phobic reaction whatsoever. We then applied EFT to several

of his most intense war memories and neutralized all of them within an hour. He still

remembers them, of course, but they no longer have any emotional charge.

We taught the techniques to Rich (just as you are being taught through this Tutorial)

so he could, by himself, work on the rest of his war memories. Within a few days they

were all neutralized. They no longer bothered him. As a result, the insomnia went

away and so did the insomnia medication (with the supervision of his physician). Two

months later I spoke with Rich on the phone. He was still free of the problems.

That's real emotional freedom. It's the end of years of torment. It's like walking out of

a prison. And ... I had the privilege of handing him the keys!!! Man ... what a

feeling. This is the promise of EFT. Master it and you can do for yourself, and

others, what happened for Rich.

Then there was Robert, Gary, Phillip and Ralph who all had traumatic war

memories. In minutes, EFT provided relief for the memories we worked on. To see

the smiles and hear the gratitude was a form of joy that only tears can express. And

then came the video interview with Anthony.

 Anthony was so frightened by his war experiences that he was afraid to go into a

public place ... like a restaurant ... for fear a Vietnamese soldier would come in firing

an AK47. He would freeze up at the mere thought of it. He knew, of course, it wasn't

logical but that didn't make the fear any better. That's what PTSD is like.

 After using EFT, Anthony went with us to a crowded restaurant and, in his words, he

"didn't have a nickel's worth of anxiety." The three of us, Adrienne, Anthony and

myself, casually laughed and joked while we had a leisurely dinner in this restaurant,

crowded with over 200 people. Anthony was completely relaxed. The fear was

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gone. What movement! What a feeling to be able to make such a difference in

someone's life.

Then, in the interview on camera, he paused a minute and said, "God has blessed

me, I swear. I think it was my time to meet you guys."

 And there...sitting in my living when those happy tears went rolling down my


The human value in this Tutorial deserves its own mountain top. You can lift yourself

to new levels with it. And, if you wish, you can use it to help others and magnify your

self worth in the process. How many thank you's would you like? No greater reward

could I give you. So now I hope you know my motivation for creating this Tutorial. It

is because God has blessed me, I swear. It is my time to meet you!

Together we will build within you a bridge to the land of personal peace. Once built,

this bridge will become a lifetime skill that you can use to spread emotional freedom

... and joy ... from yourself to others. And ... it's permanent. Like gold ... it doesn't

rust or tarnish or become obsolete. It will always be there for you.

You and I may never meet face to face so I may not be able to see you and know

your warmth, as I did with Anthony. Our only connection may be limited to this

Tutorial. But that's OK. Whenever people join for the purpose of healing, they are

doing God's work. Love fills the space in between (however large) and helps it

happen. God does not require that we meet face to face.

You and I are about to travel together on a journey toward emotional freedom. It will

be like nothing you have experienced before ... I promise. It is not a mythical ride on

a magic carpet that ends in illusion. It is a real ride destined to give you real results ... just like it did for our veterans. You will, indeed, develop the ability to discard your

fears, phobias, traumatic memories, anger, guilt, grief and all other limiting

emotions. And it won't take years and years of painstakingly slow and financially

draining sessions either. Often, even the most severe negative emotions vanish in

minutes. But I'm getting ahead of myself. You will see all the proof you need as you

learn this Tutorial and apply these techniques to yourself.

You will also learn of their limitations. EFT doesn't do everything for everyone. But

what it does do will astonish you. It still astonishes me and I've been doing it for

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years. EFT, by the way, does far more than what is covered in this letter. I've just

opened the lid a little here and let you peek in. The rest of it will unfold as you turn

these pages.

My Best Regards,


P.S. Please note that the emotional and energetic releases brought about by EFT

frequently result in profound physical healings. As you will see, EFT can address just

about every emotional, physical and performance issue you can name.

© Gary and Tina Craig

 All Rights Reserved

A Priceless Gift 

 A special dedication ... a thank you ... for those pioneers

whose efforts have helped launch EFT.“We are on the ground floor of a Healing High Rise” 

You and I have been given a priceless gift.

Unfortunately, we will never meet some of our benefactors because their essential

contributions were made over 5,000 years ago. These brilliant people discovered,

and mapped, the centerpiece of EFT, namely, the subtle energies that course

throughout the body.

These subtle energies are also the centerpiece of acupuncture and, as a result, EFT

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and acupuncture are cousins. Both disciplines are growing rapidly and, as time

unfolds, they are destined to have a primary role in both emotional and physical


In more recent times, some other dedicated souls have advanced our use of theseancient techniques. Principal among them is Dr. George Goodheart and his many

fine contributions to the field of Applied Kinesiology, a forerunner to EFT.

Dr. John Diamond‟s work gets exceptional applause because, to my knowledge, he

was one of the first psychiatrists to use, and write about, these subtle energies. His

many pioneering concepts, together with the advanced ideas from Applied

Kinesiology, has formed the foundation upon which this new Healing High Rise is

being constructed.

Dr. Roger Callahan, from whom I received my original introduction to these energy

tapping procedures, deserves all the credit history can give him. He was first to bring

these techniques to the public in a substantial way and did so despite open hostility

from his own profession. As you might appreciate, it takes heavy doses of conviction

to plow through the ingrained beliefs of conventional thinking. Without Roger

Callahan‟s missionary drive, we might still be sitting around theorizing about this

“interesting thing.” 

It is upon the shoulders of these giants that I humbly stand. My own contribution to

this rapidly expanding energy psychology field has been to reduce the unnecessary

complexity that inevitably finds its way into new discoveries. EFT is an elegantly

simple version of these procedures that professionals and laypersons alike can use

on a wide variety of problems.

We are on the ground floor of a Healing High Rise and thus we have much to

learn. Accordingly, I am indebted to the many EFT practitioners that have tirelessly

contributed their innovations to our web site (  They are taking

us to new levels.

e-hugs, Gary

A Note to Researchers 

Note:  For a quality summary of research in the Energy Psychology field (in which

EFT is the most prolific method used), please read this article by David Feinstein,


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This Gold Standard EFT Tutorial offers several advantages to those interested in EFT


  It is backwards compatible. Many peer reviewed EFT studies have been completed

and some of these studies were based on a longer form EFT protocol that was popularprior to this Tutorial. This Tutorial has divided that protocol into easy to use parts but,overall, there is no substantive change in it. One need only put the parts back togetherto arrive at the original protocol used in previous research. Thus all research using theprevious protocol is still valid even though that protocol reflects "Old EFT." Futureresearch, however, should be based on the more streamlined protocols advanced inthis Tutorial.

  It is easy to follow and clearly standardized.  Everyone throughout the world hasinstant access to it through the internet. This facilitates discussion and replicationefforts.

  Fidelity is easier.  Previously, practitioners were trained via a wide variety of EFTversions, thus making true fidelity to the EFT process difficult to come by. Now,through this Gold Standard EFT Tutorial, practitioners can have identical training andthus can deliver a more uniform approach to research subjects,

  More robust results are possible if you focus your research on the SpecificEvents underlying the subjects' issues.

Those practitioners who have been evaluated by a consistent set of standards will

provide even stronger fidelity to the Gold Standard EFT protocol, and you can find a

developing list of such practitioners from the ACEP EFT Certification program 

We are available for consultation on research projects to evaluate practitioners and

help ensure fidelity to the method. Contact us 

Professional Opportunities 

Because this Tutorial is free

it vastly expands the EFT Community

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Because this Tutorial is free it vastly expands the EFT Community and swells the pool

of possible new EFT'ers. Further, there is nothing available that provides anything

close to its treasures. Accordingly, many opportunities emerge for those who truly

master its contents.

Using This Tutorial Professionally

In the past, I have encouraged people to become Practitioners, teach workshops and

develop products with EFT, so the EFT Community is quite used to having those

opportunities, and the public has become used to them as well. It has helped spread

EFT Tapping all over the world and, for that, I am grateful. However, there has also

been a significant downside to this open hand approach, so I would prefer to steer the

opportunities in a direction that will support more consistency for EFT.

One of the biggest considerations is in the area of endorsement. People want to know

that someone has put a stamp of approval on their work, and by my giving permission

for all of the previous professional opportunities, it has been assumed in many cases

that individual workshops or projects carried my endorsement. In reality, I have never

personally evaluated anyone as a practitioner or trainer in EFT, so it wouldn‟t be

accurate for anyone to suggest that they are practicing or teaching “the way Gary

would want them to” or to claim that I have approved of their product.  

One exception to that would be my daughter and co-author Tina, who has clearly

improved the way EFT is taught and has done so in partnership with me, so it is fair to

say that she has been evaluated as a trainer. Some may feel like the graduates of my

former EFT Masters program would also be an exception because I did watch each of

them deliver one session during their process. However, we have dramatically

changed the way EFT is taught since then, so while the EFT Masters were evaluated

as practitioners by older standards of EFT, they were never evaluated as trainers,

and they have not been evaluated by the new model of training that this Tutorial


The permission to use EFT in all these professional ways is still available to

everyone, but in order to avoid the consequences from before, I request that they be

done with a more accurate disclosure. Here is an example of such a disclosure for

your consideration. It should accompany any workshops, mentoring services, books,

certifications and so on.

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"The quality of this [workshop, book, mentoring service, etc.] is the responsibility

of [presenter - mention qualifications] and is intended to be consistent with Gary &

Tina Craig's Gold Standard EFT Tutorial. <

I discuss the various opportunities below.

Unique Opportunity: Become an Affiliate/Referrer

  You will earn a commission if your contact completes an order for certain products.

  They will see your photo and contact information prominently displayed on each pageof the Tutorial. This will elevate your credibility and identify you as a Gold StandardEFT supporter.

  Whenever your contact leaves our website, they will be right back on your website.This way you never lose a visitor. It is like incorporating our website within yours.

Details on all the above are given in  Affiliate Commissions - Appear on Our Website


Thoughts on Using This Tutorial as an EFT Practitioner

I developed EFT without any formal training in psychology or therapy, so it was easy

for me to assume that anyone could do the same. As I have learned, there are lawsand regulations in each state of the U.S. that may have additional requirements for

practicing something like EFT professionally. Fortunately, my practice and role in EFT

has been done within the requirements for the State of California, but I have hired the

appropriate legal help to assist me in satisfying those requirements.

 As far as I‟m concerned, anyone is welcome to practice EFT professionally, as long

as it is not suggested that I have evaluated or endorsed their skills. However, your

local authorities may have a different opinion, so before you launch your brand new

career in EFT, check with the authorities in your location to see if you need additional

training. If you live outside the U.S., there are probably similar requirements so that

same request applies to anyone considering a career as an EFT Practitioner.

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Before you use EFT professionally, we would also recommend that you verify your

skills through certification. While we have done our best to make this Tutorial

thorough and easy to understand, it does not have the interactive capability to answer

your questions or accommodate all the different learning styles. Until someone can

review your work, it is hard to know if you have understood all of the skills andconcepts completely. You can learn more about Certification here. 

Thoughts on Using This Tutorial As an Instructor or a Mentor

Become an EFT TutorialInstructor or Mentor

This Tutorial provides instruction by way of text and videos, but is not interactive and

cannot answer questions or provide additional insight, so there will be a demand for

new students to attend workshops and hire mentors for more personal instruction.

However, the challenge here is that I am not evaluating anyone for teaching  EFT and

thus, without maintaining a structured program for trainers, each person will be on

his/her own to determine how to fill in those pieces. Unfortunately, even with the best

of intentions, you all have different experiences and different beliefs, so each of you

will be answering those questions in a different way and potentially sending studentsin directions that may or may not be consistent with this Tutorial.

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The good news is that with high quality skills as a practitioner, you will have valuable

insight of your own to share, and students will want to learn from you. In the past,

students have been under the impression that anyone teaching EFT would provide

the same instruction as another, and as that is not the case here, disclosure is the

key. Everyone will be clear as long as (1) students understand that you have learnedfrom the Tutorial, (2) you endeavor to practice according to the Tutorial, (3) that you

have significant experience with clients, and (4) that you are willing to share your own


While this Tutorial is comprehensive and does cover all the information, it doesn't

make much sense to duplicate it in another format or try to teach it in your own way.

However, you can get together with groups of students to discuss certain parts of the

material or share any tips you might have on using the tools. As long as you inform

them that you are sharing your own experience rather than some approved program

everyone will be happy to gain more knowledge. In fact, some students may see

value in attending workshops with a variety of professionals to gain a wider degree of


Without evaluation, however, it is impossible for anyone to know for sure if your

instruction will be consistent with this Tutorial, so disclosure is even more important if

you decide to go this route. Accordingly, please make sure your students are aware

that your classes are your responsibility and are not endorsed by Gary or Tina Craig.

Thoughts on Using This TutorialFor Developing Books and Other Products

No need to spend weeks or months creating detailed descriptions of how to do

EFT. This Tutorial has done that for you. It is so comprehensive and loaded with

video instruction that no existing book or video can match it (including my

own). Further, its prestige, its price (free) and its ready availability on the internet for

everyone makes it impractical for anyone to duplicate it.

However, there is a solid market for an unlimited number of short books that support

a burgeoning demand for a multitude of specialty uses of EFT and the Tutorial. You

can also offer them on the internet and thus avoid printing and duplication costs.

Using EFT Tapping For Yourself  

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Congratulations on taking a very powerful step toward Emotional Freedom! No matter

what kind of issue you would like to resolve, there are several ways to get solid EFT

results on your own.

The EFT Gold Standard Online Tutorial:

Go to the "Part I & Part II For Everyone" section in this Free Tutorial and study

from How to do the EFT Tapping Basics - The Basic Recipe to the The EFT Personal

Peace Procedure. This will give you a thorough grounding in the EFT Tapping

process and will teach you how to apply EFT to a variety of issues. Complete with

demo videos.

Our Online Store:

If you want specific instructions for how to use EFT for a particular issue, take a look

at our  list of specialty products. Each one will teach just as much EFT theory as you

need, but focus more heavily on tapping rounds and testing for one issue at a

time. See detailed list at the end of this article.

Professional Assistance:

Many EFT Practitioners are enthusiastic about empowering their clients to producetheir own emotional freedom. A well trained professional can spend a few sessions

helping you get started and provide guidance along the way. Full service is also an

option if you prefer to have the work done for you. See EFT Certification for a link to

highly trained EFT Practitioners.

Considering your issue:

EFT has been represented as a quick fix or a miracle cure. The truth is, the easier the

case, the faster the results, and that is true for most things in this world. We aredealing with emotional issues here, so if you have big traumas or extended periods of

trauma in your history, EFT can usually help quite a bit, but it may take some time, or

help from a professional. Similarly, with physical issues, if you are dealing with

something chronic or a diagnosed long term condition, EFT may indeed be able to

provide significant relief, but it may also take some time, or help from a professional.

Using EFT Tapping Professionally 

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We welcome all healing professionals to incorporate EFT Tapping within their

practice. To get started, use the "Part I & Part II For Everyone" section of this

Tutorial. It is written with Do It Yourself users in mind, but professional users would all

begin here as well. Of course we expect you would use it on yourself before you try iton a client, so just be a Do-It-Yourself user until you are familiar with the process, and

then try it with your clients.

Physical Issues:

if you are a Medical Professional, chiropractor, massage tech, or other kind of body

worker dealing with physical issues, you can easily use the EFT Tapping Basic

Recipe on those physical symptoms and see if you can get results. If you are working

with chronic issues or diagnosed conditions, getting the most from EFT may require

venturing into the emotional realm. If that is appropriate for you, then continue

through the instruction, start using Tell the Story Technique on the issues, and

continue on to the "Part III - Part V - For Advanced Practitioners" section. Otherwise,

refer your client to an EFT Professional who can address the emotional components.

Emotional Issues:

 Addressing emotional issues with others is a professional capacity and should not be

taken on without consideration for the legal guidelines in your location. If you are

already in business doing therapy or otherwise discussing emotional issues with your

clients, then EFT will probably fit in nicely. We recommend The EFT Personal Peace

Procedure for almost any case and you will have that tool in the "Part I & Part II For

Everyone" section of this Tutorial. Get some experience with that and then explore

the "Part III - Part V - For Advanced Practitioners" section for more.

You may also want to consider  Professional Certification in EFT.

Our Online Store:

Our specialty products in our online store provide more demonstrations of EFT at

work in a therapy environment. See a more detailed description below:

What is EFT? - Theory, Science and Uses 

 A Refreshing New Use of An Established Process.It Often Works Where Nothing Else Will.

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First, if you haven't seen our EFT intro video, please view it now. It sets the stage regarding

your EFT possibilities. 

Note: Over the years, my original term of EFT has also become known as

Tapping.  Accordingly, the terms “EFT”, “Tapping” and “EFT Tapping” are used

interchangeably herein.


Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT (often known as Tapping or EFT Tapping), is

a universal healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional,

and performance issues. EFT operates on the premise that no matter what part of

your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way. Even

for physical issues, chronic pain, or diagnosed conditions, it is common knowledge

that any kind of emotional stress can impede the natural healing potential of the

human body.

In many cases, EFT can be applied directly to physical symptoms for relief without

exploring any emotional contributors. However, for the most powerful, longest lasting

results with EFT, we do expect to identify and target related emotional issues.

The EFT premise also includes the understanding that the more unresolved

emotional issues you can clear, the more peace and emotional freedom you will have

in your life. The Personal Peace Procedure (discussed later) is the tool you need to

get there ... limiting beliefs can vanish, personal performance can soar, relationships

can thrive, and vibrant physical health can be yours. If we‟re being realistic, everyoneon this planet has at least a few emotional issues holding them back from pure,

limitless happiness.

With that in mind, EFT can be an ongoing process that we use to clear out the old

traumas, and welcome any new challenges with a healthy, productive attitude. The

core EFT instruction in this Tutorial will start with the basic tapping process and take

you all the way to the Personal Peace Procedure. We welcome anyone and everyone

to use these tools for as much peace and freedom as they can imagine.

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EFT Tapping Often Works Where Nothing Else Will

EFT breathes fresh air into the healing process by borrowing from the Chinese

meridian system. While acupuncture, acupressure and the like have been primarily

focused on physical ailments, EFT stands back from this ancient process and points italso at emotional issues. These, in turn, often provide benefits for performance and

physical issues.

EFT combines the physical benefits of acupuncture with the cognitive benefits of

conventional therapy for a much faster, more complete treatment of emotional issues,

and the physical and performance issues that often result.

EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture,except we don't use needles.

While related to acupuncture, EFT does not use needles. Instead, we use a simple

two pronged process wherein we (1) mentally "tune in" to specific issues while (2)

stimulating certain meridian points on the body by tapping on them with our fingertips.

Properly done, EFT appears to balance disturbances in the meridian system and thus

often reduces the conventional therapy procedures from months or years down to

minutes or hours. The basic Tapping process is easy to learn, can be done anywhere,

and can be used to provide impressive do-it-yourself results. Professionals can obtain

further training and apply EFT to their clients at an even higher level.

Further, the basic method is very portable and learnable by almost everyone. No

special education is required. Even children have produced beginner's benefits with it.

The foundational process within EFT is known as The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe and

is detailed for you in the next article: How to do the EFT Tapping Basics - The Basic

Recipe.  Also see What can I expect from EFT Tapping? 

The Body's Energy System  – The Foundation of EFT Tapping

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 About 5,000 years ago, the Chinese discovered a complex system of energy circuits

that run throughout the body. These energy circuits ... or meridians as they are called

... are the centerpiece of Eastern health practices and form the basis for modern day

acupuncture, acupressure and a wide variety of other healing techniques.

This energy courses through the body and is invisible to the eye. By analogy, you do

not see the energy flowing through a TV set either. You know it is there, however, by

its effects. The sounds and pictures are your ever present evidence that the energy

flow exists.

In the same way, EFT gives you striking evidence that unique energy flows within

your meridians because it provides the effects that let you know it is there. By simply

Tapping near the end points of your energy meridians you can experience someprofound changes in your emotional and physical health. That's what EFT is all

about. It is the central concept in the What is EFT Tapping question.

Western medical science tends to focus on the chemical nature of the body and has

not paid much attention to these subtle, but powerful, energy flows until recent years.

However, they do exist and are attracting an expanding group of researchers.

Scientific Validation of EFT

EFT's foundation comes from a common sense blend of Acupuncture and Mind-Body

Medicine, both of which have decades of scientific studies supporting them. Their

effectiveness has been so profound that prestigious institutions such as Stanford, Harvard and

many other universities, clinics and hospitals have chosen to use and/or study them. Just do

an internet search for terms such as "Mind Body Research" and "Acupuncture Research" and

you will be exposed to the huge warehouse of scientific studies that validate the EFT Tapping


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Further, many peer reviewed EFT Tapping studies have been completed. Some of

these studies are based on a longer form Tapping protocol that was popular prior to

this Tutorial. This Tutorial has divided that protocol into easy to use parts but, overall,

there is no substantive change in it. One need only put the parts back together to

arrive at the original protocol used in previous research. Thus all research using theprevious protocol is still valid even though that protocol reflects "Old EFT." Future

research, however, should be based on the protocols advanced in this Tutorial. You

may wish to read this excellent article summarizing the research on EFT and similar methods

written by David Feinstein, PhD. 

To me, however, the real proof of EFT's power is not to be found in the laboratory.

Rather, the true evidence lies in how well it works for you. Accordingly, this Tutorial is

designed so you can put this Tapping process through its paces yourself and come to

your own conclusions. Obviously, the more skillful you become at EFT the better will

be your results and the more thorough will be your understanding of "What is EFT


The Discovery Statement

One of the beautiful features of EFT is that its mechanism can be elegantly stated in

one sentence. We call it The Discovery Statement and here it is.

Now, let's examine The Discovery Statement in more detail. First, notice what it does not say.

It does not say that a negative emotion is caused by the memory of a past traumatic

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experience. This is important to recognize because that presumed connection of traumatic

memories to negative emotions is a mainstay in conventional psychotherapy. 

In some circles, it is the accepted practice to "treat the memory" and, in the process,

ask the client to repeatedly relive some emotionally painful event. EFT, by contrast,

respects the memory but addresses what I believe is the true cause ... a disruption in

the body's energy system.

People have called me from all over the world for help over the telephone. Without my

asking, they usually start telling me in detail about their past traumas. That's because

they mistakenly believe I need all these details to help them. To them, these

memories are the cause of their problems.

I care deeply about helping people who needlessly carry around all these emotionally

charged memories. That's why I created this easy to use Tapping process. But it

always seems strange to people when I tell them they don't need to painfully relive all

those horrid details for EFT Tapping to help them. These memories may contribute to

an unwanted emotion (you'll see how later), but they are not the direct cause.

 Accordingly, we don't need to spend time painfully dwelling on them. It is superfluous,

if not damaging, to do so.

Thus there is relatively little emotional suffering involved with EFT Tapping. It is

comparatively painless (see What can I expect from EFT Tapping? for possible

exceptions). You will be asked to briefly recall your problem (there may be some

discomfort in that), but that is all. There is no need to relive the pain. In fact, with

properly done Tapping, generating prolonged emotional discomfort is frowned upon.

This is but one example of where EFT Tapping is a radical departure from

conventional methods.

 As a further aid to your learning, it might help if you

compare the energy flow in your body to that of a TV set. As long as the electricity flows

through your TV normally, the sound and picture are both clear. But what would happen

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if you took off the back of the TV set and carelessly probed through its complicated

electronics with a metal screwdriver?" You would, quite obviously, disrupt or reroute

the flow of electricity and an electric short circuit, or "zzzzzt", would occur inside. The

picture and sound would become erratic and the TV would exhibit its version of a

"negative emotion."

In the same manner, when our energy systems become imbalanced, we have an

electrical "zzzzzt" effect going on inside. Straighten out this "zzzzzt" by properly

performed Tapping and the negative emotion goes away. It's that simple. I'm well

aware of how strange this may sound and how difficult it can be to believe ... at least

at first. I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't seen so many marvelous changes in

people after applying these techniques.

The Intermediate Step ... The Missing Piece

Once you accept it, though .... once you "let it in".... its logic becomes undeniable and

you begin to see all the weaknesses in other methods.

For example, the "treat the memory" method mentioned above becomes glaringly

erroneous in the light of these discoveries. It is assumed, in that method, that the past

traumatic memory is the direct cause of the emotional upset in someone. It is not.

There is an intermediate step ... a missing piece ... between the memory and the

emotional upset. And that intermediate step, of course, is the disruption in the body's

energy system. It is that disruption, the "zzzzzt", that is the direct cause of the

emotional upset. This is portrayed graphically below.

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Please note that if step 2 (the intermediate step) does not occur then step 3 is

impossible. In other words, if the memory does not cause a disruption in the body's

energy system then the negative emotion cannot occur. That is why some people are

bothered by certain memories and others are not. The difference is that some people

have a tendency for their energy systems to become imbalanced under suchmemories, while others do not.

With this in mind, it is easy to see how the "treat the memory" method misses the

mark. It addresses step 1 and ignores step 2.

This is why some people tend to get worse when conventional psychotherapy aims

for the memory and not its cause (the energy disruption). Addressing step 1 by

requiring someone to vividly relive a distressing memory serves to induce moredisruption in the energy system (more zzzzzts). And that means more pain, not less.

It can, and often does, aggravate the problem. If step 2 was addressed instead of

step 1, then there would be relatively little pain. The energy system would be

balanced (by appropriate Tapping) and internal calm would replace the negative

emotion. The result would be rapid relief because the true cause was being

addressed. This happens repeatedly with EFT Tapping.

In the following video I combine The Discovery Statement with a discussion of the

Intermediate Step. It adds an extra dimension to these important topics.

One Cause ... Thus You Only Need One Method

Now back again to the "Discovery Statement." Please notice that it is all inclusive. It

says, "The cause of ALL negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy

system." This includes fears, phobias, anger, grief, anxiety, depression, traumatic

memories, PTSD, worry, guilt and all limiting emotions in sports, business and the

performing arts. That's a comprehensive list and covers just about every restrictive

emotion we can experience.

Differently stated, this means that all these negative emotions have the same electrical "zzzzzt" in the body. It also means...

...that they can all be relieved in a similar manner. 

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Thus, grief has the same basic cause as trauma, guilt, fear and a baseball player's

hitting slump. So the same general method can be used for all these problems. This

"one cause" idea is also a blessing for mental health professionals. They are

accustomed to an endless, ever changing number of explanations for the seemingly

countless emotional concerns of their clients. To learn that there is only one causegreatly simplifies their efforts.

EFT Often Provides Impressive Physical Relief  

The medical profession has long known that emotional issues can dramatically affect

our body chemistry and that, in turn, can lead to everything from rashes and

headaches to addictions, impaired immune systems and cancer. We see consistent

evidence of this when we apply the Tapping process. As guilt, anger, fear, trauma

and the like become resolved, physical ailments often subside simultaneously. From

time to time we also see physical symptoms fade by simply Tapping on the meridian

system without directly aiming EFT at emotional contributors. In this case, it appears

that one of the contributors to the physical ailment may be strictly energetic and thus

merely balancing the meridians can bring about symptom relief. This brings us to

another version of the Discovery Statement that says, 

How to do the EFT Tapping Basics - The BasicRecipe 

The Basic Tapping Procedure - The Centerpiece of EFT

The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is an easy to use healing tool that provides the very

foundation for expanding your emotional freedom. It is the tapping procedure that we

use in every round of EFT … it is easy to learn and easy to apply, which is why EFThas become well known as a tool that anyone can use. By itself, the EFT Tapping

Basic Recipe can be applied to any issue you want, and although it is still only the

first step to EFT‟s full potential, it continues to provide results that range from

encouraging to impressive. The rest of the benefits come when you learn how to aim

the tapping procedure at the best targets, but you will need to know the basics before

learning the rest, so let‟s get started! 

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 A recipe, of course, has certain ingredients which must be added in a certain order. Ifyou are baking a cake, for example, you must use sugar instead of pepper and you

must add the sugar before you put it in the oven. cake.

The EFT Basic Recipe is no exception. Each ingredient must be introduced precisely

as described and they must be added in the proper order.

 Although I am going to some length to describe it in detail, The EFT Tapping Basic

Recipe has only 5 brief steps (ingredients) and takes very little effort to learn. Once

memorized, each round of it can be performed in about 30 seconds. It will take some

practice, of course, but after a few tries the whole process becomes familiar and you

can do it in your sleep (millions have done this, including children). You will then have

a permanent tool that you can use for a lifetime.

Remember our Discovery Statement?

"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body‟s energy system.” 

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It follows, then, that energy disruptions are the reason we have any kind of emotional

issue like grief, anger, guilt, depression, trauma, and fear. Since both physical and

performance issues often have emotional roots, it also follows that clearing energy

disruptions can be useful for those as well.

Once we find those energy disruptions, we use the tapping process to correct them.

The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe blends focused wording with a 9 point Tapping

sequence. The focused wording tunes us in to the issue and this, in turn, points us tothe energy disruptions (zzzzzts) that we need to address.

This wording is an essential part of the process because it tells our system what we

are working on. Negative emotions come about because we are tuned into certain

thoughts or circumstances which, in turn, cause our energy systems to disrupt.

Otherwise, we function normally. One's fear of heights is not present, for example,

while one is reading the comic section of the Sunday newspaper (and therefore not

tuned in to the problem).

Once tuned into the issue, the Tapping stimulates the energy pathways thereby

balancing the resulting energy disruptions (zzzzzts). Also, for clarification, the points

we use are at or near the end points of the energy pathways (meridians and vessels)

… OR … at points along these pathways that are close to the body‟s surface.  

You may be aware that acupuncturists study and use over 300 meridian points on the

body instead of the mere handful that are used by the EFT Tapping process. Further,

unlike EFT, acupuncturists associate each of the energy pathways with body organs

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(kidney, stomach, spleen, etc.) and emotions (anger, fear, sadness, etc.). We are not

denying the validity of this approach but we are ignoring it. EFT Tapping represents a

different use of these pathways that allows someone with no formal training in

Chinese medicine to realign disruptions on their own with a simple process.

You may learn the intricacies of the Chinese meridian system if you wish, but this

knowledge is not necessary to generate first class results with EFT. In practice, the

12 meridians and 2 governing vessels are interconnected and thus sending balancing

energy down one pathway influences other pathways. That is why we usually need to

address only a few pathways to get the job done.

Before I demonstrate The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe on a video, let's (1) take a look

at the Tapping Points, (2) set the stage with some useful Tapping Tips and (3) reviewthe 5 Steps in The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe.

The EFT Tapping Points

These illustrations, together with the written aids below them, are self-explanatory

and are explored in detail later (including videos). For now, just locate each of these

points on your own body and touch each of them with your fingertips.

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TOH: On the top of the head. If you were to draw a line from one ear, over the head,

to the other ear, and another line from your nose to the back of your neck, the TOH

point is where those two lines would intersect.

EB: At the beginning of the eyebrow, just above and to one side of the nose. This

point is abbreviated EB for beginning of the EyeBrow.

SE: On the bone bordering the outside corner of the eye. This point is abbreviated SE

for Side of the Eye.

UE: On the bone under an eye about 1 inch below your pupil. This point is

abbreviated UE for Under the Eye.

UN: On the small area between the bottom of your nose and the top of your upper lip.

This point is abbreviated UN for Under the Nose.

Ch: Midway between the point of your chin and the bottom of your lower lip. Even

though it is not directly on the point of the chin, we call it the chin point because it is

descriptive enough for people to understand easily. This point is abbreviated Ch for


CB: The junction where the sternum (breastbone), collarbone and the first rib meet.

To locate it, first place your forefinger on the U-shaped notch at the top of the

breastbone (about where a man would knot his tie). From the bottom of the U, move

your forefinger down toward the navel 1 inch and then go to the left (or right) 1 inch.

This point is abbreviated CB for CollarBone even though it is not on the collarbone (or

clavicle) per se. It is at the beginning of the collarbone and we call it the collarbone

point because that is a lot easier to say than "the junction where the sternum

(breastbone), collarbone and the first rib meet."

UA: On the side of the body, at a point even with the nipple (for men) or in the middle

of the bra strap (for women). It is about 4 inches below the armpit. This point is

abbreviated UA for Under the Arm.

Tapping Tips

These tips answer the most common questions.

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  Some of the Tapping points have twin points on each side of the body. For example,the "eyebrow" point on the right side of the body has a twin point on the left side of thebody. Years of experience have taught us that you only need to tap one of these twinpoints. However, if you have both hands free you can certainly tap on both sides forgood measure. You will see me do this often in our   Art of Delivery videos. as well asthe numerous advanced videos in Gary's Courses: Online Coaching Library. 

  You can also switch sides when you tap these points. For example, during the sameround of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, you can tap the "karate chop" point onyour left  hand and the eyebrow point on the right  side of your body. This makes theTapping process more convenient to perform.

  The Tapping is done with two or more fingertips. This is so you can cover a larger areaand thereby insure that your Tapping covers the correct point.

  While you can tap with the fingertips of either hand, most people use their dominanthand. For example, right handed people tap with the fingertips of their right hand whileleft handed people tap with the fingertips of their left hand.

  You tap approximately 5 times on each point. No need to count the taps becauseanywhere between 3 and 7 taps on each point is adequate. The only exception isduring the Setup step (explained later) where the Karate Chop Point is tappedcontinuously while you repeat some standard wording.

  The process is easily memorized. After you have tapped the Karate Chop Point, therest of the points go down the body (see the Sequence Points in the diagram above).The Eyebrow point, for example, is below the Top of the Head point. The Side of theEye point is below the Eyebrow point. And so on down the body.

The 5 Steps of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

These simple steps are also given in the video below. For now, just familiarize

yourself with the concepts. The video will walk you through this Tapping process so

you can memorize it easily.

1. Identify the Issue:

 All you do here is make a mental note of what ails you. This becomes the target at

which you "aim" the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe. Examples might be: Sore shoulder,my father embarrassing me at my age 8 birthday party or hitting that high singing

note. Be sure you are only targeting one issue at a time. As you will learn later, trying

to combine issues in the process will compromise your results.

2. Test the Initial Intensity:

Here you establish a before level of the issue's intensity by assigning a number to it

on a 0-10 scale where 10 is the worst the issue has ever been and 0 is no problem

whatsoever. This serves as a benchmark so we can compare our progress after each

round of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe. If, for example, we start at an 8 and

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eventually reach a 4, then we know we have achieved a 50% improvement. The

number of possible issues we can address with The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is

endless and they don't all fit into neat testing boxes. That is why we have an entire

segment later on dedicated to Testing Your EFT Tapping Work. For this stage of your

learning, however, here are some useful methods to help you access your issue(s)and arrive at your 0-10 numbers. They apply to most issues.

  For emotional issues, you can recreate the memories in your mind and assess theirdiscomforts.

  For physical ailments you can simply assess the existing pain or discomfort.

  For performance issues you can attempt the desired performance level and measurehow close you come to it.

3. The Setup:

The Setup is a process we use to start each round of Tapping. By designing a simple

phrase and saying it while continuously Tapping the KC point, you let your system

know what you‟re trying to address. 

When designing this phrase there are two goals to achieve:

1) acknowledge the problem

2) accept yourself in spite of it

We do this by saying:

“Even though I have this _______________, I deeply and completely accept myself”.  

The blank above represents the problem you want to address, so you can just insert

things like:

This sore shoulder:

“Even though I have this sore shoulder, I deeply and completely accept


This fear of spiders:

“Even though I have this fear of spiders, I deeply and completely accept


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This humiliation at my eighth grade graduation:

“Even though I have this humiliation at my eighth grade graduation, I deeply

and completely accept myself.” 

This difficulty making free throws:

“Even though I have this difficulty making free throws, I deeply and

completely accept myself.” 

Not all of the issues will fit neatly into “Even though I have this ____________,” so

you can use some flexibility when designing your Setup phrase. For example, instead

of “this sore shoulder” you could say “Even though my shoulder hurts, I deeply and

completely accept myself”. Or instead of “this humiliation at my eighth grade

graduation” you could say “Even though my dad humiliated me at my eighth grade


By using “Even though I have this _______________,” you will automatically choose

something that represents your experience, your reaction, or a problem that you

recognize as something that belongs to you, and that is an important feature.

We do not want to use EFT on someone else‟s problem. For example, rather than,

“Even though my son is addicted to drugs, I deeply and completely accept myself,” it‟s

better to focus on your own reaction which might be, “Even though I‟m frustrated by  

my son's drug addiction.” Or instead of “Even though my husband works too much…,”

better to try something like, “Even though I feel alone when my husband stays late at

the office…” We want to aim EFT at our  part of the problem rather than trying to fix

someone else‟s problem. 

By identifying the problem with this phrase, you “set up” the initial zzzzzt behind thescenes so the Tapping has something to resolve.

Important, Important, Important:

The language that we use always aims at the negative. This is essential because it is

the negative that creates the energy disruptions (zzzzzts) that The EFT Tapping

Basic Recipe clears (and thus brings peace to the system). By contrast, conventional

methods and popular self-help books stress positive thinking and preach avoiding the

negative. This sounds good but, for our purposes, it does little more than cover overthe negative with pleasant sounding words. EFT, on the other hand, needs to aim at

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the negative so it can be neutralized. This allows our natural positives to bubble up to

the top.

4. The Sequence:

This is the workhorse part of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe that stimulates/balances

the body's energy pathways. To perform it, you tap each of the points shown in the

Sequence Points diagram (see above) while saying a Reminder Phrase that keeps

your system tuned into the issue. I list the points below followed by a description of

the Reminder Phrase:

Top of the Head (TOH)

Beginning of the Eyebrow (EB)Side of the Eye (SE)

Under the Eye (UE)

Under the Nose (UN)

Chin Point (CH)

Beginning of the Collarbone (CB)

Under the Arm (UA)

The Reminder Phrase is quite simple as you need only identify the issue with some

brief wording. Depending on your issue, you might say the following at each tapping


"This sore shoulder",

"My father embarrassed me",

"This difficulty in singing that high note."

5. Test the Intensity Again:

Finally, you establish an "after" level of the issue's intensity by assigning a number toit on a 0-10 scale. You compare this with the before level to see how much progress

you have made. If you are not down to zero then repeat the process until you either

achieve zero or plateau at some level. You can also include some additional Tapping

points that will be introduced in the next section of this article. Otherwise, you will

likely need to "get to the roots of the issue" (see Intro to Part II of The Gold Standard

EFT Tutorial).

Now follow along with this video as I demonstrate The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

live. It assumes you have familiarized yourself with the Tapping Points, Tapping Tips

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and the 5 Steps to the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe given above. Accordingly, you may

want to review them again before proceeding with the video.

Note to EFT’ers with training prior to this Tutorial: The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

has been streamlined in the following ways: (1) What was formerly known as The

EFT Shortcut is now The EFT Basic Recipe. Other Tapping points and methods as

well as the 9 Gamut procedure have been recategorized and put “on the shelf” for use

when one may be stuck on an issue (to be discussed later). (2) The term

Psychological Reversal (PR) has been eliminated because, after years of experience,

I think it was mis-named. In practice, PR is a form of secondary gain/loss or a newaspect of the original problem. While the correction for PR remains in the EFT Basic

Recipe, I have found that PR can be handled effectively with the proper treatment of

 Aspects, Specific Events, and Detective Work (see later articles). (3) The Sore Spot,

The Collarbone Breathing Technique and Floor to Ceiling Eyeroll have been

eliminated because of their rare use. (4) The idea of “subsequent round adjustments”

wherein we formerly addressed the “remaining” problem is no longer considered

essential. You will see it, however, in the various advanced videos in Gary's Coaching

Library simply because it was considered useful when they were filmed. It's use does

not add or detract from the process.

 Also, to allay any scientific concerns, this streamlining has not changed the previous

protocol from a research point of view. The basic Tapping points and language

remain the same. The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe protocol, for convenience and ease

of use, has merely been divided into smaller parts and thus one need only

reassemble the individual parts to arrive at the original used in previous research.

Thus all past research is still valid and remains unaffected by this Tutorial. New

research can use this streamlined update.

Test Drive:

Now let‟s give The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe a test drive. Just pick an issue of your

own and tap along with me in the next video. With a few practice rounds you will

embed the process into your memory and will then be able to apply it to a wide variety

of issues. Please remember, though, that you are still a beginner at this so you may

or may not experience relief this first time. That‟s OK. Our goal at this point is to

acquaint you with the process. Results follow as you expand your use of it. There is

much more to learn if you wish to pursue this Tutorial further (recommended).

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Other Tapping Points and Routines

The standard EFT Tapping Basic Recipe points you learned above are the ones you

will use over 90% of the time. In addition, there are some other points you may find

useful under certain circumstances. If your initial rounds of the EFT Tapping Basic

Recipe have not brought the intensity to zero, you can include any of these into your

next Tapping round to see if they help. They are worth learning, even at this early

stage, so I describe them next as well as in a video a few paragraphs below.

The Finger Points:

These are useful when you‟d like to extend the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe and tr y a

more thorough round on stubborn aspects. They also come in handy when any of the

regular Tapping points are hard to reach or become irritating. They can be very

effective on their own and I sometimes use them on our advanced videos in Gary's

Coaching Library instead of the standard points. Also note that you tap the facial and

torso points with your fingertips and, in so doing, you also stimulate the finger points.

The Tapping point is in the same location for each finger and each thumb. On the

index finger (IF), tap on the side of the finger that is closest to the thumb, even with

the base of the nail. Once you have located that one, you can find the similar MF

(middle finger), BF (baby finger), and Th (thumb) points on each hand.

Just for simplicity, the Ring Finger has not been included in this sequence. For those

who may be curious, the meridian involved runs on the opposite side of that finger. Imay occasionally include a point on the ring finger while I‟m tapping because it‟s

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easier than explaining why I leave it out. However, the EFT process and all of its

power were built without this point and our results have not been affected by either

including it or leaving it out.

The Below Nipple Point (often called the Liver Point):

You won't see this one on our Art of Delivery videos or elsewhere in our materials.

This is because it is socially awkward for women to tap. For the male, it is located one

inch below the nipple. For the female it is where the underskin of the breast attaches

to the chest wall. For some women the breast must be lifted so that the point can be

tapped. I include it for completeness as you may find it useful under some

circumstances. I use it on rare occasion. The diagram to the right shows the BN Point

on both sides of the body. As mentioned earlier, you only need to tap one of them.

The Wrist Point:

This point is also rarely used but I acquaint you with it because you may see it in our

videos. It is located on the underside of the wrist at the mid-point of where a watch

band would normally reside. Please refer to the diagram for clarification.

In general, it is most effective to tap this point with several fingertips, or you can hold

your hand flat and gently slap the area on the inside of the wrist. There is a twin point

on each wrist and sometimes these points are "tapped" by gently banging the inside

of the wrists together.

The 9 Gamut Procedure:

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Originally developed by Dr. Roger Callahan, the purpose of this nine step process is

to engage both sides of the brain. This is accomplished by continuously tapping a

particular point on the hand while performing specific eye movements, humming and

counting. It can seem like a strange process, but through connecting nerves, certain

parts of the brain are stimulated when the eyes are moved. Likewise the right side ofthe brain (the creative side) is engaged when you hum a song and the left side (the

digital side) is engaged when you count.

The 9 Gamut Procedure was a standard feature in the Basic Recipe for many years,

but is now optional, and I rarely use it. I've found it helpful when there is a clear brain

disorder (e.g. Cerebral Palsy) and I will include it occasionally when progress seems

to be halted.

It is very difficult to explain this procedure in words and pictures. It is easier to

understand when you can see a demonstration, and you will find a video link for that

purpose following the written explanation.

The 9 Gamut Procedure is a 10 second process wherein a gamut of 9 "brain

stimulating" actions are performed while continuously tapping on one of the body's

energy points (the Gamut Point). To do the 9 Gamut Procedure, you must first locate

the Gamut point.

Gamut Point:

To locate the Gamut Point, which is on the back of either hand, put a finger between

the ring and little finger at the base. From this location, move your finger about a half

inch toward your wrist and this is where you‟ll tap the Gamut Point. Please see the

illustration for clarity.

9 Actions:

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While facing forward and keeping your head still, tap the Gamut point continuously

while performing the following nine actions:

1. Eyes closed.

2. Eyes open.3. Eyes hard down right while holding the head steady.

4. Eyes hard down left while holding the head steady.

5. Roll your eyes in a circle as though your nose was at the center of a clock and you were tryingto see all the numbers in order.

6. Same as the previous step, but roll your eyes the other direction.

7. Hum 2 seconds of a song (any song will do, but I often use Happy Birthday).*

8. Count rapidly from 1 to 5.

9. Hum 2 seconds of a song again.

* For some people, humming Happy Birthday causes resistance because it brings up

memories of unhappy birthdays. In this case, you can either use EFT on thoseunhappy memories and resolve them … or … you can side step this issue for now by

humming some other song.

Now, in the interest of being thorough, here is a video where I demonstrate the Finger

Points, Below the Nipple or BN Point (often called the Liver Point), Wrist Point and the

9 Gamut Procedure. The video assumes you have thoroughly familiarized yourself

with the above descriptions.


In this article, you learned the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe with the following


  9 primary tapping points (KC, TOH, EB, SE, UE, UN, Ch, CB, UA)

  Setup Phrase on the KC point

  Reminder Phrase at the rest of the points

  Measuring intensity and the 5 step process

   Additional tapping points (Fingers, BN, Wr, 9 Gamut)

The EFT Constricted Breathing Technique 

 A Simple Tapping Technique Yet Surprisingly Effective

Now that you have learned The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, you may already have a

plan for addressing your issue. However, this simple tool can be useful no matterwhat issue you‟re trying to resolve. 

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In general, stress and negative emotions can affect the quality of our breath, and

although we often overlook the changes in our breath and how our emotional state

can influence it, it‟s easy to see as soon as we draw attention to it. By using The EFT

Tapping Basic Recipe to focus on any constriction in the breath, we are indirectly

targeting the underlying emotional issue(s) and the results are often clear as the

breathing becomes more open and free.

This useful technique has the following advantages...

Make progress with issues you can’t articulate: 

 Aiming EFT at the constricted breath will usually peel layers of intensity away from

the overall issue and allow you to recall Specific Events or find more clarity about the


Take the edge off a highly intense issue:

Using EFT on a physical symptom is a gentler approach because we aren‟t directly

focused on the intense details of the underlying event.

As a relaxation tool:

You can use this tapping tool any time you feel stressed, and with a couple of rounds

you should be able to breathe easier.

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Help tapping newcomers or skeptics experience noticeable results:

Professionals can use this tool as a demonstration for new clients so they can see a

quick result and they will often be eager to learn more.

This is how you do it....

  Inhale 2 or 3 maximum deep breaths. Take your time and don't hyperventilate. Thisstep will stretch out your lungs so that any EFT improvement in your breathing cannotbe attributed to a normal "stretching effect" of your lungs.

  Once you have stretched your lungs as far as they will go then take another deepbreath. This time assess the deepness of your breath on a 0-10 scale where 10 is yourestimate of your maximum capacity. Numbers typically vary from 3 to 9 on this. Theoccasional person who rates their breath at a 10 (they are usually wrong) may find that,after EFT, they will go to a 12 or 15.

  Then do several rounds of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe with Setup phrases suchas "Even though I have constricted breathing...", "Even though I can only fill my lungsto an 8..." and so on. In between each round, take another deep breath and assess the0-10 deepness. In the majority of cases it will keep improving.

  If you are trying to find more clarity or specifics on your issue, you can ask yourselfquestions such as: "What does my constricted breath remind me of?", "When in mypast did I feel constricted or smothered?", "If there was an emotional reason for myconstricted breath, what might it be?" Often, you will hear a big clue as to an importantemotional issue, and often those clues will show up after you do a round or two on thebreath.

To bring this idea to life here is a video wherein I apply this tapping concept to a liveaudience. Notice how many have noticeable improvements in their breathing and/or

have other positive side effects such as better eyesight. Because I was dealing with

a large group, I didn't spend much time exploring the effects on individual emotional

issues. However, considering questions such as those contained in the last bullet

point above will often lead you straight to these important topics.

If the constriction in your breath comes back sooner than you expect, you may have a

new underlying issue coming to the surface. You will learn more about this concept in

Part 2 when we discuss Aspects.

 Also remember that this is an indirect route to the underlying issues, and may be

temporary until you learn how to target those issues directly.

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In this article, you learned The EFT Constricted Breathing Technique.

  It is a great tool to get started using EFT for yourself.  Doing a few rounds on constriction in your breath is an easy way to apply The EFT

Tapping Basic Recipe for instant stress relief and to get started with bigger issues.

   A demo video was provided for additional instruction and a tap-along experience.

Are You Satisfied With 20% of EFT's TappingPossibilities? 

The Grand EFT Illusion

Persistent use of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe alone, without any education on

how to tailor or polish the process, will get you about 20% (my rough estimate) of

EFT‟s Treasure Chest of healing benefits.  However, this 20% is often so astonishing

that it tends to obscure the remaining possibilities to new EFT‟ers.  It is like being

fascinated by a bicycle while unaware that planes, trains and automobiles exist.

Some of our best EFT Tapping students call this The Grand EFT Illusion because

the results that are generated from this 20% is so advanced over what you mightnormally expect that it is easy to erroneously conclude that "The EFT Tapping Basic

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Recipe is all there is to EFT." Many EFT'ers do this and unknowingly leave the

remaining 80% on the table. You will see this frequently in the various EFT Tapping

imitations or spin-offs that populate the internet. See What About Those EFT

Tapping Spin-Offs? 

Sometimes 20% isn‟t enough, and the first thought of an EFT beginner is usually to

make the language “better.”  After all, the points stay the same – the only thing left is

to change the language, right?


 A common, but inefficient, solution is to try adding more of the “issue” into the Setup

Phrase or reciting paragraphs about a lifetime problem in an attempt to express it

more clearly. There are also resources online for pre-written Tapping Scripts  that

appeal to those who have mistakenly assumed that the language needs to be

enhanced for better results. On the contrary, that‟s like trying to “improve” a bicycle

with accessories like cumbersome baskets and side cars when what you really need

is a driver‟s license to operate a smooth riding, powerful EFT automobile. 

The EFT driver‟s license will teach you that being more specific and addressing an

issue one piece at a time is easier and far more powerful than expanding the scope ofyour Setup Phrase. Being more specific means learning how to separate each issue

into individual parts (Aspects) and targeting those parts one at a time with the

Tapping process. These, and other vital tools are featured in later portions of this

Tutorial. By the time you get to the Personal Peace Procedure at the end of Part 2,

you‟ll be ready to drive the car. 

If you are satisfied with the bicycle, and 20% provides enough relief for your issue,

then please go forth with my personal gratitude. Use The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

where appropriate and you will have a lifetime healing tool.

Personal request:

If you stop here with your EFT education, please recognize that your use of it is at a

beginner's level. Leaving others with the impression that the Basic Recipe is all there

is to EFT Tapping will perpetuate the Grand EFT Illusionand inaccurately spreads

our message. Please send any interested friends, family, or other acquaintances to

our website for complete training. You never know, they may prefer the driver‟slicense.

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Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT):

If you want more of what EFT has to offer but choose not to expand your skills

beyond the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, then you may wish to visit our online store for

a wide variety of EFT products. Of particular interest may be our  Borrowing Benefits(Easy EFT) Library.  These specially designed videos (13 in all) allow you to "tap

along" with full length sessions and "borrow benefits" without having to learn EFT in


What You Might See Online

When you see examples of EFT or Tapping on the internet or from other independent

sources, they are often some form of the EFT Tapping Basic Recipe that has been

combined with another method or varied in some way. Many of the commonvariations to EFT Tapping can be seen in the Setup/Reminder language.

Unfortunately those variations aren‟t authentic EFT and can be

misleading. See What About Those EFT Tapping Spin-Offs? 

There are some specific language skills that we introduce in later sections, but to

learn them correctly just follow this EFT Tutorial. Once you get further in your training,

you will be able to recognize variations when you see them and identify which

essential part of the EFT Tapping process they are often missing. 

For now, it‟s best to avoid “additional instruction” online or from other independent

sources, because that will likely lead to confusion and compromise your



In this article, you learned about the Grand EFT Illusion.

  The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe is responsible for about 20% of EFT‟s potentialbenefits, but many people mistake it for the whole thing.

  Rather than “improve” the language for better results, learn how to be more specificand find better targets for your Tapping rounds.

  For best results, continue learning EFT with this Tutorial and avoid other onlineresources that might cause confusion.

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Strategies for Getting Started: Pain, PersonalPeace, Physical Disease and More 

Explore These Common Uses of EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

Exploring common uses ofThe EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

If you came to this website looking for a fast, easy solution for an issue that nothing

else has been able to resolve, you are not alone. EFT Tapping is often represented

as a miraculous quick fix because sometimes it is. The rest of the time, however, we

need to explore emotional issues and use a variety of approaches before we see

lasting results. If that seems like more of a commitment than you anticipated and you just want to see how far you can get with the basics, here are a few helpful strategies.

You might also explore Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) - Tapping Along With Live

Sessions or any of  our other Do-It-Yourself products. 

EFT Tapping For Pain or Symptom Relief:

The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe can be used for the relief of pain or symptoms,resulting from any kind of injury or diagnosed condition. Start by putting the symptom

itself in the Setup and Reminder Phrases and tap through a round or two of the Basic

Recipe, measuring the level of discomfort before and after each round, like this:

“Even though I have this pain in my knee, I deeply and completely accept myself.” 

If you find some relief, feel free to keep using it whenever you like.

You can also read the article on Being Specific to see how describing the pain ordiscomfort more precisely can bring better relief.

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This strategy can be used as often as you need, but is probably best seen as

temporary relief for pain or discomfort. Although you may be able to get the intensity

of the symptom down to zero on occasion, we would not expect a zero every

time. Also, we would not expect long term results with this approach, although that

does occur from time to time. If the symptom keeps returning and you would like toconsider exploring emotional issues, the Tutorial will be here when you are ready.

If you wish to save time and aim EFT Tapping right at the center of pain management

issues you might explore our do-it-yourself product, EFT for Pain Management. 

 Always consult physicians on medical issues.

EFT Tapping For Behavior and Performance Issues:

Similar to physical pain, any unwanted behavior or limit on your personal performance

can be seen as a symptom of unresolved emotional issues. Targeting the limit itself

with The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, or the thing you can‟t yet do, would be the same

kind of target as a physical symptom.

  “Even though I‟m lousy at free throws, I deeply and completely accept myself.” 

  “Even though I‟m afraid to go to the dentist, I deeply and completely accept myself.”  

  “Even though my monthly sales totals are stuck at $100K, I deeply and completelyaccept myself.” 

  “Even though I criticize my spouse when he/she is late, I deeply and completely acceptmyself.” 

We recommend trying EFT with that first, and if you get the results you want without

further exploration, then don‟t bother going any deeper. You can use this tapp ing

approach whenever it suits you.

If you can put yourself in the actual situation that causes the intensity and tap whenyou feel it, the process can be more effective. Otherwise, imagine yourself in the

situation so you can generate the intensity, then use The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

to bring the intensity down. You may notice that the next time you are actually in that

situation, your intensity is lower than usual.

 As with physical symptoms, we would not expect the intensity to come down to zero

every time, nor would we expect permanent results with this approach. However, if it

helps you move forward and feel more comfortable, use it as often as you like.

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critical person in the front row, and that can help you make more progress. If the fear

keeps coming back, consider looking for deeper emotional contributors.

People tend to use the word “phobia” loosely, but if you have been diagnosed with a

phobia or your fear is not just situational, then professional help might be in order for

your EFT process.

EFT Tapping For Cravings:

Whether it‟s chocolate, sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, potato chips, shopping or any other

compulsive habit, you can start by using the The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe when

you feel the urge.

  “Even though I really want that chocolate, I deeply and completely accept myself.”  

  “Even though I can‟t resist that glass of wine, I deeply and completely accept myself.” 

If that disarms your cravings, then keep trying it whenever the cravings come up as

repeated uses of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe may weaken them still further. Keep

in mind that craving is a lighter form of addiction, and once someone is addicted to

alcohol, cigarettes, or any other substance or behavior, there are bound to be some

deeper issues to address.

If you can‟t make progress on your habit, you can learn about emotional issues and

try the The EFT Tapping Personal Peace Procedure to unravel those underlying

issues. You can also consider  Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) - Tapping Along With

Live Sessions, or professional EFT help.

In our  store we also have a video oriented product dedicated to using EFT for

Emotional Overeating.  You may find this helpful.

EFT Tappping For Teachers/Parents/Children:

Teachers or parents who are dealing with occasional behavior issues or just trying to

help a child regain focus can use The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe on whatever the

problem is.

  “Even though I was teased at recess and I‟m still upset, I‟m still a really great kid.” 

  “Even though I‟m all wound up about something, I‟m still a really great kid.” 

  “Even though I‟m nervous about reading out loud, I‟m still a really great kid.” 

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You will want to adjust the language a bit to be sure it represents the problem from

their point of view, but from there most kids respond well to energy work.

 At home, parents can tap the points while their child tells their stories about what may

have been difficult for them that day. Helping a child process events as they happen

without storing the disruptions is the best gift we can give them. See Evening EFT for


For diagnosed issues like Dyslexia, ADD, Aspergers, Autism, or any kind of ongoing

trauma at home, you will want to turn them over to someone with professional

training. We would hope that someday each school or district has a nurse or

counselor trained in EFT or knows of a local provider that can help.

EFT Tapping for Physical Diseases

EFT Tapping For Physical Disease:

Use the same strategy as you would for pain or symptoms above as the discomfort

presents itself. However, any chronic or diagnosed condition is likely to involve some

work on emotional contributors, and there may be physical causes that Tapping can‟t

resolve. Our theory is that carrying decades of unresolved issues or stress around

can make our bodies more vulnerable to disease, so we always recommend clearingas much of that out as possible. The EFT Personal Peace Procedure and Borrowing

Benefits (Easy EFT) - Tapping Along With Live Sessions are our best self-help tools,

but you can also consider professional EFT help.

You might also be interested in our  EFT Art of Delivery product. It contains 11 high

quality sessions where I (Gary Craig) deliver EFT for serious diseases. Other helpful

products in our  store would be Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT), EFT Advanced

Concepts and EFT for Pain Management. 

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EFT Tapping For War Veterans/PTSD:

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is the result of one or more traumatic events.

Thus, in many cases, we can get directly to the disruptions by aiming The EFT

Tapping Basic Recipe directly at the event(s). For Veterans, those events are usuallyobvious but highly traumatic. If you have memories that are extremely painful, but you

feel like you could tap your way through one at a time without causing yourself

additional distress, then The EFT Tell the Story Technique - The Workhorse Tapping

Method is the tool we recommend. Study the Tutorial through Part 2 and then give it a


Either way, we do recommend using EFT with the guidance of a qualified professional

 just to be sure you have support if you need it.

We recognize the urge to help Veterans as they come home from war, but do not see

PTSD as something a neighbor or layperson should attempt to resolve. Please refer

the Vet or his/her family to our website where they can find trained professionals if


Other PTSD cases may involve a longer history of smaller traumas, and those can be

more difficult to navigate. Try the The EFT Personal Peace

Procedure and/or  Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) - Tapping Along With Live

Sessions.  If you need help sorting through the past, that‟s what the professionals are

trained for.

EFT Tapping For Emotional Issues:

 Almost everyone these days has a current issue to address that has an obvious

emotional foundation. Anger management, relationship issues, workplace stress,

social anxiety, and low self-esteem are just a few examples. Although these labels

seem specific, they are actually quite global in EFT terms. The best way to produce

results, using just The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, is to address the feelings that are

related to the issue.

For example, in a relationship issue, think about something the other person does

that causes you intensity and then tap on that.

“Even though my spouse is late and I feel overlooked, I deeply and completely accept  


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For anger management, think about the situations in which you become unreasonably

angry and tap on that.

“Even though I hate it when people cut me off, I deeply and completely accept


Social anxiety, workplace stress, or anything else will also generate emotional

intensity in certain situations, and you can address these feelings with The EFT

Tapping Basic Recipe as they come up in your everyday life, just as you would with

physical symptoms or unwanted behaviors.

The examples above are based on a version of  Being Specific With EFT Tapping that

you will learn by continuing through the Tutorial. If you already have an emotionally

based issue to address, then the material in the Tutorial should apply directly to your

process. By the time you get to Tapping on Specific Events - An Essential Concept

Within the EFT Process, The EFT Tell the Story Technique - The Workhorse Tapping

Method, and The EFT Personal Peace Procedure, you will be able to navigate

through this issue and any others that come up.

 Also, our  store is filled with products addressing emotional issues. Of particular

interest might be: The EFT Art of Delivery,Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT), EFT forEmotional Overeating and  A Challenging EFT Case: Nancy - Guilt, Grief & Childhood


EFT Tapping for Personal Peace

EFT Tapping For Personal Peace:

The ultimate goal here is Emotional Freedom. We all want quick results for the

irritating discomforts in our lives, but as with anything, the “quick-fixes” are rarely apermanent solution. With this Tutorial we promote the kind of overall personal peace

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that comes from resolving the issues from the past and working through any new

ones without accumulating new energy disruptions. No matter what kind of issue has

brought you here, we urge you to consider EFT as a longer term program for

emotional health and use The EFT Personal Peace Procedure on a regular basis.

Common Sense:

No matter what you have heard about EFT and how quickly it can resolve issues, real

results will always be easier and faster with simpler cases. If you have been

diagnosed with a medical or mental health condition then, chances are, your case is

not among the easy ones. A LOT of progress can be made over the long term with

professional help, and EFT may indeed provide results where nothing else would, but

expecting a quick fix on a chronic or diagnosed condition is probably not reasonable.


If your physical pain is chronic, you have a diagnosed medical condition, or you are

aware of a longer history of trauma or stress that may have led to your symptoms,

then the EFT process is likely to be more involved, and may cause you to feel worse

before you feel better. This is because EFT is often much more powerful than it may

seem on the surface. Learn as much as you can from this Tutorial about addressing

your emotional issues. But if you don‟t get the results you want or if tapping starts to

cause you any kind of additional distress, consider hiring help from an EFT


Note to Health Professionals:

Professionals in the healing or self-improvement fields are welcome to try any of

these approaches with clients as long as they are consistent with your existing work.

Not everyone is in a position to sit with a client and go through the details of an event

from the past, but using just the Basic Recipe on emotions, behaviors, or symptomsof any kind can be a helpful alternative.

Keep in mind that continued use of EFT can open up deeper layers of an issue, so if

your client experiences any additional distress or discomfort from the tapping

process, then please refer to someone with professional training in EFT or obtain that

training yourself.


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In this article, you have learned some helpful strategies for getting started with the

EFT basics.

  The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe can be used on a variety of common issues.

  Start by directing the tapping process at the complaint you have and see if that works.If not, keep learning and dig deeper.

  If you have a diagnosed condition or a history of trauma, the EFT process may be moreinvolved, and these tips are not likely to provide lasting relief. You will probably needmore advanced uses of EFT.

   A properly trained EFT Professional can be a valuable asset in your healing process,no matter what the issue.

The Pros and Perils of EFT Tapping Scripts Purpose

Pros & Perils of EFT Tapping Scripts

This article brings further perspective to those wishing to use pre-written bits of

language (Tapping Scripts) that some people use hoping to better aim EFT at their

issues. If you have not been exposed to Tapping Scripts, then we invite you to skip

this article and move on to What can I expect from EFT Tapping? so that your EFT

learning process is not interrupted. Those who have been exposed to Tapping Scripts

will benefit from the information provided here before moving forward.

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The Pros of this approach center around convenience and the possibility to gain more

benefits than what just the EFT Basic Recipe provides. On the other hand, the Perils

include possible traumatization, partial results, misrepresentation of EFT and

potentially serious legal issues for those providing them. These scripts are well

meant by their promoters and are at least partially helpful for many clients. But theyare superficial in nature, possibly harmful for some, and should be described as such

by their promoters.

I don't mean to be overly dramatic on this as, on balance, using Tapping scripts has

produced much more good than harm (my opinion). However, their risks and

shortcomings need to be explored. Pointers for more skillful approaches are given

later in this article as well as throughout the remainder of this Tutorial.


In the early days of EFT, our targets for Tapping rounds were on the general (global)

side. It took me years of refining to discover that being more specific would produce

much better results, especially for the more complex cases. Meanwhile, EFTers

continued to experiment with global approaches, trying to make a difference for as

many people as possible. From this effort, the “Tapping script” was born. 

 A Tapping script involves predetermined Setup/Reminder language that is designed

for the general public to use with the EFT Basic Recipe for relief on a common issue.

For instance, a Tapping script for weight loss might start like this...

Even though I feel so bad about carrying all this weight  

and I don't think I deserve to lose it... 

On the surface the idea makes sense, especially to someone who hasn‟t studied EFT

or wants the quick relief promised by an approach like this. It appears to be

convenient but the potential downside is significant and it doesn‟t come anywhere

near the professional results we can deliver by an individualized approach.

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 Using Tapping scripts is like

trying to paint the Mona Lisawith a 6 inch wide brush

Tapping scripts are often found in books and on individual websites, designed by

practitioners who specialize in a particular issue. There are Tapping scripts for

hundreds of issues … from trauma to phobias to OCD to everything else.  Anyone

could locate a website that provides these scripts, including a diagram of EFT points

and some language to use that seems to target underlying issues. The assumption

here is that most people with similar issues will have the same contributing details.

But that's a major error. No two people experience the same details, or in the same

way, and thus no Tapping script can reflect the exactness that is often required. In

this regard, using Tapping scripts is like trying to paint the Mona Lisa with a 6 inch

wide brush.

The Pros

The allure to these scripts involves a convenience factor wherein a ready made

approach is provided that requires no customization or detective work. Just tap on theEFT points while repeating words that someone else provides. Easy. It‟s a one-size-

fits-all or “EFT in a Box” approach.  Plenty of script users have reported positive

results using this method and I am pleased that this simplistic approach has helped

expose multitudes of people to EFT. While many have benefited, there remain

limitations and downsides. We will cover those next.

The Perils

Those promoting Tapping scripts are attempting to "treat" people that either (1) theydon‟t know or (2) have issues too substantial for a mere Tapping script to

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handle.  Accordingly, their “clientele” will eventually include people with severe

emotional or physical frailties who are enticed to “try it out.”  These tender souls

should not attempt ANY healing method without the presence and guidance of a

qualified health professional because abreactions and severe consequences are

possible. As EFT becomes more mainstream, it is inevitable that these issues willsurface and lawsuits may emerge against those promoting Tapping scripts.

Professional uses of EFT, such as those discussed in our  Gold Standard EFT

Tutorial and the advanced products in our online store, can significantly reduce the

exposure to these risks.

In addition, Tapping scripts tend to provide only partial results. They rarely get to the

roots of the issues and thus the true causes of the problem remain active

underground. It is only a matter of time before these weeds show up again and

cause clients to conclude that “EFT didn‟t work.”  Even worse, these surface

approaches can partially clear some aspects of the problem and, in the process, allow

buried traumas to emerge and bring about anxiety, nightmares, headaches and the

like. No script is able to handle this unexpected stress and thus these clients may

report that “EFT made things worse.”  In reality, though, it wasn‟t EFT that made

things worse. It was the erroneous use of a surface approach for a deeper problem.

So, if you are promoting Tapping scripts, please inform your customers of the limits

and potential side effects of using an approach like this. Better yet, abandon those

Tapping scripts and reduce that risk by moving toward the more professional,

individualized EFT approaches offered on this website. Of particular interest may be

our article entitled What Should I Say During the EFT Tapping Process? 

The YouTube and Internet Summits Problem

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You‟ll see this same Tapping script approach used in different forms on YouTube

videos, as well as various internet summits and symposiums where one or more

practitioners lead an anonymous public through Tapping rounds on whatever issue

they choose for the day (like procrastination, deserving happiness, creating

abundance, finding your soul mate, or freedom from stress). These globalapproaches lead people in superficial directions where results are limited and the

aforementioned possibility for serious consequences is magnified.

The Solution: Getting to the Roots & Customizing the Process

 As a practitioner, it is actually easier to ask the client a few questions and burrow

down to the specifics than it is to recite scripts and fumble around when the client‟s

situation begs for more help. The process is taught in Part II of our  Gold Standard

EFT Tutorial.  It is also profusely illustrated in our advanced online coaching library

known as the  Art of Delivery Videos.  Even do-it-yourselfers can learn the principles

and make greater progress on their issues. It will take a little practice at first but the

more you use it, the better you get. You might start with the Personal Peace

Procedure, or ask a few simple questions that point toward Specific Events. Here are

some questions that have served me well over the years.

  When did you first notice the issue?

  Does it remind you of anything in your past?

  If you could live life over again, what person or event would you prefer to skip?

 As a do-it-yourself-er, if you get stuck, a properly trained professional can help you

dig up issues that you couldn't find on your own. Professionals can get additional

training to find the hidden issues needed for best results.


In this article you learned about Tapping Scripts in the EFT process.

  Tapping Scripts seem to provide convenience, but are quite global in nature and do notprovide an individualized approach. For this reason, they do not follow the GoldStandard EFT process.

  Tapping Scripts and other global approaches can cause harm when used withoutproper guidance, so if you choose to try them, do so with caution.

  For the best EFT education possible, avoid Tapping Scripts and other global variations,and stick to the Gold Standard principles taught in this Tutorial.

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What can I expect from EFT Tapping? 

Good, Bad and Otherwise

What you get out of EFT is largely dependent on the skill with which it is

used. Fortunately, even a beginner's use of EFT can sometimes produce astonishing

results. But this, as previously stated, leads to The Grand EFT Illusion and thus

much of EFT's potential is often left on the table.

I've been teaching EFT since the mid 1990's and have received thousands of glowing

reports regarding its clinical benefits.

Here are some of the positive outcomes...

  Many soldiers report that their PTSD has faded

and their nightmares and intrusive thoughts have gone with it.

  Some phobias are reported to have vanished in a matter of minutes and never return.

  Pains of many descriptions, including migraine headaches, are reported to achievenear instant relief (partial or complete).

  Many professional therapists report that they get deeper, faster and longer lastingresults.

  Some athletes report improved performance (sometimes dramatic).

  Many people with serious diseases report partial to complete symptom relief. The listof ailments is impressive and includes just about every issue where there may beenergetic or emotional contributors. Some people get out of wheelchairs while othersreport relief for asthma, scleroderma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C, cysticfibrosis. parkinson's disease, hypermobility, ALS and traumatic brain injury. This is apartial list, the actual list includes multitudes of ailments and, I suspect, skillfully appliedEFT is likely to provide benefits for any ailment you can name. Successes vary andnot everyone achieves relief. Please consult physicians on all medical issues.

On the negative side...

  Some people report no benefits whatsoever. In my experience, this is often becauseEFT is applied improperly.

   A small percentage (less than 3%-my estimate) report having some distress as a result

of the process.

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In my experience, the main reasons for the

negative effects revolves around (1) an incomplete understanding of the EFT Tapping

process and (2) inexperienced people "going where they don't belong." Many people

are enthralled by the seemingly "quick fix" properties of the EFT basics and/or they

"learn EFT Tapping" second, third or fourth hand from a variety of commercially

hyped EFT or Tapping websites. As a result, they receive incomplete education and

are stumped when they or a client appears to "go nowhere" with EFT or becomesanxious or agitated. Even when they get solid results, they are unaware of how much

further they can go.

This Tutorial is aimed at filling that gap.

Further, EFT is still in the experimental stage and, while a growing number of PhD's

and MD's are adopting it, we cannot claim that it is risk free. To the contrary, I have

given many EFT workshops (with 200 to 500 in attendance) and have done forms ofEFT Tapping from the stage for the whole audience. While the vast majority report

improvements in their issues, a small percentage uncover deeper issues within the

process that cannot be handled from the stage. That is why I usually have several

"emotional assistants" available to work with these distressed people.

I have yet to learn of any such distressed person to have anything more than

temporary discomfort but, I believe, that is because my emotional assistants were

able to "bring them down" successfully. What might happen when inexperienced or

improperly educated people apply EFT to such persons is unknown. Accordingly,

please consult qualified health practitioners regarding your use of EFT.

On rare occasions I get reports (maybe 1 per year) from people that believe EFT has

damaged them in some fashion. In each case I have contacted the person to learn

more of the details. In the vast majority of these cases I discovered that the likely

cause of the damage was not from tapping on the meridian system. Rather, it was

from (1) uncovering "hidden issues" while in the therapeutic environment that the

practitioner was unable to handle or (2) the side effects from starting on a newpharmaceutical drug treatment. Again, we do not know all the possibilities regarding

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EFT Tapping (including the negative ones) and thus we must proceed accordingly by

consulting qualified health professionals where merited.

To give you a sense of the potential negative effects of EFT, please review the letter

below. Although this is a rare case, I could not find an alternative explanation for this

effect. The person asked that his/her name be withheld for privacy reasons.

 About four years ago I stumbled across EFT on the internet and gave it a try as I

felt some of my health issues had emotional links to them and at the time I was

going through stress and my sleep was not so great. After researching potential

side-effects of EFT I decided it seemed safe. I tapped on a number of things I felt

might be the problem. 

 After about an hour I didn't seem to feel much different, then I decided to take a

nap and I found myself with a racing heart rate which was odd for me, and I

couldn't nap which was also odd for me during the day. That night I didn't sleep at

all, and also for the next couple of nights. I continued the EFT exactly as [Gary's]

manual instructed each day. After a few days I had the scariest nightmare of my

life - absolutely petrifying, then again about 5 days later and once more about a

week later. Sleep became a real serious problem and my life was turned up side

down trying to go into work and simply function. 

Everyday I found my emotional state was pathetic and alot more depressed then

 prior. I tried EFT again and again along with practitioners and on my own only to

find that each time I attempted it I wouldn't sleep at all that night, maybe an hour

and for a few nights following the same. Only after a few days would things

improve some so that I could sleep about 3 to 5 hours. Which still is not enough. 

So needless to say I was very apprehensive of even attempting EFT again. Since

the very day of first trying EFT ever since I could not do things I use to. I couldn't

run anywhere near what I use to be able to. Before I was a competitive distance

runner and could pick up and run 5 to 10 kilometers at any time. After EFT I could

barely run a 500 meters without my heart rate spiking very quickly and being out

of breath. and afterwards it would take hours for my heart rate to calm down.  

The same goes for any sports I use to play. Even walking 9 holes of golf seemed

to wear me out. My appetite dropped and even eating a plate of pasta seemed to

incapacitate me. I stopped EFT after about 5 months and things improved some

but my life has been extremely challenging emotionally and physically. I cant do

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 physical work like I used to for my career, its a struggle just to get from day to day

with a dark cloud of depression seeming to be with me all the time, just hoping

there's some light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like I'm totally stuck in fight or

flight mode. 

This person did discuss with me a tendency to have a highly sensitive temperament

so we might speculate that some hidden issues were uncovered during the Tapping

process that no one has been able identify (or resolve). Again, this appears to be a

rare instance but we must be responsibly aware of this possibility and recognize that

others may have similar experiences but have not written about them.


In this article, you learned about the pros and cons of the EFT process.

  EFT has produced remarkable benefits for a wide variety of cases.

  There are some who experience negative side effects, usually due to improper use ofEFT or an outside factor.

Intro to Part II 

Getting to the Roots of Your Issues

(Onwards Toward Another 30% of EFT's Benefits)

Getting to the Roots of your Issues

I'm so glad you chose to explore EFT beyond the basics that you learned in Part

I. While the previous article on How to do the EFT Basics - The EFT Tapping Basic

Recipeprovides a useful stand alone process, it clearly has its limits. In a way,

using EFT without the refinements in this Part II is like weeding your emotional

garden with a weed whacker, i.e. you can get a lot done quickly but most of it is

temporary. You may succeed in cutting off the tops of the weeds but the roots remain

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underground ... hiding ... regrouping ... building ... only to show up another day as a

new weed.

What is confusing to many EFT Tapping newcomers is that, in some cases, the weed

whacker (EFT Tapping Basic Recipe) wipes out an emotional weed well enough for

the roots to whither and die. This is apparent success with little effort. And it appears

easy. No digging or detective work necessary. This creates The Grand EFT

Illusion we discussed earlier wherein a superficial use of EFT Tapping sometimes

gets solid results. You will see this frequently in the various EFT imitations or spin-

offs that populate the internet. See What About Those EFT Tapping Spin-Offs? 

Top quality EFT Tapping professionals, of course, see through this. They recognize

that pulling emotional weeds out by the roots saves time in the long run and is much

better for our emotional gardens than continuously whacking off the tops. When the

roots are gone they no longer siphon off nutrients from our emotional soils nor do they

compete with the peaceful emotional plants that we can now cultivate.

This Part II will teach you effective ways to locate and dig up the roots of those

unwanted emotional weeds for yourself. It will aim you at the specifics (roots) of

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emotional issues so that you can move toward weed-free emotional gardens and

greater levels of peace and wellness,

No two people are exactly alike and thus their emotional gardens contain weeds

specific to them. Accordingly, your gardening work is incomplete if you use only

global (broad) approaches and/or the various types of canned language (EFT

Tapping Scripts) that are, unfortunately, the prevalent weed whackers on the internet.

You must get down to the specifics of your issue (the roots). Otherwise, you are

doing "Surface EFT" rather than Gold Standard EFT.

The above weed metaphor provides a useful description but, in reality, you are not

using garden tools. Instead, in this Part II you will be Finding Aspects within the EFT

Tapping Process and Tapping on Specific Events that underlie most issues (weeds). Along the way, you will be measuring, or  Testing Your EFT Tapping Work, so that you

leave nothing behind. You will be learning When to Use Global Approaches to take

the edge off your intensities and will do all this within the context of  Being Specific

With EFT Tapping so you can resolve all the details. And you will be doing all this

within the context of  The EFT Tapping Success Strategy and the prolific use of

the The EFT Tell the Story Technique - The Workhorse Tapping Method. 

Finding an emotional issue

In many cases, we have to do some detective work to find the issues and disruptions

we need to address. Sometimes we can find one obvious issue, and sometimes we

have to address a combination of issues until the results take hold. The upside either

way is better emotional health, which means you feel better overall.

To identify the unresolved issues that need to be addressed in your case, ask

yourself these three questions, and see what you find.

  What is the biggest cause of stress in your life right now? (money, work, relationship,etc)

  What was happening in your life at the time the issue started? (divorce, career change,accident, etc)

  What complaint do you consistently have about the world? (people are selfish, I feel leftout, greedy people step on me, I never have enough, etc)

This exercise may have revealed an obvious starting point for you, but if not, just pick

something to get started. Any emotional issues you have are usually related to each

other, so by addressing one, we can often find some relief on others at the sametime.

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Once we release the intensity from an emotional issue, the intensity of the physical

symptom or current problem will often show relief as well. Again, we don‟t always

know which issue is “the one”, so we usually expect to address more than one before

we see complete resolution on the current problem.

True emotional health is not something that can be achieved with a quick fix, a pill, or

even a few rounds of tapping. On the other hand, you don‟t need to be clear of all

emotional baggage before your issue will respond to EFT. The point is that our

approach is different from traditional health care, and we expect to keep improving

your emotional health until your issue responds.

Starting with the very next article, we‟ll show you how to improve your results by

targeting emotional issues with EFT.

You are walking into an EFT Palace of Possibilities where new levels of healing and

emotional freedom abound. Spend some quality time here. The impressive rewards

can last you a lifetime.

Finding Aspects within the EFT TappingProcess 

This One EFT Tapping Idea Will Dig Beneath the Surface andBoost Your Results

Aspects are hiddenpieces of the issue

Beyond The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, we still have another 80% of EFT‟s power to

capture, and learning about Aspects is the first step. Breaking an issue into smaller

parts and Tapping on them individually is the biggest key to EFT success and it all

starts here! From this point forward we will be addressing emotional issues, so if you

don‟t have one in mind, please review the previous article for ideas. 

 Aspects are smaller parts of an emotional issue, like puzzle pieces, and until we know

how to uncover them, they can be hidden “behind the scenes.” Until all of the parts, or

 Aspects, have been resolved, you may still feel intensity on your overall issue, and it

may seem like "EFT didn't work very well" ... or ... the issue eventually "came back" ...

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or ... EFT “didn‟t work at all.” In reality, the Aspects you have already resolved are

often still resolved, and the intensity you feel is coming from the Aspects that remain.

For complete relief on most issues we usually have to confirm that ALL the Aspects

have been resolved, and that requires looking a little deeper and finding the individual

parts of the issue that may still need attention.

Case #1 - Auto Accident - finding more Tapping to do

Here's an example. A client of mine still had trauma symptoms from an auto accident

of 20 years ago. When I asked what bothered her about the accident she said,

The Headlights!

"The headlights!! The headlights!! I can still see them coming at me."

I then applied EFT to the headlight emotion and then, mistakenly, asked her if

the accident still bothered her. She said,

"Yes. I am still very tense ... in fact, I'm shaking inside."

So, unless I investigated further, it would appear that my client made no progress and

that EFT "didn't work." But the problem was that I asked the wrong question. I asked

about theaccident  (the broader issue) instead of the headlights (the specific piece, or

aspect, we addressed with EFT Tapping).

Eventually I figured this out and asked, "Do the headlights still bother you?"

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 Aspect: The screams in the car

Her answer was, "No, but I can still hear the screams in the car."

Do you hear another piece (Aspect) of the issue? Sure. The headlight trauma was

fine; she waved it off like it was nothing. EFT resolved it beautifully. But now it was

the screams in the car (new Aspect) that bothered her. Once the screams were

relieved with Tapping, I found that she still had guilt for driving too fast and held anger

at the doctors and lawyers involved. More aspects. Sometimes an unwanted memory

can have many Aspects to it and you aren‟t done until all of them have been resolved.  

Resolving an Event (like the accident):

If the issue you want to address is something in particular that happened in your life,

then seeing the Aspects is often straightforward. There are words people said,

gestures or tones to go along with them, things you saw, things you heard, emotions

you felt, or any other details, all of which could have their own unique levels of

emotional intensity.

Performance Issues:

Whether you‟re trying to improve your golf game or have a hard time speaking in

public, you should be able to see different parts as they show up. In golf, it may be a

particular kind of putt, or it may be a thought in your head just before you hit the ball.

For public speaking, you may worry about the size of the audience, something about

the location itself, the subject matter, or maybe there is one member of the audience

that triggers intensity. No matter what area of your life seems blocked, there will be

individual Aspects triggering the intensity you feel. Putting yourself in the actual

situation can be a great way to trigger those Aspects and bring them to your attention.

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 As you tap through whatever Aspects you find, other issues or events from your past

might come to mind. In that case, they are usually related to your current block, so

switching your focus to those older issues will usually provide more powerful results.

Emotional Issues:

Common examples of current emotional issues would be anger management,

relationship issues, workplace stress, social anxiety, low self-esteem, etc and they will

all have Aspects of their own. Anger management may include all of the individual

behaviors or people that trigger the anger. For relationship issues, look for the smaller

individual things that irritate you or leave you feeling upset. Social anxiety could bring

up particular kinds of situations that are more problematic compared to others.

 As a general rule, the more Aspects your issue has, the longer it may take to resolve

them with EFT. On the other hand, some emotional issues only have one Aspect and

it only takes one or two rounds of EFT Tapping to give them relief. They are among

our "one minute wonders." Others, like the accident example above, have many

 Aspects and require more diligence.

Each Aspect, when present,is treated as a separate problem

Once you discover new Aspects, resolving them is straightforward. Just address each

of them as a separate problem and bring the intensity down with The EFT Tapping

Basic Recipe. Be sure that you are now measuring the intensity of the Aspect before

and after each round instead of measuring the entire issue each time.

 As you gain experience working with Aspects, you will find that once you have

resolved one, the next one needing attention will usually present itself. It can be just

as simple as switching your focus to something different about the problem, and you

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may not even notice that it happened. We call that “switching aspects”, and it is easy

to spot if you are on the lookout for Aspects.

Switching Aspects:

 As the intensity from one Aspect of the problem has been resolved, like the

headlights in the accident example, your system will automatically shift to the next

 Aspect that needs to be addressed, like the screams in the car. The first Aspect will

no longer seem important and the new Aspect will gracefully take center stage. If you

are looking for Aspects and know how to spot them, this part of the process can be

very handy. EFT can be like peeling layers of an onion because as you resolve one

layer, the next one is right there underneath it.

On the other hand, if you are only paying attention to the overall issue, like the

accident itself, you may not notice the Aspects as they come and go. The Aspects of

the issue will be there behind the scenes, generating intensity, whether you know

about them or not. In fact, the intensity you feel on the issue itself may be fluctuating

or even going higher, based on the Aspect your system is currently tuned into.

 As a result, you may conclude, erroneously, that EFT “didn‟t work” because you

simply don‟t recognize what has happened. On the contrary, Switching Aspects is

resounding evidence that EFT DID work. It‟s just difficult to see the progress until you

break the issue into its smaller parts.

Note: This essential topic of Aspects permeates all of your in-depth EFT work. The

more you know about it, the more efficient you will be. Our  online store is loaded with

full length sessions that display Aspects and many of the other EFT tools in real

situations. Specific Examples are:

  EFT for Pain Management   EFT Art of Delivery 

  Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) 

  EFT for Emotional Overeating 

  EFT Advanced Concepts 

  Challenging Case: Nancy - Grief, Guilt and Childhood Abuse 

Studying these will accelerate your mastery of all the Tapping skills.

Case #2 - Dave's Fear of Water, Tapping in the Swimming Pool

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Finding Aspects may be as simple as putting yourself in a situation that triggers your

issue, and testing your results in a variety of ways. Dave‟s fear of water had a number

of Aspects that may not have been found without putting him in different situations in

the pool.

Below is a video example of his EFT process. This is from an hour long session that

I edited down to a few minutes so that the Aspects feature stands out.

In this video, you will see that Dave has a major fear of water and the mere act of

wading into a swimming pool would normally cause him major panic. We perform EFT

for this fear while outside the pool and he then enters the pool with no fear

whatsoever. To an outsider, this appears to be Tapping success. However, when I

ask him to submerge his head under water many new Aspects show up and itbecomes very clear that we are not done.

Be particularly alert to the fact that these Aspects appear as a result of my putting

Dave‟s apparent lack of fear to a test (asking him to submerge his head). It is not

enough to have the client just wade into the water without fear. Remember that the

issue will still carry intensity of some kind and may “come back” until all the Aspects

have been cleared, so I want to test it in as many ways as I can to assure that “we got

it all.” 

This video was filmed with a home movie camera in 1995 amidst a variety of normal

public swimming pool noises. Accordingly, you may need to listen carefully to parts of

it. It is well worth the effort, however, because the message about Aspects within the

Tapping process is foundational to your education.

Case #3 - Rich's Height Phobia, Asking a Question Brings MoreTapping Results

Below is another video wherein more Aspects showed up as a result of using an

actual situation and asking some common sense questions to challenge the results

and find more Aspects.

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This video starts after a 20 minute EFT session wherein Rich's major fear of heights

was reduced to the point where he thought he could look down from a third story fire

escape without anxiety. As you will see, he has no problem whatsoever. Tapping

success? Not yet.

 After about 1 minute into the video I explore with Rich other height challenges and

discover more Aspects that need Tapping. Note that I don't refer to them as Aspects.

You won't either after awhile because they are quite routine. You just notice them and

deal with them.

This video was done in 1994 with a home movie camera and, as you will notice, the

wind is noticeable in the audio. This does not detract from the message, however.

Take a look.

Common Signs of a New Aspect appearing in the Tapping Process

There are several telltale signs that you have a new aspect to address. The following

tips will help you recognize them.

You focus on a new detail:

If you are Tapping on a fear about an issue, and then sadness comes up, you

probably have a new Aspect. Similarly, if you are Tapping on your reaction to “what

he said” and then you shift to the “look in his eyes”, you probably have a new Aspect.

Just like in the accident example, you may need to do some exploration to find out if

your focus has shifted, but once you identify that it has, you have a new Aspect.

Intensity won’t go to zero: 

If the intensity has not dropped to zero after a few rounds of EFT Tapping, you may

have shifted to another Aspect of the issue. In other words, the intensity from the

original Aspect may be gone, and the new Aspect is coming in with a similar level of

intensity. If you can separate the two in your mind you should be able to confirm that

the original is indeed clear.

Please understand that where several Aspects of an emotional problem are present,you may not notice any Tapping relief until all Aspects are reduced to zero. This

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becomes very clear when you compare it to its counterpart in physical healing. If, for

example, you have a simultaneous headache, toothache and stomach ache, you will

not feel healthy until all three are gone. The pain may seem to shift from one ailment

to another but it is, nonetheless, still pain. So it is with emotional issues that contain

different Aspects. Until all Aspects are gone you may not feel you are getting reliefeven though you have taken care of one or more Aspects.

Intensity comes back:

If you thought you addressed an issue completely but then it comes back a day, a

week, or even a month later, you probably have a new Aspect to consider. If you keep

track of the Aspects you have already resolved, you have somewhere to start when

the issue comes back. Go back to each of the previous Aspects, see if they are still

zero, and notice what new part of the issue is still causing intensity.

In theory, and proven by countless examples over the years, an issue will tend to

come back in some form until all the Aspects have been addressed. In fact one of the

most common mistakes made by EFTers, both new and experienced, is failing to

address all the Aspects. As you understand by now, incomplete work can lead to

misperceptions about EFT‟s effectiveness, and leave you without the best results


Intensity increases:

If the intensity increases or the issue gets worse, you have probably just uncovered a

new Aspect with higher intensity. To confirm, focus on just the original Aspect and

rate that intensity from 0-10. Chances are it will be low and thus the increased

intensity you first experienced is likely to a new Aspect.

This gets more difficult when you are directing EFT at a physical issue. If there are

emotional issues behind the scenes that are contributing to the physical symptoms,

then the new Aspects might just look like more pain. Getting behind those issues for

Tapping takes a little more skill but we will cover that in upcoming articles.

EFT Tapping Practice for Aspects

Before you move on to the next article, explore the concept of Aspects with an

emotional issue of your own. Break the issue into smaller parts, start with the one that

seems most important, and use The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe to see if you canclear that smaller piece. Be sure you are measuring only that smaller piece before

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and after each round for accurate measurements. Once you have reached zero or

some plateau of intensity on that Aspect, move to the next one and repeat the

Tapping process.

Notice for signs of switching Aspects.

Once you feel like you have resolved the pieces, put yourself in the actual situation to

see if you can trigger the issue again. If you do, that‟s good news. There is more to do

and you know where to start. If it is impractical to put yourself in the actual situation

then vividly imagine it.

If you get stuck or reach a plateau and don‟t know what Aspects to address, again put

yourself in an actual situation or vividly imagine the issue and see what comes up.

Most issues are not resolved right away, so don‟t be surprised if it takes time and

practice to get lasting results. We have only just begun.


  Many emotional issues contain related parts that are, at first, hidden from view. Theseare known as Aspects.

  Clients often switch from Aspect to Aspect during an EFT Tapping session withoutrealizing it.

  The issue may not be resolved until all Aspects of an issue have been addressedcompletely with EFT.

  Each Aspect can be efficiently handled by treating it as a separate issue for Tapping.

   Aspects are usually easy to find. They commonly appear as you test your work.

In the following demonstration, Tina uses Basic EFT to address a memory. Similar to

the accident example above, this memory has a handful of Aspects ... how many can

you identify? 

Intro to Being Specific With EFT Tapping 

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The More Specific You Are, The More Precise Your EFT Results.

In learning how to find Aspects, we began the process of breaking an issue into

smaller parts, which is a big step toward better Tapping results. Next we will improve

that skill by being more specific with each Aspect. Any time we work with an Aspect of

an issue rather than the issue itself, we have become more specific because we are

narrowing in on the actual source of the problem. With further exploration, you willfind that each Aspect has smaller parts, or Aspects, of its own, and by being more

and more specific we get closer to resolving the core of issue.

 As you will learn...

The more specific you get, 

the more precise your results 


the closer you come to the core of your issues. 

 All this draws you into deeper and longer lasting results. Although our focus is still on

emotional issues, we‟ll begin with a physical discomfort as an example for simplicity

and then translate it for use on emotional issues.

Headache example - Being Specific with EFT

 A headache may sound like a specific ailment and, in a way, it is. After all, it is a

specific sounding discomfort (ache) located in a specific part of the body (head). Now

that you know about  Aspects within the EFT Tapping Process underneath the

surface, hopefully you can see how “this headache” might serve as an umbrella for a

combination of different sensations, like a sharp pain behind the left eye combined

with a throb in the left temple and a heaviness in the forehead. Each of these

sensations could be seen as an Aspect of the headache.

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Instead of targeting “this headache” with The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, I try to

reveal the Aspects by looking for more specific information like its precise location

(front, top, back of head, behind the eyes, etc.) and its specific nature (sharp pain,

dull ache, throb, etc.). That way you can target the most intense part of the headache

first, and recognize the additional parts as they show up.

Once you have a specific description, you can use The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe to

target that Aspect, for example, “Even though I have this sharp pain behind my left


Check the intensity after a round or two and, if the pain is not completely gone (down

to zero), you will likely find that the specifics have changed. The sharp pain behind

the left eye, for example, may have “moved” to a throb in the left temple. This iscritical information because it means that the sharp pain behind the eyes has either

substantially improved or disappeared. It didn‟t really “move,” although it may

certainly have appeared that way. Now that the pain behind the eye is gone, the pain

in the temple is next in line for attention. This is a form of switching aspects that can

be easy to miss if you aren‟t being specific and looking for new aspects to appear. 

Here are the three most common signs of an Aspect switch when using EFT Tapping

for physical symptoms.

  Pain moves to a new location

  Pain changes in quality (different size, sensation, shape, etc)

  Pain increases in intensity

When we become more specific,we are simply digging deeper

When we become more specific, we are simply digging deeper to find more Aspects

of the issue. As in the last article, you can treat each new Aspect as a separate issue

in the Tapping process. Thus your first round of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

might start with, “Even though I have this sharp pain behind my left eye….”   Once theintensity of that pain has come down to zero, you might notice the “throb in the left

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temple” and do a few rounds until that comes down. Your next step may be to

address the “heaviness in the forehead” and you would continue in this manner until

all the Aspects of the headache have disappeared.

When Being Specific on a physical symptom or discomfort it is best to get at least five

different types of description for the pain so you can see how the symptom is shifting.

Common options are as follows:

  Exact Location

  Exact Size


  Sensation (throbbing, stabbing, tight, etc)

  Density, Thickness, or Weight



The list of details, of course, is endless. The idea is to gather specific information

about the discomfort and then use The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe on those specifics

one at a time. In the following video, Tina demonstrates how you might be specific

while addressing a physical pain with an actual client (Cathy).

If your primary complaint is pain or physical discomfort of some kind, this might seem

like an appropriate way to use EFT Tapping to resolve it. Indeed, it is one way, but

being more specific with the descriptions is a much more efficient approach thantargeting the issue as a whole. However, this latter method takes longer.especially

when the underlying emotional contributors are more complex.

When working with emotional issues, we often target things like “butterflies in the

stomach,” “a knot in the neck,” or “a constriction in the breath” that can show up with

emotions like nervousness, anger, or fear, and it is very useful to observe those

sensations as they change. We may also begin by addressing a physical pain hoping

that it will open the door to an emotional contributor.

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Note: Being Specific is a vital concept within your in-depth EFT work. The more you

know about it, the more efficient you will be. Our  online store is loaded with full length

sessions that display this specificity and many of the other EFT tools in real

situations. Specific Examples are:

  EFT for Pain Management 

  EFT Art of Delivery 

  Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) 

  EFT for Emotional Overeating 

  EFT Advanced Concepts 

  Challenging Case: Nancy - Grief, Guilt and Childhood Abuse 

Studying these will accelerate your mastery of all the Tapping skills.

Translating the EFT Tapping Process from Physical to EmotionalIssues

When directing EFT at something physical, I always assume that there is (or may be)

an emotional issue behind the scenes. I also assume that the Aspects of that

emotional issue are being either reduced or resolved by the Tapping rounds. As the

specific descriptions of the pain change, I see those as evidence that we are

switching from one Aspect to another and I can keep track of our progress based on

how the pain changes.

Being specific can be seen as looking more closely or more deeply at the issue. The

most obvious way to look more deeply at a physical symptom is to identify the

emotional contributors behind it and address them directly with The EFT Tapping

Basic Recipe. If the emotional contributors can in turn be broken into Aspects, or

individual parts, of their own, then you can be even more specific and get faster


If, for example, you are working on a relationship issue with your spouse and the

problem is that you feel that your partner is too critical, you could start by tapping on

“Even though my partner is critical…” 

However, that would be a very global approach. The real problem is your response to

the criticism, so being more specific would mean targeting your feeling of rejection.

“Even though I feel rejected when he/she criticizes me…” 

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It is likely that there are one or two particular areas of criticism that bother you more

than others, so you can be more specific by identifying those individually “Even

though I feel rejected when he doesn‟t eat the dinner I made…”  

Going further, you can identify the words he/she uses and use his or her name in your

Setup. “Even „though Jack(Jill) said I should have made pasta and I felt rejected…” 

With that level of specificity it‟s much easier to see when that Aspect has cleared and

a new one presents itself. For example, you might find that once the rejection is clear,

there might be anger to address. After you clear the comment about the pasta and

find that there was another comment about how you manage the schedule, there

could be different emotions around that.

By trying to address an issue in its more global form, you miss the opportunity to see

the progress as it happens. In addition, by being as specific as possible, the new

 Aspects we find will often lead us toward the core issues behind the problem.

Now let me draw your attention to a fact that tends to separate the lasting results from

the rest. In our relationship example, you could have ignored the specifics and just

addressed the issue by doing several rounds of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe with

“Even though he criticizes me….”.  Chances are, you would feel less intensity about

it, as your persistence may have collapsed some of the specifics behind the

scenes. Targeting a global issue like this instead of the individual Aspects is like

doing EFT with a blindfold because you can‟t see where you have made progress and

where you haven‟t. It may provide some relief because of the raw power of The EFT

Tapping Basic Recipe, but...

...when you fail you have nowhere to go. 

So going for the specifics gives you a deeper, more intelligent pathway into the

problem and your Tapping successes are likely to be more frequent, deeper and

more permanent. It gives you the option of being surgically precise.

Consider this … when you‟re Tapping “blindly” on “he criticizes me,” we assume there

are more specific  Aspects of the issue being addressed under the surface. Let‟s say

there are 5 different aspects and your global Tapping rounds resolved part of Aspect

#1 (the rejection about dinner), all of aspect #3 (his tone of voice), and half of Aspect

#4 (your anger about dinner), which was enough to provide some relief. Now, let‟s

say that Aspect #5 (the comment about the schedule) kicks in a week later and the

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Let me emphasize that we are still near the beginning of this EFT Tapping Tutorial

and are still laying down the foundational parts of this process. Being specific gives

you more detailed information about the issue and allows you much greater control of

the process. It lets you work directly with the building blocks of any issue and is vital

if you are going to achieve the best possible results.

If you find that exploring specifics is taking you back to events from earlier in your life,

that‟s good news! That means your system is showing you the way to the most

influential issues to address so that your current problem can be resolved. Our

discussion of Being Specific is far from complete, and we will soon get to the

importance of addressing the events in your past which is where the real EFT results



In this article you learned how Being Specific with your Tapping can help you be more


  It can help you find more Aspects to address.

  It can help you get to the core of the issue.

  It can help you recognize and evaluate your results more easily.  You can be more specific with physical or emotional issues, but working with emotional

issues is often the shorter path to lasting results.

Testing Your EFT Tapping Work - The Triad 

Testing Your Results -- Introducing The Triad

 As you now know, the most fundamental concept within Gold Standard EFT is as


Break the issue into smaller parts, and address 

those parts one at a time until the issue is resolved. 

 As long as you still have the overall issue, there are still  Aspects within the EFT

Tapping Process to resolve. You already know how to spot an Aspect, and you know

how Being Specific can help you find new ones, but there is one final piece to the

puzzle and that is Testing your Results.

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We can evaluate the intensity of an issue from 0-10 as we sit in the living room, but

until we actually challenge those measurements, there may be Aspects that have

been overlooked. The best way to test your results is to put yourself in the actual

situation that would trigger your issue and see if any of it comes back. As you mayremember, after addressing Dave‟s Fear of Water in theFinding Aspects within the

EFT Tapping Process article, I not only put him in the pool, but I asked him to dunk

his head, and found plenty of new Aspects along the way. I also took Rich out to the

balcony to test his fear of heights and asked him to imagine other scenarios that

might trigger his intensity. We have already suggested that you put yourself in

situations that would test your own issues like fear of public speaking, social anxiety,

and relationships, so the concept extends to any issue you can imagine.

The point is this - if we can still trigger intensity on the issue, then we know there are

more Aspects to address. Testing your results is a matter of finding ways to trigger

the issue to really see what‟s left. As you will find, this kind of testing plays an

important role throughout the process. Why? Because even though it can seem like

all the Aspects are clear, most testing efforts do reveal new ones. Eventually you will

see Testing as a way to get better results, rather than just a way to confirm that you

are done.

The EFT Tapping Triad

The EFT Tapping Triad

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This idea about Testing your results is crucial for an in-depth understanding of the

EFT Tapping process and forms a Triad, or harmonious trio, with our articles on

 Aspects and Being Specific. For clarity purposes I have treated these three concepts

separately but they are, in fact, symphonically linked together. When you are Testing,

for example, aren‟t you looking for Aspects?  And when you are looking for Aspectsaren‟t you exploring specifics behind the scenes of an issue? You bet! The three

ideas knit together and, artfully used, can take your Tapping skills through many new


While knowing about Aspects helps us break the issue into its smaller parts, and

Being Specific is a more refined way to work with Aspects, Testing is the strongest

tool we have for actively digging them up and confirming that our work is complete.

The Compass That Keeps Your Tapping On Course

Testing your EFT work lets you know where you are in the Tapping process. It is like

a compass that keeps you on course and is an essential tool for quality work. That's

why I built the fundamental 0-10 testing scale into The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe.

Complete work with EFT means finding all the Aspects of an issue even though they

are often hidden below the surface, even outside awareness. Proper Testing, which

we will explore in this article, can dig up and identify those hidden Aspects that occur

during the Tapping process. It is a mandatory feature of EFT and should become a

habit. You may even consider it an obligation … as I do. 

In fact, if you don't Test with great regularity you will often find yourself in the dark

without knowing it. This brief video points that out.

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Not only is Testing the main way to uncover Aspects but it also provides simple

bridges to many of the other vital Tapping tools that you will learn in subsequent

articles. This opens even more doors that lead you to the elite levels of EFT.

Evaluating Tapping Results with The 0-10 Scale

Your use of the 0-10 intensity scale has been basic so far, and here is a review.

1. Establish the beginning 0-10 intensity of the issue.

2. As new Aspects come up, you assess their individual intensities and continue withTapping rounds of The Basic Recipe on each one until they all appear to be gone.

3. As long as there is intensity, you know there are more aspects to find.

4. When all Aspects seem to be resolved, you assess a new 0-10 number for the overallissue and see if there is anything left.

Now it‟s time to provide some additional pointers: 

  You will not always be accurate in your 0-10 assessment. Accordingly, we use thesenumbers as a benchmark so we can compare before and after intensities. If an issuewent from an 8 to a 4, for example, we can conclude that the intensity droppedapproximately in half. We are not concerned about the absolute accuracy of the 8 or

the 4.

Many people are aware of this inaccuracy and feel pressure to “do it right.” You canrelease that pressure by simply asking yourself to estimate a number. This can bringan element of relaxation to the process for some Tapping students.

  Sometimes, when you are at or near 0 on your issue, you may tend to overstate the 0-10 number. For example, you may be at a 0 or 1 but may assess the intensity at a 3 or4. This is often done subconsciously because (1) you may never have been this lowbefore and don‟t really know what it feels like to be at or near zero, (2) at some levelyou may not believe you‟ve actually achieved this relief or (3) you may not believe it willlast so you "hedge your bets" with an inaccurate number.

With experience, you will develop a good sense for when you are doing this. In suchcases you can ask yourself, “How do I know I'm not a zero?” This is often an eyeopening question and can bring clarity to your Tapping progress.

  Consider what you are Testing. If an issue can have more than one Aspect, and those Aspects each have their own degree of emotional intensity, then when you assess arating from 0-10, you need to be aware of what you‟re evaluating. Are you rating thewhole issue which can be seen as a container of Aspects? Or are you evaluating onepiece, or Aspect, of the issue? It is useful to use the 0-10 intensity scale in both cases,but the answer will be much more meaningful if you consider what you are evaluating.

Note: Testing is an essential tool in your Tapping tool kit and threads its way through

all of your in-depth EFT work. The more you know about it, the more efficient you will

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be. Our  online store is loaded with full length sessions that display Testing and many

of the other EFT tools in real situations. Specific Examples are:

  EFT for Pain Management 

  EFT Art of Delivery   Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) 

  EFT for Emotional Overeating 

  EFT Advanced Concepts 

  Challenging Case: Nancy - Grief, Guilt and Childhood Abuse 

Studying these will accelerate your mastery of all the Tapping skills.

Challenging Your Zeros

When you feel like you have reached a zero of intensity on all of the Aspects that you

can find on the issue, it‟s time to put those results to a test and see if the zeros are

really zeros. Here are a few simple ways to do that.

Test in the real situation when possible:

This is the ideal test because it provides the highest likelihood for exposing remaining

 Aspects or related issues. While imagining an issue can go a long way toward Testing

your Tapping progress, putting yourself in a real situation will often present Aspectsyou couldn‟t have anticipated.  Examples of this would be (1) Testing the anger you

may have toward an abusive parent by actually meeting with the abuser, (2)

Performing basketball free throws under intense situations in a real game or (3)

Testing your result with a fear of heights by looking down from a tall building.

Testing with this method is illustrated in the following video clips. The first one is with

Mary whose head injury gave her an intense reaction to lights. The longer one, with

Patricia, allows me to actually test her "social ineptness" while performing EFT in the

real situation (after we had addressed related Specific Events from her past). Please

note that in the segment with Patricia, I apply EFT in creative ways. You will learn

more about this later.

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Obviously, it is not always possible to Test in the real situation, so you can also try the

other methods below.

Vivid Visualization:

On the surface, this may seem self explanatory. The general idea is to vividly imagine

the issue or event in your mind ... turn up the volume, make everything bigger,

exaggerate all the sights, sounds, colors and sizes and really TRY to get yourself

upset about it. Once you succeed, you have a new aspect(s) to address.

However, many people are afraid to do this because they don‟t want to experience

the pain they think may be there. They may have made great Tapping progress so far

with EFT but are sometimes concerned that this Testing method will run them

headlong into possible pain (even though we are expecting little or none to be there).

 Accordingly, many people don‟t really vividly imagine the issue. Instead, they tend to

close their eyes and tip-toe lightly over it. This is NOT a good test. That‟s why I give

specific instructions as clearly shown in this next video showing two examples:

Pamela and Kim. Notice that we use the process to actively look for remnants of the

issue that have not yet been addressed.

Use Props:

Here we Test using photos, memorabilia, sounds, movies and the like. This is

particularly useful as a substitute for those times when Testing in the real situation is

not possible. The idea here is to trigger emotional issues and observe what aspects

or related challenges arise. For example, you might (1) view a photo of a deceased

loved one to test your level of grief, (2) play the sounds of gunfire or helicopters to

Test the traumatic response to war/abuse , or (3) view the snake scene in the movie

Raiders of the Lost Ark if you wish to Test your Tapping progress regarding a fear of


I once used a recorded TV series as a prop to help Robert, a 52 year old African

 American man, with his poor self image around being black. His inadequate feelings

consistently improved through our EFT phone sessions UNTIL I Tested our results by

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asking him to watch ROOTS, the TV series about black slavery. He recoiled at this

and pleaded that he could never watch it.

“Excellent!,” I thought, "Here is a fabulous opportunity to get deeper results."  

This was ideal because ROOTS consistently Tested the specifics of Robert‟s issues

and gave him opportunities for resolution right on the spot. The result was a complete

transformation because he now beholds ROOTS (and himself) with a sense of pride

for what his ancestors were able to overcome.

The video below gives you two examples of how to use props in a Tapping

session. First, I help Lucille with her claustrophobia by confining her in a

blanket. Note how I am consistently respectful of her fear and the use of this

prop. Then I use an 8x11 card with writing on it to Test Jai's severe vision problem


By digging deeper and finding all the Aspects of your issue, the results you get with

EFT Tapping will increase tremendously. Remember, the single biggest mistake that

people make with EFT is not being thorough enough and thus leaving Aspects on the

table, so apply persistence, diligence, and really use these Testing tools to challenge

your results.


In this article you learned about Testing your Tapping results.

  The single biggest mistake that people make with EFT is not Testing their resultscompletely enough.

  Challenging your results with additional testing can either confirm your success or digup the remaining Aspects that need to be addressed.

   Aspects, Being Specific, and Testing form a triad, and work together for the best EFTresults.

  Testing in an Actual Situation is generally the most effective.

  When it is not possible or realistic to test in an Actual Situation, you can use VividVisualization or Using Props as alternatives.

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Uncovering Specific Events - An EssentialConcept Within the EFT Tapping Process 

How to Break Down Complex Cases Into Easy Pieces for Tapping

- Simplifying the EFT process

Specific Events are thebuilding blocks (true causes)

of every issue.

So far, everything you have learned in this Gold Standard EFT Tutorial has led you up

to this central concept. As you will see, Specific Events are the building blocks (true

causes) of every issue, no matter how complex. The idea here is to break down

complex issues into manageable pieces so that you can more intelligently use

Tapping for the problems at their fundamental levels.

For some issues, finding the underlying emotional contributors is pretty

straightforward. A fear of flying could be the result of one bad flying experience, a lack

of social confidence may have begun after a rough break-up, or a craving for

chocolate may have been due to common stress about money. If you have been able

to resolve a current issue by shifting your focus to the emotional realm with quick

results, then you are among those who find EFT to be a bit of a miracle. If not, your

unresolved emotional issues may be too complex for an approach that simple. Mostpeople will have to dig deeper for lasting results, so now we will continue our journey

toward even greater EFT skills.

Most of the emotional issues that people commonly recognize are broader than the

ones we have been using as examples. “I don‟t feel worthy of acceptance,” “I don‟t

deserve financial security,” “I‟m not comfortable with intimacy,” “I have a control

issue,” or “I have a hard time trusting people” are just a few examples of broader

issues that could be inhibiting your happiness or serving as blocks to your success.

They can also be referred to as patterns, like “I always attract the wrong partner” or “I

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sabotage my own financial success.” Trying to address issues like this with The EFT

Tapping Basic Recipe might be relaxing and leave you feeling more positive, but that

effect can wear off because the issue has not been broken down into small enough

pieces to maximize EFT's effectiveness.

If you use our earlier instruction on being specific, you may be able to identify a series

of events in your life that led to this relatively broad issue that you are trying to

resolve. You may also find some common emotional responses connected to them. In

this article, we will discover how Specific Events are the true building blocks to these

broader issues, and how finding and addressing the related events will enable you to

find faster, longer lasting Tapping results.

Once you understand the concept, we will provide you with a step by step guide forsystematically finding and working with the building blocks of your issues.

Here's an introductory video that contains useful discussions from my previous EFT

Tapping seminars. Consider this a primer for what is to come.

Let's begin our exploration of Specific Events with a common challenge faced by EFT

Tappers. That is, we tend to see our issues through "global glasses" and we thus

tend to describe them using broad labels. As introduced above, examples might be...

  “I don‟t feel worthy of acceptance” 

  “I don‟t deserve financial security” 

  “I‟m not comfortable with intimacy”   “I have a control issue” 

  “I have a hard time trusting people” 

  “I always attract the wrong partner” 

  “I sabotage my own financial success” 

  "I have low self esteem” 

  “I am claustrophobic” 

  “I‟m an emotional overeater” 

  “I have a lot of stress at my job” 

  “My mother thinks I‟m worthless” 

  "Men don‟t treat me well"   “I have a fear of public speaking” 

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  "I'm afraid of rejection” 

Unfortunately, EFT Tappers with limited training mistake these global statements for

the real issues. Accordingly, they address them with The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe

using global approaches like:

  "Even though I don‟t feel worthy of acceptance ..."  

  “Even though I don‟t deserve financial security…” 

  “Even though I‟m not comfortable with intimacy…” 

  “Even though I have a control issue…” 

  “Even though I have a hard time trusting people…” 

  “Even though I always attract the wrong partner…” 

  “Even though I sabotage my own financial success…” 

  "Even though I have low self esteem…” 

  “Even though I am claustrophobic…”   "Even though I‟m an emotional overeater...." 

  "Even though I have a lot of stress at my job...."

  "Even though my mother and I always argue...."

  “Even though men don‟t treat me well….” 

  “Even though I have a fear of public speaking….” 

  “Even though I‟m afraid of rejection…” 

The issues above are all very global, which means that they contain many

 Aspects. That is they can be broken down into much smaller parts, and we can be far

more specific. Trying to resolve these global issues with a round or so of Tapping is

like trying to collapse a solid oak table by pounding your fist on the table top. With

enough repeated pounding you might weaken a table leg or two, but that's about it.

 A better approach is to take aim at the table legs that support the table top. Remove

or weaken the table legs and the table top falls. Herein lies the simplicity, and the

power, of Specific Events.

Tabletop and Table Legs - An Ideal EFT Metaphor

Let's expand on this very important EFT metaphor that will help us be more specific

with these global issues. Specific Events are, quite simply, the Table Legs supporting

the globally stated issue, or Tabletop. As you will soon see, to address the Table Leg

with EFT is always more specific than addressing the Tabletop.

To clarify, let's explore the globally stated, "I'm afraid of rejection" issue from the list


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Rejection example: Instead of using EFT on this Tabletop issue with a statement

like, "Even though I'm afraid of rejection....." let‟s be more specific  and break it downto the Specific Events (Table Legs) that caused it. Not everyone has a fear of

rejection, but you can be sure that those who do will have some experience, or

Specific Events, in their past to back it up. In EFT terms, those Specific Events might

be approached like this:

  "Even though my 3rd grade teacher embarrassed me in front of the class....."

  "Even though my father didn't attend my high school graduation and I felt left out...."

  "Even though my high school sweetheart said, 'I've grown tired of you'...."

  "Even though I was sent to my room for the whole day on Thanksgiving at age 8...."  "Even though Mom told me 'you'll never get married unless you are thin like your


  "Even though I was cut from the Little League baseball team...."

Can you see how each of these events could possibly result in someone saying

“OUCH! I just got rejected”? Each of these painful rejections gets stored in the energy

system and, as the disruptions accumulate, it can eventually cause someone to avoid

rejection at all cost. This might affect the choices they make or the chances they are

willing to take in life, and someday they will realize they have limited themselves

because they are “afraid of rejection.” 

These are the true contributors to the "I'm afraid of rejection" issue. They represent

the foundation of the problem. They are thecauses while the fear of rejection is but

the symptom. To use EFT for an issue like this, we start by looking for the Table

Legs, then neutralize those individual causes one by one. When we do, each leg that

is removed (or weakened) destabilizes the Tabletop until it eventually collapses and

the fear of rejection issue fades. This is EFT Tapping at its best.

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Keep your eye out for  The EFT Generalization Effect. Often the various "rejection

legs" have some common themes among them so that removing one leg has an

effect on the remaining ones. For example, many of the rejection issues may involve

a parent, or school or a particular experience such as domestic abuse or war. Even if

an issue has hundreds or thousands of table legs, we can often remove 10 or 20 ofthem with EFT and then watch as the generalization effect collapses the whole


Here is a short video describing the Tabletop/Table Leg metaphor and how the EFT

Generalization Effect works.

Now, with EFT, you can break down every complex issue intosmaller pieces

Using EFT on Specific Events is not limited to rejection issues. It applies to fear,

anger, guilt, grief, trauma and every emotional issue you can name. It also applies to

all the emotional causes of physical and performance issues. Break these issues

down to the Specific Events causing them and you have a formula to bring freedom to

 just about every issue. With this idea, no issue is too complex because they can all be

broken down to their individual pieces and then collapsed with EFT. Here are someclassic examples:

   A traumatized war veteran may have a diagnosis of Post Traumatic StressDisorder (PTSD). This is a global issue because it is caused by many war relatedSpecific Events. Simply identify each of the specific war events and address them oneat a time with EFT. When enough of them have been neutralized, the PTSD no longerhas a cause and the Tabletop falls along with the veteran's nightmares, intrusivememories, headaches, panic attacks and so on.

  Anger  issues always have causes and those causes are the Specific Events from

which the anger came. Think about your own past, for example, and recall someSpecific Events that created anger within you. Do they not still seethe under thesurface only to show up now and then as anger outbursts in current time? Can you seethat after neutralizing those events with Tapping, you would have less in your "angerbucket" and the result would be fewer anger episodes?

  Business, sports, music and public speaking performance issues almost invariablyhave Specific Events at their core. In these cases, the Specific Events usually generatelimiting emotions or beliefs that tend to inhibit performance. Examples: (1) My fathersaid rich people are greedy, (2) If I excel at baseball my schoolmates will resent me just like my cousin did when I was age 7, (3) I can't sing that higher note because mybuddies said I would sound like a sissy and (4) I don't deserve a standing ovation

because my 8th grade teacher embarrassed me by calling me a showoff. We have allaccumulated a river full of these mental stoppers and they all gather behind our own

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personal dam. Collapsing them with EFT Tapping breaks the dam and opens upincredible new vistas.

  Physical issues and serious diseases almost always have emotional causes (myopinion). Medicine and most other methods tend to ignore them and thus, by contrast,the EFT process stands out as a unique approach. It is no wonder, then, that we often

succeed where everything else fails. I will devote an entire future article to this topicbut, for now, let's recognize that these emotional causes can be reduced to SpecificEvents. Collapse the Specific Events with EFT and the physical issues often subside ordisappear.

What is a Specific Event from an EFT Point of View?

In order to be sure your event is specific enough, choose something with the following


1. It is a short “movie” from the past, preferably as far back as childhood 2. You are able to give it a title, like “the time when…” 

3. It was 1-3 minutes long at the time it happened

4. It contains at least 1 emotional crescendo

5. It has a beginning, an end, a plot, and characters

How do you find Specific Events Within the Tapping Process?

This is usually done with questions that take you back in time to previous experiences

that are related to the current issue. There are no cookie cutter questions that work

for all circumstances but it doesn't take a genius to start exploring. Here are someexamples to give you the idea.

  When was the first time you felt unloved?

  Can you name a time when you felt rejected big time?

  Is there a major guilt experience we can discuss?

  What event in your past does this issue about ______ remind you of?

  What was your most fearful/abusive/traumatic experience?

  Was there an emotional event preceding the onset of your illness?

Our   Art of Delivery videos are loaded with these inquiries and are a primary source

for quality examples.

Tapping Guidelines for Using Specific Events

Most people have to be guided in this process. Otherwise, they are likely to come up

with "Specific Events" that last for several hours or more. So to make sure you have

an appropriate Specific Event of manageable length, use these features as


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  If this event was a movie, how long would it last? If it is anything more than a fewminutes, please narrow it down to a one to three minute segment that includes themost important emotional crescendo(s) of the entire event. One common mistake is tochoose an event that you could tell a friend in one to three minutes. For this purposewe need something that actually happened in one to three minutes at the time. Forexample, you might be able to tell a friend about a divorce in a few minutes, but youwould have to gloss over a lot of the specific detail. Look for the small segments of timethat hold the most emotional impact for you.

  How many crescendos are there in this short movie? If the movie lasts only a fewminutes, then there probably won‟t be too many crescendos. However, it is usually bestto limit the Specific Event to contain only one or two crescendos. If there are multiplecrescendos then address them one at a time, starting with the most intense one. Oftencollapsing the most intense one with EFT allows the others to fade.

  If this movie had a title, what would it be? This question has two purposes: (1) it givesyou a short phrase to use with The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe and (2) it addsemphasis to the Specific Event, allowing you to distinguish it from other, related events

  How long ago did it happen? Tapping on an event from last week is certainly an

option, but the Aspects of that event are likely to be broad issues of their own. It‟sbetter to start as close to childhood or as close to the origination of the problem as youcan get.

Tapping Tip: What if you can't remember a Specific Event?

Then make one up. This may sound frivolous at first but, in practice, it can be quite

effective. This is because a made up event comes from within your deepest emotional

recesses and thus it can be embellished into an event that may be even more useful

than a real one. I have done this many times with great success.

Once you start tapping, your memory will often clear up, and more events will come to

your awareness.

Tapping Tip: Specific Events vs. Specific Emotions

Ultimately, it is the emotions that emanate from the Specific Events that interest us.

These are the causes behind the emotional, physical and performance issues that

need collapsing. Some EFT'ers have misunderstood this and have chosen to go forSpecific Emotions instead of Specific Events. Even though this is doing it backwards,

it will likely provide some results because of the power of The EFT Tapping Basic

Recipe. Even a misdirected arrow can still hit part of the target. However, it will often

fall short of perfection for two reasons:

  The Specific Events are what cause the emotions we seek in the EFT process but thereverse is not true, i.e. the emotions do not cause the Specific Events. Thus to seek foremotions without identifying their fundamental causes (Specific Events) is an obviousEFT error. The Specific Events are the centerpiece of quality EFT. To sidestep them

leaves behind an opportunity for deeper work.

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  There is no such thing as a specific emotion. We commonly use terms like fear, angerand grief as though they were specific items but, in fact, they are only generalizedlabels. Grief over the death of a loved one, for example, isn't just a form of sadness. Ifyou look behind it you will often find things like the fear  of being alone or guilt  for whatthe griever did or did not do while the deceased was alive. I once sat down and made alist of 50 emotions and could easily define all of them in terms of fear e.g. handwashing OCD can be defined as the fear of germs, guilt can be defined as the fear ofbeing found out, depression can be defined as the fear of being worthless ... and on itgoes.


Being Specific is a critically important factor for in-depth success with EFT .. and ...

failing to be specific enough is BY FAR the most common mistake made by EFT

practitioners. The bigger the issue, the harder it can be to find the smaller pieces.

Working with Specific Events will take you straight to the source of the disruption and

provide a systematic way to resolve bigger issues, one piece at a time.

Now that you understand the concept, choose an issue (Tabletop) of your own, a

related event (Table Leg) and follow us to the next article where we address that

event with the Tell the Story Technique.


In this article you learned how Specific Events contribute to emotional issues.

  Specific Events are the building blocks of broader emotional issues.

   Again, failing to be specific enough is a very common mistake for people using EFT.

  We generally don‟t find success by tapping on the broader issues because they containtoo many Aspects.

  Understanding the Tabletops and Table Legs metaphor will help you break globalissues into Specific Events

  There are five criteria for making sure the event you have chosen is specific enough.

   Addressing events from earlier in your history will usually produce more dramatic

results than addressing something more current.  The Generalization Effect helps to multiply the effects of our work as the relief from one

event will spread to benefit other events.

The EFT Tell the Story Technique - TheWorkhorse Tapping Method 

One Easy EFT Tapping Tool That Automatically IntegratesEverything You've Learned To Date

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If you‟re doing high quality EFT, then addressing Specific Events - An Essential

Concept Within the EFT Tapping Process will be the centerpiece of your work. Just

like anything else, resolving a Specific Event means clearing all the  Aspectsso that

we don‟t leave any intensity behind. The Tell the Story Technique is the most

comprehensive way to get there, and is the workhorse technique that will likely

dominate your in-depth work.

The idea is very simple. Just narrate a bothersome Specific Event as though it was a

story and stop to do The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe whenever you get to emotionally

intense parts of it.

I provide some guidelines below but, in essence, that's it! Each of the stopping points

in the story represents another Aspect of the issue that, on occasion, will point you to

even deeper issues. This can save you a lot of detective work and, conceptually, it is

about as easy as it gets. Further... automatically integrates everything you have learned

about Aspects, Testing and Being Specific. 

I mean all the critical parts of EFT's in-depth work are contained within this one easy-

to-use method. The opportunities for Testing unfold naturally during the process and

the element of Being Specific is automatically included because you are telling your

stories about Specific Events. While Specific Events are Aspects of global issues,

each event has Aspects of it own, which are presented at each stopping point in the

story. This allows you to be even more specific without sophisticated detective work.

By simply following the instructions, this tool will allow you to cover all the bases in

step-by-step fashion.

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It will take some practice and you will likely stub your toe a bit before you master it.

But once you own this process you will never again rely on just The EFT Basic


Here are a few guidelines to enhance the EFT process

First, choose the event: Find a Specific Event that, typically, lasts one to three

minutes and contains at least one emotional crescendo. If you still need help finding

them, review the previous article on Specific Events. 

Take the edge off: Before actually telling the story, check out any intensity you may

have about actually doing the narration. If your intensity is at 5 or above it is

worthwhile to do a few global type rounds of The Basic Recipe to take the edge off.

"Even though I'm nervous about telling the story....."

"Even though I'm afraid of what might happen when I tell this story...."

"Even though I don't like this whole thing....."

"Even though just starting the story gives me the jitters...."  

 An easy reminder phrase for any of the examples above might be “this story” or

“telling this story.” 

Do as many rounds as necessary until your intensity about telling the story drops to 3

or less. This serves to "take the edge off" and allows you to proceed more

comfortably through a highly charged event. If you start to tell the story and the

intensity rises to an uncomfortably high level then perform the above routine

again. Repeat as often as necessary.

How to Tell the Story

 A. It's best to Tell the Story out loud. That tends to bring the story more to life and

helps to bring the important issues to the surface. You can tell it to a mirror, a friend,

a wall or talk to an imaginary friend (smile).

B. Start at a neutral point when there is nothing to be concerned about. An example

might be having lunch with a friend just before having, let's say, a car accident. This

tends to ease you into the experience.

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C. Most importantly, you must STOP telling the story when you feel any intensity


D. At each stopping point, use the EFT Basic Recipe to address that intensity and,

once released, continue the story to the next intense moment.

Stopping is critical to the success of this procedure. Most people are conditioned by

conventional techniques to "be courageous" and to "feel the feelings" and to "be

brave and gut through it." Thus, if you don't stop when intensity arises, you are likely

to go right by an important healing opportunity. So, to repeat...

...if you don't stop,

you have missed a healing opportunity! 

You are looking for Aspects here and this process often brings them to the surface

without your having to dig. How perfect! Remember, we are looking for thoroughness

so we want to "tap down" every ounce of the intensity involved.

Please recognize that each stopping point is an Aspect of the story and each

such Aspect should be addressed as though it was a separate event.  So, in the

interest of being specific, you want to target one emotional crescendo, (Aspect) at a

time with the Basic Recipe. So, for each emotional crescendo (Aspect)....

 A. Estimate a 0-10 intensity rating on this part of the story.

B. Keeping in mind the “accident example” from the Finding Aspects article, design

your Setup and Reminder Phrases to target the part of this emotional crescendo that

caused the intensity (note that the emotion involved is mentioned in the Setup phrase.

For example:

“Even though I was furious when she said that to me…” 

“Even though I cringed with fear when I saw that horrible thing…” 

“Even though I felt guilty when that cop was chasing me…” 

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“Even though I was really angry about that…” 

C. Use the EFT Basic Recipe and keep evaluating intensity before and after each

round until the intensity is down to zero or a low tolerable level.

D. Each emotional crescendo might have a few Aspects of its own, so once you use

the EFT Basic Recipe on the most obvious one, go through that part of the story

again to see if there is still intensity. If so, repeat the step above.

E. Once the intensity has been released from that crescendo, resume the story and

look for another stopping point. Also, be aware of your possible tendency, while telling

your stories, to jump ahead to the most intense crescendo(s). You know what is

coming in your story, of course, and thus you will often access the emotions before

actually getting to that place in the story. Just treat this intensity as you would any

other stopping point.

F. Once you have tapped through all the intense moments of the story then start from

the beginning, Tell the Story again, and stop for any intensities that may arise. Don‟t

be surprised if there is still more to address ... just be as thorough as you can.

G. Repeat this process until you can tell the story nonchalantly ... like it was a

shopping trip. This should collapse all or most of the Aspects. For good measure,

Tell the Story tomorrow morning or next week to see if anything is left. Sometimes,

letting time go by will bring up remnants (Aspects). If so, repeat the process until you

achieve a more thorough success.

Note: As stated, The Tell the Story Technique is the workhorse tool for use in your in-

depth EFT work. The more you know about it, the more efficient you will

be. Our  online store is loaded with full length sessions that display how it is used inreal situations. Specific Examples are:

  EFT for Pain Management 

  EFT Art of Delivery 

  Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) 

  EFT for Emotional Overeating 

  EFT Advanced Concepts 

  Challenging Case: Nancy - Grief, Guilt and Childhood Abuse 

Studying these will accelerate your mastery of all the Tapping skills.

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EFT Testing Methods - Going Deeper Into the Tapping process

You can use any of the Testing methods that you learned in the previous article on

Testing Your EFT Tapping Work, but an often used one for a Specific Event is Vivid

Visualization. Once you have been through the event aloud and have reduced themost intense crescendos by Tapping, you can again go through the event in your

mind, one frame at a time. Look for those intense moments and exaggerate the

sights, sounds, colors, sizes, etc and really try to get yourself upset. As soon as you

find more intensity, do some more tapping on whatever you have found and then try it

again. Keep going through it vivdly until you can no longer get upset about anything in

the event. However, do not continue with this Vivid Visualization if your previous

tapping has not brought the intensity down to manageable levels. In this case it is

best to seek a qualified health professional.

You can also use the Testing methods of Props or an Actual Situation if those are

appropriate for the event. If you are successful with digging up intensity with any kind

of Testing, again, use The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe for whatever comes up until

you cannot get upset about the event.

Tell the Story Tapping Tips

Measuring Intensity:

Your 0-10 measurements should reflect how much intensity you have NOW when you

remember what happened THEN. We cannot change the intensity you felt at the time,

but we can release the intensity you feel about it now.

I don’t feel intensity on my event: 

Your emotional intensity can show up in a variety of ways. Most people will recognize

their intensity right away, but if you don‟t, check to see if there are any changes in

your body sensations. Tension, shortness of breath, or discomfort in any part of the

body can be used as a measure of intensity as long as it shows up only when you

recall something in the event.

If you notice that the quality of your breath changes when aspects show up, then use

Constricted Breathing Technique until the breath is back to normal and continue

through the story.

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You might start by tapping through an aspect of the event that you assume would be

distressing in some way and then notice what changes after you tap. You may notice

that it feels softer, less tense, or somehow easier to remember, and that would be an

indication that you have released some intensity.

Tapping will usually help the intensity feel clearer to you, so do what you can with a

few events, get used to how your body responds to intensity, and it should get easier

as you go.

I feel too much intensity on my event:

If this is the case, you may want to work on other, less intense events until the harder

ones seem more manageable. Many events in your life are related to each other, soworking on others will often help the harder ones become easier. If you are working

with a history of abuse or trauma, you may want to consider working through those

events with an EFT professional.

Another event or issue is coming to mind:

This is a form of switching aspects and is an indication that you have made good

progress with the original event. However, before moving to another event, check the

aspects of the original event and see how much is left to do. If you can, finish tappingon the event you started until all the intensities are zero and then move on to

something else. If the new event or issue is simply too distracting, then switch to it if

you like, but do your best to maintain a methodical process. Keep records of your

intensity levels for any event you abandon mid-stream so you can come back and

finish it later.

 Also, be sure you can distinguish between events and issues. An event is a 1-3

minute segment of time, very specific and in line with solid EFT practice. An issue is a

new Tabletop, supported by Specific Events, so you would want to break it into those

parts before you start tapping. For example, if you are working on a 1-3 minute event

where someone on the playground said something mean about your clothes, and

then you realize that your mother was always critical in the same way, you do not

want to start tapping globally on “Even though I feel rejected by my mother…”

Instead, list out the individual 1-3 minute events you can remember where she made

the critical comments and tap through those one at a time.

My event is longer than 1-3 minutes:

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Most events will be longer than 1-3 minutes until you get used to narrowing them

down. Many of the experiences you would consider “events” will actually have several

brief segments within them that carry the emotional impact. They should all have

some relatively neutral spaces of time in between, and those will help you separate

one event from another.

My events all seem the same:

If there has been a pattern of similar experiences in your life, then the first step is to

work with the earliest one you can find. For example, relationship issues often reveal

patterns of behavior or emotional responses, and those patterns often begin in

childhood. You can start by working on the current problem, but it will be sitting on top

of so much similar history that you may have a hard time getting anywhere. It‟s better

to think about what the current problem reminds you of in your past, and go further


If you were in a long term situation in which the same painful things were happening

on a regular basis, you can try to make up an event that would represent the common

themes in each one, but it will be a lot harder to get each intensity to zero, and you

may end up triggering too much intensity at once. The good news is that all of those

events are closely related so they may all collapse together, but the bad news is also

that they are closely related, and you may have a hard time sparing yourself the painof feeling them all at once as you go through the process. Properly trained EFT

professionals know how to help you contain events in these scenarios, so if you have

a hard time getting through it all, you might consider getting some help.

Testing the Overall Issue:

The testing methods that you learned in the previous article were applied to your

issue in general. However, when you start addressing specific events, the goal is still

to make progress with the current problem. You want to test the events you address

as thoroughly as you can, but set up separate tests on the overall issue to see if

clearing the events is helping you make progress in the right direction.

The EFT Tell the Story Technique has several benefits....

1. The "story" provides a built in procedure for finding Aspects.

2. It allows the issue to unfold as gently as possible.

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3. You can easily test at each stopping point and that allows you to know how you are


The following video is an example of the EFT Tell the Story Technique on an actual

event. As you will notice, this event contains two crescendos, each with multiple

 Aspects. Most of the early Tapping rounds address the anticipation of the upcoming

first crescendo. In this case, the goal is simply to take the edge off until we get to the

actual crescendo, so we aren't concerned with bringing those intensities all the way to

zero. Once we get to each of the actual crescendos, we are able to address

individual Aspects and bring the intensity down to zero.

Can you identify the two crescendos and what Aspects were addressed for each of



In this article you learned how to use Tell the Story Technique on Specific Events.

  This is an easy-to-use method to methodically clear the intensity from a Specific Event.

  It incorporates the concepts of Aspects, Being Specific, and Testing all in one tool.

  It allows the story to unfold as gently as possible.

  Once complete, Testing your work is easy to do with Vivid Visualization.

  Tips were also provided for unusual situations you may encounter with your ownevents.

What Should I Say During the EFT TappingProcess? 

Easy ways to "Get the EFT Words Right" while Tapping

When you first learned The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe you were given a simple, fill-

in-the-blank sentence for the initial Setup Phrase. It went like this...

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"Even though I have this ___________, I deeply and completely accept myself."

This is the basic answer to the "What do I say?' concern. You need only fill in the

blank with words describing the problem, e.g. sore

shoulder, rejection memory, fear of heights,

etc. However, we later learned inIntro to Being Specific With EFT Tapping that

adding specificity to the language is likely to provide more benefits. This is because

EFT works best on very specifically stated problems. Thus saying, "This sharp pain

in the front of my right shoulder" is better than saying just, "This sore shoulder."

 A common sense way to generate more specificity for yourTapping rounds.

This method is easy and requires no in-depth training. With a little practice you

should have it down permanently. Just describe the problem in detail as though you

were talking to a good friend and then use that language in your Tapping rounds.

An example,

if you have a physical issue, such as a lower back pain, then you might say to a


"When I bend over I get this shooting pain in my lower back that makes me want to

scream so loud that even a deaf person could hear me."

While that is a bit wordy, it is perfectly fine to start with this Setup language...

"Even though when I bend over I get this shooting pain in my lower back that makes

me want to scream so loud that even a deaf person could hear me, I deeply and

completely accept myself."

For the Reminder Phrase you might want to shorten it to something like....

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"Lower back shooting pain that makes me want to scream."

Remember, this is an indirect way to target the underlying emotional issues. If you

have been as specific as you can and don‟t have the relief you want, then more or

better language is not the solution. Finding the underlying emotional issues and

working with Specific Events is the next best step.

Another example,

this time for an emotional issue. You might say to a friend....

"When I see a snake my heart pounds, I get dizzy and I think I'm going to die."

Your Setup language could then be....

"Even though when I see a snake my heart pounds, I get dizzy and I think I'm going to

die, I deeply and completely accept myself."

The Reminder Phrase might be...

"Snake, heart pounding, dizzy, going to die."

 Again, targeting the resulting, current symptoms of an emotional issue is an indirect

way to target the real problem. Rather than finding different language for better

results, it‟s better to dig deeper and work with Specific Events.

Yet another example,

this time for a Specific Event . You might say to a friend...

"When my third grade teacher told the class that I was too dense to learn anything, I

was so mortified that I wanted to disappear from the earth."

Your Setup Language could then be...

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"Even though my third grade teacher told the class that I was too dense to learn

anything, I was so humiliated that I wanted to disappear from the earth, I deeply and

completely accept myself."

Your Reminder Phrase might be...

"Humiliated, disappear from the earth."

If you prefer, you could write down the words, in graphic and specific detail, as though

you were sending a letter to a friend. Use those words in your EFT Tapping

rounds. With experience you will refine your skills and find ways to get the job done

with fewer words.

Please note that the additional language in the example above is still describing one

frame within a 1-3 minute event. The teacher said the words, I had the feelings, and

this is how I would describe that moment. It does not include the 20 minute analysis

that you may also go through when telling your friend about how the teacher must

have issues of her own, how your mother used to say the same things, or how this is

the very thing that perpetuates your fear of rejection issue in your marriage. Make

sure you are still being specific to the moment.

CAUTION - Don’t “go global” with your language: 

 As reflected in the previous paragraph, be aware that this “telling it to your friend”

version of language can easily take you off into other events or other global issues.

The goal is still to be specific with the individual frames of the 1-3 minute segment of

time, and you don‟t want your language to distract you from that. Remember, the

purpose of the language, particularly the Reminder Phrase, is to help you maintain

focus on the specific target you have chosen to address with your round of tapping.

The target is more important than the language: If you are breaking each issue down

into smaller parts using the concepts of Aspects, Being Specific, and Specific Events,

then once you have a good, specific target, the language should fall right into your

lap. If you are having trouble designing your Setup phrase, then you probably need to

be more specific. It is only hard to design language when you have too much “issue”

on your plate.

Where EFT'ers Get Confused Regarding the Words

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The above methods are simple, straight forward and will lead even the newcomer to

solid Tapping results in many cases. But confusion can arise when you see me

delivering EFT on the numerous videos on this website. There I appear to be using

"fancy language" that seems far advanced over the above explanations. In a way,

that is true. I have refined my language over the years just as you may do as yougain experience. But these language patterns are just refinements and add a little

"icing to the cake." You aren't there yet but what you have been given above is "the

cake" and has been used by multitudes to gain solid results. As a newcomer, it is not

necessary, or practical, to expect to match my EFT skills. At least not yet.

One thing is for sure, though. It is FAR easier and FAR more efficient to develop this

simple skill than to use the canned Tapping Scripts that are so prevalent on the

internet. See The Pros and Perils of EFT Tapping Scripts.  These pre-created

wordings are supposedly designed to aim EFT at your specific issues and save you

from learning this simple skill. However, rarely will some outsider's attempts be

effective in hitting your specific target. If you choose, you can use a well trained Gold

Standard EFT practitioner to assist you.

When you get to the more advanced sections of this Gold Standard EFT Tutorial, you

will see how the Setup Language and Reminder Phrases can be used creatively to

enhance the process. This, of course, requires experience but, with practice, can be

developed by anyone. If interested now, you can peruse these advanced articles.

  Detective Work Within the EFT Tapping Process 

  Customizing Your EFT Setup Phrases During Tapping 

  Using Rambling Language Within the EFT Tapping Process 

  EFT Reframing - Another Way to See Things Through Tapping 

Premiere EFT Tapping Self Help Tools

These two articles provide excellent tools for self help.

  The EFT Personal Peace Procedure 

  Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) - Tapping Along With Live Sessions 


In this article you learned more about choosing effective language for your Tapping


  The purpose of the language is to focus on your target for the Tapping round.  The basic two-three word description of the problem is the best first step.

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  Being more specific about your problem or an Aspect thereof is often better.

  Describing the problem as you would to a friend can help you be more specific.

  Be careful not to let your language take you into global territory,

  Digging deeper into underlying issues and finding a better target for your tapping roundis usually more effective than finding “better language”. 

The EFT Generalization Effect - A Big StepToward Tapping Efficiency 

 Aim EFT At a Few Related Specific Events And Bring TappingRelief to Them All

We touched on this concept in the previous article on Specific Events - An Essential

Concept Within the EFT Process but it's important enough to merit its own article.

Understanding the concept of Tabletops/Table Legs and working with Specific Events

might lead you to the conclusion that you have to address every Aspect of every

single Specific Event in your past to get relief with EFT, and that can seem

overwhelming. Actually, that is not the case.

Often the various Specific Events (or Table Legs under the Table Top) have some

common themes among them so using Tapping to remove one leg has an effect on

the remaining ones in that theme. For example, a fairly normal childhood might

include a parent with high standards and the small events therein might add up to a

limiting belief like “I‟ll never get it right.” Those events tend to involve similar people,

similar locations, similar messages, and similar emotional responses.

 Accordingly, once we eliminate the intensity for 5, 10 or 20 of these similar Specific

Events, there is enough commonality among them to generalize relief over all therest. Eventually you reach a point where it is difficult to find any more events that

hold intensity, and you will notice that your Tabletop issue doesn‟t seem to have a

grip on you anymore.

The video below gives you more perspective on this idea.

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It is a common misunderstanding that by separating an issue into its parts and

addressing every single one, you will be taking the long road to relief. As a result,

taking a more global approach and combining a handful of events or issues in each

round of The EFT Tapping Basic Recipe might seem like a shortcut. This is

erroneous and one of the main reasons many souls end up in The EFT Silent Sea ofdisappointed people

 Almost all of the EFT Tapping Spin-Offs that can be seen online are based on this

“resolve it all at once” philosophy and it is really easy to assume that faster results

can be found this way. On the contrary, if you continue with the specific approach we

are teaching here, the Generalization Effect will kick in and move you along much

faster in the long run than the short cuts,Tapping scripts and brief youtube videos that

are promoted on the internet. In addition, the Table Legs you remove will generally be

gone for good, Tabletops can collapse completely, and by working with measurable

units, you can test your results as you go and keep track of your own progress. We

will discuss this further with the Personal Peace Procedure…next! 


In this article you learned more about the benefits of the Generalization Effect.

  The Table Legs under one Tabletop are usually related in some way.  Working on a few of the Table Legs will often have enough effect on the rest to

collapse the Tabletop.

   A common EFT misunderstanding is that combining events or issues will help clearthem all faster.

  On the contrary, maintaining a specific approach will access the Generalization Effectmuch more quickly.

The EFT Personal Peace Procedure 

 A Universally Useful Tapping Tool For Everyone

Now that we have a complete understanding of (1) Specific Events - An Essential

Concept Within the EFT Process, (2) The EFT Tell the Story Technique, and (3) The

EFT Generalization Effect - A Big Step Toward Tapping Efficiency, let's put them to

work with The EFT Personal Peace Procedure, a quality way to get lasting results

with EFT.

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 Personal Peace

Ideally, if you have a challenging issue in your daily life, you would treat it like a

Tabletop and find the individual Table Legs or Specific Event(s) in your past that have

led directly to it. Once the Legs are identified, you would use EFT to “remove” asmany as it takes for the Tabletop to collapse, and then you‟re free to move forward in

your life without the challenging issue.

The above is the most ideal scenario and the EFT process does work this way for

many people. If the related events are still clear in your memory and you are able to

connect them clearly to your current issue, then EFT may be just that easy for you as


  But what if the memories you need are not presenting themselves?

  What if you have addressed all the events you can find but the issue persists?

  What if your issue is the result of several years of discomfort rather than just a fewevents?

  What if all of those memories blend together in a way that is hard to separate?

  What if you have more than one issue and the contributing events are all related toeach other?

  What if the issue and the event have such a strange connection that you would neverbe able to see it on your own?

 As it turns out, these challenges are common to most EFT users.

Emotional issues are complex by nature, and the Tabletop/Table Leg metaphor that

you learned in the Uncovering Specific Events article illustrates that in part. However,

navigating through a history of events to narrow in on the ones that relate to one

particular issue can be a challenge. In reality, most of the issues that bother you

today probably related to each other, and all of the difficult events in your past could

be contributing to different issues in different ways. Many of those events might seem

too small and insignificant to worry about, but after a few decades, those smallerdisruptions do tend to pile up. With that in mind, we offer the Personal Peace

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Procedure, which is a way to systematically clear out the difficult events in your

history, no matter which issue they are contributing to currently.

In essence, the EFT Personal Peace Procedure involves making a list of every

bothersome Specific Event in your life and removing their emotional impacts one byone. By diligently doing this you can knock all the Table Legs out from under all of

those Tabletops, and generate the relief you were looking for as well as a refreshing

sense of peace in your life. You‟ll be surprised by how quickly you can get there – 

remember that the Generalization Effect kicks in and with the Personal Peace

Procedure, we can watch it in action!

This EFT Tapping method is simple:

1. Make a list of every bothersome Specific Event you can remember, using the criteria put forth inthe Specific Event Article, namely:

o  It is a short “movie” from the past, preferably at least a few years ago (childhood events are usually best). 

o  You are able to give it a title, like “the time when…” 

o  1-3 minutes long at the time it happened.

o  Contains at least 1 emotional crescendo.

o  Has a beginning, an end, a plot and characters.

o  Note: You should be able to find at least 50 events. Many people will find hundreds.

2. Beside each movie title, rate the intensity of each event from 0-10. Examples:

o  Dad hit me in the kitchen (8)

o  I stole Suzie's sandwich (5)

o  I almost slipped and fell into the Grand Canyon (7)

o  My third grade class ridiculed me when I gave that speech (8)o  Mom locked me in a closet (7)

o  The time Mrs. Adams told me I was stupid (6)

3. After the most intense events have been neutralized, cross them off the list and look for the nextmost intense ones. You may notice additional events coming to mind as you tap. Add those to the listand address them accordingly.

4. After every 5 events or so, go back through your list and re-evaluate the intensity ratings for eachitem. As the Generalization Effect kicks in, you will see that the events you haven‟t even addressedyet are likely to become less and less intense.

5. If you clear one Specific Event per day for 3 months you will have resolved 90 events. Imagine howmany of your Tabletops could be collapsed or weakened as a result. Can you imagine how muchbetter your life would be without them? It doesn ‟t have to stop there. If you truly understand thebenefit of clearing out any event from the past that is still carrying disruptions, then you can keep

adding to the list and keep clearing events until you run out. And remember that the GeneralizationEffect will jump in and help you.

6. Most people will start to feel significantly better after addressing a few dozen events, but even if youhave more and it takes a year or two to find freedom from the emotional or physical limits youstruggle with today, isn‟t that worth the effort?  And here‟s a bonus - if you can do all of this work onyour own then you get to achieve that freedom for free.


  If you cannot get a 0-10 intensity level on a particular movie then assume you arerepressing it and apply 10 full rounds of EFT on it from every angle you can think of.This gives you a high possibility for resolving it.

While making your list you may find that some events don't seem to cause you any

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current discomfort. That's OK. List them anyway. The mere fact that you rememberthem suggests a need for resolution.

  When the list is complete, pick out the most intense events and use the EFT Tell the StoryTechnique on them one by one until your intensity drops to zero. You may need to go througheach event a few times to find all the Aspects and reduce them all to zero. At that point, youmay notice that you laugh about it, feel neutral about it, or just "can't think about it anymore." 


If your history includes long term abuse or highly traumatic events, you may find that

listing them all out causes you additional distress. If this is the case, then make a

shorter list, maybe 5 at a time, of events with lower intensity, and get to the others

when you feel more comfortable. In addition, consider getting help from a properly

trained professional who can manage your distress along the way.

If you are taking medications, you may feel the need to discontinue them. Please do

so ONLY under a qualified physician‟s advice. 

Positive Side Effects

 As you work through the events from your past in order of intensity, you may not be

zeroing in right away on the exact causes of the issue from which you most want

relief. However, there will be positive results along the way, and if you notice them,

you will know that personal peace is starting to emerge in your life.

EFT results, no matter how we find them, are sometimes very subtle, and it is easy to

overlook them or attribute them to your natural growth process. To help us see the

changes as they are happening, it‟s time to make a second list – one for anything in

your life that could stand some improvement. Common examples are as follows:

  Sleeping habits - quality of sleep or hours per night

  Eating habits – junk food cravings, vegetable intake, sugar or dessert habits

  Other Cravings – coffee, cigarettes, wine/beer

  Level of stress related to work  Frustration in traffic

  Relationships - spouse, children, in laws, relatives, co-workers

  Muscle tension or pain/Flexibility

  Blood Pressure

  Breathing capacity





  Propensity to laugh or smile

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 Anything in your life can start changing for the better as you clear out the old

disruptions. Once you have your “wish list” for any positive changes that you would

welcome, find a way to evaluate each one before you start tapping. Maybe you write

down the hours of sleep you are getting on average, or the cups of coffee you have

each day, length of time you can be on your feet without pain, or the level offrustration/emotional pain (0-10) that you feel in any particular relationship.

 As you tap through your events, keep checking in with this list and keep track of all

the items. Some may shift right away, others may improve later, and you may notice

other positive changes that weren‟t even on the list. By using both of these lists in

tandem, it is much easier to keep going with a process that may be on the longer side

for some people.

Can you imagine what it would feel like to truly be at peace with everything that has

ever happened in your life? How about being at peace with half of it? Even that would

make an enormous difference for most people. Imagine how different the world would

be if everyone cleared out the garbage from their past. Not only would we all feel

better physically and emotionally, we would be able to understand each other and feel

compassion without all of the issues in the way.

Thoughts on Other Uses Of The EFT Personal Peace Procedure

This simple Tapping concept could shift the entire healing field and, if adopted by

every healing practitioner and patient, would likely (1) dramatically increase our

healing rates while (2) precipitously dropping our costs.

Please note that this idea completely ignores chemical causes such as those

propounded by the medical model. That's because EFT often produces improvements

in clients where drugs and other chemical solutions have failed. This is not to say,

however, that drugs, proper nutrition and the like don't have their place. Indeed they

do. They can often be vital. In my experience, however, our unresolved Specific

Events are often nearer the foundational cause for illness than anything else. Thus

they deserve our high level attention..

Qualified EFT'ers are well aware of EFT's ability to cleanly wipe the negative Specific

Events off of our mental walls. This is the area wherein our highest success ratios

appear. To date, however, we have focused our efforts on those negative Specific

Events that underlie a given ailment such as a phobia, headache or traumatic

incident. This is good ... very good ... and we should continue doing so. On the other

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   As a daily Tapping procedure to clear out a lifetime of accumulated emotional debris.This can enhance self-image, reduce self-doubt and provide a profound sense offreedom.

   As a means to eliminate a major contributor (if not the sole cause) of a serious disease.Somewhere within one's Specific Events are those angers, fears and traumas that are

manifesting as disease. By addressing them all, you will likely cover those responsiblefor the disease. Always consult qualified physicians regarding your use of EFT forphysical issues.

   As a useful substitute for finding core issues. If you neutralize all the specific issuesyou will have automatically included core issues.

   As a means for consistent relaxation.

  To become an example to others as to what is possible.

 A few minutes per day with the EFT Personal Peace Procedure can make a

monumental difference in school performance, relationships, health and our quality of

life. We hope this common sense Tapping process becomes a worldwide routine.


In this article you learned how to use the Personal Peace Procedure.

  There are a variety of common reasons why many EFT users have a hard time gettingto the core of their issue.

  Making a list of events in your past that still carry intensity can help you navigatethrough your own issues and systematically clear them out.

  While you are working toward resolution on one issue, there are often positive sideeffects in this process that provide unexpected relief on other issues.

  Personal Peace Procedure is something you can do every day. Clearing one event perday would lead to 90 events cleared in just 3 months.

   A greater level of Personal Peace can not only relieve existing issues, but can preventnew ones from developing.

When to Use Global Approaches in the EFTTapping Process 

Taking The Edge Off in a Tapping Session andManaging Meltdowns When You're Tapping

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Clearly, the focus of this Part II has been to aim at


Specifics, specifics, specifics.

The more specific we are, the more quality we get, and working with a short Specific

Event is the ultimate EFT approach. However, it is sometimes too painful to dive right

into the specifics of an event, so we can use a more global approach at first to take

the edge off.

Similarly, even when you are working with specifics, a highly intense aspect or new

event can be triggered, and backing away from specifics can be useful then as well.

Global approaches do carry some risk as we have mentioned, but if you know how to

use them properly, they can go a long way toward minimizing emotional pain in the

EFT Tapping process.

The Event as a Whole

 As presented in The EFT Tell the Story Technique - The Workhorse Tapping Method, 

when you suspect that the intensity of a Specific Event is likely to be high, it is wise to

take the edge off with a few global rounds of EFT Tapping. Those rounds would be

targeting the event as a whole rather than any of the individual parts of the story, so

we will use the language in a different way to avoid jumping in to the details too soon.

Remember that the Setup and Reminder phrases are designed to manage your

focus, and there are ways to use the language to accomplish a variety of goals. In

many cases, we can use the “movie title‟ assigned to the event as a representation ofthe event as a whole, like this:

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“Even though I have this “in the basement” movie and I know it will be uncomfortable,

I deeply and completely accept myself.” 

If your title “in the basement” represents only one event for you, then this is a good

start. On the other hand, if you experienced trauma in the basement a number of

times, then using this title in your language may open them all up at once instead of

isolating one at a time, Triggering a collection of really intense events with one Setup

is a recipe for overwhelming distress, so if you suspect your title will draw on too

many events, then it would be a good idea to change it from “in the basement” to

something like “the argument in the basement” or something more specific to that


Notice that we have not suggested a title like “Jake said I was a loser” or “I found thatpicture.” When giving a movie a title, we will often choose a few words that describe

the hardest moment in the event, because that‟s the gist of what happened.  

However, using words like that in your tapping language will send your focus straight

to the intensity we are trying to stay out of at first. For your  EFT Personal Peace

Procedure list it is fine to use titles like that, but when you sit down to address those

events and feel like taking the edge off is the best way to start, use language that

keeps the event contained as a unit, rather than targeting the one big crescendo.

Here are some other options for taking the edge off of an intense event:

  Even though I feel nervous about this event ....

  Even though I'm feeling uncomfortable about getting into this story....

  Even though thinking about this story is really hard for me….... 

  If you have physical symptoms when you think about the event you are about toaddress, you can use these ideas as well:

  Even though my heart is pounding....  Even though my palms are sweaty....

  Even though I have a headache....

  Even though my stomach is tight....

You can pick one option and use that until the intensity comes down, or you can try a

few. Just be sure that whatever you are tapping on represents the event in front of

you rather than a wide range of other issues. It should only take a few rounds to get

the intensity down to 3 or below. Then you can proceed through the specifics with

Tell the Story Technique.

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If it takes longer then you may be focused on more events or issues than you thought,

so adjust your language accordingly or enlist the help of an EFT Practitioner.

 Anticipating a Crescendo

When you are using The EFT Tell the Story Technique to address an event, you will

be moving slowly through the memory in chronological order. Near the beginning of

the event, you may feel some anticipation about a bigger crescendo that is coming

later in the story. At that point you can take the edge off of the anticipation you feel by

using language like this:

“Even though I‟m anticipating something later in this story, I deeply and completely

accept myself” 

Your Reminder Phrase can be something like “what‟s coming up in the story.” 

Do a round or so like this until the intensity of the anticipation comes down to a 3 or

below. By doing so, that upcoming crescendo is less distracting and you can focus on

the  Aspects as they come. Once you get to the crescendo you were anticipating, find

the individual Aspects and tap them all down to zero at that point.

 An EFT Tapping Tabletop Issue

Trying to address an entire Tabletop with continuous rounds of tapping is like

pounding that Tabletop with your fist, and expecting it to collapse. (See the Table

Top/Table Legs Metaphor in the Uncovering Specific Events - An Essential Concept

Within the EFT Tapping Process article). This would be considered a global

approach because supporting the Tabletop Issue are numerous Specific Events, or

Table Legs, all with aspects of their own. By including multiple events and all those

aspects in your tapping round, quick success is not likely. A Setup that targets a

whole Tabletop looks something like this:

Even though I feel like a failure, I deeply and completely accept myself” or  

Even though I‟m uncomfortable in social situations, I deeply and completely accept


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 After studying the Tutorial to this point, you should be able to see that each of these

issues would have individual events supporting it. Using the first example, every one

of those events will have “failure” as a primary aspect, so using language like “I feel

like a failure” will be triggering parts of each of those events.  At the very least, it will

be hard to know where progress has been made and the intensity you are measuringmay not move. However, if the big crescendos in each of those events all come to the

surface at once, you may end up with more intensity than you can handle.

It is possible to use an approach like this to take the edge off of your intensity in the

moment. For example, you are in your car about to go into a party and you feel

anxious about it, you could tap on “Even though I feel anxious about going in there…”

and you may be able to take a higher intensity down to something more manageable.

We would not expect the intensity to clear completely or vanish forever, but if that can

help you get through individual situations, then give it a try.

If you are also working on the contributing Specific Events at other times, then this

can be a nice compliment to your process. However, if using that approach makes

you feel worse, or you aren‟t getting anywhere at all, then you have probably started

triggering new intensity and will need to get down to Specific Events and/or enlist the

help of a quality EFT Practitioner for better results.

You may see in the  Art of Delivery Videos that I do use global approaches on

Tabletop Issues. Please note that I do so as an experienced professional with

complete awareness of the risks I am taking, and with an expertise in more advanced

language skills. When I tap on a Tabletop Issue, I am not expecting to clear the issue

with that process. Rather, I am expecting to take the edge off, possibly bring relevant

events to the surface, and see what avenues are available to me. With experience

and professional training, this approach can be valuable, but we do not recommend it

for addressing your own issues.

 An EFT Tapping Overall Issue

It can be hard to distinguish between a Tabletop Issue and an Overall Issue, but the

difference lies in how many Tabletops there are to address. Any issue can involve

more than one Tabletop, so that will vary from one person to the next. Targeting

issues like this is an approach that we do not recommend for professional or do-it-

yourself use. Unless I have an unusual reason to do so, you will never see me on a

video saying “Even though I have PTSD…”, “Even though I have Depression…”, or

“Even though I have Fibromyalgia…” because, for reasons discussed above, there

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are way too many Aspects involved to make good progress, and the risk is simply too


By using the The EFT Personal Peace Procedure, you should be able to recognize a

variety of Tabletops in your background and how they relate to each other. Following

our concept of breaking issues into smaller parts, addressing one Tabletop and its

related Legs would be a more specific and more effective approach than trying to

tackle a whole assortment of them at once.

Guideline for Taking the Edge Off

Just to reiterate, when the goal is to take the edge off of an event or issue, we

generally look for the intensity rating to come down to a three or lower. We do notpush for zeroes because first, with a global approach there are usually too many

 Aspects involved for that to be a reasonable expectation, and second, we will be

clearing Aspects all the way to zero once we get down to the specifics.

This guideline applies in all of the scenarios we have discussed above:

  Taking the edge off of a global issue.

  Managing current symptoms as they come up.

  Taking the edge off of a highly intense event before getting started with Tell the StoryTechnique.

  Tapping on the anticipation of a crescendo that you have not yet reached in an event.

When using a global approach, you may indeed get down to a zero and that‟s fine.

The point we‟re making here is that it is not necessary, assuming you will be getting

to specifics eventually. With this in mind, you may notice that we are not as

concerned about definite intensity measurements when we‟re trying to take the edge

off. Once we have the specifics to address we become much more diligent about


Below is a video featuring Kiya, Betty and Sarah (in that order). It displays 3

examples of Taking the Edge Off at the beginning of an EFT Tapping session and

gives you a solid exposure to the challenges you might expect. In the first two

examples, Taking the Edge Off occurs rather quickly. In the last example, with Sarah,

the issue is much more stubborn and it takes quite a bit longer. Note that the

example with Betty includes "tap along" messages. That is because it is from the

self-help Borrowing Benefits video set. See Borrowing Benefits (Easy EFT) - Tapping

 Along With Gary's Live Sessions. 

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Managing a Meltdown or Abreaction in The EFT Tapping Process

One reason we emphasized Finding Aspects within the EFT Tapping Process so

strongly in previous articles is because it is possible to be tapping on one thing andswitch aspects to something else that is far more intense than you expected.

Most of the time this just means tears, anger, or some other emotion that is so strong

you can‟t switch your focus back to the event. In extreme cases you might start

trembling, stammering, or showing other signs of major distress. In addition, you

might shut down and be unable to speak.

The professional term for a response of this kind is “abreaction”, but that term isusually reserved for the most extreme examples. We use the term “meltdown” to

include the less severe reactions that can also benefit from the adjusted EFT

approach that follows.

When you experience intensity of this kind, follow these tips:

  Continue tapping the Basic Recipe points over and over, up and down the body untilthe intensity subsides.

  Keep your eyes open, focus on something in the room, and try to bring yourself back tothe present moment.

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  Use more neutral language like “this emotion”, “this discomfort”, or “this reaction.”  Ifyou cannot speak then skip the language. You are already tuned into the issue.

  Do not use language that points to whatever triggered this level of intensity, as yourreaction might start to get worse. When your reaction is this strong, getting somedistance is the better plan.

  Once the intensity comes down to a manageable level you can decide for yourselfwhether or not it is safe to continue addressing the event.

  If the intensity won‟t come down then you should seek appropriate medical help.  

The good news about meltdowns is that something is definitely triggered. Energy

meridians are disrupted and you are tuned into something big time. By tapping

through it you are likely to make some progress on whatever it is, so we usually see

that as a healing opportunity. If this happens as a result of too many Aspects being

triggered at once, then we wouldn‟t expect resolution on all of them just from the one

episode, but we may have been able to take a significant edge off of them. The best

approach is still to work with specifics rather than try to generate meltdowns, but

when they happen, we can usually make some kind of progress.

This process is clearly demonstrated in the following video with Pamela. The issue

here is rape and, while she holds herself together reasonably well during most of this

episode, she would be far more intense if I wasn't tapping her all the while. The video

comes from our   Art of Delivery videos and, for perspective, begins with one of my

typical narratives.

EFT, by the way, is not the likely cause of such reactions, although it may seem that

way to newcomers. Rather, these issues were already there, and EFT simply opened

up your awareness to them the same way a movie or a stressful conversation might.

Maintaining your focus on specifics and using language that helps with that focus is

the best way to keep this from happening. However, some people are dealing with

issues so pervasive that meltdowns like this are more likely. If you have been

diagnosed with a mental health condition or are aware of significant trauma in your

past, then we would urge you to consult a qualified health professional regarding your

use of EFT. If you experience anything like the meltdowns described herein and it

does not subside with the tips we have provided, get help immediately.

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 Also, let me emphasize again that difficult cases like these are impossible to predict

and require appropriate training. Untrained people should remember my earlier

caveat: "Don't go where you don't belong."


In this article you learned how Global Approaches fit into the EFT process.

   A Global Approach is used when you are addressing a target that contains a collectionof Aspects, and has not been broken down into specific parts.

  Using Global Approaches is generally appropriate for minimizing emotional pain beforediving into specifics. Appropriate global targets for this kind of approach are:

o  The Event as a Whole

o  Anticipating a Crescendo

o  The Tabletop Issue

o  Managing a Meltdown

  Using Global Approaches on The Overall Issue is not recommended.

  When using Global Approaches, once the intensity falls to a three or below, we moveforward with a more specific approach.

The EFT Tapping Success Strategy  A Powerful Plan for Tapping Success on Any Issue.It Underlies Just About Everything I Do.

The most common question we get from our audience is some version of...

“How do I use EFT on MY issue?” 

The answer, almost every time, is...

…study Parts I and II of the Tutorial, and then use 

The EFT Personal Peace Procedure combined with The EFT Tell the Story


until you see results on your issue. 

That‟s it! 

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The EFT Success Strategy is based on finding and resolving Specific Events (Table

Legs) until the Tabletop Issues they support can no longer stand in your way. As you

continue to clear disruptions and remove that burden from your system, your physical

and emotional health will start to improve, and you may indeed experience a level ofpeace and happiness that exceeds your expectations. We must warn you, though,

that kind of bliss can be habit-forming (smile).

The SAME approach for EVERY issue? Really?

Yes. Even after studying the material in this Tutorial, people may still expect to find

some unique way to use EFT for their unique issue, but that is NOT the case. We see

unresolved emotional issues as a primary contributor to many problems, and we clear

them the same way for everyone. There are events in your history that carrydisruptions, and once you use EFT to remove them, the problems tend to go away.

Some people have more disruptions to clear than others, but removing them

thoroughly and methodically is still the answer.

Of course this isn‟t true for every case. Some people will see results by just being a

little more specific about their problem. Others can work with one big event and their

whole outlook will change. Some people have survived extreme trauma and will need

professional help along their EFT journey.

BUT - when people ask us for direction, the answer is always Personal Peace

Procedure combined with Tell the Story Technique, and if that gets confusing or

difficult, then let us help you find a properly trained professional.

 Any do-it-yourself user can start clearing disruptions from their own history. Finding

the most influential events may take a little longer, but a professional can usually zero

in on the best options. They may also be able to use language more effectively and

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see things as a third party that you can‟t, but the process is still the same. We clear

disruptions from specific events.

What about all those fancy Setup Phrases that Gary uses or that Isee on YouTube or Tapping Summits?

The heart of the EFT process is still the same. Get to specific events and clear the

disruptions out. If used properly, fancy language can speed up the process of clearing

an event, and help us see what events are the best candidates to clear, but we are

still clearing events. Any kind of fancy language that stays in the global realm, as is

typically found on YouTube, Tapping Summits, etc., will usually not produce lasting

in-depth results. So – don‟t be fooled by the miraculous promises of the one-minute-

wonders you may find elsewhere on the internet. For real, lasting, measurable results,

most people need the Personal Peace Procedure. If it takes a little longer on your

own, then all you have to lose is a few extra disruptions, right?


In this article you learned how the EFT tools you have learned fit into the EFT

Success Strategy.

  For any case, especially for do-it-yourself users, we recommend The Personal Peace

Procedure combined with Tell the Story Technique.  If you have difficulty working with or navigating through the events in your own history,

enlist the help of a properly trained EFT Professional.

Intro to Part III 

 Venturing into the Professional EFT realm

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We are now venturing into the Professional EFT realm. Do-It-Yourself users are

welcome to follow along, but the tools we teach here are really more effective whenapplied by a professional.

I th EFT f E ti t t d ith th B i R i th l d h