old abbi j oojo STATE] ROOMSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035540/1870-05-13/ed...nity Igr tin...

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ttfcrto ton.'ta PUHUEHBD BVERYrAJ'TEKNOOB |i'

T e rm * iX#fl.00,"per auram 1s adwanco, S in g le Copies 6 cents

J fe w Y o r k W e e k ly B e fo r m e r 'PubllAtveQ ev e ry Tburaday, a t f 1.60 p e r year i n id


: O I H O t f X A T t O N :D a l l y , " ^ 0 0 ; . . . . W e e k l y , 3 , 9 0 0 .

B a t e s o f A d r e r t l i l s g tlUtcs i n etch paper tb e n o t for otno w eek'or

m ore. Advertiavxneiita IS botb w ill b e taken tor 1 0 per cffiat. loss th a n tb e som|of t b e ra te s.

i tv « a i.c .a * b i o e l c dFKSLISH1R8.

10 Liqcb toioitpareii] n u k e a, B q u ire . | liay 2 days 3 day 61 w’h aw'!/*

O ae BQu re. . . . . . .T a rM H q x ia re # .. . * Qixrter Cohmn..HvifColamn..........OaeColotnn..........

TS 3 OQ 400BOO

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2 lu 6 00 8 CD 15 (0

80 10i 1 mo|S moe(S mos|6 mosjl yea/

Oaetiuaare,,..... T a x e d S q n A jq i.... QanrLor Column,..ELftUOolaxna.......Oae Oolaxnn.

4 0 0 0 (KI 7 00 10 Oft 20 19’6 0 9 19 OO 14 00 tn 00 40 Oft10 OO I p OO ( ) «.*> no 70 (KlSO 0 9 25 00 m no 80 00 120 0(140 0 9 SO 0(1 4» 00 I U 00 200 OOitfDlTOKlAL and LOUA-L NOTICES 10 corns per Qe. 8PRCIALS 20 per c e n t , adiied toregmJor rate*.Une. tirsuiALS 20 per. _ .No tdvertUemttnta raaxaing ovei onoraomb will

pe luecrtt'd in Daily oftoner loan evory other day. For 8po *lai Contracts, a-only at r ho office. No. 8 Ar*

a i e , y/AXKRTOW N, 1 Y -

Business Cards.§3f"8- W. B alulbd , Dwdertakkr.—

Boards at American Hotel, Boom Bo. 19. 8 E . Bai.i.aui), (Assist ant)—Residence Nc. 14 Goodale Btreet. Ceffln Boom, over No. 81 Public Square. 0ct.20.dtf^ x n n a ic a n n o x s t ,

W A f G B T W K , N .

A. M . H A R R I S , P r o p r ie t o r .Ja yl, ISC®, dtt « ____________________

^ O O O t t V F P B O 1 7 ^ t i .

WA’PBFTOW ^N, N. T ..h ro n g h ly fiUm’ a p and f r t l 1 oo ke^*t S tr ic tly aa a

F irs t Cliiifi H oojo.m y _________ DOPE ABA.SUER. Prop.

J ack m aiL H o u s e ,WA TBB1QWN. N. >

X D . W . F E ^ E & S O N ,Bncccaior t o O oo. W. Jono#. la t e ropr.otar. 1 3 ^ * Bn. P i t i w o f , util a’w*y» go at hom o to

Koct toll old firtonda, ano fiih a cord*1 wolcomoto e ueir.Stages leave this hotel (or ail p o in t* .

it fctl trains. An" 3-<ll t

im : f a b h

Stark: Twain on tbe “ Seiv Crime.”Extraordinary iyoreaeo of insanity a numy

’ Crime dyiny out I road"The dangerous - cUtsm -


|^<tarroik m itssE ’li

. A rom atic t i l i i e r of R h u b a r b ,A certain core of Dyepepila, DUnbcea, Dyaemtd ry,

Ac. cwnaUntiy on bajuf and bor aalo WhotceaJo lad GeUii by N .M . SMITH, Uoz cral A ie twAlto 'or sale **▼ al) brucvlue. roHTJ-f'lT

4V. fclYE<IKU££mi>«lElf, iluwecpauilc • Ptryililaj . O-Uc# No. M Floo*. Arcade.Ice h o v t tg tam .8 t o U i . u u from n o f i d j a . . and

i ro ji 7 t o $ tn^tlxc t f c u im . Htfraldeuco No. I r w a a h tdgUxa etrojow Wawirtawit, N ■*.Idr AllMUa duoYlbWJu +»tlm U diamJeaed O fflw ^gcfq tp tlO B i uxtspt bapmul cor oo daHT^ry.

HTTBSa RD&WRluHTA t s o r o o r * s o d C o u n s e l l o r s a l L a w ,

Offlc* o v c / N o . 8 W ash ing ton Strcav, W atertow n, h w as J liw York.W, W . HDBRABD. C H IC H I

BuTaioNiT v t v> lowA t t o m e r * i n d C o n a c c l o r a a f i a t v i

OftcoowciNo. 10 WaahlnrUm Strcot W afcrfow n B. H . HAMMOND. RL> DEBT W N 1SL O Wdly

J. D . D O ? " U '1Vie

C i r " ? M A J E tS G S T ,wo. w:aksrnax s i

f f B O U A U A i r D K K U l l .

Jeilcn tn »H ktad« ot^nui' * Biecm. Botmoje* S D W A Bu/r V) i t i i s F u e , * U /

ik tunr

bilT BlUTS, Bi» Snra&ou, Pbiss Otitwu s Q m o n n

O rd o n p r o m p tly A ttend e n to .far Market Hour* dnrinj wane aenfqe. rrpm s m. to 12:11 H-. atd from 0 to 10 p. m 8»tor<3*r». ens m. K,to 11 p.m.—*11 dkT- jjcccmixr 1857-

J 9 l O I U I>*FB IN fiiita k lll

The Empire State Lite insurance Co.0FKBHB MANY BtJPSlilOB 'ADVANTAGES


I n s u r e T h o i r L i v e s 1OFFICE - WA3HIN& TOh MALL,

-WAXHaTONW W .T .ago. B, FHELP8, 'PreBtdm t- L. PADDOCK, in Vico P res 't. 8ZKA COttNKli, Sd “

JO H N 8 B B U > O N ,B e e r e l» *J .K . B A T B 9. M ed ica l E k atJ ln er.J, F. STTAItBtTCK Concael. InneOSdtf

W A T E R T O Y / N f iE H E H A L


O l d BArtfordU—Hartrorfl 00 jsare «ncce*«tnl boa . .......................... .. ........ 5 4 4 « 3 1 4

P b w d x . nt^tort........................ ’ SSo'j S tC lt , |Hr«jGrtford ...........£7,2’i § IP a n * k n j ^ r l ^ r t __........................I s n 'o e oO onnn cicnt, On ord.................. . 380.000ItaewU Vjow - l'...........’?*n*a’2««K*Mritakleb»J.N«wVork. l , 8 i 8,*«0CJNITW aTtATKia,................ . 400,OVOMORTB MMTTISHltl" *»!»>) |»I§2'nnnNaw En*i,>n«Ct«e B<»wn........?»S22'RSSOa*r«*a,i.W lIowYprk(.............1,800.000N a tio n a l ” 1. 000,000

fP T beaone O ld , S t r o d e Compnale*- Dwwellfnaa aiwd Oontenta Insured from on e t» fire rear*, it Ore lowest rewiInfo laaaraa.ee m callable Commniet.

Call od me belardJunjrtng or renewlne yc lclee.bt Hager

CallOD me bnar^Jusnrtngor penewine yonr pol ,tt Hager k Seobeaw Jeaclrr Store.

SryKOtV TBBKWKK. Meant. WttortowtiAakaitOS.lon sen■-- - — *— ... ■■ I,.--------- -

£ J 8 , JT. .8 B & Jitim , or S a w l e i l ,

ttai conspo nded an article called

K A S m i l V E ,for tlie core o((faldne«B and Grar Hair.

ttgetkble Fomade, highly perfb- i snty hair to lea original color inaccording to the direction*—

s o Bjiph-ar. ittgar W leaO, or poisonous to

ThUarticM.l»— med.ind w llltnm six oars, wt«b bs,coti.shu s o sulphx . ,eredlmta It does not discolor any substance.. le Sola io poia st $t- It Is » bUMtiinl srtlcle for old OT young, in dressing tto hair, and kee tog It from tnmlug g r a y . ' .

r r gold by Oakv ft MAStor, and Kwrxoos « Cowgib, Drnggista. wstertowbiN.T. Janf^0 O 1 !C M 1 * S f t T O R H E ir

M.onfietn e n and Whotooaio Dealers ln

H a t s C a p s F u r s '

STKA-V <S60DP,4 » N o lksr m . ' 3f«w Work.

Taanii w.tbuiaatuit^ T nmiAk Toaaar

—“Temporary Aberration'1' quite fashion-Fashionable.

This country during tbe Iasi thirty or for ty years, his produced sumo ol tue mos'. remarkable canes o f insanity of wbicli there ib any mention in history. F.'r in stance tbore i s the BaWwin case, in Ohio, ta’enty Lhrue yearsu^o. Bilclwio, ip.m liis boyhoqd up, had been ul a to , i ■>, .re, ntolijjnant,quarrtliocr.e nn1 vtro. 11.- iu ’ n boy's eye out, ouco, ami never vta-, litan' upon any occasion lo utter a regret lor it Be did tunny such ihirjgu. But nt lost In did somethisg that waft serious. lie cal ltd at a house just alter dark, one evening, knocked, and when tbo iccupant eamo io the door shot him dead, nnd then triol to escape, but was captured. Two davs t e- tore he Dad wantonly insulted a helpless cripple, snd the man ho afterwards look swift veugance npon with un ussaseiu bul lot knocked him down. Such was the Baldwin caso. Tbo trial waa long and ea­rning;' tho community was fearlulb wrought up. Men said this spitful, bad- hearted villian bad ou used grief enough in biB time, and r.ow he ehoultl satisfy I lie law. But tlioy were mistaken. Baldwin w&mristmo when he did tfie deed — they bad not thought ol Ibat. By argument the of hit coil use! it was shown that ut lO.llo on the morning o f the murder Baldwin bo came insbne, and remained so (or eUven hour and a ball exactly. This just cov­ered the caao comfortably and he was ac­quitted. Thus i f an nntbinking and excit­ed community had b en listened to instead of the nrgurocnts of counsel, a pnor cn>7y creatuie wr>uld havo been held toa tearful, responsibility fur a mere freak of msdn.BS. Baldwin wremclear.nud although Ins friends were natura Uy incensed against the comm j - nity Igr tin ir injurious suspicions and re­marks, thoy and, let It go for r liiHUrnc, and did not prosecute. The Baldwins werevery wealthy. This same Bslrlwm had Din tn- nt ary fits of idsaDity twice afterward, and on both occasions killed peoplo he hadgmtlges against. And on both these occa­sions tho circumstances oftbe killing were so aggravated, and tbomurdors so seeming ly hearties) *nd treacherous, tbat II Bald­win hid not boon insane ho wou'd havebeen liu D g without tho shadow of a doubt.As it was it required ill his political and laroily influence to get bun char in one of the casecs and not less than $10,000 to get clear in tho other. Ono o f ihesc moo ho bo had notoriously been' threatening to kill Tor tho past twelve joua. Tbe porr creaiaro hoppcncel. by tbo merest piece ol ill fortune, to come along a dark alley at the very moment that Baldwin’s insanity camo u| on him, aud bo h e was shut in Uu back with a gun loaded with slugs. It was exceedingly tortnnabe for Baldwin that insanity came on him jus* whan it did.

Take tbo c«ee of Lynch Hickett. ol Pennsylvania Ttrfc*. in public, ho attack-

j od n German butcher by the name of Bcmi< Foldncr, with a cane, aud both times Pehl-

' no whipped bira with hia data. Hackelt vain, wealthy, violent gentlman,wl>o

hold his blood and family in ingh es'ecm, and believed a. reverent respect was dtle his grcmt riches lie brooded otfer tho shame ol hia rliastisement lor tw o 'wt'eks, and then in a momentary (it o f insanity, armed himself to the teeth, rodo into t^wn,waited a couple of honra until be saw Feidner crnn ingrdown tho street with his wile on hie arm, and then ss the couplo passed tho doorway in which ho had parridly con ccaled himself, ho drove* kr,itu into Feld- ncr’a tetk , killing him instantly. The wid ow taught tho limp fo-tn nnd eased it to the earth. Both wero dronched with blood. Hackott jocosely rcrmrkod tohcr that as a proferaional bntcher’a recent wile sho conld appreo-do the artistic neatness o f the jo i tbnt le, t her in acoudttion to marry agun, in caso she wanted to.

This remark, and another which ho mi.’i to s fiit-cd, that Ills position in Kicteiy mide tho kil l eg ol on ohs-curo citizen simply an “dec* n>deity'’ Irstoad of a crime, Wire shown to bo evideooe ol insiiMly, and m Hackctt escaped pu-UhtneDt. Tbe jury wero barely inclined i , accept tlieee us proof*, ul tirst, inasmuch as tlip pusonnr had niverbevn ln«ane tn lorn tbd uu.'der, and under the tnnqu.hzir.g e fc c -. m the bulr' e ing bad immediately tMsained Lis right nrnd — but when the alsfaqc-s carnage* show that a third cousin of'Hhckrtt’s wife's strpla'liefwas insane, hut U.ad a nose ^ta very cuanterpirt if Haikstt’s, it was plain that insanity w as hereluary m the family, ano liackctt bad come to i i By legit imalc mhetit-nce. O f course the jury then acquitted lnm. But it was a merelfni prov­idence that Mr. K.’s peoplo bad been afflict­ed as shown, ejse Hickett would certainly been banged.

However, it is net possible lo count all the marvellous cases of insanity tbat have come undor tbe public notice in tho last thirty ,'r forty yeara There was the Dur- giucaso in New Jersey three years ago.— Tbo servant girl, Bridget Durgin, at dead of ntgbt invaded bor mistress’bedroom and carved the lady literally to p:oces with a knife. Then she dragged the body to the midd'e ci the Boor aad beat and banged it with chairs and such thm**s.—Next she opened the feather beds and sire wed the contents around, saturated evrything with kerosene, and set Ore to tho general wimk. t*he now took up the young child of the mo ok-red woman in her blood-stneared hands and walked off through the snow with r-o shoes on,(o a neighbor's bouse a quarter of a mile ofE, and told a string of wild, incoherent stories about sotDO men coming and setting fire to the house, and then bos cried piteously, and without think­ing there was anything suggdstive about the btood upon her hands, her clothing, and the Baby, volunteered the rotnark that she was afraid these men bad murdered her mistress 1 Alter ward, by her own confess ion and other testimony, it was proved tbat the m’etress had alwaya been kind to the girl consequently there was no revengo in the murder; and it was also shown that the girl took nothing away from the burning house, not oven licr own sboes.and con­sequently robbery waa not her motive. Now tbe reader says,“ Here conies that same old plea of insanity again.” But the render has deceived himself this timo. No such pita wins rfftfed in ber defence. Tbo judge son teheed her, nobody persecuted the Governor with petition for her pardon, and ehe was promptly hanged.

TlicrCWaS that, youth In Pennsylvania, whosOjCuripHB^anlMtton w as published a ycst isgo;' ‘It w*Mlhply a conglomeration of intoharint' dthrel firopi begtniug to end —ind bo - wuhw lengthy • speech oh thb •CifloldUftMjnrdi Par % -wlitjlft. jeafhu*&# hitihted With “ * ' " *

til,a "T'*

ccita’n iiu i g wcmin so tha' no one would mirrv her. ii<- rlid nut lovo her bimsell, and opposed *n '.'njbo iy elst’s escort! g her. Upon cne occusloo he doolined to go to a ’vcd.iing with her, and tvhrn blio i ot other company, lay in wait fo r Ihe cnupli by the

intending io make them go back orkill the escort. After spending nights over his ruling desire lor a full year ho at last attempted its execution—that is, attempted to disfigure the young woman .It was a success. It was permanent. In- trying lo shoot her cheekfas sho sat nt tho supper table with her patents brother and sis'era) in such a manner as to mar qs c imtliness, i-i,e of his bullets wandered a little mt'. of the course nnd silo dropped dra't. To the very last mitnent he bewail- ml Um ill luck that made her move her bee ju t at t!ia critical moment. And so lie died appa emly half pu.suadeti that omeiiow it was chiefly her own fault that, she got killed. Tbs idiot .was hanged. Th,- plea of insanity was not offered.

Ttiericunt case of Lady Mordaunt, in England, has ptovtd beyond cavil that the thing wo call common piosntutioo in Amer­ica is only insanity in Great Britain. Her husband wanted a divorce, hut as her cheer­ful peculiarities were the oflspringof lunacy and ccnsiqucnil/ the ar.ttld not bo held ro sjnr.s bio lor them, be LaJ to take her to ids bosom agam. It i3 sad to think of a thzea or two of great English lords taking advantage of a poor crazy woman. In this rnu-t.y, it ii.st ,ry be worth nnvthing to judge by, the husband would have renttd u grave yard and 6iccked it, and then brought the divorco suit afterward. In which ease tbe jury would have brought him in insane, not r is wife.

Insanity it certainly on tho increase in the world, and mine '» dying out. There are no longer any murderers— none worth mon tinning, at any rato. Forme-ly, if you killed a man. it was possible tbat you were in.«*ne--hut now if v ju kill a man it is evi lUnei- ibat you are a lunatic In these days, t in, if a person ol good family and high so- na| stiodirg steals anything, they call it l i e p t e m u n l a , and sttid bin* to the ler.atio asylum II a person of high standing squanders tils fortune in dissipation and dotes his career with stryohinne or a bullet, “ Temporary Aberration" is wbat was tbo matter with him . And, finally, as before noted, the list is capped with a new ard ciueius madotsa in tlio ahaps of wholesale culuUerv.

h not this insanity plea becoming ratber common I Is it not ao common that the render confidently expects to see it offered in every criminal caso that becomes before tho courts ’ And is it not so cheap, and -o cotr mon, and olten-so trivial, that tbo natter smdra ':i deridon when tho nowspa per nn n.intn It ? A rd Is iUnot curious to note bow very of tn itk' wins acquittal for the p isonor ? Lately it does not seem pos­sible lor a man to so conduct himself, beiore k lling nc other man as not to bo manifest­ly i.isiua If be iad,aabont tho stars, he is iasunc. 11 lio weeps uvrr agreat grief, bis frionds soako Ibe r leids and fear he is “aoj'Wghx.'’. -Lf, an boor after lha murder, ho stems i'l at i.,.-c. preoccupied and exci­ted, hois u-iqu..a,icnably insane.

Bciliv, «, ii - no went row Is not laws against r ior. nr a law agalttsl; insanity. Thorn i* w in, r ■ in- truo evd lies.

And the pcnb'v niiachod should Do im- pnHonmi nt. r.,'t lungmg. Tbeo it might I io tie th t.x t r nil1,* na i , \ ,iin>o r,f trying Gmcrnl C'(ire.-«s aa l in ■ tLno.al Bicklesea, ocCnuse Juries m *• lit lack them ap for brief term-, in deference to iho msjesty of, the law ; but it ts hot iikoly that any of U9 will ever live to see tho murderer of a seducer hanged. Perhaps, tf the truth wero con­fessed, few of us wish to live that long.

If I scam to have wandered Irom tnysnb ject and thrown in some mrp'.nsage, what do I ca e ? \V till these evidences of a wan­d-ring m nd j re-cnt to tho reader, am I to be deba* rod from offering the customary plea ol >-vanity V

M a s k T w a i n .


v e r , a a a 1 * f P t i r o l y f r * o f r o i n t h e F o i - s e n o o s a n d H o a l t f i - d e s t r o v i n g O ru § « * u s o d i a o t h e r H a i r P r e p a r a t i o n s .r e p a r a t i o n sT rin sp tren t and clear an crytU U U w\li ro;4p l\

the f* b rtc— perfectly s a i o , c l e a n sn d e f f l -c lo o t - d e o id e n t n m s L o o c l o a g b t f o r , and fooud s i !

I t restores and prercnta tho Hair from becom ing Gray, 'mp&rts n t o n fflo ssf oppesrtnco, rem oves DaodiaiT \e cool and relro»b ng o tbo hftad, checks the t a l i f/otn hvlUngofl. and ics lo re a Vl to a great e x ten t Brhen pernratorely lo s t ; prevents H osdschcs, cores al' H um ors, coioncone eruptions, and onnatn- rai heal.

'D IC , G , N T U T U , P t t e n t e e , ( I r o t o n l a o o l l o u , preprred cro'y by P R O C -r E f t iX H ^ '9 H K ( i g « G i o n e e i t e r , R l t i i ,T h e G e n tH n e p n t op i n s p»nol bo*t'e. m ade ox- p-eas)y fot i t , w uu iho o&me o f m e a:U cic b low n in ibe class. A s * yo o rD ro g g 's ts fo rN sm re1# H slrR o- fakistoniHro, tn d fako n o o l d e r . m»yl3dw2m

1870 hCr*>. -1870

Horthern Transportation Co.O F OHIO

w ill durin g t h e p r ts e n l season o f ni.vi- aDon nn (heir lin e uf

TW /ENTr f i b s : c l l s s

S T E A M E R S !K rgn !arsy, B :twcea

Gape Vincent and Chicago.A N D IN TE R M .K D IATE P O i. * u.

iThe/,<% STEAM ffiKS w lU fu tin two da'.Jy huoa f i o n Cflpo V in cen t, lo o c h 'c g a t

O s w e g o , C le v e la n d , T o led o , D e ­t r o i t , G len H a v e n , S h e b o y g a n ,

n iL W A V S S S , A N D CHICAGO.h e a v in g Capo Vince t dally o n a rrtv a lo f the e v e ­

ning tr a in from W atortow n, connoct1ng a t W estern U u e p o rts w'tta ft. K Lit-ce lor all ituinls HoQib w o e tsn d North w est, and a t C*po V in ce n t for all poio ts E ast, la n d in g at P or'a iu tbe St Liw re& ce ttiver o n tbolr u p and dow n trip. <

$ 7 o C h a n g e o f s t e a m e rB K T W iS kN •


L A K E P O R T S I ,Tbo Steam ers oftU le Com paoy

ARE UNSURPASSEDio r Pasecngerfi accom odatipb, h rv lo g



A leo G ood Cabine for SE CO N D C A S S P A 8 8 B F ! Q filtd .

Tickets Issned for all Points W est,

^ P ^ P lr e t c k u tick ets Inciudo Hoala and State rooms, *

Baggage Cheeked through ta Destination.

A G B N T 8 : J O H N R O O K iN O , Boaton, B R E E D A B A R L , N ew Y otk. G B U . A . R D D Y . OgdenabuTgb,

. A L L IS O N , Onwego,59.CH AH .F R E N C H , C H IL D S & U W. V . W A L K .B R 4 C O , N. J. XOtJjStC Dolrott.& H M a T H B W B . OlenJ I E W I s C U R T IS , n . J . H ALB. MMwnulcofi IL *IBPRSDQRPt±'M$.s,Jm.„ . .

. W . 23. BTTCBXD^’ Agasik A p r & d £ w 7 m Capo V incent N . Y.

PAINTS AND OILS GTass<3z; 'brushes

T .J .is & COFFEE8,l i O l B S 4 S V B D M ,

m oLAssta, s ric e s , &c.x m l * g cao raj ossertm eat of

G r o c e r i e s ,

A T W H O L E S A L E <fc R E T A IL ,

A t c h o v o r y L o w e s t F o s s i b l o P r i c o a


Great U. R Tea Co’s Teas,at t{ieJr W b oio a c f’ ricee. f m n 60 ccntato $1 80 pet

p o o s!, aod l\iae f t oar

OWN SELECTION.A ealstcd by o n o of th«» mo*‘ < xpcrt T ea Tastor^ h

the c ity of N«*w Yorfe.) Extra

F IRT E CHOPS,M o jn n Flavorft, a s rw ee t aa

■NEW MOWN HAY ,AJ1 o f w hicb w ith onr very

L A R G E S T O C KO F m i s c e l l a n e o u s a n d


w iil b e e o 'd a t B O T T O M PR IC ES. K E L L O G G & C O N G E R ,

No. 11 Woodruff Honse Janl7-d*w Watertown N. Y.

Q . U I I F R O Y S C O D L l V B B D K A ’ t i K E S

(Sugar Coafod IMDsof Cod L iver E xtra ct.A pec ect enb^lliuto for Cod L tv tr 0 l\ m ore effi­

cacious, more ro ro m ^ ca l, and free from a ll Ita dis­agreeable qaaU Ues, used in E n glish , F ren ch and ^m oiican l i o s p ’tale, and b ig k iy recom m ended by ’ lie Medical F acn:ty htro and In Europe. A pamph­let w ith fu ith er partlcn 'am and m any em phatic te*- t'monln'e from em tneot p h ysic ian s, who b avo nsod h e m , Bon on application.

T h o follow ing I* a -specim en o f tho reporta redelve ed dal]y fromUiO¥o w h o nso them :

G erm antow n, T en h . M arch IS, IFffi.Messrs. W a rd , Sontbcrland. A C o .— G on ta: If I

w ere not thoroughly convinced th at th o D rag’ees aro tae thm gm oal valuab le. I w onld m o st assuredly give jo a th o go -b .e . My w ife b y u s in g y o a rD ra g ’ees v o w ha* no m o r e h e m o rrh a g e s , i s r e s t o n d i n e t w j t h a n d j k t h , b u t V ie r e s to r a t io n o f t i e r c e p o w e r Is m ost rem a rk a b le . Y o ara reapectfuR y.

b . n. McKay, m. dt 0 f A 'lb rd cra addressed to N. N? Sm ith, Wholft.

sole A gen t,w ill rocc|rop itm ip tiattaatlM L*-spld3m '


r * ■ <’•&- ' <<A 4 !Vy, vt%

C O O K B O O K . H ,F O U S A U L ' S B Y

S T £ B i l I N Q S c MOSH3E3EI.E very doy C ookery fo r -S v e r j PAtnlly.

K x co L lo r Cook 13ouk uud ilcuaekocpevs A id .

Mra. B l.as, Practical C o o k Hook.

M rs. lla le 's Cook B o o b ,

Mra. H ill’s N ew C o o k Book.

W arno’e Me dol Cookery and H oosckccp ing Book.

Prof. B lo t’s P ractical C ookory.

M rs liood fe.low 's C ooking as i t shonld be.

K ltcbfia D irectory and A m e riia n Housewife*

A L S OlY ic ticn l F lo r ic a lta re ,b y H enderson.

^Gardening O r P rofit.

B a lsts F am ily K itch en Garden.April *2, 1870.



B U L B O B T H B M O N K , B y Otr*b*IOi-

Y O U N G B H E T L A H D B B A N D B IB ffO M E.

8 U B L IM B IN N A T U B B .

o l d 9 a b b i 6 n e d O ptT -

B S S 8 1B AM O N G T H B M O U N T A IN S .



G 0 U L B U K N 8 P U B 8 U IT O P H O U N K 8 S .


B B E C H E S ’b L E C T U B B ROOM T A L K s !

P R IN C IP L E S O P D O M E S T IC S C IE N C E , B y M lu C. B . B o tch er and Mra Stow e.

IN N O C K V rs A B R O A D . A new so p p 'y .

H E A L T H B t G O O D L IV IN G .

H AN D B O Q K O F S U L P H U R C U R E , f o t V in es sad U ree*. •

MEN A N D M Y S T E R IE S O F W A L L 8 T B K S T .

P . & A . J i . . P L O W P R ,

J U 8 T A f t f O M B I S T t

As a Iriend of Humanity

I W ISH TO SPEAK TO YOU(By Intelligent B e » 4 * n — l i r o o * 0’

Cholco tiro ce rie * tn d P m U l e o i , w ithont * s j these

intdbtt; *sj ot

A r c thtil v rtticliii” to ilipir )a,tee stpek- the lutost s tv le s uf F A S H fO N - A -B L E J E W E L l i Y , W atch es, Solid S ilv et- atul S ilv e r jilatoti w are, O lucks T a b le W a ro A c. W e call spectafc ftttoiitioii t j o u r la rgo s to ck of A tner- icari W a tch es, co m p risin g the How ard , W iu tlu u u tititl, A m erican , E lg in , N e w a rk and Unite-1 SttitoB Trove* merits. T h e I t . I \ & A . E F L O W ­E R W atch, m ade , xpresdy t o r ne by the A m e rica n Wsj-tvh Co » is a fine ClironouH'ti'u b ulan ee w ith all late im provem ents, and" warranted to k eep a ccu rate tim e, p rice $ 4 0 .— W e keep a la rg e a sso rtia en t o f L a ­dies G o ld (A m e ric a n a n d S w iss) W atch es ahd G o ld Chain s, a l l ot w hich wo w arrant b y sp ecial ce rtifi­cate. In C lo ck s, w e h a v e those ol E n glish , F ren ch , G erm an and A m e r ­ican M anu facture, a lso k e e p the Ith ­aca C alen der and th e celebrabd Seth Thom as C alen der C lo c k s , the best in th is co n n try . O n r Btock o f B y ­zantine, M o saic, E n g ra v e d and E n ­ameled J e w e lr y is tlie m ost co m ­plete in N o rth e rn N e w Y o r k . 1 8 Jk plain go ld

JHogagomeat and Wedding Kings,D iam onds A o. Iu K n iv e s , F o rk s nnd Sp oons, w e k eep n on e but tjie best q u a lity . S o lid s ilv e r, and 8 te el­bow S p ecta cles and E y o GlaB8e 3 — Our S ilv e r F lq te d w a r e is from tho celebrated M a n u fa cto ries o f the-Hfe- ridian, R e ed & B a rto n , a n d Go'rhgm Com panies. A l l o f o u r goods.- wo, warrant, aud i f an a rtic le ,d o e s ' mpt prove as rep resen ted w e w 9 1 rtfw yl the m on ey. OpDOsite th e ,A m erica n H otel. N o 1 C o u r t s tre e t . W a te r­town N . Y . .

N B . — W a tch e s a n d .Jew elry re ­paired b y e xp erien ce d w o rk m o n .— A ll a rtic les in g o ld , o r s ilv e r n e a tly engraved free of- c h a rg e . , ■* ’

a j >t j l t £ r a .t i o i ?b


sh o rt j y y x a m B i ,


T H B B B I T r rn A g ,r u j u i B T avzoaB .>

O L U A rraB T i i r a A R i .O ltB A iB M T B T B U I 9 .


A N O H t B A T B ,

Brar oflered tn NorttRn N.w lark. Goods ds-tlvotcd wlUiaut Bxu* Ctesrg*.

Teas Ten Pot Gent Cue a p a r!T it a n a n y s to r e U t t t . C l t >

COME AND TE&TN A T - S X A .T E .Z v r 13 NX’fc'B.

GEORG* W. LAWHEN0K. ii Court Slroet. WxtertowsuN.Y* O fAirtL


Pnper HangingslS h a d e s ,

Paper Curtains

C o r n i c e s , & c .

IN STOCK AND TO ARRIVEj'90,000 B o lls C om m on F a p .r ,

5.000 B o l ls B atin '1.000 B o l ls OUt “

800 P a ir s Opaqno B h a d -s .Our Stock ol WALL PAPERS, BORDERS, PAPBB

CURTAINS, SHADES, FIXTURES, TASSELS, ftc. was odver moro complete than now.

r*~ Wo aro prepared to hang paper parcluuod ol no, and pnarantco ibo work.

H A N F O R D <C W OOD.Btgn ot tha BIG BOOR.

Watortown, N. V.AprlllSVO.


No. 6 W ashington * t . W ataxrtowa-Woktopoo^kandsndnpply -


Poreone tteklnr Investments do *Atll tot see ui before PwehhUnf.

wa H A V E F O B S A L E

Missouri Valley Railroad EondA, int. 7 p er cent., gold.

Rookford, Rock Island <6 SSi, JLouis Ilaii Bonds.

Railroad Bonds endorsed by State o f Alabama, int. 8 percen t., gold.

Central and Union Pacific R ail Rood Bonds.

Potsdam <& Watertown, and R om , Watertown vfo Ogdensburgh Raih'oad Go. Mortgages. «-

Council Bluffs and fit. Joseph Railroad Col Bonds.

Persons desiring to sell or «e- ohange Government, or other Bonds can do so on the most favorable terms, at this lojjice.

Accounts o f Individuals, Goni/nt, nies and Corporations, received or\ Liberal. Terms. [

Certificates issuer’ bearing inters est.

Coil Drafts, Gold, Silver, Cana- dut B mi eg, and Coupons, bought and, sold. ' . j

CoUee-tions. made everywhere irt\ tho U. S. and Canada, a t the lowest!' rates, and a General Banking busi~\ ness transacted.

O R 1N C. FROST,Cashier'

T b csta u d iira reputation attained b y thlsuurhral. ed and in fa llib le Y m t Pow d er durin g tw e lv e year*past, ip duo to ita perfect purity . bealtbfuloe?« and econom y. P u t up In tine, a c tu a l w eigh t, as re­presented, and xrllllfr’Cp for years.

T ho q u an tity require** for ueo ts from one-fourth to o n e-n n lflcee »b«n o t '^ r Haiti**" Powdcrei

Bold b y G rocer* throughout thip U nited States.D O O L E Y & B R O TH E R *

M anufacturer* a o d Proprietors.69 N e w S l r u U N e w Kor|»

I n a t u r e s o w T v i t a u z e r I

i dtoun-.-to di*fljguNi „lilcwnttUi*

' J.P.DI 'EMN.WYMfc'vifcir,-

|£ 0 , FOB THB H O B ID A rs* J . W . P E C K ,

At the Old Stand,’No. 80 8tretter’i Block, Wonld Inform lbo citizens of Watertown, tbat ho

haa Just roc*lvod (ortho Holidays, a choice assort mont o f 0 O P Y 3 ? 3 3 0 T I 0 l 4 A I R ' S ’, which cannot bo excelled in qnnttty t» price,"by axiy honac in the city. Uc aleo lnvlroa attention to bie

Btopk o f O resn and D ried D ro its ,! Vegetable., Poollrj, ftc. Ho haa alto a aolertlcn ol

CHOICE FAMTZY aiiQCERIES,•hd PlroTislon., eonalstinc of Teat, Coffec»,Bng»r», Spites, 8jrnpe. Bot'cr, Chorw, Pork, Lard, j^ g a , and o tW article* o#o«lly keptln a fltttclaMGroce-

- ty, .Ths pshUc arc tnrltcd to cM\ ahd exhhiiM onr 'n o d a in d prices, which wilt compare ttra ttbfy twith MY honto to the city la (jttailty akftcltSaptie

- M .1


T HE UNDERSIGNED offer* for rale tbs Bond* of the Utica, CUttton and Blnehampton Rail

Road Company. They are tuned in rams ot IF UO snd $500, and hear tntetet*. at the rate of .even per cent, payable at tha Continental Bank In New York City, January 1.1 and Jnly l t, and ar?

raEEEKOMQOVjBENMBNT TAXThe road ran. from tt.dtyof wfea, tWWngMta*

Hartford, Clinton, Danavfije, Oflakany Falla, Sole*- vtlle. Bobckvtlle, Pedrtport ‘ind' Hamilton, to the Midland Railroad at 8mlth’n V.llay, and wUl term iho main connoctloh of tie Mlcl»na with Utica

Thc'mtsrtgage 1) for lea. than thirteen thoniand dolUr*permHe.and tattcveryreapecfa Era. clia* roenrttj. The Bonda aro offered at the low prip ol ntnetr cent* and accrued intereat, aad may be had at the National Union Bank, or *vth* Watemown; Dank and Loan Company, Watertown,

i OBO. B .AprRft.dSOT. ,!< : ...

i s^AsawewplFiffWwe’StamietiHii^eVe*', tut reeet»ed( In a>;k Cploie.

V B Saaronn ft co.

» B illIT S C T lt* |« .Tbcanbacrlber would Inform the pnbile IttaiT be haa opened an qfloe lnjtbd .. c--v.'-:

A g k k v lta n ii 't is i in iB e * 8olU U ai|rl| Where he wUlglvahia entire atteh tioa WtMhltlk

' ‘ il l '•ollcited. - JOHN HtMiS, |

Wattnown. April 5, u m

Vt iiiN lf iW ! ’

* ' Wiih fllU JV i

G r e a t l y R e d u Q g d te

1 ttJaFA sz .B « "« ir4 f!i ro a H B ,w a & i4 S * * r« x i

KST8, U4k*T0B«, T A t , xb iszv r ',B H » n u t» 'm - ■

-O A B f i B B O » X V S B rf,:v v /! ».-ii e.(«„:TTBN«>-XaADXtSB*-' ^

• N t t r U N V IM I .t* ; t/'tj LWith a tbooiandotteri

tarect from tto tlanulkctnrer'i and theywi’A l** ■ . ■. • v: * *

B O l T i i mI : ' h j tb .Don't hay' an artfcia of BUyar 1

one Mock xrter:' WE HAvE W^ANTEfD.! * "



B A is m s ,^

v«v'ir« Nvrrjlet. • ^tSOSfiSIIL,l -.-'s, .;|t .;a*• -k -xrifr-SS-.IM .■It

.. . ..-cj> u . •tatJaw-t&tLlLjfl'ji

O A s m D ’ . ,* • qvtrjFfrtcif. . . . . . . .

F x o F i i v i c


H6v. ii.lsfi*.

B S S S S W ^ ? ? 5 . . wt ,vs'-t f *« ■RTTER G ltlb J I W

than aver

a ^ iw e t l

P a i n t i n g , & c .




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j-j 0*2 btO o cj a Oj ^ g p ^ g

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ss ,*i inf wpVTit

Jfias bdojthf Panl StsAla'i khidaof p S jUR *ae»«ci«uraaduMrtutit'akjHhtAaali atid. Roti__ly c k s s d al ktodiCf,-Feed, Meal,M d ^ ta c b i& i hdaaaauteer .

m ~ Owtfc T t M {.k .O rm lak i

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