Old Dutch Game

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Old Dutch Game. And it’s called…. “ Spijkerpoepen ”. literally translated: “poop a nail”. What do you need?. 1. A piece of rope. 2. Some nails. 3. Some bottles. What to do?. Step 1: Tie the rope to the nail. Step 2: Tie the rope around your waist:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Old Dutch Game

And it’s called…..


literally translated:“poop a nail”

What do you What do you need?need?

1. A piece of rope.

2. Some nails.

3. Some bottles.

What to do?What to do?Step 1:

Tie the rope to the nail.

Step 2: Tie the rope around your


Step 3: Try to put the nail into the

bottle, you are not allowed to use your


Are you ready?Are you ready?

Get set……Get set……


Who’s gonna Who’s gonna win?win?

Yeah! I’ve won!Yeah! I’ve won!

Now you know how to play the

Old Dutch game: “Spijkerpoepen“Spijkerpoepen

”,”,have fun!