Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 7/Morrisville NY Madison Obse… · to the jcmog beat",...

Post on 16-Jun-2020

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B o r r o w i n g T r o u b l e * DISCONTENTED WITH 'EHPLOVMENT.—A. That was sensible advice which was giren young man who commences his life with

to the jcmog beat", portleJ to know bow to uot liking his business has no very promis-walk. 4' Shall I," said he, "move my iog prospect before him. Let such a ooo right front paw flrst^or. my left, of the two bolieve himself to be under immediate io-front paws first, or the two hiud ones, or ; flueuce of " an evil eye," and set about re-all four at once, and bow V The old she- leasing himself at once by a resolute refus bear came to bis relief with the advice . al to entertain any thoughts but such as "Leave off thinking, and walk.'' ; appertain to duty, clearly before him, and

It is Dot uncommon for men to place how to do it well and honestly. It is a themselves in the predicament of the young great mistake to expect greater happiness bear; to' involve themselves in ueedless to be derived from any other calling than complexities, by trumping up imaginary the one which ciroumstanoes have oombioed difficulties, or by timorously looking for- , to impose as an introduction to the respon-ward to the future. There are some who ' sibiiities of manhood. How many have appear to take pleasure in castiog a dismal ' made shipwreck of the fairest hopes by fee horoscope of their lot, and there is no oao bly giving way to the, delusion of being





C w K I t U A \ BITXJEUlSf


New Stock of G&©ds I * T O W N J J

—— • -' . . j

THE undersigned desires to notify his -friend* and the people generally, thai he has jus:

reiurnidltoin New Vork with a


To be above one's business is a mean pride that has its origin in indolence, betokens a dishonorable oareer, aod an end in bauk-

who does not suffer, more or leas, from j meant for better things thau keeping shop dangers aod perplexities, from trials aud sorrows, which have no real existence.

As a general thing, oue who is over-anx­ious about future aod doubtful duties, may I ruptcy if Dot in something worse be sure that he is shirking present and-plaio duties. It seldom happens that the duty of the present moment.cannot be dis­cerned If that is done, it becomes a torch, throwing light on the duty.next at baud

In every department of life, the habit of ^borrowing trouWe is fouud> .crippling action aod sound thought.

Life's A u t u m n . Like the loaf, lifo has Us fading.- "We

speak and think of it with sadness, just as we think of the autumn season. But there should be no sadness at the fading of a life that has done well its work. If we re joice at the advent of a new life, if wo wel come the coming of a new pilgrim to the uncertainties of this world's way, why should there be so much gloom when all these uncertainties are passed, aod life at its waning wears the glory of a completed task ? Beautiful as is childhood in its fresh ness and innocence, its beauty is that of untried life. It is the beauty of promise, of Spring, of the bud. A holier aud rarer beauty is the beauty which the wauing life of faith and duty wears. It is the beauty of a thing completed ; and as meo come to­gether to congratulate each other when some great work has been achieved, and seo in its concluding nothing but gladness, so ought we to feel when the setting sun flings backs its beams upon a life that has answered well life's purpose " When the bud drops blighted, aud the mildew blasts

the early grain, and there goes all hope of the harvest,- one may well be sad; but when the riponed year sinks amid its garn­iture of Autumn flowers and leaves, why should wc regret^or murmur? And so a life that is ready and waiting for the " well done'1 of God, whoso latest virtues aud charities are its noblest, should be given back to God in uncomplaining revetooce, wc rejoioing that earth is capable of so much goodness, and is permitted such- vir­tue.-/ . F. W. Ware,

« e — — — i — • — — m m m m ^ m m m m • — — ^ — ^ — —

IMPORTANT TO DAIRYMEN! Improved Clieese Press ,

THE subscriber having purchased the right-of manufacturing and selling

Comstock's Universal Press for Madison County, is now prepared to furnish to order any section ut the County with this Press on the shortest notice.

This press is a decided improvement overall oth­er Presses, having combined in its operation three of the great mechanical powers; arid presses the Cheese, be it large [or small, in the most perfect manner. This Press took the 1st P i e m i u m a i each of the two last Kuirs ot the Madison County Agri-luctural Society.

J J * C A P T I O U — A l l persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or. using this Press in Mailison County unless the name of the subscriber is on the same, as he has the exclusive right of the patent for this county. N . T . P A L M E R .

MorrisvilK Varch 20, 1862.

A C A R D . JG33T I w o u l d respectful ly inform m y friends

and patrons that GEOHUE MUNTJEll, M. O., has become astociated with me in my professional busi­ness, and will attend, to calls'for professional servi­ces maJe at tnjr Office. «»

Da. Mc.suKa has enjoyed unusual facilities for acquiring a thorough knowledge of his profession, and I can confidently recommend him to such as may requlro Medical or Surgical aid:

H. P. MEAD, M. D . Morrisville, Oct. 9, 1362.

r>Iu .Days of Old.-Q There was a lime—in days of old

When health was prized above fine gold, That day has passed—all now neglect

That precious boon all should protect.

Ofsense and reason all are bereft, Or it would appear there's but little left.

Apply it then to cure your ills By the immediate use of Herrick's Pills.

These remarkable Pills startle whole communities by their wonderful cures. Adapted to infancy, youth, manhood and old age. Put up with English, Spanish, French and German directions, elegantly coated with''sugar, purely vegetable, and sell in large family boxes for 25 cents.

$3r See advertisement of? 3d page.

D I . E D . In the Chesapeake Hospital, Fortress Monroe, on

the 27th ult,., of inflammation of the lun?s, Mr. L A -THROP S. PIERCE, of this village aged 33 years.;


DR. C. M. JACKSOX, Philadelphia, PI, W I L L ^ F F E C T U A L L Y CUBE

L I V E R C O M P L A I N T . D Y S P E P S I A ,

J A U N D I C E .

C h r o n i c or N e r v o u s D e b i l i t y , D i s e a s e s of t h e K i d n e y s , a o d al l d i s e a s e s a r i s i n g f rom

a d i s o r d e r e d L i v e r or S t o m a c h , such

as Constipa­tion, inward Piles,

Fuluess or Biood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach,

Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fuines* or Weight ia the Stomach, Sour

Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Fit of the Stomach, Swimming of the|Head, Hurried

and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in a ly­

ing posture, Dimness ol Vision, Dots or; webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in

the Head, Deficiency of Perspira­tion, Yellowness of the Skm and

* Eyes .Pain in the Side, Back, - j - Chest,"Limbs, dec , Sud-

, . - den Flushes ol Heat,-Burning in the

Fksh, • ' Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. And will positively prevent Yellow Fe ver, Bilious. *"ever, etc" ' " ~~~


They wil lcure the above diseases in ninety-nltio cases out of a hundred.

NICK STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, c o n s l w i a g o f



tints A* Caps, K E R O S E

Old Friends in the Right TUtC* / . HERRICK'S SGGAR COATED tUAsti


O ->5

v a jmr-

xt «S



The best family Oaths! f re la the WorM i s»*4 £ years by five mflUoflSt o p e r s o n annually i rtvrtfy* f ive satisfaction r eoirftld nothing lajarioa* j fhtroa-ised by the principal P h y ­sicians a o d Surged** l a the Unionr sWgamly coat­ed with (Agar. Large box­es, 26 c e n t s i fits b o t e s , one dollar. Full directions with estttr bo*. Warranted superior to aoy Pill before the public.

T A i t AH A M K I , Leon co., Fta., i d y l f , 1860. mp . * * . , T o p s . l U a a i c a , Albany, W. Y„— My Dear Doc-

*, isootfi «r Shoes, \ t i^ >iew lniproremcnU and Rtdufed Prices lut: \w,u* ««• to infmmtoa ot the woerfstftt «f. -Nfc. LAMP^> & O I L , I ' r i l h l o n g p e n d i n g p u t t s o f 4 h e W h C e l e r ter. For three yeara she has been afflicted with a

at greatly reduced prices I *" *- W l l s > « Company against irrtinflog manu- | bilious derangement of the system, sadly impairing ' faciurers having ALL been decided in the Company'* h « health, which hat been steadily failing daring

! favor, ih«y propose that the public shall be benefit- J "" *"* "" I ted by the dficlsloni of the United States Conns , and

L L J XV.il 1.5» SB QHSX'XX 'JUUQL^LI ; have it aierially reduced the price of their Machines-, ; as will be seen by the foll<rwi»g f'

NEW SCALE OF P R I C E S : N o . I—M-u!um, with Glass Fooie and Henimer,

S65.00; former price, J10O. N o . a — Black, improved, with Glass Foote and

Henimer, «56.001 former price, *75.00. N o . 3 - N j £ L * ) « h H e " l a , e r - * 1 5 ° 0 ; former price, . n „ e n l l r e , y w e „

that period. When in New York, in April bat , • friend advised me to teat your PHU. Having the fullest confidence it, the judgment of nay frlsnd, 1 obtained a supply of Messrs. Barnes A Park, Drug-^ist*. Park R o w . On returning home we e«ated alt other treatment aha administered your Pills, one each night. The improvement fa bet feelings, com-plexion. digestion, etc"., surprised us aJJ. A rapid and pvnnaneoi restoration to health Has" been the* result. We used less than five boitf, aWcons ider]

i consider the above a iuat trtb-

Notice. fFHE stockholders of the Caoastota and 1 Morrisville N e w Plank Road Qompan* ore. I Testifying of their own personal knowledge to the

requested to meet a the Ne lis House in Peteiboro, beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bit-

Induced by the extensive sale and universal pop­ularly of Hoofland's German Bitters, purely vege­table, hosts of ignorant Quacks and unscrupulous advemnrers have opened upon suffering humanity the floodgates of Nostrums In the shape of poar whiskey, vilely compounded with injurious dru,;*, and christened Tonics, Stomachics and Bitters.

Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic preparations in plethoric bottles and big bellied kegs, under the modest appellation of Bitters, which instead of curing only aggravate disease, and leave the disappointed sufferer in despair.

Ilooilanil's G e n u a n 1$liters Ard'not a new and untried article, but have stood

the lest of fifteen years trial by the American public, and their reputation-and sale ate not rivalled by any similar preparation.

The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most eminent




New Styles of Plaid,. Striped and Plain


. -; While Check*.

W O R S T E D G O O D S ^ 3 3 ,urilK< ,„„,., *,;,„ In great variety—Nubias, Sontags, Hoods, Lidie*' No-5—Cyl inder Machine on Plain TaSle, with i s „„<:„ - n t r r „Ki , i i , n , „ . , . . , „ ,

Vests, ail wool Hosiery, Varnrblack and white' ! Hemrner, S35.0O ; former price, S115. , l h • n , " , y ° U r o " ^ ' 6 " ' » « " » » ^ ^ M O S R i S O N . Scarfs, &o. A c . Every Machine will be sold complete with a Hem-

© © S G I B S ^ S O @ © ® © S . 3 «nej, a t . h e price advertised.

Prints, DeLaincs, bl Ticks, Denims

Twine, Ba

t i . , , . . M . ...<<... , , „ ' i ute to you as a physician, and trust it Will bo the i ^Large Machine on Plain TaMf. with Hem- j m c a n g ^ in ducl&g mafly w adopt your Pittf « t their

family medicines*. I remain, dear sir, with many

C l o t h s a We guarantee that the Styles and Prices cannot

be beat In the county of Madison. Als/J, T/ilM- \ MINGS for the same, as " cheap as cheap can bo." j

One Word to the Barefooted ! Our stock of B O O T S a n d S H O E S was never

larger and better, nor quite as cheap, as the Goods were bought in July, before the rise.

Our Stock of H a r d w a r e Is complete.—Nails, Glass, Puity, Spades, Axes,

Cutlery, Turntable Apple-Parers, and Livingston's Wood Saws, &c. &c. • "

jpernti their Machines delivered free of charge.

W. II. PILCH, Agent. Morrisville, Nov. ?0, 1861. 'iO

Dr. U . t t * 73"


on the 24th i n s t , at one o'clock p. M., for the pur­pose of eleoting Directors and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting.

F. M. Whitman, S. H. Covey, John Robertson, Inspectors of Election. Dated Dec. 3d, 1362.


Dissolut ion. [THE firm of BICKNELL & RICHARDS is X this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Books, Notes and Accounts will be found at the Store of the late firm.

J. B E N N E T T B I C K N E L L . JA'S G. R I C H A R D S .

Morrisville, Nov . 14, 1862. -

N O T I C E . Eaton (!$• Georgetown Plank Road.

A DIVIDEND of Four per cent: on the capi tal stock of this Road will be paid to the stock­

holders on the 20ih day of November instant, at the Office of the Company.—Dated Eaton, Nov . 4, 1862. • JOHN T . W H I T N E Y , Treas'r.

G R O C E R I E S . We have a large Stock, and will sell as low for

Cash as any Establishment in Town. TKA " a s is" T E A , fur 7s . per lb.- Please call and gel a sample. Also, S a l t , F i s h , P o r k , F l o u r , &c.

ij q' q Q Q t? A B i t . B A K E R ' S '

PAIN P/ANACEA, For (he Cure nj Pain,bolh cziernallyand internally.

The GreatesLJtain Cvring Remedy yet discov.ru/! Pain cannot long exist wkerc this Remedy is faith fully used I!

C f G I V E IT O N E FAIR T R I A L , And if you do not find it tabe all it is recommended go back to ilie agent and eei double the amount of money refunded ! This offer is mnrlc knowing that what this medicine has done in thousands of case*, it will do again. ' For PAIS in the Slnmach. Back and Bowels Burns, Bruises, Cuts and Swellings, Ciwlu, Diar­rhea and Rheumatism, Ileadachf, Toothache and Earache and Scura'gia, it cures almost instantly!

C H R O N I C D I S E A S E S , Such as Dyspepsia, Weak Breast, Liver Complaint

General Debility, Fever and Ague, Canker or Sore Mouth, Putrid Sore Throat, Weak Eyes, Spine and Kidney Disease, Old Sores, Coughs and Colds, d>a In the above named Diseasce, it only needs to be faith­fully used and a Cure is certain!

M o n e y Refunded I IMPORTANT TO*AOCSTB—Agents will And it great­

ly to their interest, and are at full liberty on first introducing DR. BAKER'S P A I N P A N A C E A , to give back the money freely if those who purchase it arc not fully satisfied; and may use it in their o w n families, or give a few bottles to their friends, that they may test its great merits over all other reme­dies,, and when once introduced they will find that they can sell large quantities of it. All agents write that when once introduced, their sales are large.— Families will keep it in their houses, and wi l l not be without it. • For sale by the Proprietors,

A. L. S C O V I L L & C O . . . - N o . 12 weat Eighth st., Cincinnati.

C. N . TUTTLC,. Auburn, N . V., General Aeent. T V Sold by W. S. Coman, Morrls-<11e ; R. Town-

tind, E a t o n ; . J . Donaldton, Ne lson , J. Fairchild, Cazcnovia, and by Druggists generally.

New Wheat Flour, OF DIFFERENT BRANDS, at the

lowest market price, andtrarranted, for sale by

MORTGAGE SALE —Default has been made in the payment of the sum of 8773.79,

which is claimed tu be due at the date of this notice on a-certain mortgage bearing date ths-ls i day-of April 15o7, execuied by Gideon C. Babcock, of Homer, Cortland county, N . Y., to Jedediah Bar-ber, of the same place, and recorded in Madison county clerk's office, in book-A. M. of mortgages, at page 236, on the 22d day of April 1357 : N o w thereiore notice is hereby given, that ihe premises described in said mortgage, v iz :— , l All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Cazenovia, Madison couniy, State of N e w York, described-as follows: being a part of Lot N o . 6 3 in Road Town­ship, beginning 120 feet east of the east line of Da-vid Smith's one acre lot, thence east seventy feet." thence north sixty leet to a stake, thence east six feet, thence north 105 feet to a stake on the west edge of the Cazenovia road, thence from said stake westerly on a right line with the Cazenovia road 80, feet to a stake, ihence south to the place of begin­ning, containing about 70 rods of land, be '.he'sume more or less."—will be sold at public auction) at the Lincklaen House in Cazenovia,-Madisort county, on the 20th day of February 1363, at 1 o'clock p. M.— Daied this 20th d;iy o! November 1362.

J E D E D I A H BARBER, Mortgagee. POBTER & NKWELL, Att'ys,

Homer, Cortland Co., N . V.


T H E Full and Winter Terra of this In i . Blitulion will commence on Monday, Oct. Glh, under ?he supervision of the former

P r i n c i p a l — O . E . W H E E L E R , ASSISTED BY M i s s L I Z Z I E B . H O W E ,

and other competent Teachers. The usual facilities Will be-aflordcd to N O N - R E S -

IDEST SCHOLABJ for obtaining a thorough practical Educauon. For particulars, apply to the Principal or Trustees.

I3T Parents and Guardians patroniz ng this Insti­tution are respectfully reminded that prompt and regular attendance will conduce very much to the improvement of those attending.

M. B I C K N E L L , H. S. P H E L P S , rTruiUes N . FOOTE,

September 18, 1862.

ters. From Rev. J. Sewton Brown, D.D., Editor of the

Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend

Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sutfi-cient reason why a man may not testify to the ben- j efus he oelieves himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus !

contribute to the benefit bf others. I do this the more readily in rej-ard to Hoofland's I

German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C M. Jackson ol this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were ] chietly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of I this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement I to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of theso Bitters, at the beginning ol the present ycir, was followed by-eVitlent relief, and restoration to a de-

"gr'ee'Of bodily and mental vigor which I had not.felt tor six months before, and hud almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for diicciing me to the use of them.

J. N E W T O N BROWN. Philadelphia, June 23, 1661.

Attention, Soldiers! A N D T H E F R I E N D S O F S O L D I E R S .

»We call the attention of ail having relations or f.iends in the army to lha fact that " H O O F L A N D ' S German Bitiers" will cure nine tenths of the diseas­es induced by exposures and privations incident to camp life... in the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large portion are suffering from debility. "-Every case of that kind can be reaaily cured by Hoofland's German Bitters. Diseases re-sulUng from disorders of the digestive organa are

j speedily removed. We have no hesitation in stut-ing that, if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost.

We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one of the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own lan­guage, " has been saved by the Bitters:"

PHILADELPHIA, Aug- 231, 1362. Afessrs. Jonts d/ Ecans.—Well, gentlemen, your

Hoofland's German Bitters has «aved my life.— There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by

WZ3 H A V E ON H A N D Ready-Mado Clothing, '

Carpets and Oil Cloths, Oil Shades and Wall Paper,

Hoop Skirts, School Books, Ladies & Gents* Fur Goods,

Notions, Wooden Ware, Pat. Medicines, Paiuts, Oils.

&c. in. &c. ore. &c. etc. &c. &c. &c.

sold by druggists and merchants in* all parts of the United States, Canadas and South America, and may be obtai name.

mined by calling for them by their fall Da . R. L. HERR1CK ± CO., Albany.

G * Sold by W. S. Comna, MortUvllle. 88

The Early Physical Degc'iKsracy

JUS? PtiftLi MED Bf r)R. ST0NE, l ' . l jysiclan to tire T r o y L u u g sfud H y g i e n i c ln - i

tftltatev A Treatise on the Causes of Early Physical Decline

of American People; the Cause of Nervous De­bility, Consumption and Marasmus. .

This work is one of high mtfrai iortt, written irt chaste, yet thrilling language, and appeals directly to

1 the moml consciousness of ALL PASX.HTS and Guar-

TH E above valuable Medicine baa boen used by tho Inventor in bis

practice with unparalleled success for over thirty years, and never In a alnglo Instance, (and a contradiction la chal­lenged,) failed to produce the desired i dianx especially, detailing scientific and reliablt aids effi-ct. In many Instance* when tho , and treatment for cure.

It will bo sent by. mail o n receipt of two 3 cents Stamps. , O Parents and Guardians! fail not (o send' and obtain this book.

O * Young Men ! fail not to send and get this book. O * Ladies! you too should at once secure a copy

of this book.

Please call and examine our Stock and Prices.— ! We will do our share of makinjr these hard times easy.

H . \ V . C I I U B B U C K . W E S T EATQW, Sept. 22, 1862;


AS we are about to make a change in our; •J3*'For Jafoby W. Business, we offer our remaining i Donaldson,.Nelson; .


JC^jT'-We would say to all those having un- j paid No>es and Accounts due us, that we earnestly i request them to call und pay us immediately, as wc are anxious to close up our business by the first ol January next. i

B I C K N E L L & R I C H A R D S . Morrisville, October 20, 1662.

Clothing! Clothing! CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS,

A N D -


patient baa be«n given up, when all other uio'licliits or pretended efficacy bad failed to render any rrllef, thrf medicine haa boun adminL>tor«d.tq tho

Immediate Relief of the Suft&wr! Advantages this Remedy has over others":

D r . K e l l o g g ' s W o r m Teat

Is ontJr^lyfrco front all Mercurial propertief.

D r . Ke l loKK'o W o r m T e a

Can bo given to the weakest coiiatituttons without danga:»

- D r . K c l l o g g ' j W o r m T e a

Is pabtablo !»nd cosily administered to children.

D r . K e l l o f r g ' s W o r m T e a

Is mild In Its operation, and never falls to effoct a cur*.

With •__ D r . K e l l o R g U W o r m T e a

It Is not necowary to give jihjsic to carry off raarcury or other deleterious drugs from tho stomach. And "last, though uot luoat,"

D r . K e l l o g g ' s W o r m T e a fa recommended by the nio«t reepeclable and iklllful phy­sicians In our country, who havo watched its course and seen its unparalleled success.

Go to the Agent* and procure a Pamphlet with certifi­cates, and if you valuo the health of jour family, nevar-bo without a package, in your bouse.

C. H. TUTTLEV Amt;ax, N. Y., General Agent.

S. Coman, Morrisville; John L. 1).. Cobwn, Carenovia ; E.

Townsend, Eaton ; J. Watson, Pcterboro, und by deaters In medicines generally. 9H


fpHE subscriber having returned to his L Old Stand, two doors east of Phelps &. Dana's

Store, is ayain ready lo oirer one of the BEST ASD LARGEST STOCKS OF

CLOTHING this market,—consisting of every


ever offered in kind of



N O T . 29. YV.P. C H A M B E R S

Work for the JLadics:

BY calling at G. E. CUMMINGS'S STOKE in Morrisville, the Ladies will find Army 1-2 H o s e

from H. C. HOWE'S Faciory at Pratt's Hollow, to be made, for which they will receive 50 cts.Cash. per dozen pairs. Oct. 16, 1862^

numbers of my comrades, some of whot>e names are appended, and who were fully cognirmt of all the k R £ / \ D Y"IVI A D E circumstances of my case, t am, and have burn for the iast four years, a member of Sherman's cel­ebrated battery, and under the immediate command of Capt R. B. Ayers. Through the exposure attend­ant upon my arduouajiuties, I was attacked in No­vember last with infUmation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This was fol­lowed by great debility, heightened by an attack of djrsentery. I was then removed" from* the White House , and sent to this c'ny of board the steamer " Sjate of Maine," from which 1 landed on the 28th of June. Since that time I have been about as low as any onecould be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow anything, anJ if 1 did fori e a morsel down, it wag immediately thrown up again. .

I could n> t even keep a glass of water on my stomach. Life could no< last under these circum­stances: and, accordingly, the physicians who had been working faitlifu.ly, though unsnccessMly, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frank­ly told me they could do no mora form.', and ad­vised me to see a clergyman, and to make such dis­position of my limited'tunds as best suited me.—

1 An acquaintance who visit me at the hospital, Mr. I Frederick Stcinbroti, Sixth below Arch otreet, ad-i vised mc, as a forlorn hope, to iry jrour Bitiers, and

kjndly procured a bottle. From the- time 1 com­menced taking them the gloomy shadow of death

1 Tho only really reliable remedy for HKAVKS, ! C O U G H S , C O L D S , T H I C K and B R O K E N

' W I N D , or any complaint a l t c t i o g the wind of | Horses; also for

, , , . . „ „ . t l . I W o r m s , Y e l l o w W a t e r , 1\OBS o f Appet i te , - t F a l l a n d V V l l l t e r t / 1 0 t l U I l £ f .and all derangements of the D i g e s t i v e O n n n s . As

which I can and will sell a« low, for Cash, as can ! a Condition ^Icdicinc it has NO E Q U A L , as all • be bought anywhere S r r ^ n n v i V p ' S f i " has restored to PER-

I would call especial attention to my stock of P E C . 1 S O U N D N E S S , thousands ot Horses sup-I

A W o r d of S o l e m n Conseleutlo-tra Advice' ia • .those w h o w i l l reflect*

A class of maladies gfevail to a fearful extent1 let community, doomin* at least lOO.OOo* youth" oT both saxes annually to an early grave. Those 'Mf • f t * are very imperfectly understood. Their external manifestations or symOtoii'rd are Nervous Debility* Relaxation and exhaustion ; Marasmus or wasting and consumption of the tisanes of the whole body i shortness'of breathing, or hurried biearfhfog on as -eending a hill of flight of sfarrff, gfeat palpitation of the Hear*; Asthma, Bronchitis aad sore Throat i shaking of the Hands and Limbs, avclskm1 to soci­ety and to business or study ; dimness of Eve sight,

i loss of Memory, dizxiness of the Head, Neuralgic Pains in various parts of the feodyr Pains i n the)

! Back or limbs, Lumbago, Dyspepsia or Indigestion* IrregnlarTfy of the bowels, deranged' secretions'or the Kidneys and other glands of the body, sa Leucor-

jrhceaor Fleur Albus, cec Likewise Epilepsy/ Hya-» : teria and-Nervous Spasms.

Now, in ninety nine eases ofrt Of everr one hun­dred, all the above named disordbrs, and a host o f others not named, as Corrsumrtilon of the Lungs and that most insidious and wrly forip of Consumption of the spinal actves known as Tabes Dbrsales and Tabes McSentrica, have their seat and orlgft. in dis­eases of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of success on the part of oW school practice m treating symptoms only.

Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Ltmg and Hygienic Institution, is now engaged m trearp ing this class of modern rrraladVes with (ne most a s ­tonishing success. The treatment adopted by lha ln*iituiinri is new r ft hr based upon scientific prin-

j ciples, with new discovered remedies, without min­erals or poisons. The facilities of cure are such* mat

• p iticnia can be cured at their homes, la s a y part" o f 1 the country, from accurate descriptieae-of mew case? I by letter, and have the medicines sent them by mail ! or express. Printed Interrogatories will be forwaf-[ ded on application.

Q - Consumption1, CafarrrV,. and Diseases; of the? I Throat cured as well at the home of patients a s a t

the Instifution', by sending" the Cold Medicated l n -' HALtyti BALSAMIC VAPOBS, with inhaler, and ample j direciions for their use, and direct correspondence!

£Jj" Puiinpis applying lor interrogatories or advlc* must inclose return stamps, to meet attention.

0 " T l i e attending Physician will be found at tho .Institution for consultations f rona9x .au to 9 f. au ; of each day. Sunday In the forenoory.

Address, DR. A N D R E W STONK, Physician to tho Troy Lung and Hygienic Insti­

tute and Piiy.'ueMKV.Xor Disease* e4 the Heart, Throat and Lungs, 9% Fifth street, Troy, N . T.

T O F E M A L E S *

M r s . D o o t r e s s 8 t o n 9 , T H E MATRON O F T H E r N S T l T F T l O W ,

Who is thoroughly read and posted in> the pathology

J of the many afflictive and prostrating maladies o f


Just Published, in a Sealtd Envelope. Price, Six Cent*.'

A L E C T U R E OH THB N A T D B S , T B S A T H S S T AND Ksdlcal Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal

Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Msrriage generally, Nervous-

F. . * . « , , , , , , . . r *-. / * « m r t i 11m ness,Consumption, Epilepsy snd F i t s ; Menial and

A R M F O R S A L E O R T O L E T . jPhvs i c . l lncapsc i . v . rc .ur t ina fro .nSe l f .Abuse .^c , ^ 7 , i L -V ? * t i i , Y I - f i y ROBT. 7 . C V L V E R W E L L , M. D., Author f r i l B a u b ' o n b e r of fart t o , S e l l , L e a s e . - or 0 j ^t Qrun Bookt «f-c L Let on Shares, the FArlM on which he now j The world renowned anthor, in this sdmlrable

Uvea. Said Farm is situated two miles east of I Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that Erievtlle, contalnaover three hanared aeres, Is in a I the awful consequences of Se l -abuse may be efTec-fair state of cultivation, over 100 acres can be mow- > tually remuved without medicine, and without dan-ed with a machine, 40 or 80 acres for plowin?, will ' gefogs surgical operations, bougies, instruments, keep from 400 to 600 Sheep, 18 or 20 Cows, Voung ! rings, o> coidiatf, pointing out s mode of core at

once ceriain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cor* himself cheaply, privately and radically. Thia Lec­ture wilt prove a boon to thousands snd thousands.

Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to aoy ad­dress, on the receipt of six cents, or two postsgs s t a m P . , b y . d d r e s . l n g c H A g j c K

12T Bowery, Nev Ver*, Pott Oflc* Hox 4->86.

Cattle, Teams, d t c , that being the amount of Stock now on said Farm.

The Stock will be sold or let with tits Farm, or ..w.-w^.-=njotto jost a* we can a*ree.

A small Farm, or House snd Lot, would be taken , _ _ „ _ — % , part payment, aod any credit desired will be given

for most of the pu'ehase money. Any one wishing to dicker for a good Farm, will

please call on the subscriber, who will show tho premises and give any desired infortrraii'm-* P * J E R E M I A H BLAIR.

Nelson, Oct. 8, 1962. _ t _

F a n c y Cassimere*. UBtVl 1UST RECEIVED a good assortment—

J for sale for Caah or exchange for sood Wool—at Aug. 16. GURLEVS.

Diaries for 1863 ii»ti, wboW


w m i i c i t " » w « -f<AN U foond, of til liiti, wbolmit. and VrtulUt - — - » . » r

DIARIES for 1 W 5 - O f various kindx.foi • • » • c h e a p M GOTHIC HA7.K-

S A P O N I g J I f i U ! — The Ready Family »oap Maker.

W ITH which every family, with their ordinary, kitahaa *raaae can make all their Soap with I Principal OMceand Manufactory, No. 631 Arch

little or noTroubU^Word, Sap or Fancy. It will street. JONES dr. EVANS, (s-oooee*x)rs to C. JL make hard water *>£ c.eao^.iot, remov. OrtMe, Jackjo^A ^ g ^ j g j , ^ M o f r i t t U k | i M b f

Droggista aac! Dealer* la ever f to wo Ut u\e Ooltsd

receded, and I am now, thank God for it, getting better. Though 1 have taken but two bott les , ! have gained ten pounds, and feel ejnguine of being

f trmiued to join my wife and daughter, from whom havo heard nothing for eighteen monjhs; for, g i n

tlemen, I am a loyel Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Koy.il. To your invaluable Bitscrs I owe the certainty of llfo which has taken the p lace of vsgue fears—to your Bitters will 1 owe tho glorious priv­ilege of sgain clasping to my bosom those who arc dearest to me in life. Very truly yours,

ISAAC MA L O N E We fully concur In the truth of the above atate-

ment, as we have despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health.

JOHN Cuooi-taACK, 1st New York Battery. GEOROK A. AcfLBY, Co. C, l l th Maine. L e v i s CHEVALISB, 92d New York. I. E. S r s s c s e , 1st Artillery, Battery F . J. B. KAsew«t*,Oo. B, 3d Vsrmont. I U M V H JKROMK, CO. B, do. HtsRT T. MACDOXALO, C O . C, 6th Maine, JoHtt F W A S D , C O . E. 6th Maine. H S S M A * KOCH, CO. H, 72d New York. N A T H A K I B L B. THOMAS C O . P . 95ih Penn. AIVDBBWJ. KIMBALL. Co A* 3d Vermont. JOHH JtsiKtirs, Co. B, 106th Peen.

BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! See that the signatare of " C . M . J A C K S O N " is

on the wrapper ot each boula.

Price per BotiU, 75 c/*\, or half doz./or 34. Shook) any drngfrHt not have the article, do not

be pot off by any of the Intoxicating preparations that may be offered In ita place, bat send to us, and we will forward, securely packed, by express.

Tricot, Beavers, Cassimercs fy Vestings of every description and color. My stock of FUR­N I S H I N G GOODS is complete witli Gjods new and desirable for both old nnJ young.

j E r C U T T I N G and M A K I N G done in the lat­est btyle, with despatch, and warranted, as usual.

I would air.tin thank my numcious friends and patrons for their patronage; and hope by attention and energy ro merit a'continuance of the same

W. II. PILCH. MoHBi6vrLLB, Sept. 15, IS62.

p^scd lo be broken down and almoM worthless, all ( traefs of dheaso having been completely re -coved, , . . . » - . -, ! and Itrrve afterwards b.-cn softf for from So'O'to S100, i rm>r,e. m«jdenr orrgln, will devoie excltrslre attention

more than, .they would havo previously brought. ! l ° , , u a tlass of diseaaes peculiar to her ae». ^Ameeig . Many persons who deal in horses use it, by which t h e »nanr diseases daily met with, and whreirV ahsj

the condition and appearance of iheir Horses are so l r M ! ' w f t hJ unheardI of s u c c e s v a r e chronfC utfBam-

(irroch improved ihat they sell more readily and for "WJi""-"8<1 u , c " , ' I O B •». r 5 e ' l 0 " * ' , . _ . Ifiaher prices. It is easy 10 give, S t'RK T G C U R B , I . ^ * A^*°' l , , ° Medicated Ascending D o t K » , » M p e t

ved to tho Room9 over PiiEi.rs s Store, and has just received from

r i i i i j p HAimavV MERCHANT TAILOR, JTAS rcrno II <fc DASA'I New Vork a New and Clviiee Stock of

Spring and Summer CLOTHS, CASSIMERES,

V E 8 T I V G 3 and T B I M M T N G S , which ho will make to order, in the

Latest and Most Fashionable Style, and on the most reasonable terms.

I E J 5 * C u t t i n g a l w a y s p r o m p t l y d o n o , and Garments msde with despatch and In the be*t and moat substantial manner.

MorritT tiltsVJfT, 1802.

WMi H E N D R I C K S ,

RESIDENT DAGUERREAN, • JfiorrisviUey ^V. \ \

and sifc at all limes und in all cascs r arxl 4o^t not prevent tha-Iiijr5C_frorn being worked while u^ini;

, i t . it may l ikcwiaeEe "given f o H O H N E D CAT-I T L E .

Do not f;til to purchase a Package, that yoa may ' liavc it on hand1 in case of emergency.

J>. W . I1URT>, 9 i Mnidtn Lane, N . Y., SOLB PaoPBrBTCir.

C. N. TVTTLB, Auburn, N . Y., General Agent. O * For snle by IF. S. Coman, Morrisville; J

. Donaldson. Nelson ; /v. l>. Cvtmrn, Cazenov i a ; llnrhans .f- llli,s, BouckOllc ; J. J. FoOle, Hamil­ton, and all dealers in medicines. 99

IV YOU WANT (JOOD CLOTHING, get Grain's AH Wool Cloth, tho best and cheap-

eat n>r »e vice and durability,—at Ant:. IS. OURLETS.

•$\ V. Central Mills F lour , PllOM WLitc and Hed Wheal—the bost 1 in ihc market. For sale low by

April W5r W. P. C l f A M B E R S . '

[ Lar^c and wcll-seleotod ssaortraent of •» Paper Hangings and Bordeiings,

Feb. -A. IS62. P H R L P S dr. D AN A.

Boots a n d Shoes* T H E subscriber has just received- a large 1 stock of

Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, of all kinds, which he will sell al very low prices, f o r e o ^ . W M . P. C H A M B E R S .

n i I A W 1 , B i n n o ^tDDftTVDP* i K n H 0 P BAGGING, Brimstone, Twine, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTTPES AND t l SKSSATIOS PRISTS, SIM.PSV yard.-

M B L A I N O T Y P B S Al*>, a fresh stock of GHOCJSHIUS, just recelv-

*«., to perfection. *WMb3f. CHAMBERS. McrrisvlUa, Juas 14, 188V ?:•«•«• 30

Taken in the best sty!e of tho Art, and on the most reasonable terms.

Pictures Copied on an enlarged sis* from the original Picture.

Cr RooMs-Over H. Royco'a Jewelry Store, and visiters are Invited to call and eiamlno specimens^cheep f»ir the ready. snd prices. July il 1982.

ed by A m . ». 1861 P H E L P S A D A N A .

ShIr(s a n d Drawers ,

L E A T H E R ! L E A T H E R ! A Large lot. of SOLE AND UPPEB

n L E A T H E R , aod S8Q& PEGS, tost te-L E A T U K R ,

oeived and for sal* ch r " Auf. 20,1842.



1 • oa, Csoatoia.

I Ha«T the best assortment of Shirts and Drawer* of any one in town, which 1 am selling

eap for the ready. Conae and see. Deo. 9, 1861. J. S . O P R L t Y .

> Malted Rye Coffee* "" IUST tRCKIVED, aod for sale aA

J March 28,'62. QAMBERS* ' " »" • l y i i t ' ! • ! • • •

pALL and get as Aimajua pV )8&2 st

important curative, for arousing the neivoue forces. Price, Si and • « .

Females can correuk Mrs. Doctreasj S tove , coao> dentialiy, by letter or personally. Addrssm

Mas. N . O. S T J N a V a ? . D . , 79 Matron to the Institution, Troy, Pi. Y ,

Jf V TJLt.EGiZJLPBLl — - - i •


Mason and SIidcll given up!—No War icith England*I

BUT the eitizeos <rf ibis Yiirtgv *rt too iurrounding coumry are roehioaj so Use

Peoples' Flour sad Fred Depot of the aubscriber, where they can ffnd a W i s ssoek of White, Hed and Spring Wheat FLOUOT

Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Aborts, SHOBTS, A C . , for sale at the lowest mevket ] - \ y FLOVB delivered in- the vHtage free of <

Wai V, CH AM MRS. MorrtcvWe, Jao.t, 1801,


SEWING MACHIKBB.: Sr.v) Improvements, • at gsffkami Prices I

TH E WnaatBB a W S L S O U MairorACToBii»eCei«-raVr havlag asd«a4 A S A thjeir t o l a a t law, w i t h

Infringing manufacturers of S e w r a g W t t f i h t s . pro­pose that the public sha l l be seaalstsurtaaTaby, sfod have aooor«a«ry radaoad the prieeeof tae i rSewing Maehiaee. After thie date th«g wUI be s o U M r%t— that will pay a a i r profit o a she cost of anaaWswatsy eap lu l Invested, aod eapenae of making e a l e n M s a prices a s w W saabte Ussaa ro make a » f aease ma*' chines, and, ea horetofera, goaraaase toeaslsv every par tic alar. ,

O r W r f r p i L C B . Agent for WorrarBai and vft. cinity. N o v . Ia\ kfitl.

rwrrrr ——

4 . N'-a

200,000* 8PIKGLSS11 miVQLX* l U)K bate oabio i end for sale at t U I I MorrUvllls f oandr "**

gmes first a^allty, rtgfci H » u , o . « . » 1


• • . • *

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