Old Testament Studies I Homework - New Covenant Agape ... · 9. The Bible is a supernatural book....

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BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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STUDENTS STUDENTS: If you are not born-again, please refer to the Salvation message at the beginning of your Course Commentary. Be sure to read the Commentary thoroughly at least twice. Please write your name on each homework sheet, each quiz, each exam, and on any other work that you submit. Be sure to check grammar, spelling and sentence structure on all work you submit. Grading is based on homework, quizzes, exams, grammar, spelling, attendance, participation, etc.


{ The Bible as pertaining to the course and look up the READ: { Scriptures referred to in the commentary.

{ Commentary and text books if required for the course.

{ Homework, which can be done open note. Answers to homework { questions are found in the course commentary and/or Bible.

COMPLETE: { Quizzes and exams are to be done by closed notes. { Essay/term paper, if applicable, according to the { requirements of the study level of the student.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 1, Introduction-Chp. VI Name_________________________ 1. The Old Testament was given to complement the New Testament. True or False 2. The _____ setting of Christianity is furnished by the Old Testament. A. Historical B. Geographical C. Political D. All of the above 3. God moved among Israel before Christ. True or False 4. To know the Old Testament is to know the religious, geographical, and in part the political setting of the New Testament. True or False 5. The Old Testament is especially valuable for its inspired record of origins. True or False 6. The Old Testament tells nothing about origins. True or False 7. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for, except: A. Preaching B. Teaching C. Reproof D. Correction E. None of the above 8. The plan of writing Scriptures originated with Moses. True or False

9. The Bible is a supernatural book. True or False 10. In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to man through: A. Conscience B. Nature C. Indirect conversation D. Holy Bible E. Both A and B F. Both C and D 11. The Old Testament contains 33 books written over a period of 1,000 years by 25 to 30 different authors. True or False 12. All but a few of the Old Testament books were written in: A. Greek B. Hebrew C. Egyptian D. English 13. The Old Testament was originally written in consonants and vowels. True or False 14. Why did God possibly allow the destruction of the original manuscripts? _______________________________ _______________________________ 15. Canonization is the country east of Israel. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


16. _____ was a major food in the cities around the Sea of Galilee. A. Turkey B. Fish C. Fruit D. Nuts 17. The Israeli people ate _________ meals a day. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 18. In the Old Testament times, people traveled alone. True or False 19. Place L for Law, P for Prophecy, or H for History in front of the correct Old Testament book. ____ Exodus ____ Chronicles ____ Ruth ____ Samuel ____ Isaiah ____ Numbers ____ Ezekiel ____ Genesis 20. Psalms was the longest book of the manuscripts. True or False 21. What is the main purpose of the Old Testament? A. The study of the Law B. To recognize the Truth C. Reveal who God is D. None of the above 22. God never acts contrary to His manifold nature. True or False

23. By faith we must see God as the ever changing one. True or False 24. Israel was God's divinely called and favored nation. True or False 25. All history is in God's sovereign control. True or False 26. Israel, for the most part, ________ God's purposes during the 1500 years of its Old Testament career. A. Succeeded B. Passed C. Triumphed D. Failed 27. __________ is the key subject of the Old Testament. A. Redemption B. Transmission C. Revelation D. Canonization 28. Christ was literally, according to the flesh: A. The Son of David B. The Son of Abraham C. The Promised Seed D. All of the above 29. One of the way's God revealed Himself in the Old Testament was through miracles. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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30. While Genesis shows origins and God's first words to man, Revelations show Jesus: A. As the gentle Lamb of God B. Enthroned as King of Kings and Lord of Lords C. As the Savior of the world D. None of the above 31. What was promised to Abraham in the Old Testament? A. Instruction for the people on how to look pleasing to God B. Details of Christ's birth and ministry C. Deep truths of new life in Christ D. Blessings for the new nation 32. God's book is timeless in its application. True or False 33. In 2-4 paragraphs, on a separate sheet of paper, give your opinion of how Abraham came to faith to receive the promise of his son, Isaac? Your answer should not exceed 1 page.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 2, Chp. VII - GENESIS Name_________________________ Match the following: ____1. The ungodly sin continued ____2. The ungodly to be destroyed ____3. The curse on Canaan ____4. Noah worships God ____5. The ark is entered A. Results of the Flood B. Causes of the Flood C. The Flood D. After the Flood E. Judgment of the Flood 6. The family lines after the flood were: A. Japheth B. Shem C. Canaan & Ham D. All of the above 7. The Abrahamic Covenant is recorded in Genesis 15, the key chapter. True or False 8. God had no beginning. True or False 9. A ________ is a historical fact that illustrates a spiritual truth. A. Illustration B. Sample C. Type D. Theory 10. Adam is the head of the old creation; ________ is the head of the new creation. 11. When did marriage begin? A. After the flood B. Genesis C. Leviticus D. None of the above

12. Genesis gives the beginning of life, death, sin, and redemption. True or False 13. According to Genesis 3:15 "and I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed", who is "I"? ________________ 14. Israel receives the promise of a great land. Where is this promise recorded? A. Genesis B. Exodus C. Leviticus D. Numbers E. None of the above 15. Genesis is divided into ___ great events and ___ great people. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 16. The four great people of Genesis were: A. Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth B. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph C. Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel D. None of the above 17. God is revealed as a finite, eternal, self-existent being who is the first cause of all that is. True or False God's specific reasons for creating the world are: 18. ___________________________ ______________________________ 19. ___________________________ ______________________________ 20. ___________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


21. The culmination of God's purposes in creation is recorded in the Book of Ephesians. True or False 22. The teaching of evolution is scientific. True or False 23. Bible-believing Christians must also reject the theory called "theistic evolution." True or False 24. Man but not woman was created in the image and likeness of God. True or False 25. Human beings are divine, since they have been made in the image and likeness of God. True or False The two trees in the Garden were: 26. __________________________ 27.___________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 28. God's command in Genesis 2:16-17 was given to Adam as a moral test. True or False 29. In Noah's day, the character of human sin was: A. Sexual lust & murder B. Violence & murder C. Sexual lust & violence D. None of the above

30. Through His Covenant, God promised Noah that he would be saved from the judgment to come upon the world. True or False 31. The call of Abram ends an old chapter in the Old Testament revelation. True or False 32. Abram's call involved only an earthly land. True or False 33. God's promise to and blessing on Abram extended to only his descendants by faith. True or False 34. Isaac, the son of promise, was finally brought to Abram and Hannah. True or False 35. The name "Yahweh-Yireh" means "the Lord will provide." True or False 36. The birthright consisted of: A. Leadership in worship and headship in the family B. Double portion of the inheritance C. Title to the covenant blessings God promised D. All of the above 37. God's special covenant name revealed in the Bible is "Jehovah-tsidkinu." True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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38. Faith is required to receive and maintain the covenant blessings. True or False 39. The Covenant God cut with Abraham was an everlasting covenant. True or False 40. Genesis is one of five books called _____ or referred to as: A. Five-fold vessel B. Torah C. Pentateuch D. All of the above 41. "Pentateuch" literally means five-fold vessel. True or False 42. The Pentateuch's theme is: A. Historical B. Legislative C. Spiritual D. All of the above Match the following Old Testament Book to the correct adjective. _____43. Genesis _____44. Exodus _____45. Leviticus _____46. Numbers _____47. Deuteronomy A. Preparation B. Legislation C. Beginnings D. Testing E. Deliverance 48. Moses did not write Genesis during his stay in Egypt. True or False

49. Who penned the five books of The Law? A. Joshua B. Aaron C. Moses D. Noah E. None of the above 50. The location of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8) was on the Tigris River. True or False 51. Noah's ark "rested upon the mountains of Ararat" according to Genesis 8:4. True or False List the following events in the order they occurred. ____52. The flood ____53. Creation of the heavens and earth ____54. The birth of nations ____55. The fall of man ____56. Generations of the heavens and earth 57. The world of Genesis 11 was in spiritual darkness without hope. True or False 58. One of the prominent things in God's dealing with Abraham was the testing of his: A. Constitution B. Thinking C. Character D. Personality E. Intellect

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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59. Which of the following patriarchs is considered the most complete type of Christ? A. Abraham B. Isaac C. Jacob D. Joseph 60. In 2-4 paragraphs, on a separate sheet of paper, give your opinion why God brought the ten plagues against Egypt. Your answer should not exceed 1 page.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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Homework 3, Chp. VIII - Exodus Name________________________ 1. Moses confronted Pharaoh: A. With the Word B. With a gun C. Through tornadoes D. All of the above 2. Israel's response to the Covenant was to remain faithful, never willfully breaking it. True or False 3. God renews the covenant with Israel in the Book of Exodus. True or False 4. The Book of Exodus is the second report of God's deliverance of Israel. True or False 5. The deliverance from Egypt is a beautiful type of the sinner's redemption from the bondage of sin. True or False 6. Moses is a type of Christ according to Deuteronomy. True or False 7. There are six types of Christ in Exodus, which of the following is not one of those types? A. Pharisee B. Passover C. Tabernacle D. High Priest E. None of the above

8. God reveals Himself to Pharaoh through: A. Redemption B. Disease C. Plagues D. None of the above 9. God did not lead Israel by a pillar of fire. True or False 10. The Law was given at Mount Sinai. True or False 11. The English title, Exodus, originated with the Greek Septuagint Exodus and means departure or exit. True or False 12. Exodus is dated about: A. 1405 BC B. 1474 BC C. 1415 AD D. 1445 BC 13. By the time the Israelites left Egypt, they numbered over two million. True or False 14. The last plague gave the Egyptians no choice but to drive the Israelites out. True or False 15. There was no reason to be ready to leave the night of the Passover. True or False 16. The Passover is celebrated by the Jews every fall. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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17. The only event recorded in Jesus childhood was at the Passover season. True or False Match the Passover lamb with the Scripture that depicts Jesus Christ: ____18. Blood to be sprinkled ____19. No bone broken ____20. Slain, not the living lamb availed ____21. Lamb without blemish ____22. Blood to be shed ____23.Lamb not die, the first-born would ____24. Redeemed by lamb to be sanctified to the Lord A. John 19:34 B. 1 Corinthians 2:2 C. Romans 6:23 D. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 E. Hebrews 10:22 G. John 19:36 G. 1 Peter 1:19 25. The Passover chapter is not a key chapter of the Bible. True or False Match the plague with the Egyptian god: ____26. Water to blood ____27. Lice, fleas or gnats ____28. Murrain ____29. Locusts ____30. Darkness A. Apis (cattle god) B. Leb (earth god) C. Nile gods D. Shu/Sebek (air & insect god) E. Ra (sun god) 31. To worship is to acknowledge a higher authority. True or False

32. The first four commandments tell of man's duty towards God. True or False 33. The Ten Commandments were not all-inclusive. True or False 34. The Law had nothing to do with the covenant God made with Israel. True or False 35. The foundation for keeping God's commandments was different in the Old Testament from the New Testament. True or False 36. The Old Testament Law and Covenant were complete and permanent. True or False 37. Intercession is not a part of the summarization of chapters 32-34 of Exodus. True or False 38. When God clearly desired to kill the rebellious people, Moses acted as a mediator. True or False 39. God disregards the intercession of a faithful servant even when there is a possibility of redemption. True or False 40. Moses set up the structure of the Tabernacle one year after the Israelites left Egypt. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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41. What happened after the Tabernacle was finished? A. They rejoiced B. They had a feast C. God filled the Tabernacle with His glory D. All of the above 42. How many arms did the Golden Candlestick have? A. Five B. Seven C. Nine D. Three 43. The Brazen Altar was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant for safe keeping. True or False 44. The Ephod was an inner garment in the style of a tunic or pinafore. True or False 45. In 2-4 paragraphs on a separate sheet of paper, give your opinion on why the last plague, (death of the first born) was necessary in destroying the gods of Egypt. Your answer should not exceed 1 page.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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Homework 4, Chp. IX - Leviticus Name_________________________ 1. The laws pertained to: A. An acceptable approach to God B. Laws of the priests C. Laws regarding purity D. Laws of nationality E. All of the above 2. Leviticus does not contain laws concerning clean and unclean food. True or False 3. God's manual for His people on how to approach Him and live pleasing in His sight is written in Leviticus. True or False Match the Book of the Bible with its topic. ____4. Genesis ____5. Exodus ____6. Leviticus ____7. Numbers ____8. Deuteronomy A.Test of the nation B. Life of the nation C. Reminders to the nation D. Origins of the nation E. Deliverance of the nation 9. Concerning Israel, the Book of Leviticus teaches: A. Deliverance of the nation B. Life of the nation C. Origin of the nation D. None of the above

10. Which of the following was not used in the laws of approach to God, when in fellowship? A. Burnt offering B. Grain offering C. Peace offering D. Sin offering 11. The key word in Leviticus is: A. Priests B. Laws C. Holiness D. Atonement 12. The way to God is only through the blood sacrifice. True or False 13. Yom Kippur was the most unimportant day in the Hebrew calendar. True or False 14. It took God one night to get Israel out of Egypt. How long did it take to get Egypt out of the Israelites? A. Twenty years B. Thirty years C. Forty years D. Fifty years 15. Leviticus falls into two major sections: A. Sacrifice B. Restoration C. Sanctification D. Preparation E. Both A and C F. Both B and D 16. God tells His people how to approach Him in Leviticus. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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17. The Greek Septuagint version assigned the title of "Leuitikon", meaning "that which pertains to Levites." True or False 18. Leviticus does not clearly state that the Lord gave the laws to His people through Moses. True or False 19. Where were the Israelites encamped when they received the laws? A. Mt. Sinai B. In the valley C. Mt. Alvert D. Dessert E. None of the above The symbols, types, and shadows found in Leviticus points to their fulfillments in the New Testament. Match the following types and fulfillments. ____20. Blood ____21. Priests ____22. Worshipers A. New Testament Christians B. Christ's sacrifice C. The Great High Priest 23. Leviticus is closely related to Genesis. True or False 24. The basic problem confronting all people is God's holiness and man's sinfulness. True or False

25. Leviticus is the most thorough _____ book in the Bible. A. Poetic B. Letter C. Historical D. Legalistic 26. God's laws were written to show man his own corruption and is intended to bring conviction of sin. True or False Mix or match: ____27. Burnt offering ____28. Meal offering ____29. Peace offering ____30. Sin offering ____31. Trespass offering A = Typical of Christ's making peace between God and man B = Typical of Christ's death without the camp C = Typical of Christ's entire obedience D = Typical of Christ's perfect humanity E = Typical of Christ's work in satisfying God's demands Mix or match ____32. Burnt offering ____33. Meal offering ____34. Peace offering ____35. Sin offering ____36. Trespass offering A = Offer feasted B = Reparation and restitution for sin C = Expiation for sin D = Wholly consumed E = Bloodless

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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Match the offering to the correct Christian message. ____37. Peace ____38. Sin ____39. Burnt ____40. Trespass ____41. Meal A. Consecration B. Service C. Fellowship D. Redemption for the sinner E. Redemption for sin committed Match each offering with its description. ____42. Burnt ____43. Meal ____44. Peace ____45. Sin ____46. Trespass A. Thanking God and offering their lives for His service B. Being forgiven because they were sinners C. Voluntarily devoting their being and possessions to God D. Being forgiven for sins committed E. Participating in the blessings of fellowship with God Match the offering with what it is a type of: ____47. Burnt offering ____48. Meal offering ____49. Peace offering ____50. Sin offering ____51. Trespass offering A. Christ is our guilt-bearer B. Christ's submission to the Father C. Christ's sinless service D. Fellowship believer's have with God E. Christ's payment for the damage of sin

52. Offerings were acceptable to God whether they were presented ritually or with genuine heartfelt repentance. True or False 53. Priests served as _____, to help maintain fellowship between God and the sinful people. A. Mediators B. Servers C. Lobbyists D. None of the above 54. _____ and his four sons were chosen of God to be Israel's first priests. A. Nadab B. Abihu C. Aaron D. Eleazar 55. The one sinful, eternal Mediator between God and man is Christ Jesus. True or False 56. On the Day of Atonement, the day's ritual included sin and burnt offerings. True or False 57. The Day of Atonement was the only day that the high priest could enter the most holy place of the Tabernacle. True or False 58. The Day of Atonement was a festival time. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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59. God instituted holy times in the calendar of the Israelites so that His people would set aside many days of the year to _____ on who He was and what He had done for them. A. Meditate B. Reflect C. Debate D. None of the above 60. The main purpose for the Sabbath day was to rest from labor and to worship God. True or False 61. The word "feast" is a translation of two different Hebrew words. One of the meanings of feast is: A. Season B. Appointed time C. Festival D. All of the above 62. The term "convocation" means: A. Assembling B. Conviction C. Gathering D. A con's Vacation E. Both A and C F. Both B and D 63. Today's Christmas and Easter holidays have links with the pagan past of the Western world. True or False

Match the feast with what it is representative of: ____64. Tabernacles ____65. Passover ____66. Day of Atonement ____67. Unleavened bread ____68. Firstfruits ____69. Pentecost ____70. Trumpets A. Resurrection of all believers B. Holy Spirit's descent after Christ's resurrection C. Speaks of the second advent of Christ D. Holy walk of the believer E. The substitutionary death of the Lamb of God 71. In modern Jewish observance, the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened bread are: A. Observed separately B. Observed together C. Not observed today D. None of the above 72. Modern Jews observe the Feast of Trumpets as Rosh Hashanah or _____. This tends to take precedence over the Passover as the beginning of their calendar. A. Yom Kippur B. Pesach C. Hanukkah D. New Year 73. On the Day of Atonement or _____, every Orthodox Jew procures for himself either a chicken or a goose. A. New Year B. Yom Kippur C. Passover D. Unleavened bread

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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74. _____ feast commences for four days after the Day of Atonement. A. Tabernacles B. Trumpets C. Atonement D. Pentecost 75. This feast is observed fifty days after Passover and is also known as the Feast of Weeks or Shevouth: A. Hanukkah B. Day of Atonement C. Tabernacles D. Pentecost 76. In the New Testament, this feast is called the Feast of Dedication. A. Hanukkah B. Pentecost C. Trumpets D. Weeks 77. The continually burning lamp is a type of the Christian. True or False 78. The Sabbatical year was to be observed when the people were settled in the land. True or False 79. In the laws concerning the land, God reminded the people that they would be blessed for disobedience and cursed for obedience. True or False

80. A word that appears in Leviticus sixty times is: A. Passover B. Atonement C. Sacrifice D. Blood 81. Isaiah was the evangelical prophet of the old dispensation. True or False 82. In 2-4 paragraphs, on a separate sheet of paper, explain In what way the day of Atonement depicts the sacrificial work of Christ? Your answer should not exceed 1 page.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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Homework 5, Chp. X - Numbers Name_________________________ 1. The sanctification of Israel is done through: A. Separation B. Worship C. Divine guidance D. All of the above 2. Numbers is the story of God's leading Israel first in a brief journey in the unknown, then aimless wandering due to unbelief, and then a new swift journey to the borders of God's best land. True or False 3. In the journey of Numbers, it moves from Mount Sinai to the plains of Jericho, opposite Moab. True or False 4. Israel's aimless wandering was a result of: A. Rebellion B. Sin C. Idolatry D. Unbelief

Match the following state of the nation of Israel to the correct book of the Pentateuch. ____5. Genesis ____6. Exodus ____7. Leviticus ____8. Numbers ____9. Deuteronomy A. Deliverance from Egypt B. Traveling to Canaan C. Final preparations for entering Canaan. D. Given law of worship and living E. Birth; infancy 10. Christ is shown in Numbers as the serpent on the pole. True or False 11. The clearest type of Christ in the Book of Numbers is the daily manna as a picture of the Bread of Life. True or False 12. Who foresees the rulership of Christ in Numbers? ___ A. Moses B. Balaam C. Aaron D. Joshua 13. The forty years of wilderness had no effect on the ex-slaves from Egypt. True or False 14. Numbers teaches that God's people can move forward only as they trust and depend on Him. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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15. All Israelites who were twenty-plus years at Kadesh went into the Promised Land. True or False 16. Numbers describes the spiritual preparation of the people. True or False 17. How many spies were sent to investigate the Promised Land? A. Four B. Six C. Ten D. Twelve 18. When the Septuagint translators entitled Numbers, they chose a _____ word meaning Numbers. A. Hebrew B. Greek C. Latin D. English 19. The Book of Numbers was probably written by Joshua after the death of Moses. True or False 20. Israel followed God's leading until the crucial moment at: A. Jericho B. Kadesh C. Jerusalem D. Mt. Sinai 21. Both censuses in the Book of Numbers were of the total population. True or False

22. Numbers tells of the spy’s reports and the people's unbelief concerning going into the land. True or False 23. God used the spying of the land as a terminal test of faith. True or False 24. Caleb, Joshua, and Moses were the only ones who were over twenty who went into the land. True or False 25. In a real sense, the years of Numbers were years of void. True or False 26. The people advanced well in the wilderness period. True or False 27. Over the thirty-seven years, 500,000 warriors died. True or False 28. During preparation for life in the new land, a new leader was designated, and a new census taken. True or False 29. Good strategy called for completing the disposition of Trans-Jordan settlement before crossing into Canaan proper. True or False 30. God had Moses view the land before He instructed him to commission Joshua as his successor. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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The six features of Numbers are: 31. ________________________ 32. ________________________ 33. _________________________ 34. _________________________ 35. _________________________ 36. _________________________ 37. The inadequate army of Israel kept her out of Canaan at Kadesh. True or False 38. The Rock that the Israelites drank from in the desert is comparable to the Holy Spirit. True or False 39. The Israelites approached the land of Canaan from what direction? A. North B. East C. South D. West 40. Answer the question In paragraph form: Prophetically, what did Balaam see as he stood atop the rock looking down on the camp of Israel? Explain How.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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Homework 6, Chp. XI - Deuteronomy Name_________________________ 1. Moses' first sermon covered the topic of "What God will do for Israel." True or False 2. Deuteronomy consists of ___ sermons presented by Moses. A. Five B. Four C. Three D. Two 3. Moses' second sermon covers the topic of "What God Expects of Israel." True or False 4. The exposition of the ceremonial laws did not include which of the following? A. Law of idolatry B. Law of slaves C. Law of Separation D. Law of debts 5. Moses is the only Biblical figure, besides Christ, that fulfilled three the offices of prophet, priest, and king. True or False 6. The key word of Deuteronomy is _____. A. Beginnings B. Covenant C. Laws D. Exiting 7. Deuteronomy is the record of renewal of the Old Covenant at Mount Horeb. True or False

8. The Covenant is reviewed, expanded, enlarged, and ratified in the plains of Moab. True or False 9. Moses' first sermon included testimonies, moral duties, and statues. True or False 10. Moses called the new generation to fear God and obey Him. True or False 11. Moses' second sermon (De. 4:44 - 26:19) consisted of what topic? A. Moral and legal B. Blessing and cursing C. Deliverance and provision D. None of the above 12. There were civil ordinances, but no social duties in the second sermon. True or False 13. Moses' third sermon in Deuteronomy is actually: A. Not true B. Told in metaphors C. History in advance D. Listing of past history 14. We may not assume that all the nation of Israel said "amen" to the covenant stipulations before going into the land. True or False 15. The basic format of the covenant at Mount Sinai was different from the repeating of it in Deuteronomy. True of False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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16. At the Feast of Tabernacles, every five years, all the Israelites were to appear in the place God chose. True or False 17. Ethical concerns in the Covenant said that woman was not to be taken advantage of because of her subordinate status in society. True or False 18. In the Covenant, everybody's property was to be secure. True or False 19. In the Covenant, the marriage relationship was to be kept violate. True or False 20. Deuteronomy repeats and amplifies the basic laws which had been given to the people on Mt. Sinai. True or False 21. Jesus and the New Testament writers quoted _____ more than any other Old Testament book. A. Genesis B. Exodus C. Leviticus D. Numbers E. Deuteronomy 22. Moses wrote the entire Book of Deuteronomy. True or False 23. The circumstances surrounding the writing of Deuteronomy are unclear. True or False

24. The Israelites had to tarry on the banks of the Jordan until they learned one lesson. What was this lesson? A. Pray B. Obey C. Sacrifice D. Press onward 25. A similarity of Leviticus and Deuteronomy is: A. Israel received instructions while they were in standby encampment B. Anticipating their wandering life C. Preparing for their settled life D. None of the above 26. While Leviticus was given for instruction of the priest and Levites, Deuteronomy was given to instruct the laymen. True or False 27. In Deuteronomy the elders were appointed to assist Moses and in Numbers these judges were given instruction. True or False 28. Deuteronomy is composed mainly of Joshua's farewell speeches. True or False 29. Deuteronomy is composed of several speeches. Which of the following speeches are included in this book? A. Remembrance of the past B. Commandments of the present C. Options affecting the future D. All of the above

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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30. One of the first things Israel was to do in Canaan was: A. March to Mt. Ebal B. Set up great stones for the law C. March to Mt. Gerizim D. All of the above 31. The first fourteen verses of Deuteronomy chapter twenty-eight give a bright picture of the nation’s future if they obey. True or False 32. A key subject of Deuteronomy is: A. Beginning B. Laws C. Covenant D. None of the above 33. Moses' addresses were given to Israel as an affirmation of the covenant relationship between God and His people. True or False 34. The parting words of Moses are bitter and hopeless. True or False 35. Deuteronomy is the "Book of the Second Law." True or False 36. A keynote of Deuteronomy is "obedience plus nothing." True or False

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Quiz 1, HMWK I, Intro-Chp. VI Name_________________________ 1. The _____ setting of Christianity is furnished by the Old Testament. A. Historical B. Geographical C. Political D. All of the above 2. To know the Old Testament is to know the religious, geographical, and in part the political setting of the New Testament. True or False 3. The Old Testament is invaluable for its inspired record about origins. True or False 4. The plan of writing Scriptures originated with Moses. True or False 5. The Old Testament contains 33 books written over a period of 1,000 years by 25 to 30 different authors. True or False 6. All but a few of the Old Testament books were written in: A. Greek B. Hebrew C. Egyptian D. English 7. Canonization is the country east of Israel. True or False

8. _____ was a major food in the cities around the Sea of Galilee. A. Turkey B. Fish C. Fruit D. Nuts 9. The Israeli people ate _________ meals a day. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 10. What is the main purpose of the Old Testament? A. The study of the Law B. To recognize the Truth C. Reveal who God is D. None of the above 11. God never acts contrary to His manifold nature. True or False 12. By faith we must see God as the ever changing one. True or False 13. Israel, for the most part, ________ God's purposes during the 1500 years of its Old Testament career. A. Succeeded B. Passed C. Triumphed D. Failed

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14. __________ is the key subject of the Old Testament. A. Redemption B. Transmission C. Revelation D. Canonization 15. While Genesis shows origins and God's first words to man, Revelations show Jesus: A. As the gentle Lamb of God B. Enthroned as King of Kings and Lord of Lords C. As the Savior of the world D. None of the above 16. What was promised to Abraham in the Old Testament? A. Instruction for the people on how to look pleasing to God B. Details of Christ's birth and ministry C. Deep truths of new life in Christ D. Blessings for the new nation

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Quiz 2, HMWK 2 – Chp. VII - GENESIS Name_________________________ 1. The Abrahamic Covenant is recorded in Genesis 15, the key chapter. True or False 2. God had no beginning. True or False 3. A ________ is a historical fact that illustrates a spiritual truth. A. Illustration B. Sample C. Type D. Theory 4. Genesis gives the beginning of life, death, sin, and redemption. True or False 5. According to Genesis 3:15, God said, "and I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed." True or False 6. Four great people of Genesis were: A. Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth B. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph C. Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel D. None of the above 7. God is revealed as a finite, eternal, self-existent being who is the first cause of all that is. True or False 8. The teaching of evolution is scientific. True or False

9. Bible-believing Christians must also reject the theory called "theistic evolution." True or False 10. Man but not woman was created in the image and likeness of God. True or False 11. God's command in Genesis 2:16-17 was given to Adam as a moral test. True or False 12. In Noah's day, the character of human sin was: A. Sexual lust & murder B. Violence & murder C. Sexual lust & violence D. None of the above 13. God's promise to and blessing on Abram extended to only his descendants by faith. True or False 14. Isaac, the son of promise, was finally brought to Abram and Hannah. True or False 15. The name "Yahweh-Yireh" means "the Lord will provide." True or False 16. The birthright consisted of: A. Leadership in worship and headship in the family B. Double portion of the inheritance. C. Title to the covenant blessings God promised D. All of the above E. None of the above

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17. Genesis is one of five books called _____ or referred to as: A. Five-fold vessel B. Torah C. Pentateuch D. All of the above 18. Pentateuch literally means "five-fold vessel." True or False 19. Moses did not write Genesis during his stay in Egypt. True or False

20. Who penned the five books of the Law? A. Joshua B. Aaron C. Moses D. Noah E. None of the above 21. The location of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8) was on the Tigris River. True or False 22. The world of Genesis 11 was in spiritual darkness without hope. True or False 23. One of the prominent things in God's dealing with Abraham was the testing of his: A. Constitution B. Thinking C. Character D. Personality E. Intellect

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Quiz 3, HMWK 3, Chp.VIII - Exodus Name_________________________ 1. The Book of Exodus is the second report of God's deliverance. True or False 2. The deliverance from Egypt is a beautiful type of the sinner's redemption from the bondage of sin. True or False 3. Moses is a type of Christ according to Deuteronomy 18:15. True or False 4. God did not lead Israel by a pillar of fire and smoke. True or False 5. The Law was given at Mount Sinai. True or False 6. The English title, Exodus, originated with the Greek Septuagint Exodus and means departure or exit. True or False 7. There was no reason to be ready to leave the night of the Passover. True or False 8. The Passover is celebrated by the Jews every fall. True or False 9. The only event recorded in Jesus childhood was at the Passover season. True or False

Match the plague with the Egyptian god: ____10. Water to blood ____11. Lice, fleas or gnats ____12. Murrain ____13. Locusts ____14. Darkness A. Apis (cattle god) B. Leb (earth god) C. Nile gods D. Shu/Sebek (air & insect god) E. Ra (sun god) 15. To worship is to acknowledge a higher authority. True or False 16. The foundation for keeping God's commandments was different in the Old Testament from the New Testament. True or False 17. The Old Testament Law and Covenant were complete and permanent. True or False 18. Moses set up the structure of the Tabernacle one year after the Israelites left Egypt. True or False 19. What happened after the Tabernacle was finished? A. They rejoiced B. They had a feast C. God filled the Tabernacle with His glory D. All of the above

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20. How many arms did the Golden Candlestick have? A. Five B. Seven C. Nine D. Three 21. The breastplate was a piece of elaborately finished cloth of the same material as the ephod. True or False

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Quiz 4, HMWK 4, CHP. IX - Leviticus Name_________________________ 1. The laws pertained to: A. An acceptable approach to God B. Laws of the priests C. Laws regarding purity D. Laws of nationality E. All of the above Match the book of the Bible with its topic. ____2. Genesis ____3. Exodus ____4. Leviticus ____5. Numbers ____6. Deuteronomy A. Test of the nation B. Life of the nation C. Reminders to the nation D. Origins of the nation E. Deliverance of the nation 7. Concerning Israel, the Book of Leviticus teaches: A. Deliverance of the nation B. Life of the nation C. Origin of the nation D. None of the above 8. The way to God is only through the blood sacrifice. True or False 9. Yom Kippur was the most unimportant day in the Hebrew calendar. True or False

10. It took God one night to get Israel out of Egypt. How long did it take to get Egypt out of the Israelites? A. Twenty years B. Thirty years C. Forty years D. Fifty years 11. Where were the Israelites encamped when they received the laws? A. Mt. Sinai B. In the valley C. Mt. Alvert D. Dessert E. None of the above The symbols, types, and shadows found in Leviticus points to their fulfillments in the New Testament. Match the following types and fulfillments. ____12. Blood ____13. Priests ____14. Worshipers A. New Testament Christians B. Christ's sacrifice C. The Great High Priest 15. God's laws were written to show man his own corruption and is intended to bring conviction of sin. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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Mix or match: ____16. Burnt offering ____17. Meal offering ____18. Peace offering ____19. Sin offering ____20. Trespass offering A = Typical of Christ's making peace between God and man B = Typical of Christ's death without the camp C = Typical of Christ's entire obedience D = Typical of Christ's perfect humanity E = Typical of Christ's work in satisfying God's demands Match each offering with its description. ____21. Burnt ____22. Meal ____23. Peace ____24. Sin ____25. Trespass A. Thanking God and offering their lives for His service B. Being forgiven because they were sinners C. Voluntarily devoting their being and possessions to God D. Being forgiven for the sins they committed E. Participating in the blessings of fellowship with God

Match the offering with what it is a type of: ____26. Burnt offering ____27. Meal offering ____28. Peace offering ____29. Sin offering ____30. Trespass offering A. Christ is our guilt-bearer B. Christ's submission to the Father C. Christ's sinless service D. Fellowship believer's have with God E. Christ's payment for the damage of sin 31._____ and his four sons were chosen of God to be Israel's first priests. A. Nadab B. Abihu C. Aaron D. Eleazar 32. The one sinful, eternal Mediator between God and man is Christ Jesus. True or False 33. The Day of Atonement was the only day that the high priest could enter the most holy place of the Tabernacle. True or False 34. The main purpose for the Sabbath day was to rest from labor and to worship God. True or False 35. Today's Christmas and Easter holidays have links with the pagan past of the Western world. True or False

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Match the feast with what it is representative of: ____36. Tabernacles ____37. Passover ____38. Day of Atonement ____39. Unleavened bread ____40. Firstfruits ____41. Pentecost ____42. Trumpets A. Resurrection of all believers B. Holy Spirit's descent after Christ's resurrection C. Speaks of the second advent of Christ D. Holy walk of the Believer E. The substitutionary death of the Lamb of God 43. _____ feast commences for four days after the Day of Atonement. A. Tabernacles B. Trumpets C. Atonement D. Pentecost

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Quiz 5, HMWK 5, Chp. X - Numbers Name_________________________ 1. Israel's aimless wandering was a result of: A. Rebellion B. Sin C. Idolatry D. Unbelief Match the following state of the nation of Israel to the correct book of the Pentateuch. ____2. Genesis ____3. Exodus ____4. Leviticus ____5. Numbers ____6. Deuteronomy A. Deliverance from Egypt B. Traveling to Canaan C. Final preparations for entering Canaan. D. Given law of worship and living E. Birth; infancy 7. Who foresees the rulership of Christ in Numbers? ___ A. Moses B. Balaam C. Aaron D. Joshua 8. The forty years of wilderness had no effect on the ex-slaves from Egypt. True or False 9. Numbers describes the spiritual preparation of the people. True or False

10. How many spies were sent to investigate the Promised Land? A. Four B. Six C. Ten D. Twelve 11. When the Septuagint translators entitled Numbers, they chose a _____ word meaning Numbers. A. Hebrew B. Greek C. Latin D. English 12. Both censuses in the Book of Numbers were of the total population. True or False 13. Numbers tells of the spy’s reports and the people's unbelief concerning going into the land. True or False 14. The people advanced well in the wilderness period. True or False 15. Over the thirty-seven years, 500,000 warriors died. True or False 16. During preparation for life in the new land, a new leader was designated, and a new census taken. True or False 17. Good strategy called for completing the disposition of Trans-Jordan settlement before crossing into Canaan proper. True or False

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Quiz 6, HMWK 6, Chp. XI - Deuteronomy Name_________________________ 1. The exposition of the ceremonial laws did not include which of the following? A. Law of idolatry B. Law of slaves C. Law of Separation D. Law of debts 2. Moses is the only Biblical figure, besides Christ, that fulfilled three the offices of prophet, priest, and king. True or False 3. The key word of Deuteronomy is ___. A. Beginnings B. Covenant C. Laws D. Exiting 4. Moses' first sermon included testimonies, moral duties, and statues. True or False 5. Moses called the new generation to fear God and obey Him. True or False 6. Moses' second sermon (De.4:44 - 26:19) consisted of what topic? A. Moral and legal B. Blessing and cursing C. Deliverance and provision D. None of the above

7. We may also assume that all the nation of Israel said "amen" to the Covenant stipulations before going into the land. True or False

8. The basic format of the Covenant at Mount Sinai was different from the repeating of it in Deuteronomy. True of False 9. At the Feast of Tabernacles, every five years, all the Israelites were to appear in the place God chose. True or False 10. In the Covenant, the marriage relationship was to be kept violate. True or False 11. Deuteronomy repeats and amplifies the basic laws which had been given to the people on Mt. Sinai. True or False 12. Moses wrote the entire Book of Deuteronomy. True or False 13. The circumstances surrounding the writing of Deuteronomy are unclear. True or False 14. The Israelites had to tarry on the banks of the Jordan until they learned one lesson. What was this lesson? A. Pray B. Obey C. Sacrifice D. Press onward 15. In Deuteronomy the elders were appointed to assist Moses and in Numbers these judges were given instruction. True or False

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16. Deuteronomy is composed mainly of Joshua's farewell speeches. True or False 17. Deuteronomy is composed of several speeches. Which of the following speeches are included in this book? A. Remembrance of the past B. Commandments of the present C. Options affecting the future D. All of the above 18. A key subject of Deuteronomy is: A. Beginning B. Laws C. Covenant D. None of the above 19. Moses' addresses were given to Israel as an affirmation of the covenant relationship between God and His people. True or False

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Mid Term, Hmwk 1-3, Intro-Exodus Name_________________________ 1. The Old Testament was given to complement the New Testament. True or False 2. The _____ setting of Christianity is furnished by the Old Testament. A. Historical B. Geographical C. Political D. All of the above 3. The plan of writing Scriptures originated with Moses. True or False 4. The Bible is a supernatural book. True or False 5. In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to man through: A. Conscience B. Nature C. Indirect conversation D. Holy Bible E. Both A and B F. Both C and D 6. The Old Testament was originally written in consonants and vowels. True or False 7. God allowed the destruction of the original manuscripts so man would not worship them. True or False

8. The Israeli people ate ___meals a day. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 9. In the Old Testament times, people traveled alone. True or False 10. What is the main purpose of the Old Testament? A. The study of the Law B. To recognize the Truth C. Reveal who God is D. None of the above 11. God never acts contrary to His manifold nature. True or False 12. Israel, for the most part, ________ God's purposes during the 1500 years of its Old Testament career. A. Succeeded B. Passed C. Triumphed D. Failed 13. __________ is the key subject of the Old Testament. A. Redemption B. Transmission C. Revelation D. Canonization

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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14. While Genesis shows origins and God's first words to man, Revelations show Jesus: A. As the gentle Lamb of God B. Enthroned as King of Kings and Lord of Lords C. As the Savior of the world D. None of the above 15. What was promised to Abraham in the Old Testament? A. Instruction for the people on how to look pleasing to God B. Details of Christ's birth and ministry C. Deep truths of new life in Christ D. Blessings for the new nation 16. God's book is timeless in its application. True or False Match the following: ____17. The ungodly sin continued ____18. The ungodly to be destroyed ____19. The curse on Canaan ____20. Noah worships God ____21. The ark is entered A. Results of the Flood B. Causes of the Flood C. The Flood D. After the Flood E. Judgment of the Flood 22. Adam is the head of the old creation, as Christ is the head of the new creation. True or False 23. When did marriage begin? A. After the flood B. Genesis C. Leviticus D. None of the above

24. Genesis gives the beginning of life, death, sin, and redemption. True or False 25. Four great people of Genesis were: A. Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth B. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph C. Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel D. None of the above 26. God is revealed as a finite, eternal, self-existent being who is the first cause of all that is. True or False 27. Man but not woman was created in the image and likeness of God. True or False 28. Human beings are divine, since they have been made in the image and likeness of God. True or False 29. In Noah's day, the character of human sin was: A. Sexual lust & murder B. Violence & murder C. Sexual lust & violence D. None of the above 30. Through His Covenant, God promised Noah that he would be saved from the judgment to come upon the world. True or False 31. The call of Abram ends an old chapter in the Old Testament revelation. True or False

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32. The name "Yahweh-Yireh" means "the Lord will provide." True or False 33. Faith is required to receive and maintain the covenant blessings. True or False 34. The Covenant God cut with Abraham was an everlasting covenant. True or False 35. Moses did not write Genesis during his stay in Egypt. True or False 36. Who penned the five books of the Law? A. Joshua B. Aaron C. Moses D. Noah E. None of the above 37. The location of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8) was on the Tigris River. True or False 38. Noah's ark "rested upon the mountains of Ararat" according to Genesis 8:4. True or False 39. The world of Genesis 11 was in spiritual darkness without hope. True or False 40. Moses confronted Pharaoh: A. With the word B. With miracles C. Through plagues D. All of the above

41. Israel's response to the Covenant was to remain faithful, never willfully breaking it. True or False 42. There are six types of Christ in Exodus, which of the following is not one of those types? A. Pharisee B. Passover C. Tabernacle D. High Priest E. None of the above 43. God reveals Himself to Pharaoh through: A. Redemption B. Disease C. Plagues D. None of the above 44. Exodus is dated about: A. 1405 BC B. 1474 BC C. 1415 AD D. 1445 BC 45. By the time the Israelites left Egypt, they numbered over one million. True or False 46. The last plague gave the Egyptians no choice but to drive the Israelites out. True or False 47. There was no reason to be ready to leave the night of the Passover. True or False

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48. The Passover chapter is not a key chapter of the Bible. True or False Match the plague with the Egyptian god: ____49. Water to blood ____50. Lice, fleas or gnats ____51. Murrain ____52. Locusts ____53. Darkness A. Apis (cattle god) B. Leb (earth god) C. Nile gods D. Shu/Sebek (air & insect god) E. Ra (sun god) 54. The Ten Commandments were not all-inclusive. True or False 55. The Law had nothing to do with the Covenant God made with Israel. True or False 56. The foundation for keeping God's commandments was different in the Old Testament from the New Testament. True or False 57. The Old Testament Law and Covenant were complete and permanent. True or False 58. Intercession is not a part of the summarization of chapters 32-34 of Exodus. True or False

59. What happened after the Tabernacle was finished? A. They rejoiced B. They had a feast C. God filled the Tabernacle with His glory D. All of the above 60. How many arms did the Golden Candlestick have? A. Five B. Seven C. Nine D. Three 61. The Brazen Altar was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant for safe keeping. True or False BONUS QUESTION Answer the question in paragraph form. What character values did Joseph possess that could be found in Messiah? Your answer should not exceed 1 page.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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Final Exam, Hmwk 4-6, Leviticus-Deuteronomy Name_________________________ 1. The Laws pertained to: A. An acceptable approach to God B. Laws of the priests C. Laws regarding purity D. Laws of nationality E. All of the above 2. Leviticus does not contain laws concerning clean and unclean food. True or False 3. God's manual for His people on how to approach Him and live pleasing in His sight is written in Leviticus. True or False 4. The way to God is only through the blood sacrifice. True or False 5. Yom Kippur was the most unimportant day in the Hebrew calendar. True or False 6. It took God one night to get Israel out of Egypt. How long did it take to get Egypt out of the Israelites? A. Twenty years B. Thirty years C. Forty years D. Fifty years 7. The Greek Septuagint version assigned the title of Leuitikon, meaning "that which pertains to Levites." True or False

8. Leviticus does not clearly state that the Lord gave the laws to His people through Moses. True or False 9. Where were the Israelites encamped when they received the laws? A. Mt. Sinai B. In the valley C. Mt. Alvert D. Dessert E. None of the above 10. Leviticus is closely related to Genesis. True or False 11. The basic problem confronting all people is God's holiness and man's sinfulness. True or False 12. Leviticus is the most thoroughly _____ book in the Bible. A. Poetic B. Letter C. Historical D. Legalistic 13. God's laws were written to show man his own corruption and is intended to bring conviction of sin. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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Match the offering to the correct Christian message. ____14. Peace ____15. Sin ____16. Burnt ____17. Trespass ____18. Meal A. Consecration B. Service C. Fellowship D. Redemption for the sinner that he is E. Redemption for the sin he commits Match the offering with what it is a type of: ____19. Burnt offering ____20. Meal offering ____21. Peace offering ____22. Sin offering ____23. Trespass offering A. Christ is our guilt-bearer B. Christ's submission to the Father C. Christ's sinless service D. Fellowship believer's have with God E. Christ's payment for the damage of sin 24. _____ and his four sons were chosen of God to be Israel's first priests. A. Nadab B. Abihu C. Aaron D. Eleazar 25. The one sinful, eternal Mediator between God and man is Christ Jesus. True or False 26. On the Day of Atonement, the day's ritual included sin and burnt offerings. True or False

27. God instituted holy times in the calendar of the Israelites so that His people would set aside many days of the year to _____ on who He was and what He had done for them. A. Meditate B. Reflect C. Debate D. None of the above 28. The term "convocation" means: A. Assembling B. Conviction C. Gathering D. A con's Vacation E. Both A and C F. Both B and D 29. Today's Christmas and Easter holidays have links with the pagan past of the Western world. True or False Match the feast with what it is representative of: ____30. Tabernacles ____31. Passover ____32. Day of Atonement ____33. Unleavened bread ____34. Firstfruits ____35. Pentecost ____36. Trumpets A. Resurrection of all Believers B. Holy Spirit's descent after Christ's resurrection C. Speaks of Second Advent of Christ D. Holy walk of the believer E. The substitutionary death of the Lamb of God

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

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37. On the Day of Atonement or _____, every Orthodox Jew procures for himself either a chicken of a goose. A. New Year B. Yom Kippur C. Passover D. Unleavened bread 38. _____ feast commences for four days after the Day of Atonement. A. Tabernacles B. Trumpets C. Atonement D. Pentecost 39. The continually burning lamp is a type of the Christian. True or False 40. The Sabbatical year was to be observed when the people were settled in the land. True or False 41. In the laws concerning the land, God reminded the people that they would be blessed for disobedience and cursed for obedience. True or False 42. The sanctification of Israel is done through: A. Separation B. Worship C. Divine guidance D. All of the above 43. Numbers is the story of God's leading Israel first in a brief journey in the unknown, then aimless wandering due to unbelief, and then a new swift journey to the borders of God's best land. True or False

44. In the journey of Numbers, it moves from Mount Sinai to the plains of Jericho, opposite Moab. True or False 45. Christ is shown in Numbers as the serpent on the pole. True or False 46. The clearest type of Christ in the Book of Numbers is the daily manna as a picture of the Bread of Life. True or False 47. Who foresees the rulership of Christ in Numbers? ___ A. Moses B. Balaam C. Aaron D. Joshua 48. How many spies were sent to investigate the Promised Land? A. Four B. Six C. Ten D. Twelve 49. When the Septuagint translators entitled Numbers, they chose a _____ word meaning Numbers. A. Hebrew B. Greek C. Latin D. English 50. The Book of Numbers was probably written by Joshua after the death of Moses. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


51. Israel followed God's leading until the crucial moment at: A. Jericho B. Kadesh C. Jerusalem D. Mt. Sinai

52. In a real sense, the years of Numbers were years of void. True or False 53. The people advanced well in the wilderness period. True or False 54. Over the thirty-seven years, 500,000 warriors died. True or False 55. During preparation for life in the new land, a new leader was designated, and a new census taken. True or False 56. The inadequate army of Israel kept her out of Canaan at Kadesh. True or False 57. The Rock that the Israelites drank from in the desert is comparable to the Holy Spirit. True or False 58. The Israelites approached the land of Canaan from what direction? A. North B. East C. South D. West

59. Moses' first sermon covered the topic of "What God will do for Israel." True or False 60. Deuteronomy consists of ___ sermons presented by Moses. A. Five B. Four C. Three D. Two 61. Moses' second sermon covers the topic of "What God Expects of Israel." True or False 62. The exposition of the ceremonial laws did not include which of the following? A. Law of idolatry B. Law of slaves C. Law of separation D. Law of debts 63. Moses called the new generation to fear God and obey Him. True or False 64. Moses' second sermon (De.4:44 - 26:19) consisted of what topic? A. Moral and legal B. Blessing and cursing C. Deliverance and provision D. None of the above 65. There were civil ordinances, but no social duties in the second sermon. True or False

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


66. Moses' third sermon in Deuteronomy is actually: A. Not true B. Told in metaphors C. History in advance D. Listing of past history 67. At the Feast of Tabernacles, every five years, all the Israelites were to appear in the place God chose. True or False 68. Ethical concerns in the Covenant said that woman was not to be taken advantage of because of her subordinate status in society. True or False 69. In the Covenant, everybody's property was to be secure. True or False 70. Moses wrote the entire Book of Deuteronomy. True or False 71. The circumstances surrounding the writing of Deuteronomy are unclear. True or False 72. The Israelites had to tarry on the banks of the Jordan until they learned one lesson. What was this lesson? A. Pray B. Obey C. Sacrifice D. Press onward

73. In Deuteronomy the elders were appointed to assist Moses and in Numbers these judges were given instruction. True or False 74. Deuteronomy is composed mainly of Joshua's farewell speeches. True or False 75. Deuteronomy is composed of several speeches. Which of the following speeches are included in this book? A. Remembrance of the past B. Commandments of the present C. Options affecting the future D. All of the above 76. Moses' addresses were given to Israel as an affirmation of the covenant relationship between God and His people. True or False 77. The parting words of Moses are bitter and hopeless. True or False 78. Deuteronomy is the "Book of the Second Law." True or False 79. A keynote of Deuteronomy is "obedience plus nothing." True or False BONUS QUESTION In 2-4 paragraphs on a separate sheet of paper, answer the following question: The word “Deuteronomy” means the second giving of the Law. Why was it necessary to give the Law to the Children of Israel a second time? Your answer should not exceed1page.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


International College of Bible Theology 951 S. Kingshiway, P.O. Box 633, Sikeston, MO 63801 Phone: 573-472-0972 Fax: 618-378-2101

E-mail: amticbt@hamiltoncom.net

To: All Students Subject: Course requirements From: Dean's Office Every course offered by International College of Bible Theology requires the following work: all homework, quizzes, and exams included with the Commentary must be completed and turned in at any level of education. Term papers and a reading log must be turned in before the final exam. Textbooks assigned to each course must be read. If audio tapes are included in a course, they must be listened to and notes taken and turned in. TERM PAPERS: One term paper for each course. This paper must be on the course subject. For example: if you are studying prayer, do not write on love. The following chart contains how many pages are expected at each level of schooling. Freshman to Associate: A minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages Associate to Bachelor: A minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 8 pages Bachelor to Master: A minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 12 pages Master to Doctorate: A minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 20 pages

Do not write less then the minimum or more than the maximum pages required! OUTSIDE READING: Reading must pertain to the course subject and must be from two or more sources. For example: if you are studying prayer, you may read on intercessory prayer or Christ's prayers. This reading includes books or other materials, other then your syllabus and the Bible or textbook included with the syllabus. (Hint: use the outside reading as reference material for your term paper). Freshman to Associate: A minimum of 2 sources 300 pages Associate to Bachelor: A minimum of 3 sources 450 pages Bachelor to Master: A minimum of 4 sources 600 pages Master to Doctorate: A minimum of 5 sources 750 pages A reading log, which is found in the back of the Homework, must be kept and turned in by the day of your final exam.

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Term Paper Requirements Each term paper that is turned in must follow the following criteria. 1. A cover sheet with the following Information a. Name of Course b. Course Number c. Student’s Name d. Title of Term Paper e. Instructor’s Name 2. Every Term Paper must have one (1) inch margins on all four (4) sides 3. The body of the Term Paper must be in Times New Roman or Arial font no larger than a 12 point. 4. Every Term Paper must be in a folder when it is turned in to the instructor. 5. The Term Paper is not to be filled with written Scripture. You can refer to Chapter and verse and/or use part of a verse to begin your topic. However, a term paper filled with scriptures will not be accepted. 6. Every Term Paper must include a Works Cited Page in the back of the work. 7. No grade will be given without the required term paper being submitted Before the Final Exam Any question that you have about the term paper requirements should be discussed with your instructor at the beginning of the course. You will have 13 weeks to do all required reading and write a term paper for each course. It is important that you understand the requirements from the beginning so that you will have ample time to complete your assignments. ICBT desires to offer education with integrity. ICBT does not defer from these requirements for any level of education. We cannot permit any student to do less than the required work. There are no exceptions! Students who desire a college education must be willing to do college level work. The 'higher level of degree, the higher level of work is required. Please be aware of this fact before you enroll in a higher level education program. Tutoring or mentoring costs are not part of ICBT fees and are not initiated by the ICBT staff. Such help is up to an individual student. Correspondent students must be self-motivated and self-starting. Any tutoring cost, in which a correspondent student incurs, is that which he/she will initiate with a third-party, totally separate from ICBT. These are costs not related to ICBTI

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Reading Log for ICBT outside Reading Requirements

Course Taken Book Title Author # of Pages Read

BOT - 121 Old Testament Studies I (The Pentateuch) 8th Revision, June, 2008 International College of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams © Copyright by American Mission Teams Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


International College of Bible Theology P.O. Box 633 -- Sikeston, MO 63801


PROCTOR SHEET Dear Proctor, All quizzes and exams are closed book. Please allow ample time for the student to take his/her quiz or exam. Please initial each paper as it is completed; also initial the appropriate space below. Some courses may have more quizzes than others. The student will tell you how many there are in each course that you proctor. A proctor’s responsibility is to monitor the student while they answer quizzes and exams. It is not your responsibility to grade the student’s papers. We want to thank you for you time and interest in the student. Student’s Name ____________________________________ Title of Course _____________________________________ Quiz #1 ________ Quiz #2 __________ Quiz #3 __________ Quiz #4 ________ Quiz #5 __________ Quiz #6 __________ Quiz # 7 ________ Quiz #8 __________ Quiz #9 __________ Midterm Exam ______________ Final Exam ________________ Proctor’s Signature _______________________________________________ Your Servant in Christ, ________________________________ Student Records Representative