Old Traditions; New Beginnings Through Education · Oshki-Pimache-O-Win means “A New...

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ANNUAL REPORT 2007 - 2008


Old Traditions;New Beginnings

Through Education



Table of Contents

The Story of a New Beginning ............................................................................................. 2

Our Logo ................................................................................................................................ 2

Message from the Chairperson ............................................................................................ 3

Message from the Executive Director .................................................................................. 4

Overview ................................................................................................................................. 5

Mission Statement ................................................................................................................. 5

Mandate .................................................................................................................................. 5

Partnership Agreements ........................................................................................................ 6

Programs ................................................................................................................................. 7

Projects ..................................................................................................................................11

Student Success Initiative ...................................................................................................12

Recruitment At A Glance ...................................................................................................13

e-Learning @ OSHKI ........................................................................................................17

Governance ...........................................................................................................................21

Administration .....................................................................................................................22

Human Resources ...............................................................................................................23

Organizational Structure ....................................................................................................24

Affiliations ............................................................................................................................25

Financial Statements ...........................................................................................................26



The Story of a New BeginningLong ago, the world was nothing but water. There were only birds and animals that swam. One day, a woman fell from the sky and landed on a giant turtle. The woman had to stay on the turtle because she had nowhere else to go. She asked the animals if they could dive down to the bottom of the water and get a piece of the earth for her. She said she would take the piece of earth and create land on which everyone could live.

The loon was the first to try. The loon was under the water for a long time. When the loon returned to the surface, he had nothing.

Next, the beaver tried, but he also returned with nothing.

Then the muskrat wanted to try. All the animals laughed at him because of his small size. They thought, he too, would fail. But the woman said he could try.

The muskrat dove straight down into the water. He stayed under the water for a long time, longer than the rest of the animals. As he dove deeper, the water became darker, he did not know which way was up. Above the water, the other animals waited. Finally the muskrat slowly surfaced, barely alive. In his little paw he held some earth. The woman took the earth from his paw and placed it on the turtle’s back. This is how the land was created.

Our LogoThe Oshki-Pimache-O-Win logo symbolizes the beginning of a new life for those who pursue an education to improve their lives.

Our logo was designed by Alvin R. S. Fiddler of Sioux Lookout, Ontario and is based on a story he heard as a child. The tree represents the beauty and life that the land has given. The turtle represents the potential of an individual to take something simple – like a little clump of dirt – and turn it into something wonderful.



Message from the ChairpersonBoo Shoo! Wacheeyeh! On behalf of the Governing Council, I respectfully submit the Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute Annual Report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2008.

I am pleased to announce that we have achieved a number of outstanding milestones in meeting the needs of our students and building capacity for our communities throughout Nishnawbe Aski Nation and region over the past year. We have celebrated the achievements of our graduates, doubled our staff and budget, introduced new programs and an e-learning platform, developed a new partnership with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, renewed and confirmed partnerships with our University and College partners, and met with our Chiefs at Nishnawbe Aski Nation’s annual Keewaywin Conference. We feel we are blazing a trail where no one has ventured before, and are successfully meeting the challenges we encounter as we provide an ever-increasing number of educational opportunities for people throughout Nishnawbe Aski Nation and region.

While we have achieved a number of milestones over the past year, building sustainable funding for our culturally relevant and meaningful First Nations post-secondary education and training model continues to be our major goal. OSHKI is committed to providing services to 49 Nishnawbe Aski Nation communities, which requires extraordinary funding due to their location across the northern two-thirds of Ontario, with 34 of the communities accessible by air only.

We as First Nations people have a distinctive approach for passing on skills, traditions, knowledge and values as part of our cultural heritage, an approach which we at OSHKI strive to provide for our students. Our education and training programs reflect the distinctive nature of First Nations cultural heritage to ensure its continuity into the future.

OSHKI’s Governing Council and staff continue to work effectively to build a strong foundation for the future through the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Chiefs’ vision of appropriate and accessible post-secondary education and training for our people. We look forward to continuing our new beginning in post-secondary education as we move into a future that holds enormous potential for stronger communities, individuals and leaders.

On behalf of the Governing Council, I thank all Council members, our Executive Director, and all staff, instructors and students for their outstanding achievements over the past year. We also thank Nishnawbe Aski Nation for their political support and look forward to achieving additional milestones in the future.

Regards, Joseph Gagnon



Message from the Executive DirectorWe are experiencing steady growth at the Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute. We have increased access to post secondary education to our people in Nishnawbe Aski Nation. The number and variety of accredited post-secondary programs offered at OSHKI has increased, including continuing education programs.

In the report, Ontario - A Leader in Learning, February 2005, it was found that more Aboriginal people are graduating from Ontario’s colleges and universities. However, very few are from Nishnawbe Aski Nation. OSHKI is beginning to address this critical gap. We are graduating more students each year. This is not an easy feat because many are returning as mature students after a few years away from school. Many have none or some high school education with translates into weak literacy and numeracy skills. Consequently, the students struggle throughout their programs of study. Our graduates attribute their success to our Student Success Initiative that provides a range of supports and services as well as the aboriginal friendly environment, staff and faculty.

The high school drop out rate of 70% in our communities is a great challenge. We have begun to address this by offering General Education Development (Academic Upgrading) courses that prepare students to write tests for their grade 12 equivalency. Last summer, we successfully delivered the first community-based General Education Development (GED) course in Wapekeka First Nation. Our vision to improve the literacy and numeracy skills is to roll out academic upgrading programs in every NAN community in five to seven years. We will look to the federal and provincial governments for the significant investments required to make this happen. With grade 12 equivalencies in hand, more doors will be opened for our graduates: secure employment requiring grade 12, further their education in college or university programs, including those offered at OSHKI, or apprenticeships in the skilled trades.

In closing, I am extremely proud of our staff members who work tirelessly to promote our programs, recruit students, successfully deliver the programs, build and maintain relationship with our partners, funders, student body, to name a few. I also thank the Governing Council for their overwhelming support and guidance. Finally, I’m deeply grateful to the Executive Council and Chiefs of Nishnawbe-Aski Nation for their constant readiness to provide the political support we require on an ongoing basis.

In the coming year, I look forward to more students achieving their education goals. They will help build stronger communities, a stronger Nishnawbe Aski Nation, and a stronger Northern Ontario.

Regards, Rosie S. Mosquito



OverviewOshki-Pimache-O-Win means “A New Beginning”. Through education and training, you can have a new beginning and a better life.

Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Training & Education Institute strengthens First Nations people through culturally appropriate postsecondary education and training programs. Our programs are designed to suit individual and community needs. We offer choice, accessibility, flexibility, support services and new opportunities. Educating our people in a meaningful way makes a difference now and in the future. Through education and training, our voice and identity will remain strong and vibrant.

OSHKI, an independent postsecondary institute, was formally established in 2001. Governing Council of nine members who are representative of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Territory governs the Institute. We are a registered charitable not-for-profit corporation.

Mission StatementTo be a leader in providing excellence in postsecondary education by meeting the educational and cultural needs of the members and communities of Nishnawbe-Aski Nation through a holistic approach to lifelong learning.

Mandate1. To develop, design and deliver postsecondary educational programs and services to meet the educational and

cultural needs of the members and communities of Nishnawbe-Aski Nation and other learners.

2. To enhance, organize and coordinate the delivery of postsecondary education and training programs and services which promote and support Nishnawbe-Aski Nation culture, traditions, teachings, beliefs, language, values and lifestyles.

3. To establish protocols and partnerships with existing postsecondary educational institutions and Nishnawbe-Aski Nation communities at the local level, and in the regional, national and international arenas.



Partnership AgreementsPartnership agreements are negotiated with colleges and universities to enable the Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute to provide accredited post secondary education programs to the people in Nishnawbe Aski Nation and other learners. This means the certificates and diplomas granted to the graduates are recognized as quality academic credentials by employers and funding agencies that sponsor students. The alumni and students are able to apply for advanced standing in similar college or university programs.

Objectives of Partnership Agreements:

• Improveandincreaseopportunitiesforaccesstopostsecondaryeducation

• Promotetheretentionandsuccessofaboriginalstudents

• RespondtotheemploymentandtrainingneedsinthecommunitiesofNishnawbeAskiNation

• Collaborateinthedevelopmentanddeliveryofcourses,programsandprojects

• Sharebeneficialresourcesandinformation

• Contributetotheadvancementofself-governance,sustainableeconomicdevelopmentandself-sufficiencyinNishnawbe Aski Nation communities.

Current Partnership Agreements:

• CambrianCollege,Sudbury,Ontario–ThisagreementwasrenewedforfiveyearsinaVirtualSigning Ceremony in March 2008.

• NegahneewinCollegeofAcademicandCommunityDevelopmentatConfederationCollege,ThunderBay

• LakeheadUniversity,ThunderBay-Thispartnershipagreementexpiredandwillberenewed.

Memorandum of Understanding:

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine in September 2007 for a period of five years. The first collaborative project is the Basic Radiography Technician Program that was developed about twenty years ago for the remote communities in Nishnawbe Aski Nation



ProgramsIt has been an exciting year at OSHKI. Our programs have doubled along with our student body. Our profile in NAN continues to build as we develop strong relationships with our community members. Culture and language are integrated throughout all programming. Our First Nations Faculty has more than doubled and we are looking forward to expanding our program offerings as we go forward. OSHKI Faculty brings a wide range of expertise to the classroom embedded in a deep commitment and passion for cultural transmission. OSHKI instructors have a strong understanding of First Nations communities and their accompanying myriad social and political issues. Our instructors also can comprehend the diverse financial and governance relationships as they relate to this economic development and community wellness.

Current Post-Secondary Programs at OSHKI, 2007-08 Year

Aboriginal Financial and Economic Planning (AFEP) Program - Ontario College Diploma Program, Two Years

This two-year diploma program commenced in September 2007 with eighteen students registered on a full-time basis; four of these students are 2007 graduates of the one-year First Nations Business Administration Certificate Program. The AFEP program is delivered in partnership with Negahneewin College of Academic and Community Development at Confederation College.

The AFEP students have successfully completed the first year of their two year program of study. Twelve students will return in September 2008 for the second final year. We look forward to celebrating their success.

Indigenous Wellness and Addictions Prevention Program - Ontario College Diploma Program, Two Years

In September 2007, OSHKI commenced the delivery of this two-year diploma program with 13 students; 5 additional students joined the program in December, in a customized semester, making for a total of 18 full-time students. The customized semester was created to address the needs of a NAN community education opportunity and is an example of OSHKI’s commitment to think outside of the box in finding creative ways to meet the training needs of our community members.

The IWAP students have successfully completed the first year of this two year diploma program. As with the AFEP program, the IWAP students likewise have the opportunity to learn from instructors who are familiar with First Nations communities as they relate to this health and healing program. Six students will return in September 2008 for the second and final year. We look forward to celebrating their success.



Postsecondary Program Offerings for the 2008-09 Academic Year

Native Early Childhood Education Program - Ontario College Diploma Program, Two Years

The growth rate of the Aboriginal population in Canada, at several times the national average, creates continuing demands and growth in child care programs. The Native Early Childhood Education Program will meet the demand for certified workers required in the communities and organizations in NAN. This program will prepare the students for careers as Early Childhood Educators working with children in licensed child care centres, nursery schools, after-school programs, private home child care and Head Start programs.

Many students were initially denied access to this program because of language barriers. OSHKI took the initiative to address the need for post-secondary access by developing culturally relevant access screening tools with our education partner, Wabnode Institute of Cambrian College. A new and innovative access initiative was negotiated and will be used for the first time in September 2008. To support the inclusion of this new access initiative, an additional semester will be added to this four-semester diploma program. The goal is to strengthen the literacy skills of the students accepted into the program. Students often struggle with English as second language and there is a great need to build whenever possible.

The social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth of the child will be examined through academic studies as well as practical experiences. The delivery and content of this program is culturally relevant and specific to the First Nations communities. Graduates of the NECE will have the skills necessary to organize and maintain a safe, stimulating learning environment.

Aboriginal Community Services Worker Program - Ontario College Diploma Program, Two Years

This will be the second intake for the ACSWP two year accredited diploma program. The high demand for Aboriginal Community Services Worker Program graduates is a result of the current focus of First Nations leadership on the issues of health care in the north. The program positively impacts the individuals and the community as a whole, as those who are trained operate on a holistic approach to health and health care.

ACSWP graduates are typically responsible for participating in the development and delivery of high standard programming in heath promotion and treatment in the community. As members of Health Care Teams, they are also responsible for liaising between patients, families, the community and health care providers to ensure all community stakeholders’ needs are met in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner.

This two year four-semester diploma program will be offered in partnership with the Negahneewin College of Academic and Community Development at Confederation College. The program provides a comprehensive and culturally relevant educational experience in community health and social service. It will prepare graduates to become Alcohol & Drug Abuse Workers, Mental Health Workers, Community Health Representatives, and Health Liaison Workers. Graduates will be able to develop and implement community-based health and social service programming, respond in a proactive manner to community needs, and to engage in the development of long-term strategies in achieving community wellness.



Pre-Health Sciences Bridging Program

Discussions initiated by Meno-Ya-Win Health Centre with the Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute requested training programs to meet the human resource needs of the new hospital currently under construction. In follow-up discussions, OSHKI identified the need for an Access Bridging Program. Many of our students do not possess the required skills in mathematics and sciences that are prerequisites for entry into health sciences programming and careers.

To prepare students for the rigor of the one year Pre-Health Science Certificate Program, the Pre-Health Sciences Bridging program was developed in partnership with Negahneewin College of Academic and Community Development at Confederation College. This unique one semester program is designed to prepare the student for success in the one year Pre-Health Sciences Program. The curriculum developed for this ‘new and integrated’ approach is aimed to create a strong science foundation and prepare student skills and knowledge for increased retention and success in the Pre-Health Sciences Program.

Pre-Health Sciences Program - Ontario College Certificate Program, One Year

The primary objective of the Pre-Health Sciences Program is to provide an alternative to those who are unsuccessful in gaining entrance to post-secondary health science programs. The successful students will be given priority admission. At some colleges, a minimum of ten percent of the enrolment capacity of each health sciences program is reserved for the Pre-Health Sciences graduates.

This program will be offered in partnership with the Negahneewin College of Academic and Community Development at Confederation College. This program will provide graduates with the background science knowledge necessary to enter any health science program at the college or university level.

At the college level, the list of programs that a successful Pre-Health Sciences graduate can enter may include: Nursing, Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Medical Radiation, Laboratory Technology, Paramedic, Personal Support Worker, and Health information Management. At the university level, it will prepare students for Collaborative Nursing Program and the Medical Radiation Technology Program, among others.



Basic Radiological Technician

This is a community-based program transferred from Mohawk College and McMaster University in the fall of 2006. Individuals are trained in the communities to perform basic x-ray examinations of the upper and lower limbs, shoulder and the chest in a safe, professional manner. The Health Director, Nurse in Charge or Chief and Council in each community must formally recommend applicants to this program. By having this community service, patients and escorts do not have to fly to larger centres for relatively simple x-rays. The service minimizes social disruptions for families, children and elders due to unplanned travel and accommodation and provides significant financial health care savings.

Basic Radiological Technician graduates are trained to be caring, efficient, and knowledgeable health professionals who are able to provide a high level of patient care. The program addresses the crisis in the shortage of health care professionals in NAN communities and assists our people in taking control of their own health needs.

The program is delivered in four phases over a period of about fourteen months. The instructors travel to the student’s home community for instruction of the first three phases. The last phase took place on the OSHKI campus in Thunder Bay.

For the most recent intake, a formal graduation ceremony was held at the OSHKI campus on June 13, 2008. Eleven students from Wunnumin Lake, Deer Lake, Sandy Lake, Mishkeegogamang, Nibainamik, Kingfisher Lake and Weagamow Lake donned their graduation gowns and with great pride to receive their graduation certificates. The Basic Radiological Technician Graduation was a very special day for OSHKI as we celebrated our students’ hard work and success in reaching their educational goals.

Continuing Education Programs

Microsoft Office Program

In the year 2007 – 2008 OSHKI delivered the Microsoft Office hands-on six week training program delivered in partnership with Confederation College. This is a basic skills software program for both the beginner and those who wish to improve their technical skills.

Recognition of Achievement Certificates were presented to the participating students. This program builds and/or enhances students computer skills which have now become a basic requirement in post-secondary education.

Academic Upgrading (GED)

This 300 hour (12 week) training program is a practical upgrading access program. Numeracy, literacy and sciences skills enable students to enter or re-enter the workforce or continue on into Post-Secondary education.

OSHKI is committed to opening the doors for NAN community members to pursue careers that require a secondary school equivalency. In 2007 – 2008 OSHKI delivered 3 GED Programs: one in the summer of 2007 in Wapekeka, and two on-campus. Several of the GED graduates of the (12-week) have entered into post-secondary programs here at OSHKI.

It is the long-term goal of OSHKI to deliver the GED in all forty-nine communities, allowing students to remain in their own communities in pursuit of their short- and long-term education goals.




Teaching Radiography at a Distance: Creating and Using Learning Objects

Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education and Training Institute in collaboration with Cambrian College, the Basic Radiological Technician Program, and the Ojibway and Cree Cultural Centre, are developing Basic Radiography digital learning objects and online courseware to help support the training of remote First Nations community members to become proficient Basic Radiological Technicians. Basic Radiological Technicians work under the direction of physicians and nurses in the provision of clinical radiography (x-ray) services to patients within their own home communities.

The project uses eDome a high-tech, digital, multimedia specially designed facility developed at Cambrian College that facilitates the audio and video capturing of objects in a cinema-like production environment. The project will use eDome to house a typical First Nations radiographic clinical setup complete with the mobile AMX-4 x-ray machine to capture and produce a series of learning objects of Aboriginal radiological technicians performing radiographic clinical procedures on Aboriginal patients. Learning objects will be produced in English, Cree, and Oji-Cree languages. The project will also use Moodle to deliver and distribute learning objects and online courseware.

This project will enable First Nations learners and learning organizations to have more effective access to basic radiography digital educational learning objects and online courseware in their traditional languages and in ways appropriate to their needs and cultural context.

This one-year content development project commenced on October 2007 and is funded by the Inukshuk Wireless Learning Plan. To learn more about the project please visit us at http://blog.oshki.ca/trd.



Student Success InitiativeProviding ongoing student academic support is a key to educational success. The Student Support Worker works closely with the students providing support, direction and motivation. The Student Success Initiative was established to ensure student retention and successful completion of studies within a student-centered environment.

OSHKI sees the direct correlation between the level of student personal and academic support and student post secondary program retention. A varied range of ongoing support services are available such as; workshops, career, personal, and academic counselling and referral services. It is critical that our students are supported in a holistic way by providing opportunities to develop competencies in self management, relationships with others and processes that build toward academic success.

Student Transition Program

Each new program begins with an intensive 4 day Student Orientation for student success and retention. Culturally appropriate learning strategies and personal development workshops are provided and individual time with our program coordinators and student support worker are scheduled. There are organized recreational activities to promote team building within a learning environment. It is the goal of OSHKI to ensure that each student experiences academic success.



Recruitment At A GlanceThere are three distinct stages in the recruitment process at OSHKI:

1. Pre-Registration: During this stage, the prospective student has taken the time to look through the OSHKI Program Calendar, perhaps do some Internet research, or even just taken a few weeks or months to decide which career option they wish to explore through OSHKI. Once they have made their choice, they contact the Student Recruitment Officer at OSHKI to confirm that they meet the minimum admission requirements for their program of choice. If necessary, they will have to make arrangements with OSHKI to write a Mature Student Test. They are also required to complete the Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Program Application Form, and return it to the Student Recruitment Officer so that a file can be started for them at OSHKI.

2. Registration: At this stage, the candidate will have made their choice and will have completed an Ontario Colleges Application Service (OCAS) Form and sent it to OCAS in Guelph, Ontario. They will have enclosed the non-refundable $85 application fee with their OCAS application (only certified cheques or money orders are accepted). The quickest and easiest way to register with OCAS is to submit an online application on the OCAS website (www.ontariocolleges.ca) where they have the option of paying the application fee via credit card.

Also at this stage, the candidate will have obtained official transcripts from the last institution that they attended (high school or college). They may have sent these transcripts to the Student Recruitment Officer at OSHKI, or even directly to OCAS.

3. Funding Sponsorship: This is the final stage of the recruitment process. Once the candidate has fulfilled all OCAS requirements, and has then been accepted by the college into their program of choice, they will seek financial sponsorship from their respective agencies. The relevant college will send a Letter of Acceptance to the candidate indicating that they have been approved for entry into the program. The candidate must then respond to the offer of admission by confirming with OCAS that they will attend the program. A sponsorship letter will then be provided to OSHKI, and registration into the program can be arranged. Students are registered into their program when the sponsorship letter is received.



Program Delivery Format

The accredited postsecondary education programs are selected to meet individual and community needs and are delivered through an innovative combination of on-campus sessions and distance delivery (elearning) platforms that include audio conferencing,videoconferencing,CentraVirtualClassroomandtheMoodleOpenSourceOnlineLearning.

On-Campus Sessions

To assist with the goal of student academic success, each on-campus semester is divided into a ‘front/back course load’. In the first 8 of a 16 week semester the students focus on 2 – 3 courses. Students then return for a second on-campus session, where they complete the final 8 week course load of 2 – 3 additional courses. In this way, the students are better able to organize their time and can easier manage their course assignments, especially for those who hold full-time jobs.


Student Orientation & Transition Week – Mandatory •Studyskills •TimeManagement •SelfEsteem •InterpersonalCommunication

Week 1 On-Campus Session launching three courses

Weeks 2 - 8 Distance Delivery & Independent Study for the three courses.

Week 9 On Campus Session launching final three or four courses

Week 10 - 16 Distance Delivery & Independent Study for the final three or four courses (depending on credit hours).


Week 1 On-Campus Session launching three courses

Weeks 2 - 8 Distance Delivery & Independent Study for the three courses.

Week 9 On Campus Session launching final three or four courses

Week 10 - 16 Distance Delivery & Independent Study for the final three or four courses (depending on credit hours).



Distance Education – E-Learning

Audio Conferencing

Although Centra is the preferred method of classroom instructors, OSHKI realizes that not every student will have adequate and reliable access to the Internet either at home or on the go. In these cases, audio conferencing through Contact North is still available for students wishing to participate in their classes via telephone.

Video Conferencing

With classes scheduled in the evenings, student access to video conferencing facilities in communities is a challenge; therefore, video conferencing and webcasting services are supported on an as required or as needed basis. For example, studentswhocannottravelandattendoncampussessionscanstillparticipateviavideoconference.Videoconferencingisalso supported for one-to-one tutor sessions.

Virtual Classrooms (Centra)

Centra is a real-time virtual classroom environment provided by Contact North. OSHKI students access and use Centra using an Internet connected computer and headset to attend and participate in live, scheduled classroom and tutor sessions. A Centra session allows instructors and students to meet as a group or one-to-one on the Web and from there listen to a lecture, text chat, participate in two-way discussions, view presentation slides, share an application, and visit other web sites on the Internet.

Online Learning (Moodle)

At OSHKI, we are dedicated to graduating students with the know-how to learn and work in their own home communities using the potential of the Web to their benefit. E-Learning or online learning helps to develop the technical skills and knowledge required for the connected workplace and worker. Using our e-Learning@Oshki portal, students can access a number of online tools and technologies to support online coursework. Moodling is a flexible way for OSHKI students to access online course materials and to complete online course assignments and activities using the Moodle learning management system.



Program Advisory Committees

OSHKI’s Program Advisory Committees function pursuant to the formal and signed Partnership and Program Service Agreements held with our college partners. The committees are comprised of community members with valuable community-based and professional experience, in addition to an interest in education and training. They are dynamic groups of people, committed to working with OSHKI in order to ensure the learning needs of the peoples we serve are met. Committee members act as advisors in curriculum design, review, funding, administration and many other issues which arise as a result of our unique position. They are liaisons between the Institute and the communities, and as such they provide OSHKI with guidance in ensuring that we are acting with the support of the community.

The three current Program Advisory Committees are composed of the following tribal council-appointed representatives:

OSHKI is currently preparing to assemble a listing of appointed members to two new Program Advisory Committees for the two post-secondary programs to commence this coming year: Native Early Childhood Education Program, September 2008, and: Pre-Health Sciences, January 2009.

Indigenous Wellness & Addictions Prevention Program Tribal Council

Michael Archer Wabun First Nations

Lorraine Crane Windigo First Nations

Luke Sagutch Matawa First Nations

Lucie Edwards Mushkegowuk First Nations

Mary Lou Winters Shibogama First Nations

Aboriginal Financial & Economic Planning Program Tribal Council

Patrick Cheechoo Matawa First Nations

Catherine Cheechoo Mushkegowuk First Nations

Darlene Lafontaine Wabun First Nations

Sam Mamakwa Shibogama First Nations

Rodney McKay Windigo First Nations

Doug Beardy Independent FN’s Alliance

Aboriginal Community Services Worker Program Tribal Council

Elizabeth Kakegamic Independent FN’s Alliance

Robert Thomas Keewaytinook Okimakanak

Sam Mamakwa Shibogama First Nations

Rollande Hookimaw Mushkegowuk First Nations

James Brown Shibogama First Nations

Liz Babin Wabun Tribal Council

Genevieve Martin ACSW Alumni

Roland Pemmican ACSW Alumni (Deer Lake FN)



e-Learning @ OSHKIIn October 2006, the Institute initiated a one-year special project funded by FedNor to develop an e-learning delivery system for the expansion and delivery of new online educational programs, courses, and services being offered for the 2007/2008 academic year. This project was completed and a final report was submitted to FedNor.

The use of virtual learning environments for post-secondary education program and service delivery has become widespread at colleges and universities. Web-based tools and technologies such as student portals, learning management systems, and live synchronous tools enable both instructors and students to teach and learn online. Within this expanding digital, online education realm, OSHKI itself must build capacity to design, develop, and deliver our own unique e-learning program, including the technological infrastructure and pedagogical framework, which best meet the needs of the First Nations communities and learners that we serve. This project addressed this need by promoting and developing e-learning at OSHKI to ensure that all learners have equal access to OSHKI’s current and future educational opportunities.

OSHKI’s E-Learning Coordinator implemented this project in collaboration with a project implementation team. Project results included:

• UpgradednetworkcablingandsecurityatOSHKI’snewcampusfacility.

• Upgradedstaffcomputersandequipment.

• Establishedanewup-to-datecomputerlabforstudents.

• Conductedanenvironmentalscantoexaminethestateofe-learningwithintheAboriginalpost-secondary education context.

• Formulatedane-learningstrategyfortheInstitutebasedonenvironmentalscanresultsandfreelyavailable open source software.

• DeployedtwopilotwebserversusingWindowsXP,Apache,MySQL,andPHP(WAMP)technicalframework to host OSHKI’s new virtual learning environment.

• Developedanewe-learning@OSHKIportalforstudentstoaccesse-learningtoolsandresourcesatOSHKI.

• PilotedMoodle,anonlinelearningmanagementsystem,includingothere-learningtoolssuchasstudentwebmail,weblog, and wiki to help facilitate online teaching and learning.

• Designed and developed in collaboration with Northern Links a framework for Moodle-based online courses at OSHKI.

• TrainedstudentsandinstructorsintheaccessanduseofMoodleandothere-learningtools.



• Collaboratedwithinstructorsandfacilitatedonlinecoursedevelopmentanddeliveryfor AFEP and IWAP semester one (Sept – Dec 2007) courses.

• Marketede-Learning@OSHKIthroughOSHKIFourSeasonsnewsletterand2007/2008ProgramCalendar.

• Evaluatedtheeffectivenessofcoursesonline.

• ReintroducedContactNorth’sCentrasystemtofacilitatethedeliveryoflivevirtualclasses.

This project focused on e-learning provision for the Institute. This project proves an Aboriginal post-secondary education institution like OSHKI can build capacity for the provision of e-learning to remote First Nations communities and learners using completely free open source software products and solutions. This is positive news as it shows that institutions can embrace e-learning without the high cost of capital equipment and annual software licensing and maintenance fees. However, like any other program, funding is required to sustain the resources necessary for the continued design, development and delivery of e-learning (both technical and pedagogical) for the Institute.

The full project final report is available on OSHKI’s website at http://www.oshki.ca/research.



Communications & Consultations The positive growth at the Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute is a direct result of the support provided by the educators, leadership, partners, funding agencies, students and alumni. The key is communications and consultations through the following activities.

Career Fairs

• WebequieFirstNations12thAnnualCareerFair,May23,2007

• FortWilliamFirstNationHealthFair,July11,2007

• CambrianCollegeOpenHouse,Sudbury,November17,2007

• MooseFactoryAnnualCareerFair,February,2008

• MoosoneeAnnualCareerFair,February,2008

Community Visits

Meeting with the educators, leadership and prospective students helps OSHKI to provide relevant and required programming that helps meets the learning needs in the in the communities.

• WeagamowlakeFirstNation,May2007

• CatLakeFirstNation,September2007

• SandyLakeFirstNation,September2007

• PikangikumFirstNation,November2007

• DeerLakeFirstNation,February,2008

• SandyLakeFirstNation,March2008

• ArolandFirstNation,March2008

• ConstanceLakeFirstNation,March2008

• AnimhiigooZaagiiganAnishinaabekFirstNation,March2008

• BiinjitinaabikZaagingAnishinaabekFirstNation,March2008

• KeewaywinFirstNation,March2008

• LongLake#58FirstNation,March2008

• GinoogamingFirstNation,March2008

• PikangikumFirstNation,March2008

• WunnuminLake,March2008

• KingfisherLake,March2008

More visits are planned in the coming year.




• RegionalCareer&JobFairatLakeheadUniversity,May2007

• AllOntarioChiefsConference,PelicanFallsFirstNationsHighSchool,SiouxLookout,June,2007

• NishnawbeAskiNation’sKeewaywinConference,ArolandFN,August,2007

• AssociationofCanadianCommunityColleges’ConferenceonStrategiesforAboriginalLearnersinRuralandRemote Settings, Timmins, October 26, 2007

• NishnawbeAskiNation’sChiefsAssemblyontheNorthernTable,Timmins,November15,2007

• ChiefsofOntario2ndAnnualEducationConference,November21&22,2007

• SiouxLookoutDistrictChiefsMeeting,January22&23,2008

• KeewaytinookOkimakanak’sWomeninleadershipVideoConference,January28,2008

• MatawaEducationConference,March2008

• NishnawbeAskiNation’sWinterChiefs,March2008

• SiouxLookoutHealthDirectorsMeeting,March2008

• KeewaytinookOkimakanakTribalCouncilVisit,March2008


Regular features on an array of topics that include student success stories, profiles of staff, students and instructors, current and new programs, program offerings, admissions requirements are covered in OSHKI’s newsletter that is issued on a quarterly basis. The newsletters will continue in the coming year.

Program Calendar

A user friendly program calendar that assists prospective students during the admissions process is widely distributed to each community and education authority in Nishnawbe Aski Nation as well as regional and NAN related organizations. Copies are distributed at all public functions that OSHKI attends. As one of the primary resource and communication tools, information on our various partners is also included.

Public Relations/Media Events/Web Casts

Keeping the public at large informed of the institutional and programming activity is an ongoing priority. Media Advisories are issued and Press Conferences are held for significant activity like the:

• GraduationCeremony,September2007–MediaAdvisoryandWebCast

• PartnershipAgreementRenewalVirtualSigningCeremonythroughaWebCast



GovernanceIncorporated as an independent Institute in April 2001, the Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute receivesitsmandatefromtheChiefsofNishnawbeAskiNationthroughResolution#96/64.Itisgovernedbyninemembers who serve three year terms that are staggered for continuity. Together, the Governing Council members bring a wide arrange of expertise and knowledge for effective governance and direction in the implementation of OSHKI’s mission. The member’s position are filled in consultation with the First Nations who are entitled to appoint a member to OSHKI.

The seat designated for an Elder is vacant and will be filled in consultation with Nishnawbe Aski Nation.

Governing Council Members First Nation Tribal CouncilJoseph Gagnon, Chair Aroland Matawa First Nations Council

Chief William Harper, Vice Chair Koochiching Windigo First Nations Council

James Brown, Treasurer Wapekeka Shibogama First Nations Council

Ken Neegan, Secretary Constance Lake Matawa First Nations Council

Frankie Crowe Sandy Lake Independent First Nation

Jim Beardy Muskrat Dam Independent First Nations Alliance

Esther McKay, Youth Bearskin Lake Windigo First Nations Council

Deputy Grand Chief Terry Waboose Eabemetoong Nishnawbe Aski Nation Ex Officio



AdministrationThe Indian Studies Support Program Funding allocation received from Indian & Northern Affairs Canada covers basic operational and program activity at the Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute. The optimum uses of these, and funds received from other sources, form the basis of all decisions. This is a constant challenge due to the extraordinary high costs for providing programs to the members located across 321,869 square kilometres.

OSHKI gratefully acknowledges the financial support provided by:

• Indian&NorthernAffairsCanada

• FedNor,InformationTechnologyProgram

• HealthCanada,FirstNationsandInuitHealth

• InukshukWirelessPartnershipProgram

• MinistryofTraining,CollegesandUniversities

• NegahneewinCollegeofAcademic&CommunityDevelopment,ConfederationCollege

• NishnawbeAskiNation

• NorthernNishnawbeEducationCouncil

• WabnodeInstitute,CambrianCollege



Human ResourcesThe dynamic team responsible for providing excellence in postsecondary education and training to the people in Nishnawbe Aski Nation and other learners are:

Executive Director Rosie S. Mosquito

Finance & Administrative Officer Peggy Wassegijig

Administrative Assistant Valerie Nabigon

Receptionist Sabrina Sutherland

Program & Student Service Coordinator Estella Howard

Post Secondary Program Coordinator Peter Rasevych

e-Learning Coordinator Gordon Kakegamick

Community Liaison & Student Recruitment Officer Loretta Sheshequin

Student Support Worker Betsy Ledger

Administrative Assistant Jocelyn Rae



Organizational Structure

Executive Director


Post SecondaryProgram Coordinator


Governing Council

Finance & Administrative Officer

Program & Student Service Coordinator

Project Teams

Course Developers


Community Liaison & Student Recruitment Officer

eLearning Coordinator

Student Support Worker



AffiliationsThe Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute is a member in good standing with the provincial and national consortiums. These consortiums advocate for aboriginal owned and controlled education and training institutes.

Aboriginal Institutes’ Consortium

The Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute is one of the eight aboriginal institutes in Ontario that is represented by the Aboriginal Institutes’ Consortium. The Consortium advocates for the collective recognition of the aboriginal institutes to facilitate access to financial resources that are available to mainstream colleges and universities for stable and long term planning.

Quarterlymeetingsareheldannually.Memberinstitutestaketurnshostingthemeetings.AnnualGeneralMeetingsareheld in alternating locations.

National Association of Indigenous Institutes of Higher Learning

The National Association of Indigenous Institutes of Higher Learning’s mandate is to advocate for and support post secondary, technical, adult and related indigenous education for the betterment of indigenous institutions, communities and people. An elected executive by the members from across Canada hold quarterly meetings. Annual meetings of the members are held in alternating locations across the country.



Financial Statements



Hudson Bay

James Bay







• •

• •

Fort Severn




Fort Albany

Moose Cree


SaugeenLac Seul

New Slate Falls

Cat Lake


Poplar Hill

Deer Lake

Macdowell Lake

North Spirit lake

Wunnumin Lake

Marten FallsEabametoong


Summer Beaver

Kingfisher Lake Webequie


Kasabonika Lake

Wapekeka Lake

Big Trout Lake

Bearskin LakeSachigo Lake

Muskrat Dam



Keewaywin Weagamow Lake

New Osnaburgh

ArolandLong Lake #58

GinoogamingConstance Lake


Missanabie CreeChapleau Cree


Brunswick House




New Post

Moose River Crossing

Sault Ste. Marie Sudbury


North BayPembroke Ottawa

Parry Sound

Owen SoundPeterborough



Niagara Falls



••• •

•Red Lake

Sioux Lookout

Thunder Bay


FAX: (807) 622-1818

WEBSITE: www.oshki.caE-MAIL: info@oshki.ca