Old/New Testament Survey Instructions for Students · Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation 10 % Watch...

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Old/New Testament Survey Instructions for Students

1. It is YOUR responsibility to sign in – you will be marked absent and lose three points if you do not

sign in. The sign in sheet will be on the front table when you come in.

2. If you are not in class, log onto Moodle to download notes and resources. Worksheets can be

completed electronically and printed or uploaded if you have to miss class. If your handwriting is

hard to read, you can certainly complete worksheets through Moodle.

3. Listen in class and participate in discussions. Again, notes can be downloaded. Pay attention; if you

are taking notes, you may miss discussion of important information. Worksheets will be available at

the end of class.

4. Most of you are attending SGTS because you have, or expect to have, some type of ministry. This

means you will occasionally be called upon to pray aloud, in public. Everyone in class will be

expected to open or close a session in prayer.

5. Writing projects for Survey classes MUST be typed. If you do not have access to Word on your

personal computer, there is a free office package called Open Office. You can safely download it to

your computer. Word documents can be opened in the Writer portion of the package. There is a

summary template on Moodle in Word and Writer. Please feel free to use either of these to

properly format your writing project. Instructions and a check off sheet are available. These are to

help you! Take advantage of them. There is also an online program called Paper Rater that will be

extremely beneficial. Summaries of three of the Bible books studied each semester will be required.

6. There will be at least one bonus project. This is usually a crossword puzzle. This will serve two


a. Your lowest grade will be replaced with the bonus grade, if the bonus is higher.

b. It will help you study for final exams.

7. There will be three exams. The grades will be averaged. All exams will be available on paper and

on Moodle. Everyone who wishes to take the exams electronically may bring an electronic device to

class on exam nights, whether it is a laptop, tablet, or smartphone – whichever is most efficient for

you, although the phone may make it harder to view the exam online.

8. I am not here to make your life miserable, nor to entertain you. I am here to help you learn. Do not

hesitate to ask for help:

Email: ggibbs@sffwbc.org, Home phone: 229-777-9739, Cell phone (or text): 229-272-4394

(Cell phone service in my home area is almost non-existent, but texting works well.)


Old and New Testaments Books by Genre (Literary Style)



History Major

Prophets Minor

Prophets Genesis Joshua Job Isaiah Hosea Exodus Judges Psalms Jeremiah Joel Leviticus Ruth Proverbs Lamentations Amos Numbers I Samuel Ecclesiastes Ezekiel Obadiah Deuteronomy II Samuel Song of Solomon Daniel Jonah

I Kings Micah II Kings Nahum I Chronicles Habakkuk II Chronicles Zephaniah Ezra Haggai Nehemiah Zechariah Ester Malachi


Gospel History Pauline Epistles Prophecy

Matthew Acts Romans James Revelation Mark I Corinthians I Peter Luke II Corinthians II Peter John Galatians I John

Ephesians II John Philippians III John Colossians Jude I Thessalonians II Thessalonians I Timothy II Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews

Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
General Epistles
Typewritten Text

*Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student committing this act will be in danger of receiving a failing grade and immediate expulsion.

ASSOCIATE LEVEL WRITING PROJECT It is important to follow the instructions.Each semester there will be a required writing project due according to dates on the Scope and Sequence.The grades will be averaged in with the final exam. A total of four projects based on the Old & NewTestament Survey classes will be due during the associate degree program (one per semester). Projectswill consist of a separate summary for each of three books studied during the current semester. These mustbe written in the student's OWN words. The purpose is to enhance writing skills, not gather information from other people. Use common language that even non-Christians can understand.

Original work that clearly expresses the thoughts and ideas of the student* Content flows smoothly without choppy inconsistent thoughts or slang phrases Basic Genre (style, category or division) in the first sentence of your summary.) Key Theme Major Events and Major Personalities Grammar, spelling, and punctuation (Includes proper use of capitals and numbers.) Correct word length (150-200 words) NO LESS, NO MORE. Presentation: professional finished look, properly formatted (will score equally) Turned in on time (due on three different dates, see the Scope and Sequence for the semester) Cover page should be a copy of the grade sheet, appropriately completed. Typed; double spaced, Times New Roman, Font 12 point Margins: left 1-1/2 in. right 1 inch, top of page 3 inches. Do not center the text.

SAMPLE SUMMARY: Leviticus Leviticus is the third book ascribed to Moses from the Old Testament law. Its themes are the sanctity

and holiness of God, the whole priesthood and its sacrifices, and holiness in everyday life. God

wanted to dwell with His covenant people. They were sinful; God was not. The book of Leviticus tries

to give an answer to this dilemma. How does a holy, righteous, pure God tabernacle with sinful man?

Its concepts deal with sacrificial and ceremonial holiness, of being clean in the eyes of God and with

men. The word holy appears more than eighty times in the book of Leviticus. The sacrificial system of

worship and the work of the priests are explained in great detail in the first seven chapters of the book.

The five major offerings of the Levitical system of worship were: The burnt sacrifice, the grain or meat

offering, the peace offering, the sin offering and the trespass offering. The ordination of Aaron and his

sons is given. There are laws that govern all aspects of the Jewish life. Religious feasts and holy days

are given for the instruction of the Israelite throughout their year. The holiest day of all, The Day of

Atonement, is described in Leviticus chapter sixteen.



Old Testament Survey Part 1 Old Testament Survey Part 2 New Testament Survey Part 1 New Testament Survey Part 2

Due Date Date Received Book Title

Grading Criteria % Allowed Summary __

On Time 5%

Word Length 10 %

Original Work 10%

Content Flows Smoothly 10%

No Excessive Quotes 5%

Basic Genre 10%

Key Theme 10 %

Major Events 10 %

Major Personalities 10 %

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation 10 %

Type, Font, Spacing 5 %


5 %

Grade 100 %

Typewritten Text

This sentence should contain the name of the book and its genre, also known as literary

style. The summary must be written in complete sentences, with no choppy sentences,

short cut or slang words. This should contain your thoughts and ideas, representing an

original work done by you. The major characters or personalities should be named. The

major theme must be included. The major events are to be included, but quotes from

Scripture should not be used, except to make a specific point. Even in this case, the quote

should be brief and properly cited. Be accurate in the use of past and present tenses,

verb-subject agreement and contractions. One example is “it’s”; this is a contraction for

it is. When the word expresses possession, use “its”, with no apostrophe. There are

many internet resources to help with this; we do realize that you are not writing a thesis

for Oxford University! An example of incorrect tense usage is “God manifested Himself

through the plagues of Egypt and compels Pharaoh to release the Hebrews”. Presentation

does not mean fancy. This paragraph is properly formatted to the criteria given.

Book Summary Check-off Chart - Check each of the following items BEFORE submitting your papers.

Criteria % Allowed Explanation of reduction in points

On Time 5% One point for each week overdue, minimum of 1 point

Word Length 10 %

10 150 - 200 10 150 - 200 Fewer than 90 words will reduce points to

the minimum of 1 9 140 9 219 8 130 8 238 7 120 7 275 6 110 6 312 More than 400 words

will reduce points to the minimum of 1

5 100 5 350 4 90 4 388

Original Work 10% Difficult to enumerate, but do not use many indirect quotes

Content Flows Smoothly 10% Complete sentences – not choppy, no short cut or slang words

No Excessive Quotes 5% This is YOUR summary, use quotes only if absolutely necessary.

Basic Genre in first sentence 10% Minimum of five points deducted if this is omitted

Key Theme specifically named 10 % Deduction varies with manner in which theme is named

Major Events noted 10 % Difficult to enumerate, but include in text

Major Personalities noted 10 % Difficult to enumerate, but include in text

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation 10 % Watch tenses in noun-verb usage, proper use of contractions

Type, Font, Spacing 5 % 1 point for font style, 1 for font size, 1 for spacing - double,

1 for top margin, .5 for each side margin

Presentation 5 % Does not necessarily mean artistic, but with cover sheet and

proper formatting, professional look