On Smithfield Public School Newsletter

Post on 06-Feb-2022

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Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to Week 8! Learning From Home As many of you will know, last Friday, the premier announced a return to face-to-face learning for students starting from 25 October. A separate note went home about this on Monday with greater detail. If Fairfield LGA is not deemed a hotspot at the time, both Kindergarten and Year 1 only will return to school from 25 October. Grades 2 and 6 are due to return on 1 November and the rest of the school on 8 November. This means, at least the first three weeks of Term 4 will be the same as this term, with students learning from home. I will provide you with further information closer to the return dates. Parent Zoom Pop in Sessions Thank you to the 36 parents who participated in the Parent Zoom Pop In last Tuesday. This was a highly productive Zoom with parents providing valuable feedback on learning from home. There was a very positive message from parents indicating they are happy with processes in place. Suggestions were listened to and already some refinements were made based on feedback. There will be a second Pop In session on Tuesday 7 September (Week 9) at 2pm, following the same format. Parent Learning from Home Survey An impressive 160 parents completed this survey! Thank you very much for your time and valuable feedback. The positive messages heard at the parent Pop In session were echoed in this survey. We are pleased you are happy with the remote learning partnership between home and school. Both the Pop In session and survey feedback were shared and reflected on with staff. 2022 Kindergarten and Preschool Enrolments. We are currently taking 2022 Kindergarten and Preschool enrolments. 2022 Kindergarten orientation will commence early next term (either face-to-face or virtually), so please ensure your children are enrolled before then. It is very important they attend orientation. Parents are encouraged to use the online enrolment form available on the school website or through this link https://enrol.education.nsw.gov.au/#/?schoolCode=3073 for Kindergarten enrolments. The preschool enrolment form can be accessed through this link: https://schoolsequella.det.nsw.edu.au/file/fc42beb1-eff2-4592-b7da-a253901e002a/1/preschoolapptoenrol.pdf If you are unable to access the online forms, please call the school office and a paper copy will be mailed to you.

Smithfield Public School Newsletter

O’Connell Street, Smithfield 2164

Phone: 96045475 Fax: 97255648

Email: smithfield-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Web: www.smithfield-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

The 2021 Tournament of Minds is a problem-solving program. The competition aims to develop diverse skills such as enterprise, time management, and the discipline to work collaboratively in a challenging and competitive environment. This year Smithfield Public School entered the ''Language Literature'' challenge, which required the team to completely reimagine a classic text. They chose Lewis Carol's classic novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'', and reimagined it as a modern-day money making exercise called "Alice's Adventures in Product-Placement Land". The challenge involved creating a series of promotional materials that slowly hinted at the original text's key plot points, which all led to a big reveal of the new reimagined version. The team chose to create a series of advertisements for products that would be marketed by the film, but also hint at key plot points (for example a lawyer service that might help clear your name if you were to be charged by a queen). The inspiration for this was modern films such as Space Jam and The Lego Movie, which seem to be just one big advertisement, rather than simply a form of entertainment. The team did an amazing job and were able to create a ten-minute video offering their solution to the challenge. They worked wonderfully well as a team, showing great initiative and some astounding creativity. Well done to: Vanessa, Jennifer, Laila, Isaac, Devash, Oliver and Caralynn. Mr Mansfield

On Wednesday 15 September (Week 10), Smithfield Public School will host a


It’s an opportunity for students to have a device free day.

On the day students will be given 2 matrix – 1 with physical activities and 1 with wellbeing activities. Each activity will be worth a certain number of points. Students will try to complete as many activities as they can and submit their points by 3pm. Each activity will require minimal to no parent support. The class with the most amount points in each stage will receive a special prize! During the week Mrs Harris and Miss Maturana will announce the winners.


School Administrative and Support Staff (SASS) Week Next week is SASS Week. During this week we will celebrate all of the support staff in our school (SLSOs, CLOs, Office Staff and the general assistant). These staff members play a very important role in providing a caring and nurturing learning environment for students and their families. We are blessed to have such an outstanding group of professionals at Smithfield PS. They are hardworking and always go above and beyond for our students and families. We absolutely could not do without them. Thank you to all our wonderful support staff. You are simply amazing! I would like to wish all our fathers and significant males a Happy Father’s Day for Sunday. Have a happy and safe week! Kind regards Jodi Harris

Book Week with 1S

Book Week with 4H

Great Work from Kaeli ! Mr Khoury

Remote learning We have had a great fortnight of learning. I had the privilege of joining some of our class Zooms. It was wonderful to see the children engaging in quality learning activities with their teachers and peers. We have started to get some of our Early Intervention placement offers for next year. They will be posted out to you and your teacher will also notify you via Seesaw as soon as we get any news. If you haven’t heard about placement yet, please don’t panic as there are still quite a few panel placement meetings scheduled. If you are concerned please have a conversation with your class teacher. Our ‘Friday Fun Day’ zoom sessions for this past fortnight have included a ‘Science week’ and ‘Book week’. We had a special presenter, ‘Scientist Steve’ who showed us some wonderful science experiments. We celebrated book week with dressing up as our favourite book characters and engaging in some fun activities. This Friday our fun day zoom will be “Jersey day”. Wear your fa-vourite sports jersey and join us for some sporting fun. Have a wonderful fortnight and stay safe! Bita Christos Deputy Principal Special Education

Science Week

Support Unit News (SUN)

Book Week 2021

Learning From Home Daily Teaching Model

Just a reminder that Learning from Home hours are a little different from a normal day of school learning. More information and resources can be found on the Department of Education website.

Just a reminder to all students of the expectation when participating on a Zoom video.

Thank you to Mr Johnny (Our amazing General Assistant). He has been at home thinking of cool designs for Smithfield Public School. He made three Beyblade/ playing cards tables for when the students return to school. They will be available in EIU during play time.

Early Finished Educational Games Grid and Tech Free Grid

This week, teachers will send out via SeeSaw or Google classroom OPTIONAL grids to support students who may finish learning tasks early. The Educational Games grid provides parents with online websites to consolidate learning across curriculum. The Smithfield PS Tech Free grid includes activities to support learning without the need for a screen.

Upcoming Teacher Planning Day Weeks 9 and 10

In Weeks 9 and 10 of this term, teachers will have a set day when they will be engage in stage based professional learning to plan for Term 4. On this allocated day (one day per stage), teachers will set learning tasks for the day, however, will not be online. This will mean, students will still be provided with work for the day, but there will be no online responses to students or Zooms. By the end of Week 8, teachers will let stu-dents know which day this will take place for your stage over the fortnight.

"On Friday last week, all of Kindergarten got together to celebrate Book Week! We listened to the story "The Three Kinder Pigs" starring Mrs Cordero, Miss Slan, Mrs Mueller and Ms Best. We welcomed some special guests including Mrs Harris, Miss Maturana and the Director Mrs Porter. It was a wonderful celebration of books! The Kinder teachers were so happy to see all of the beautiful smiling faces of our Kindergarten students!"