On The Edge

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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On the edge

The seamless time never has an edge. Situations have it for one who is able to see it.Human minds do have an ability to have an edge.

We know how to deal with some situations some times, but never all situations all the time.Eventually what matters is when we do not have edge over the situation…

Transformative thinking ways alone can take us beyond...Share some thoughts connected to this on the background of market melt down in USA & elsewhere.You will realize it applies to all human encounters – within and outside.

…there's no easy

way to know

what's politically

correct.No simple

way out of this situation…

Nearly 50% decision makers still have the doubts..Unwilling to believe what the leaders say..about the urgency.

…what the split bailout vote really says...?

Proposal for capital market “bailout” , the economy “bailout” and life of average taxpayer not linkedSo many questions still not answered.

Conscious citizens request their representatives

–”Don't do anything that even hints of a bailout for

Wall Street executives.”

.. if learned congressmen have the doubts, how the

common man must be looking at it?

Some people with bags of money are waiting for distress sellout of mortgages by lenders.Not surprising at all in a free economy.

The biggest irony of the situation is that "Every American who has played it safe and smart to avoid debt is being asked to spend the rest of his or her life paying off the debts of Washington and Wall Street”

Mr. Market desperate for bail out,

reacts with lost 777 index points, says

more than the numbers-

“We very badly want this bail out”

Can “free market” sustain in such times?

Mr. Market devalued worth of floating securities by US $ 1.2 trillion…without any meaningful economic activity – just sentiments of not having the money that is badly needed to keep the bubble inflated.… and it recovered 400+ points without bailout coming… what it means? Lost some and regained on third day..

The real problem is funding for the basic economic activities.. The lenders & Banks who help businesses and household financially active in the market , but have lost the money. Unless they recover they just cannot think of capital markets for more equity.

Has any of the market men come out in open – clean before the people and promised to do something to boost the confidence?

"Everyone knows something has to be done, but they don't

want to take the hit if everything blows up"

As it is, the indexes showed higher Price Earning ratios. Too much money was chasing too few securities through derivative route.

Now the losses are reflecting through lower index. A market correction?

It is no secret that the S&P 500, measured by historical norms of price to earnings ratios, isstill overpriced even after the carnage of the two year bear market.

Real cause seems to be lesser consumer spending & investing in near future. And why they will spend less ? they find their present and future income and credits insufficient to live the way they lived so far. They are unable to discount the uncertainty.

So what’s the solution?

"This is something all of us will

swallow hard and go forward with.“..unless corrected in right manner.

But in the first place why it happens at all?

“In an upturn, employees scheme to obtain extra resources and the biggest possible bonus. In a downturn, they desperately try to defend their empires and avoid the sack - for themselves or for valuable colleagues in their teams.”

“The markets

are not a logical

or fair playing


despite being familiar with winning strategies, systems, and money management techniques, trading success

depends on trader’s psychological state of mind.

..fact that consumers are not getting loans to buy their cars is affecting the share prices.

Treasuries in US rose on speculation the $700 billion financial rescue

plan may not avert a recession. US bonds extended gains before jobs

data for September. The unemployment rate is at five-year high of 6.1

percent and is expected to rise to 7 percent late in 2009.

The concern over US bailout plan is now shifting to the greater one of recession.

How to deal with the down times without digging deeper into the hole?

If one is in a hole, how

to work for the way out?

..and how?A prognostic scenario..

360 degree clarity out of confusion…Sense of direction…Multidirectional force deployment..Ability to imagine, handle and see through the situation..

Clarity & sense of direction is the need of the time for lasting solution. A good thought model is desperately needed. It MUST evolve from the diagnosis & prognosis – with focus on causes & cause of causes.

Is it possible for human mind?

Given good intentions, why not?

Every individual has, his or her, own causes, adding to the circumstantial causes.

..how one looks at a transaction -logically or psychologically? should every trade stand on its own merits? Theoretically, yes, but in real life it doesn't always work that way. ..one is likely to manage a transaction differently depending on whether the previous trade was a winner or a loser...or some other compelling variable or risk or profit perception..

..as the stress builds up, the immune system runs down, leaving the individual prone to physical, as well as mental illness. Regular bouts of sickness can be a clear indicator of the impact of stress.

The mental illnesses range from anxiety to depression, which seem to stop individuals continuing in an intolerable situation. It immobilizes them and compels a reassessment of goals. After the adjustment they are mentally much stronger than before………….

….while confused

perceptions change at much faster speed than the

realities...in crises an abrupt transition from being a free agent to being answerable to others is profoundly shocking.

Traders should be able to make quick decisions and have quick reflexes. Their action plan is mostly predetermined, yet they must be ready to abort their mission at any stage….

..changing perceptions create

superfluous realities to swing the sentiments.

….especially sentiments of

those, who do not possess the insight about how values are created or they get lost.

…endlessly evolving complex forces and circumstance demand one to prove one’s worth and achieve what one wishes.

..in such dynamic situation this perceptions fuel the situation with

adrenaline leading to intense stress in one’s mind

..then situation graduates

near to the emotional explosion, which can be triggered by possibly any thing.

In such dynamics situations

no single thought, idea or action is seems effective.

the inner feedback is

either absent, subtle or unclear; one does not understand exactly what is necessary to be effective.

..the time - every moment of

it - is of great essence. The dynamics allows

absolutely no liberty to deliberate over the situation.

…however, between the event and one's response there is

always a inconceivably thin time space where lies freedom and power to choose and form a response.

..in this thin space one meets inner challenge

forcing to evaluate one's self and



positive feedback inspires to go beyond the superficialities and inadequacy of conscious strengths.

..entering the heart of the storm and uncertainties,

powered with

subconscious, one confronts the deepest fears so that the knowledge of true self is revealed. The subconscious is much bigger storehouse of memories and thinking speed compared to the short term memory and thinking speed of conscious mind.

..this may not deliver a

perfect solution instantly, but always there is a realization that there are

ways beyond the known as thought possible so far. This directs a search for new choices.

.. one then embraces the true, expanded self and destroys the old ways creatively.

….proactive process gets generated by the use of

new gift : self-awareness, conscience, imagination - a

cohesive total way.

This is expanded Self-awareness which is crucial factor that allows one

to transcend the known and one’s knowledge in totality. This totality naturally mobilizes one’s full force for acting on such decisions.

This is a rediscovery of the self - that propels one to venture beyond the convictions and to choose a response that is based on

totality of vision focused on intentions/dreams. The uncertainties are reduced & knowledge based probabilities stand improved .

In this state of mind one leaves no adversity untouched, no fear unattended, no worry about rejection or isolation.

With such rediscovery, one

gets into a emotional, rational & spiritual harmony which intensely carries one beyond analytical rationality & control by the

worn-out values - a sheer ecstasy…

..a trance - a flow that will break the boulders on the way. This is the unknown

force - one's connectedness to his or her higher self.

..a person creates problems, problems can

create a person or they can break one as well… it is a

matter of choice and not a chance.

Forget the bailout and add any other situation here and think this way..

Following URLs are worth referring for more insighthttp://www.slideshare.net/anny_b/a-prayer-presentationhttp://www.traderslog.com/Mental-Aspect-of-Trading.htm


The last key to achieving mastery over the forces is believing that one can actually do it. Everyone is capable of being a successful and having an edge if they truly believe they can be – this way.