On the Execution of David M. Brewer, Lennart Grebelius

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On the Execution of David M. Brewer, Lennart Grebelius


On the Execution of David M. Brewer

Ohio USA, April 28 & 29 2003

9:21:55 AM. Transport Vehicle at Sally port 1

9:30:59 AM Inmate Brewer 187-234 in death house with two team


9:47:10 AM X in death house

9:47:19 AM Inmate Brewer requested a Root beer

10:08:30 AM Inmate Brewer´s special meal request deep fried

chicken, baked potato w/butter, macaroni and cheese,

corn, dinner rolls, slice of apple pie, and a root beer

10:15:00 AM Inmate Brewer talking with team members, spirits good

10:18:06 AM Inmate Brewer given a sprite and honey bun

10:30:52 AM Inmate Brewer lying on bed, quiet

10:31:31 AM Count called to CC1

10:35:18 AM Medical will be going to death house for an assessment

10:35:20 AM Inmate Brewer wanting a shower

10:38:56 AM Inmate Brewer in shower

10:52:39 AM Inmate Brewer returned to cell

10:55:25 AM X in for medical assessment

B/P 150/80, Pulse 96

11:10:12 AM Inmate Brewer talking about old times, spirits good

11:27:45 AM Inmate Brewer still talking with team members

11:35:00 AM Inmate Brewer spirits good

11:44:48 AM X out to CC1

11:45:42 AM Inmate Brewer standing watching TV

11:46:37 AM Inmate Brewer now lying on bed

11:53:06 AM Inmate Brewer sleeping

12:07:35 PM Inmate Brewer sleeping

12:22:24 PM Inmate Brewer sleeping

12:32:48 Warden and one team member in death house

12:34:10 Inmate Brewer sleeping

12:39:41 Inmate Brewer awake talking with Warden Haviland

12:43:03 Inmate Brewer sitting on bed talking

12:44:15 Inmate Brewer given two sandwiches and a root beer

12:46:46 Warden and two team members exiting to CC1

12:52:09 Four team members in death house

1:00:02 PM Inmate Brewer is watching TV

1:12:45 PM Rev. Tom Miller has arrived at facility; WT6 to escort

1:14:28 PM South Region Director, Stephen Huffman on site

1:18:46 PM Inmate Brewer notified that his pastor is in the facility

1:20:51 PM Inmate Brewer lying on his bed watching TV

1:22:06 PM Public Defenders, J. Wilhelm & D Vickers at A- building

1:24:07 PM Inmate Brewer informed that his attorneys are at the


1:25:00 PM Inmate Brewer asked to see his attorneys and spiritual


separately and when he would be moved to the visiting


1:27:11 PM Team member told him around 4PM. Still doing fine

1:30:33 PM Team member informed inmate Brewer that his spiritual

advisor would be here to see him shortly.

1:32:21 PM Inmate Brewer talking to team member about visiting


1:33:58 PM Spiritual advisor Tom Miller, cleared to cross yard with


1:35:00 PM Spiritual advisor arrives at the death house

1:36:27 PM X arrives at the death house

1:37:20 PM Spiritual advisor talking with inmate Brewer

Rev. Miller advised inmate Brewer that his family

members will be here later this afternoon.

1:39:43 PM Inmate Brewer expressing concern that his sister was

told to be here at 6:30 PM. Concerned that he wont have

much visiting time with his family. States it was hard

coming down this morning because the sun was shining

and he saw a lot of new cars for the first time in eighteen


1:43:18 PM Team member notified Inmate Brewer that his visiting

hours will be extended until 8 PM. Inmate Brewer

thanked the team member.

1:46:02 PM Inmate Brewer talking to team member about his funeral

arrangements and who will take his property. This

questions are answered satisfactorily by the team


1:47:59 PM Telling his spiritual advisor that he is being treated well.

1:54:21 PM Inmate Brewer tells his spiritual advisor that he won´t

know what his final statement will be until after he

speaks with his family, Inmate Brewer talking about other

inmates on death row being concerned.

1:56:36 PM X departed the death house at 1:40 PM

1:58:16 PM Inmate Brewer telling his spiritual advisor how well the

warden at Mansfield treated him prior to his leaving that


2:01:35 PM Inmate Brewer telling his spiritual advisor that he

understands there is a problem with what funeral home

he is going to and is wondering where he is going when

it´s over.

2:02:29 PM Reverand Miller states he will find out and let him know

2:07:17 PM Rev. Miller reading Psalm 145:18, 19 to inmate Brewer

2:07:34 PM Inmate Brewer in good spirits

2:14:56 PM Inmate Brewer and Rev. Miller talking about his ride

down here

2:24:25 PM Inmate Brewer telling about the mountain top where he

will be buried by his Mom

2:32:14 PM Rev. Miller states he is going to baptize inmate Brewers

brother tonight at the hotel. Inmate Brewer asks if he can

have a picture of the baptism placed in his casket. Rev.

Miller said he will.

2:34:41 PM Rev. Miller now reading from the bible. Book of Mark.

2:36:36 PM Inmate Brewer asked for a picture from his personal


2:37:32 PM Team member gave it to him. Rev. Miller finishes reading

from his bible. Inmate Brewer showing Rev. Miller a

picture of where he is to be interned.

2:39:14 PM The picture includes family members. Picture returned to

team member for placement back in his personal effects.

2:41:04 PM Rev. Miller states that inmate Brewer has made a

positive effect on his family.

2:42:14 PM Inmate Brewer states everything will be fine

2:42:44 PM Inmate Brewer states that coming down her this morning,

seeing the sun so bright that he realizes how bad he

screwed up when he was younger.

2:46:41 PM Rev. Miller praying with inmate Brewer.

2:47:32 PM Rev. Miller states the attorneys will be over here shortly

so he will be going. Tells inmate Brewer how much he

will miss him.

2:48:46 PM WT6 has been cleared to escort public defenders to

death house.

2:49:30 PM Inmate Brewer talking to team member about his visiting


Team member tells inmate Brewer that there is no need

for concern, that he will be given his visit when the time

comes and that is inmate Brewers time. Nobody will

interfere with his visit.

2:52:54 PM Rev. Miller departs the death house

2:53:17 PM Inmate Brewers attorneys arrive at the death house

2:54:07 PM Attorneys talking with inmate Brewer.

2:55:08 PM Attorneys express how sorry they are that they couldn´t

do more but it wasn´t meant to be.

2:55:59 PM Inmate Brewer expressed how thankful he was for what

they had done and he realizes what the outcome is.

2:59:57 PM Inmate Brewer telling his attorneys that he was a good

boy for eighteen years and when the board said he

couldn´t get a life sentence that he knew if he ended up

on the table at Lucasville that it was his fault and he

would deal with it.

3:01:59 PM Rev. Gary Sims cleared to cross yard

3:02:08 PM Inmate Brewer states he has no grudges against his

attorneys or anyone else.

3:05:11 PM Rev. Sims arrives at the death house

3:05:41 PM Inmate Brewer informed of Rev. Sims arrival

3:06:54 PM Rev. Sims talking to team members, inmate Brewer

continues talking with his attorneys.

3:07:07 PM Mr. L. Greene & A. Dean cleared to cross yard

3:11:30 PM Mr. Green and A. Dean arrive to the outer hall of the

death house.

3:12:56 PM Inmate Brewer continues talking with his attorneys

3:14:16 PM Attorneys offered something to drink. They requested a

glass of water.

3:15:46 PM Team members returns with the attorneys drinks

3:16:20 PM Inmate Brewer continues to talk about the trip from

Mansfield and how much things have changed since his

being locked up.

3:19:08 PM Attorneys talking about the impact that Joe Scurlock had

on his hearing and how much he, inmate Brewer, has

impacted the death row.

3:24:14 PM Andrea Dean in to see inmate Brewer and Rev. Sims

3:29:04 PM Mr. Greene and Andrea Dean out to CC1

3:30:27 PM Inmate Brewer and attorneys are still talking.

Brewer´s spirit is good.

3:34:24 PM Count called to CC1.

3:37:53 PM Inmate Brewer talking about Rev. Miller being witness

tomorrow and the impact it will have on other death row


3:40:00 PM Inmate Brewer asking about the visiting and if any of the

visitors have made it yet.

3:40:55 PM Inmate Brewer ask the attorneys why no one came to

Manci to tell him about the clemency hearing.

3:42:45 PM Inmate Brewer telling the attorneys that he is ready for


3:44:45 PM I/M Brewer tearing while talking about death and the

visitors coming down to see him today.

3:47:27 PM Inmate Brewer tells his attorneys that he wants them to

go at this time so he can have some time to himself.

3:48:35 PM Inmate Brewer talking to a team member about his visits.

Tearing up and blowing his nose.

3:49:15 PM Team member attempts to console inmate Brewer and

lets him know that the visits belongs to him and that he

dictates more or less how he wants his visitors to show

up and who he wants to see.

3:50:13 PM Inmate witness escorts cleared to death house

3:51:54 PM Inmate Brewer request the majority of his time be spent

with his brother and sisters.

3:52:28 PM Team member states that all he has to do is to let him

know who he wants and how much time he wants to

spend with other visitors.

3:53:57 PM Inmate Brewer request a shower prior to his visitors


3:54:17 PM Team member states that is not a problem

3:54:40 PM X arrives at the death house

3:55:21 PM X is talking to Mr. Cox. Inmate Brewer request the

medical staff give him another sedative now and prior to

going to bed this evening.

3:57:30 PM Inmate Brewer tearing up again, but appears to be


3:58:28 PM X departing the death house

3:59:30 PM Food Service personnel en route to death house with

special meal

4:00:01 PM Team member offers to spend time talking with inmate

Brewer if he wants. Inmate Brewer agrees to the


4:01:03 PM Team member assure inmate Brewer that the staff this

evening are a good bunch of people and they are will

continue to provide any assistance available.

4:02:17 PM Inmate Brewers meal arrives.

4:04:10 PM X en route to death house with meds

4:05:02 PM X arrives at the death house with medication.

4:06:36 PM Inmate Brewer given the medication

4:08:21 PM Inmate Brewer request some prior to going to

bed at 10 PM

4:08:54 PM X states it wasn’t ordered but he may have some if

he likes.

Brewer stated that’s fine.

4:09:58 PM X departs the death house.

4:10:25 PM Rev. Sims talking to inmate Brewer.

4:11:30 PM Inmate Brewer joking with the team members about how

the bed is hard. States I’m eating this chicken and you

can put that in the paper. Laughing and talking with the

team members.

4:13:41 PM Warden & Stephen Huffman cleared to cross yard.

4:15:53 PM Warden and Mr. Huffman arrive at the death house.

4:17:29 PM Mr. Huffman talking with inmate Brewer. Asked if

everything was alright. Inmate Brewer states everything

is fine.

4:21:10 PM Three family members have arrived in A- building

4:21:37 PM Family members: John Brewer, Debbie Rose,& Beverly


4:22:57 PM Inmate Brewer notified his family members are at the


4:22:23 PM Inmate Brewer continues to eat his meal.

4:24:28 PM Warden and Mr. Huffman depart the death house.

4:25:26 PM Rev. Sims is going to pray with inmate Brewer now

before he takes his shower and starts his visits.

4:28:03 PM Rev. Sims offers to stay around in the background for

moral support. Inmate Brewer states he has no

objections but doesn’t know how he will handle the visits


4:31:57 PM Inmate Brewer still talking to team members and Rev.


States Rev. Sims has been a big help.

4:33:09 PM Team is awaiting key from Major Wynn for the shower


4:33:53 PM Philip Brewer has entered A- building

4:38:27 PM Inmate Brewer taking a shower.

4:47:15 PM Inmate Brewer finished his shower and is back in his cell.

4:48:26 PM Inmate Brewer is dressing and about to brush his teeth.

4:50:34 PM Inmate Brewer has finished dressing and brushing his


4:50:48 PM Joking with the team.

4:51:33 PM Inmate Brewer is being escorted to the visiting area by

team members.

4:53:19 PM I/M Brewer has been secured in the visiting area.

4:56:45 PM WT6 cleared to escort Public Defenders to death house.

5:01:16 PM Attorneys arrived at the visiting area.

5:07:05 PM Attorneys and X departing the death house

5:09:47 PM Brewer´s brother John and sister Debbie Rose, cleared

to death house.

5:13:58 PM Brother John and sister Debbie Rose arrive in visiting


5:22:33 PM X in death house with films.

5:28:11 PM Inmate Brewer is in good spirits and visit going well.

5:41:38 PM John and Debbie departing the visiting area

5:42:36 PM Inmate Brewer request Philip and Beverly for next visit

5:43:39 PM Philip and Beverly arrive at the visiting area.

5:48:54 PM Visit is going well.

5:57:35 PM X exiting to CC1

5:57:34 PM Andrea Dean & L. Greene cleared to front area of death


6:00:13 PM Andrea Dean & Mr. Greene returning to CC1

6:02:09 PM A. Dean in death house to speak with Rev. Sims.

Mr. Greene remained outside.

6:04:04 PM A. Dean & Mr. Greene exiting to CC1

6:05:50 PM Visit going well

6:14:17 PM Prison Manager reports that evening meal is completed.

6:15:02 PM Prison Manager states institution is calm, running


6:18:42 PM Visit going well

6:26:03 PM Ready to rotate visitors

6:26:41 PM Philip & Beverly to return to main institution

6:26:49 PM Rev. Mill to death house

6:27:28 PM Correction: Rev. Tom Miller

6:30:30 PM Two more Brewer visitors have arrived in A- building

6:31:01 PM Visitor names: Diane Barnett and Judy Harris

6:31:43 PM Rev. Miller in visiting area

6:41:22 PM Visitors: Barnett & Harris, en route to death house

6:42:44 PM Rev. Miller out. Barnett & Harris in visiting area.

6:44:03 PM Team leader said visit going well.

7:01:46 PM Visits going well

7:09:40 PM Visitors Barnett & Harris leaving, John and Debbie in

visiting area.

7:10:44 PM Team leader said pictures have been taken of inmate

Brewer and all visitors.

7:40:37 PM WT6 en route to death house; will escort visitors back to

CC1 area.

7:41:46 PM Visitors are departing from visiting area back to CC2.

7:43:35 PM Prison Manager reports institution ”real quiet”

7:47:10 PM Inmate Brewer returned to his cell.

7:47:43 PM Rev. Sims is going to have a prayer with inmate Brewer.

7:51:24 PM Rev. Sims has finished praying and departing to death


7:52:37 PM Inmate Brewer has requested a glass of ice and a root


Tearful, but talking with team leader

7:53:36 PM Inmate Brewer states he feels better after having his


7:53:56 PM WT6 escorting inmate visitors to A- building

7:54:15 PM Team member gave inmate a root beer and two cups of


7:55:19 PM Inmate still talking with staff. Mood is more upbeat now.

7:55:52 PM Rev. Sims and Andrea Dean departing facility.

8:02:32 PM Mr. Newsome and Mr. Goodman en route to death


8:06:28 PM Mr. Goodman and Mr. Newsome arrived at the death


8:07:10 PM Talking with inmate Brewer. Asked how he was and if

everything was ok

8:07:44 PM Inmate Brewer states he would appreciate another

mattress, so team member got another to replace the

one he has now.

8:08:33 PM Warden Haviland to the death house

8:09:05 PM I/M Brewer is happy with the other mattress.

States it is a lot better.

8:10:53 PM Mr. Newsome told inmate Brewer that Philip wanted to

be a witness and asked if that was ok. Inmate Brewer

states that would make his family very happy. Mr.

Newsome assured him that he would be well taken care

of during the night.

8:13:53 PM Warden, Mr. Newsome and Mr. Goodman departing the

death house.

8:15:19 PM Inmate Brewer talking with team member and finishing

his dinner

8:22:34 PM Inmate still talking with team members

8:31:04 PM Command center disconnect 8:30 p.m.

8:33:02 PM Inmate asked the team leader what the procedure will be

for the execution. The team leader answers questions as

he is explaining the procedure.

8:35:33 PM Inmate expressed his concern about his family not being

able to see well enough. He states he wants to be able

to make a statement to his people and is concerned they

will be able to hear his comments.

8:38:04 PM Inmate states he is satisfied with the answers and

appreciates the answering of his questions.

8:48:04 PM Inmate still talking to team leader and members

9:16:35 PM Team member arrives in the death house.

9:19:07 PM Called count in to CC1. Good at 1.

9:19:47 PM Team member exits death house.

9:34:25 PM Inmate Brewer talking with team members. Spirits are


9:38:54 PM Called infirmary for inmate Brewer’s medication.

9:43:21 PM Inmate Brewer stated he did not want his meds until


9:44:03 PM Called infirmary and told medical staff.

9:59:08 PM Inmate Brewer requested some apple pie. Two pieces

were given.

10:09:02 PM Called count in to CC1. Good at 1.

10:25:42 PM Inmate Brewer asked for a cigarette. Two cigarettes


10:29:57 PM Inmate Brewer requested a cassette tape to listen.

10:30:25 PM Gave him a gospel tape.

10:45:54 PM Inmate Brewer requested to make a phone call.

10:47:19 PM A call was made to Katherine Hosack at 1-937-263-72-


10:48:18 PM Katherine Hosack is a friend. Cal was accepted.

10:49:53PM Four team members arrive at the death house.

10:54:37 PM Four team members exit death house.

11:08:07 PM Medical staff delivers medication Benedryl 200 and

Ativan 1 mg.

11:19:01 PM Inmate Brewer still talking on telephone.

11:20:24 PM Inmate Brewer finished with phone call

11:34:33PM Inmate Brewer sitting on bed writing a letter.

11:41:09 PM Inmate Brewer lying on bed reading the bible.

11:41:55 PM Called count in to CC1. Good at 1.

11:59:53 PM Inmate Brewer lying in bed watching television.

12:00:53 AM Inmate Brewer is asleep.

12:14:17 AM Inmate Brewer is asleep.

12:29:27 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

12:44:30 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

1:02:05 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

1:18:02 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

1:38:02 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

1:58:44 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

2:05:05 AM Called count in to CC1.

12:16:05 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

2:38:25 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

2:59:58 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

3:21:25 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

3:40:43 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

3:44:38 AM 1 team member in death house

4:05:10 AM Called count in to CC1. Good at 1.

4:18:08 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

4:46:04 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

5:03:40 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

5:07:58 AM Eric Lutz in death house

5:39:16 AM 2 team members in death house

5:40:31 AM Inmate Brewer still asleep

5:43:58 AM Medical staff in death house

5:51:29 AM Inmate Brewer awakened.

5:55:28 AM Command center opened 04-09-03.

6:01:01 AM Food service cleared to deliver breakfast meal

6:02:09 AM One team member in death house

6:02:16 AM Called count to CC1

6:03:31 AM Inmate Brewer given Atvian 1 mg

6:04:56 AM Radio checks in progress

6:05:12 AM Breakfast meal in 2 apple juice, 2 milk, dry cereal, butter

sugar, waffles & syrup

6:06:25 AM Inmate Brewer eating breakfast

6:14:27 AM Brewer’s family has arrived at A- building

6:15:39 AM Electrician cleared to death house for phone checks.

6:18:37 AM Maintenance in for phone check

6:34:06 AM Inmate Brewer ate about ¼ of cereal. Nothing else

6:34:35 AM “No more appeals”

6:37:45 AM Inmate Brewer requesting that Philip & Bev visit cell front

6:40:57 AM Terry Collins, deputy director of institutions, on site

6:41:04 AM Philip & Bev in death house for visit

6:42:43 AM Correction; brother John and sister Debbie in for visit

6:43:50 AM Inmate Brewer given a cup of cold water

6:44:41 AM Debbie told inmate Brewer about John’s baptism

6:45:44 AM Talking about the activities of last night at the motel

6:48:29 AM Inmate Brewer spirits are very good

6:49:11 AM team cleared to cross yard

6:50:42 AM Inmate Brewer telling about the phone call to a 90 year

old lady wanting to have pray with him and to reach out

to him showing her support.

6:53:45 AM Inmate Brewer shared with his family a letter he read last


6:55:14 AM Inmate Brewer told them that he will have some letters

for them to take before they leave today, holding his

sisters hand

6:58:44 AM Visit going well, spirits good.

6:59:47 AM Debbie told Inmate Brewer that the property was loaded

in John’s car before they returned from the last visit.

7:01:14 AM Debbie crying while talking to inmate Brewer about

Candy, he replied message received.

7:04:18 AM Inmate Brewer holding Debbie’s hand again, asking if

they have had breakfast yet.

7:05:33 AM Inmate Brewer ask if the institution was treating them ok

7:05:33 AM Food service cleared to deliver ice & orange juice.

7:06:29 AM Debbie replied:”They all have been great to help us in

any way”

7:10:06 AM I/M Brewer explaining to his family how the procedure

works after he leaves his cell.

7:10:50 AM Food service arrives with ice and orange juice.

7:13:26 AM Debbie said that everything has been better than she

had expected

7:13:59 AM Inmate Brewer states he has been treated very well.

7:16:38 AM Inmate Brewer asked the team leader if his sister Debbie

could have a business card of Rev. Millers for her to

send him some personal property and a donation for his


7:18:13 AM Debbie is crying but the visit is going well.

7:18:37 AM Mr. Hoffman, south region director on site

7:20:01 AM Inmate Brewer asked his family if they could hear the

noise from the block outside. States that has been going

on constantly.

7:22:18 AM Inmate Brewer talking about his grandfather and other

family members

7:22:53 AM Debbie and John, both tearful and talking about their

family pictures. Inmate talking about pictures of Debbie

when she was 3-4 years old; in comparison to how

Audrey looks

7:26:37 AM Debbie and John are saying good-bye so that Bev and

Philip can visit for a while.

7:27:06 AM Philip & Beverly Brewer cleared to death house.

7:31:48 AM Beverly and Phillip arrived for their visit

7:32:23 AM Greetings exchanged and holding hands.

Inmate Brewer states he had a good night sleep and is

doing well.

7:33:17 AM Rev. Gary Sims cleared to death house.

7:33:27 AM Inmate Brewer said he understood the victims family had

seen his family last night. Beverly said his family just

smiled and walked on.

7:34:39 AM Philip states David has brought a lot of peace to the

family by holding up so well. All three are laughing and

crying at the same time. Talking about how grandma will

probably act the same.

7:36:33 AM Still a lot of laughter with tears. More sounding of joy

than sorrow. Talking about John being baptized and how

they felt more peace.

7:40:00 AM Inmate Brewer spirits are very good.

7:40:31 AM All laughing and sharing family stories.

7:41:40 AM Uncle Philip assured inmate Brewer that John will be

taken care of, holding both their hands.

7:42:14 AM Aunt Bev kissed his left hand

7:43:58 AM Inmate Brewer replied it is difficult I don’t know yet all

make that decision while laying on bed

7:46:06 AM Correction: I don’t know yet, I’ll make that decision while

laying on bed.

7:46:55 AM All three laughing, crying, sharing stories about his


7:48:00 AM Philip and inmate Brewer holding hands again.

7:49:23 AM Uncle Philip handed Rev. Sims a cross.

7:50:13 AM Team member observed the cross being handed to Rev.


7:51:01 AM Rev. Sims, inmate Brewer , Bev & Philip praying over the

cross which he will wear.

7:51:49 AM Inmate Brewer requesting that Rev. Miller be next

7:52:46 AM Inmate Brewer kissed the hands of both visitors, wished


7:52:48 AM WT6 cleared to escort Rev. Miller to death house.

7:52:55 AM God’s speed

7:53:38 AM Inmate Brewer talking with Rev. Sims

7:55:18 AM Rev. Miller in at cell front

7:56:19 AM Inmate Brewer sharing the events of last night’s baptism

7:57:07 AM Rev. Miller told inmate Brewer that the library at the

church will be renamed the Dave Brewer Library.

7:57:52 AM Rev. Miller praying with inmate Brewer, holding hands.

7:58:47 AM Rev. Miller leaving. Inmate Brewer requesting John &


7:59:31 AM Inmate Brewer again talking with Rev. Sims

8:03:50 AM Inmate Brewer is now wearing the cross.

8:04:01 AM John Brewer& Debbi Rose cleared to death house.

8:05:01 AM John Brewer & Debbi Rose cleared to death house.

8:05:39 AM Inmate Brewer spirits are good, still talking with Rev.


8:08:20 AM John & Debbie in at cell front

8:08:49 AM Inmate Brewer showed them the cross that uncle Philip

gave him.

8:09:32 AM Prison manager states that breakfast meals completed.

8:09:49 AM Inmate Brewer, John & Debbie holding hands and


8:10:44 AM Debbie and inmate Brewer crying, John is looking away.

All still holding hands.

8:11:51 AM Inmate Brewer and Debbie talking very quietly, still

holding hands.

8:12:53 AM John kissed inmate Brewer’s right hand, Debbie kissed

his left.

8:13:27 AM Debbie crying and talking with inmate Brewer

8:14:51 AM Inmate Brewer told them he loved them both, Rev. Sims

praying with all three before they leave.

8:15:44 AM John and Debbie ready to leave

8:16:14 AM Both have left cell front waiting for escort.

8:16:41 AM Inmate Brewer requesting Rev. Miller to return

8:17:02 AM WT6 cleared to escort Rev. Miller to death house.

8:18:34 AM Rev. Sims reading Bible scriptures to inmate Brewer

8:19:01 AM John and Debbie returning to CC1, Rev. Miller in at cell


8:19:37 AM Rev. Miller holding inmate Brewer’s hand while Rev.

Sims continues to read the scriptures to him.

8:20:47 AM Rev. Miller talking with inmate Brewer.

8:21:07 AM Inmate Brewer’s spirits are very good.

8:22:39 AM Inmate Brewer sharing the experience of telling his

family bye

8:23:27 AM Inmate Brewer sharing that God has helped him through

this time

8:24:12 AM Inmate Brewer telling about the phone call to the 90 year

old lady he made last night. They talked for 30 minutes.

8:26:39 AM Inmate Brewer ask if Rev. Miller could take some letters

with him

8:27:04 AM Team leader checking all the letters

8:27:38 AM Rev. Miller, Rev. Sims and inmate Brewer praying


8:28:22 AM Team leader ok’d the letters for Rev. Sims to take with


8:29:06 AM Rev. Sims reading scriptures to inmate Brewer & Rev.


8:30:36 AM CIST (team) on site

8:32:45 AM Rev. Miller still holding inmate Brewer’s right hand, both

quietly listening to the scriptures

8:34:36 AM All three are very quiet.

8:35:13 AM Inmate Brewer thanking Rev. Miller of leading him to


8:35:36 AM Rev. Miller now reading psalm 23

8:36:26 AM Inmate Brewer thanking both Rev. Sims and Rev. Miller

for the support they provided to him and his family.

8:37:34 AM All three are holding hands while Rev. Miller talks.

8:38:08 AM Director Wilkinson on site

8:39:20 AM Inmate Brewer requesting Rev. Sims to now pray for the

victims family to help them through today.

8:39:50 AM Assistant Director Tom Stickrath and Greg Trout on site.

8:40:46 AM Inmate Brewer spirits are very good.

8:42:15 AM All three are talking about the impact inmate Brewer has

had on his family and friends.

8:42:40 AM Rev. Miller again reading psalm 23

8:43:09 AM Rev. Miller now leaving cell front waiting for escort

8:45:18 AM WT6 cleared to death house to escort Rev. Miller

8:47:40 AM Inmate Brewer given a root beer

8:48:08 AM Inmate Brewer showering

8:52:01 AM Victim families & escorts have arrived at A- building

8:56:45 AM Inmate Brewer has finished shower returned to cell.

9:00:37 AM Inmate Brewer talking to team member about how

thankful he is to have been able to visit with his family

9:04:31 AM Inmate Brewer is getting dressed.

9:08:47 AM WT9 relays that about 23 protestors on site

9:09:19 AM Electrician advises that all phone checks complete

9:12:21 AM Inmate Brewer sitting on his bed watching TV. States the

shower he had was the best he had since he was at

Lucasville previously. Continues to talk with team


9:17:19 AM Inmate Brewer states he has seen his people and he can

deal with the execution. “I put myself here”

9:18:26 AM Talking about how he use to back pack in this area as a

kid with a friend.

9:19:54 AM Inmate Brewer states he really doesn’t know what his

last statement will be. States he may freeze up and not

be able to say what he wants.

9:25:20 AM Inmate Brewer still talking to staff members.

9:28:48 AM Inmate Brewer talking to team members about other

inmates on death row

9:31:04 AM Director & Major en route to death house

9:32:51 AM Warden & Major in death house

9:34:46 AM Funeral director has arrived at facility.

9:38:58 AM Director Wilkerson, Mr. Stickrath, Mr. Collins, Mr.

Huffman in death house

9:43:04 AM Inmate Brewer given a cigarette

9:46:27 AM Medical teal in cell to insert heparin locks

9:48:02 AM Inmate Brewer laying on bed talking with team members.

9:54:27 AM Radio checks in progress

9:57:31 AM Inmate Brewer being very quiet

10:01:54 AM Inmate Brewer asking about the procedures again, team

leaders are explaining them to him.

10:03:05 AM Director Wilkinson, Mr. Huffman now at cell front

10:03:58 AM Inmate Brewer talking with team members

10:04:43 AM Heparin locks are now inserted

10:05:03 AM Medical team leaving cell door secured.

10:05:59 AM Media escort cleared to CC1 and to cross yard.

10:06:13 AM Inmate Brewer given a drink of roof beer by team


10:06:48 AM Media en route across yard

10:06:54 AM Inmate Brewer pacing cell

10:07:54 AM Media in place in death house

10:08:31 AM Warden approaching cell front to read death warrant

10:08:58 AM Victim witnesses escort cleared to CC1 and to cross yard

10:09:04 AM Warden reading warrant

10:09:38 AM Inmate witnesses escort cleared to CC1, standby

10:09:49 AM Reading of warrant complete; entering chamber

10:09:58 AM Inmate being placed on bed

10:10:09 AM Restraints being applied

10:10:33 AM Restraints now applied

10:10:47 AM Medical entering chamber to insert IVs

10:10:56 AM Inmate witnesses cleared to cross yard

10:11:15 AM IV inserted in right arm

10:11:21 AM IV running

10:11:31 AM IV inserted in left arm

10:11:52 AM Inmate witnesses en route to death house

10:12:05 AM IV left arm inserted and running

10:12:14 AM Medical exiting chamber

10:12:24 AM Victim witnesses cleared to be seated

10:12:24 AM Physician contact established

10:12:24 AM Inmate witnesses cleared to be seated

10:12:24 AM All witnesses in place

10:12:24 AM Warden allowing inmate last statement

10:12:24 AM Last statement complete

10:12:24 AM Syringe #1 started

10:12:24 AM Syringe #1 complete

10:12:24 AM Syringe #2 started

10:12:24 AM Syringe #2 complete

10:12:24 AM Syringe #3 started

10:12:24 AM Syringe #3 complete

10:16:12 AM Syringe #4 started

10:17:36 AM Syringe #4 complete

10:17:46 AM Syringe #5 started

10:17:58 AM Syringe #5 complete

10:18:04 AM Syringe #6 started

10:18:09 AM Syringe #6 complete

10:18:15 AM Syringe #7 started

10:18:37 AM Syringe #7 complete

10:18:43 AM Syringe #8 started

10:18:54 AM Syringe #8 complete

10:19:04 AM Injection process complete

10:19:08 AM Curtains being closed

10:19:22 AM Medical entering to check vitals

10:20:06 AM Medical exiting chamber

10:20:28 AM Curtains being reopened

10:20:41 AM Warden announced time of death as 10:20 am

10:20:47 AM Curtains being closed

10:21:04 AM Inmate witnesses cleared to exit death house

10:21:47 AM Medical re-entered chamber4 to remove IV lines

10:23:53 AM IV lines are now removed

10:25:02 AM Team entering chamber to remove restraints

10:25:47 AM Chaplain removing cross necklace for family

10:26:03 AM Restraints now removed

10:26:27 AM Body being placed on gurney for Funeral Director

10:31:26 AM Body being placed on lift

10:33:23 AM Body has been placed in hearse

10:33:54 AM Funeral Director ready for departure

10:37:02 AM Inmate witnesses have concluded media interview

10:37:16 AM Victim witnesses cleared to media area

10:37:53 AM Funeral Director has exited facility

10:38:19 AM Inmate family & witnesses cleared to depart facility

10:47:35 AM Inmate family and witnesses have exited parking lot

10:50:47 AM Prison Manager reports institution is calm


David Brewer kidnapped, raped and stabbed a 

21 year old woman, slit her throat, and 

hanged her using his necktie. Four days 

later he confessed and led officers to her 

body in a rented storage unit in Franklin. 

Brewer was sentenced to die for his crime on 

17th of October 1985. 


Sätila 2011 Lennart Grebelius

On the Death of David M. Brewer 

2011 Lennart Grebelius 

Published by Sätila Förvaltning AB, Västra Hamngatan 9, 411 17 Göteborg, Sweden 

ISBN 978‐91‐86495‐33‐6 


Copyleft, no  rights  reserved.