On the Homefront (Jun - Oct 2014)

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AHM quarterly newsletter gives you updates on the Home Mission churches of the UPCA.



June – October 2014 From our home missionaries

Page 4 – Red Dust Ministries

Bro & Sis Meijer

Page 7 – Gold Coast Report Bro & Sis Caltabiano

Page 8 – Central Aust Report

Bro French

Page 9 – Ballarat Report Bro & Sis Butcher

Page 10– Ten Target Cities



As we near the end of 2014, we rejoice in the many great events and breakthroughs in the UPCA, some of which are enclosed in this newsletter. We give glory to God, giving Him thanks and praise for all that He has done through the Church. We have seen new Churches built and dedicated, new works commenced, new ministries initiated, new leaders commissioned and goals realized. Let us not rest on our laurels however, as it is vital that we continue with the momentum that we have built up. Celebrating in every ‘win’, let us learn to use every success to thrust us further forward in developing our ministries and


church culture in an effort to reach our cities. “Be not weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not,” was the great Apostle’s encouragement. Even when it seems like not much is happening and very few results are being seen, continue to labour and sow the seeds of evangelism. Keep teaching, keep inviting, keep reaching out and of course keep praying. Though the results may not be immediate, it’s like accumulating the pressure in a closed system, that when the pressure reaches critical mass, there will be a breakthrough.



Australian Home Missions Committee Director Rev. Stanley Harvey (Campsie) Treasurer Rev. Cameron Butcher (Ballarat) Resources Greg Hackathorn (Campsie)


 AHM DIRECTOR’S EDITORIAL All Of The Above Looking back at the highlights of our year, it is also commendable to evaluate the level of success our methods and efforts are yielding. Our mission is clear but what can be at times confusing, and certainly challenging, is whether our methods are effective. Some would say that methods are irrelevant and that sincerity is enough as long as the


message and mission is clear. I believe that can be true to a certain degree since some vineyards will produce less or more fruit than others. However, laying all that aside, we are confronted with the same reality of the masses of people who are doomed to spend an eternity in torment.

So how can we be more effective in reaching the lost, having revival, experiencing growth? If you visit your local Christian bookstore, you can be easily overwhelmed by the plethora of Church growth strategy books, most of whom are focusing on a few key principles or systems that worked for their particular church and context. Some would emphasize hospitality, others on prayer and fasting, others still on Bible studies and there are whole books dedicated on just hosting special events to gather crowds.

Which one is right? The answer can almost be two fold; all of them and none of them. Obviously there is no singular method that would work as effectively for every one. In Indonesia, for example, street ministry is virtually non existent, unless of course you want to start a riot and be assaulted. In Africa however, one can start a church by preaching in public places.

So my suggestion is, try to use all or as many methods you can, provided they are effective. Of course prayer and fasting and some of the general principles of Christian discipline is a given. However, don’t just leave it at that. Do home bible studies and street ministry.


On The Homefront | 2 | June – October 2014

Don’t just leave it at that either. Create hospitality procedures for your church, refine your follow up system, develop more leaders, and hold concerts and special events… In fact, try them all and eventually eliminate the things that are not effective since you can run the risk of congestion of ministry and burn out with your people. But sometimes there is not one singular method that is responsible for the breakthrough. It may be several factors. Much like a new Christian who is being discipled. The chances of that person continuing on with Christ are greatly increased when the number of people connected to them is also increased. While we look to God to add to the Church and bring His blessings of revival and growth we must, at the same time, work to win and love all that we come in contact with. The world needs us to try and to do!  




GOSPEL LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH Grand Opening & Dedication Service | Adelaide, SA It was a truly momentous occasion for the Adelaide assembly to open the city’s first UPCA Church Building. Since first purchasing the land back in 2004, the Church that is led by Pastor and Sister Cochrane had a vision for the future. They began construction last year and the building was completed in July this year. It is a beautiful, brand new building with plenty of space for parking and fellowship. Gospel Lighthouse Church was able to take advantage of the UPCA’s First Church Owners Grant as part of their deposit, establishing their presence in the community. The church members have expressed their gratitude to all who have helped and they are rejoicing that they


no longer have to set up and pack away every Sunday but also that they have a place to call their own. At the Dedication Service on the weekend of 12 – 14 September, many visitors came to celebrate with the Church, including several Executive Board members of the UPCA who ministered throughout the weekend. The Dedicatory message was conducted by the Superintendent Reverend John Downs on the Sunday morning, followed by a lovely lunch provided by the Church. What a tremendous event it was and the future looks bright for the Church. Congratulations Br & Sis Cochrane and the Gospel Lighthouse Assembly! God bless you.

Torres Straits Update At the beginning of July 2014, Australian Home Missions in cooperation with the South Pacific Bible School conducted a two week Bible School Intensive on Yam Islam.


It was hosted by Pastor Fred Bann and the Thuran Tabernacle assembly. The face-to-face teaching covered various lessons from Church Management to Homiletics. There were over 40 in attendance that received the teaching with great excitement and response having attained their certificates. Several of the brethren from the other Islands including Murray, Darnley, Kubin, Yorke, Badu and TI made the journey to also be part of this great event. Many of the Executive Board members, including our Superintendent Br Downs and the Far north QLD presbyter Bro Jacobsen, were in attendance undertaking much of the teaching. During that period, approximately 10 received their minister’s licenses or license upgrades. There was great excitement and an atmosphere of a General Conference among all that were there and we look forward to the next Intensives in 2015. Please continue to pray for our precious brethren as they break into new islands and spread the whole gospel to the whole of the Torres Straits.

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RED DUST HOME MISSIONS 22 JULY – 3 AUGUST 2014 Tuesday 22nd of July Arrived at Alice Springs airport and were surprised to be greeted by a mother and 2 young sisters from Mt Allen. We have known them since our first visit, as they were keen Sunday school children who were baptised in Jesus’ Name and filled with His Spirit. They were on their way to Melbourne to start high school but were happy to see familiar faces. Please pray for Louisa and Deane, it is a big world out there!

We collected all the stored equipment, and finally replaced the lock handle on the caravan (good as gold!). Wednesday 23rd July We took the vehicle in for service and bearing check, organized materials, and picked up Bro and Sis Paulus from the airport. We were hosted to a lovely dinner. Thursday 24th July


Packed the vehicle, loaded the folks, made a quick trip to ICTV to hand in the last ‘Colossians’ lessons, and we were on our way to Nyirrpi with a short ‘how do you do’ in Yuendumu. We arrived at about 5 pm and settled in for the night, thankful for a bumpy but safe trip. Friday 25th July Bro Paulus ministered. Sis Paulus, who had not been well upon arrival, was attacked by a flu with high temperatures, nausea and weakness. Our dear sister remained in bed until Saturday night when she dragged herself out to meet the brethren. The community seemed rather distant except for a few very hungry hearts. It has been a hard winter

for the folk out here. Many people have died of natural causes, mostly. As one can imagine, the impact on a small community of approximately 200 inhabitants is quite immense.

Saturday 26th July Day Teaching Sessions • Sister Meijer ministered on

‘Take Up Your Mantle’ • Bro Paulus ministered ‘The

Truth Will Set You Free’’ Brother Micah and I then went on our quest for firewood after having gone around inviting the older community members to share their testimony. Bro Paulus preached in the evening on LET MY PEOPLE GO SO


THEY MAY SERVE ME. The power of the Lord was surely in that place. Amongst others, a band of Sunday School boys tarried with genuine fervour and were refilled. They love the Lord. Sunday 27th July I buried a rotting dog which had been rolled in a blanket ‘up wind’ of the services. People were more than happy to offer their advice on how to proceed, and then let me get on with finding a shovel. What was interesting was that the other dogs were not rolling in the rotting remains of their onetime ‘mate’ instead they were visiting the body as if to pay their respects. After this we had a memorial service with several of the older saints giving their recollections of our Bro Henwood’s ministry and impact. Many were touched with the preciousness of the memories, backsliders included. This was followed by Bro Paulus ministering the Word. We have received interest from ICTV to prepare a short production of this testimony service as part of keeping the Henwood story alive! Bro Paulus ministered powerfully in the evening.

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About 60 people were in attendance. It seemed as though the adversary had heard the previous night’s command to let HIS people go. Monday 28th July All too soon it was time for Brother and Sister Paulus to leave us, bravely boarding the ‘Bush Bus ‘at 7:00 am. This is one of the four-wheel buses that serve 3 communities in the western desert. It becomes quite packed with women, children and belongings. Now, it seemed it was Sister Meijer’s turn: she also went down with a very virulent flu. We started the morning Bible study; ‘THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JESUS’ with 12 in attendance. Sister Meijer remained in bed all day and then was not well enough to attend evening service. No one had gathered any more firewood but we got through with the scraps. God gave us the message ‘I Will NEVER Leave You’ Tuesday 29th July Lesson 2 of ‘THE LIFE AND TIMES’ and it was again quite well attended.

During the afternoon I gathered firewood with Sis Meijer, and found the only stump in the dry creek bed, resulting in a bent steering rod, praise God! In the evening as I ministered, the Lord spoke to us through ‘At Your Word’ with its application being - by love serve one another Galatians 5:13. A couple of Lutheran ladies from Kintore in WA came to the night’s service, and were clearly a little uncomfortable at the start. By night’s end, one came to us for prayer, complaining of chest pains, and a continual bad ‘smell’ in her nose. We called on Jesus, and when we had finished we asked her about the ‘smell’. Her surprised answer was, “it’s gone”! Praise God!

Wednesday 30th July Lesson 3 of ‘THE LIFE AND TIMES’ at 11:00 am again and hungry souls were there. I collected another tree, and then worked on ‘straightening’ the tie rod. We then had Bro Micah and Sis Ursula over for lunch. That afternoon, love walked down the road in the form of Sis Valerie Morris bringing a bowl of freshly cooked and cut up damper for after service supper. Sis Meijer ministered in the night. The people had a beautiful time with the Lord, after which a few other sisters brought fresh damper for fellowship after service Thursday 31st July We left Nyirrpi, called in on Yuendumu but could not locate Pastor Langdon, who has become the local aboriginal council president. I met up with a few of the saints, and then proceeded to Mt Allan. We were greeted with extremely loud music coming from Pastor Singleton’s house,

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I walked inside, turned the music down, and informed Bro Patrick of our presence. The fellowship was sweet, with his faithful saints having foregone the memorial rally, so that they could be there when he arrived home on the bush bus after his amputation! There were gifts, conference details, promises of CD recordings of Oneness Bible studies, prayer, and shared damper, before we hit the road back to Alice Springs. Friday 1st August After several tries, the caravan storage area was finally open so we could stow our equipment, as well as change the disintegrated tyre and check over the rolling gear. I plan on using the caravan on our next trip out, as the accommodation costs have doubled, meaning that it is now necessary to use the caravan, despite the difficulties. I did some costing at the new Bunning store for future repairs/modifications, and also ordered a new tyre and steering rod.

The programming with ICTV was completed, and all of Colossians is now on the Internet. The indigenous content programmer was delighted that we were using Indigitube as a vehicle for the “Rev John Henwood Memorial Bible College” Bible course. Sunday 3rd August Sister Meijer ministered at The Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Alice Springs. The anointing of the Lord was upon her. We caught the afternoon flight back to Sydney, and arrived safely.

Once again we are grateful to Home Missions for the great support that you give in this area of the field. Please continue to pray for more labourers and for continued endurance for our brethren. Summarised Report • 5 days of constant Bible study,

and evening services • Mt Allen assembly remained

at home to welcome their returning Pastor

• Turnout to rally was in the order of over 60 souls

• Many were refreshed in the Holy Ghost!

• The John Henwood Bible College inaugurated!

• Lutheran visitor, amongst others, healed in Jesus Name!

• The entire Book of Colossians is now on INDIGITUBE

• The sweet presence of Jesus ministered to hungry souls in every service!

Thank you, Australian church, for your kind support. Together, we will see a growing indigenous Church dig deep roots in the Spirit and Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

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Bro Morris shared his testimony about how he had been seeking for the Holy Ghost for two years after he had been baptised and this testimony was very similar to Herve who had now been seeking for the Holy Ghost for two years. Herve's faith was stirred up and during the altar call God gloriously filled him with the Holy Ghost. Straight after the service both Josephine and Doris were baptised in the wonderful name of Jesus. 2 weeks later another sister of Carol's, Lena, also flew up to the Gold Coast and was also baptised. Our neighbours are having revival in their family and we thank God for it! Towards the end of July we had a baby dedication with 75 people in attendance. This is one of our biggest attendances in Gracepoint Church and after the service I gave 2 people a lift home. When we got to home I was invited in by Gavin and asked to give his friend Matthew a bible study on Baptism.

After the bible study Matthew said he would consider being baptized, however the next morning I received a phone call from Matthew requesting to be baptised right away. Matthew was baptised at the beach at lunchtime that day.

GOLD COAST REPORT A Season of Harvest It's been a busy year so far with many challenges, yet through it all God proves himself faithful. From the months of June-August we've had 6 baptisms and 1 person spirit filled, God is so good! Our next-door neighbours have been attending church since we first arrived however, Herve was not yet spirit filled, only baptised. Herve's wife, Carol, had been witnessing to her family in Melbourne and had explained to them over the phone the need to be baptised in the name of Jesus. Carol's mother, Josephine, and sister, Doris, decided it was time for them to give their lives to God and had flown up to the Gold Coast to be baptised. During the weekend they were being baptised we were blessed to have our presbyter, Bro Morris and his wife visit us and preach the Sunday service.

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Earlier that month, one of the mothers, Chelsea, from my son's football team approached me and asked me about church. I invited her and her family to church and they started attending. In August I gave them a bible study on Baptism and bless God, she was baptised straight after the service on the 5th of August. During this time I started speaking with Herve's father, Pierre, about giving his life to the Lord. I had the privilege of giving him a bible study and at the end of August, Pierre was also baptised in the beautiful name of Jesus. Truly God has blessed Gracepoint Church in 2014. We are now in the process of looking for a full time venue. I have seen several warehouses but they have been out of our budget. The church has recently had some new families move to the Gold Coast and we are thankful for all the people God is sending us. We thank God for all those that have been baptised in 2014 and those still to be baptized. We are also in need of an outpouring of the Holy Ghost, so please continue to pray for the work God is doing on the Gold Coast. God bless, Jacob Caltabiano

CENTRAL AUSTRALIA REPORT In August, Bro Patrick was sick in Hospital in Alice Springs, so he asked that I would hold services in his absence. I went to Mt Allen 2 or 3 times for Sunday services in August. On Saturday the 30th I saw him in Alice Springs and he asked me to continue the services at Yuelumu, as he would be in hospital for a couple more weeks. On my way home to Ti Tree, I returned through Yuelumu and preached again on Sunday 31 Aug. As there were no musicians, we had no worship service. The previous week I had tried to play a couple of songs on guitar, fortunately, the saints took pity on me and didn’t laugh (more practice required). The preaching went much better than the music and has been anointed for the whole time. God is good to us. Saturday 6 September saw me in Yuendumu for fellowship with Bro Meijer, Bro David Hajwan and Bro Langden. Sunday I preached again at Mt Allen on the way home. On Sunday the 14th of September I was in Yuendumu with Bro Meijer and Bro David to meet Bro and Sis Web, who preached an outdoor service that night. I did not preach at Mt Allen as the saints were at the service at Yuendumu. On Sunday the 21st of September I preached to a very excited congregation, because after service their pastor was returning on the bush bus. What a blessing to see him back, especially as he is looking quite well. Sunday 28 September I preached again and after church had a wonderful

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fellowship with Bro Patrick and Bro Jason. It is a blessing to see the Sunday School happening on a fairly regular basis, especially as there are usually around a dozen keen students. The Sisters are doing a good job. The children like to show me their work and recite their memory verse. I have also had contact with Sis Celina in Ti Tree, but have not yet been able to arrange a time for fellowship with her and her partner, as they both work on the night patrol. As for my situation - I have settled in very well in Ti Tree and feel at home here. The job is quite demanding and physically tiring, but very rewarding. I am getting on very well with the other employees and have been able to witness to them as well. We have been working on a pipeline project for about 2 months, to supply water to the Aluen community from a bore about 20 kilometers away. Hopefully tomorrow we will turn the water on, with the entire project finished within 2 weeks. Still struggling with communications, both phone and Internet. I have had a bit of compulsory saving lately, because I have been locked out of my bank account (till recently) for nearly a month. No stress, because I have a God who watches over me. A position for Regional Works Manager has become vacant in Yuendumu, and after discussing

it with Bro Meijer and a good bit of prayer, I have applied for it and have been shortlisted for an interview on the 3rd of November. I am quite happy in the situation that I find myself in at the moment, but Yuendumu is more central for the Home Missions work and would cut down on a lot of travel time and expense. I will leave it up to the Lord to place me where he wants me. God is continuing to bless this work. Blessings to you in Jesus name. Bro Colin French

BALLARAT REPORT God’s Provision for His People It has been two years now since my family and I have moved from Melbourne to live in Ballarat. We have been praying about the Lord’s work in Ballarat over a number of years and in 2012 God opened a door for us to move there. We are excited to be working in the Lord’s vineyard under Pastor Cameron Butcher and his wife. Although we moved our house, our jobs didn’t move with us and a three hour daily commute became our routine for almost two years. Earlier this year, I was made redundant at my job and had to look elsewhere for work. Pastor Cameron had placed my name on the

Men’s prayer list and we asked God for help regarding my employment. I had been asking myself “Where to next?” I have been trained as a Footwear Technician back in my home country and I worked in footwear industry for seven years here in Australia until I was made redundant in 2001 due to manufacturing moving off shore. Since then I was in automotive sector as a Quality Technician until my latest redundancy. Now, Ballarat doesn’t have a large manufacturing sector and finding a new job in Ballarat that I could be qualified for seemed impossible. But we do serve an amazing God. He had a solution for my dilemma before I had a dilemma. There was an opening made available for me three months before I even needed a new job. One month after my redundancy, I found a job ad (one of the very first ones) that totally surprised me. A footwear manufacturing company was looking for a Quality Co-ordinator right here in Ballarat. God is amazing. He made a provision for me three months before I had a need…

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TEN TARGET CITIES Bunbury, WA The port city of Bunbury is the third largest city in Western Australia. It has a population of 68,248 people and is less than 200 kilometres south of Perth. Bunbury has all the major benefits of city-living commercial opportunities, facilities and attractions mixed into a beautiful seaside setting with a country pace. It was founded in 1829 but didn’t gain official city status until 1979. The fishing, swimming beaches, temperate climate and proximity to the Southwest’s popular towns make Bunbury a fast-growing city. This is a wonderful part of the world and one that we must reach for Jesus Christ!


Other Target Cities

Gladstone, QLD Mooloolaba, QLD Toowoomba, QLD Armidale, NSW Dubbo, NSW Wagga Wagga, NSW Newcastle, NSW Mildura, VIC Launceston, TAS

We are looking to churches to appeal to the workers and leaders in their assemblies to take up the challenge of going into these new areas and we are praying for individuals to take the step of faith in doing the same.

Australia Home Missions United Pentecostal Church of Australia

Director. Rev. Stanley Harvey

PO Box 12 Belmore NSW 2192

Phone. (02) 9718 8086 Fax. (02) 9718 2679 australianhomemissions@gmail.com


Australia Home Missions Purpose Statement.

VISION: Every Church in Australia involved in planting new Churches.

MISSION STATEMENT: is to inspire and equip every UPC church in Australia to win and disciple the unsaved through planting new works in unreached areas and significant population centres.

GOAL: Every existing Church to start one new Daughter Work by 2018.


Donate to the Australian Home Missions

ACC Name: Australian Home Missions UPC ACC No: 1008 7203 BSB No: 06 4170 PO Box 739 Ballarat, VIC 3353

Please ensure that any donations are submitted through your local assembly.

On The Homefront | 10 | June – Oct 2014

(continued God’s Provision for His People) …and He made it so specific that there can be no doubt about it. Applying for this position was a lengthy process, three months of waiting and interviews and doubting that I was good enough for this position. But God confirmed it in a dream that the job was mine two months before I finally started working there. What a lesson about His provision and my need of patience. God will provide for his children their needs. When we don’t know where to start, what to do or where to turn next, He has the answers before we even ask the questions. Truly God is our Father in heaven. God Bless you Bro. Zdenko Havran