ONBOARDING AND TRAINING - Amazon S3 · Training Process Process Overview: ... they may encounter ....

Post on 30-Oct-2019

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� New hire paperwork (your accountant can probably provide you with all needed paperwork)

� Non-compete agreement � Company policies (attendance/time off,

dress code, computer use, cell phone use, etc.) ◦ Most things won’t be a problem if everyone

knows the expectations up front

Orientation (cont.) Orientation Process � Orientation checklist of skills expected to

be completed in a certain time frame �  If the skills are not mastered in the time

frame, their job may not continue �  Show Amazon video explaining what

happens to our inventory – this helps them understand what their work is preparing for (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAXdeqcHBp4)

Training Process

Process Overview: � Explain and/or demonstrate skill � Give them an opportunity to try it out � Answer questions & correct mistakes �  Spend time working with and experienced

team member

Training Process (cont.) � Adjust timing to meet your needs and

orientation schedule

One Week Training Plan: � Day 1 – Receiving & Condition Classification � Day 2 – Product Prep � Day 3 – Listing and Shipping � Day 4 – Skill Demonstration � Day 5 – Begin Regular Work

Receiving Training �  Explain the different types of inventory they

will receive (RA, wholesale, liquidation, etc.) � How to check it in on receiving form � What to do about damaged products � What to do about missing or extra products � Where it goes after check-in Demonstrate, then have them “Receive” a

sample box

Condition Classification

� Explain the various conditions (new, used, collectible)

� Provide a Condition Classification Guide for reference

� Provide sample products in various conditions for them to classify using the reference guide

Condition Classification (cont.)

Several points to emphasize: � Used toys must be listed as Collectible � Baby, Health & Beauty, & Grocery can

only be sold on Amazon as New �  Incomplete or non-functioning products

cannot be sold on Amazon � Condition descriptions for Used/

Collectible products

Prep Training

� Explain Amazon’s prep rules � Explain the importance of correct prep ◦ These are Amazon’s rules, not yours and they

must be followed

�  Show how to perform prep tasks ◦  Poly bagging, bubble wrap, price tag removal,


�  Show how to use Prep Flow Sheet

Product Prep Flow Sheet By walking through the flow sheet together step-by-step you introduce them to every potential type of prep and product they may encounter

Prep Training (cont.) � Have sample products which need all of

the possible preparations � Have them use the flow sheet to

determine and do the correct prep for each product

� Answer questions only after they try to work through it on their own

� Make corrections �  Show where inventory goes when prep is


Listing Training

�  Show how to list an item ◦ Directly through Seller Central, and/or: ◦ Using inventory management software

� Have them demonstrate basic listing �  Show how to correct listing errors and/or

delete listings

Listing Training (cont.)

� Use test products to show various exceptions (hazmat, missing dimensions, not found on Amazon, multiple listing options)

� Have a Troubleshooting Guide available to document common exceptions

Shipping Training

�  Show how to add products to a shipment (this may be done during the listing process)

� Use Shipment Labels to divide products based on their warehouse destination and keep a record of who made the shipment

� Have them demonstrate adding products to shipments

Shipping Training (cont.) �  Explain criteria for when a shipment is

“complete” ◦  Do you ship each day? ◦  Do you wait until shipments are a certain size?

�  Show how to pack the boxes �  Show how to purchase postage and label

the boxes � Allow demonstration �  Teach how boxes will be shipped out or

picked up

Skill Demonstration Activity �  Set up sample tasks that put into practice as

many skills and decisions as possible �  Encourage them to work through questions

with reference guides provided � Answer their questions as needed �  Review problem areas identified by the


�  If training multiple people at one time, this could be a competition with a reward

Get to Work

�  Finally, start processing actual products � Work with them, allowing them to take

the lead so they can see what questions they have

� Provide (nice) correction as needed ◦  “I might not have mentioned this, but…” ◦  “We went over a lot of information, so you

might have forgotten…” ◦  “That is a common mistake, but…”

Buyer Training �  In most cases, have people start as

processors and move on to buying as they demonstrate: ◦  Trust & dependability ◦  Understanding of Amazon ◦  Ability to follow instructions

� Make buying guidelines as clear and as simple as possible

� Minimize exceptions �  Set clear guidelines for what they can

purchase and what needs approval ◦ Max $ amount, sales ranks, etc.

Buyer Training (cont.) Follow this process over several buying “sessions”: �  Explain/show at store/online �  Let them make decisions while you observe �  Make corrections �  Allow independent demonstration with

evaluation afterwards (start with a low budget) �  Limit spending amount and volume until they have

demonstrated competency �  Remember that ranks and prices change constantly

—it might have been good yesterday when they bought it, but not anymore


� Buyer adds products to a master Buy List that tracks price, location, and who purchased it

�  Save a copy of the receipt or invoice to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder (File name: YYYYMMDD Store Name)

� Buyer creates listing, if needed, so that an ASIN is assigned and the product is ready for prep

Communication (cont.)

� Buyer creates Receiving Form with barcodes for ASINs

(www.Barcodez.net, Code 128 format)

Handling Inventory Purchases �  You must have a high level of trust with your

buyers �  Give them cash to buy at yard sales ◦  You have no choice but to trust them about how

much they pay for products �  Whenever possible, use discount gift cards at

stores and online �  When necessary, use a company credit card (not

a personal card)—limit the number of people who have access

�  If using a credit card, know what purchases are authorized so you can monitor for fraudulent purchases

Handling Questions After Training

� Be open to any questions that your team has—it’s far better for them to ask than assume

Handling Questions (cont.)

� Never make them feel stupid or intimidated for asking a question

�  If appropriate, ask them what they think the answer is and correct as needed—this will help them gain the critical thinking skills self-confidence they need

Handling Questions (cont.)

� Tell them the answer, and then direct them to where they could have found this answer on their own (guide book, flow sheet, reference, amazon.com help, etc.)

�  If frequent questions to things they should know persist, ask them to look it up and then report the answer back to you