ONE FARE ound Trip - Montana...

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Tk Graft Hothead Reservation

The Laad of Opportunity.

Sanders CountySignal.


A. R. RHONE. Editor and Proprietor.

- -

Entered at the Antonio. at Camas.

Sanders County, Montane, as asemsd

class mall !Matter for traasseissioe

through tbe mail.


Osse year .22.00

Six months 1.00

Advertising rate card mailed on ap-


Local notices 10c per line dret loser

Bon; 5 cents per line for each subs.-

qiient Inser lions.

Legal notices, legal rate.

All parties taking The Signal

should remit before they become

delinquent one year, as under

the rulings of the Postoffice De-

partment The Signal will have to

pay I cent on each paper delin.

quent one year. If you fail to

get the paper you will understand

the reason why.






For Presidential Elector. *

T. A. CUMMINGS, of Chotea.

C. E. TRESCOTT, of Boulder.

A. W. MULES, of Livingston.

For Senator

HENRY C. SMITH, of Helena.

For Congress

CHARLES N. PRAY, Fort Benton.

W. F. MEYER, of Red Lodge.

For Governor

HARRY I... WILSON, of Billings.

For Lieutenant-Governor

J. C. KINNEY, Wibaux.

For Associate Justice

II-1EW. L. CALLA WAY, Virginia City

For Secretary of State

F. A. HAZELHAKER, of Dillon.

For Railroad Commissioner

LEO FAUST, of Libby. '

For Attorney-General

W. J. PAUL, Deer Lodge.

For State Treasurer


For State Auditor

CHARLES N. McCOY, of Butte.

For Superintendent of Public In-





Plains ItemsSpecial t urremoutience

Plains, Sept. 18.--Cliarles Trom-

bly was a visitor from Kaliepell

Thursday and Irmo busy shaking

hands with old-time friends.

Miss Helena Feeney came up

from Thonipson Saturday having

just finished with the teacher's a nd

eighth grade examinations.

For Representative

JAMES M. SELF, of Plains.

For County Commissioner

C. W. POWELL, of Plains.

For Sheriff


For County Clerk

NELSON 11. MORGAN, of Thomp-

son Fails.

For Assessor

K I.. STACKHOUSK, of Plains.

For Clerk of District Court


son Falls.

For Superintendent of Schools



For Public Admit istrator


For County Surveyor

JOHN H. BRAUER, of Thompeon


For County Attorney

C. SHULTZ, Thompson Falls

For Coroner

DR. E. G. AHRENS, of Plains.


Justice of the l'eace Lonepine


K. F. BEADREAU, Lonepine

Constable I.onepine Township


Notice to Contestants.All children competing for a trip

to the State Fair, at lielena this

fall are requested to Tiring their ex-

hibits (one bueliel of potatoes or a

can of fruit) to the home of the

echobl clerk, at Camas, on Sunday

afternoon, Sept. 15th. Do not put

your name on tame but mark by

number so judges will not know the

owner until after decision has been

insole. I shall be there to meet you

and appoint judges.

Enes G. limureist.


'KOWA a Sig Crew&

TlidAyt we Bat:sand two hundetd

and serentystaren people attended the

Inielome l'nir In 1$01. •II "Prete of

LOB 4nIIy. In 1911 the total attendsme was ini.775, an •reingsi of iddiact

doily. The Fair trustees bailisi to bare

as attendam. of 1.50.009 dining the

Wee* of Kept Xo tilts fail sod are sr-/01101m aderptelte aecomemodat fee

lbw number.

was transacting business in Plains

last Tueeday.

Annie Siderius and her brother

Mitchel were visitors in C11111118 one

day last week.

Robert Keys was a visitor at

Permit last Monday.

A. F. Charlton went to Plains'

Monday via Perms

Mrs. A. F. Charlton and chil-

dren, Mims Minnie and Earl, were

Mr. and Mrs. Walker have moved

at Perma last Thursday.

into the Grey residence next to the Robert Keys left this week for a

second hand store, two weeks visit with his parents at


A baby boy Wall born to Mr. and

Mrs. Patrick J. Egan, Saturday,

September 14, 1912. Mother and

child are doing well.

W. H. Pierce was a Plains visitor

last Monday.

E. E. Williamson and Edward

Gaffney drove to Plains last Satur.

day, where the latter took the train

for Deer Creek, Idaho, where he is

employed as foreman in the Potlach

Lumber Co.

George Samplonius and E. Sider-

itm at Permit last Monday.

The dance at Greenspring was

well attended and all present had a

good time.

The school board held a meeting

athe the Central schoolhouse last

Saturday. The bids for the con-

construction of the new schoolhouses

were opened and the contract was

awarded to Ed Hand, of Plaine.

The State bought the bond at 5 per-

cent interest.

The Camas Prairie Improvement

Club held a meeting hist Saturday

night. The intententions are to

give a dance in the new Central

schoolhouse before putting in the

seats. The Catholic Ladies intend

serving the supper. There will be

two rooms in the new buildzing and

they are large enough to accbrnodate

a large crowd.

H. F. Tallman, who spent several

months in California, returned last

Saturday. He is very much pleased

to get back and says there is no

place like Camas Prairie.

Mr. and Mrs. Boberich .en-

tertained Bishop Carrol and Father

Casey to dinner last Monday. Af-

ter dinner they had a meeting in

the Central school house. A sub-

s.cription has been taken and they

will build a church on Wm. Bober-

ich's place, near the postoffice.

Wm H. A. Gilbert and children

are visiting in Missoula.

J. D. l'elly purchased a good

milk cow and calf from John Her-

man, near Dayton.

Mi.. Thompson, who has been

visiting at Missoula, returned last


The Dynamo is installed in the

mill now and everything ready for

its successful operation. Some lit-

tle matter with the Flectric Light

Co. has to be adjusted arid then the

mill will be started.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanton are

spending a few days in town. Mr.

Stanton has proved up on his place

on the Reservation and may move

back to town for the winter so Mas-

ter Calvin can attend school.

We should Judge fully half our

Plains people went to Paradise Sun-

day to attend the dedication of the

new Catholic church at that place

and to see "Teddy" Roosevelt pass

through on No 3. All went up on

the "Dinkcy" and it was crowded

until there was hardly standing

room and the baggage car was util-

ized by the eager passengers. No

42 was a little late and arrived at

Paradise just a few minutes before

No. 3. As the train pulled in,

Roosevelt came out and greeted the

waiting crowd. He looked very

natural indeed and we soon had sev-

eral occasions of observing the same

smile so often portrayed in the pa-

pers. He attempted no speech but

the talk he gave them was interest-

ing and pleasing. Immediately on

the departure of the the train the

Dedication took place, conducted by

Bishop C.arml, who is noted as an

interesting and gifted speaker. The

crowd could not all get into the

church, to the regret of those who

had to remain outside. The new

church is a very neat and attractive

building and reflects credit on its

people and Father Casey through

whose united efforts it has been

reared and completed.

Ed. Donlan was a visitor in town

Monday, presumably on business

Arthur Cooper was transacting

business in town Sunday and Mon-

day. .

A very interesting meeting of the

W. C. T. U. Society was held at the

home of Mrs. Harley Remick, who

is one of the most ardent workers

for the cause in Plains. Mrs. Har-

len, of Butte, prominent in W. C.

T. U. work, was present and gave

the local members several helpful

suggestions. Arrangement' were

made to engage Avery's Hall for a

lecture to be given NYednesday night

by Miss Permelia Mahan, lecturer

and organizer, who was expected to

arrive Tuesday on the evening train.

Mrs'. Kate Cherrington was elected

a delegate to attend the state con-

venti.on soon to be held at Stevens-vdie

W. H. Pierce, of Carnet; Prairie,

was a visitor in town Monday on

business connected with the letting

of the c:mtract for the building of

the Camas Prairie and Perms school

houses', which contract was awarded

to Edward Hand.

The vaudiville show given by the

Commercial Club Tuesday night was

very entertaining arid thoroughly

enjoyable. It was all home talent

and Plains can he justly proud of

the ability of some of its young peo-

ple. The dance following the show

was well attended and a good time

was had by all present.

At the Council meeting Monday

nigh* the 'lamest of Joe Boyer and

Frank Leroy were up up for the of-

fice of town marehall to take the

place of George Vehlp, resigned.

The decision was left to Mayor

AfeWhinney on his return from Lo

Lo, where he and Mrs. McWhinney

are visiting at present.

Banker and Mrs. C. II. Robinson

are enjoying a visit froni the latter's

parents. Mr. and Mrs. Patten.


Greenspring Gleaningsitheekal Correspondence.

(;reenSpring, Sept. 13.-A dance

was held in the Greenspring Hall

Satunlay evening. It was the Bret

of the season and was well attended.

The threshing crew have nearly

finished and are now working

the Permit end. The crop was ex-

cellent this year, considering the

dry season and all the ranchers are

well pleased with the average yield

per acre.

The ranchers are all burry plowing

for the fall 'westing.

Gregg Johnson had the beet yield

of oats in the valley, averaging 53

bushels per acre.

Pete Davis had a run-away on the

main road yesterday, completely

demolishing his wagon.

Camas Prairie Newsweeded Converennilente

Camas Prairie, Sept. 9-Masers.

Anionic)), Green, Colvin and G. M.

Bachmann went to Plains via.

Permit last Saturday.

E. A. Sullivaa, A. E. Estill',

Robert Clark. I). klillene, Jerry

Barnette, J Brooke end Mr. Hatch

were among those who were trading

at Penne loot Saturday.

A. E. Faille, wife and thildren

left Monday for a visit with relatives

and friends in Spokane.

II. A. Gilbert, road suppervieor,

To The People ofCamas Prairie.

Having comutenced making tripe

to the Prairie with my meat wagon

once a week, threw who live off of

main roads desiring meat Pleat*, ad-

vise by postal. Camas Meat Market.

R. lioermay, l'rop.

Report of the Condition ofThe Camas Wats Hank oilimer. In the Stem of

Montana. at the time of tMelneds Sept 4111. 1911:


Loans and dismounts f-toss 714Ovenhalta. secured and ...-secured Ito R

lionds and warraots 96- 25,AM

Expenses POI 94Stacks and MOMS* 60 00Banking Home, Furnitureand Fixtures 1.74 45

*Prete-. ...... sad n; um

1.149 P2Cnrreocy- 41 ISO mDue from boats antibsnkers .15.401 M- 15.4011 211

('heck* aad other oath ihone 1 20- I 20)

Total $45.070 74 stork sod In 520.000 00-103000 CoInterest. dierollith and exehange 443 mturtle-Must depositsto cheek 221.492 60

Time certificates of deposit 1214200- 24.417 65

Total 114.5.070 74

slate of Montana. t'minty of Sanders, (

I. Walter T. Guts. thehler of the •boreolansedbank, do solemnly swear that the above state-ment Is true to the beat of my knowledge and be-lief. WALTER 1'. OUT7.. liktshier.Subserthed and sworn to before me this 5th

&by of Sept.. 1912. F. it. PEEPO.Notary Public in and for Montana. My tommla'Ion expires Oct. 21. 1e13correct-AnnexW A .T. P.

NIP:OLTERA17W(11.SE, PireeWni'


PROOF.Departmeet of the Interior. Land Ofildrat Kat.

lapel( Montana. September 7th, le12.-Nottne ishereby given that (Moro N Mansfield. of (Mynas.Northam. as reskieniend oetepelit has tiled no-tice of his Intentiop Ionian- proof of his right toenter, under Act °flu& 21. net. lots I- and 2Mork No 25, Townstle qf ()maw Montana. andthat said proof will be made before Alex . R.Khone. a United States Commissioner at CommMontana. nu (Mtober Ift. 1912. and be names aahis witnesses in making such proof Jacob F..Cline. Henry A. Lee, Joehus A. Ventling andGeorge Westover. all of Camas. Montana.

Aenanw W. AW•NEY, RegisterNon.coal land. Sept 13-Oct Ift


PROOF. .Department of the Interior. land Office at KAI-

Iseell, Montana. Septenth.e 7th. 1912.-Notleo Ishereby given that Alexander thlthone, of (Mmes.Montana, am resident end oceupent has filed no-tice of his inteutIon to make proof of his rkrtit toenter. under Act of June 21. 1906. Lots 9 and leBlock No. SO. Towpath of Camas, Montana, andthat raid proof will be mini,. before H. J. Bur-leigh. a United States Commiodoner at Plains.Montano. on October 17th. 1912 and be names ashis witneesea In molting such peed John Wortheon. George Westover. Edward Hamel all ofcomas. Montana. and Henry A. Hammon ofPlaine. Montana.

A emirs" W. Swanee.Reglater.Norneeal land. Sept 15-Oct II


PROOF-Department of the Interior. Imod Nice at Kal-

ispell. Montana. September 7th. Ml2.-Notlee la

hereby given that Henry A. Lee. of (Xing*. San.don Co. Montana as raddent and occupant hestiled notice of his Intention to make proof of hisright to enter, under Act of June 21, 1(110. Lot !Rik No. $3 .1 Lot kith/a 3-,,Townebe of (kinao.Montana. and that maid pool will be made beforeAiexAt. Rhone. • United States Orimmiationer athems. Montana Ms Gender 16.12. 1912, and he

naMet as hIs ertlimates In making meth Proof'moor N; Mansfield. Jacob E. Cline, Newton M.Arnold and Louie Ithregan! all of Camas. Mnatana sauna. W. SWANEY. Reirlster.Non-ooal land. Sept 13-Allet


PROOV.Department of the Inieriesr,Land Office at

Niontatus. September ,th. 1t112.-Notice Isher.-he given (hit Ann. telethrege of Cales0, Mon-tana, as resident and enpant he, tiled noticeof her int.-Ham to 1m proof of her right to en.tev. under Art of Jul 21,1206. Lot 2 Rich No. S.Tow neite 01 CAMS,. Montana. and that Amid prongwill be made before Alex. It. Rhone. a l'nitedState.. Commiashewr at Caned. Mrotsua on Oc-tober MO. 1912and the more* a• her einem. inmaking such proof Charles • Ramsay. JosephSittings. Henry A, Le and Julius Hagen •11 ofCams.. Montana.

ANtolel w W. StrAntt, RegisterNon-coal land. Sept 13-0ct 11

NOTICE l'N/It 11111.1C.iTION

Department of the !uterine, U It. Land (Mee atKalispell, Montana. %mews le. 1912-No4toe Ishereby given that Ire R. Sweetland. of Lone.pine, Moutons, who 'ti Man+ 7, 1111. ma&homestesti entry No !refiet. for Vann unit -L"or the elWii SEM Set-11,M 3. and NW% N1CMtertion 10, township 21 north. tame 24west. Montana merldion. has tiled notice 01. In-tentIon to make final 1. year proof, to netahlishclaim to the land •te.... &smith& before AlexR- a I'S 4 ntmuldilitaler It CAMS,. Mon.tatm. on the 2a4h de( ,,f September. 1912.Cla Imo nt n,nwss, witnesses 'Award Por.

ter. wriest,' W. Vohs-'gen. Itoy IL Mrilenrp. allof Carnal, Montana, timing ('. McHenry. tonenine. Moritana.Non-oual land. ANDREW W. SW ANEY.

Aug 49-Wala 7) Re/later.


BOOKS.?wore ia hereby given that the Great eastessr

for Sondem County lientaaa will be nomad at

o'clock P. 16.t it (minim, Ilth. 1912. oat sentent

ale General klertion to be held on the 6th day

of November 1912.Electors may register for the ensuing eimelon

by appearing before the (Minty tlert at his of-

fice or by atomaring before &Awake of the Peace.or Notary Public_ In the umener provided by

bow. N II. MORGAN. (thusly Clerk.

Nalco for Publication.Department of the !inertia. I. P. land (thee

at Ithltspell. Montana. Aug. INS. 1912 -Notice Ishereby given that Lewis A. Airmorlii. oflantes.

near I asoarafts. who, on Vet,. Mk 1911. made home-stead entry No. Omel. for farm unit "II" or theLot a. SEM REM metion 'N). sod o% 'AVM&rpm 21. internship 22 N. Range 21.W., M. M.. hat tiled notlee of intention

to make final roturnutation woof In establish

claim to the land abo,• &scribed. before Alex.

R. Ithone, 1'. s (•..mmlitionere. at llamas.Montana. on the 75th day of September, 1912.Claimant mimeo a. *lineups, Ivory H. Crab-

tree, Bert K. Moline. !harlot E Plush. and Jerk

C Shields all of lama.. Montana.Not (Nal Land. ANDIRKW W. SwANEY.

Aug 21-welet 27 Sweater

thipaido.respelco For PubliC0111111.

Department of the l. s.uriorotteo.ber. U. 511.. land 0mt_0the odesawt

Watt tieorge C. Warm. ofham*tams roma. who. on April 14, 1911.

entry No. 02Me for the Lots ILnode4 1, eertion S. township 21). and

m ies nIkailabLentahte

uSled nttmo.

abs blisege. 24

t el -

anks Zan laFirsa Pr". ltnans

Plotta,"%eigb aniammo a )loanni.asaionethOwismesillair 1111!

Jobe kw, Wm.= Ildessiser. COMMbloatalts. Wmard W. Lien. Greenspan", Mon-tana.

.1081AH SHULL, Register.Sept 1--Oct. II.

Notice.Notice is hereby given that on

October 4th 1912 the Board of

County Commiasioners will hear

objections if any to the opening of

the Road as petitioned for by

Barney lAvelle et al and viewed and

laid out by G. A. Gunther, Thos. I.

Temple and J. E. Rice. Said road

runs north. on the quarter section

line through section 35 in Township

23 North, Range 21 west and in a

northerly direction to Niersida.

All dissenting land owners are

hereby notified to appear before

the Board at Thompson Falls on

said date and show cause why said

mad should not he opened and de-

clared a Public Highway.

By Order of the Board of County

Commiasioners. • •

N. H. MORONN, Clerk.

The gireemn's TotteetatmerIll.

A tournament for volunteer snows

With liberal rash prises for the romps-

ale+ *Inning the contents will be a Teo

tire at the Nineteenth Spokane re.,to be held Sept. 110 to Oct. 0, this year.Any Met Mir firemen INteefftied SID.

sure fall rarticrolors by writing Robert

H. Casino e, secretary.

e,m.oal leadold law.

Notice kw Publicatlem.

liepartment of the Interior, l' S. land Offireat Mimoula. Montana. Sept. 3. 1912.-Nodes tahereby given that Charles. Steven.) Painter. ofPlains, Montana. who, on leprember 17,1911), made homestead entry No. OHO for8F4', Section 21. WM NEM Section 11, TownshIP21 N.. range 24 west M. M.. has Shia Indite Of In-tention to make commutation p=agglin=

Re• gister and Receiver at bIlmonla. Montana,on the 15th der of October. 19141_flalmant names as witnesses: William Potion,

Henry Johnster. Laura K. Becker, John Dobon.all of Plains. Montana.

hatiAll SHULL, Ileglater.Not coal land. Sept 6-Oct 11l'nder old law.

Notice For Publication.Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at

Missoula. Montaes. Sept. S. 19(2.-Notice ishereby given that Arpin Britten. of OliverGulch, Moutons. who. on Feb. 20, tall, made

110. N NW's. NW. Nit'sint/No. MM. for NEii NE's sec-

titanSection 29. Tow ip 21 North. ranee 22 west.Montana Meridian. has filed notice of Inten-tion to mats commutation proof, to estab-lish claim to the land above described. beforeAlex. It. Rhone, • U. S. Commlialoner, at (Mums,Montana. on the 14th day of Octobe)-, 1912.Claimant names as witnesses: Herbert K.

Waylett. John Mollinak. Leonard miner. of(lMyer fluleh. Montana. lieraM Young. Camas,Montana.Not Used Land JOSIAH 8HCLJ... Register.

Sept. 1--Oet 11.Under old law.


Department of the intekor. U. S. Land °Mee atKalispell, Montana, Anima eth, rm.-NoticeI, hereby given that i'atherthe /Smith. of Calms.Montana. who. on June 805,. 1911, madehomestead entry N.,. al:3141 for farm rink "C"or the Lot 0. Section 2). Township 22 northrange 2.1 west Montana meridian. han• 11,410e of Intentlau to mike Snaleommtostion proof. to establish claim to theland above thaleribesi. before. Alex. R. Rhone. sConed States Commiasioner. at Omar. Moulageon the 160 day of September. 1912.Claimant names as winnows: Jot* C. Maids.

Ralph Bourtlett. Louis W. Goiestt. and WaldemarR. Johnson, all of Cluema. Montana.

APIANIV W. Batatalei.Not Coal land. Register.

Aug 9-Bellit IN


Department of the Interior. C. IL land °Mee.illeemlit. Montane, Armen __,h 11112--NOthe lehereby given that John D. moons,. of Ofelni-

oteed entry No tart! het 1:11:11.

ILspring. orlon*. whe on Nor.

Township 13 N. Range 74 W.has flied note.* of Inttmtlail 1ms assmsebe:ti

timeutelesioner, et them. on ta

on prong. to ethablith dant°described. beim Alex. R. • GOMM

flay of &member. 1512.Cialneant tram., fig wItaleadea: R. Deutee.

John J. Robert...10 Gregg Johnson, Frank L.Green. all ol 1/reendp rine. Montana.Non-coal land. itellAll PPM.. Regieter.Under the old law Aug 9-tiept 11

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.Department of the Interior. l'. 8 land Office at

Kalispell, Montana. Aug. 6th. 1912.-Notice ishereby clam that Anne M. Mclean of Camas.Moptana. who. ors March 4th. 1911. made home.newt entry No. ono( for farm unit 'AT or thelot 4, Section lend Lot I. Section 2. township 22meth. liana° 24 West, M. M., has filed notice ofintention to make final commutation proof to es-tablish cialot to the land above described. beforeAlex. R. Rhone, a Polled States tthiuniustonee al(wines. Montana. on the lath day of Sept.. 1912.Claimant names as Mimeses. William White-

side. Mary M. Me(1the, Roy J. Bros, and Jacob E.Cline all of (Jonas. Montana.Sot onel hand ANDREW W. SWANEY.

Aug 9-Seth IS Register.


Detertmot of the Interior. C. 8. Land Office atMiesniIa MoOlana. August 12. 1912.-Notios lahereby given that Elbert it. Wailer o( ('alasMontseg.^-MlitN. on Nthetober 10 1510. made

entryjen,0212011,31or 12nit it. MEN NE'smem, 12.. Tp21 north, numeM TooL Monteith me.rldlail. has flied notice of irthrtflon In make Mtn.imslatIon proof. to eatablialt irm to AM land▪ ce denerlbeft. beam, A1111. Mime, VII. A.cononiesloth r. at Camas. Montana. Olt' thet22.14day of 14epteMber. 1912.(Talniant trainee as wItnemer: ('bark's A.

Pronoun, Cyril It. F. Trileard ',Wirtz Bartel.Albert If Moen. all of (Imes. YoriMme.Noe-oral land. ' JOPIAll SHULL. Register.Aug 11-Sept 2) • Ceder new law.

Notice for Publication.nehartment of the Interior. U. A. Lend Oillee

at Kalispell. Montana, Aug. 5. 11112.-Notios Iv

hereby given that Edward T. Smith. of Camas.

Montana, who. on Oct. 11th 1910. made home.

Mad entry No. MOW. for Farm Unit "N" or the

irEM flEM !Me. 14. and NE% NE% Kee. Tp. 22

N., range 24 W.. Montana meriditur. has Mod no.

thy of intention to make final commanding, proof

to establish claim to the land shove dearribtal.before Alex. It. Rhone, a 1'. it. Comoniseloner attionaa. Montana. on the 17th day of Sept.. 1912( 'Mimosa nemeses witnesses. Henryridge, (Not W. Peterson. Henry (Toil:tough andAlfred E. Crysler, all of (limas. MontanaNot Ocral laced. Amours! W. Swaerv,

Aug. 11-IMPt 13 Register

NoTICE Volt PUBLIcATION.Department of the Interkw. U. P. Tanel Orate.

at Stiunsmla. Mnntana. Aug. IF.. wir-settes ishereby given that Jemph limns. of Mateo.Montana wt. on May 10, .

M 1914

Pmladend ee eretry No. 01,72 kir SW . SINNEli e1t1a. WY'sstvi4 ger, $3e N., S. 24W.. Montana. Meridian. htts aka notice of helm.Mtn to make rommuta 1•001. to establishclaim to the landat,oce , beton, H. J.Ituriergh. • United etatoelilotendeskiner at Plains.Illositems on the Ail Om of Pepe., 1912.claimeitt names ad witnesses - Petrick J. Fase.

(ham Prairie. Montana. Chartea J. Dnuthertl,Henry Stanton. room% L. Ileerneesey. all of

tholmon,Niss-mml-Irtod .1( MIA H SHILL. Register.

Aug 25-4.e.4 M.

-Nadas Is INoblication.

1==gratitss.batstior. U. S. Land Canes. 1912.-Nostee he"

Canso glees Ited Res Pens% Of Poison.

MedMoamar. le.

4a entliTISanto/Township Xbasilled

Istolos we



• . Coa-mheloner. en the lash day

minmaewlsessim: lured Lingle.isaWbra.Chattias Kblontriek. af awnslinetaaa. ad Ardrew Leonia.. of Palms. Mosttang.Not tnal land.

Amman W. 1/WAKIITii.V1r.Sept




Detainment of the Interior. V. M. land Miarnals. Wallin". All. 12, 1912 -Notlee Ishereby Oven that l' I flufhwen. twmasMontana, whom! I.,•1,nutr1 3, 1`.01 I nks.,1,amM entry No Otis( for SE% NEM elec. 14. EMPEM. NW's SE's nee. II. Tv. 21 north. range 21wen. Molittina meridian, has flied Donee of In-tention to make commutation proof, to atablIsh claim to the land above described. Wore'Alex. It Klemm. a United States (these Monesra. ors the 2111 day of illept..1912.Claimant named ad irflatedilee William A.

Wells. Grealel l'nung. Herbert K. Waylett, AlfredItentquest, all of Camas, Montana.Not anal Lend. JOSIAH 8Ht'LL. Registerrnder old law Aug 141-4111,4 16

- -NOTICE Vt PR 11:111114CATION.

Department of the buena', U. If landflaire atMonlens MONO 111h. 10112-4laXs• 19

helebY even *hal chaste. R. Allele. of NOnada. Montana. who, OM June IS, 1910,made hotneweed entry lopniuty. las pane tan• et the NM tee % • ewe swoon= 114.Tp _24 N . minim if hasAMP Dalian of tercet ion en =Seth esmallisels-non proof, to establish Mho se sae landthmeribrel. hetet* Alex. R. Nienee, • railed=Cennaketmer at lamas. neniars. no the URIday of September. 1912.

Cialenatit name. se witnesses Lends W, One.sett. of (bema. Montane, Eetansed U. Utley. NamM. Allen. and tangos e Melhoasid WMIaseKey. all nf Nlennia. Montane.

ANDRIVA w. /MANNY. Millister•Not (nal land. Aug

stmlitt roa reetteArow.Department of the intOrkw. I. land Olbro.

at Kallerell. Montana, Aug.17t11. 11111P-N,4ieeherehr erre thee YAW, penee.

hnumqslesd s4Por:Montane. who on N art


weal. Montana merbilart.Motion to mate fleetMAIM ebbe In the landAle% R Rheete. •at (k. Montans...anher 1912.LIthestit mew as R. SIMS*

la Allay C. M C. MrHenry. II ofLonepte..,W. Von , of Caroms,Not oral end. .1Amnon 21-sept. 70.


is asees

NtrrICE FOR of the Interior, U. fl. Laud Oiliee.

1. --Antic.


Bealto the

, a. Rhone.112 Maw Mon.

an dlis tisk day1411/0/04 ; 1.1110914"1111ort.hong.

Mande. Manama, Juana A. Belden. Lonepine.Adlotr Barry. and /known Grieeh.

aber. Of Pimas. Itosasee.MIMI' W. /Maxey. Register.

Not.eoal land. Sept 1:1--4eet IR


Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Othe atKiatitheli. Montana. Sept.. 6th. 1912.-Notke is

given that Sarah A. French, of (Sloes,who, on Jim 00th. MIL mode borner see. V, Tp. 'CAseta X for SW's NWK, W's

na merldiau, hasei

m to the d aboveInmate thtaL


clai. R. Rhone.‘ a I. P. (bun. 5$Canas, liontstats. on tiehlith day

Metall/011er C.Wiser . and

Notice he Paltheatim

Department of the Interior. t' If. land Office atKalispell. Montana, A Mb. 1912.-Notive Inhereby given that (. J. flerentnI6thellonas.Montane. whO. on hey lat. fell, made

kw Farm Unit "0"rem 10. Tp

Meridian. se••

MUM II.Sosle D. I

(lmjiN.$Ibmeh. all of Canso.not AsRenee 111--Oet. 111



PROOF.Department of the Interior. land Office et Kai.

hipell. Montana, September 7th, 1912.-NotIor Ishereby Oven that Jacob ltlliittgs. Came, Mon-tana. as resident and occupant has tiled aottee ofhie Intention to nuke proof of his rIghl to Miter,under act of June 21. PM. lots 2 and Block No- M.townsite of (Mmes. Montana. altd that said prootwill be made before Alex. it. Rhone. a UntiedState* Commisalmwr at (lime. Montana, tor 0e-tober 15th, 1102, and he naluet as his witnesses in

littnilthehffman and lob,, Reiser, of (Mao,Proof Fred. Pereo. Elmer Zeh,

Montana.Non-real land,

Aminew W. SWAN (V. Register,Rept 13-Oct 11

. PS Cnarms. liteleteets. en the Mthabe,. 1912.

sonassisils=labe. an ont'.

nes c. Iirisonry. of Looepine

ANDREW W. SWANKY. Register.Not teal Land Aug 1111-0114 111


Deo/1th~ of the InteAr. U. . S. Landat ithlepoU. M


bends, given OW t 0.(saw Ideniews. WINN Mtmade lemensMull ,metry11 IVO( NC Bee.

Ranee 15 W.. 111W% SMI nestion 14.

Township TB north 118 Itoroanammossidlan. has dad so Mainulatlen lst. 16,mei ebilmthe land ahem before Abs. N. Rime.• Clotted States r at Oleo" Mon-tane, nn Mee *ay of ans.. I911.(3611111int Mars as wItnemere James P. Sour.

Soy V. !intim m, Sauel L meingle stet (=eis. all of flame Montana

A NDREO It SWANKY. &OtherNon-411.1 Jan& Aim 21--rwpt W

Notka fee Pialication.of tali inaristr. U. 11. Land

toto be.

len Maw. R. Rhooe. • 17,5 SOW=IN Ebana. Moutons. on the 14th day of

Ishasi"Illanenna. /fret,. VanAridol. Erie Jur-maim as WItnealad. Henry Bannon,

.Wflila idoodtson, 01 Onumierilow, Moo-Ortal.Xotoroal Land ltielAH SHULL.

flintt 12-Oct XLCrider new law.

Plains Se Pallamlir.oll ils• Interior. U. 8. Land GSM at

' 11112.-Nottor isborder . 91 Lone-

who. Ink. litaler. node

or the ii.eill. rat unit "0"

INN.. ranee 24...iii•-.119,0•• to make

. 10 anstdish deist tothe Wane Abs. R, Rhone.ail at Camas. Montana,onUuilSthlayolOeS,,Chanson mane as witnesses: osier. Letson,

Roy Bras. Claude Gregg and Anna McLain. •11 01LODOPfee. Montana. Aetorew W. SWAN ry.Not64thri Lend Register.Sept le-Oct. 15.

hunk* famr Pnblealim.

Darartinest of the Interior. I'. 8. land otter atKalispell, Montana. Pent Bah. 1512.-Notthe ishereby Oven that Clorthei Shaver, of Camas.Montana. who. on Natal Iii, 1 tde. hone.stead entry No. 01111011 Ott Feral orthe North East Pinner Arne&GM 10, township _ ' WetsMontana Meridian, has ileinetionto make final . .~Ishclaim to the landsta Rm/hone, a U

, Montana. Mt


4111774M7717i. at

: Mabel A rm -strong. Ileffic J. Cook. 4opirta Little and EdwardT. linrith. all f (lime. nontmna,Not-Coal Land, AMAPA' W lAwixel .

Sept le-Oct 19 Register.


Department of tbe lettvrior. U.N. land OMee atKalispell. Montana. Sept. 10. 1912-Notite Ishereby given that Mabel Amite-mg of Cameo'.Montane. who. on April 3rd,' 'made homestead entry No. 63251 for Farm unit'D" or the 8W% NW's sertIon 21, townshipn N.. range urstilontans meridian. has Birdnotice of Intention to make Seat eommtnr •Don proof, to establish claim to the land ahoy*described, before Alex. R. Rhone, a United StatenCommiesioner. at Cams. Montana, on tbe 2Istday of October. 1912. ,Claimant names as wi fumes • Carried Phu no,

Henri J, cook. L.rnets Little. and Edward T.Smith. a II of Cantos. Montana.Non-cal land Aftutow W, SWANEY,

Sept 11-Oct 15. See later.


ound Tripto the

Montana State FairSeptember 23 to 28 inclusive.

Low fare round trip tickets will be on sale from all Northern Pacifi.:

ticket agencies! in Montana to Halena. September 21st to 28th inclusive,

at one fare for the round trip. Ticketa will be honored on any train ex-

cept the "North Coast Limited,' trains Nos. 1 and '2, and on trains Nse.

3 from stations Livirigston to Helena, inclusive, good for return trip up

to and including September 30th

Every county ill fiAtistana, will be represented, over $41,000.00 will be

given in preinituns--Grand State Ball, Wednesday evening. September

25111-A village of Blaekfeet Iniiiane-Sheep Dttg Centeet --Three Night

Shows-Gardening and other Contests by Montana Boys and Girls in

e?mpetition for medals Offered by President Howard Elliott of the North-

ern PaciftsAailway--7The Race Program is one of the beet ever offered at

a race nieetititrasmunds have been Unproved anti in short every-

thing, planned for ae*e, ITER THAN EVER.

Panne he Pid4estint.

Detartment of the Interior. C. P. land OfIte• atRialtemil Montana ANIMA II. 1112-Nothe IsIamb, Ono that Roy V Linton. of (balsa.

lam, who. no Warr+ 16 Mil. matte•ntry No. 01150 for Ilitk slutnu leak* 11. and NIIS 11111%12. woraohl 22 north, range

Ithilthesemeiidlan, Ime 111.1 Imam ofMeth MUM aanstote now etord, to

54 lea. N. a Vflit..,1 stated non-

the bad ahoy* 1-watad.

011/11111. Natena, on the Nth dayMIL

as winnow Henry II Mc-Neal Thasinal and

o Cams.ilraMM W. B141?kelMM



Deppreeestwo, lAntew iirIetr mr m. 5. land _x.41:7all,to

that Penni on...son. ofon May I155,.1110.mod•

and1.4 w2, ittsl ion.flAtleEiia

and lisiat.614141 to nabs

an▪ t' OteUr.

: Mita 11.=me sad




Division Fteight and Pneeenger Agent.


Northern acific Railway,A. IL CLELAND,

General Passenger Agent-



You'll need heavier clothes and we havethem for the whole family.

Final Clearanceson all odds and ends of all seasonablegoods at your own prices.

If you are contemplating building see our fulllines.We are local agents for the Royal Tailors ( see

Saturday Evening Post) and have the sampleson display.DeLavel separators going fast. Jewelry at

Halt price while it lasts.



Radke-Morivetz Lumber Co.DEALERS; IN- -

Lumber and Building Material.Lumber Cut From the Best Timber in the


Orders filed on Short Notice, Prices Reasonable

Camas, Montana.

Camas Meat MarketROLLO HOFFMAN, Prop.


Choice Fresh Beef, Pork and VealAlso wilt meats of all kinds put up by the most reliable packers.

"A SQUARIg DEAL ALWAYS" is my motto. The smallest

child will receive the best of treatment. Your trade solicited
