One Million Digital Books

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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One Million Digital Books =

83,333 linear feet

361,441,145 pages

1,500,000 lb

15.9 miles

42 terabytes

43,008 gigabytes

44,040,192 megabytes

45,097,156,608 kilobytes

25.6 kilometres

750 tons

146 miles

(laid end to end)

the distance from Philadelphia to Washington DC

26,000,000 ounces

351,028 author records

770,833 feet

(laid end to end)

680,000 kilograms

1,784 cubic yards

428 languages

48,177 cubic feet

135,432 subjects

999,996 inches

385,417 square feet

(lying flat, closed)

The efforts of 436 University of Michigan Library staff