One-To-One Policies

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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This presentation explains the various components for assessing the success of a school's one-to-one initiative.


Lance WilhelmHeartland AEA

November 8, 2011

If you are going 1:1, this is a very good time to review all of your technology-related policies.

For school devices For students’ personal devices For teachers’ personal devices For guest devices

Charging? Stickers? Background? Music? Do the rules vary by location? Lunch room?

Bus? Locker room? Bathroom? Gym? What happens if it’s not returned?

Recommend you discuss the options available from your insurance company, and update your policy to match.

Some similarity to textbook fees How do you handle free & reduced families? Fee vs. Deposit Consult your school attorney!

How are texts and other instructional materials selected?

Does putting some of these materials in electronic form require a change in the policy?

Hardware Software Electronic texts?

Need to provide for ALL students If assistive technology is needed to use the

1:1 devices, that will need to be provided by the school.

Can’t just “give” the computer to the student Need to follow Iowa Code 297.22 Need to follow your board policy (which

hopefully matches 297.22!)

A growing issue whether you are 1:1 or not The law requires an archiving “system” Again, a good conversation to have with your

school attorney

Quotas How much do you keep? How long do you keep it? In general, you want at least two copies of

anything important.

Copyright Cyberbullying

Search for model policies on the Internet Talk to schools that are your

peers/neighbors, and adapt their policies, as appropriate

And consult your school attorney!