Online Homework Help

Post on 10-Feb-2016

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99Galaxy is a leading-edge in the writing arena. We are a team of highly knowledgeable and ambitious professionals. We offer service all over the world wide. This site is plunge to help students with online classes by providing them a tutor or by helping them in writing and completing the homework, assignments and projects etc. All our writers are very passionate and highly skilled.


Online Homework help

99Galaxy is a leading-edge in the writing arena. We are a

team of highly knowledgeable and ambitious professionals.

We offer service all over the world wide. This site is plunge

to help students with online classes by providing them a

tutor or by helping them in writing and completing the

homework, assignments and projects etc. All our writers are

very passionate and highly skilled.

Quality Analysis I

Course Project: Quality Analysis I

• Select a well-known company and a product or service that is produced by that company (be sure to avoid products that are simply purchased by the company and sold to the company's customers, which is often the case at many retail stores).

• In a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, respond to the following:

• Provide a brief description of the company that you have selected and the product or service that you are analyzing. Discuss what quality means for this product. Perform a SWOT analysis of the organization. Select a method for focusing the organization's attention on quality. Explain what elements of a quality culture are lacking (and needed) by the organization. Identify who the customers of the organization are (remember to consider whether there could be internal customers in addition to external customers, although this will not be the case with every organization). Recommend a method of implementing changes that are needed based on the needs of the customer. Recommend potential strategic alliances that can improve quality for the organization.

Explanatory and Opinion Paragraphs

• Explanatory and Opinion Paragraphs




• Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing the content of the

si ulatio a d add ess the follo i g: • Ide tif t o i oe o o i s a d t o a oe o o i s p i iples o o epts f o the si ulatio / ideo. • Explain why you have categorized these selected principles or concepts as

i oe o o i s o a oe o o i s. • Ide tif at least o e shift of the suppl u e a d o e shift of the de a d u e i the si ulatio / ideo. • Explain what causes the shifts, and how each shift affects the price,

ua tit , a d de isio aki g. I lude espo ses to the follo i g: • Ho might you apply what you learned about supply and demand from the simulation/video to your workplace or your understanding of a real-world p odu t ith hi h ou a e fa ilia ? • Ho do the o epts of microeconomics help you understand the factors that affect shifts in suppl a d de a d o e uili iu p i e a d ua tit ? • Ho do the concepts of macroeconomics help you understand the factors that affect shifts i suppl a d de a d o the e uili iu p i e a d ua tit ? • Ho does the price elasticity of demand affect a consumer's purchasing and the firm's pricing strategy as it relates to the simulation/video? Cite a minimum of 3 peer reviewed sources.

Need assistance with women project

• You may write a paper or create a PowerPoint presentation. • If you choose to write a paper, it must be four to five pages in length, plus a title page and reference list, formatted according to APA style. • If you choose to create a PowerPoint project, it must be 12 to 15 slides, plus a title slide and a reference slide, formatted

according to APA style. o Please note that whether you choose to write a paper or create a PowerPoint

presentation, you must properly cite your sources according to APA style. To complete this project • Choose from one of the topics below and analyze its history from 1877 to the present. • Select four specific events or developments that span the years covered by this course, based on their impact on the topic. Two of the

events must be from before 1945 and two events must be from after 1945. You must assess how the events

in relationship to the topic changed over time and explain how the changes occurred. Please refer back to

the worksheet. • Write an introduction with a thesis. The thesis should summarize the main conclusions that you discovered while researching your topic and that you will support with a logical argument based on

evidence (sources). Please refer back to the worksheet. • Connect each of the events or developments you have chosen back to your main thesis. The information presented must be organized and in chronological

order. • You must use at least two primary sources and at least two secondary sources. Please refer back to the worksheet to complete this project 1. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct

thesis statement. 2. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. 3. Must end with a conclusion

that reaffirms your thesis. 4. Must use at least four scholarly resources other than the textbook, including a

minimum of two primary sources. 5. Must document all sources, including images, in APA style. 6. Must

include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA. 7. If you choose to create a PowerPoint

presentation, you should use visual elements to contribute to your explanation of the topic. PowerPoint

presentations should avoid plagiarism and have proper APA citations for all source material either in the

note section at the bottom of each slide, or on the last slide of the show indicating sources for each slide.

The final slide must be a correctly formatted reference list containing all of your sources. You may use non-

scholarly sources for your images, but not for the text of the presentation.


• Calculate the displacement and velocity at times of (a) 0.500, (b) 1.00, (c)

1.50, (d) 2.00, and (e) 2.50 s for a rock thrown straight down with an initial

velocity of 14.0 m/s from the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York City.

The roadway of this bridge is 70.0 m above the water.

10-K Ford Motor Company

• 10-K Ford Motor Company

• Review Ford Motor Company Form 10-K for 2012. Explain the pu pose of a o pa ’s -K a d ho it i te p ets the fi ’s financial strength. Write a description of three important items, including their significance to stakeholders, that you learned from eadi g Fo d Moto s Co pa ’s -K for 2012.

• Your paper must be two to three pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. It must include citations and references for the text and at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library

Assignment 2: New Hires

• Assignment 2: New Hires

• Imagine you are the HR manager at a company. You need to hire three (3) new people. One

employee will work at the front desk as a customer service assistant, and the other two (2)

will work on the production line. Give at least five (5) places you would recruit for each

position and explain why each place would be a viable option.

• Write a one (1) page paper in which you:

• Select at least five (5) places you would recruit for a customer service assistant and at least

five (5) places you would recruit for production line workers. Explain why each place you

selected would be a viable option for recruiting employees. Format your assignment

according to the following formatting requirements: Typed, double spaced, using Times New

Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. Include a cover page containing the

title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes

associated with this assignment are:

• Analyze effective recruiting and selection strategies that can be used to meet organizational

requirements. Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource

management. Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper

writing mechanics.

Discussion Questions

• 1. How are research questions different from survey and/or interview questions?

• 2. What type of research questions would lead to a qualitative study? To a

quantitative one? How would the wording differ? Discuss these questions relative

to your field of study.

• 3. How do research questions frame and guide studies?

• 4. Civil Disobedience? The Aaron Swartz Memorial JSTOR Liberator. Retrieved




Marketing lessons

• The term marketing mix refers to a unique blend of product, distribution,

promotion, and pricing strategies designed to produce mutually satisfying

exchanges with a target market. You may have heard this described as the 4

P’s of marketing (product, place, promotion, price). Then choose an idea, good, or service with which you are familiar and describe its marketing mix

and how it resulted (or did not result) in a satisfying exchange for you.

Clearly explain each element. 1. Describe the product. 2. How is it

distributed or placed? 3. How is it promoted? 4. How is it priced relative to


HRM 522 – Ethics and Advocacy for Human Resource


• Leadership and Ethics" Please respond to the following:

• Use the Internet to research someone you believe to be an ethical leader of a company. Focus on his or her actions of ethical leadership that support your viewpoint. Next, define what you believe constitutes ethical leade ship. P o ide t o e a ples of the sele ted leade ’s a tio s that fit your definition of ethical leadership. Evaluate the leadership of a leader in your organization, or prior organization, in terms of the seven (7) habits of ethical leaders. Determine one (1) area in which this leader could improve upon, and suggest one (1) action that this leader could take in order to do so. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name.

Humanities and World cultures

HUM 111 Week 2

• the aim is to focus on some of the cultural beliefs held by

egyptians such as mummification.

• Describe two (2) aspects of Egyptian mummification and the

early Egyptians’ beliefs related to mummification that you find surprising or intriguing. These funerary practices were driven

by certain Egyptian ideas of the afterlife; compare these to

modern beliefs and practices.

Designing a Digital Thermometer together with the Multisim file

• Your are task with the design an electronic thermometer with the following

specifications and

• constrains:

• 1. The thermometer will have two simultaneous outputs: Degrees

Fahrenheit and Degrees

• Celsius.

• 2. A DMM will be connected to each output to produce a readout. Your

group engineering

• group can choose the output variable in Volts, Amps or Ohms.

• 3. Independently of the chosen variable, the decimal point in the readout

must correspond to

• the decimal point in the temperature. For example a readout of 33.4 at the

output for

• degrees F, should indicate 33.4 °F. Same approach for degrees C.

• 4. The electronic thermometer must have a range of -100 °F to +100 °F

and -100 °C

• °•


BUS 499 Union Pacific Corporation

• Union Pacific Corporation (***** 562 Words, APA Format,

References *****)

• Perform an analysis of the social / demographic, technological,

economic, environmental / geographic, and political/legal /

governmental segments to understand the general environment

facing Union Pacific.

• Describe how Union Pacific will be affected by each of these

external factors.

Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan

• Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan

• Now that you have considered how to recruit and retain the employees you want in your organization, create a compensation and benefits package using this business proposal format. The package must be consistent with the objectives of job satisfaction for the valuable employees in an organization of your design.

• The o pe satio pa kage ust i lude the follo i g: • Co pa e a d o t ast salary and benefit packages of at least three comparable organizations in the same i dust . • E a i e hat st-century employees consider to be benefits (see this

eek's e o e ded eadi gs fo a sta t . • Co side hat helps to keep employees engaged in their work (see State of the American Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for U.S. Business Leaders and Surprising, Disturbing Facts From the Mother of All Employee Engagement Surveys for some ideas). Your business proposal must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. The proposal must be between three to five pages in length (not including the title and references pages) and must include citations and references for at least six sources (including the text and at least four other scholarly sources, one of which must be from the Ashford University Library).

criminal justice system

Regardless of the philosophical approach one embraces with regard to the criminal justice system (due process vs. crime control, consensus or conflict model, or individual rights vs. public order), the police, courts, and correctional components must operate within a multicultural society; that includes non-conventional racial and gender roles.

• Beginning with the material conveyed in the assigned reading and presentation, discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups (police, courts, and correctional) charged with achieving justice. Expand upon the provided material with scholarly research to support your position. Finally, integrate within your discussion the impact of a Judeo-Christian viewpoint on the implementation of criminal justice to principles inside and outside of the organization.

Can I get this 3 page essay done

• Q:Select 1 example of an environmental pollutant from the

following list: Acid precipitation/ Acid rain Smog DDT pesticide use Eutrophication Answer the following questions about the pollution problem that you chose: Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants. Include both natural and human sources, as applicable. Is this a point-source pollutant or nonpoint-source pollutant? Explain. What are the harmful impacts of the pollution? Describe impacts to both humans and to ecosystem structure and function. What steps are in place to eliminate the pollutant or to mitigate harm from the pollutant? Describe examples of laws or regulations that apply to the pollution and its sources. Also, describe educational programs, technology, or other initiatives that are used to help control the pollution. Have the programs, best management practices, or regulations been effective in resolving harm from the pollutant? Give examples of progress, or explain with examples what more could be done.

Fundamental Economic Concepts

• Fundamental Economic Concepts" Please respond to the


• •A s e the follo i g dis ussio s ased o the Kat i a’s Ca dies s e a io: ?F o the s e a io fo Kat i a’s Ca dies, examine the key factors affecting the demand for and the suppl of a good i ge e al a d Kat i a’s Ca dies specifically. Distinguish between a change in demand and a change in the quantity demanded (movement along the demand curve). ?From the above, indicate the factors that are responsible for a shift in demand; and explain how the change is effected by these factors. ?Indicate the factors that are responsible for a shift in supply; and explain how the change is affected by these factors.

what is advantages of cost Account

• What is cost account?

