Online Information 2011: EUCouncil - One Click Away

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London, 29 November 2011

The Council of the European Union – one click away

At Online Information 2011, the Council of the European Union will demonstrate how its online

information resources support openness and transparency, two key principles in the work of the


Free seminars at Online Information 2011

Join Council staff on 30 November 2011 from 15:00 to 16:45 in the Apex Room (National Hall) to learnmore about:

•  15:00-15:35: The challenges of monitoring your reputation online from a multinational angle, by

Aurelie Valtat

•  15:35-16:10: Social media and mobile access: Reaching out to the press in real time, by Dana


•  16:10-16:45: Key user-friendly instruments to increase openness and transparency at the Council

of the European Union, by Vincenzo Le Voci

Visit our stand

Come join us at the EU stand No 340 at the 2011 Online Information Exhibition, and ask your questions toCouncil staff.

The Council of the European Union

The Council of the European Union is the EU’s main decision-making body. It is composed of national ministers from

the 27 EU Member States, which meet according to 10 Council configurations, each country being represented by the

minister in charge of a specific topic (foreign affairs, social affairs, education, transport, agriculture, etc.).

The Council’s openness and transparency policy consists of three aspects:

•  public access to Council documents,

•  publicity of the Council’s decision-making process, and

•  information and communication activities.

EC Regulation No. 1049/2001 governs access to documents held by the EU institutions with the aim of ensuring their

widest possible circulation.

The Council of the European Union is assisted in its work by the General Secretariat, under the responsibility of its

Secretary General, Uwe Corsepius.

Find us online 

 / eucouncilpress  /eucouncil





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London, 29 November 2011

Online Information Resources of the Council of the European Union 

Council multilingual website

EU institutions provide web content in 23 official


Our website offers information on EU legislation

adopted or in preparation at the Council. You can also

follow public sessions through live video streaming

or search for Council minutes and votes.

More at 

Public register of documents

The register is a database of over 1.6 million Council

document references, of which 78% are accessible to

the public in full text.

The register allows you to identify all Council

documents, and to file a request for a document if thelatter is not yet available.

More at 

Services to the media

The Press section offers direct and free access to

media material such as press releases, briefings,

video and photo libraries.

Our TV newsroom is specifically designed for TV

and web coverage of Council meetings and events.

More at 

Live video streaming

The Council of the EU supports legislative

transparency by letting you follow live debates

between national ministers at public sessions of the


You can also listen in on press conferences and otherpublic events.

More at 

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Find us online 

Information to the public

Ask your question about the Council in the EU

language of your choice on our website or through

our Twitter and Facebook accounts.

We work in close cooperation with the Europe Direct

service of the European Commission to also answer

any broader EU question.

More at 

Agreements, publications and archives

Browse through our agreements database to learn

about the countries and organisations the EU

cooperates with.

Order one of our publications through our online

Bookshop or the EU Bookshop.

You can also browse our Archives section for

historical data on Council past decisions.

More at 

Voting calendar

The interactive voting calendar lets you simulate

Council voting patters depending on the type of 

majority required.

It's a handy tool to anticipate voting results at the

Council and understand the negotiation process at EUlevel.

More at 

 / eucouncilpress  /eucouncil



